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In some European countries, a fine is imposed for a long warm-up, and no matter how cold it was outside, so most foreign manufacturers do not recommend warming up their cars. The main reason for this is environmental pollution.

Below we will try to figure out whether it is necessary to warm up a diesel engine with a turbine, we will indicate all the advantages and disadvantages of heating, as well as the nuances of the engine's functioning at different times of the year.

Features of diesel warming up

In the opinion of many, it is better not to warm up the engine with a turbine on the move, just because of the turbine, since it turns on only at the required crankshaft speed, which appears at high speed. And it is forbidden to develop high speed on an unheated engine. Driving with the turbine turned off can lead to overheating of the engine, resulting in overheating of the cylinder heads and their rapid wear.

The diesel engine needs to idle for at least 5 minutes, this is enough for all components to be lubricated normally (unless, of course, the glow plugs are in working order). The developers advise to warm up the candles twice. The extinguishing of their indicator on the panel indicates that the voltage in them has turned off, although most people think that this happens if the maximum temperature is reached.

Excessive heating will lead to the appearance of resin deposits on the valve, because of this, the valves may begin to stuck in the future.

Many experts argue that it makes no sense to warm up the engine for a long time if high-quality oil and coolant are filled in at the same time. It was found that with a cold engine, the depreciation of the elements is practically absent if the car is driving at low speed. The revolutions, respectively, also do not exceed two thousand, due to which the required temperature can be reached quickly.

Diesel fuel evaporates much worse when heated. After starting the unit in a cooled engine, the fuel begins to settle on the surface of the cylinders and does not burn completely. As soon as the temperature reaches the norm, the fuel assembly in the chamber burns out evenly and completely.

Remember that the components of the internal combustion engine do not heat up equally, some of them need more time. The heating time also depends on what material the parts of the unit are made of (usually pistons, cylinders, shafts are made of aluminum alloy, everything else is made of metal).

Good lubrication of rubbing elements and optimal setting of gaps are carried out exclusively after the internal combustion engine reaches the required temperature.

Warming up the engine in winter and summer

It is strongly recommended to warm up the engine in summer. The movement should be started only a minute after the engine has started, since it is during this period of time that all elements are lubricated with oil. To reduce excessive load on the engine, it is better not to make sudden movements and move smoothly until the temperature approaches fifty degrees.

Operation of a diesel engine in the winter season requires full warming up, since the oil in the engine and gearbox begins to thicken at low temperatures. The oil should become liquid and only after that you can gain high speed. The duration of the warm-up depends on the air temperature; the lower it is, the longer it will take to wait.

You should start moving when the temperature reaches 60 degrees. In this case, it is recommended not to gain more than two thousand revolutions, and the speed should not exceed twenty km / h until the normal temperature is reached. In addition, it is better not to turn on the salon stove until the engine heats up to sixty degrees, otherwise the air flow coming from it will be cold.

All of the above tips will help the driver save time and avoid further problems with the diesel unit, as well as significantly extend its life.

Pros and cons of warming up

When asked whether or not a diesel engine with a turbine should be warmed up, most manufacturers say that modern units have an injection system that allows them to start moving immediately, since oil from the surface of the liners is not washed off by the fuel due to the correct implementation of the fuel spray. But still, when cold, diesel fuel becomes viscous and less fluid and therefore requires warming up.

Domestic manufacturers, on the contrary, advise starting movement only after the engine warms up to forty-five degrees.

Speaking about the disadvantages of warming up a diesel engine, first of all, it is worth noting the following phenomena:

  • Emission of harmful substances;
  • Too much fuel consumption;
  • Rapid wear of the components of the gas exhaust system;
  • The glow plugs are under high stress.

The advantages of diesel warming up:

  • The oil is distributed optimally, the most important systems of the machine wear less, due to the fact that all the main parts are thoroughly lubricated. For example, the power unit itself can operate significantly longer;
  • The vehicle moves smoothly and without jerks.

It is necessary to select the correct diesel fuel for a particular time of the year. In addition to winter and summer fuel, there is also arctic fuel, which is needed only at the lowest temperatures from -40 degrees Celsius. When using summer fuel in winter, diesel fuel will turn into a kind of jelly, which will make it impossible to warm it up, in addition, this will lead to clogging of the air and fuel filters.

To optimize the temperature in the combustion chamber during extreme cold, you can try switching the ignition three to five times. Then it will be easier and faster to warm up the engine.

In winter, it will take five to ten minutes to warm up a diesel engine with a turbine, and about 2 minutes in summer. No longer needed, as this will lead to overheating of the engine.

In order to warm up, you must first start the engine, during the first two to three minutes it must operate at idle speed and only after that you can get under way. It will not be able to reach the desired temperature during this time and will continue to heat up on the fly.

Why is oil warming necessary

The operation of the engine is greatly influenced by the octane number of fuel assemblies, the quality of the fuel, and the presence of additional additives. For an easier start, many use pre-starting devices, glow plugs, etc. But still, how effectively diesel injectors will spray fuel depends only on the temperature of the power unit.

If an automatic transmission is installed in the car, then it is imperative to warm up the engine, since the oil in the box must warm up to the required temperature.

In terms of their design, diesels differ from gasoline engines, first of all, in that their gaps between the piston and the cylinder are not so large. A diesel engine has an increased compression ratio, which places severe stress on the cylinders and pistons. The rapid wear of these components lowers the oil, which thickens at low air temperatures and requires warming up.

Oil for units with a turbine should be supplied even better for lubrication of a turbocharged compressor, since the functioning of the turbine itself depends on it. The oil warms up at idle speed, do not overload the engine until it is fully warmed up.

In cold weather, the volatility of diesel fuel drops significantly; settling on the cylinder walls, it loses the ability to ignite, therefore warming up the car engine in winter for a few minutes not a whim, but a necessity. We will try to understand all the intricacies of this operation in order to keep the "heart muscle" of the car safe and sound.

Do I need to warm up a diesel engine and why?

In some countries, warming up the vehicle is prohibited. For example, in Austria, you can even get a fine for cleaning the windshield from snow with your hands while the engine is running. This is how Europeans care about the cleanliness of the environment. Is it necessary to warm up a diesel engine at all? How does a cold engine start in winter conditions?

