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“Dozens of young teachers worked with me. I became convinced that no matter how successfully a person graduates from a pedagogical university, no matter how talented he is, and if he does not learn from experience, he will never be a good teacher, I myself studied with older teachers... "

A.S. Makarenko

Currently, in all preschool institutions there is a syndrome of insufficient teaching staff. Graduates of pedagogical secondary and higher educational institutions do not go to work in preschool institutions. Being a teacher is not prestigious! Today, kindergartens are staffed either by teachers or people without education. Therefore, kindergartens themselves are forced to train teachers for the preschool education system.

The period of entry of a beginning teacher into the profession is characterized by tension and importance for his personal and professional development. How it goes will determine whether the newly minted teacher will become a professional, whether he will remain in the field of preschool education or find himself in another field of activity.

A senior educator is often faced with the question: how can a young teacher become an active, interested participant in the educational process? How to transfer it from reproductive activity to research? Towards the formation of the ability to reflect in the process of learning new things and mastering familiar material.

Many major methodological innovations are associated with the use of interactive teaching methods. The word “interactive” came to us from the English language from the word “interact”, where “inter” is “mutual”, “act” is to act. (4)

Interactive means the ability to interact or is in a mode of conversation, dialogue with something (for example, a computer) or someone (for example, a person). From this we can conclude that interactive learning is, first of all, dialogue learning, during which the interaction between the senior educator and the teacher takes place.

It should be recognized that interactive learning is a special form of organizing a particular activity. She has quite specific and predictable work goals in mind. One of these goals is to create comfortable learning conditions, such that the teacher feels his success, his intellectual competence, which makes the entire learning process productive and effective.

What is the essence of interactive learning?

The interaction process is organized in such a way that almost all participants are involved in the process of cognition and discussion. They have the opportunity to understand and reflect on what they know, understand, and think about. Joint activity in this process means that each participant makes his own special individual contribution, has the opportunity to exchange knowledge, his own ideas, methods of activity, and hear different opinions of colleagues. Moreover, this process takes place in an atmosphere of goodwill and mutual support, which makes it possible to gain not only new knowledge on the problem under discussion, but also develops the pedagogical activity itself and transfers it to higher forms of cooperation and cooperation. (4)

Interactive forms of work with young specialists contribute to the development of their cognitive interest in the profession, the active development of techniques for working with children and their parents, and have a positive impact on the growth of their professional significance.

Each preschool educational institution develops its own traditions, its own system of working with young teaching staff, and selects those forms and methods that will ultimately contribute to the further professional development of the young specialist..

Our institution uses the following forms of work:

Consultation - a paradox or a consultation with planned errors.(3)

The purpose of such a consultation is to attract teachers to the most complex aspects of the topic being presented, to increase their activity, and to encourage them to think and analyze. At the beginning of such a consultation, the senior educator announces that a certain number of errors will be made in the presentation and offers to record the correct and incorrect provisions of the consultation. After presenting the topic, work on errors is carried out.

For example . Consultation “Organization of walks and hikes with children of senior preschool age”

Before you go on your first trip, you need to think through a general system of walks and hikes with a view to the whole season. Provide goals, objectives, content, physical activity, connections with other forms of work.

Each trip should become an emotionally significant event in the lives of children, so it is necessary to carefully select diverse, interesting routes that provide close communication with nature.

Hiking does not provide optimal physical activity(it is important to provide for optimal physical activity, which should increase gradually taking into account the health and motor fitness of the children).

Physical activity is necessary for a child: it contributes to the formation of all organs and systems, the creation of those body reserves that determine the measure of good health.

The walk/hike does not have any objectives. (One of the goals of hiking is to improve movements in natural conditions and enrich children’s motor experience). The underlined text is an error; the correct answer is in brackets.

Express survey. The purpose of conducting it is to quickly and efficiently determine how much teachers understand the problem discussed at the teachers' council or seminar, so that later, during testing, they can clarify the most complex issues. Assignments are offered in writing or orally. (3)

Crosswords Including this type of activity in consultations or seminars not only maintains teachers' interest in the problem. But it also allows us to identify the level of its understanding by teachers. (1)

Business games contribute to increasing interest in the problem under consideration, help shape the creative thinking of teachers, search for new ways of complex tasks, and form their practical skills. According to the definition of A.A. Balueva, there are five modifications of the business game. N.S. Golitsyna, believes that two of them can be used when working with teachers. These are simulation games and a staging method. (2)

Imitation games.In them, teachers imitate their activities during a lesson, a walk, or a game, i.e. as if they are guiding these processes, but with imaginary children, they are working out the methodology for carrying out some process, type of children's activity. In our institution, simulation games have proven themselves well during the school of a young teacher, and at seminars and workshops on children’s health. (4)

The staging method.It involves taking on the role of a participant in the pedagogical process and acting in accordance with this role, while demonstrating knowledge of pedagogy, psychology and methodology, that is, one’s entire pedagogical arsenal. In these games, the teacher’s behavior in certain situations can be practiced: conversation with parents, conflict resolution between children, etc.

