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The spider is an ancient symbol of creation, creativity and hard work. The ancient Indian tradition allegorically calls Brahma, the creator of all things, a spider who weaves the world from the web of matter. On the one hand, the spider acts as a protector of people, a miraculous savior, and a guardian of the hearth. However, it is associated with cruelty, greed, and deceit. The positive meaning of this creature is reflected in the myths about spiders, which taught people the craft and art of weaving. According to legend, the spider saved David, Jesus Christ, and the Prophet Muhammad from ill-wishers.

Arachne, artist Boris Vallejo

A widespread motif is the transformation of a spider's web into a saving thread that takes the hero out of a dangerous place or helps him climb into the sky and then descend safely. The negative meaning of the spider refers to the image of the spider-sorcerer, the werewolf. The spider was widely used in black and white magic. Amulets and amulets with spider symbols protected the owner from the interference of dark forces in his life.

Nowadays, the spider is an unambiguous symbol of phobias; at the same time, due to its ability to weave a web, the spider personifies the intricacies of life and fate. Since the web diverges from the center and emerges, as it were, from the body of the spider, in some cultures it is considered a symbol of the sun and the creation of life. Because of the complexity of the web and its similarity to a labyrinth, the Celts identified it with obstacles that a person must overcome.

In Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece, the web also symbolized fate, and in Hinduism - the cosmic order, and the spider itself was considered the center, or the Maya - “the weaver of illusion.” In Oceania and among some tribes of America, the spider was revered as the creator of the Universe; Australian Aborigines worshiped the Great Spider as a solar hero; in some African and North American tribes the spider was considered a trickster.

In Christianity, the thread of a spider's web is a symbolic expression of the fragility and futility of human life, with the sticky web being designated as a devil's trap for those who lose their guard, and causing the spider to be identified with Satan and evil. Because the spider first webs and then destroys its helpless victim, it is identified with the terrible Great Mother, who both gives birth and destroys. In Christianity, the spider personifies the miser who sucks his victim dry. The Japanese believe that spider women lure travelers into traps, and the goblin spider is a dangerous werewolf. Despite all the unpleasant qualities attributed to the spider, it cannot be killed - it is believed that this is bad luck. And only the ancient Romans revered the spider as a talisman of good luck and prosperity.

The spinner Arachne challenged the goddess Athena herself to a duel, who recognized the skill of her rival, but destroyed her creation. Arachne committed suicide, but the goddess turned her into a spider. This Greek myth traces the motif of the werewolf of a man into a spider, characteristic of many cultures.

Tarantula dance
According to legend, in the Middle Ages, a terrible disaster befell the Italian city of Taranto - tarantulas, or wolf spiders, simply exterminated the townspeople and residents of the city's environs. It was believed that the bite of this spider causes a terrible disease - tarantism, which quickly leads to madness. You can recover from madness only by dancing a fast, fast dance - the tarantella. Soon this dance became an integral part of weddings in southern Italy.

According to one of the many legends of the origin of Tarot cards, they were originally a book about the structure of the world, given by the god Mithras to the young race inhabiting the earth.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future with the help of the Endora oracle cards.

Spider Card

Be persistent, be patient.

The card can have dual meaning depending on its combination with other symbols. On the one hand, you are threatened with a trap; you can become entangled, like a fly in a web, in the events of what is happening. On the other hand, you need to be patient - like a spider waits for its victim - and the job will be done the way you want it.

Everything indicates that things are going as usual, you just need to do what you’re supposed to do, finish what you started and sum it up, regardless of your personal attitude to what is happening.

But you shouldn’t relax, so as not to turn into a victim yourself. Give yourself a break and analyze both the environment and events in order to respond to possible threats in time. The situation can turn out differently: either they will entangle you and force you to do something that disgusts you. Or you will break the vicious circle and break free. The third option is that you yourself can manipulate people, achieving what you want in any way possible.