As mentioned earlier, at low air temperatures, the viscosity increases significantly, which negatively affects the quality of its atomization by nozzles. Once in the combustion chamber, it instantly settles on the cylinder walls. In addition, the supply of cold air to the engine reduces the temperature of the air-fuel mixture, which makes it much more difficult to start.

Warming up of a diesel engine in winter has a significant effect, it determines the start and operation of the engine, it also affects the cetane number of the fuel, its viscosity, the degree of purity, the presence of various impurities and the ignition temperature. Therefore, for the operation of such engines in the cold season, a winter type of fuel is produced, which is recommended to be used at air temperatures down to -30 ° C.

At lower temperatures, refueling with arctic diesel fuel is required.

Set the diesel engine warm-up time

So how long does a diesel engine need to warm up during the winter season? The optimal time is about seven minutes. During this time, the motor runs at minimum speed. This is enough for the coolant to warm up to 50 ° C. In spring and summer, the diesel engine warm-up time can be shortened to 1-2 minutes- this is enough to open the garage door, wipe the windshield and exchange a few words with the neighbors.

To facilitate starting in modern diesel engines, glow plugs are installed, without which, even at an air temperature of 5 ° C, their start is difficult. After turning on the ignition, a light on the dashboard lights up, signaling that the candles are working, and the air in the cylinders has started heating. Once completed, the indicator goes out and the engine starts without any difficulty.

In the cold season, paraffinization processes take place in diesel fuel, that is, the precipitation of paraffin crystals, and when the air temperature drops to -14 ° C, its passage through the filters is almost impossible. Experience shows that the most optimal solution in this situation is the use of local heating of the filter or fuel immediately before entering the filter elements, that is, the use of a preheater.

What else does warming up a car engine give?

For heating the fuel in automatic mode with the engine running, in some cases it is recommended to use an instantaneous heater. Modern fuel injection systems allow you to start driving immediately after starting the engine, while the diesel fuel is sprayed in the cylinders in such a way that it does not wash off the lubricant from the surface of the liners. In addition, synthetic oil does not thicken even at low temperatures and perfectly lubricates all engine components immediately after starting. So is it necessary to warm up a diesel engine in modern cars?

The answer is yes, because the processes in an automatic transmission take place in a completely different way, in which oil serves not only to lubricate the mechanism, it also activates gears and transfers torque in the torque converter. For this reason, it is supplied under pressure, and therefore it is undesirable to load the gearbox immediately after starting the engine. Even if the engine is warm, it is not recommended to start driving without a short delay after engaging the gear.

Reading 5 min. Views 1.2k. Published 3 December 2015

In this article, we will tell you how to warm up a diesel engine correctly.

All owners of cars with diesel engines do not like winter, since during this period of the year the engine of their car is rather difficult to start. Moreover, one of the main reasons for the difficult start of a diesel engine in winter in Russia is the poor quality of diesel fuel. In the northern developed countries, motorists in their households have long been using the connection of a turbodiesel heater to the electrical network in the morning. In this article, we'll show you how.

Complications in the operation of a diesel engine in winter lie in the principles of ignition of the air-fuel mixture from compression. It is known that diesel fuel has a fairly high viscosity at cold temperatures. This condition makes it difficult to spray diesel fuel from the injectors in the engine fuel system. Cold diesel fuel, after entering the combustion chamber from the injectors, very quickly settles on the cylinder walls. At a sufficiently low temperature, diesel fuel will have very low volatility. This will lead to the fact that, while on the cylinder walls, the diesel fuel will not be able to ignite. But this is not the worst thing that can happen to a diesel engine during the cold season. The air that is supplied to the cylinders of the turbodiesel engine also has a low temperature - below 0 degrees Celsius. As a result, the temperature of the working mixture will drop even further. Although at the same time for a successful start of the engine and spontaneous ignition of the fuel mixture, its temperature must be higher than the autoignition point.

Many motorists know that diesel fuel differs according to the type of seasonality. So for the summer type of diesel fuel, the temperature of use should not fall below 0 degrees Celsius. The winter type of diesel fuel can be used in temperatures down to -30 degrees Celsius. In more extreme temperature conditions in winter, the use of arctic diesel is recommended. All these types of diesel fuel will have the following characteristics:

- flash point;

- fractional composition;

- cetane number;

- the degree of purity;

- viscosity;

- density;

- the presence of impurities.

The glow plug also has a very important function in a turbodiesel engine. Without these candles, the engine will not start if the air temperature is below 5 degrees Celsius. are necessary in order to heat the air in the combustion chamber. A glow plug indicator will be installed on the dashboard of a diesel vehicle. It will light up every time the ignition is switched on, and go out after the glow plugs heat the air in the combustion chambers to a certain temperature. Usually this time depends on the ambient temperature and is up to half a minute. After the glow plug indicator has gone out, you can start the turbo diesel engine.

The glow plug also has a very important function in a turbodiesel engine. Without these candles, the engine will not start if the air temperature is below 5 degrees Celsius.

In addition, a turbodiesel engine on a winter morning does not interfere with heating with special heaters. Similar equipment can be found in auto stores and auto parts markets. There are stationary heaters that are installed as attachments for a diesel engine. They have a plug that can be inserted into a 220 V power outlet.

Such special heaters for diesel engines are commonly used by motorists in the European Nordic countries. The fact is that the heating of the turbodiesel is prohibited there. For example, on the territory of Austria, the owner of a diesel car can be fined if he starts the diesel engine to warm up for at least half a minute, during which he has time to clean the snow from the windshield of his car.

Diesel engine warm-up time in winter

Many motorists are wondering how long it takes to warm up a diesel engine in winter quality. Automotive experts agree that a diesel engine in winter conditions in Russia must be warmed up for at least 7 minutes. During this time, the diesel engine reaches minimum speed, and its coolant warms up to 50 ° Celsius. In the spring, a diesel engine can be warmed up for as little as a minute and a half. During this time, the driver manages to open the garage door or wipe the car's front glass.