Recently, the methodological literature describes business games based on television programs. According to N.S. Golitsyna, they do not fit into the traditional classification of business games, but provide significant assistance in improving pedagogical skills and team building. (4)

KVN game Most often used to clarify and consolidate teachers’ knowledge. The content of questions and assignments is devoted to one topic, which allows you to more fully cover different aspects of the problem. (2), (4)

Quiz tournamentIt is conducted as a combination of questions and answers in several rounds. Questions for each round are selected in accordance with a small topic based on the main topic. (1)

Erudite Tournament also played between two or three teams. A general topic is chosen, and tasks are selected from different areas of knowledge. (3)

Oral journal - form of holding a teachers' meeting or seminar. On its pages, educators can get acquainted with the most significant issues, clarify some aspects, and place emphasis. (3)

"Brainstorm (brainstorm)"- this is one of the methodological techniques that contributes to the development of practical skills, creativity, and the development of the correct point of view on certain issues of pedagogical theory and practice. This technique is convenient to use when discussing methods for covering a topic or making decisions on a specific problem. (4)

All methods of activating teachers can be used in isolation, in accordance with the theme and objectives of the event. But no less interesting and effective is the combination of various activation methods in different versions.

Our institution widely uses gaming techniques as part of a methodological activity.

Methodology experts- a gaming technique that can be used to clarify and consolidate the knowledge of teachers. (3)

Tree of Wisdom – teachers are invited to write down difficult, incomprehensible controversial issues in the implementation of a certain topic on “leaflets”, and attach them to the Tree of Wisdom. Then everyone in turn approaches the tree, “plucks a leaf,” and tries to answer the question. If there is any difficulty, turn to other teachers or the Sage (game leader). This technique was used at the teachers’ council on folk culture “Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful.” (3)

Meticulous teacher- every teacherIt is proposed to make a list of questions on the chosen topic; the one whose list is more logical and longer wins. At the teachers’ council “presentation of forms and methods of working with children and parents to protect children’s rights,” teachers were asked to imagine themselves in the role of a methodologist in the education department and draw up a list of questions to check the system of work on legal education in preschool educational institutions. (3)

"Pedagogical salad""- there is a salad bowl on the table. Teachers, presenting an idea on the upbringing and education of children, place a token symbolizing the idea into the salad bowl. Then the tokens are mixed to form a “salad”, the recipe is written down and the optimal solution is selected. (5)

The exercise games conducted in the introductory part of the methodological event have proven themselves very well, which allows you to form a sense of belonging to the group, form a positive attitude towards your “I”, and emotionally prepare for the event.

Exercise “Candle” A candle will help me start a meeting. A candle is a tuning fork of the soul: a tuning fork tunes the sound of a musical instrument, and a candle tunes the human soul. This little light represents the good emotions and warmth that comes from us. It will help warm everyone's soul. As you accept and pass the candle, feel it. (Participants pass a lit candle from hand to hand, tell each other compliments and wishes.)

Exercise “Adjectives”» - each participant chooses an adjective name that characterizes him positively. The adjective must begin with the same letter as the participant's name.

Exercise “Greeting” - say hello to the group without repeating the greeting with facial expressions and gestures.

At the end of the methodological activity, exercise games are also usedfor a logical conclusion, to increase the emotional state, or vice versa for relaxation, rest.

Exercise “I am in the rays of the sun” Instructions. On a sheet of paper, draw the sun the way children draw it - with a circle in the middle and rays. Write your name in a circle and draw a self-portrait. Next to each ray, write something good about yourself.

Carry the sun with you everywhere. Add rays. And if your soul becomes especially bad, take out the sun, look at the rays, and remember what you were thinking about when you wrote down something good about yourself.

Exercise "Palm". Instructions. Trace your palm. Write down your positive qualities. Then, on command, we pass the piece of paper to the neighbor on the right. The neighbor's task is to write several positive qualities about this person. Upon command, the sheets are passed on until they are returned to the owner. Look at the recordings and feel your feelings.Exercise “Achieving a State of Rest”».

Instructions. Sit in a comfortable position and focus on looking at a burning candle (painting, reproduction) for some time. Try to achieve a feeling of complete peace, when there are no thoughts or feelings - only contemplation. May this feeling stay with you until the end of the day.

The practice of working in preschool educational institutions proves the advantage of using interactive forms of work. With systematic group interaction, teachers develop a culture of communication and independent thinking. Creatively organized methodological work ensures the professional growth of teachers, aims to use their knowledge in specific situations and helps to conduct self-analysis of activities.


1. Belaya K.Yu. Pedagogical council in a preschool educational institution: Preparation and implementation. – M.: TC Sfera, 2004. – 48 p.

