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At the 145th General Meeting of representatives of consumer societies of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Lvovich Zubov was unanimously elected Chairman of the Council of the Central Union of the Russian Federation.

Speaking at the reporting and election meeting of the Central Council of Consumer Societies of the Russian Federation, First Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Dzhambulat Khatuov noted that during the implementation of the import substitution policy, the role of consumer cooperation is growing rapidly.

“To develop and increase the rate of production of agricultural products, it is necessary to develop the activities of consumer cooperation, which should resolve issues of storage, processing, pre-sale preparation and packaging of produced agricultural products. This will create conditions for the formation of a fair purchase price, increase the competitiveness of small producers, reduce their costs and the cost of production,” Khatuov emphasized.

During the meeting, it was noted that the grant support for beginning farmers and family livestock farms implemented over the past four years has significantly improved the quality and volume of agricultural products produced by farmers. Today, farmers account for about 11% of total agricultural production and the contribution of farmers is growing steadily every year. In 2016, 900 million rubles were allocated from federal funds for the development of agricultural cooperation (2 times more than in 2015).

In certain areas, small forms of management produce almost half of the total production volume. Farms occupy a significant share in the production of milk, potatoes, vegetables and fruits.

Concluding his speech, Dzhambulat Khatuov noted that the creation of an effective system of consumer cooperation organizations of the Central Union will give a powerful impetus to the development of farming.

The meeting made changes to the composition of the Council of the Central Union of the Russian Federation.

The Council approved the composition of the Presidium of the Council of the Central Union of the Russian Federation: D.L. Zubov, S.V. Gritsai, V.F. Ermakov, V.G. Kalensky, M.V. Ostrovsky, Yu.N. Ryazanov, V.I. Kharlamov.

A number of personnel appointments have been made.

Sergei Viktorovich Gritsai was appointed First Deputy Chairman of the Council of the Central Union of the Russian Federation. Vladimir Ivanovich Kharlamov was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Council of the Central Union of the Russian Federation. The post of Deputy Chairman of the Council was retained by Yuri Nikolaevich Ryazanov.

Vladislav Vasilyevich Gribkov was appointed to the position of Chairman of the Board of the Central Union of the Russian Federation.

Maxim Vitalievich Feliseev (deputy for commercial projects), Maria Borisovna Beketova (deputy for finance), Denis Aleksandrovich Eliseev (deputy for legal and corporate issues), Oleg Anatolyevich Belousov (deputy for economic security) were appointed deputy chairmen of the Management Board.

A discussion has begun in consumer societies and unions of the new Action Program of the Central Union system “Development of consumer cooperation as an essential condition for ensuring food security in Russian regions.” The program is addressed to shareholders, employees, heads of cooperative organizations, scientists and teachers of cooperative educational institutions, and the interested public.

Our information. Zubov was born on May 11, 1954 in the Gorky region. Graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute named after. S. Ordzhonikidze, is a Doctor of Economic Sciences. He worked as secretary of the Komsomol Committee of the Lukhovitsky Machine-Building Plant, worked in the working youth department of the Central Committee of the Komsomol, headed the All-Union Center of the MZhK, then was appointed deputy general director of the All-Union Center for Film and Television for Children and Youth, held the positions of General Director of JSC Alon, senior positions in Moseximbank , OJSC IBN-System, CJSC Promkhiminvest. Since 1999 he worked at AFK Sistema, and since 2000 he served as Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors.

In the photo: D. Zubov

By a unanimous decision of the 147th reporting and election meeting of representatives of consumer societies of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Zubov was re-elected to the post of Chairman of the Council of the Central Union for a period of five years.

The meeting was held in Ulyanovsk the day after the NEW COOPERATION Forum. With their decision, representatives of the country's consumer societies demonstrated a high degree of trust in the current leader of the Central Union and support for the ambitious program for updating consumer cooperation, with which Dmitry Lvovich Zubov came to the Central Union of Russia about two years ago.

