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Lesson summary of the Russian language in 8th grade: “Dash between subject and predicate”

The purpose of the lesson:

deepen students' knowledge about the rules of punctuation that regulate the placement of a dash between the subject and the predicate.

Lesson type: practical lesson.

Equipment: projector,


interactive board.

Progress of the Russian language lesson in 8th grade:

I. Organizational moment

U: Hello, guys! Sit down.

II . Teacher's opening speech

T: Today we are conducting a practical lesson.

You will complete tasks in the worksheets that are on your desks (sign them, please) and independently monitor your knowledge and skills on the topic of the lesson, that is, evaluate yourself. Record the results of your work in the “Evaluation Sheet”. Be objective.

Task 1. Terminological dictation

Let's remember the basic linguistic terms we studied in the “Syntax and Punctuation” section. Goal: Knowledge of terms is necessary for successful learning of the material. The first task is terminological dictation.

In the worksheets, there is space under number 1 to write down terms.

1. A section of grammar that studies the structure and meaning of syntactic units. (Syntax)

2. 1. A set of punctuation marks used in written speech. 2. A collection of rules for their placement. (Punctuation)

3. A word or group of words, grammatically formed and having semantic and intonation completeness (Sentence)

4. Unity of subject and predicate (Base of the sentence)

5. Elements of writing , performing auxiliary functions of dividing (highlighting) semantic segments text , sentences, phrases, words (Punctuation marks)

Let's check how you coped with the terminology dictation.

……, read all the terms you wrote down.

Conclusion: So, we have repeated the basic linguistic terms that are necessary when studying the “Syntax and Punctuation” section.

III . Updating knowledge about the offer

1. U: Before moving on to the topic of the lesson, let us remember what a sentence is and what are its characteristics as a syntactic unit?

Define this concept.

A: Offer - a word or group of words that are grammatically formed and have semantic and intonation completeness.

The proposal has the following features:

1) has a grammatical basis;

2) expresses a complete thought;

3) characterized by semantic completeness;

4) is a unit of communication.

2. Formulating the topic and purpose of the lesson

1) Let's continue working.

Task 2

After completing the second task, we will formulate the topic of today's lesson.

Prove that you have sentences in front of you, add the missing punctuation marks, and graphically explain their placement (emphasize the grammatical basis of the sentence). Goal: Determine what is special about these proposals.

The Word is the spiritual life of the people. (A. Voznesensky)

Learning is always useful. (Proverb)

Language is a friend to all knowledge and all nature. (G. Derzhavin)

A: Yes, we have sentences before us, since they have a grammatical basis - NAME, are characterized by intonation completeness - a period at the end, narrative sentences.

The structure is simple sentences.

W: What is their feature?

A: Conclusion: In all sentences, a dash is placed between the subject and the predicate.

U: We know that the most important feature of a sentence is the presence of a predicative (grammatical) basis.

Did you guess while completing the task what the topic of the lesson was?

A: I guess dash between subject and predicate.

Write the topic on the worksheets.

T: Now let’s formulate the purpose of the lesson:

A: Remember and consolidate the rule of placing a dash between the main parts of a sentence.

(To deepen students’ knowledge about the rules of punctuation that regulate the placement of a dash between the subject and the predicate).

Before formulating a rule, tell me, what is the difference between a DASH and a HYPHEN?

ABOUT: DASH - punctuation mark, hyphen - spelling.

Now let's turn to the history of the punctuation mark dash. I give the floor to an expert in the Russian language.
A: Punctuation marks appeared much later than writing was invented. In Russia, the punctuation system was formed only after the spread of printing.

By the end of the XVIII century, another punctuation mark appeared - the dash

The dash goes back to the French "dash". As soon as this sign was not called:

Black ink stripe


Long line

horizontal line,

Stop sign

This sign was first used by N. Karamzin

U: Let me remind you that Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin -an outstanding historian, the largest Russian writer of the era of sentimentalism, the creator of the multi-volume work “History of the Russian State”, author of the story “Poor Liza”.
So, a dash, like other punctuation marks, helps to understand the structure of a sentence, and therefore the meaning of what is written.

