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Today, in almost any car, whether it is from a foreign or domestic manufacturer, there is an indicator on the dashboard called "Check engine". Among car owners, it is directly referred to simply as a “check”. The ignition of this indicator, as a rule, brings a lot of trouble for the car owner. In this article, we will analyze in detail what a “Check engine” is and what to do when it lights up.

Let's try to figure out what this notorious "Check engine" is. The literal translation of the phrase "Check engine" from English sounds like "Check the engine." If this indicator lights up, it means that the engine control unit itself has detected a malfunction in the operation of the vehicle's power unit.

Initially, on the very first cars with the “Check engine” indicator, a small computer was installed with it, which was responsible for the operation of the carburetor. A lit "check" meant a malfunction in his work. In modern cars, the duties of the Check engine indicator have become more extensive.
So today, the “Check engine” indicator can light up if there is a malfunction in the engine, ignition system, etc. Also, low-quality fuel can serve as the reason for the indicator to light up.

The driver action check is on

First of all, it should be said that the "Check engine" indicator lights up in two cases, namely:

  • The indicator lights up when the engine is started or the ignition is turned on. If in this case the indicator goes out after a short period of time, then there is no reason for concern.
  • The indicator lights up at start-up or while the vehicle is running and stays on for a long time. This is a clear sign of a malfunction in the car.

Important! If the notorious “Check engine” indicator lights up, in no case should you ignore it. This can greatly exacerbate the problem, and will most likely result in an expensive car repair.

And so, when the “Check engine” indicator lights up, the driver should take the following actions:

  1. It is necessary to listen directly to the operation of the engine for tapping and other extraneous noise;
  2. Perform a visual inspection for oil leaks and external damage;
  3. If obvious malfunctions are found, they must be eliminated upon arrival home or contact a specialized auto repair shop.

The check is on, the most common causes and solutions

Causes for the "Check Engine" light to come on can range from low engine oil to faults in the vehicle's high-voltage wires.
And so, let's analyze the main reasons for the "Check engine" indicator to light up and how to eliminate them:

  • Low oil level in the engine or transmission. It is solved by elementary topping up or changing the oil. How to check and when to change the oil in the engine and gearbox can be read in our article;
  • Violation of the tightness of the fuel tank, or more simply, a loose or damaged filler cap. Solved by replacing or tightening the cover;
  • Faulty spark plugs. This problem is solved by setting the gap or directly replacing the candles. You can read more about spark plug malfunctions and how to fix them in our article;
  • Low quality fuel. It is solved by draining bad fuel from the fuel tank and filling with new one. Flushing the fuel tank and replacing the fuel filter is often required;
  • Malfunctions in the operation of the fuel pump. A symptom of this problem is insufficient pressure in the fuel rail, it must be at least 3 atmospheres, it is eliminated by replacing the fuel pump;
  • Dirty fuel filter. Solved by replacing the fuel filter;
  • Exhaust catalyst failure. Solved by replacing the catalyst;
  • Malfunctions of the lambda probe sensor. Solved by replacing the sensor;
  • Faulty ignition coil. Details on how to check the ignition coil are written in our article;
  • High voltage wires. It is solved by checking and replacing, if necessary, high-voltage wires.

As is clear from the above, the reasons for the “Check engine” indicator to light up can be both completely harmless and extremely serious requiring emergency intervention.
List of causes for the "Check engine" indicator to light up, by frequency of occurrence:

  1. Lambda probe sensor;
  2. Fuel tank not leaking
  3. Catalyst;
  4. Spark plug;
  5. Poor quality fuel
  6. Fuel filter.

How to check high voltage wires, driver's manual

Let's take a closer look at how to check the serviceability of high-voltage wires when the "Check engine" indicator lights up. To check high-voltage wires, we need:

  • Stainless steel container;
  • Water;
  • Salt;
  • Multimeter.

  1. And so, the check of high-voltage wires is carried out in the following sequence:
  2. Pour water into a stainless steel container;
  3. Add salt to water and stir until dissolved;
  4. We turn on the megger mode on the multimeter;
  5. We lower the high-voltage wire into a container of water so that both ends are on the surface;
  6. We hook one multimeter probe to one of the ends of the high-voltage wire;
  7. We hook the second probe of the multimeter to the container;
  8. We look at the readings of the multimeter;
  9. We repeat this procedure with all other high-voltage wires.