Diesel engine fuel filter heating

Diesel fuel, which is sold in Russia during the cold season, undergoes a waxing process. Waxing is the precipitation of wax crystals in diesel fuel, as soon as the air temperature drops below -14 ° Celsius. Paraffin crystals clog the fuel filter, which leads to an almost complete stop of the passage of diesel fuel through it.

In addition to warming up a car's diesel engine, warming up the diesel fuel is also important. The flow heater allows heating diesel fuel in automatic mode while the engine is running. In the most modern turbodiesel engines, diesel fuel is sprayed into the cylinders in such a way that it does not wash off the lubricating layer from the surface of the liners. Modern synthetic engine oil at low temperatures has the same consistency as in the warm season. That is why European manufacturers do not recommend warming up a diesel engine in winter for environmental reasons. We all know that in Europe they are fighting for the environmental friendliness of the automotive industry.

However, for warming up a diesel engine in winter before driving, you can raise your hands only due to the fact that a preliminary warming up of the gearbox, especially the automatic gearbox, is necessary.

However, for warming up a diesel engine in winter before driving, you can raise your hands only due to the fact that a preliminary warming up of the gearbox, especially the automatic gearbox, is necessary. The classic automatic transmission has a torque converter in which oil transfers torque from the engine to the transmission. During the winter period, it is very important that all the oil in the automatic transmission is thoroughly warmed up. Otherwise, when driving immediately after starting the engine, excess pressure will accumulate and a high load on the gearbox will begin.

Is it necessary to warm up a diesel engine with a turbine - tips and tricks

In some European countries, a fine is imposed for a long warm-up, and no matter how cold it was outside, so most foreign manufacturers do not recommend warming up their cars. The main reason for this is environmental pollution.

Below we will try to figure out whether it is necessary to warm up a diesel engine with a turbine, we will indicate all the advantages and disadvantages of heating, as well as the nuances of the engine's functioning at different times of the year.

Features of diesel warming up

In the opinion of many, it is better not to warm up the engine with a turbine on the move, just because of the turbine, since it turns on only at the required crankshaft speed, which appears at high speed. And it is forbidden to develop high speed on an unheated engine. Driving with the turbine turned off can lead to overheating of the engine, resulting in overheating of the cylinder heads and their rapid wear.

The diesel engine needs to idle for at least 5 minutes, this is enough for all components to be lubricated normally (unless, of course, the combustion plugs are in working order). The developers advise to warm up the candles twice. The extinguishing of their indicator on the panel indicates that the voltage in them has turned off, although most people think that this happens if the maximum temperature is reached.

Excessive heating will lead to the appearance of resin deposits on the valve, because of this, the valves may begin to stuck in the future.

Many experts argue that it makes no sense to warm up the engine for a long time if high-quality oil and coolant are filled in at the same time. It was found that with a cold engine, the depreciation of the elements is practically absent if the car is driving at low speed. The revolutions, respectively, also do not exceed two thousand, due to which the required temperature can be reached quickly.

Diesel fuel evaporates much worse when heated. After starting the unit in a cooled engine, the fuel begins to settle on the surface of the cylinders and does not burn completely. As soon as the temperature reaches the norm, the fuel assembly in the chamber burns out evenly and completely.

Remember that the components of the internal combustion engine do not heat up equally, some of them need more time. The heating time also depends on what material the parts of the unit are made of (usually pistons, cylinders, shafts are made of aluminum alloy, everything else is made of metal).

Good lubrication of rubbing elements and optimal setting of gaps are carried out exclusively after the internal combustion engine reaches the required temperature.

Warming up the engine in winter and summer

It is strongly recommended to warm up the engine in summer. The movement should be started only a minute after the engine has started, since it is during this period of time that all elements are lubricated with oil. To reduce excessive load on the engine, it is better not to make sudden movements and move smoothly until the temperature approaches fifty degrees.

Operation of a diesel engine in the winter season requires full warming up, since the oil in the engine and gearbox begins to thicken at low temperatures. The oil should become liquid and only after that you can gain high speed. The duration of the warm-up depends on the air temperature; the lower it is, the longer it will take to wait.

You should start moving when the temperature reaches 60 degrees. In this case, it is recommended not to gain more than two thousand revolutions, and the speed should not exceed twenty km / h until the normal temperature is reached. In addition, it is better not to turn on the salon stove until the engine heats up to sixty degrees, otherwise the air flow coming from it will be cold.

All of the above tips will help the driver save time and avoid further problems with the diesel unit, as well as significantly extend its life.

Pros and cons of warming up

When asked whether or not a diesel engine with a turbine should be warmed up, most manufacturers say that modern units have an injection system that allows them to start moving immediately, since oil from the surface of the liners is not washed off by the fuel due to the correct implementation of the fuel spray. But still, when cold, diesel fuel becomes viscous and less fluid and therefore requires warming up.

Domestic manufacturers, on the contrary, advise starting movement only after the engine warms up to forty-five degrees.

Speaking about the disadvantages of warming up a diesel engine, first of all, it is worth noting the following phenomena:

  • Emission of harmful substances;
  • Too much fuel consumption;
  • Rapid wear of the components of the gas exhaust system;
  • Spark plugs are under high stress.

The advantages of diesel warming up:

  • The oil is distributed optimally, the most important systems of the machine wear less, due to the fact that all the main parts are thoroughly lubricated. For example, the power unit itself can operate significantly longer;
  • The vehicle moves smoothly and without jerks.

It is necessary to select the correct diesel fuel for a particular time of the year. In addition to winter and summer fuel, there is also arctic fuel, which is needed only at the lowest temperatures from -40 degrees Celsius. When using summer fuel in winter, diesel fuel will turn into a kind of jelly, which will make it impossible to warm it up, in addition, this will lead to clogging of the air and fuel filters.

To optimize the temperature in the combustion chamber during extreme cold, you can try switching the ignition three to five times. Then it will be easier and faster to warm up the engine.

In winter, it will take five to ten minutes to warm up a diesel engine with a turbine, and about 2 minutes in summer. No longer needed, as this will lead to overheating of the engine.

In order to warm up, you must first start the engine, during the first two to three minutes it must operate at idle speed and only after that you can get under way. It will not be able to reach the desired temperature during this time and will continue to heat up on the fly.

