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The Australian bodybuilder is a representative of the "golden era" of bodybuilding, who became famous without having outstanding natural forms and prestigious awards. For 6 performances "Mr. Olympia" he never rose above 5th place and did not fall below 10th. His perseverance, diligence and charm appealed to the public and made his figure recognizable. Flex magazine ranked Lee Priest, 163 cm tall, in 6th place in the list of the best bodybuilders of the last century. The razor-sharp relief and the fantastic arm size of 55 cm allowed him, with a weight of 100 kg, to overtake the giants of the mass more than once in the competition. In the off-season, he manages to gain another 30 kg.

Passion that became destiny

Date of Birth Lee Priest (Lee Priest)- 07/06/1972 The child was born in the Australian city of Newcastle in a poor family. Along with the neighboring boys, he chased the ball, played rugby and karate at an amateur level, and showed interest in carrying heavy loads.

“My friends preferred to ride a bike, and I preferred to carry vehicles on my back,” the bodybuilder later recalled.

As a child, he was fond of watching adventure films and wanted to be like one of the superheroes.

At the age of 13, together with his grandfather, a former army wrestling champion, he ended up in the police gym. Grandfather brought his grandson up to date, showed several exercises. The teenager with a frozen breath looked at the powerful bodies of the athletes, and by all means, decided to become the same. A family friend trained here and took him under his wing.

Lee was ready to day and night in the hall. He arrived early and worked to the point of exhaustion. Interest was also fueled by my mother, who at the age of 38 became interested in the barbell. From now on Flex and Muscle & Fitness became the main hobbies during the holidays. Most of all he was inspired by the photo, Eddie Robinson. He always wanted to be like and, having matured, became a blond, like his idol.

Piggy bank of achievements

After 8 months, the figure has changed. For his age, he had impressive parameters. At the age of 14 he already performed at the junior local competition "Sydney bodybuilding", where his rivals were guys 3-4 years older. However, adolescence did not become an obstacle to victory.

The young man continued to train. After 2 years, my mother offered to perform together, where the couple won several competitions. Lee Priest at 16 by a narrow margin won at the Australian Championship later fixed the result 2 more times.

“I became strong. For example, he could squat with a 340 kg barbell 6 times and squeeze 240 kg lying down.

In 1990 he showed 4th result at an amateur competition in the weight category up to 70 kg in Malaysia.

young and green

A year later, he wanted to compete at the World Championships in Poland, but he was removed from the competition due to doping.

“The strangest thing is that I really didn’t take anything then. Before that, I was checked twice. If I got hooked on steroids, I weighed 10 kilos more, ”the athlete was indignant.

After the failure, he felt that he needed to change something in his life. For example, get a PRO-card. The request for extradition received a categorical refusal with the wording that he was still too young. At fear and risk, the guy began to prepare for "Niagara Falls". When there were two days left before the competition, I “accidentally” stumbled upon Jim Manion. At the sight of Lee's figure, the American heavyweight decided that it was time for him to turn professional. The card was issued to the athlete on the day of the competition.

"I won't get upset over nonsense"

Gaining another 6 kilos, in 1994 the athlete appeared before the public at the Ironman and took 4th place, pushing the Australian king Sonny Schmidt. A week later, he was already listed 7th in the standings. "Arnold Classic", although I read him the 4th. Then he showed the 7th result in San Jose and failed at "Nights of Champions".

In 1995, it was successful. After 3rd and 4th places on "South Beach" and Airomene Lee received admission to Olympus. Then the problems with the IFBB began, which happened often in Lee's career. As a result, he refused 2 prestigious, but unnecessary competitions for him, paid a penalty, received a disqualification and spun love. In 1996, in all competitions, he did not rise above 4th place. But in 1997 everything went like clockwork.

Until 2000, there were victories, failures, disqualifications in a career. In the spring, Priest was in better shape and determined to win, but finished 5th.

"I'm not upset - I'm only 28 years old, still ahead," he said.

He said the same thing after the 6th result at Olympia. And, really, why be upset if there is a honeymoon ahead.