The dash performs many functions, today we are talking about the dash, which separates the subject and predicate.

IV . Completing assignments on the topic

1) Task 3

U: Let's move on to the third task. Read the sentences carefully.

Underline the grammatical basics of all sentences; indicate how the subject and predicate are expressed. Explain the use of a dash between the subject and the predicate and its absence. Place missing punctuation marks where necessary. Goal: After completing the task, formulate a rule.

1.A book is man's best friend.

(noun - noun)

2. Teaching a scientist only spoils him.

(Inf - Inf)

3. Re-reading the pages of your favorite books is a great pleasure.

(Inf - noun)

4. Five five is twenty five.

(number - number)

5. A book is a bridge to the world of knowledge.

(noun is a noun)

1. Books are like best friends.

(noun as noun)

2.They are loyal and smart helpers.

(local noun)

3. The book is small, but it gave me intelligence..

(noun adj.)

4.Education is definitely a pillar in life.

(noun, introductory word, noun)

5. Poverty is not a carrot, but beckons.

(noun NOT noun)


1. Name sentence 4 (1 st.)

offer 4 (second st.)

offer 3 (first column)

sentence 1 (second article)

sentence 2 (first article)

offer 2 (second st.)

U: Conclusion: So, what rule do we follow when placing a dash between the main members of a sentence?
A: A dash is placed between the subject and the predicate if the grammatical basis includes nouns, infinitives and numerals in different combinations without an auxiliary part.

U: In what cases is placing a dash unacceptable?

A: A dash is usually not placed if the predicate contains a negative particle, if the predicate contains a comparative particle like, as if, as if; if the subject is expressed by a pronoun; if the predicate is expressed by an adjective, if there are v. words between the subject and the predicate.

We repeated the punctuation rule “Using a dash between the subject and the predicate.”Practical exercises and the algorithm presented in the information cards will help us consolidate this rule.

2) Working with the algorithm

Task 4 Game “Third wheel”

Let's play. Read the sentences carefully. Emphasize the grammatical basics, add missing punctuation marks, find the extra third, explain why.
1. Say a kind word and give a stick in the hand.
2. Mahogany is rare, the red word is apt.

3. A truthful word is power.

Check - 1 person

3) U: We continue preparing for the main state exam.

Let's move on to the fifth task “Elements of text analysis”

Read the text. Determine the theme, the main idea?

1) Book - a life-giving source that gives a person knowledge and strength, happiness and purity, youth and enthusiasm. 2) A book is life, truly beautiful, amazing, swift and restless. 3) Seeing this beauty is the duty of each of us. 4) Our task is to learn to understand works of art that reveal to us the secrets of the past and the future, surprising us with the greatness of the present. (His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus')

Theme is a book that gives knowledge to a person.

The main idea is to learn to understand fiction.

Now add the missing punctuation marks and insert the missing letters.


T: Complete the test, which is built in the OGE format.


1. Indicate in what meaning the word “life-giving” is used in the text:

1. helping

2. regenerative

3. useful

4. healing

2. Write out the grammatical basis from sentence No. 4

the task is to learn to understand

3. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which separate definitions are expressed by participial phrases


4. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which the subject and predicate are expressed by noun.


5. Indicate the number of the sentence where the subject is expressed as a verb and the predicate as a noun.


Peer review.

Raise your hands who got 5, 4.

T: Today in the lesson we received new information about the punctuation sign - the dash; while completing assignments, we reinforced the previously learned rule of placing a dash between the subject and the predicate; evaluating ourselves, we tried to be objective.