2. Belaya K. Yu. Methodological work in preschool educational institutions: Analysis, planning, forms and methods - M.: TC Sfera, 2005. – 96 p.

3. Golitsyna N.S. A collection of pedagogical ideas. Work with personnel. – M.: “Publishing house Scriptorium 2003”, 2006. – 80 p.

4. Davydova O.I. , Mayer A.A., Bogoslavets L.G. Interactive methods in organizing pedagogical councils in preschool educational institutions. St. Petersburg “CHILDHOOD-PRESS” - 2008. – 176 p.

5. Scientific and practical journal “Preschool Education Management”. 2007. - No. 1 p. 83.

Interactive forms of methodological work of a senior educator Senior educator Molodchaya Tatyana Vladimirovna State budgetary educational institution secondary school 762 DO 1 secondary school 762 DO 1 State budgetary educational institution secondary school 762 DO 1 secondary school 762 DO 1

Tactics and strategy Planning educational activities Organizing the educational process Monitoring the educational process Monitoring the conditions of educational activities Creating a subject-development environment Interaction with parents and society. Work of the methodological office Organization of self-education, advanced training of teachers Study, generalization, implementation of advanced pedagogical experience

Unfavorable factors: physiological discomfort arising due to non-compliance of working conditions with regulatory requirements; increased task difficulty; increased significance of erroneous actions; lack of information for decision making; excessive amount of information; conflicting conditions, that is, conditions under which the fulfillment of one of them requires the implementation of actions that contradict the fulfillment of another condition.

Characteristics of Intervision Participants set the rules. All participants are united by a topic (problem). Intervision is carried out periodically (an interval for discussions is established). Communication takes place on equal terms. The effectiveness of the discussion depends on the openness and sincerity of the participants. Discussion of material outside of intervision is prohibited.

Training in alternative behavioral models; - training in alternative behavioral models; - solving problematic issues and situations and, as a result, reducing the risk of the “burnout” effect; -understanding of personal “peculiarities and patterns” that influence work; -understanding of personal “peculiarities and patterns” that influence work; - clarifying the personal needs of the teacher; - identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the teacher.

Pedagogical workshop A master teacher is a teacher who has research skills and abilities, knows the features of experimental work, is able to analyze innovative pedagogical technologies, select content and apply it in practice, the ability to predict the results of his activities, and develop methodological recommendations. Pedagogical coaching session Team coaching is used to form and develop teams. The organization is permeated by team principles, style and spirit of relationships. Organizational coaching is used to establish partnerships in a team, reveals the personal potential of teachers, and increases motivation for activity. Consensus on controversial issues. Exchange of information, experience, best practices. “Stitching together” the goals of individual team members and the organization. Understanding your place in the team, your areas of responsibility and authority. Determining areas of development for individual participants and the team as a whole. Motivation to achieve goals. Wishes to the team

I wish you creative success! GBOU Secondary School 762 SP 1 Head of the structural unit: Marina Vilievna Kalkamanova Address: 1st building st. Anadyrsky proezd, 49, building 2; 2nd building st. Startovaya, 5, bldg. 1 Phone: (495)

Interactive forms and methods of work of the methodological service as a factor in the successful professional competence of teachers of the basic MBDOU TsRR - d/s No. 14 “Rosinka”, Stavropol, training site SKIRO PC and PRO.

Head of MBDOU CRR – d/s No. 14 “Rosinka” Marchenko O.A.

Modernization of the education system entails significant and qualitative changes in the work practice of educators. And, probably, each teacher alone is unlikely to cope with them.

An important factor in improving the quality of their activities is the work organized by the methodological service, which supervises the work of teachers in all areas of educational activities. Activation of the creative activity of teachers is possible through interactive methods and forms of working with them.

The concept of “interaction” (from the English interaction) arose for the first time in sociology and social psychology.

Thus, interactive learning is a way of learning carried out in forms of joint activity: all participants interact with each other, exchange information, jointly solve problems, simulate situations, evaluate the actions of colleagues and their own behavior, immerse themselves in a real atmosphere of business cooperation to solve problems . At the same time, there is a constant change of activity modes: games, discussions, work in small groups, a small theoretical block (mini-lecture).

The importance of using interactive methods in our preschool institution:

  • Improving the quality of the educational process in a preschool institution.
  • Stimulating the interest and motivation of teachers in self-education.
  • Increasing the level of activity and independence.
  • Development of skills of analysis and reflection of one’s activities.
  • Developing a desire for cooperation and empathy.
  • We see the task of the methodological service of a preschool institution as developing a system for using new, effective techniques for improving the qualifications of teachers.