Double card. On the one hand, he advises to be patient and finish what you started; on the other hand, you risk finding yourself in a web.

Card symbolism:

The spider is an ancient symbol of creation, creativity and hard work. The ancient Indian tradition allegorically calls Brahma, the creator of all things, the spider who weaves the world from the web of matter. On the one hand, the spider acts as a protector of people, a miraculous savior, and a guardian of the hearth. However, it is associated with cruelty, greed, and deceit. The positive meaning of this creature is reflected in the myths about spiders, which taught people the craft and art of weaving. According to legend, the spider saved David, Jesus Christ, and the Prophet Muhammad from ill-wishers. A widespread motif is the transformation of a spider's web into a saving thread that takes the hero out of a dangerous place or helps him climb into the sky and then descend safely. The negative meaning of the spider refers to the image of the spider-sorcerer, the werewolf. The spider was widely used in black and white magic. Amulets and amulets with spider symbols protected the owner from the interference of dark forces in his life.
The spinner Arachne challenged the goddess Athena herself to a duel, who recognized the skill of her rival, but destroyed her creation. Arachne committed suicide, but the goddess turned her into a spider. This Greek myth traces the motif of the werewolf of a man into a spider, characteristic of many cultures.
Tarantula dance
According to legend, in the Middle Ages, a terrible disaster befell the Italian city of Taranto - tarantulas, or wolf spiders, simply exterminated the townspeople and residents of the city's environs. It was believed that the bite of this spider causes a terrible disease - tarantism, which quickly leads to madness. You can recover from madness only by dancing a fast, fast dance - the tarantella. Soon this dance became an integral part of weddings in southern Italy.

Card meaning:

The spider spins a thread, the thread of fate, he always finishes his work unless someone interferes with him. A card that shows that what is happening in your life is what should happen, what is destined to happen. The spider is unhurried, he knows what he is doing, the spider always completes its work unless someone interferes with it. The card advises to bring what you started to the end, to complete the process, regardless of whether you like it or not.
The spider is not chasing anyone, the spider weaves a web and waits for the victim. Patiently, calmly. He is sure that his food will arrive, and since he did the job well, it will definitely fall into his net and will not be able to escape.
Beware of deception, traps, look at nearby cards - perhaps you are not a spider, but its victim? Maybe you don’t need to sit quietly and patiently while the spider finishes weaving its web to close your exits?
In order to see the web, you need light, advice from someone who can shed light on the situation. Who would you contact? Think about it, now you are playing with fate. Any sudden movement can either break the web and set you free, or entangle you, making it impossible to move and maneuver.

Words expressed by this card:

financial luck, everything goes as it should be, you need advice, stop and listen to advice, do not make sudden movements, thoroughness in business, mistakes must be excluded, calmness and self-control, wait-and-see attitude, thoughtfulness, logic, multi-move combination, deception , lies, closed roads if a wrong decision is made.

The Spider totem (and for some, the Spider talisman) is found among rather peculiar people. They are all distinguished by a certain special, distinguished position in the world. They are on their own. But they are always busy, always weaving something, although no one may notice it. Let's take a closer look.

Character of people with Spider totem

Spider-Men are good communicators but also independent. They spend their entire lives actively weaving their web of connections. The main condition is that they must be in the center of this web.

Major Arcana Priestess from The Star Tarot deck – Great Spider

And all the information along the threads of connections and contacts, like through wires, flows to them, like into a server. Spider-People are very sensitive to the slightest movements in their web; they sense where and what is happening on the connections in order to receive new information, new relevant data in a timely manner.

They are very jealous of those who try to take over their connections.

As you understand from this description, Spider-People are perfectly suited to be the shadow leader, the brain - of any organizations, but especially those associated with the collection and analysis of information. They can easily work for the state and/or have their own business, including in the criminal world. These are players like Professor Moriarty.

This is Moriarty’s black spider (still from the film “Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: Mortal Confrontation”)

Spiders are quite cunning, patient and careful, they know how to wait for a long time, but act with lightning speed when the time comes for this.