Russian language lesson in 8th grade according to the M.T. program. Baranova (Textbook: Russian language. 8th grade / L.A. Trostentsova, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, A.D. Deykina, O.M. Aleksandrova; scientific editor. N.M. Shansky. - M.: Education, 2010. - 237 pp.)



Lesson topic : A dash between the subject and the predicate.

Lesson objectives:


  1. know the conditions for placing a dash between the subject and the predicate;
  2. learn to place it correctly.


  1. develop students’ ability to apply acquired knowledge;
  2. enrich students' vocabulary.


  1. create interest in the subject;
  2. promote the acquisition of communication skills.

Equipment: presentation, cards with test tasks.

Lesson type: lesson in learning new knowledge.

During the classes

Slide No. 1

I. Organizational moment

II. Updating knowledge

Slide number 2

  1. frontal survey
  1. Name the main parts of the sentence.
  2. What is the subject?
  3. What parts of speech can express the subject?
  4. Which part of the sentence is called the predicate?
  5. What types of predicates are divided into?
  1. work at the board using cards (Appendix 1)


  1. Brevity is the virtue of prose.

Slide number 3

III. Explanation of new material.

Slide number 4

  1. conversation

– Remember the rule that must be applied when characterizing the last sentence.

– This is not the only condition for placing a dash between the subject and the predicate, and today we will continue the conversation on this topic.

  1. writing in a notebook, announcing the topic and goals of the lesson;
  2. working with the textbook ( With. 57, ex. 114);
  3. recording reference diagrams in a notebook.

Slide No. 5-6

Placed in the following cases:

Noun I.p.

- noun I.p. Word -

commander of human strength (Mayakovsky).

Number I.p. - number I.p.

Nine forty -

three hundred sixty.

Noun I.p.- - number I.p.- Number I.p.

- noun I.p.

The depth is there from the boat

six meters (Sholokhov). And the woman will say that twice is two stearin suppository (Turgenev). Noun I.p. - n. f. verb

N. f. verb - noun I.p.

The artist's business - give birth to joy (Paustovsky). Know in this city- three languages ​​-

unnecessary luxury (Chekhov).

N. f. verb - n. f. verb Learn - sharpen the mind (proverb). Shoot at rocks

lose arrows (Gorky).

This Thoughtfulness is a sign of a mental break (Paustovsky). Like

- This

the case of young men (Turgenev). Here

Precision and brevity

- Herethe first advantages of prose (Pushkin).


To be a poet means

sing freedom (Yesenin).

Slide No. 7-8

Dash between subject and predicate- is not placed in the following cases:

Personal places. noun You are a smart person, you will understand... (Chekhov).Noun I.p. noun I.p. But: N. f. verb

- not n. f. verb

Horses are not travel companions on foot (proverb). Live life

don't cross the field (proverb). Big lake as a dish (Parsnips). The river is like the sea (Gorky).


introductory word, conjunctions

too, also, just

and other nouns

Noun adj.

Exercise: The sea is wonderful, blue and gentle... (Chekhov). Youth is unselfish and generous (Korolenko).

  1. Noun there is noun
  2. Simplicity is a necessary condition for beauty (Tolstoy).
  3. A thought expressed is a lie (Tyutchev).
  4. Man, this is the truth of life.
  5. People are like rivers.
  6. Great news.
  7. Five five twenty five.
  8. The weather is unbearable, the road is bad.
  9. Tatyana is not a child.
  10. Speak without thinking - shoot without aiming.
  11. He is corruption, he is the plague, he is the plague of these places.
  12. Reading means developing taste, comprehending beauty.
  13. The heart is not a stone.
  14. The word is not a sparrow, if it flies out you won’t catch it -exception to the rule.

2. Working with the textbook (With. 59, ex. 120 – orally)

3. Programmed dictation.

On the pieces of paper, write numbers from 1 to 10, which will indicate the numbers of the sentences. If you need to put a dash in a sentence, then put a plus sign opposite the number of this sentence; if you don’t need to put a dash, put a minus sign.