“We managed to do a lot during the reporting period. We have been looking for a long time for a formula that would allow consumer cooperation to make a qualitative leap to a new level of development. And I think we found it. – Dmitry Zubov said during his speech. - The NEW COOPERATION forum has outlined the mechanism that we will use. It is now extremely clear that consumer cooperation will not survive if it relies only on its internal strength. It should become the center for uniting all the country's cooperative resources. Particularly important for consumer cooperation is cooperation with government authorities, joint implementation of significant economic and social projects, and work with large businesses and state corporations. It is necessary to involve businesses in joint work, especially young entrepreneurs, cooperation with whom will allow us to develop cooperation more successfully. In a word, the mechanism is clear, the direction and forms of our movement are clear, now we need to discard all hesitations and doubts in order to work hard for the benefit of the state and cooperators, concluded the Chairman of the Council of the Central Union.

The meeting also reviewed the results of the work of the Central Union for the reporting period, priority directions for the development of the consumer cooperation system for a five-year period, proposals for the composition of the Council of the Central Union, the Audit and Credentials Commissions, and the Commission for the Preservation of Cooperative Property. In addition, the council approved the budget of the Central Union for 2017 and considered other issues within its competence.

Zubov Dmitry Lvovich. Born on May 11, 1954 in the city of Vyksa, Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod) region. Graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute named after. S. Ordzhonikidze. He worked as a foreman, then as secretary of the Komsomol committee at the Lukhovitsky Machine-Building Plant. He was the founder and director of the All-Union Center for Youth Housing Complexes (YHC). From 1989 to 1991 – Deputy General Director of the All-Union Center for Cinema and Television for Children and Youth. Subsequently, he held senior positions at Moseximbank, OJSC IBN System, and CJSC Promkhiminvest. One of the founders of AFK Sistema, since 2000 he has served as Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors. Doctor of Economic Sciences. In May 2016, he was elected Chairman of the Council of the Central Union of Consumer Societies of the Russian Federation. On February 9, 2018, he was re-elected to this post for a five-year term.




AFK Sistema approved the list of candidates for the new board of directors

Also included in the list of candidates are six independent directors: former EU Trade Commissioner and former First Minister of the British Cabinet Peter Mandelson, one of the founders of the Wimm-Bill-Dann group David Yakobashvili, former President of Armenia Robert Kocharyan, former head of the Russian division of KPMG Roger Munnings, ex-Minister of Economy and Foreign Trade of Luxembourg Jeannot Crequet and founder of Meade Hall & Associates Patrick Clanwilliam.


Dmitry Lvovich Zubov was born in 1954 in the Gorky region.

In 1977 he graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute. S. Ordzhonikidze, Doctor of Economics.

In 1978-79 worked at the Lukhovitsky Machine-Building Plant as a foreman, in 1979-1983. - Secretary of the Komsomol Committee. From 1983 to 1986 headed the All-Union school for training team leaders of Komsomol youth groups, in 1986-1988. worked in the working youth department of the Komsomol Central Committee, in 1988-1989. headed the All-Union Center of the MZhK. In 1989-1991 served as Deputy General Director of the All-Union Center for Cinema and Television for Children and Youth. In 1992-1996. was the General Director of JSC Alon, then held senior positions in Moseximbank, OJSC IBN-System and CJSC Promkhiminvest.
link: corporation/governance/ directors/zubov/

Inventive Billionaires

From it you will learn that the main owner of NLMK, Vladimir Lisin, for example, patented a special “Steel” and 44 other metal products, and Rustam Tariko - two types of Russian Standard vodka. The owner of Uralsib FC Nikolai Tsvetkov came up with a “Timekeeping Device”, which is a mechanism with several hourglasses, an “Automated system for collecting and processing data about company personnel” and a number of other innovations, the founder of the Pyaterochka and Karusel retail chains Andrey Rogachev – “Complex for a war game”, in which participants can train to shoot down real planes, and these planes fly above them.
link: 250585/?t=invention&aid=252858

Yevtushenkov played “preference with a blockhead”

Construction in our country is still the easiest way to steal. Moreover, the easiest way to do this is when the state itself expresses a desire to spend money by starting the next project of the century. Exactly a year ago, in April of pre-crisis 2008, the second largest Russian bank VTB suspended participation in tenders of the state corporation Olimpstroy. The reason for the refusal, according to bank representatives, was the blatant lack of transparency in conducting such competitions. Now, in the midst of a financial crisis, such caution no longer seems excessive. The doubts of VTB experts were confirmed by the results of the first major tender for Olympic construction: its winner was a little-known provincial company from the “inner circle” of business partners of the Olimpstroy management. They say that's how the system works. But AFK Sistema, as usual, has nothing to do with it.

