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Some people are sure that it is impossible to get in shape in a month even in the gym under the guidance of the most experienced trainer. In fact, in such a short period, you can significantly improve your physical shape if you follow all the rules of proper nutrition and exercise regularly. Of course, it will not be possible to build or lose weight by 50 kg in 4 weeks, but already during this time you can see the significant results of your work.

Factors affecting the result

There are a few basic factors to consider before starting a training program:

  1. . Some go to the gym, as if to work, not enjoying the process. You should go to training with pleasure or not go at all, because motivation is the key to success. You need to set goals, carefully paint the initial program, keep a diary.
  2. . It's a shame, but it's an important factor. Both when losing weight and when gaining muscle mass, genetic predisposition plays a role. But building an ideal body is available to everyone, but people with poor genetics will have to make more efforts and motivate themselves more actively.
  3. Initial weight. This is the fundamental factor. An overweight and obese person will not get into optimal physical shape in a month, sometimes it takes years. However, if you need to lose 5 kg, then in 4 weeks it is quite possible to do this.

How to achieve visible results?

The only way to get a stable result consists of three components - proper training, proper nutrition and sufficient recovery.

Proper training involves the use of basic exercises that will involve large muscle groups. It is important not to forget to increase the load.

Food should be natural, rich in protein and carbohydrates. However, if you need to reduce weight, then the amount of calories consumed per day should not exceed 2000.

Attention should be paid to and - a sufficient amount of daytime and nighttime sleep. The fact is that muscles do not grow during training, but when a person is resting. Do not neglect the rules of rest between approaches and a night's sleep. The best option would be to sleep 6 hours a day and fall asleep for 1-2 hours during the day.

How to train?

There are no general rules for training that make it possible to quickly gain muscle mass in one month. It all depends on the novice athlete - his initial weight, endurance and strength. Professionals advise starting with basic exercises that help to fully develop all muscle groups and contribute to the release of anabolic hormones into the blood. These include ,

How to build muscle at home - this question is of interest to both men and women who decide to achieve their goal. A beautiful, sculpted and inflated body is the result of hard work, systematic training, purposeful struggle and adherence to certain rules. We will cover these issues in detail in our article.

What happens to muscles during exercise

Muscles undergo significant changes from the moment you start training until the visible result is obtained. The average time taken to achieve progress depends on the individual characteristics of the organism and on the duration of each phase in which the muscles are located. Naturally, every athlete wants to pump up quickly and correctly at home in a week, but full development takes years.

Preparatory phase

Lasts approximately two to four months. At this time, the body is being rebuilt, as it is experiencing serious stress. The energy supply system of the muscles is changing, now they consume more energy, because of this they accumulate a significant amount of ATP and glycogen. The nervous system provides a more streamlined and coordinated work of the muscles, the bone and ligament apparatus adapts to new conditions, the metabolism is carried out in a new way, and the volume of blood vessels increases significantly.

During this period, it is very important for an athlete not to strive to build muscle as quickly as possible at home without or using exercise equipment, but to follow the correct technique, use light weights for the longest possible time. Muscle growth will be noticeable only at the second stage, the first is necessary for "laying the foundation" for further successful development.


This phase lasts for more than two years, at this stage the muscle fibers begin to increase, and in a couple of years a person realizes his own potential, that is, the muscles reach their maximum size. With proper loads, the body weight of an average man during this time increases by 20 kg.


Further development of muscles over 1-2 years occurs due to the division of fibers, this is achieved by working with light weight during high-volume training. During this period, it is possible to increase muscle mass by another 10 kg. Then comes the final stage.

System adaptation

The work of a bodybuilder is aimed at improving the efficiency of those body systems that hinder muscle growth, expanding their own capabilities.

Is it possible to pump up at home without exercise equipment

How to swing at home from scratch, and is it possible - this question is of interest to many. The answer cannot be unequivocal, it all depends on the desire and motivation of the athlete. Yes, of course, it is quite possible to train at home and build muscle without exercise equipment, but it is much more difficult and inconvenient than in the gym.

Beginner mistakes

For beginners who want to quickly and correctly pump up their arm muscles at home, it is better to familiarize yourself with the main mistakes that novice athletes make in pursuit of success. This will save them many disappointments.