Why is oil warming necessary

The operation of the engine is greatly influenced by the octane number of fuel assemblies, the quality of the fuel, and the presence of additional additives. For an easier start, many use pre-starting devices, glow plugs, etc. But still, how effectively diesel injectors will spray fuel depends only on the temperature of the power unit.

If an automatic transmission is installed in the car, then it is imperative to warm up the engine, since the oil in the box must warm up to the required temperature.

In terms of their design, diesels differ from gasoline engines, first of all, in that their gaps between the piston and the cylinder are not so large. A diesel engine has an increased compression ratio, which places severe stress on the cylinders and pistons. The rapid wear of these components lowers the oil, which thickens at low air temperatures and requires warming up.

Oil for units with a turbine should be supplied even better for lubrication of a turbocharged compressor, since the functioning of the turbine itself depends on it. The oil warms up at idle speed, do not overload the engine until it is fully warmed up.

Do I need to warm up a diesel engine

Concern for the environment in many countries has led to the fact that heating a gasoline or diesel car is prohibited at the legislative level. Moreover, in the operating manuals, the car manufacturers themselves recommend starting immediately and warming up the engine on the go. It is quite obvious that the resource of the units was simply pushed into the background, since in developed countries the model range is updated approximately every 3-4 years, and this period (100-150 thousand km) the engines are completely nursed.

As for increasing the resource, the device of a diesel engine, its fuel supply features and the principle of ignition of the working mixture from compression definitely require warming up the power plant before driving for a number of obvious reasons:

  • warming up the diesel fuel system;
  • warming up the lubrication system in cold weather;

Read in this article

Combustion of fuel

According to the manufacturers, the fuel injection systems of a modern diesel engine allow you to move immediately after starting the engine, the diesel fuel is sprayed in the cylinders in such a way that the diesel fuel does not wash off the oil film from the surface of the liners.

One way or another, but at low air temperatures, diesel fuel very often becomes more viscous, its fluidity decreases. The operation of a diesel engine is also influenced by the cetane number of diesel fuel, the presence of various impurities and additives, as well as the overall quality of the fuel. Prestart heaters, glow plugs and other solutions are designed to facilitate starting, but the efficiency of fuel atomization with diesel injectors still depends on the ICE reaching operating temperatures. In addition, it should be borne in mind that the supply of cold outside air leads to an overall decrease in the temperature inside the cylinder.

The volatility of diesel fuel in the warm-up mode is noticeably deteriorating. The unit starts up, but in a cold engine the diesel fuel settles on the cylinder walls and does not completely burn out. If you add to this the loads when driving, then the working conditions for the motor become quite difficult.

For this reason, the diesel engine in winter needs a certain warm-up before driving and increasing loads. With an increase in temperature, the combustion of fuel in the chamber becomes uniform and complete.

Cylinder-piston group and KShM

It should be borne in mind that the heating of a diesel engine is not uniform. Some parts heat up faster, while others are still cold. The internal combustion engine elements are made of metal and aluminum alloys (KShM, cylinders, pistons, shafts, etc.). As you know, when heated, the body expands, and the heating time and the coefficient of expansion depend on the material of manufacture.

It turns out that only after the motor reaches operating temperatures, optimal thermal gaps are established, rubbing vapors are lubricated properly. For this reason, the immediate start of movement and additional loads on a cold engine will reduce its resource.

Heating up engine oil

The design features of diesel engines, in comparison with gasoline engines, suggest reduced clearances that are present between the cylinder wall and the piston. Diesel-fueled internal combustion engines have a high compression ratio, which also means serious loads on the cylinder-piston group.

Engine oil minimizes wear of parts. In the cold season, the lubricant in the engine crankcase thickens. After standstill, only a small oil film remains on the cylinder walls and surfaces of rubbing parts.

After a cold start, the effective operation of the lubrication system begins from the moment the internal combustion engine reaches operating temperature (the oil finally liquefies, heats up and starts working under optimal conditions). Turbocharged diesel engines additionally require a high-quality supply of heated engine oil to lubricate the turbocharger. The service life of a diesel engine turbine directly depends on this. It is logical that the oil needs to be warmed up a little at idle speed, and with the start of driving, do not subject the engine and turbine to loads until it is completely warmed up.

What is the bottom line

To answer the question of how and how long it is necessary to warm up a diesel engine at idle in winter, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of this type of engines. First of all, a diesel engine has a high efficiency, such a motor is difficult to warm up at idle in cold conditions. The second nuance is the fact that the operation of the internal combustion engine in idle mode (minimum speed) means low oil pressure in the engine lubrication system and refers to severe operating conditions.

It turns out that the best option would be winter warming up from 5 to 10 minutes, depending on the outside temperature. During this time, the coolant in the cooling system warms up by 40-50 degrees Celsius, the parts are heated, the oil is diluted, the fuel in the cylinders is fully burned.

After such a warm-up, you can smoothly start driving in a low gear and low revs. In the warm season, no more than 1-2 minutes of warming up the diesel engine before the trip will be enough, and during the ride, the engine will quickly and completely warm up.

Finally, we add that not only the engine, but also the transmission requires heating. Automatic gearboxes of the torque converter type, where oil is also poured, are especially sensitive to cold loads. Special transmission oils in automatic transmissions act not only as a lubricant, but also as a working fluid, which is supplied to the gearbox assemblies under pressure.

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Should a diesel engine be warmed up in winter?

Warm up to victory

Warm up, but without fanaticism

Do I need to warm up the diesel before driving

With the onset of winter, you can see that while people are cleaning their cars, the latter are running. Is it really necessary, especially for diesel car owners?

For a long time, motorists have been arguing about the benefits of idling any type of engine. Some consider this a useless exercise, others bring the system to operating temperature before starting to move. Let's see if a diesel engine needs to be warmed up.

Those who like to sit down and go right away, as arguments, cite the words of cool auto repairmen, for whom everything worked perfectly without warming up.

In some operating manuals, vehicle manufacturers also advise starting driving without waiting for the engine to warm up. Naturally, there can be no talk of the durability of the units. For developed countries, it has become commonplace to change cars every five years, and the engines perfectly withstand this service life.