They are most often quite wealthy people, as they know how to obtain and use knowledge to their advantage.

Also in love - they usually study well the characteristics of their chosen one, and then calmly entwine him with their attention and care. Doing it so skillfully that any sane person would only be glad to have a Spider in his life. Therefore, they are usually happy in love.

Spider – development according to the stages of Destiny

The spider as a totem is suitable for those people who are developing according to Fate. That is, he lives more on information than on energy. Works more with the brain than the body.

Neural networks of the brain, if we use analogues from the natural world, are similar to a spider’s web

In this case, everything new enters a person’s life in stages: shock-surprise-stabilization.

First stage– the new comes in so sharply and rapidly that it is perceived as a BLOW. The brain may be shocked by the amount of novelty and the completely different slice of life that has now opened up to it. The main thing here is not to run away at the first moment, not to be afraid of the volume of the new. And tune in to perception.

Second phase– you understand that everything new that has come is completely within your capabilities. When you pass all this information through yourself, having already partially mastered it, your brain is in a state of SURPRISE. Because you are able to fit so many new things into your life!!! And it’s even strange that you once didn’t know this and couldn’t do it.

Third stage– everything that you once perceived as new and amazing is now an ordinary reality for you. This is already an ordinary toolkit that works effectively in your life. It became yours, STABILIZATION has come.

This is how spiders accept new times - this concerns learning, relationships, and life events. This is their way of changing: shock-surprise-stabilization.

If you want to make it easier for yourself to absorb new information– use SPIDER totem.

The spider is a symbol of the choice between good and evil

This aspect of spider symbolism is based on Zorastrian legend. The fact that between our manifested world and the Upper world there is a void, it is guarded by the Archangel Vayu, who is depicted in the form of a large golden spider. This is exactly the space through which we pass after death, rushing upward into the Light.

Golden Spider catches evil like flies in its spider webs. Otherwise, evil in the form of elemental spirits will penetrate our embodied world and bring even greater chaos into it. The Golden Spider has 2 more forms:

  • White Spider- that part of the Angel that comes into contact with the Upper World of Light. This is a wonderful amulet and amulet if properly made and configured.

Picture from “Spider-Man”, an example of an active representative of the White Spiders

  • Black spider- that part of it that comes into contact with the lower layers of the astral world. He has ceased to distinguish between truth and lies, and through him both good and evil can pass into our world. The already mentioned Professor Moriarty was one of these people.

The sign of the Higher Zodiac is directly associated with the Spider - Ophiuchus, located between the signs of Scorpio and Sagittarius. Exactly 30 degrees Scorpio– has a totem of the Golden Spider guarding the gates of the Supreme Zodiac.

If you have 30 degrees of Scorpio highlighted in your horoscope, you can consider that the symbolism of the Spider is rightfully yours. It reminds you of the forces of Good and Evil and the importance of your choices. You can protect our world from the invasion of Darkness, or you yourself can become its gates, wide open.

Also, in the Zoroastrian Calendar, note the Years of the Spider: 1911, 1943, 1975, 2007.

If you were born during these years, the mystery of Good and Evil will be actively played out in your life. Whether or not to use the Spider symbol as your Totem is up to you.

Spiders are creators

Goddess Makosh - spins the threads of destinies in Heaven

And finally, in the ethnic groups of various peoples, the image of the Spider acts as a symbol of those forces that are busy creating our world.

These are divine weavers: the Egyptian Neith, the Greek goddesses (Athena, Persephone, Moira), the Slavic goddess Makosh - who were also credited with the function of weaving the threads of the world, human destinies, intertwining events and meanings.

In Indian and Buddhist traditions, it is the Spider who is the creator, the creator of the universe, weaving the web of Maya, our manifested world, from his own energy, according to his own laws.

Thus, if you want to enhance your creativity– use the Spider symbol as a talisman consciously, tune in to it before work.


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