Important! The insulation resistance of high-quality high-voltage wires must be at least 500 kOhm. If the insulation resistance does not correspond to the norm, it is necessary to replace the high-voltage wires.

  • If you do not have sufficient knowledge and experience in the device and car repair. It is recommended to contact a specialized service center, where they will carry out high-quality diagnostics and find out the exact reason for the “Check engine” indicator to light up.
  • In some cars, due to the design features of the “Check engine” indicator, it may light up elementarily due to a loose fuel tank cap. This happens when the fuel pressure sensor is installed directly in the car's fuel tank. For example, owners of Renault Logan face this problem.
  • You can read about how to properly change the oil, check the spark plugs and the ignition coil on our website in the articles, and, accordingly.
  • As mentioned earlier, despite the fact that the reasons for the “Check engine” indicator to light up may seem non-critical, in no case should this problem be ignored. During the diagnostics and the problem eliminated, you will avoid costly repairs.

Any modern car is a complex mechanism with a large number of component parts and individual units. Suspension, transmission, engine - all this is a necessary filling, which eventually fails or begins to function incorrectly. An important role is also played by electronics, which becomes more with each new update. And so that the driver understands that some system is malfunctioning, the Check Engine indicator, known to all motorists, is placed on the dashboard. But actually, what does this mean?

The literal translation of Check Engine from English means "check the engine." About what it is and will be discussed further. In fact, this indicator turns on not only when the power unit itself breaks down. Almost all auto systems, including even suspension components and parts, are under the control of an electronic control unit (ECU). Experts call it brains for short.

The operation of the computer is carried out using numerous sensors. And the more expensive the car, the greater the number of them, since the "charged" models are equipped with a considerable amount of equipment. In other words, this is a whole network of sensors, each of which controls the part entrusted to them.

However, the main reason why the lamp caught fire is still due to a malfunction of any part of the engine. For example - Check Engine Oil Level. This indicates problems with the oil level in the engine.

About how things happen

Before the emergency light comes on, the ECU detects a malfunction in any part of the engine. After that, he enters the Check Engine error into his memory as a specific sequence or digital code. At the same time, the said light comes on.

Those cars that have a modern diagnostic “tool” on board usually decipher all errors immediately. The data is displayed on the on-board computer display. However, these cars are much more expensive, respectively. And then there aren't many of them. Basically, to decipher the error, you need to connect special diagnostic equipment to the appropriate connector.

It is worth noting here that the malfunction indicator itself has gone through a long evolutionary path since the first moment of its appearance. And it all started with a simple device, when carburetors were still in use. Now it is a full-fledged signaling device about existing problems in relation to the power unit and the rest of the electronic equipment that is under the control of the computer.

When the Check Engine light comes on, it usually indicates both a minor breakdown and a serious problem. Therefore, it is necessary to respond to this signal promptly and as soon as possible. Otherwise, it threatens with no less serious consequences, which implies unreasonably high costs.

Indicator modes

And now about how exactly it works. Its appearance occurs only in two cases:

  1. When the ignition is switched on or the engine is started.
  2. With the power unit already running for a long time.

In the first case, the signal lamp indicates complete order. And if all systems are functioning normally, then it spontaneously goes out after a few seconds.

When the “emergency light” continues to “work” after it lights up, you should think about it. After all, this is a clear signal that a malfunction has crept into the operation of the engine or any system.

Minor malfunctions

Now it is worth listing some of the most common reasons why the emergency lamp on the dashboard lights up when the ignition is turned on. As previously noted, the appearance of an emergency warning light on the dashboard does not always indicate a malfunction of the power plant itself. And there are many reasons for this, and among them there are those breakdowns that are not critical. And, perhaps, let's start with a list of easy faults.


Most cars of German or European assembly are demanding in terms of fuel quality. And if the fuel is not the most “tasty” for the engine, then it’s not worth being surprised that the Check Engine caught fire. But how does the vehicle itself determine the quality of the gasoline poured into it?! Everything here is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance.

