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Any transaction related to the sale and purchase, rent, donation, exchange of real or movable property will be effective if you seek the help of an experienced lawyer.

Accompanying the purchase and sale transaction by an experienced lawyer will make it possible to figure out which of the actions with the property will be more preferable at the moment and guarantees the safety and speed of concluding an agreement, taking into account all legal requirements. You can be sure that your funds will not remain in the hands of fraudsters, and the acquired property will not subsequently be the subject of lengthy legal proceedings.

Services for support of transactions of purchase and sale of a car

Legal support of a car sale and purchase transaction includes several stages.

Stage 1 Checking the documentation by a lawyer

First, the lawyer checks the documents of the other party to the transaction for compliance with legal requirements.

Stage 2 Negotiating on behalf of the client

At this stage, legal support for the sale and purchase consists in negotiations with the second party to the transaction or its trustees. This is necessary to prepare the optimal algorithm for the client's actions to conclude a future contract.

Stage 3 Identification of clauses with likely adverse consequences

After identifying such items, a lawyer makes recommendations for their elimination.

Stage 4 Collecting the necessary documents

The lawyer gets acquainted with the draft agreement, prepares the necessary documents, conducts a legal examination of the transaction documentation.

Stage 5 Expert support of the transaction

The lawyer will take part in the inspection, identification of all defects and the assessment of the car.

Step 6 Taking action on behalf of the client

At this stage, the transaction is signed on behalf of the client, the money is transferred and it is registered, if necessary, with government agencies.

After that, the client receives a ready-made package of documents, and the legal support of the car sale and purchase transaction is considered complete.

A competent lawyer will become a guarantor that the contract will be drawn up correctly and will advise on the registration of a car with the traffic police, providing advice on choosing an insurance company.

The specialists of our company will prepare drafts of all the necessary documents, taking into account the requirements of the legislation. If necessary, at the first stage, you can get a free online consultation, and then you may have a question about the cost of supporting the purchase and sale transaction.

How much does legal support of transactions cost?

The cost of supporting a property sale and purchase transaction depends on several factors, such as:

  • the nature of the transaction and its complexity;
  • the scope of services for the collection and preparation of documents;
  • the possibility of going to the site for consultation, examination and conclusion of a contract;
  • assistance in communicating with the seller or the buyer;
  • support and assistance in drawing up a preliminary contract for the vehicle you like;
  • drawing up a sales contract in case of purchasing a used car;
  • escort in the traffic police and in the insurance company;
  • ferrying the car to the house or to the parking lot;
  • the agreed percentage of the purchase and sale value of the object.

The result of legal support of the transaction

A transaction such as the sale and purchase of a vehicle should not be carried out without legal assistance.

To order support for a car sale and purchase transaction, you just need to fill out the form on our website or call the numbers indicated there.

After that:

  • our lawyer will help you to competently draw up any document, which will allow you to avoid legal risks when making a transaction;
  • you will receive a correctly drawn up contract of sale and purchase agreement, which will comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • you will be guaranteed security at every stage of the transaction and when receiving money for the car;
  • consultations will be provided on the issues of registration of the car;
  • you will receive assistance in completing a technical inspection of the car.

Accompanying the vehicle purchase transaction will help you get rid of the risks of fraud. All the costs that you will incur for the services of our lawyers will help you save in the future on negotiating, assistance in conducting an examination, in concluding insurance contracts. After contacting our specialists, you can be sure that you will not need to go to courts, seek the cancellation of an incorrectly drawn up contract and look for options to return your money spent.

Buying a new or used car without facing a scammer is not an easy task! Today, quite a few cases are known when citizens are faced with so-called "fictitious" sellers or trading "one-day firms". That is why experts recommend resorting to the help of professional lawyers, using such a service as legal support when purchasing a car.

When might you need a specialist's help?

In addition to the risk of contacting a fraudster, it should be remembered that the registration of all the necessary documentary issues related to the purchase of a car is an extremely important action that requires the study of many subtleties - both from the legal side and from the financial side.