    Therefore, we believe that it is necessary to involve teachers in educational and cognitive activities using active techniques and teaching methods, of which we use the following:

  • traditional:
  • problem seminars
  • workshops
  • open days
  • creative micro groups
  • mentoring
  • relay races of pedagogical excellence
  • pedagogical advice
  • innovative:
  • "piggy bank" of pedagogical skills
  • master classes
  • project activities
  • creation of a bank of innovative ideas
  • creative competitions
  • creative laboratory for young professionals
  • school of parental love
  • school of psychology
  • educational marketing
  • fair of innovative ideas
  • creative hour (demonstration of presentations, portfolio)
  • musical and literary lounge
  • Latest interactive methods:
  • Case – method;

    Quick - setting

    Having gone through all forms of methodological work, organized in a certain system, teachers not only improve their professional level, it becomes a need for them to learn something new, to develop their own style of everyday teaching activity. The work we carry out in kindergarten is designed to help the teacher master new pedagogical thinking, readiness to solve pressing problems of preschool educational institutions, and improve his pedagogical skills, which ensure professional growth.

    Improving the quality of preschool education is directly dependent on the professional level of teaching staff.

    The professionalism of a teacher working with children is associated, first of all, with communicative competence, with the ability to play and communicate with children. That is why we focus special attention on improving the professional competence of teachers. For this purpose, we widely use various forms and methods in working with teachers.

    Any traditional form can be active if it is constructed competently in content and methods and implements such important functions as informational, orientation and development.

    The forms we have selected to improve the skills of teachers have their own specific characteristics.

    At the first stage, we monitor the quality of teachers’ professional and personal abilities. Then we differentiate teachers by degree of skill and find for each the appropriate forms of methodological work:

    Individual patronage;



    Speaking to an audience;

    Generalization of work experience;

    Problem consultations;

    Creative groups;

    - “School of a young teacher”;

    Mutual visits to classes;

    Methodical gatherings;

    Methodological associations of specialists;

    Open GCD – invitations;

    Reviews and competitions;

    Competition of methodological findings;

    Designing educational work with teachers.

    Based on the level of professionalism of teachers, their readiness for self-development and other indicators, we have identified three levels of pedagogical skill:

    Low (intuitive),

    Medium (search),

    High (masterful).

    In accordance with the level of pedagogical skill for each teacher, we have developed individual options for methodological work.

    Thus, in methodological work with low-level educators, we focus on developing in them a positive attitude towards teaching activities, mastering theoretical knowledge and practical skills, through such forms of work as:

    Classic pairs (in the process of teaching robotics, tablet technologies, etc., analyzing open classes, projects),

    - “Snake of Experience” - discussion method

    - “Round tables”,

    Presentations, studying the experience of preschool teachers.

    First of all, competitions are held with such teachers on the topic “Best pedagogical portfolio”, “Best presentation of educational activities”. As a result, teachers develop a need for self-education and the level of theoretical training increases.

    The goals of methodological work with middle-level educators are the following: the formation of an orientation towards communication, dialogue, mastery of pedagogical techniques (system of skills), awareness of one’s own individuality. We attract teachers to participate in the work of creative and problem groups in the process of solving search problems, pedagogical trainings, and business games. The inclusion of educators in search activities helps to increase their professional and business activity.

    We build methodological work with high-level educators on the principles of stimulating their creativity and integrating activities with novice educators.

    The following creative groups practice in the educational system of our preschool educational institution:

    Working group for the development of projects, presentations, events for conducting a basic internship platform,

    - "Young Teacher's Club"

    Teachers are mentors,

    Young teachers are innovators.

    New pedagogical technologies are being introduced into the daily work of preschool educational institutions through the active participation of teachers in the work of the youth creativity club, in the pedagogical skills competition, and in pedagogical quizzes.

    As a result, a model of the activities of innovative teachers is created and their skills are improved.

    This academic year, we have another form of work in our preschool educational institution: “Multimedia Salon”, the purpose of which is to improve the computer literacy of teachers. It includes master classes in a computer class, classical pairs (training in pairs), demonstration of presentations, portfolios, and videos. At the end of last 2011, new equipment was supplied to our preschool institution, and therefore there was a need to develop a new project “Use of ICT technologies in the process of implementing an experiment in a preschool educational institution.” A survey was conducted at the teachers' council, as a result of which teachers who were innovators and newcomers to the ICT problem were identified. The working group compiled an ICT project that is currently being implemented.

    The following can be distinguished stages and forms of methodological work with personnel:

    1. Theoretical (understanding of advanced systems):

    Theoretical seminar “Features of work under the “Success” program” - Problem seminar “Activities of teachers in the project “Reviving Pages of Urban History”,

    Presentation “Play therapy with parents and children.”

    Consultations: “Rules for preparing a teacher’s portfolio”, “Monitoring the formation of integrative qualities of a preschooler based on the “Success” program”,

    Fair of pedagogical innovations in priority areas of preschool educational institutions.”

    2. Methodological (showing the best examples of advanced experience; building a plan for an individual methodological system)

    Young people's creativity club.

    School of Psychology

    Organizational and activity games (“Project Defense”, etc.).

    Methodical weeks.

    Fair of pedagogical innovations in priority areas of preschool educational institutions.

