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Desert zone Geographical position In Russia, deserts occupy a small area: some of them are located in the Caspian region, to the west and east of the lower reaches of the Volga, and some - in the eastern Ciscaucasia. Climate This is the driest zone in Russia. In summer, the air temperature in the shade can reach +40°... +50°С. Rainfall is negligible. The surface heats up to +50°... +70 °С during the day. A hot summer day gives way to a very cold night. Summer is long. The winter is short, the average January temperature is -10 °C, in some years there are severe frosts down to -30 °C.

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The soil. Usually salty. These are gray soils and gray-brown desert soils. Depending on the characteristics of the soil, several types of deserts are distinguished: sandy, clayey, saline, stony. Sandy deserts are covered with loose soil, easily blown by winds. Here mobile accumulations of sand are formed - dunes (crescent-shaped hills from 3 to 8 m high, sometimes more); dust storms occur. Clay deserts are characterized by dense soil. In low-lying areas, flat, dry, hard areas without plants appear, which, when dried, crack into small polygons - these are takyrs. In saline deserts, the soil is saturated with mudflows, which are washed into it as a result of strong evaporation of water. Stony deserts are covered with rubble and stones forming placers. Sandy deserts are best provided with moisture.

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Flora Most of the year (except spring) in the deserts there is no continuous grassy cover. Plants are located far from each other. The main mass of plants here are species that are especially resistant to drought. They have the following special devices that reduce evaporation: a) a greatly reduced area of ​​the leaf blade; b) dense pubescence of leaves; c) a thick film of waterproof substance on the leaf surface; d) underdeveloped leaves (tiny scales), in this case, chlorophyll is contained in green stems that perform the function of leaves (photosynthesis); e) dropping leaves and even young shoots with the onset of heat. In deserts, there is a group of plants that store water in their aboveground part. Some of them have strongly thickened stems, while others have leaves.

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There are also plants that cannot tolerate drought at all. They develop only in spring, when there is a lot of moisture in the desert and it is not yet hot. Before the onset of the summer drought, they have time to complete their development. In the desert zone, there is another interesting type of plant - pump plants. Even in the most severe heat, they stand with green leaves and open flowers, because their roots penetrate the soil very deeply (20-30 m) and reach groundwater (camel thorn). Herbs in the desert are not significant. The leading role here belongs to woody plants. These are shrubs, shrubs and small trees. However, even in this zone there are places with rich vegetation. In the floodplains of the rivers, along the banks of the lakes, the so-called tugai stretch. These are impenetrable thickets of trees, thorny bushes and grasses, entwined with lianas, dense thickets of tall reeds. In deserts, water is usually deep underground, but there are places where it rises to the surface. There is an abundance of plants here. Such areas are called oases.

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Saxaul is one of the most remarkable desert plants. "Forest without a shadow" - so often they say about thickets of saxaul, but there is still a shadow. True, in white saxaul it is not solid, but partial shade, but you can still hide from the sun in it. The black saxaul has a rather thick shadow. It is impossible to float the saxaul - because of the dense wood, it will immediately sink in the water. It is tricky to build something out of it - too clumsy and short. You can not saw it and chop it with an ax - it is too fragile. It is much easier to break saxaul. Saxaul is the best wood fuel in the world, its caloric content is higher than that of many varieties of brown coal. Plant height 4-5 m.

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White saxaul got its name for the relatively light bluish color of the branches and the "transparency" of its bushes.

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Black saxaul is so named because its crown has a rather dark green color. Saxaul has no leaves, only millimeter-sized scales remain from them. Saxauls are of great practical importance for the desert. On the one hand, they are active sand binders, on the other hand, they are the best fuel in treeless desert conditions.

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Juzgun. He looks completely unrefined. But he has leaves - very small, inconspicuous. The functions of the leaves are performed by thin green twigs that appear on the plant every spring. Dzhuzgun is one of the best sand binders.