The matter is as follows. During the operation of the power unit, subject to low-quality fuel, misfiring occurs. In other words, fuel enters the combustion chamber, but ignition does not occur. This indicates the incorrect operation of the candle, which does not give a spark at all. As a result, there is such a phenomenon as the "triple" of the motor. And this is the reason why the lamp caught fire. This is especially true when starting a cold engine.

The breakdown is easily fixed - just unscrew each spark plug and carefully inspect them. The presence of black soot indicates fuel of obviously poor quality. Then you should just change the gas station.


This is also the reason why the warning light came on. In particular, this refers to what kind of antifreeze to fill in the cooling system. There are also quite a few "specialists" who do not see the difference between red and green liquid, considering it all the same. Therefore, even if the car is designed for a green product, you can still safely pour red. These professionals can say the same about antifreeze and antifreeze, considering them also identical products.

However, this attitude is fundamentally wrong. The bottom line is that most cars that are assembled in their homeland, and not in Europe or Russia, “make” high demands on the quality of the liquid for the cooling system. Sometimes the engine simply will not start and instead the driver will see an emergency indicator on the dashboard.

gas tank

Because of this seemingly insignificant problem, the Check Engine also lights up, but in no case should it be bypassed. Almost any automaker installs a tank pressure sensor. Simply put, when the lid is closed too tightly (although this is unlikely to happen) or it is completely forgotten, Chek Engin will definitely make itself felt.

Without a certain pressure in the tank, many cars cannot properly mix, including the supply of fuel and its injection into the combustion chamber. Budget transport fortunately does not suffer from all this.

Serious problems

The above breakdowns can easily be fixed by car owners. By the way, their number can be large, only the most common situations are listed above. And the number of faults is directly proportional to the complexity of the layout of the electronics in the car.

Nevertheless, the appearance of the Check Engine on the dashboard may also indicate more significant problems, as a result of which an already expensive repair may be required. Further in the text, examples from this area will be listed.


Let's start with this very important detail, which is directly related to the Euro environmental standard. At the moment, the last one is Euro-6, which entered into force in 2015. In a situation where the part is clogged and can no longer cope with its functions, the driver sees a light on the dashboard.

A defective catalytic converter may not allow exhaust gases to pass through the muffler correctly. Accordingly, this significantly complicates the operation of the power unit. At the same time, the Check Engine lamp itself flashes.

Fuel pump

In any modern car, an injection power plant is many times better than an analogue with a carburetor. With such a system, a fuel pump is located in the tank, which creates a certain pressure in the rail. And it should not exceed three atmospheres, otherwise the motor will not work properly.

Therefore, if the fuel pump starts to malfunction, this circumstance will be recorded by the ECU, with the help of which the driver will receive an appropriate alarm signal.

Ignition coil

The cause of the light indication may be the ignition coil. Motorists call it in their own way - "reel". The coil is a pulse type transformer. People who understand electronics will understand what is at stake.

Its task is to convert low voltage to high voltage. A defective element adversely affects the operation of the ignition system and its parts. The power unit itself also suffers.


Violation of the fuel supply to the combustion chambers can occur not only with a faulty fuel pump. And if the injectors do not spray fuel where necessary, then the engine will not start at all.

Thus, when the emergency light comes on, it makes sense to diagnose the injectors. And if there is a need for this, they should be cleaned.

Check Engine Oil Level

This signal sometimes makes Honda owners nervous. Often, buying a low-quality oil filter causes a Check Engine indication. Not immediately, of course, but definitely. Regarding lubrication, the 5w-30 brand is preferred for Honda.

And after the original part was installed, the appearance of the Check Engine Oil Level was no longer observed. Therefore, once again it is worth thinking a hundred times before buying non-original spare parts. In any case, the service life can be immediately called into question. If such parts work for a long time, then very rarely.

Reset errors

There are quite a few cases when the Check Engine lamp lights up, and you should not dismiss the problem that has arisen. However, after the fault has been corrected, the light may still remain on. What is it connected with?

The ECU, after detecting a problem, stores its code in memory (this has already been mentioned). However, if the situation is corrected, the code cannot go anywhere and therefore the indicator lights up again the next time the engine is started. Here you should erase the error codes from the computer's memory. In the language of specialists, such a procedure is called resetting error codes. There are several options for how this can be done.