High expectations

Unfortunately, our ideas about the ideal figure arise by looking at the beefy uncles from glossy magazines who call to become the same. A muscular body requires at least five years of fruitful work, and not several months of lazy "communication" with the barbell.

I want to have big muscles!

To properly train and build muscle at home, you need to understand that the main goal is not muscles and bodies, but getting pleasure from the process itself, the ability to feel the muscles and their work. Well, success in this case will not keep you waiting!


You can cancel a lesson for any reason: it’s raining outside, friends are calling for beer, a bad mood, but you can pump and build muscle mass at home only if you follow the routine and schedule of classes.

Basic Requirements for Muscle Growth

The first step from which they begin to swing is a home workout program for men or women. Training should be progressive, that is, stimulating growth.

The second factor influencing a positive result is good nutrition, that is, a sports diet that guarantees growth. Compliance with these requirements is the key to success.

Exercises without simulators for beginners

Consider where and how to start training at home from scratch. To do this, there is no need to spend money on the purchase of additional funds, because we always have our own “inventory” at hand - body weight.

At first, we perform the following exercises:

  • push-ups, reverse push-ups, headstand push-ups and other variations of this exercise;
  • pull-ups and other variations;
  • bicep curls;
  • triceps exercises with your own weight;
  • lunges;
  • squats, Bulgarian squats, pistol;
  • Romanian deadlift on the leg;
  • bending the legs from a prone position.

The best exercises without iron

Every novice athlete who wants to start rocking from scratch at home and become a jock must master 10 basic exercises that can be performed in a hotel, at home, in nature or in another convenient place.


Train 85% of the muscles in the body. Starting position - feet shoulder-width apart with slightly turned toes. When the back remains straight, and the buttocks are laid back. The heels are pressed into the ground, and the knees are brought forward and out. For additional balance, you can bring your hands forward.

Other variations are sumo squats with wide legs and single leg squats.

Push ups

Triceps, chest, back and shoulders are being worked out.

Other varieties of the exercise: with a wide or narrow setting of the hands, with the emphasis on the legs on a chair or wall.

As a support, we use a chair, bed or coffee table. Do not forget to keep your head straight, the spine should be in the correct position. Works triceps and chest muscles.

Wall squats

Develops endurance, works out quadriceps. The back is close to the wall, we sit on a "virtual" chair so that the angle between the hips and the wall is 90 degrees. We maintain this position for at least 60 seconds.


An exercise that combines a jump and a push-up. From a standing position, we squat down, do a rebound with our feet, as in push-ups, perform the reverse sequence of actions.


This is a very effective exercise that will help you build a beautiful sculpted body at home. Lying down, hold the weight on the forearms and socks, draw in the stomach and remain in this position for at least 90 seconds.

It is performed like the previous one, but the body rests on one hand.


Lying on your stomach, stretch your arms forward, raise them, as well as your head and legs, hold for some time in this position.


Lie on your back, hands behind your head, legs bent at the knees. Raise the knee and at the same time strain, try to touch the right elbow to the left knee, then vice versa.

We follow a straight back and straightened shoulders, try not to sway when transferring body weight from one leg to another.

Load increase

The program of gaining muscle mass at home must necessarily provide for the progression of loads. It is needed to stimulate muscle growth and is performed not only at home, but also in the gym. For this purpose, dumbbells with a step of 2 kg, barbells and pancakes with the same step, racks, complex, block simulators and benches are used, which adjust to the required angle of inclination.

Let's take a closer look at how to pump up at home, and where to start training? This requires a small amount of time and knowledge of the exercises.

The purchased equipment will help to make pumping the body in a rocking chair at home more effective:

  1. Dumbbells with the ability to change the weight. The heaviest must weigh at least 32 kg.
  2. Karimat is a fitness mat. Needed to perform abdominal exercises.
  3. Horizontal bar. Now you can purchase a removable one or equip a stationary one in the doorway.
  4. Bars. Attached to the wall at home.
  5. Elastic bands with varying degrees of elasticity.

What to replace?

What to do to properly pump the muscles of the body at home if you do not have all the necessary tools?

Undoubtedly, in every apartment or house there are chairs with high backs - having strengthened them, you can use them as bars. Calf exercises can be done using stair steps or a high threshold. Having put our legs under the bed, we do press-ups, twisting, exercises for the back muscles. Any convenient items can be used as free weights: plastic bottles filled with water or sand, pipe cuts. For weighted squats, use a heavy backpack.