There are situations when the buyer is asked to sign a "preliminary" agreement, which in fact has no legal value, since it is not a contract for the sale of a vehicle. In general, a considerable number of dangers can be hidden in the text of the contract for the purchase of a car.

Here are the most common self-purchase car deception situations:

  • hidden additional cost of the purchased vehicle - the so-called "commission", which ultimately doubles the price of the car;
  • substitution of the contract before signing it - indicating a different value;
  • the absence in the contract of the exact date of the transfer of the car;
  • receipt of a payment receipt without a proper seal;
  • at the time of the transfer of the transport, there are not enough documents, it does not correspond to the specification, and the like.

A highly qualified lawyer will be able to provide support when purchasing a car at any point of sale, where he will control the entire process of paperwork, as well as the issuance of the purchased vehicle.

What are the features of the service?

So, when purchasing a new vehicle, a lawyer will help to exercise control over the entire purchase process, in particular, to control the following points of the transaction:

  • compliance of the passport data of the car with the data on the vehicle specified in the sales contract (engine number, body number, VIN);
  • execution and conclusion of the required agreement - in accordance with the norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • the presence in the contract of data on the place and issue of the vehicle passport;
  • the presence of all the necessary seals of the seller in the service documentation;
  • the accuracy of filling out the documentation responsible for the warranty of the purchased car;
  • availability of all documents required for registration of transport with the traffic police;
  • serviceability and performance of all vehicle structures, additional installations (anti-theft system, radio and others).

Legal support when buying a used car

In the event that a client decides to buy a used car in a car dealership, then legal support when purchasing a car from specialists in this field will be as follows:

  • checking the availability and competence of the technical expertise of the purchased car in an independent center until the moment of full payment;
  • if there is an expert opinion, based on which additional financial costs are observed, the possibility of bargaining;
  • detailed study of all documents for the purchased transport;
  • study of service documents;
  • checking the availability of all additional devices and configurations specified in the sales contract;
  • compliance of the vehicle data and the data specified in the contract;
  • correct execution of the contract - in accordance with the current legislation;
  • availability of all documents required for the registration of transport with the relevant authorities.

A professional lawyer from the Vashe Pravo legal aid center will boldly arrange an auction with the seller in order to save the money of his client as much as possible. In addition, he will ask all direct questions regarding the purchased vehicle, look through all the accompanying documents "to light", if necessary - even smell the smoke from the exhaust pipe, and also will not be afraid to look under the bumper in search of a set of keys from this car glued with tape. There are times when sellers cling a spare key under the bumper to the scotch tape - in order to soon steal the sold car. However, our lawyer, who offers support when purchasing a car, will make every effort to maximize the security of the process of buying a vehicle. You can be sure of it!

Experts help clients determine what they need. Based on the budget, a model is selected, a specific car is selected, checked by technical specialists and made its way through the databases for legal "purity".

In the material, we will tell you who to turn to for help when choosing a used car, and how much money to put in to pay for the services of assistants.

Auto pickers

Professional auto selectors will help you decide on the make and model of the vehicle when buying, based on the buyer's budget. They will find a specific car according to the client's requests and hold an auction with the seller.

As a rule, the client does not pay for help with money and even stays with the benefit. Usually, the procedure for selecting and buying a car consists of the following steps:

    • Pickers determine the criteria: model, equipment, mileage, age, etc .;
    • Suitable cars are selected;
    • Calling up sellers is carried out, obviously bad options are eliminated;
    • Pickers inspect 2-3 cars they like;
    • One car is selected, reasonable bargaining is being conducted with the seller;

Pickers get a discount on the vehicle, part of the amount thrown off when buying is taken as payment for services (as a rule, about 10-20 thousand rubles, depending on the car and discounts).

In each city there is a large number of companies or individual entrepreneurs providing auto-selection services. Typically, this assistance is provided by young men who are well versed in cars and / or who are involved in car resale.

Diagnostics: do it yourself and at the service station

Even if it is predetermined what brand and model you need, you need to worry about the technical condition of the purchase. With the necessary knowledge and equipment, you can carry out a technical check of the car yourself. If this is not possible, or you just do not want to waste your time, you should pay for the service of diagnosticians.