Why you need to warm up the car

In fact, it is very difficult to objectively assess the situation because the engine wears out for a long time, and the driving style is different for everyone.

Experts believe that a cold start wears out the engine by 75%, but the decision to warm up or not to warm up is made only by the driver.

Most of the elements of the engine are made of metal, and according to physical laws, when heated, bodies expand over time. When designing the engine, the parts are located with a minimum clearance, this saves energy when igniting the fuel.

So until all the elements have warmed up to the desired temperature, the engine does not work correctly. Heavy loads under these conditions tend to increase wear, so consider whether it is worth the risk.

Of course, manufacturers claim that everything is designed for driving with a cold engine, but they forget to clarify one small detail - everything will work fine as long as the warranty period lasts, the further fate of the car no longer bothers anyone except the car owner.

Freezing temperatures outside is another reason to warm up the car before driving. The fact is that oil is used to lubricate the workers, and in winter it becomes very viscous. This consistency interferes with fully processing the working elements and increases the load on the oil pump.

In addition, along with a decrease in air temperature, the oxygen content in it increases. A high content of this substance depletes the working mixture, which is why it is more difficult to start a car in winter than in summer.

How long does it take to warm up the engine

If you decide that you will warm up the engine before starting the movement, then you will have the following question: "How long will this take?" To reach the required operating temperature, 7 minutes are enough, during which time the oil will become more liquid and the speed will drop. In order not to waste time, you can sweep the snow from the car, and remove the ice on the glasses and mirrors.

Do not rush to immediately press on the gas, the tachometer needle should not rise above 3 thousand rpm. The transmission also experiences increased loads when starting to move, because the thickened oil interferes with gear shifting.

To determine if you can start moving, pay attention to the temperature sensor. If the arrow reaches 60 degrees in winter, then you can drive calmly: in summer, the operating temperature is 50 degrees.

But no one forbids you to start driving at lower rates, you will have to choose a smooth riding style and not gas. In this case, the engine cannot deliver maximum power and more fuel is wasted.

Why you need to warm up a diesel engine

Warming up diesel engines in winter is simply necessary for the normal operation of the vehicle.

In cold weather, owners of diesel cars have more problems with starting than owners of gasoline cars. First of all, this is due to the ignition of diesel fuel (diesel fuel); in the cold, diesel fuel becomes viscous, and nozzles can hardly spray it.

There are three types of diesel fuel, each of which has its own degree of ignition and degree of turbidity:

  • Summer fuel is used only at positive temperatures;
  • Winter - allows the temperature to drop to -30 degrees;
  • Arctic - suitable for the conditions of the far north.

Often, car owners have problems with starting the engine precisely because of the use of fuel that does not correspond to the season.

The ignition process in a diesel engine occurs due to the sharp compression of air, which heats up to almost a thousand degrees. The icy winter air also worsens the situation, but to solve this problem, glow plugs are provided in cars, they bring the temperature in the combustion chamber to normal, after which you can start the car.

An indicator is specially installed on the dashboard of diesel cars to show the state of the candles. It starts to glow when the ignition key is turned and goes out when the air temperature in the chamber becomes optimal. This process usually takes no more than 30 seconds depending on environmental conditions.

Many people are interested in whether it is necessary to warm up the fuel filter? The answer is yes, this is necessary because in diesel fuel sold in the Russian Federation, at an air temperature below -15 degrees, a paraffin precipitate falls out. Crystals will clog the filter and prevent fuel from entering the system.

Special warming devices

Auto mechanics suggest installing various heaters on the vehicle to make the engine easier to start. Such mechanisms are relevant for both diesel and gasoline vehicles. There are many options in stores, it remains to choose the most optimal one in terms of price and functions, for example, there are models that are plugged into a regular outlet.

Such devices are especially relevant in European cold countries, where motorists are prohibited from warming up diesel engines. For example, in Austria, you can get a big fine for an engine turned on for warming up, because in Europe they are very sensitive to the environmental situation.

Thus, warming up the engine before driving will significantly increase its service life. It only takes a few minutes for the engine to warm up, but ensures a comfortable and safe ride. Also, when the operating temperature is reached, the oil that lubricates all mechanisms acquires the desired consistency.

Diesel engines especially need to be warmed up because diesel fuel becomes viscous at negative temperatures and ignites poorly. To determine the readiness of the vehicle to start driving, a spark plug indicator is placed on the dashboard.

Now in many car dealerships you can buy special devices for warming up the car, they are perfect for motorists who care about the environment.

It is better to spend a little on preparing the engine for a trip than to change parts later due to increased wear and tear.

Do I need to warm up a diesel engine in winter

One of the most discussed topics among motorists is the need to warm up a diesel engine in winter. This issue is relevant for power plants with a turbine and "aspirated" equally. Almost all drivers are divided into two camps - those who warm up the car, and those who consider it a waste of fuel and time.

To the question of whether it is necessary to warm up a diesel engine in winter, manufacturers today give an unambiguous answer - "heating the internal combustion engine is not required." It is worth understanding what this statement is based on. Why used to be the same manufacturers advised to warm up the motors, but now they have dramatically changed their point of view.

Many car engine manufacturers claim that their products are so advanced that they work flawlessly even without warming up. They begin to explain that earlier both engines were primitive and mineral oil, that scientific and technological progress does not stand still. Well, they don't say about the water that it was wetter.

Where is the dog actually buried? First, it is not profitable for manufacturers that the engine runs longer than the warranty period. The sooner the car becomes unusable, the sooner the owner will buy a new car. Parts sales and repairs are additional sources of income for corporations. Why miss this profit? Therefore, it is profitable for manufacturers to tell fables that "ultra-reliable" modern diesel engines do not require warming up.

The second reason why experts from large companies do not advise warming up engines is environmental concerns. During the time the diesel is warming up, a large amount of exhaust gases are emitted into the atmosphere. In cities, it is not uncommon for the owner to warm up the car for 30 minutes to drive 10 minutes to work. In Europe, environmental safety issues are ahead of economic feasibility. We have the opposite. We are not saying this is good or bad, we are just presenting the facts.