It is strictly not recommended to use electronics or pets as cargo. Well, in order to effectively pump up muscles at home, do not forget to draw up a program or use the developed set of exercises.

A set of exercises for all muscle groups with equipment

The schedule for sports and pumping muscles at home for men or women can be discussed with the trainer. The following is a program that runs three days a week.


An exercise

Number of repetitions, execution conditions

Warm up

Twisting from a prone position

4 sets of 15 reps, increasing reps over time

Hyperextension on the bench

4 sets of 15 reps

Wide grip pull-ups to the chest

Incline Dumbbell Row

Reverse middle grip pull-ups

Lifting dumbbells for biceps in a standing position



Pumping leg muscles at home for men is carried out in the following way:

  1. Squats with a load. We take an object weighing at least 30 kg in our hands, perform squats until worn out. We rest for one minute.
  2. Rope jumping. We jump at an average pace for 3 minutes. We rest for one minute.
  3. Jogging. We organize a run with a length of at least 3 kilometers. We rest for a few minutes.
  4. Squats on one leg. We perform at the end of each workout.

Gradually increase the load every 3-4 workouts.

Basic hand exercises

In order for a man to do it right at home, you need to use effective exercises aimed at training certain muscles. The next training develops the biceps of the shoulder, triceps, deltoid and trapezius muscles.

Standing dumbbell raise

We straighten up, the legs are shoulder-width apart, we slightly bend them at the knees, we take dumbbells and press our elbows to the body, we point our palms inward. The front of the projectile disk touches the thigh line, then we lift the load to the shoulders as we exhale and slowly turn our palms, directing their back to the face. Hold the dumbbells at shoulder level for a few seconds and return to the starting position.

Professionals will tell you how to start swinging to the mass at home with dumbbells, so if you have any doubts about the correctness of the exercise, you can contact them.

Sitting dumbbell raise

This is another way to make a pumped up relief body in a home rocking chair. The exercise is performed similarly to the previous one, however, in this case, the sitting position is occupied. To do this, you can use a comfortable chair, stool or bench.


Starting position - standing, legs slightly wider than shoulders, knee joints slightly bent. The arms are bent at the elbows, palms with dumbbells are pressed to the body. The elbows do not move, we smoothly lower the dumbbells without changing the position of the palms, and immediately return them along the same trajectory.

It is very easy to make a beautiful figure and pumped up muscles at home if you use the most famous exercise with dumbbells. In a standing position, the right hand rises with the projectile up, the left falls or is located at the waist. On exhalation, the arm with the load is bent, and the head is smoothly lowered, all other zones are motionless. In the same way, a bench press is performed with two hands, using one projectile.

We learned how to quickly pump up a guy at home, well, what should girls do? Let's look at this issue in more detail.

Workout for girls

How to pump up the muscles of a girl's body at home is also an urgent question that the fair sex asks themselves. In addition, most of them have problems with fat deposits on the abdomen and sides.

To achieve a positive result, it is important to follow the following recommendations:

  1. Allocate at least an hour daily to sports activities, while using a variety of equipment: dumbbells, jump rope, elastic band, hula hoop, expander, weights.
  2. Pay attention to pumping all parts of the body, gradually increasing the load.
  3. Use a variety of exercises, constantly change them so that the body does not have time to get used to.

Well, of course, how to do sports at home correctly depends on your personal mood, so during training it is better to turn on energetic music that will set the right pace and improve your mood.

Nutrition rules

Getting pumped with full body exercises at home is not only possible with progressive training. Proper nutrition is of great importance in this struggle, and success is 70% dependent on it.

  • you need to eat 5-8 times a day, breakfast is a must;
  • drink 1.5-3 liters of water daily;
  • for one kilogram of body weight, the body needs: 2 g of protein, 0.5 g of fat and 4 g of carbohydrates;
  • give up mayonnaise, ketchup, sugar and other useless products.

Best Products

It is preferable to eat the following foods:

  • fish;
  • meat;
  • seafood;
  • eggs;
  • dairy;
  • legumes;
  • cereals;
  • durum pasta;
  • nuts, seeds;
  • vegetables;
  • fruit;
  • wholemeal bread.