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Fauna The desert is one of the most ancient landscapes. As in the steppes, in most of the desert territory there is no layered vegetation cover (except for saxaul forests and tugai). Animals are predominantly terrestrial, and in the sandy desert - an underground lifestyle. Even forests of saxaul are inhabited mainly by terrestrial animals. The desert fauna is richer than the steppe fauna.

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The desert, especially sandy, is rich in arthropods: ants, black beetles, beetles, weevils, dung beetles. Of the arachnids, salpugs (phalanx), scorpions and real spiders (tarantula, karakurt) are characteristic. Of the vertebrates, reptiles are especially numerous (steppe tortoise, geckos, agamas, roundheads, monitor lizards, snakes). Birds are less characteristic of deserts.

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This is interesting. A round-headed lizard can burrow into the sand in one second. He will press his stomach against the sand, tremble, shake and ... drown. The desert nightjar can drink on the fly. It will sweep over the puddle itself and scoop up water with its beak. A turtle can sleep for 8 months a year. A gopher can smell even a small tulip bulb under the sand. The sand boa can crawl under the sand as easily as a fish can swim in the water. A feather-legged jerboa can dig a hole one and a half meters long in the sand in 15 minutes. The porcupine knows how to impale its enemies on thorns. Suddenly it will stop on the run, and a wolf or a fox will stumble upon its needles from acceleration. A badger can eat the most venomous snake without even getting a stomach ache.

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Jerboa. Why does a jerboa need a tail? The jerboa has a tail three times as long as the body. It is immediately clear that he really needs it. The jerboa sits on its hind legs, holds a twig in its front legs, gnaws. And to make it more comfortable to sit, it rests on the tail. His tail is a prop. And a pusher. Helps with the first jump from the sand to push off. And when he jumps on two legs, and this is more difficult than jumping on four, the tail helps him maintain balance: the tail is a balancer. And that is not all. At the end of the tail, the jerboa has a white tassel. For friends, this is a sign: "I'm here, follow me!" And for the enemy - a deceiver. Will wag on the run with a white tassel to the right, and he will jump to the left: “Mine to you, with a tassel!”

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Gecko is a night lizard. It's hard to see her in the dark. But it happens that the gecko himself comes to the fire. Stand back and watch. And his huge eyes glow red. The gecko looks at the fire and rubs his eyes with his tongue in surprise.

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Tarantula. Do not offend the sandy tarantula with your eyes - he has eight eyes. And eight legs. The tarantula goes hunting at night. It rushes along the sands with all eight legs, looks into all eight eyes, no insect can hide from it, do not run away. It is better not to touch him with your hands - he can bite.

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The cobra is the most infamous, although there are snakes in the world more terrible than cobras. Possesses strong poison. But there are not so many cases of human bites and death of livestock, because the cobra warns of imminent danger, taking a characteristic pose. The cobra does not bite even when a person or animal comes too close: expanding the hood, it lunges towards the enemy with its mouth closed, hitting him with his head. But if a cobra has already bitten a person, then in most cases he became a victim of his own negligence, and then you need to hurry with first aid. COBRA

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Owl. The owl is supposed to live in a hollow. But where can you find a big hollow in the desert? And the owl adapted to hide in holes. Fortunately, there are many different holes around. In one hole, the owl has a bedroom, in the other - a pantry, and in the third holes the owl climbs for prey

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GUESS! Bustard Varan

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Artistic word An unnaturally white disk of the sun hangs in the bluish-gray sky. The hot air trembles, sand trickles down from under your feet when you climb the next dune - and it seems there is no end to them. As soon as you climb to the top, the next one grows in front, and behind it a whole sea of ​​dunes, ridge after ridge going beyond the horizon. Rare shrubs from the incredible heat have become brown, withered and lifeless. My mouth is dry, sweat is covering my eyes, my shirt is stuck to my body, and small crystals of salt have formed on the corners of my lips... That's what a sandy desert is!