Year Competition Place
1990 Amateur World Championship 4 in Lightweight category
1993 Niagara Falls Pro 9
1994 San Jose Pro 7
1994 San Francisco Pro 7
1994 Night of Champions 12
1994 Ironman Pro 4
1994 Arnold Classic 7
1995 Florida Pro 4
1995 South Beach Pro 4
1995 Ironman Pro 3
1995 Arnold Classic 9
1996 San Jose Pro 6
1996 Ironman Pro 4
1996 San Francisco Pro 6
1997 San Jose Pro 4
1997 Ironman Pro 2
1997 Arnold Classic 7
1997 San Francisco Pro 4
1997 Mr. Olympia 6
1997 Grand Prix Hungary 3
1997 Grand Prix of Spain 3
1997 Grand Prix Germany 3
1997 Grand Prix of England 6
1997 Czech Grand Prix 5
1997 Finnish Grand Prix 9
1997 Grand Prix Russia 9
1998 Mr. Olympia 7
1999 Ironman Pro 6
1999 Arnold Classic
1999 Mr. Olympia 8
2000 Night of Champions 5
2000 Mr. Olympia 6
2001 Ironman Pro 7
2002 Ironman Pro 2
2002 Arnold Classic 4
2002 San Francisco Pro 1
2002 Mr. Olympia 6
2002 Show Force Pro 4
2003 Mr. Olympia 15
2004 Ironman Pro 2
2004 San Francisco Pro 2
2005 Ironman Pro 2
2005 Arnold Classic 4
2005 Australian Grand Prix 1
2006 Ironman Pro 1
2006 Arnold Classic 6
2006 Australian Grand Prix 2

Lee Priest workout

Favorite muscle - triceps bundles. He preferred to work with large weights and make up to 20 approaches for all groups. An adapted version of the weekly split:

Now the athlete continues to train in the gym and keeps the body in shape, clean excluding from the "Kachkovsky" diet pharmaceuticals. From now on, the priority is a healthy lifestyle. Judging by the photo on the network, he looks better than many colleagues of his age. Yes, he got older, but it did not affect the form in any way. At 45, he became a philosopher and loves to spend time alone. Traditionally, it organizes dinners for the homeless twice a year.

One of my favorite pastimes is driving. Lee has been crazy about racing cars since childhood. In 2002, he trained as a circuit pilot and took part in competitions. In 2005 he received the status of "Rookie of the Year", the next he won the race in Lancaster. Today I'm in love with my BMW 850i, which drives around the track.

Film: Lee Priest - "White Myth"

Andrew Lee Priest McCutcheon is an outstanding athlete whose achievements are impressive, his appearance inspires, and the desire for success deserves respect. Even in his youth, he could spend his days reading sports literature, flipping through Flex and Muscle & Fitness. Arnold Schwarzenegger became his standard, and he tried to equal Tom Platz and Eddie Robinson. The aspiring bodybuilder was distinguished by his eccentricity, love of comics and appropriate outrageousness.

Biographical notes

Australian Lee Priest hails from Newcastle, Sydney, was born on July 7, 1972. His family was no different from the average middle-class families. During his school years, he showed interest in American football and karate, and played many sports. Beloved grandfather gave Lee to a sports club at the local police station. With this hobby, the stage of development of self-discipline began in Priest's life: from the age of 13, he accustomed himself to come to the gym among the first visitors before the start of classes, struggled with his own weight and independently worked on his body.

Sports success genes

It is believed that Lee Priest had phenomenal genetic data, thanks to which it was not difficult for him to build muscle mass, develop the makings of a champion and simply stand out from other promising athletes. The first competition ended on the highest step of the podium - 1st place among young athletes under 14 years old. With his non-remarkable external data - height 163 cm, weight 97 kg - many remembered him as the shortest, but very successful bodybuilder. Such a result, as many believed, he achieved thanks to his heredity: his mother also took an active part in bodybuilding competitions and once performed with Lee on the same stage. The athlete also has an older sister.

Lee does not like to talk about his personal life, he married a wonderful girl, Kathy LeFrancos, who was also a bodybuilder. Together they went to success in the athletic field. Unfortunately, their common passion could not unite them for a long time: after five, their marriage broke up (in 2005).

Hobbies and idols

Photos of Lee Priest can be seen in young bodybuilders who are trying to imitate the athlete, to be equal to him. But it was not always so. The young athlete also had his own idols that inspired him. His favorite pastime was considered to be reading articles in sports magazines about bodybuilding and fitness. It was there that he got acquainted with new techniques, effective exercises, proper nutrition and raised his motivational spirit. Along with illustrations of famous bodybuilders, Lee singled out his idol - Arnold Schwarzenegger, whom he considered an example to follow.