Important conditions

There are many ways to pump up at home, but the monthly training program, according to the recommendations of experts, should be designed accordingly and include the following areas:

  1. Strength training is for muscle growth.
  2. Cardio is for burning fat.

Well, high-quality nutrition is necessary to achieve a beautiful relief figure.

And, of course, the main rule that all those who are interested in how to quickly build body muscles at home should be guided by is to eliminate all distractions during training. Neither phones nor what is happening around should distract you from the goal. For a successful result, you need to concentrate and perform the exercises with full dedication!


In this form - a set of exercises for home workouts for beginners.

Many are wondering how to pump up at home in a month? Authoritative bodybuilding trainers express only positive opinions on this issue. With diligence, determination, a clear program, any beginner can achieve the desired result.

Required Equipment

To start training, you need equipment:

  • shells;
  • wall;
  • mat, karemat;
  • musical equipment;
  • sportswear;
  • place for sports.

To assess the clarity of the movements performed, you need to install a mirror. It is for this purpose that in many gyms group classes are held opposite the mirror wall.

The equipment should cover all the needs in order to decide how to build muscle in a month:

  • barbell;
  • Hula Hup;
  • jump rope
  • stops for pumping individual muscle groups;
  • scales;
  • stopwatch;
  • a circle.

Performing exercises can damage the tendon, pull the muscle. For this reason, there should be a first aid kit in the classroom.

Desired content set:

  1. anesthetic gels;
  2. warming ointments;

Paying attention to your health will help you achieve unprecedented results, just by taking the right pace. Before making a decision regarding a training program, get a medical examination. Collect information on contraindications. Then get advice from an experienced trainer, or better, work with him individually for at least the first couple of months.

To solve the dilemma of how to pump up in a month, an inexperienced athlete begins to quickly increase speed. Sharp jerks can end badly. The desire to get the final positive result in a short time can incite wrong steps.

Properly selected exercises effectively develop muscle mass. The most popular request on the Internet is: how to pump up the ass in a month? By highlighting the main problem, you can evenly distribute the efforts of the training process.

A person loses mass evenly. Massages, diet complexes increase the rate of reduction of the fat layer, raise the tone of selected parts of the body.
Experienced athletes recommend:

  • practice four days of the week;
  • the minimum daily water intake is two liters;
  • consume a certain amount of calories (rule "multiple of 40%" - carbohydrates, proteins 40%, fats 20%);
  • get enough sleep, 8 hours of rest;
  • record progress with photos, videos, measurements with a centimeter and keeping a diary of training.

It is necessary to start and record all your workouts and achievements in a diary. Each entry is made by type:

  1. date of the day;
  2. time spent in training;
  3. meal schedule;
  4. menu of consumed products.

This is how progress is tracked, the selected program is tested.

30 day exercise plan

The proposed complex will give guaranteed results. Exercises can be distributed over the days, giving the opportunity to recover the muscles of different groups. The completed first four-day phase is repeated.

1. Raise the hips. (Two sets; 15 repetitions).
The back lies firmly on the floor. The hips are raised as high as possible.
2. Classic scissors. (2x15)
Spreading and bringing your legs together, slowly move smoothly to a vertical position. Initial tilt angle 15°, final 90°. Thirty second rest.

3. Exercise "wipers with emphasis." (2x20)
Holding the bar of the bar, turn your raised legs to the left - to the right. Performed lying down. Minute break.
4. Bench press with a wide grip. (2x10)
The bar is lowered on the exhale. Try to work with the pectoral muscles. After a minute of rest, the same exercise is repeated, the hands are placed narrowly.
5. Push up with cotton. (2x12)
After each push-up, a push is made, the palms should touch.
6. Classic plank. (two sets per minute)
The body assumes a plank position, the stomach is tightly tucked up. The emphasis is held by the elbows. Head, middle point of the back, buttocks form one line.

7. Side plank. (same number of times)
The body turns around, focusing on one of the hands. The free limb is extended along the body. The second time the side changes.
8. Squat. (30 times)
While squatting, watch the position of the pelvis. The coccyx is directed towards the floor.
9. Raise the barbell vertically. (20 times)
The arms are straight, the back is aligned, the weight is lifted with the legs.