Interestingly, the same experts confirm that the main wear of engine parts (about 75%) occurs during a cold start. That is, they know that it is not useful for the motor to work while it is cold, but they do not advise to heat it either. Wonderful and incomprehensible.

The theory of warming up a diesel engine in winter

Engines are made of metal. Pistons are usually made of light aluminum alloys, cylinders are made of steel or cast iron. When heated and cooled, these parts expand or contract, respectively. All engine components are precision-crafted to maintain a minimum piston-to-cylinder clearance. This is the key to efficient use of fuel energy.

When the engine is cold, the piston-to-cylinder clearances are out of design. Until the temperature rises to the operating level, the motor does not operate in the mode provided by the manufacturer. If full load is applied, wear on the parts will increase, resulting in a shorter working life or an accident.

In addition to the thermal expansion factor, there is another problem. Oil viscosity. This parameter greatly affects the operation of the engine. If the grease thickens in the cold, it cannot fully lubricate the parts, which leads to an increase in the friction force in all pairs. Wear increases dramatically if the engine is running under load.

Obviously, driving with a cold diesel engine is not a good idea. Another question arises: how to warm up a diesel engine in winter. Can this be done at idle? What is the optimal duration? Let's figure it out together.

Warm up or not warm up the engine in winter.

Whether or not to warm up the engine in winter before driving. What is the difference in the operation of gasoline and diesel ...

Features of the operation of a diesel engine in winter

Danger of wax in the fuel filter during winter operation of the diesel engine.

How long does a diesel engine need to warm up in winter

There is no consensus among the "diesel breeders" on this matter. In this camp, they argue about how much to warm up a diesel engine in winter, as well as among the owners of cars with gasoline engines.

Warm up to victory

Some car owners believe that the diesel engine needs to be warmed up at idle until the coolant temperature rises to 70 ° C. Another option is until the rpm drops to idle. The feasibility of this approach seems questionable. Let's figure it out.

Due to the design features, a diesel engine heats up less at idle than a gasoline engine, and the whole car warms up worse. In order to achieve a noticeable increase in temperature in winter, it is necessary to warm up the diesel engine for 30 - 40 minutes. During this time, a noticeable amount of fuel is consumed. For example: a three-liter diesel engine will “burn” about 200 ml of fuel in 20 minutes of warming up at idle speed.

A noticeable increase in the temperature of the power plant occurs in the first two minutes after launch. Further progress is quite insignificant. Should you waste fuel and time for a small improvement in performance? Doubtful.

Warm up, but without fanaticism

Other drivers, when asked "how to warm up a diesel engine in winter", answer shortly and clearly: "wisely." In their opinion, it is enough to let the engine run for a couple of minutes to warm up the oil in the crankcase, and then start moving. The main thing is not to give the engine full load until its temperature rises to the optimum level. This indicator can be monitored by the coolant sensor.

Supporters of this method of warming up a diesel engine in winter believe that the engine warms up faster while driving. Also, when the car is moving, the transmission and chassis are heated more actively. Everything looks reasonable.

Objectively: how to properly warm up a diesel engine in winter

From a technical point of view, warming up a diesel engine in winter is vital. Taking into account the technical features and mechanics of the car's systems, you can figure out how to warm up diesel engines.

The engine should be started at subzero temperatures with full fuel supply. The clutch is depressed. The started engine warms up for two to three minutes. The crankshaft speed rises gradually to average. When the device shows that the coolant has warmed up to 40 ° C, it means that the motor is ready for loads.

To make it easier to start the diesel engine, you need to turn on the glow plugs several times. These adaptations are built into the design of modern diesel powertrains. They help warm up the air entering the combustion chamber. In a diesel engine, ignition occurs as a result of heating a fuel-air mixture that is highly compressed in the cylinder. Preheating the air will make starting easier.

What do we get when performing such an algorithm for warming up a diesel engine? In the first two minutes after starting the engine, the oil in the crankcase heats up enough to fully lubricate the cylinder-piston group. Smooth start of movement helps to warm up the transmission lubricant, "develop" the suspension. The diesel warms up faster on the move. Fuel consumption is reduced. After 5 minutes of movement, you can turn on the heater of the cabin, which will accelerate the heating of the engine.

From the point of view of the operation of the engine, "hodovka" and other systems of the car, this method is the most logical. Practical observations show the effectiveness of this method. The Gentle Start Mode helps to protect the diesel engine from damage in freezing weather.

How to warm up a diesel engine with a turbine in winter

Recommendations for turbocharged diesels are no different from those for atmospheric counterparts. In the same way, you should start the engine, warm it up for a few minutes, and start driving at low rpm in first gear. Warm-up time on the move - about 5 minutes, during this time, use no higher than third gear. Control the diesel engine warming up by the coolant temperature.

The use of special pre-heaters gives a good result. Also, it will not be superfluous to make life easier for your engine by using special additives - antigels. They prevent diesel fuel from thickening in freezing temperatures. Many car owners have difficulties with starting diesel engines precisely because of the thickened fuel. It is especially difficult in winter if the car is filled with summer diesel fuel.

We tried to give a complete answer to the questions of why and how to warm up a diesel engine in winter. We hope you can draw the right conclusions to protect the "heart" of your car from breakdowns on frosty days.

Do I need to warm up the car engine

All about warming up a car engine

Quite often, motorists (especially beginners) have questions about the operation of their iron horse. And they are looking for many answers to the questions that arise for a long time, and sometimes they do not find it. This article will discuss the main questions about how to properly warm up a car engine and why it is necessary.

This question is important for every motorist, and ignorance of some of the nuances can lead to bad consequences. When the engine is cold, the depreciation of the parts increases. This is due to differences in the size of the engine parts (until the engine reaches the optimum temperature) and a small amount of lubricant. After the most important unit of the car is completely warmed up, all the engine parts begin to work correctly. In the reasoning "Do I need to warm up the car engine?" some disagreements and disputes begin between motorists, which give the following reasons:

  • When idling, the car's engine takes a long time to warm up. If you wait for a normal temperature in the motor, then this means that it will work for a considerable time in unfavorable conditions.
  • If you heat up the main unit of the machine quickly by pressing the gas pedal while driving or parking, then the wear of the parts will be less. But the result of such tension can be piston jamming or block head breakage.