Sports career

An important test was the Australian competition, where he took the honorable 1st place from 1989 to 1991.

The bodybuilder with ideal proportions won numerous first places, but there were moments when luck at professional level tournaments did not smile at him. A memorable high result is a podium finish in the 2002 San Francisco Pro division, when he surpassed Chris Cormier and Dexter Jackson. Three years later, at the Australian Grand Prix, now with Ronnie Roquel Cormier is again among the outsiders - they are deftly bypassed by Lee Priest. The body weight of the athlete at that time allowed him to compete in competitive competition in the weight category up to 212 pounds.

Champion appearances

The athlete achieved success gradually, did not lose heart because of failures and moderately knew how to rejoice at small victories. The list of events in which Lee Priest managed to take part is posted below. It is worth noting that the main performances were in the open bodybuilding category, only some competitions were in the absolute bodybuilding category, they will be noted separately.

The first places were won in 2005 and 2006 in Melbourne and Pasadena. Speaking about his merits in the most popular Ironman Pro competition, it should be noted that there Lee rose to 2,3,4,6,7 lines of the standings, and on the Arnold Classic show he was given 4,6,7,9 places. At the "Mr. Olympia" Priest was noted for 6.8 and 15 lines, the competition was held in the category of bodybuilding-"absolute". Competitions are specified in the period from 1994 to 2006. In his victorious arsenal there are also worthy places in the "Grand Prix" of Russia, Spain, Australia, Germany, Finland, England, the Czech Republic and other countries.

Lee Priest workout

The first thing a well-deserved bodybuilder pays attention to is cardio and joint warm-up. Lee never got injured, he had no muscle problems, and all this is only due to preparatory exercises. Lee Priest recommends warming up for 3 sets of light weights before starting the main tasks. In each exercise, one warm-up set of 20 repetitions is enough, so the body and body get used to it.

Features of strength exercises

Breaks between sets are regulated independently, depending on the endurance of the body. Rest between exercises for a small muscle group can be done in accordance with the time for which a similar set is performed by a training partner. Heavy exercises, for example with a barbell of 180 kg, are performed over a longer period of time, require more effort, respectively, the breaks between them should be longer.

Cheating is recommended to be used only if there is a clear understanding of its application. Correct cheating looks like this: the body sways, allowing the muscles to lift the working weight. It is worth remembering though. that simultaneous swinging and tossing of weights is considered wrong.

Training plan

If you want to look like a famous bodybuilder, you need not only to have an external resemblance and huge biceps. It is necessary to train properly so that the efforts made will benefit the body, and not harm it. Lee Priest's training program includes a seven-day list of recommendations for achieving the best result.

1 day (chest)

It is necessary to repeat the exercises 6-8 times with a small weight and 7 times with a large weight bench press on a bench: horizontal, with a positive slope, with a negative slope

Day 2 (back)

7 times to perform pull-ups with additional weights; perform barbell and dumbbell rows 7 sets of 6-8 repetitions

Day 3 (shoulders)

Bench press (dumbbells) in various performances; breeding dumbbells to the sides

Day 4 (arms)

7 sets of 6-8 repetitions for each item: bending the arms with a barbell and dumbbells in various performances; close grip presses, arm extensions, push-ups

Give your body time to rest

Day 6 (biceps, thighs, calves)

7 sets of 6-8 repetitions for each item: warm-up - leg extension; squats, including with a barbell on the chest; leg presses; straight leg rows and leg curls

Give your body time to rest

This is exactly the kind of working week that the Australian bodybuilding star advises his admirers, all experienced athletes. What is remarkable - for those who have just begun to shape their body, the program is not suitable.

The bodybuilder gives detailed instructions on his own example in the exclusive documentary “Lee Priest is a White Myth”, where you can clearly see the life of an athlete, watch training, make sure that success requires great effort and patience.

Currently, the bodybuilder goes in for sports and keeps his body in shape, tries to follow the lifestyle, as before, only with less stress. Now he prefers solitude and car trips, traditionally organizing dinners for the homeless twice a year.

Lee Andrew Priest McCutchen(Lee Andrew Priest McCutcheon); pseudonym "White Myth" ("The Blond Myth"); genus. July 6, 1972) is a professional race car driver and bodybuilder, was a member of the IFBB.