    3. Practical (independent development and testing by educators of new teaching and educational technologies)

    Workshop “Excursion to a teacher’s creative laboratory.”

    Mutual visits.

    Creative workshop “Fairytale puppet therapy”.

    Multimedia competition

    Creative reports “Joint activities of the teacher and children”, “On the steps of creativity”.

    Scientific and practical seminar on experimental work "Formation of children's social health in a single space: preschool educational institution - Family - Society."

    Relay of excellence “Snake of Experience”.

    Pedagogical meetings - briefings, forums with discussion of current, innovative ideas.

    In order to increase activity, awaken the initiative of teachers, and encourage their creative searches, we use such a common form of methodological work as “Methodological weeks”.

    Methodological week plan on the topic“ICT – technologies in educational process”

    Monday – Master class with teachers on the use of ID

    Tuesday - Master class on teaching tablet technologies.

    Wednesday – Creative hour “Robotics and preschoolers”

    Thursday - Panorama of creative activities: creating thematic didactic games for ID (classical pairs, subgroup work)

    Friday – workshop “Creating electronic brochures, booklets, magazines”

    When conducting methodological weeks, we take into account the following factors:

    1) Quantitative and qualitative composition of the teaching staff;

    2) The results of studying the personality and activities of educators, the reasons for their difficulties in work;

    3) Traditions and experience of methodological work (taking into account what can be preserved and what should be abandoned);

    It should be noted that group activities create favorable conditions for teaching and collaboration between teachers. By collaborating with more qualified colleagues, new teachers begin to work more successfully.

    We associate innovative approaches to the management of methodological work with the formation of teachers' interest in modern technologies and the development of sustainable pedagogical thinking in them. We are convinced that it is important to encourage educators to study the personality of each child and apply in practice innovative methods and techniques that develop children and help teachers find their place in the pedagogical space.