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Desert. Winter lasts 2-3 months. The average temperature in winter is -12 o. Summer is long and hot. The temperature during the day reaches +70 o, in the shade above + 40 o. In the depths of the soil, the temperature is o - 20 o. There are few rainfalls. Sometimes it doesn't rain all summer long.

The deserts have sparse vegetation, well adapted to the hot and dry climate, with deep roots, tiny leaves or thorns instead. Grow far apart, give a lot of volatile seeds. Some grow and mature in the spring. Plant world of deserts.

Dzhuzgun is a shrub m. It grows along the slopes and tops of dunes. The fruits are very light, have outgrowths, thanks to which they are carried over long distances along the sands. The role of the leaves of the shrub is played by green twigs.

The body of lizards is covered with scales, shields. Horny teeth are developed on the toes of the hind legs. The ear hole is hidden under the skin. She can instantly burrow into the ground in case of danger. The sandy roundhead is a tiny lizard with a sandy-yellow back and a tail striated below. Lizards feed on insects and other invertebrates.

A turtle lives up to 100 years, out of 60 years - 55 years it sleeps. Her skin is hard, dry, dense, to retain moisture. The shell is very strong, it helps her to escape from enemies. Turtle. Herbivorous animal. The turtle can only be seen in the morning or evening. During the day, she hides from the heat in burrows and depressions in the ground, in thickets of plants.

A camel has: 1. Wide soles, so as not to fall into the unsteady sand. 2. Calluses - so as not to burn the legs. The same corns and knees to rest on the road. 3. Narrow nostrils allow you to breathe during sandstorms. Camel A camel can travel long distances without food or water. It uses up the fat stored in the hump.

The giant mole rat is the largest rodent. Body length up to 40 cm. This is a relic animal. Light sand color. Leads an underground lifestyle. He spends his whole life in a large and complexly arranged hole, constantly re-equipping it. It has no eyes and external ears. The mole rat digs the ground not with its paws, but with the incisors of the teeth, which are well developed, especially the lower ones, and stick out. At the same time, the mouth opening is always closed with lips wrapped inward, which is why the earth does not fall into the mouth of the animal.

The hedgehog digs a hole up to 1.5 m long, but it can occupy the abandoned houses of other animals. The hedgehog has many enemies: wolves, badgers, foxes. For the winter, the hedgehog hibernates. Eared hedgehog. The hedgehog does without water and food for a long time. It feeds on insects: beetles, ants, larvae. Can catch snake, lizard, frog. Eats berries and seeds.

Korsak is a predatory animal. A small fox with large ears and high legs. Weighs 46 kg. Speed ​​- up to 4050 km / h, but soon gets tired. Lives in burrows. Korsak burrows almost does not dig, occupies the burrows of ground squirrels, gerbils. The burrow is usually shallow, up to 2.5 m long and with several entrances. Corsac feeds on rodents (voles, mice, jerboas), reptiles, birds and their eggs, and insects.

Sand boa. It easily sinks into the sand and crawls over them as easily as a fish in water. The eyes look straight up. 80 cm long, has a light yellow-brown color with blurry brownish spots. In spring, the boa boa is active during the day, in summer it becomes a nocturnal animal, and in autumn, before leaving for wintering, it leads a daytime image. The food for the boa constrictor is lizards (agamas, roundheads, foot-and-mouth disease, geckos), rodents (hamsters, mice, gerbils, jerboas), birds (wagtails, sparrows).

The beetle is a darkling beetle. Beetles are herbivorous animals. They extract water from the succulent parts of plants: leaves, green twigs, rhizomes and bulbs. They do not know how to fly, they only crawl and run, sometimes they climb onto the lower branches of bushes. Chernotelki can apply great harm landings in deserts: after all, their food is all kinds of vegetation. Most darklings are active at night

Holy scarab. The beetle is a dung beetle. Length 3 cm. From manure, he sculpts balls, which he rolls to a place convenient for himself and digs in. These balls are a reserve, food for beetle larvae. The beetle was a sacred animal of ancient Egypt. The image of this beetle can be seen in ancient temples, tombs. Watching the beetle roll its ball, the Egyptians saw a symbol of the movement of the Sun across the sky.