10. Working out the calves. (15 times)
The calves are tightened simultaneously with the chest. The shins can be weighted with overlays.
11. Pull up. (minimum number 10)
12. Lifting the bar in front of and above you. (starting from 25 times)
Perform each type of this exercise, keeping your arms straight. Raise on the exhale, lowering inhale.
13. Lateral lifting of dumbbells. (about 30 lifts)
Legs are spread, back is straight. Breathing is even. Hands outstretched. Work synchronously.

Regular work, the implementation of all instructions and an attentive attitude to technology and your health will allow you to achieve what you want. After classes, take a contrast shower, this will increase the burning of fat layers.

Is it possible to pump up the body in a month? Some people are sure that the answer to this question is “no”, especially when it comes to home workouts, and not to the gym. In fact, even in such a short period, you can significantly improve your physical fitness if you eat right and exercise regularly.

Upgrade in 30 days

Get fit in a month with exercise

Even without the use of simulators, you can work out all muscle groups.

Leg squats. This is a classic exercise that will work your buttocks and hamstrings. Put your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, squat to the parallel of the thigh with the floor or deeper. Keep your back completely straight. Do not lift your heels off the floor. Hold dumbbells in your hands.

Push-ups for chest and triceps. With a wide setting of the hands, the chest muscles will work, and with a narrow setting, the triceps. Do both of these push-ups.

Deadlift for the back and buttocks. Pick up dumbbells or a barbell (if not, a flask of water). Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and bend your knees slightly. Begin to bend forward, the back should be even.

Rolls for the press. Lying on the floor, perform shoulder and shoulder raises. Make sure that the back is round, the lower back is pressed against the floor, and the chin is not adjacent to the chest. Perform twists until a burning sensation appears in the abs and at least 10 more times after these sensations appear.

Each exercise (except twists for the press) start with 6-10 repetitions and gradually increase the load. Work to your maximum.

Nutrition for Muscle Growth

If you diligently perform all the exercises, but at the same time neglect normal nutrition, all your work will come to naught. First of all, you need to significantly increase the amount of protein in the diet. It can be obtained from lean meats, beans, and dairy products. In addition, a protein shake can be purchased at the sports nutrition store, which will simplify this task.

Forget about three meals a day. You need to eat five times a day if you want to build muscle fast. An hour before training, you need to eat complex carbohydrates, such as cereals. And after training - proteins. And, of course, it is important to give up junk food (fast food, soda, etc.).

Now you know how to pump up in a month at home. The main thing in this business is constancy. Do not skip workouts and meals, follow a sports regime, and the result will not be long in coming. You should not start a “new sports life” from Monday, start exercising right now.

I have six cubes. OK. Sometimes I have 6 "cubes". OK OK. Two months a year I have 6 perfectly inflated "cubes" on my stomach. Forgive me for embellishing, but I'm not a photo or fitness model or anything like that. I am already a fairly mature and shabby 37-year-old man. But I can shake the press without problems 30 days before the “cubes”. Is this real, you ask.

I'm not going to fool you and suggest that anyone can achieve this in a month. One month may not be enough for some people, as getting rid of belly fat depends on many factors. Genetic predisposition, current weight, diet, past injuries, etc.

Belly-picture is not a dream. In my opinion, any self-respecting girl, woman or man can pump up his stomach. If you exercise regularly, eat something healthy, do not have serious herbs, do not suffer from obesity and are ready to work hard on yourself, then getting relief abs quickly is within your power. How to pump up the press in 30 days? The way to achieve this is simple and quite real, but requires strict adherence to the rules and hard work, and it is as follows:

The most important rule of "6 packs": Create a calorie deficit!!!

Forget all that diet mantra you've read and heard before, the process of burning fat comes down to one simple and proven fact. You need to burn more calories than you consume. This is the way you will get rid of fat deposits on your stomach and understand how to pump up the press in 1 month, because the abdominal muscles are hidden under the fat.

Powerful Abs Workout at Home!

How to create a calorie deficit?

1. Cardio exercises and weight lifting

The fitness world is divided into two camps when it comes to cardio exercises and their impact on weight loss. For some people, intense cardio training is the best option for weight loss, while the other part sticks to more relaxed options for cardio training. The first type of training will help you burn excess fat faster, but high-intensity cardio is much more difficult. To burn the same amount of calories, but with the help of measured cardio exercises, it will take more time, but the loads here are moderate. Pick the one that works for you and remember that all that matters is the calories you burn.