    Marchenko Oksana Alekseevna Interactive forms of methodological work

    In order for the Republic of Kazakhstan to continue to rapidly develop, it is necessary to think about the intellectual potential of the nation, it is necessary to modernize the education system. In the Address to the people of Kazakhstan “Socio-economic modernization is the main vector of development of Kazakhstan,” the President of the country N. Nazarbayev emphasized that the qualitative growth of human capital in the country is healthcare and education. The younger generation should have the opportunity to receive quality education, where innovative technologies and methods are used in the learning process. Currently, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan pays great attention to strengthening the status of teachers.
    Those positive changes that are now being initiated in the school environment at the highest state level depend on what kind of school manager he is, how he himself understands the goals, what tasks he sets for each teacher of the methodological association. Only when the head of the ShMO thinks progressively, motivates the mini-team, gives birth to new ideas and translates them into reality, will we be able to talk about concrete results.
    According to research by foreign sociologists, the most “requested” in the modern world are the ability for self-development and cooperation, a sense of personal responsibility, the ability to criticize and make decisions in the process of dialogue. The role of the teacher as a participant in a different pedagogical reality is also changing qualitatively: not a transmitter of knowledge, but an organizer, leader and accomplice of the educational process, structured as a dialogue between the student and knowable reality. To this end,
    To intensify the educational process, interactive learning technologies are being introduced.
    "Interactive" means based on interaction. But interactivity is not just the interaction of subjects with each other, but a specially organized cognitive activity that has a pronounced social orientation.
    The purpose of using interactive methods and games is to change the behavior patterns of participants. By analyzing his own reactions and those of his partner, the participant changes his behavior pattern and consciously assimilates new norms of activity, which allows us to talk about interactive methods as a process of interactive education.
    The essence of interactive learning is that the educational process is organized in such a way that almost all participants are involved in the learning process, they have the opportunity to understand and reflect on what they know and think. Joint activity in the process of learning and mastering new material means that everyone makes their own special individual contribution, knowledge, ideas, and methods of activity are exchanged. Moreover, this happens in an atmosphere of goodwill and mutual support, which allows not only to gain new knowledge, but also develops the cognitive activity itself, transfers it to higher forms of cooperation and collaboration.
    The leading principles of organizing the interactive process are:
    mental activity;
    freedom of choice;
    The organization of mental activity is:
    - in the performance by participants of various mental operations (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, classification, abstraction, etc.);
    - in the exchange of results of mental activity between participants in the pedagogical process;
    - in the change and diversity of types, forms of mental and cognitive activity;
    - in a combination of individual and group forms of work;
    - in problem-based learning, the use of modern educational technologies in the pedagogical process;
    - in the meaning-making of the participants;
    - in reflection.
    Creation of meaning involves the conscious creation of new content in the process of interaction between teachers, assessment of the phenomena of the surrounding reality, one’s own activities, and the results of interaction from the standpoint of one’s individuality.
    The end result, the goal of meaning-making, is enrichment, the emergence of a new individual experience of comprehension (meaning), expanding the boundaries of individual consciousness.
    Reflection in the pedagogical process is the process and result of recording by subjects (participants in the pedagogical process) the state of self-development, establishing causes and consequences.
    Each interactive method, form, game has its own purpose and rules, therefore, taking this feature into account, we can use them at different stages of the event. An important condition is to position the participants in such a way that they can see each other while sitting, for example, in a circle around the perimeter.
    Exercise “Description of a student.”
    Goal: prevention of making mistakes when perceiving someone or something...
    Participants are divided into 2 teams, each of which is given an envelope with a task by the leader.
    In the envelope of team No. 1 there is a photo of a 10-year-old boy and a note: “In the photo is Petya Ivanov. At the end of the quarter, he has almost only C grades and one bad grade. Looking at the photo, describe this boy.” In the envelope of team No. 2 there is a photo of the same boy and a note: “In the photo is Petya Ivanov. At the end of the quarter, he got only A's and his behavior is exemplary. Looking at the photo, describe this boy.”
    Each team selects a secretary who writes down the boy's characteristics. When the participants are ready, the presenter asks them to read out the characteristics. After this, he announces that both teams described the same child, but since they were under the influence of different attitudes - positive in the first case and negative in the second, their descriptions were completely different (Rosenthal conducted a similar experiment with his students. ).
    Explanation. This exercise teaches us to form our own opinion (in this case about the student), not to rely on other people’s, possibly distorted, attitudes and opinions. Please note that the instructions said “look at the photo, describe the boy,” but the effect of the installation is so strong that, looking at the same photo, you described him differently. The peculiarity of an attitude is that we want to confirm it, and no matter what this or that person does, we interpret it in favor of our attitude. Therefore, before forming an opinion, it is important to weigh all the facts.
    Of course, the main task of any education is to stimulate further self-education: reading specialized literature, independent study of theoretical issues, getting to know innovations in the educational process, etc. You can read a lot of different literature or listen to lectures about active learning methods, but you can only learn them through personal participation in interactive training sessions.
    One of the directions in the methodological work of the ShMO is to improve the pedagogical skills of teachers. When organizing this area of ​​work with a team, it is necessary to model an activity situation that will help the teacher recognize himself as a subject of this activity, i.e. show creative activity, find yourself in a situation of developing and making a decision, realize responsibility for it, experience success, etc. By “living” such a situation, and not just hearing about it or observing it from the outside, the teacher actually acquires the necessary experience in organizing interactive activities with students in the educational process.
    The head of the ShMO is able to solve three main tasks using interactive forms:
    to help teachers learn in a fairly short period of time certain theoretical material of psychological, pedagogical or methodological content (the degree of information assimilation increases, since in the game the teacher is directly involved in the necessary activities);
    through the proposed forms and techniques of interactive teaching, help teachers master them and make it clear that they can be filled with various contents and used both in teaching schoolchildren and in educational work;
    contribute to the formation of communicative competence of teachers (changes in communication style, ability to cooperate, tolerance, ability to evaluate alternative proposals and develop a joint solution).
    In the pedagogical literature, organizational forms of methodological work are classified according to the method of organization (collective, group, individual), as well as according to the degree of activity of the participants (active, passive).
    Active forms stimulate search, creative research activities of teachers and are focused on the zone of proximal development of teachers.
    The most effective interactive forms of methodological work at the present stage of school development, in my opinion, are:

    Theoretical seminar –
    "Big Circle"
    talk show
    mini scientific-practical conference with inversion ("turning over, rearranging")
    methodical decade
    science days
    methodological festival (panorama of methodological discoveries and ideas)
    methodological bridge
    methodological mosaic
    “Question-answer” discussion (prepare 5 questions on a given topic)
    creative dialogue - synectics (combination of heterogeneous elements based on analogy)
    methodical KVN
    fair of methodological ideas
    methodical training
    aquarium (“in front of the public” discuss the problem)
    author's workshop

    Methodical ring (in the presence of two opposing views on the same issue)
    business game
    pedagogical KVN
    video training
    case method (“case”, comprehend a real life situation, describe the situation from different sides)
    professional exhibition
    project defense or impromptu theater
    propaganda team (“Three pillars” of the propaganda team: accumulation of facts (drink); explosion of creative intuition (plan); implementation of the plan)
    open lesson (with teachers)
    living room “Psychological warm-ups”
    hour of collective creativity
    methodical festival
    (based on the results of methodological work for the year)

