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A rusty nut that does not want to loosen is a problem that is not uncommon for motorists, locksmiths, plumbers, cyclists. The part gets stuck in place as if tightly. To stir her up, sometimes it takes too much time and effort. We will introduce you to several ways that will tell you how to unscrew a rusty nut quickly and with a minimum of effort.

Why is a rusty nut difficult to loosen?

As a result of the interaction of metal with oxygen in a humid environment, a characteristic corrosion appears on the material - rust. During its formation, there is a multiple increase in the volume of the oxidation product (the same rust). The nut "swollen" in this way almost tightly merges with the bolt. Having miscalculated the forces a little, you can easily break the bolt, trying to break this union.

But rust is far from the only reason why the nut does not loosen:

  • Pollution... If dirt, dust, small metal shavings are worn on the surface of the thread, then this becomes an obstacle in the way of unscrewing the nut and jamming it in one place.
  • Strong tightening... A tightly tightened nut is also the cause of a stalemate. The strongly tightened metal of the surfaces of two parts, a bolt and a nut, sticks to the adjacent one, which leads to the fact that it is very difficult to unscrew the element.
  • Poor quality tool... The case may be in the same wrench, the edges of which are worn down, deformed or otherwise damaged.

Finding the right tool

To successfully unscrew a rusted nut, you must first collect the tools that will help you in this matter:

  • Box key.
  • Socket wrench.
  • Heads with a crank.
  • Mechanical wrench.

Do not use force to move a tightly seized nut! Such an impact will only lead to a breakdown of the thread, cutting off the faceted part, and often even to a breakdown of the tool. First of all, you need to help the case with the help of a hexagon spanner. An open-end wrench should not be used.

About safety

Read these important safety points before unscrewing a rusty nut:

  • Do not use a damaged instrument in any way.
  • The nut is always loosened counterclockwise.
  • The tool on the part must be securely fixed.
  • Use special household gloves to avoid injury.

So, if the nut is rusty, how do you unscrew it? We offer you several effective methods.

Method number 1: dissolving rust

How to unscrew a rusty nut? We will not suffer with the instrument, wasting our strength in vain. And let's go in search of a substance that will help dissolve rust and reduce friction. Of the most famous, they have proven themselves well:

  • Special tool WD-40.
  • Kerosene.
  • Brake fluid.
  • Petrol.
  • Carburetor cleaner.
  • Alcohol.
  • Table vinegar.
  • "Coca-Cola" and other drink containing inorganic phosphoric acid.

We are sure that at least one of the above was at your fingertips. Further, the algorithm for your actions is simple:

  1. Wet the nut well with the product. Wait about half an hour.
  2. Then try to carefully unscrew the part with the tool. It did not work out - again the treatment with the substance and wait.
  3. The tool will work better if you soak a rag or napkin in it and wrap it around the nut.
  4. You can then speed up the loosening by lightly knocking on the part with a hammer.
  5. One more effective method- after exposure to the solution, try to twist the nut with a strong and sharp jerk.
  6. For a small nut, the "swing" method will help - back and forth.

Method number 2: heating

When the nut is rusty, what will help to unscrew if the previous method is ineffective? Try to heat the part - due to the high temperature, the metal will begin to expand, thereby destroying the layers of rust. The threaded connection from this, in turn, will lose its strength.

What can be used as a heater:

  • Gas burner.
  • Lighter.
  • Building hair dryer.
  • Blowtorch.

As a last resort, ordinary boiling water will help you. Be careful: do not use heating in close proximity to wooden or paintwork elements.

The instructions for your actions are as follows:

  1. Heat the nut vigorously - preferably red hot.
  2. The next step is to try to unscrew it with a key.
  3. If the nut or bolt thread is damaged, it is necessary to weld the socket head to the nut, and then heat up this entire structure. Try to unscrew it with a knob.

Method number 3: destruction of the nut

Sometimes the question "How to unscrew a rusty nut?" there is only one answer - to destroy it. You will be helped in this matter:

  • Chisel.
  • Bulgarian.
  • Hacksaw for metal.
  • Electric drill.

And here is the algorithm of actions:

  • With a chisel and hammer, prepare grooves along the edges of the nut. The further you drive in the chisel, the more the diameter of the part increases. The result of this will be the destruction of the connection holding the thread. You will achieve a similar effect by drilling such holes with an electric drill. This case is convenient if you have enough space to access the nut.
  • Another way is to wield a grinder or a hacksaw for metal. You need to carefully saw the part along the axis of the bolt connected to it.

Method number 4: twisting

The logic is simple: if the nut does not lend itself to unscrewing in the opposite direction, then maybe try to move it along the thread in the other direction? As soon as the part succumbs to your efforts, you need to try to slowly but surely turn it in the necessary direction.

Method number 5: tapping the nut

How to unscrew a rusty nut on a mixer? Any plumber will advise you to tap her.

For these purposes, a small 100-gram hammer is an ideal tool:

  • Apply light blows alternately on each of the edges. Moving in a circle, walk this path several times.
  • During your actions, microcracks will form in the rusted metal, which will lead to both deformation and destruction of the corrosion layer.

Never try to hit the jammed nut harder! This will not only not speed up the process, but will also lead to deformation of the edges of the element, bending of the bolt, or even breakage of the part that holds this structure together.

Method number 6: wax cup

Rusty nut - how to unscrew? Another way: from plasticine or wax, mold a shape that resembles a mini-cup in outline. Moreover, its sides in height should be several millimeters above the edges of the nut. Pour sulfuric acid into the "cup" and put a small particle of zinc. You will cause the effect of the so-called galvanic cell: acid will destroy rust, and iron cations will help restore zinc. As a result, the nut can be unscrewed without damaging the part with acid.

Problem prevention

In order not to further worry about how to unscrew a rusty nut on a car, bicycle, mixer, when installing this part, do not forget to do the following:

  • Be sure to treat the threads with grease: graphite, silicone, teflon.
  • Refuse to use grease and lithol. The fact is that these substances are great only for dynamic, moving parts, but not static ones, which include a bolt and a nut. In our case, such a lubricant will only ossify and, on the contrary, will interfere with unscrewing.

We hope that you have found a suitable method that helped you cope with the problem you encountered. Once again, we draw your attention: do not forget about its prevention!

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