Born in Newcastle, Australia on July 6, 1972 in an ordinary working-class family. He attended Platsburg School, where he practiced karate and played rugby. His grandfather, a former army fighter, enrolled the thirteen-year-old Li in the hall at the local police department. It was here that the young man found himself in bodybuilding.

Through a family friend who was a professional weightlifter, Lee learned the basics of bodybuilding. Thanks to the help of a professional, the young man quickly overtook his competitors of the same age and embarked on the path of a professional bodybuilder, and after a year of training, he entered his first competition, where he took first place. According to him, being a modest person in life, he felt completely natural on stage.

Flex and Muscle & Fitness magazines were constantly in the circle of interests of the young athlete. And his idols were Tom Platz and Eddie Robinson. In order to look a little like Tom Platz, Lee even bleached his hair.

The first participation in the Sydney Bodybuilding Classic bodybuilding competition took place in 1986. And in 1989-1991, he consistently won first place in the Mister Australia competition.

His mother is also into bodybuilding and sometimes poses with her son on stage.

Features of training Lee Priest

Lee Priest pays great attention to warm-up training, this applies to both warm-up approaches, and joint, as well as cardio warm-ups. All this is not in vain, because. he almost never got injured, he never had serious problems with joints, muscles, ligaments, partly due to a good warm-up. Priest usually does 3 warm-up sets before the first heavy work set. They are performed with light weight, the weight increases, but does not reach the worker. In each subsequent exercise (for the same muscle group), it is enough to do one warm-up set of 20 repetitions to get used to the movement and focus on it

Rest between sets can be different, it is determined solely by your well-being. If an exercise is performed on a small muscle group, then rest is determined only by the time for which your training partner completes his set. In heavy exercises for large muscle groups, you need to rest more, 45 seconds is not enough for you to take a break from a 180 kg barbell on squats.

Cheating can be used, but it must be done correctly. The usual picture in the hall: a thin guy or just an inexperienced athlete, for example, when bench press can lift the pelvis from the bench, or when lifting the barbell for biceps, bend back in the spine - all this is complete nonsense and there will be no benefit from it. Correct cheating: rocking the body to help the muscles lift the working weight. Incorrect cheating: swinging and the usual tossing of weights.

Lee Priest workout program

Day one (chest)

  1. Bench press on a horizontal bench.
  2. Bench press on a bench with a positive slope.
  3. Bench press on a bench with a negative slope.

The number of repetitions Lee Priest always did in the region of 6-8, i.e. with quite a lot of weight. The number of approaches is about seven.

Day two (back)

  1. Pull-ups.
  2. Barbell and dumbbell rows in various designs.

Training begins with pull-ups - 7 sets with additional weights. Then traction is performed - 7 sets of 6-8 repetitions. At the end of the workout, if you feel "underdeveloped", then you can do the pull of the upper block or dumbbell.

Day three (shoulders)

  1. Barbell press, dumbbell presses in various designs.
  2. Breeding dumbbells to the side.

It all starts with bench presses. Smith presses are sometimes performed (most often behind the head), but usually with free weights, preferably dumbbells.

Day four (hands)

  1. Bending of the arms with a barbell and with dumbbells in various performances.
  2. Presses with a narrow grip, push-ups, extension of the arms.

All the same seven sets of 6-8 reps.

Day five (rest)

Day six (hamstrings, calves)

  1. Squats.
  2. Leg presses.
  3. Leg curls.
  4. Traction on straight legs.

First, a warm-up - leg extensions (quadriceps training). Then squats - regular or with a barbell on the chest. After - leg presses. If you want big hamstrings, do straight-legged deadlifts and all kinds of leg curls. All the same 7 sets of 6-8 reps.

Day seven (rest)

This is a sample training program from Lee Priest, which he recommends to anyone who wants to put on more meat. It is not suitable for those athletes who have just started their journey in bodybuilding. This program is designed for already experienced athletes.