Labor is like shiny steel.

Talking about what has been decided only confuses.

To talk with writers of other centuries is to travel.

Poverty is not a vice.

June is just the beginning of summer.

Onegin is not a cold, dry, or soulless person.

Our heart is an eternal mystery to ourselves.

Knowing many languages ​​means having many keys to one lock.

Art is thinking in images.

Memory is one of the most important properties of existence.

Slide number 10

4. Test for primary knowledge acquisition (Appendix 2).

Option 1

Option 2

Indicate the numbers of sentences in which a dash should be placed.

  1. But an explanation is not an excuse.
  2. Your words are like a sharp knife.
  3. Our task is to overcome the obstacle.

IV. Summarizing

V. Homework

Slide number 11

§22, ex. 115


Exercise: write down the sentence, add punctuation marks if necessary, and highlight the grammatical basis of the sentences.

Life is Beautiful and amazing!

Exercise: write down the sentence, add punctuation marks if necessary, and highlight the grammatical basis of the sentences.

The domes of the cathedral are shining and shimmering.

Exercise: write down the sentence, add punctuation marks if necessary, and highlight the grammatical basis of the sentences.

The stranger tried to open her umbrella for a long time.

Exercise: write down the sentence, add punctuation marks if necessary, and highlight the grammatical basis of the sentences.

Brevity is the virtue of prose.


“_____”______________ 201_ ___________________________, 8 “__” grade

Option 1

Indicate the numbers of sentences in which a dash should be placed.

  1. Learning is the plague, learning is the cause...
  2. The happiest people are ignorant, and glory is luck.
  3. Fedor knew that Artem was his guy.
  4. The sea is wonderful, blue, gentle.
  5. Laziness is laziness, weakness is weakness.

“_____”_______________ 201_ __________________________, 8 “__” grade

Option 2

Indicate the numbers of sentences in which a dash should be placed.

  1. My soldier's overcoat is like a seal of rejection.
  2. But an explanation is not an excuse.
  3. Books are ships of thought traveling the waves of time. Slide 2

    Let's remember what we have learned: Name the main members of the sentence. What is the subject? What parts of speech can express the subject? Which part of the sentence is called the predicate? What types of predicates are divided into?


    Lesson objectives: to become familiar with the conditions for placing a dash between the subject and the predicate; develop the ability to apply acquired knowledge; enrich your vocabulary.

    We put a dash between the subject and the predicate. Sentence scheme Example Noun. I.p. - noun I.p. The word is the commander of human power (Mayakovsky). Number I.p. - number I.p. Nine forty - three hundred sixty. Noun I.p. - number I.p. Number I.p. - noun I.p. The depth there from the boat is six meters (Sholokhov). And the woman will say that twice is two - a stearin candle (Turgenev). Noun I.p. - n. f. verb N. f. verb - noun I.p. The artist’s job is to create joy (Paustovsky). In this city, knowing three languages ​​is an unnecessary luxury (Chekhov).

    We put a dash between the subject and the predicate Sentence diagram Example N. f. verb - n. f. verb To teach is to sharpen the mind (proverb). Shooting at stones means losing arrows (Gorky). _____ is thoughtfulness - this is a sign of a mental turning point (Paustovsky). To be liked is a matter for young men (Turgenev). _____ - here Precision and brevity - these are the first advantages of prose (Pushkin). _____ means being a poet means singing the expanse (Yesenin).

    We do not put a dash between the subject and the predicate. Sentence diagram Example Personal places. noun You are a smart person, you will understand... (Chekhov). Noun I.p. noun I.p. But: N. f. verb - not n. f. verb Horses are not travel companions on foot (proverb). Living life is not a field to cross (proverb). Big lake as a dish (Parsnips). The river is like the sea (Gorky). Noun introductory word, conjunctions too, also, only and other nouns. The rook, of course, is a smart bird, but it has no voice (Prishvin). Pushkin is also not a fairy tale. It's all real. (Paustovsky). His arrival in the Caucasus is also a consequence of his romantic fanaticism (Lermontov). March is just the beginning of spring.