Tarantula The tarantula spider lives in a burrow that it digs. He strengthens its walls with cobwebs so that they do not crumble. All day the tarantula sits in its mink, and at night it goes out for prey with small insects. The tarantula has a whole set of eyes, two large and six smaller. These are agile animals up to 7 cm long, with long hairy legs.

"Development of the plant world" - Seed plants. The emergence and dominance of the Terrestrial Over 200 million years ago Gymnosperms. Lesson objectives: Covered seed. The evolution of the plant world. Occurrence and Aquatic 1.5-2 billion years ago, the dominance of algae. Eukaryotes. Spore plants. Mosses. The emergence of life Aquatic 2-3 billion years ago on Earth.

"Animals of the desert" - 4) - A natural area with a dry climate and very sparse vegetation? Tunnel of questions. 5) Sand waves. Lake "Prival". 5) – What are oases? The tail will be torn off - Another will make money. Chatting with me - he does not know the measure. Cactus. Message waterfall. Huge bodies of water. The islands are washed by water from all sides.

"Deserts and semi-deserts" - Plants. Why doesn't it rain in deserts? Living conditions here are less severe than in the polar latitudes. Animals. What are deserts? Content. In rare places in deserts, where groundwater comes close to the surface, oases form. Desert dwellers. There are places on our planet where there is very little rainfall.

"Deserts" - But the climate became drier, and gradually the Sahara turned into a sandy desert. Now for hundreds of kilometers you will not find a single plant there. But the climate became drier, and gradually the Sahara turned into a sandy desert. There are also rocky deserts. What do you usually think of when you hear the word "desert"?

"Deserts" - A) jerboa; b) sand boa; c) midday gerbil; d) monitor lizard. Test. 7. There are rodents in the desert: A) saiga; b) scarab; c) camel. A) camel b) jerboa; c) midday gerbil. 5. Without moisture can do: A) monitor lizard; b) sand boa; c) a lizard - a round head. A) eared hedgehog; b) foot and mouth disease; c) corsac.

"Plant and Fauna" - Climate Groundwater Soil Human activity Relief (altitude zonation). Factors affecting vegetation. Animal world. The animal world is richer in species composition than the vegetable world. List the types of plant communities? Deer is an inhabitant of the forest. Flora and fauna of Russia. Steppe animals.