You can get information about the technical side of a car in several ways:

  • Self check;
  • Diagnostics at the service station;
  • Exit examination.

Technical service technicians for a fee, usually not exceeding 3000 rubles, will carry out comprehensive diagnostics of the car. In a few hours, the car will be inspected from top to bottom, checked by a diagnostic computer, rolled onto a lift, etc.

After the master, they will draw up a list of necessary spare parts and work, if any, and tell you about whether the car has been in accidents. Until recently, diagnostics in the service remained the most reliable way to find out about the technical condition of a car, but now field checks that are not inferior to it have become available - the help of specialists who come to the client themselves.

Onsite check

It used to be thought that sophisticated equipment and a full-fledged lift were needed for a full-fledged examination before buying. This technique is usually only available at service stations. Later it became clear that it is realistic to diagnose a car using manual equipment.

An on-call examination is easier and cheaper than a trip to a service. To take a car to a service station, you need to agree with the seller on the date and time of the trip, make an appointment and agree on everything. Experts are ready to help: they will come to the car and carry out an examination promptly and efficiently.

On-site inspection services can be ordered on the Autocode website. Special equipment allows you to establish the state of the individual parts and assemblies of the car, whether the car was in an accident, and what procedures will be required in the near future.

The cost of the service is from 2600 rubles, the inspection includes checking the body using a thickness gauge, defectoscope, engine diagnostics with a video endoscope and other procedures.

To check the legal purity before buying a car, it is best to refer to the data available on the Internet. Sources of the traffic police, EAISTO, FNP and many other bodies will provide information about whether the car is on credit or pledge, as well as about accidents, thefts and much more.

Self-checking across multiple databases can be lengthy and tedious. In addition, not all of them contain complete information, some important data are not publicly available.

The Autocode service check will come to the rescue. Within five minutes, the service collects a report from more than 12 databases. To draw up a report, it is enough to know the wine code or license plate of the car.

The cost of the report is 349 rubles, and for this money the client will find out everything about the car he is interested in. Information about road accidents, working in a taxi, pledges, hijackings, mileage, number of owners and much more will allow you not to make a mistake and not fall for the tricks of an unscrupulous seller.

Rather than buying cars “blindly” at your own peril and risk, it is better to trust the professionals. And not to neglect the preliminary check, so as not to be left with a "broken trough" in every sense of the word.

Choosing a used vehicle takes a lot of energy from the client, and most importantly, nerves. Before buying a car, you need to inspect it for flaws, this can be a car after an accident, a faulty gearbox, a rusty engine, etc. Help in buying a used car is the solution to this problem!

It is important to understand that when buying a used vehicle with such disadvantages it will be very expensive, since then you will have to spend a lot of effort and money on repairing the car.

Therefore, if you are not very versed in cars and do not want to buy a "killed" vehicle, you should contact professionals for help, who will help resolve this issue.

Turnkey selection of a used car from AvtoPodbor MSK

Assistance in buying a car is one of the main services that our company provides. We guarantee professional assistance in choosing a used vehicle.

AvtoPodborMSK specialists will perform a full range of services for the selection and inspection of a vehicle. This means that the client can be completely confident in the purchase, because he will receive absolutely all data about the car, down to the smallest details. The price of our services fully justifies the level of service that we provide.

How is the selection of a used car on a turnkey basis in Moscow?

In order for the specialists of AvtoPodborMSK to start fulfilling the order, you must first leave a request on our website or call us and explain which car and with what parameters you need. Only after completing these steps can you proceed to the next step.

Stages of selecting a quality car:

    Departure of an expert;

    Thorough inspection of the car body using professional equipment and experience;

    Experts determine if the car was involved in an accident;

    Identification of replaced, welded or painted body parts;

    Legal check of identification plates, VIN numbers and documents;

    Full inspection check of the engine and transmission

    Checking compliance with the mileage from auto control units, many neglect this when buying a car in Moscow;

    Experts assess the value of the car;

    Detailed computer diagnostics;

    Checking absolutely all electrical systems of the vehicle.