To resolve these disagreements, you need to follow the recommendations of the car manufacturers. On a car of domestic production, according to the factory instructions, you can start driving when the engine is warmed up to 45 degrees. Foreign car manufacturers put environmental standards above all else, i.e. it is recommended to drive with a cold engine. In many European countries, fines are imposed on car owners if they warm up the engine. But, despite this, it is necessary to warm up the engines before driving.

Do I need to warm up the engine in the summer?

In the summer, it is imperative to warm up the engine, but some nuances must be taken into account. After the car is started, the driver can get under way in a minute. During this time, all parts have time to be lubricated with oil. For less wear of the internal combustion engine, it is necessary to drive smoothly, without sudden movements until the temperature rises to 50 ° C.

Also, the driver should monitor the revs. They should not exceed 2000. Compliance with all recommendations will save fuel and lubricants and time. This advice is suitable for engines in which high-quality oil is changed and purchased on time, and the oil dipstick should show the recommended level.

How long does it take to warm up the engine in winter?

Even a novice driver knows that in winter, the engine of his iron horse must be completely warmed up. Since the oil in the engine and gearbox thickens at subzero temperatures. Until the oil becomes liquid, in no case should you drive at high speeds. The lower the temperature outside or in the room where the vehicle is parked, the more the engine needs to warm up.

The optimum temperature when you can start driving in winter is sixty degrees. But we must not forget about the above recommendation: "Do not exceed the speed up to 2000, drive from 10 to 20 km / h to the operating temperature of the engine (almost on all cars about 900)." Also, car owners should take into account that until the engine warms up to 50-60 degrees, the stove in the cabin does not need to be turned on, since only cold air will come from it.

Do I need to warm up the injection engine?

Quite a few motorists believe that it is not necessary to warm up injection motors. This opinion is especially prevalent among Europeans, who thereby care about the environment.

A car with an injector must be run for at least 1-2 minutes in winter. If the revolutions become stable and low, the motor runs smoothly, then you can start moving. But in no case should the gas be squeezed out completely, this can ruin the piston system. Synthetic oil is the best choice for injection engines. If the fuel system is operating normally and the recommended oil has been filled, the engine can be warmed up in summer for a few seconds. During this time, the oxygen sensor will warm up, and the oil pressure will return to normal.

Does the diesel engine need to be warmed up?

Many owners of cars with diesel engines and various instructions claim that they do not need to be warmed up. But these assurances are not correct. With an unheated internal combustion engine, the iron horse will move smoothly, without any complaints. But in the most important unit of the car, all parts will work in a tense mode, and their service life will be sharply reduced.

For owners of turbodiesel vehicles, the following recommendation must be observed: "To avoid damage and reduce turbine amortization, the engine must be warmed up for one or two minutes."

How long does a diesel engine need to warm up?

This engine should idle for a minimum of three to five minutes. During this time, all parts will be well lubricated, but provided that the glow plugs are working correctly. Manufacturers recommend warming them up twice. When the glow plug indicator on the dashboard goes out, it means that the voltage in them is turned off. Many people think that this indicator goes out when the highest temperature is reached.

If the diesel engine is warmed up for a long time, then tar and carbon deposits form on the valves. This can subsequently lead to a blockage of the valve or its adherence to the seat.

Thus, it is necessary to follow all the rules for operating and warming up a diesel engine. Compliance with this rule will avoid unnecessary depreciation of engine spare parts. Also, owners of cars with such characteristics should avoid driving at high revs.

On the issue of warming up car engines, experts from the Volzhsky Automobile Plant answer that, provided that the oil and coolant are of good quality, it is undesirable to warm up the car for a long time. Since experiments have shown that the depreciation of parts with an unheated internal combustion engine during moderate movement practically does not occur. This is due to the fact that under light load, when the car is moving from 10 to 20 km / h, and the rpm is kept no higher than 2000, the optimum temperature is reached much faster.

Thus, the car enthusiast, following the above recommendations, how much to warm up the engine and how to do it correctly, will significantly extend the engine's performance over time.

Warming up the car engine - is the concern in vain?

In cold weather, the volatility of diesel fuel drops significantly; settling on the cylinder walls, it loses its ability to ignite, therefore, warming up a car engine in winter for several minutes is not a whim, but a necessity. We will try to understand all the intricacies of this operation in order to keep the "heart muscle" of the car safe and sound.

Do I need to warm up a diesel engine and why?

In some countries, warming up the vehicle is prohibited. For example, in Austria, you can even get a fine for cleaning the windshield from snow with your hands while the engine is running. This is how Europeans care about the cleanliness of the environment. Is it necessary to warm up a diesel engine at all? How does a cold engine start in winter conditions?

As mentioned earlier, at low air temperatures, the viscosity of diesel fuel increases significantly, which negatively affects the quality of its atomization by nozzles. Once in the combustion chamber, it instantly settles on the cylinder walls. In addition, the supply of cold air to the engine reduces the temperature of the air-fuel mixture, which makes it much more difficult to start.

Warming up of a diesel engine in winter has a significant effect, it determines the start and operation of the engine, it also affects the cetane number of the fuel, its viscosity, the degree of purity, the presence of various impurities and the ignition temperature. Therefore, for the operation of such engines in the cold season, a winter type of fuel is produced, which is recommended to be used at air temperatures down to -30 ° C.

At lower temperatures, refueling with arctic diesel fuel is required.

Set the diesel engine warm-up time

So how long does a diesel engine need to warm up during the winter season? The optimal time is about seven minutes. During this time, the motor runs at minimum speed. This is enough for the coolant to warm up to 50 ° C. In spring and summer, the diesel engine warm-up time can be reduced to 1-2 minutes - this is enough to open the garage door, wipe the windshield and have a few words with neighbors.

To facilitate starting in modern diesel engines, glow plugs are installed, without which, even at an air temperature of 5 ° C, their start is difficult. After turning on the ignition, a light on the dashboard lights up, signaling that the candles are working, and the air in the cylinders has started heating. Once completed, the indicator goes out and the engine starts without any difficulty.