founded 1898

founded 1898


Official website of the Moscow Regional Union of Consumer Cooperation

The XXXIV General Meeting of representatives of consumer societies of the Moscow Regional Union of Consumer Cooperation took place in Moscow. The meeting was attended by honored guests - Chairman of the Council of the Central Union of Russia Dmitry Lvovich Zubov and his first deputy Sergei Viktorovich Gritsai.

Chairman of the MSPC Council Vyacheslav Gennadievich Gubin

Chairman of the Council of the Central Union of Russia Dmitry Lvovich Zubov

Participants of the general meeting

The main issue on the agenda was summing up the work of the Moscow Regional Union of Consumer Cooperation in 2017. The Chairman of the MSPC Council, Vyacheslav Gennadievich Gubin, made a report.
He noted that, despite growing competition, an increase in the tax burden and rising tariffs, in 2017 all cooperative organizations of the Moscow Regional Union of Consumer Cooperation ensured positive profitability of economic activities, and many strengthened their material and technical base and made significant progress in their development .
The total volume of activities of consumer cooperation organizations in the Moscow region in 2017 amounted to 18 billion 400 million rubles. 1 billion 600 million rubles were paid to budgets of all levels and to extra-budgetary funds throughout the union - this is the contribution of consumer cooperation of the Moscow region to the social work that the state carries out with budget funds. 1 billion rubles were allocated for investments during 2017 - this indicates that consumer cooperation in the Moscow region is working stably today.
In his report, the Chairman of the MSPC Council devoted special attention to social work, which since the founding of consumer cooperation and to this day has been one of the priorities of consumer cooperation.
“The amount of social assistance to veterans of consumer cooperation, employees and shareholders, public organizations, and social budgetary institutions provided by consumer societies in 2017 amounted to more than 180 million rubles,” emphasized V. Gubin. - In my deep conviction, this figure is no less important than economic growth indicators. I am sure that no other non-budgetary organization in the Moscow region has such a volume of social work.
Particular attention is paid to our veterans, over whose generations the Moscow region consumer cooperation was created. Today, in almost every consumer cooperation organization in the Moscow region there are people who started working in the system back in Soviet times. We value such people, we are grateful to them for their many years of conscientious work and for the fact that they pass on their invaluable experience to a new generation of cooperators. The regulation on the title “Honorary Cooperator”, which, at the initiative of the Council and the Board of the MSPC, was adopted today by all financially stable cooperative organizations in the Moscow region, is one of the evidence that the consumer cooperation of the Moscow region cares about its veterans.
The speaker also drew the attention of those present to such an important issue as the interaction between consumer cooperation and government bodies. Today MSPC has a constructive, working relationship with the Ministry of Consumer Market and Services of the Moscow Region, headed by Vladimir Vladimirovich Posazhennikov. Also, in accordance with the policies of the governor and the Government of the Moscow Region, MSPC actively assists farmers in selling their products. This cooperation between MSPC and the Moscow region authorities will expand.
“In September 2017, an agreement on interaction was signed between the Government of the Moscow Region and MSPC,” said V. Gubin. - Within the framework of this agreement, the Government of the Moscow Region will provide assistance in creating economic and organizational conditions for the development of a system of consumer cooperation, attracting cooperative organizations of the Moscow region to the supply of products and other goods for state and municipal needs of the Moscow Region, as well as participation in federal and regional programs, sold in the Moscow region.
All this is aimed at achieving a common goal - creating more favorable conditions for rural residents of the Moscow region. The signing of the agreement is a sign of trust in the consumer cooperation system of the Moscow region on the part of the regional authorities, and we, of course, need to justify it with concrete deeds. I have no doubt that the cooperation of the Moscow region will once again prove that it was, is and will be an assistant to the state.