Animals of the desert gophers

  • Gopher (Spermophilus) is a mammal from the order of rodents (Rodentia), the protein family (Sciuridae). There are about 20 species of ground squirrels found in the open landscapes of the Northern Hemisphere; in Russia there are about 10 species. Different kinds ground squirrels are found in eastern Europe, the Caucasus, northern Asia and the North. America.
  • Those who have to travel through the American South will unmistakably recognize this frightening crackle. It is enough to confuse it with something else, and the mistake will cost a life ...
  • This ominous sound is the crackling of a rattlesnake's tail. And that warning can always be followed by a deadly bite.
  • These unique reptiles appeared on the continent only 5 million years ago, and then rapidly spread across America from coast to coast. But despite such a long neighborhood, we know relatively little about these snakes.
  • Why do they try to warn of their presence? Where do they find shelter if there are no habitual crevices nearby? And how do they manage to maintain the temperature balance in different climatic zones?
  • This inconspicuous inhabitant of the earth has a lot interesting features. So, if you illuminate a scorpion with ultraviolet light, the animal will begin to fluoresce, emitting blue, pink or green tones. Similarly, the remains of prehistoric scorpions flicker. This discovery was made in the sixties and allowed scientists to observe the hidden life of these creatures. As for the benefits of such a device for the scorpions themselves, scientists suggest that it helps to lure insects.
  • Nutrition
  • The large jerboa belongs to omnivorous rodents - plant (seeds, roots, bulbs) and animal (insects) food can be equally present in its diet. It easily changes from one type of food to another depending on its availability and season. On agricultural lands, a large jerboa often collects sown seeds of watermelons and melons, also feeds on grains of cultivated cereals, sunflower seeds, peas, but causes little damage.
Ground squirrel food
  • Grain mixtures form the basis of all kinds of ready-made foods that our pet stores offer for mice, hamsters and guinea pigs. These feeds are specially designed and, theoretically, perfectly balanced. However, they cannot serve as the sole source of nutrition and can only be recommended as a fortified food supplement.
  • CAMEL ( camelus), a genus of mammals of the camelid family (Camelidae) of the order of artiodactyls (Artiodactyla). Representatives of an almost extinct group of ungulates, which was once widespread throughout the world, except for Australia. The closest relatives of camels are the South American llama, alpaca, guanaco and vicuña. Currently, the genus is represented by two domesticated species: one-humped camel, or dromedary ( C. dromedarius), and a two-humped camel, or Bactrian ( C. bactrianus). They are used as pack and riding animals. The dromedary reaches a height of 1.8 m at the withers and 2.1 m at the top of the hump. The Bactrian has shorter legs and is more massive. Camel on average can carry a load of approx. 180 kg. The camel caravan moves at a speed of approx. 5 km / h and overcomes about 50 km per day. Dromedar is much faster than Bactrian. With one rider on his back, he can maintain a speed of 16 km / h all day, and the record for him is 240 km in 11 hours.
desert animals
  • Goals. To identify the features of the animals of the desert zone in comparison with the forest zone; to acquaint students with the predominant animal species of the desert zone, their adaptation to environmental conditions; to an excess of heat, to a lack of moisture, to scarce food, to the surrounding landscape, to movement; show the need to protect animals in the desert zone; introduce. animals listed in the Red Book; bring up careful attitude to nature.
  • Equipment. Textbook "Natural Studies", "100 tasks + 14 more", author. A. A. Pleshakov; magazine “Svirel”, map of natural areas, books about the desert, notebook for tests in natural history, table “Desert”, illustrations of desert animals, model of “TV”.
  • At the end of the broadcast, we ask you to answer the following questions:
  • What desert animals are protected?
  • D. Monitor lizards, gazelles, pelicans, swans, herons, wild boars
  • What should be done to preserve the nature of this zone?
  • D. Build reservoirs, draw channels with water.
  • Create reserves.


Barkhans - sandy hills in deserts
and semi-deserts.
Oasis is an island
green life among
lifeless desert.

Sandstorm -
transfer phenomenon
large amounts of dust
soil particles, grains of sand
wind from the earth
Sandstorm Height
several meters.

Vegetable world
Deserts have sparse vegetation
well adapted to hot and
dry climate, with deep roots,
tiny leaves or thorns
instead of them. Grow far apart
produce many flying seeds. Some
grow and mature in spring.

Camel-thorn. Her roots
penetrate deep into almost 20
meters and water is extracted from there.

Flowers are small.
The trunk is branched, its branches
covered with thin long
green branches that
then turn into scales
(modified leaves).

Dzhuzgun - shrub 3 - 4 m.
It grows on the slopes and peaks
The role of leaves in a shrub
play green branches.
The fruits are very light
outgrowths, thanks to which
carried over the sands
long distances.

sand sedge
Perennial herbaceous plant.

In the evening when it's hot
falls, everything comes to life.
Animals are sent
in search of food.
Animals hide during the day
in minks, in the shade of sandy
dunes, under plants.

sandy roundhead
tiny lizard with sandy yellow
back and tail
striated below.
Lizards feed
insects and others
The body of the lizard is covered
scales, shields.
On the back toes
horny denticles developed.
Ear opening hidden
under the skin. She instantly
can burrow into the ground
in case of danger.