    We do not put a dash between the subject and the predicate. Sentence diagram Example Noun. adj. The sea is wonderful, blue and gentle... (Chekhov). Youth is selfless and generous (Korolenko). Noun there is noun Simplicity is a necessary condition for beauty (Tolstoy). A thought expressed is a lie (Tyutchev).

    Remember! We put a dash We don’t put a dash Exist. I.p. - noun I.p. N. f. verb - noun I.p. Personal places. noun Number I.p. - number I.p. N. f. verb - n. f. verb Noun I.p. noun I.p. Noun I.p. - number I.p. _____ is Noun. introductory word, conjunctions noun. Number I.p. - noun I.p. _____ - here is the Existence. adj. Noun I.p. - n. f. verb _____ means Existence. there is noun

    Check yourself! Offer number +/- Offer number +/- 1. - 6. - 2. + 7. + 3. + 8. + 4. - 9. + 5. - 10. +

    Homework: §22, ex. 115

    Back forward

    Attention! Slide previews are for informational purposes only and may not represent all of the presentation's features. If you are interested in this work, please download the full version.


    • Repeat previously studied material on determining the types of connections in a phrase, on the topic “Main members of a sentence”
    • Deepen students' knowledge about placing a dash in a simple sentence
    • Develop speech, thinking, spelling and punctuation vigilance, enrich vocabulary
    • To cultivate a caring attitude towards the word, love and respect for the patriots of their homeland, for the subject

    Equipment: Presentation, cards for individual independent work at the desk and at the blackboard, tablets with fairy tale characters, information from the history of Russian punctuation

    During the classes

    1. Organizational moment.

    Hello guys! Sit down.

    Preparing students for active and conscious learning of new material.

    2. Test of knowledge.

    Opened the notebooks, wrote down the number, great job

    1) Vocabulary work. The word Certificate, diploma. (Presentation)

    Write the words in your notebook. Select the spelling.

    2) In previous lessons we worked on the topic “Main members of a sentence. Types of predicate.” Let's repeat the theory, answering only the question

    1. The main members of the sentence are...

    2. The subject and predicate in other words are...

    3. The subject is...

    4. The subject is most often expressed...

    5. The predicate is the main member of the sentence, which...

    6. A predicate expressed by one verb in the form of some mood is called...

    7. In a simple verbal predicate, the lexical and grammatical meanings are expressed...

    8. Compound predicates are those predicates in which...

    9. A compound verbal predicate is a predicate that...

    10. A compound nominal predicate is...

    Exercise.Determine the type of predicate in the sentences.

    The door was ajar.

    The swamps lay deserted and ominous before us.

    a) simple verbal predicate;

    b) compound verbal predicate;

    c) compound nominal predicate.

    The ducks begin to swim.

    a) simple verbal predicate;

    b) compound verbal predicate;

    c) compound nominal predicate.

    All the birds hid somewhere.

    a) simple verbal predicate;

    b) compound verbal predicate;

    c) compound nominal predicate.

    The water still could not calm down.

    a) simple verbal predicate;

    b) compound verbal predicate;

    c) compound nominal predicate.

    3. Linguistic warm-up.

    In the morning... the rocks are painted (?) in (gently) pink and reddish t... and acquire a warm brown (?) dull hue. (on the board)

    Write the sentence in your notebook, insert the missing letters and explain the spelling.

    Find the grammatical basis in this sentence. ( The rocks are painted and acquired).

    Specify the type of predicate.

    We will do a syntactic analysis orally.

    Creating a problematic situation.

    Guys, what is a shade?

    A hue is a variation of the same color. (Students write down the definition in their notebooks and on the board)

    Emphasize the grammatical basis.