    Types of homework for teachers as part of planning methodological work can be as follows:
    Modeling a lesson (in whole or in fragments)
    Development of a lesson system on a topic or course
    Development of a special course, research program on a specific topic
    Selection of literature on a specific topic, course, problem
    Annotation on the topic, course, problem, work experience of a colleague
    Preparation of control materials and tests
    Drawing up and protection of reference diagrams, memos, didactic material
    Development of plans for clubs, electives, scenarios for extracurricular activities in the subject, elective courses
    Attending classes, extracurricular activities, special courses, additional classes with subsequent analysis
    Presentation of your own experience on a topic or problem
    Defense of the topic on self-education.
    You can track the compliance of the goal with the professional development form
    Purpose Form
    Improving teaching techniques Seminars, workshops, school for young teachers
    Improving pedagogical skills Pedagogical workshops
    Development of creative abilities Creative groups
    Formation of the style of pedagogical activity Club “Professional”, master classes, trainings
    Formation of readiness for innovation School of pedagogical excellence
    Formation of pedagogical culture Psychological, pedagogical, methodological seminars and workshops
    Development of proprietary methods, programs, technologies Design seminars
    Creation of an individual, didactic, educational, methodological system School of pedagogical experience, scientific and methodological seminars
    The basis of any interactive form of work is a script. Creating a script and its implementation is a creative process that requires invention, imagination, and original methods of organizing action. It must be effective and entertaining, and the spectacle must be exciting and exciting.
    The script must be of the nature of a “visible script”, i.e. foresee all the episodes, all the key moments of the action, how they will occur. This is actually a detailed action plan.
    No matter how interesting the idea of ​​the scenario may be, its implementation will be successful only if it contains the conditions for the direct inclusion in the action of those for whom the event is being organized.
    It is known that where knowledge ends, opinions begin.
    Thus, interactive forms form the following components of key competencies: the ability to solve problems, communicate, apply supra-subject and subject knowledge in practice, the ability to negotiate, take responsibility, tolerance, reflexive skills.

    1. Kashlev S.S. Interactive learning technology. – Mn.: Belorussky Verasen, 2005
    2. Anisimov O.S. Educational games and gaming equipment. - Novgorod.
    3. Arutyunov Yu.S. and others. On the classification of active teaching methods // V Interdepartmental school-seminar on intensive teaching methods... - Riga
    4. A.I. Zhuk, N.N. Koshel “Active teaching methods in the system of advanced training for teachers” - Mn., Aversev, 2004
    5. Selevko G.K. Pedagogical technologies based on activation, intensification and effective management of educational programs. M: Research Institute of School Technologies, 2005
    6. Ioffe A.N. Active methodology is the key to success / Civic education. International project material. SPb.: Publishing house of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A. I. Herzen, 2000. 382 p.
    7. Situational analysis or Anatomy of the case method / Yu. Surmin [et al.]. Kyiv: Center for Innovation and Development, 2002. 286 p.

    Methodological forms of advanced training for teachers at school.

    Methodological months (weeks), the logic of their construction

    Interactive forms of methodological training.

    Diagnostic technology in the system of methodological work of primary school teachers

    Open lesson as a form of methodological work.

    1.2.1 Types and forms of methodological work in primary general education

    Form of methodological work– this is the external organization of content, the design of segments, cycles, methodological process, a reflection of the system of its components and conditional connections.

    The following types of methodological work are distinguished:: work with teaching staff to implement the school’s objectives; work on organizing methodological support for UVP; work with young specialists, work on introducing pedagogical experience, work on self-education; organization of pedagogical monitoring.

    Organizational forms of methodological work are classified according to the method of organization, the number of participants (collective, group, individual), and the degree of activity of the participants (active, passive, interactive).

    Collective Group Individual
    Thematic teaching councils. Scientific and practical conferences. Scientific and theoretical conferences. Problem seminars. Pedagogical studios. Pedagogical workshops. Master classes. Psychological and pedagogical seminars Lectures Pedagogical readings Presentations Creative reports Reviews and competitions Pedagogical exhibitions Certification Panorama of open lessons Methodological decades Pedagogical bridges Open days, etc. Subject MO. MO of class teachers MO of teachers-educators MO of additional teachers. image. Departments School of Advanced Pedagogical. experience School for improving pedagogical skills. Young teacher school Researcher school Creative laboratories Temporary creative groups Expert council Project teams Master classes Laboratories. Internship Mentoring Group consultations Pedagogical consultations Disputes. Debates Business games. Role-playing games Methodological meetings, etc. Mentoring Internship Ind. consultations Self-education Conversations Reviews ped. situations Individual open classes Personal creative exhibitions Individual creative reports Development of an author's program, project, module Protection of the author's methodology, etc.

    Passive forms The work of the methodological service is focused to a large extent on reproductive mental activity and provides support for the zone of actual development of teachers.

    Active forms stimulate the search and creative research activities of teachers and are focused on the zone of proximal development of teachers.

    Interactive Forms involve interaction and mutual communication of all participants in the educational process.

    "Interactive" means interaction-based. But interactivity is not just the interaction of subjects with each other, but a specially organized cognitive activity that has a pronounced social orientation.

    Forms of methodological work include:

    Reflective observation and active practice . This form of professional development includes attending classes, teaching lessons, analyzing and evaluating lessons, and other practical activities.