In the cold season, paraffinization processes occur in diesel fuel, that is, the precipitation of paraffin crystals, and when the air temperature drops to -14 ° C, its passage through the filters is almost impossible. Experience shows that the most optimal solution in this situation is the use of local heating of the filter or fuel immediately before entering the filter elements, that is, the use of a preheater.

What else does warming up a car engine give?

For heating the fuel in automatic mode with the engine running, in some cases it is recommended to use an instantaneous heater. Modern fuel injection systems allow you to start driving immediately after starting the engine, while the diesel fuel is sprayed in the cylinders in such a way that it does not wash off the lubricant from the surface of the liners. In addition, synthetic oil does not thicken even at low temperatures and perfectly lubricates all engine components immediately after starting. So is it necessary to warm up a diesel engine in modern cars?

The answer is yes, because the processes in an automatic transmission take place in a completely different way, in which oil serves not only to lubricate the mechanism, it also activates gears and transfers torque in the torque converter. For this reason, it is supplied under pressure, and therefore it is undesirable to load the gearbox immediately after starting the engine. Even if the engine is warm, it is not recommended to start driving without a short delay after engaging the gear.

Reading 5 min. Views 1.2k. Published 3 December 2015

In this article, we will tell you how to warm up a diesel engine correctly.

All owners of cars with diesel engines do not like winter, since during this period of the year the engine of their car is rather difficult to start. Moreover, one of the main reasons for the difficult start of a diesel engine in winter in Russia is the poor quality of diesel fuel. In the northern developed countries, motorists in their households have long been using the connection of a turbodiesel heater to the electrical network in the morning. In this article, we'll show you how.

Complications in the operation of a diesel engine in winter lie in the principles of ignition of the air-fuel mixture from compression. It is known that diesel fuel has a fairly high viscosity at cold temperatures. This condition makes it difficult to spray diesel fuel from the injectors in the engine fuel system. Cold diesel fuel, after entering the combustion chamber from the injectors, very quickly settles on the cylinder walls. At a sufficiently low temperature, diesel fuel will have very low volatility. This will lead to the fact that, while on the cylinder walls, the diesel fuel will not be able to ignite. But this is not the worst thing that can happen to a diesel engine during the cold season. The air that is supplied to the cylinders of the turbodiesel engine also has a low temperature - below 0 degrees Celsius. As a result, the temperature of the working mixture will drop even further. Although at the same time for a successful start of the engine and spontaneous ignition of the fuel mixture, its temperature must be higher than the autoignition point.

Many motorists know that diesel fuel differs according to the type of seasonality. So for the summer type of diesel fuel, the temperature of use should not fall below 0 degrees Celsius. The winter type of diesel fuel can be used in temperatures down to -30 degrees Celsius. In more extreme temperature conditions in winter, the use of arctic diesel is recommended. All these types of diesel fuel will have the following characteristics:

- flash point;

- fractional composition;

- cetane number;

- the degree of purity;

- viscosity;

- density;

- the presence of impurities.

The glow plug also has a very important function in a turbodiesel engine. Without these candles, the engine will not start if the air temperature is below 5 degrees Celsius. are necessary in order to heat the air in the combustion chamber. A glow plug indicator will be installed on the dashboard of a diesel vehicle. It will light up every time the ignition is switched on, and go out after the glow plugs heat the air in the combustion chambers to a certain temperature. Usually this time depends on the ambient temperature and is up to half a minute. After the glow plug indicator has gone out, you can start the turbo diesel engine.

The glow plug also has a very important function in a turbodiesel engine. Without these candles, the engine will not start if the air temperature is below 5 degrees Celsius.

In addition, a turbodiesel engine on a winter morning does not interfere with heating with special heaters. Similar equipment can be found in auto stores and auto parts markets. There are stationary heaters that are installed as attachments for a diesel engine. They have a plug that can be inserted into a 220 V power outlet.

Such special heaters for diesel engines are commonly used by motorists in the European Nordic countries. The fact is that the heating of the turbodiesel is prohibited there. For example, on the territory of Austria, the owner of a diesel car can be fined if he starts the diesel engine to warm up for at least half a minute, during which he has time to clean the snow from the windshield of his car.

Diesel engine warm-up time in winter

Many motorists are wondering how long it takes to warm up a diesel engine in winter quality. Automotive experts agree that a diesel engine in winter conditions in Russia must be warmed up for at least 7 minutes. During this time, the diesel engine reaches minimum speed, and its coolant warms up to 50 ° Celsius. In the spring, a diesel engine can be warmed up for as little as a minute and a half. During this time, the driver manages to open the garage door or wipe the car's front glass.

Diesel engine fuel filter heating

Diesel fuel, which is sold in Russia during the cold season, undergoes a waxing process. Waxing is the precipitation of wax crystals in diesel fuel, as soon as the air temperature drops below -14 ° Celsius. Paraffin crystals clog the fuel filter, which leads to an almost complete stop of the passage of diesel fuel through it.

In addition to warming up a car's diesel engine, warming up the diesel fuel is also important. The flow heater allows heating diesel fuel in automatic mode while the engine is running. In the most modern turbodiesel engines, diesel fuel is sprayed into the cylinders in such a way that it does not wash off the lubricating layer from the surface of the liners. Modern synthetic engine oil at low temperatures has the same consistency as in the warm season. That is why European manufacturers do not recommend warming up a diesel engine in winter for environmental reasons. We all know that in Europe they are fighting for the environmental friendliness of the automotive industry.

However, for warming up a diesel engine in winter before driving, you can raise your hands only due to the fact that a preliminary warming up of the gearbox, especially the automatic gearbox, is necessary.

However, for warming up a diesel engine in winter before driving, you can raise your hands only due to the fact that a preliminary warming up of the gearbox, especially the automatic gearbox, is necessary. The classic automatic transmission has a torque converter in which oil transfers torque from the engine to the transmission. During the winter period, it is very important that all the oil in the automatic transmission is thoroughly warmed up. Otherwise, when driving immediately after starting the engine, excess pressure will accumulate and a high load on the gearbox will begin.


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