    How are the subject and predicate expressed? (Using a noun in I.p.)

    What do we know about punctuation in such cases? (You must put a dash)

    Pay attention to the screen (slide). You see sentences written in two columns.

    Compare these offers.

    Explain why there is a dash in some cases and not in others. Can we explain?

    Do we all know about placing a dash between the subject and the predicate? (No)

    So, what will we talk about in class? Name the topic of our lesson. (Dash between subject and predicate). Write the topic in your notebook (slide)

    What goals will we set for today's lesson? (Find out more cases when a dash is placed and when not) (slide)

    Well done!

    4. Studying new material.

    1. Independent reading of theoretical material paragraph 15, p. 80

    2. Generalization of the main cases of setting a dash and its absence.

    (the children have a table card on their desk; it needs to be filled out with sentences that the teacher will read)


    The dash is placed:

    1. Noun + noun Forest- friend of human.
    2. Numeral + numeral Two by two- four.
    3. N. f. Ch. + n. f. verb Protect nature- love your homeland.
    4. Noun + n. f. verb Our task- study well.
    5. N. f. verb + noun Walk barefoot- pleasure.
    6. This is what it means Reading- this is the best teaching.

    There is no dash:

    1. With the predicate there is Not Headmen It's not joy.
    2. With the predicate there is as if Pond like a mirror.
    3. Subject = pronoun He doctor.
    If logical stress falls on a pronoun, then a dash can be placed You are the best person in the world.

    Check the sentences on the card. Paste this card into your notebook.

    Let's go back to our examples from the table. Knowing the rule, explain why there is a dash in the sentences in the first column, but not in the sentences in the second column.

    5. Physical education minute

    6. Fixing the material.

    1. Perform exercise 153 (part 1) with chain checking.

    2. Independent work (work in pairs according to options: 1 in – 1-5 sentences; 2 in – 6 – 10 sentences) (slide)

    1. Language is life itself.

    2. Our souls are mirrors that reflect us.

    3. Be in battle and find out the value of life.

    4. The air is like a rose.

    5. This day is like a holiday.

    6. Poverty is not a vice.

    7. Our Volga is the most beautiful river.

    8. Great news.

    10. Five five twenty five.

    Right answers:

    1. Language is life itself.

    2. Our souls are mirrors that reflect us.

    3. To be in battle is to know the value of life.

    4. The air is like a rose.

    5. This day is like a holiday.

    6. Poverty is not a vice.

    7. Our Volga is the most beautiful river.

    8. A great thing is news.

    9. Nature is not a temple, but a workshop.

    10. Five five is twenty five.

    3. Study of syntactic material.

    Change the sentences so that between The subjects and predicates had a dash.

    What do I need to do?

    The story “The Captain's Daughter” is a historical work.

    The basis of the story is pictures of Pugachev's uprising.

    4. Letter with inserts

    Now you have to construct sentences yourself from several components. The first part of your sentences is the names of the colors that you will see on the slides. The second part of the proposals will be read by me. You need to write down the entire sentence, adding a dash where necessary.

    1) Give a bouquet of tulips (slide)- means, in the language of flowers, to declare love.

    In the language of flowers, a tulip means a declaration of love, and this is preceded by the legend of the Persian prince Farhad. In love with the beautiful Shirin, the prince dreamed of a happy life with his beloved. However, envious rivals started a rumor that Shirin had been killed. Farhad, distraught with grief, drove his horse onto the rocks and fell to his death. In the place where the blood of the unfortunate prince fell on the ground, bright red flowers grew, a symbol of passionate love - tulips.

    2) Astra (slide)- this is the last smile of autumn.

    - Astra means “star” in Greek. Look, its petals really resemble the rays of a star. It’s not for nothing that the aster is called “the last smile of autumn”: these flowers can withstand frosts of up to 7 degrees! The smell of late asters is inimitable: it conveys the dampness of autumn rain, the withering of foliage, and the bitterness of pine needles...