Professional technique

This is the most reliable and effective way to get rid of the annoying indicator when the problem is already solved. The procedure is performed in a car service using special equipment. And there are a lot of such places in every city today, not to mention megacities.

amateur performance

In the sale of relevant specialized stores, you can find special scanners for cars. Such a device can help out in different situations and therefore this acquisition will be very useful for any vehicle owner.

Then it's up to the small - download the necessary software for your smartphone (tablet or laptop - now every second motorist has such gadgets). By connecting the device to the car's OBD2 diagnostic connector, you can "read" all the available Check Engine errors.

Some software offers an alternative solution to the problem. Most minor breakdowns are easily solved by car owners. In other words, buying an autoscanner has certain advantages, including savings. In conclusion, it remains to erase the mistakes, and the check will no longer bother and annoy.

Original folk technique

Some craftsmen know perfectly well what to do to reset the error using their own special method, which every experienced motorist knows about. To turn off the light bulb, it is enough to follow a certain sequence:

  1. Start the engine.
  2. Open the hood and remove the positive battery terminal.
  3. Wait 60 seconds, then return the terminal to its place.
  4. The error code will be reset, which will be indicated by the extinguished indicator light the next time the motor is turned on.
  5. Another procedure may also help:
  6. Turn on the ignition, wait 3 seconds and proceed to the next step.
  7. Depress the accelerator pedal 5 times, holding each position for 5 seconds. Release the pedal.
  8. After 8 seconds, press the gas pedal again and hold for 10 seconds - the indicator will blink.
  9. Take your foot off the pedal and you can look at the display, which shows error codes. Now again for 10 seconds, hold down the accelerator pedal - the Check Engine lamp should go out.
  10. Switch off ignition.
  11. To check, you can start the engine again and make sure that the indicator goes out and does not light up, as it should.

It is worth noting that the last two methods only work when the problem is fixed. Otherwise, do not be surprised that the Check Engine caught fire. And then visiting a specialist is only a matter of time.


All cases of the indicator lighting up cannot be contained in one article. Sometimes it appears even after the wheels slip. One way or another, this cannot be left unattended, otherwise it threatens not with the most pleasant consequences. If experience in car repair is not enough to fix the problem, it is highly recommended to seek help from the nearest car service, where specialists will conduct a comprehensive diagnosis.

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Today, modern cars have in their arsenal many additional sensors that are placed on the instrument panel and help the motorist to monitor the health of their vehicle.

In this article, we'll look at:

  • what sensors are responsible for the quality of the engine;
  • what do they signal?
  • How to fix it.

An indicator of stable and proper operation of the engine is the check engine malfunction light.

If the engine is running normally, then the light comes on when it starts and immediately goes out. A burning check engine when the car is moving is already the first sign - an engine malfunction. In this case, you should not panic and immediately go to the service station, since most of the cases associated with a faulty engine sensor can be fixed on your own.

Engine malfunction indicator: the main causes of fire. Methods of their treatment

There are quite a few reasons why the engine diagnostic lamp lights up, since the signal comes from the on-board computer, which simultaneously analyzes many vehicle operating systems: ignition, automatic transmission, engine, carburetor, etc. Some malfunctions can be diagnosed independently, but first, let's figure it out in their reasons:

  1. If the engine light comes on, it is necessary to start by checking the tightness of the fuel system, for example, the gas tank cap is loose or defective. This engine warning light is often turned on for this very reason.

  1. If the check engine light comes on while the vehicle is moving, this may indicate a low oil level in the engine. To diagnose this malfunction, it is recommended to stop and listen to the operation of the engine in order to identify the presence of extraneous knocks and noises. And also conduct a visual inspection of it - check the oil level, inspect for leaks and damage to the body.
  2. In the conditions of our country, the quality of fuel and lubricant products wants to be the best, as a result of which the engine malfunction icon may also light up. To be treated by a banal replacement of bad fuel.
  3. If the check engine light is still on during stable and smooth operation of the engine, this may be a sign of a misfire in one of the candles. If you find a “punching” spark plug or armored wire, then they must be urgently replaced, since they are the main igniters of the fuel system. With a faulty spark plug, small jolts may be felt during acceleration, which is caused by incorrect spark supply. The recommended interval for replacing spark plugs is 25 - 30 thousand km. Please note that timely replacement of spark plugs not only improves engine performance, but also reduces fuel consumption. By the way, the gap between the spark plug electrode should not exceed 1.3 mm.