Herbivorous animal.
The turtle can only be seen
in the morning or evening. By day she
hiding from the heat in burrows and
depressions in the ground, in the thickets
Turtle lives up to 100 years
out of 60 years - 55 years she sleeps.
Her skin is hard, dry,
dense, to save
moisture. The shell is very strong
he helps her escape

camel can
overcome great
distance without
food and water.
He burns fat
accumulated in the hump.
At the camel:
1. Wide soles so as not to fall into unsteady sand.
2. Calluses - so as not to burn the legs. The same calluses on my knees,
to rest along the way.
3. Narrow nostrils allow you to breathe during sandstorms.

Saiga is one of the largest animals
Saiga saigas live in herds. Can
run at speeds up to 80 km/h

Desert rodents.
Happy rodents
find themselves
refuge in
minks. They
active only in
early morning
hours when the soil
not yet
heated up.

Mouse is a long-eared jerboa.
Gets water from
juicy parts
plants - leaves,
green branches,
rhizomes and bulbs.
In desert animals
there is a row
adaptations to
water consumption.

The giant mole rat is the largest rodent. body length
up to 40 cm. This is a relic animal. Light sand color.
Leads an underground lifestyle. He spends his whole life in a large and
complexly arranged hole, constantly re-equipping it. He doesn't have
eyes and outer ears.
The mole rat digs the ground
paws, and incisors of teeth,
which are well developed
especially the lower ones, and stick out
out. mouth opening
while always closed
lips curled in,
why the earth does not fall into
animal mouth.

The hedgehog digs a hole up to 1.5 m long, but
can take abandoned houses
other animals. The hedgehog has a lot
enemies: wolves, badgers, foxes. On
hedgehog hibernates in winter.
The hedgehog does without water and food for a long time. He eats
insects: beetles, ants, larvae. Can catch
snake, lizard, frog. Eats berries and seeds.

Fillies chirp, moving their hips
along one of the veins of the elytra.
Only males chirp, attracting
these females.
These insects have highly developed
hind limbs, which
perform the function of jumping,
complementing the usual way to fly.

The scorpion is a predator. A very dangerous animal. He
kills the victim
poisonous sting at the end of the abdomen (tail).

Korsak is a predatory animal.
Little fox with big ears
high legs. Weighs 4-6 kg. The speed is up to 40-50 km / h, but soon gets tired.
Korsak feeds on rodents
(voles, mice, jerboas),
reptiles, birds and their
eggs, insects.
Lives in burrows. Korsak almost does not dig holes,
occupies burrows of ground squirrels, gerbils. Nora
usually shallow, long
up to 2.5 m and with multiple entrances.

80 cm long, has
light yellow-brown
coloration with blurry
brownish spots.
In spring, the boa boa is active during the day, in summer it becomes a nocturnal animal, and in autumn,
before leaving for the winter, leads a daytime image.
It easily sinks into the sand and crawls over them as easily as a fish in water.
The eyes look straight up.
Lizards serve as food for the boa constrictor (agamas, roundheads, foot-and-mouth disease, geckos),
rodents (hamsters, mice, gerbils, jerboas), birds (wagtails,

Black beetle..
Beetles are herbivores
animals. Get water from
succulent parts of plants:
leaves, green twigs,
rhizomes and bulbs. Fly
they don't know how - they just crawl
and run, sometimes climb
on the lower branches of shrubs.
Chernotelki can apply
great harm to landings in
deserts: after all, their food
constitutes every possible
vegetation. Majority
darklings are active at night

Holy scarab.
The beetle is a dung beetle.
Length 3 cm. He molds balls from manure,
which rolls to a convenient
place and dig in. These balls are stock
food for beetle larvae.
The beetle was a sacred animal
Ancient Egypt. Image of this
beetle can be seen in ancient
temples, tombs. Watching how
the beetle rolls its ball, the Egyptians
saw the movement of the sun

These are agile animals
up to 7 cm long, with long
hairy legs.
The tarantula has a whole set of eyes -
two large ones and six smaller ones.
The tarantula spider lives in a mink,
which he digs.
He strengthens her walls
cobwebs so as not to crumble.
All day the tarantula sits in
his mink, and at night comes out
for prey - small


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