The contract, which the client signs, will contain information about the type and class of the car that he wants to buy and many other preferences. Next, the company's employees will proceed with the selection of a suitable vehicle.

It should be borne in mind that the signing of the contract does not mean that the customer will not be able to make adjustments in the future. And this is a huge plus for our company and, in general, work with used cars, because when ordering a new car from the salon, you can no longer add or subtract a complete set at will, or you will have to pay a big sum for it. Our employees will be happy to listen to the additional preferences of the client.

At the next stage, a full analysis of all offers from auto sellers is carried out, a thorough study of the technical features of the car, its condition, etc. is carried out. After that, a full report is drawn up and provided to the customer so that he can personally familiarize himself with it.

When, on the basis of the information provided, the client confirms that this offer is interesting to him, our specialists will go with the client to show the car and once again carry out its comprehensive diagnostics and check so as not to miss the slightest detail!

We guarantee that all the components that make up the elements in the car will be carefully checked, the real mileage is determined. As a result of these actions, the customer will receive a complete picture of the selected vehicle and decide whether to buy it or continue the search. Our expert will also answer all questions during the execution of the order.

When the customer has made his choice, the most important stage begins - the conclusion of an agreement with the seller. In the official document of purchase and sale of the vehicle, the condition of the vehicle, its service life and other necessary data will be carefully recorded.

The entire process of the transaction will be accompanied by employees of AvtoPodborMSK, who are experienced specialists and legally knowledgeable in such matters. Plus, we can help you to quickly register a car with the traffic police.

Additional services AutoPodborMSK:

· Registration;

· Any help related to the purchase of a car;

· Assistance in insurance;

· Forensic examination;

· Car delivery;

· Support of the transaction throughout the entire period of cooperation.

You can buy a used car in Moscow with our help. We will help you choose the best car that will work properly and last a long time.

Benefits of cooperation with AvtoPodborMSK:

· Long-term work experience;

· The company employs only the best employees;

· Affordable cost of services;

· Prompt execution of the order;

· Personal approach to each client.

We care about our customers, therefore we provide a high-quality range of services at an affordable cost. Contact AvtoPodborMSK and you will be able to independently verify the merits of cooperation with our company, and a professional selection of cars will be performed for all our clients.

In this article, we will consider in detail in what cases, how, and most importantly, who should carry out legal (legal) support of the transaction when buying a car.

Legal support of the transaction when buying a car

Buying a car for its lucky owner can be a joyful event or turn into a series of troubles directly related to its purchase. And, in this case, it's not just about used cars bought from a private seller on the market.

Many of us, having decided to purchase a rather expensive pleasure in the form of a car, do not consider it necessary to incur additional costs for a legal examination of the goods before buying it. In most cases, the entire check of the car is reduced to a visual inspection and check, again superficial, of the technical condition of the body and main units.

Legal assistance when buying a car

Any buyer may have a situation when a purchased car cannot be used for its intended purpose. And it is not at all necessary that this be related to the quality of the car.

So, any buyer can get into one of the following situations:

  • When applying to the traffic police to register a purchased car, the new owner is refused, as the car is "hanging" unpaid debts on the fines of the previous owner;
  • After buying a car, it turns out that the numbers on the body or the power unit have been changed (deleted), which casts doubt on the purity of your transaction in the eyes of law enforcement officers;
  • Over time, it turns out that this car is on the wanted list or is "credit", that is, the subject of a pledge, which, on the basis of a court decision, must be sold at auction.

This is not a definitive list of problem situations that each of us may face. And it does not matter in which city and from which seller to buy a car - dishonest sellers are everywhere.

There is a certain misconception that when buying from an authorized dealer in a car dealership, the risk of being deceived is reduced to "zero". Unfortunately, this opinion is erroneous. As the court practice of our company shows, in the case of a purchase, an authorized dealer has a chance to get on a "problem" car. Of course, it will be easier to prove your case, due to the fact that the "officials" do not need any extra hype. But all the same, enough nerves and time will be spent.

Therefore, regardless of where you buy the car:

  • From a private seller;
  • At the car dealership;
  • From an authorized dealer,


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