  1. Faulty ignition coil. It is necessary to check the presence of a spark and resistance at the coil terminals.
  2. Malfunction of the oxygen sensor (lambda probe). This sensor helps control your car's fuel consumption, so a malfunction can have a significant effect on increasing it and reducing engine power. The cause of the failure is oil soot, which covers the sensor with a thin layer, which reduces the performance of the gasoline mixture adjustment sensor. In addition, untimely replacement of the sensor can lead to failure of the catalyst. Treated by replacing the sensor.

  1. Exhaust catalyst failure. The catalyst not only provides a more environmentally friendly exhaust gas, but is also responsible for the dynamics of the car. The main cause of catalyst failure is the untimely replacement of the oxygen sensor and spark plugs, since it is on them that the conversion of carbon monoxide in the catalyst into harmless chemical elements depends. Otherwise, the catalyst overheats and may burst. Treat with a replacement.

  1. Injectors malfunction. As a rule, they require cleaning, but sometimes even replacement.
  2. Malfunction of the mass air flow sensor.

This sensor is responsible for the poverty of the supplied mixture. A malfunction of this sensor can lead to increased fuel consumption, a decrease in engine power and a violation of the smoothness and dynamics of the vehicle. In addition, the car may not start well, not run smoothly at idle.

The main reason for sensor failure is untimely or incorrect installation of the air filter.

Please note that with a broken mass air flow sensor, you can drive for a long time, but this will negatively affect, first of all, fuel consumption. Treat with a replacement.

  1. Faulty fuel pump or fuel filter. It is necessary to measure the pressure in the rail (its value should not be less than three atm.). To be treated by cleaning the filter and mesh in the gas tank. More drastic measures are the replacement of the fuel filter or fuel pump.

If the above methods of "treatment" did not help and the check still lit up on the instrument panel, then you must immediately contact the car mechanic, otherwise it may be fraught with serious repairs.

There are cars that are designed for ordinary city driving, such vehicles almost do not stand out from the general flow. And there are brutal SUVs that were created for harsh military conditions. Such transport can be seen mainly only in the service. But still, there are military vehicles that can safely drive in normal mode.

GAZ-69. This brutal military SUV has real all-wheel drive. It is very reliable as its device is very simple. In the cabin, everything is very clear: nothing superfluous, all control levers are switched with difficulty, you need to get used to it. This car is hardly suitable for winter operation, since it has a soft top instead of a regular roof. But in the summer it is a pleasure to drive a GAZ-69!

UAZ Hunter. This Ulyanovsk SUV has been produced for more than 15 years. Well, it is used mainly for law enforcement purposes. Only a fraction of buyers purchase it for normal use. But in principle, an SUV fits perfectly for these purposes. It has a 2.7-liter gasoline engine with 128 hp, a spacious interior and a large margin of safety.

Mercedes- Benz G- class. This legendary German SUV can hardly be called military now, as now it has become more luxurious and pretentious, and the dynamics have reached a new level. But once upon a time, the car was completely different. For example, instead of a 4-liter turbo engine, a 2.3-liter gasoline engine was installed under the hood. And even now you can find such a simple G-class with modest equipment and no body kit.

It often happens that on the instrument panel in the passenger compartment of a car equipped with electronic control, the emergency sensor light comes on. If the car starts up, continues to work, but the check engine light is on, this means that the switch-on occurred in emergency mode. Some models of modern cars (Audi, BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Porshe, VW) are equipped with a system capable of performing self-diagnosis, errors are decoded to the information panel. But drivers are not always able to understand why the check engine malfunction lighted up.

What does the Check Engine signal mean

To start the engine, the driver turns on the ignition. If at the same time the engine check is flashing, this should not cause concern, since it will soon go out. But a burning signal, with the engine running, indicates violations in its operation.

In the event of a malfunction in the operation of the power unit, an error is recorded in the memory of the control unit in the form of a coded signal. In this case, the check engine light is on the dashboard. If the car does not provide diagnostics in automatic mode, you need to connect a scanning device to a special connector. The scanner reads the code and performs a detailed decoding of the error.