    3) Lilac ( slide) like a gentle fragrant sea.

    An ancient Greek legend tells that young Pan, the god of forests and meadows, once met the beautiful forest nymph Syringa and was so enchanted by her beauty and grace that he forgot about his own amusements. Pan decided to speak to Syringa, but she got scared and ran away. Pan rushed after him, but the nymph turned into a fragrant bush with delicate purple flowers. So the name Syringa gave the name to the flower - lilac.

    7. If there is time left Exam simulator.(slide of your choice)

    8. Summing up. (reflection)

    9. Homework: paragraph 15, exercise 153 (2, 3 parts)

    Between the subject (subject group) and the predicate (predicate group), of all punctuation marks, only a dash is used.

    - Here placed in place of the missing ligament.:

    PUT A dash is placed
    In the absence of a connective in a compound nominal predicate, if: a) both main members of the sentence are expressed by a noun in the I. p. The word is the commander of human power (V. Mayakovsky).

    Love and friendship are a mutual echo: they give as much as they take (A. Herzen).

    b) one of the main members is expressed by a noun in the nominative case, and the other by an infinitive, or both by an infinitive (in addition to the infinitive, the subject and predicate may include other words) The poet’s gift is to caress and scribble, a fatal stamp on him (S. Yesenin).

    Shooting at stones means losing arrows (M. Gorky).

    Drive out before evening and bring in

    at dawn the herd is a great holiday for peasant boys (I. Turgenev).

    c) the subject and predicate are expressed by numerals in I. p.; one main member is expressed by a numeral or numeral with a noun, and the other by a noun in I. p. Three times three is nine.

    Four is an even number.

    The specific gravity of pine is zero point six tons per cubic meter.

    d) the predicate includes the words this, that means Language is a tool of thinking... To handle language somehow means to think somehow: inaccurately, approximately, incorrectly (A. Tolstoy).

    - Here NOT PUT:

    There is no dash A dash is placed

    a) before the nominal part of the predicate there is an introductory word, adverb, conjunction or particle (only, only, because, unless)

    The rook, of course, is a smart bird... (K. Paustovsky).

    Mercury is also a metal.

    March is just the beginning of spring.

    b) the predicate includes comparative conjunctions as, as if, as if, exactly, that, anyway (what) A pond is like shiny steel (A. Fet). An unfinished book is like an unfinished journey (Proverb).
    c) before the nominal part of the predicate there is a negation not, except in those cases when both main members of the sentence (or one of them) are expressed by an infinitive Horses are not travel companions on foot (Proverb). Living life is not a field to cross (Proverb).

    The main motive of my life is not to live my life in vain... (K. Tsiolkovsky).

    d) between the subject and the predicate there is an addition, circumstance But this calmness is often a sign of great, albeit hidden strength (M. Lermontov).
    e) the predicate is expressed by an adjective (full, short, comparative or superlative) The day is sunny.

    The girl is smart and beautiful.

    The weather is rainier in autumn, and people are more talkative in old age (I. Krylov).

    f) the subject or predicate is expressed by a pronoun; She's a cunning girl. The book is mine.
    g) the nominal part of the predicate, expressed by a noun, denotes the attribute of a certain person (there is no “break” intonation) My mother is a teacher.

    His older brother is a good friend. Our friend is an elderly woman.

    h) the predicate precedes the subject This valley is a wonderful place! (M. Leomontov)

    Dash in an incomplete sentence

    In incomplete sentences, a dash is usually placed when a predicate or other members of the sentence are omitted, if they are restored from the text of the sentence itself, most often complex: For several seconds, the shepherd boy and Metelitsa looked straight into each other's eyes: Metelitsa - with feigned indifference, the shepherd boy - with fear, sympathy and pity . (A. Fadeev) To the north of the city the Germans reached the Volga, to the south they were approaching it . (K. Simonov)


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