Competition History


  • 1989 IFBB Australian Championships 1st
  • 1990 IFBB Australian Championships 1st
  • 1990 IFBB World Amateur Championships - Lightweight, 4th
  • 1993 IFBB Niagara Falls Pro Invitational, 9th
  • 1994 IFBB Arnold Classic 7th
  • 1994 IFBB en:Ironman Pro Invitational, 4th place
  • 1994 IFBB Night of Champions 12th
  • 1994 IFBB San Jose Pro Invitational, 7th
  • 1995 IFBB Arnold Classic 9th
  • 1995 IFBB Florida Pro Invitational, 4th
  • 1995 IFBB Ironman Pro Invitational, 3rd
  • 1995 IFBB South Beach Pro Invitational, 3rd
  • 1996 IFBB Ironman Pro Invitational, 4th
  • 1996 IFBB San Jose Pro Invitational, 6th
  • 1997 IFBB Arnold Classic 7th
  • 1997 IFBB Grand Prix Czech Republic, 5th place
  • 1997 IFBB Grand Prix England, 6th
  • 1997 IFBB Grand Prix Finland, 9th
  • 1997 IFBB Grand Prix Germany, 3rd
  • 1997 IFBB Grand Prix Hungary, 3rd
  • 1997 IFBB Grand Prix Russia, 9th place
  • 1997 IFBB Grand Prix Spain, 3rd
  • 1997 IFBB Ironman Pro Invitational, 2nd
  • 1997 IFBB Mr. Olympia 6th
  • 1997 IFBB Iron Man Pro Invitational, 4th
  • 1998 IFBB Mr. Olympia 7th
  • 1999 IFBB Iron Man Pro Invitational, 6th
  • 1999 IFBB Mr. Olympia 9th
  • 2000 IFBB Night of Champions 5th
  • 2000 IFBB Mr. Olympia 6th
  • 2001 IFBB Ironman Pro Invitational, 7th
  • 2002 IFBB Ironman Pro Invitational, 6th
  • 2002 IFBB Arnold Classic 4th
  • 2002 IFBB San Francisco Grand Prix, 9th
  • 2002 IFBB San Francisco Pro Invitational, 1st
  • 2002 IFBB Mr. Olympia 6th
  • 2003 IFBB Mr. Olympia 15th
  • 2004 IFBB Ironman Pro 6th
  • 2004 IFBB San Francisco Pro Invitational, 2nd
  • 2005 IFBB Grand Prix Australia, 8th
  • 2005 IFBB Arnold Classic 4th
  • 2005 IFBB Iron Man Pro Invitational, 10th
  • 2006 IFBB Ironman Pro, 5th, Vince Gironda Posing Award
  • 2006 IFBB Arnold Classic 6th
  • 2006 IFBB Grand Prix Australia 12th
  • 2006 PDI Night of Champions UK 6th
  • 2013 NABBA Mr Universe 1st

auto racing

  • 2005 Finished in the top 16 of 425 entrants in The Million Dollar Race in Memphis.
  • 2005 Won 2 Las Vegas Player Races
  • 2005 Took 3rd place in the championship rank
  • 2005 Rookie of the Year Award
  • 2006 Circuit Racing Championship Winner

Anthropometric data of Lee Priest:

Height - 163 cm.

Competitive weight - 97 kg.

Weight in the offseason - 118 kg.