In the process of developing electronics, the Check Engine indicator has evolved from a simple fault sensor into a signaling device with many functions. A modern engine check, when blinking, reports the following inconsistencies:

  • incorrect composition of fuel mixtures;
  • failures of settings in the ignition system;
  • sensor failures.

It is also his task to report problems not related to the power unit. To identify the place of occurrence and nature of the breakdown, the master will need professional knowledge, experience, special tools and tools.

Important: The electronic unit of the computer issues a command to flash the signaling device, as a result of detecting errors of varying degrees of complexity. Among them, there are problems, both serious and minor. For the purpose of diagnostics, it is recommended to suspend the operation of the vehicle. Experienced car owners often independently determine the reason for the inclusion of a check, without waiting for a visit to the service station.

Signs of major malfunctions and the causes of the indicator signal

If the check Engine light comes on while the car is moving after refueling at a gas station, the most likely cause is the inappropriate quality of the filled gasoline. In this case, the following symptoms are observed:

  1. Power reduction.
  2. Interruptions in the engine (stalls).
  3. Detonation as a result of incomplete combustion of fuel.
  • add a portion of higher quality fuel to the tank;
  • drain the recently filled gasoline, clean the fuel system.

If the check does not want to go out after the cause has been eliminated, it is necessary to delete the error recorded in the device's memory using a special computer program.

Checking the oil level and its condition

The next most important causes of the signal are considered to be overheating of the motor, a decrease in the level of lubricating fluid in the internal combustion engine. It is recommended to check the engine temperature. If there is no overheating, check the volume and condition of the oil. After checking the level, add the missing amount of lubricant. Using a clean paper towel, the quality and composition of engine oil is checked according to the following criteria:

  1. Color.
  2. Consistency.
  3. The presence of mechanical inclusions.
  4. The smell of burning.

If everything is in order with the quality and quantity of oil, the engine starts to eliminate unusual sounds, noises during operation both at idle and under load.

If unusual noise effects of a running engine are detected against the background of a burning check, it is recommended to send the car to the nearest service company. Self-moving a car is not recommended, delivery is carried out by towing or in another convenient way. Further operation can lead to serious damage and costly repairs to the elements of the power unit.

Flashing indicator and engine tripping

When the check is flashing and the engine is troit at the same time, it is necessary to examine the elements of the ignition system:

  • wiring;
  • coil.

The tripping effect occurs when only three combustion chambers are working instead of all four. The engine starts to triple in the absence of injection of the air-fuel mixture into one cylinder.

Worn out and dirty spark plugs also cause the Check Engine light to come on. In order not to think for a long time how to remove the engine check, you just need to clean or completely replace outdated candles with a new set.

Checking the ignition coil is reduced to measuring the resistance at the terminals and testing for the ability to create a blue spark.

What to do if the check engine light is on due to a malfunction in the fuel supply system

In case of violations associated with the flow of fuel into the cylinders, it is recommended to check the condition of the spray nozzles. Their holes must be cleaned, washed, if necessary, completely replaced with new devices.

The decrease in pressure in the fuel system is caused by malfunctions:

  1. Gasoline pump (in carburetor, injection engines).
  2. fuel filter
  3. High pressure fuel pump (in diesel).

If the check engine light is caused by a failed catalytic converter, drivers simply remove it from the exhaust system and then turn off the corresponding sensor (oxygen).

How to reset check engine error

If critical errors occur in the operation of the engine, the information is recorded in the computer's memory and is not deleted on its own even after the defect has been eliminated. In this case, the check continues to glow. To reset a recorded error with your own hands, experienced car owners perform the following operations:

  • warm up the engine to operating temperatures;
  • disconnect the terminal on the battery for a while (from 5 to 15 minutes);
  • restore the connection with a terminal;
  • insert and turn the ignition key before starting (while all the indicators on the devices are on);
  • wait one minute;
  • turn the key in the opposite direction.

Most often, such actions lead to the desired result, the error code disappears from the memory of the computer unit. The check stops glowing after turning on and running the engine in idle mode for three minutes.

If the method of disconnecting the terminal did not work, the indicator continues to flash, the error is removed from the memory of the control device using special computer programs through the pinout OBD diagnostic connector.

The control unit can also cause the check signal to turn on if individual elements of the computer partially or completely fail.


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