    At the present stage, reflection is understood as one of the important means of self-knowledge of a teacher in professional self-improvement, “linking” previous experience with acquired new knowledge, a way of forming his creative “qualitative characteristics”, the ability to constantly analyze and evaluate his own professional activities.

    For the theoretical justification of this form of teaching, D. Posner’s “formula” is often used: “experience + reflection = development”, using which researchers summarize that the ability to analyze one’s experience, draw important conclusions and assessments lead the teacher to the development of professional skills.

    Learning from practical examples and situations , which course participants independently study, analyze and try to find a solution to, is an effective learning tool. It significantly brings students closer to real situations that occur in teaching practice and allows them to independently make this or that decision.

    "Case method" - analysis of specific educational situations, it is actively used in world pedagogy (derived from the English case - case, situation) refers to active non-game simulation teaching methods. The method is based on the consideration of specific situations and is aimed at developing the necessary professional and personal qualities, abilities, and skills; it corresponds to the characteristics of adult education, since it combines theory and practice. This method of active problem-situational analysis, which originated in the USA. The case method has aroused particular interest among teachers and is currently widely and successfully used.

    Single methodological day at school

    It is carried out for all teaching staff of the school once a quarter and serves, to a certain extent, as an intermediate summation of the results of methodological work for the quarter.

    Conducting open lessons and extracurricular activities, their detailed analysis and training.

    Review of new literature

    Summing up the results in the form of a round table meeting, a press conference with speeches by individual teachers on the results of a single methodological day, on the results of work on methodological topics, a speech by the administration of the educational institution and an analysis of the methodological day.

    Goals and objectives of a single methodological day:

    § Activation of methodological work at school.

    § Development of creative activity of teaching staff to update the content of education in accordance with the requirements of new educational standards.

    § Increasing the level of professional skills of teachers.

    § Dissemination of the best pedagogical experience of school teachers.

    Methodical day mode

    On the methodological day, teachers engage in self-education:

    Study of legislative acts and regulatory documents on issues Study of legislative acts and regulatory documents on issues of education and upbringing,

    Work on thematic planning on the problem of school,

    Mastery of specific pedagogical technologies, adapting them to your own conditions.


    Seminar - a form of group classes that takes place with the active participation of teachers. Distinctive features of the seminar are the mandatory self-educational activities of students and collective discussion of its results

    A form of practical classes in which teachers discuss problems based on reports and abstracts.

    The effectiveness of the seminar requires special organizational measures during its preparation and conduct:

    Allocating special time to prepare students for the lesson (7 - 10) days;

    Informing students about special literature on the issues under consideration;

    Careful selection of issues for discussion.

    Requirements for questions submitted to class:

    Reliance on the internal logic of the subject being studied;

    Taking into account the needs of the audience;


    Variety in content;

    Small number (no more than 4-5);

    Quite broad in character.

    Discussion questions are usually proposed in advance to give participants sufficient time to prepare themselves. The function of the seminar is to consolidate, deepen, expand, systematize and generalize knowledge, so the seminar usually takes place after the lecture.


    A workshop is a type of educational work based on the application of existing knowledge in practice. A special type of training session with the goal of practical acquisition of knowledge and skills, a practical lesson in any course. What comes to the fore here is the development of skills to use theory in practice, associated, however, with the constant acquisition of new theoretical information and the deepening of existing ones. During classes, teaching practice is also mastered through the exchange of experience between teachers.

    The most common form of organizing students’ activities during practical classes is group work. Recently, the following active forms of practical training have become the most popular:

    Role-playing games

    Practice games

    Organizational and active workshops

    Various types of trainings

    Methodical workshop - a system of practical work for students to improve methodological skills. A distinctive feature of the methodological workshop is its clearly understood methodological orientation.

    Structure of the methodological workshop:

    Introducing participants to the methodological problem, justifying the relevance of this problem;

    Practical work;

    Protection of completed work;

    Methodical exhibitions, bulletins .

    Methodical exhibitions, bulletins. Methodological work requires visibility, therefore, in connection with a single methodological theme of the school, methodological exhibitions are organized, methodological bulletins are issued with information about valuable methodological techniques, findings, etc. Thus, the creative pedagogical finds of one teacher can quickly become the property of his colleagues.

    School of Excellence .

    The result is mainly the goals and objectives of individual and collective mentoring. The main purpose of a school of excellence is the work of an experienced teacher, a school leader with 2-3 teachers teaching the same subject that needs methodological assistance. The formed school is run on a voluntary basis. The value of this work lies in its two-way effectiveness. The effectiveness of the school of excellence is also achieved due to the fact that fellow teachers have the opportunity to directly enter the creative laboratory of a master teacher.

    Young Teacher School .

    In the structure of the school, the young teacher is presented as an independent link that helps the young specialist work. Training young teachers under the guidance of experienced teachers contributes to the development of professional stability and creative self-realization of the personality of a young teacher.


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