How did the bikini fitness champion of Russia get to the Formula 1 race in Sochi and how will she remember this excursion? Curious Facts and Figures Formula 1 pilots also work out and diet! And also what racers do not ride before the starts. A cap for 20,000 rubles… Will Lugovskoy spend his prize money from Anapa on souvenirs? Our recent trip to the Sochi David Cup tournament was remembered not only by the tournament itself, but also by visiting the Sochi autodrome and the Formula 1 race stage. It all happened quite by accident! The opportunity to visit the races appeared thanks to our presenter Yuri Golubev and our partners, the sports nutrition brand Geon. Well, the company was made up of IFBB judge (ai fb b) Valery Rzhevsky and the absolute champion of Russia Natalya Lugovskih. What does formula one have to do with bodybuilding and fitness? You will say nothing. But we still found some parallels. So, in the truest sense of the word - let's go! The sponsor of this report is a universal pre-workout energy drink - NITRO PAMP from Geon - it is designed to quickly prepare the athlete's body for intense physical and psychological stress. By the way, the drink is applicable not only before intense training, but also in a situation that requires additional mental strength and concentration. For example, during long trips and behind the wheel ... If Yuri Golubev in Racing, as they say, is a complete teapot, then here is our second companion, IFBB judge Valery Rzhevsky, although not an expert, but as an amateur he understands something in racing. By the way, an interesting fact during each Grand Prix, each pilot, burning an average of up to 600 kilocalories, loses up to two kilograms of weight. And the pilot's heart beats at a rate of about 190 beats per minute. Such a good cardio! Watch below and you will learn about how pilots train and what loads they withstand during the race. On the way to the stands we meet a guy who is not the first time at the races and can compare the Russian formula with foreign stages. But as for the pilots, here the Russians really lag behind the world leaders. According to our interlocutor, one of the reasons is the team. In bodybuilding, it would seem the opposite is true. It's more of a solo sport! But on the other hand, in a team with a good coach and sponsor, if you don’t win, then life definitely becomes easier. And here is our champion Natalia Lugovskikh. The idea to invite her to the Formula 1 race, and this pleasure is not cheap, arose quite spontaneously. The fact is that this season, unlike the past, there was no prize money at all at the Russian Cup. Well, in the end, the "iron world" together with the Geon company decided to add at least something material to its medal and the Cup. Some more interesting facts about Formula 1. According to some reports, one car costs $15 million per season, including maintenance and spare parts. Fuel consumption here is 75 liters per 100 km. Acceleration to hundreds - a little less than two seconds. Racing is racing, but for a fitness bikini, the main thing is to eat on time and properly ... By the way, a strict diet is another parallel between bodybuilding and Formula 1 racing. The diet of racers can be compared to bodybuilders drying. However, in formula 1, things are perhaps much more complicated. The ideal pilot weight is determined by engineers, not by trainers and nutritionists. For example, in the 2015 season, the mass of cars without fuel during the entire race weekend should ideally be about 702 kilograms. Teams do not want to exceed this weight, since every 10 kilograms is an extra 0.3 (three tenths) of a second on a lap. That is why the vast majority of Formula 1 pilots are forced to monitor the weight more strictly than we would like. Moreover, the greater the growth of the racer, the stronger his suffering. Many pilots can only eat whatever they want after they retire. The driver's menu is developed individually, taking into account the climate of each Grand Prix. The daily diet is foods rich in carbohydrates. For dinner, on the contrary - more proteins. Fatty and fried foods, hard cheeses, sausages and white bread are completely excluded from the pilot's diet. These foods slow down the digestive process and are bad for pilots' reactions and stamina. By the way, if the race starts at 15:00, the pilots have lunch around 12:30. At the same time, in order for the food to be digested before the start of the race, they eat a half portion, i.e. only 70 grams of food. Particular attention is the amount of fluid consumed, especially in hot countries. During the stage, the fitness specialist weighs the pilots three times daily: without clothes, in full ammunition, and in a protective suit, but without a helmet. Thanks to this, it calculates the exact level of fluid loss and assigns a special schedule for replenishing the body's water balance. So, for example, in Malaysia, athletes, starting from Friday, drink half a liter of liquid every 2 hours. This helps to avoid dehydration and, therefore, fatigue, dizziness and chills. Another parallel with bodybuilding is physical training. It's only outwardly that these guys look, as many of our viewers will say, skinny. In terms of the level and quality of physical training, many experts compare Formula One pilots with representatives of Olympic sports. Their training is not only physical exercises for all muscle groups, but also tasks for concentration, overcoming psychological difficulties and speed of reaction. By the way, the formula of the NITROPAMP drink from Geon is designed to support the body during such intensive training. As for the pilots, the main peak of training loads falls on the off-season. On the eve of the competition, it is not recommended for pilots to strain much, because the races take a lot of energy. Without training, the pilot will not withstand the stress that he experiences during the race. Namely: the air temperature in the cockpit of the car is from 50 to 60 degrees Celsius and the overload level is 6g. For one race, such overloads can be up to 1000-chi. For comparison, an astronaut during takeoff experiences a load from 4 x to 7 g. The main task of training is the development of the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle, since it is this part of the body that experiences the greatest load during the race. Moreover, before the races, in which the movement takes place counterclockwise, the pilots perform other exercises on this part of the body. As for the arm muscles. Usually athletes perform various exercises with weights, starting with a weight of half a kilogram and gradually increasing to 2 kilograms per arm. Next, the rider trains the muscles of the chest, abdomen, back, and only then the legs are included in the work. By the way, the coaches of the Ferrari team used to make their athletes swim 10 times a 25-meter pool with a two-kilogram weight attached to their ankles. In addition, endurance is trained by running and cycling. And with huge vertical overloads on the spine, special complexes of squats and push-ups help to cope. Special attention is paid to the training of reaction speed, concentration and coordination. Some exercises can be done even at home or in a hotel. Well, let's get back to our champion and ask what she remembers about this trip to Formula 1. And Natalia will surely remember the local prices for souvenirs and clothes. By the way, do you want a cap for 20,000 rubles! Do you think she's worth it? Write in the comments how and on what you would spend this money. We are interested in your opinion! Still, Natalya did not spend her prize money from the Anapa Grand Prix. Expensive. After all, ahead of her was still the European Championship. Which, by the way, she won! However, given that pilots earn up to 25 million euros a year, all these prices are mere pennies. But how to attract such budgets to bodybuilding, you ask ... No ..., perhaps, for bodybuilding such amounts are not realistic! However, a few years ago, many did not even dream of what they have now. Making bodybuilding tournaments more massive and attended is the main road to big earnings and budgets. There are already good examples of the organizers' desire to change the format of bodybuilding to a more massive one last season. Well, let's see what will surprise the autumn starts! Subscribe put likes and follow the news on our channel!