Your body will change with cardio exercises. You, no doubt, will lose weight, but it is better to combine these exercises with weight lifting, otherwise the relief tummy will not be visible at all. I do not stop carrying iron until I understand that I am not ashamed to expose my perfectly pumped up torso somewhere in a public place. My training program is very simple. If I include cardio exercises in my workout, then I understand that I need to roll less weight than usual, I also shorten the pauses between sets in order to properly distribute the load from the added cardio. With this approach, the muscle will pump up faster. And I keep lifting weights because the more muscle you have, the less fat you have. Like I said before, it's all about burning those calories!

2. Nutrition

O It is very difficult to propose and develop any specific diet that would suit absolutely everyone and thanks to which you could get perfect abs in 30 days. All people are different, and in general I do not think that the diet, as such, really works. You need to know your body and be aware of foods that are high in nutrients and low in calories. I personally practice intermittent fasting as a means of maintaining a functional eating plan for myself. Believe me, it is much more useful than millet weight control.

If you eat a lot of lean protein, about the same number of grams as you weigh, eat a lot of greens, fruits and vegetables, and fill the rest of the diet with healthy fats and carbohydrates, I can say with confidence that you are on the right track for weight loss and the cherished 6 "cubes ".

3. Drink water

Drink up to 3.5 liters of water per day. Water helps you keep your hunger at bay, and it also keeps more fluid in your system—which is a real problem when trying to get abs that are lean. At home in the morning, pour the required amount of liquid into a container, and every time you feel hungry, drink water before eating. In most cases, when we think we are hungry, we are actually thirsty, so drink enough liquid and you will eat less. With sufficient fluid intake, the pump will go faster, because our goal is the perfect abs in 30 days.

4. Stop training for one muscle group

I want to dispel the main misconception about lifting weights. Performing exercises for only one muscle group, you will not be able to get rid of fat deposits throughout the body. Such a training scheme is not productive, with its help, muscle mass is pumped up, and fat does not go away. If you spend 20 minutes a day in the gym doing crunches and planks, then the fat in the abdomen will not decrease. Try to perform a variety of exercises to achieve maximum results. We pump the whole body, and not just the abdominal muscles!

5. Diet pills and supplements

Is it possible to pump up the press in a month using "pills" for weight loss ?! No matter how tempting and promising the etiquettes of these drugs are, b Most of them are crammed with ingredients that have nothing to do with burning fat or are even dangerous to health, because in order to achieve a visible effect, you have to drink them in large quantities or doses. My advice is simple: forget about diet pills and stop doing nonsense, direct all your efforts into hard work on your abs, then there will be a result.

Press for a month. Maybe? For beginners and advanced

Exercises for the abdominal muscles

So, we have considered the main recommendations, the observance of which will contribute to the appearance of the cherished 6 "cubes". And now let's move on to the question of how to pump up the press for a month at home to cubes, namely, to specific exercises that will speed up this process and bring it to the end. As mentioned earlier, it is not advisable to spend the entire workout only on exercises for the press. It is best to leave some time at the end of your workout on them. It is desirable that such training be 3-4 per week then pumping the abdominal muscles will be easier and faster.

Below I have selected so that the pumping of cubes takes place more intensively. You can include them in any workout.. I suggest that you choose any two of them and do approximately 3 sets of 30 reps during every workout. In the end, you will come to the conclusion that I was right that you can pump up the press in a month by combining these exercises and lifting weights.

Crunches on the block


Hanging leg raises

Plank Spiderman

Leg raises for the lower press


To get a beautiful and embossed press, you have to work a little and show discipline. It may cost you mental and physical suffering. Do not believe those who say that everything can be done much easier. And there is no other quick way to pump up. Just start working on yourself, create a calorie deficit, exercise regularly, lift weights and do cardio exercises, eat right, drink plenty of fluids and don't listen to any magic promises. If you follow these guidelines, you will get your 6 packs in thirty days. A week will pass and you will begin to feel and see all the transformations of your body. And they will show off on your stomach as long as you keep exercising! I am sure that after reading this article, you will have the right idea of ​​​​how to pump up the press in a month at home to cubes.


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