Lee PriestLee Priest" listen)) was born on July 6, 1972 in Newcastle, Australia. His full name is Andrew Lee Priest McCutcheon. Lee grew up in a middle class family. During his school days in Platsburg, he was fond of team sports, among which was American football. He also attended karate classes. A little later, his grandfather, who was an army fighter, sent his grandson to the gym, which was located in the police station. Lee liked the initiative of his beloved grandfather, and he began to visit the gym regularly and work with weights. At that time he was only 13 years old.

Growth: 163 cm
Competitive weight: 97 kg
Off season weight: 118 kg
Biceps circumference: 55 cm

Performance history

Lee Priest was small in stature, but had excellent genetics, which allowed him to gain muscle mass even at such an early age. Already at the age of 14, he entered the podium of the competition among juniors and won them, despite the fact that among the contestants there were guys 3-4 years older than him.

Lee Priest workout

The young Lee read sports literature, especially Muscle & Fitness and Flex magazines. He adored, he liked Tom Platz and. By itself, Lee has always been an extraordinary person, able to surprise with his outrageous actions. Evidence of this is that he dyed his hair white to look like Tom Platz. The athlete also loved superman comics, which he imitated even as an adult.

His mother was also a bodybuilder, and when the guy was 15 years old, she invited him to perform on stage together. They succeeded and they became the first. In such a pair, they performed more than once.

The first serious bodybuilding competition was " Sydney Bodybuilding Classic", which took place in 1986. In this tournament, he won and taught his professional card according to the IFBB. The victories that brought him popularity are " Mister Australia» from 1989 to 1991 (3 consecutive years).

Lee Priest has had many ups and downs in the professional scene. He repeatedly performs at the main Mr. Olympia bodybuilding tournament, but the result does not rise above the 6th. The athlete himself believes that his short stature is to blame. Quite early, Lee leaves bodybuilding, not that he was disillusioned with him, but simply because he understands that this is not his way of life. At this time, he was already actively interested in motor sports and set several speed records. It was racing that gradually poached Lee. The last tournament of Lee's career was at the Australian Grand Prix in 2006, where the champion finished second.

For some time, Lee Preece was married to professional bodybuilder Kathy LiFrancos. It seemed they were made for each other. They were comfortable, and they trained constantly together. But for unknown reasons, the couple broke up.

There were scandals and quarrels with the IFBB federation in the athlete's career. He tried to speak in another federation, but it did not lead to anything good. Not so long ago, the champion surprised everyone by getting a huge tattoo all over his body including his face. But we have already talked about the eccentricity of this athlete. However, in everyday life he is an excellent good-natured man who is actively involved in charity work and twice a year sends large sums to distribute meals for the homeless people.

Whatever it was, Lee will be remembered forever in the history of bodybuilding. He is a very colorful athlete, the physique of which he does not have, not a single athlete to this day. With a height of 160 centimeters, he jammed the scales at around 130 kilograms and was violently physically strong.

Lee Priest — Video

Biceps and Triceps Workout by Lee Priest

Lee stands out with his huge arms, he is also called the triceps monster. To understand how he achieved such results, let's look at his arm training:


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