Speakers at the debate on the main report were the Chairman of the Council of the Ramensky District Consumers Union O.V. Mironov, the Chairman of the Council of the Bronnitsy Consumer Society L.P. Nazarova, and the Chairman of the Council of the Leninsky District Consumer Society N.N. Rostova. Their opinion was unanimous: such initiatives of the Council and the Board of the MSPC, such as the joint project “MSPC. Pyaterochka" and the joining of weak consumer societies to financially stable ones, as well as MSPC's policy towards break-even operation of all consumer cooperation organizations, play an undoubted positive role in the preservation and development of consumer cooperation in the Moscow region. All speakers expressed full support for the policies of the Council and the Board of the MSPC and wished the Chairman of the Council, V. Gubin, to continue to defend the interests of consumer cooperation in the Moscow region just as resolutely.
Then the floor was given to the honorary guest of the meeting, Chairman of the Council of the Central Union of Russia Dmitry Lvovich Zubov. He thanked the Council and the Board of the MSPC for the invitation to the meeting and said:
- I am very pleased to see people in this room who are passionate about their work. The task of each of us is not just to preserve consumer cooperation, but also to do everything possible to move it forward. This is our common goal. We must work so that we are not ashamed in front of our descendants and so that they are proud of us - just as we are proud of our predecessors, who worked all their lives for the benefit of consumer cooperation.
There have been different periods in the history of consumer cooperation, often very difficult ones. But in any, even the most difficult circumstances, consumer cooperation not only survived, but became stronger - thanks to the wonderful people who work here. Such people worked in consumer cooperation in the past, such people still work today, and we hope that the young people who will replace us will honor the traditions of consumer cooperation and will also contribute to its development.
The most important thing is not to forget about the basic principle of consumer cooperation: “Strength is in unity!” The Central Union of Russia is always open to cooperation with the Moscow Regional Union of Consumer Cooperation; we are ready to exchange experience with you and work together.
Vyacheslav Gennadievich Gubin thanked Dmitry Lvovich Zubov for participating in the meeting and expressed the readiness of the Council and the Board of the MSPC for mutually beneficial cooperation with the Central Union of Russia. In his concluding remarks, addressing representatives of MSPC consumer societies, V. Gubin said:
- For the Moscow Regional Union of Consumer Cooperation, this year is special. We will celebrate the 120th anniversary of the founding of our organization. MSPC, in accordance with the decision of the Council and the Board, has already begun to implement events dedicated to the anniversary. Already in May, regional competitions for the title “Best in Profession” will be held among salespeople at the MSPC College of Economics and Law and among HR specialists at the Moscow Cooperative College. The main event to celebrate the anniversary is scheduled for August. We will recognize all the best employees, shareholders, veterans of cooperation who have made a great contribution to the development of consumer cooperation in the Moscow region.
I have no doubt that in the year of the 120th anniversary of the Moscow Regional Union of Consumer Cooperation, all cooperative organizations under the leadership of newly elected Councils and appointed Boards will consolidate and continue the innovative development of all sectors of economic activity and successfully implement plans for the development of consumer cooperation in the Moscow region.
For their part, the Council and the Board of the MSPC will continue to develop interaction and strengthen ties between cooperative organizations. Because the strength of consumer cooperation lies in unity, cooperation and mutual assistance. And this is not a beautiful slogan, this is our life!

Author of the article Denis Anurov, photo by Sergei Vasiliev, newspaper "Moscow Cooperation"

At the XXXIV General Meeting of representatives of consumer societies of the Moscow Regional Union of Consumer Cooperation the following were awarded:

For many years of conscientious work, a creative approach to business, and a great personal contribution to the development of consumer cooperation in the Moscow region Honorary badge of the Moscow Regional Union of Consumer Cooperatives “For Labor Valor” awarded to YAKOVLEV Vadim Anatolyevich - Chairman of the Council of the Consumer Cooperative "Podolsk".
For many years of conscientious work, a creative approach to business, a great personal contribution to the development of consumer cooperation in the Moscow region and in connection with the anniversary Badge “For Merit in the Development of Consumer Cooperation” awarded: Alexander Petrovich MASLOV - Chairman of the Council of the Royal City Consumer Society, Svetlana Valentinovna SHOVAL - Chairman of the Council of the Pushkin Trade Complex Consumer Society.
For many years of conscientious work, a creative approach to business, a great personal contribution to the development of consumer cooperation in the Moscow region and in connection with labor anniversaries With gratitude to MSPC awarded: Marat Arslanovich AKHMETDZHANOV - Chairman of the Council of the Mozhaisky District Pool (25 years of work in consumer cooperation in the Moscow region), Marina Viktorovna DENEZHKINA - Chairman of the Board of MSPC (35 years of work in consumer cooperation of the Moscow Region), KAZAKOV Konstantin Mikhailovich - Chairman of the Council of the consumer society "Kolomensky District Consumer Union" "(35 years of work as the head of the Kolomna District Consumer Union), Lyudmila Petrovna NAZAROVA - Chairman of the Council of the Bronnitsy Consumer Society (45 years of work in consumer cooperation in the Moscow region).

Also, the Council of the Moscow Regional Union of Consumer Cooperation decided:

Award Diplomas of the MSPC Council for the best organization of trade activities:
with first cash prize- teams: Istrinsky District Pool (Chairman of the Council Makarova L.I.); Klinsky District Pool (Chairman of the Board T.N. Frolkina); Sergiev Posad District Police (Chairman of the Council T.A. Zakharova); Consumer cooperative "Podolsk" (Chairman of the Council Yakovlev V.A.); Consumer cooperative "Raypotrebsoyuz "Vozrozhdenie" (Chairman of the Council V.V. Gubin); Royal Gorpo (Chairman of the Council A.P. Maslov); Taldom Consumer Society (Chairman of the Council Lunevsky V.A.);
with second cash prize- teams: Balashikha District Pool (Chairman of the Board Denezhkin A.S.); Dmitrovsky District Pool (Chairman of the Council Danilina O.A.); Domodedovo District Police (Chairman of the Council Pimenidi F.N.); Leninsky District Pool (Chairman of the Rostov Council N.N.); Pushkinsky District Pool (Chairman of the Board Slesareva N.Yu.); Vidnovsky Gorpo (Chairman of the Council Byalynovich N.I.); Mytishchi District Pool (Chairman of the Council Urazov I.N.); Consumer cooperative "Ramensky District Consumer Union" (Chairman of the Council O.V. Mironov);
with third cash prize- to the team of the Consumer Society “Dubrava” (Chairman of the Council V.V. Safranovich).

Award Diplomas of the MSPC Council for the best catering organization:
with first cash prize- teams: consumer cooperative “Raypotrebsoyuz “Vozrozhdenie” (Chairman of the Council V.V. Gubin); Klinsky District Pool (Chairman of the Board T.N. Frolkina); Leninsky District Pool (Chairman of the Rostov Council N.N.); Consumer Society "Sturgeon" (Chairman of the Council Belova T.A.);
with second cash prize- teams: Volokolamsk Regional Pool (Chairman of the Council Kuznetsova T.P.); Mytishchi District Pool (Chairman of the Council Urazov I.N.).

Award Diplomas of the MSPC Council for the best organization of procurement activities:
with first cash prize- teams: Balashikha District Pool (Chairman of the Board Denezhkin A.S.); Istrinsky District Pool (Chairman of the Council Makarova L.I.); Pushkinsky District Pool (Chairman of the Board Slesareva N.Yu.);
with second cash prize- teams: Bronnitsky Consumer Society (Chairman of the Council Nazarova L.P.); Dmitrovsky District Pool (Chairman of the Council Danilina O.A.); Domodedovo District Police (Chairman of the Council Pimenidi F.N.); Leninsky District Pool (Chairman of the Rostov Council N.N.);
with third cash prize- teams: Voskresensky District Pool (Chairman of the Council Korshunov K.P.); Consumer Society "Sturgeon" (Chairman of the Council Belova T.A.); Taldom Consumer Society (Chairman of the Council Lunevsky V.A.).

Award Diplomas of the MSPC Council for the best organization of production activities:
with first cash prize- to the team of the Pushkin Regional Pool (Chairman of the Board N.Yu. Slesareva);
with second cash prize- the team of the Dmitrovsky District Pool (Chairman of the Council Danilina O.A.).

Award Diplomas of the MSPC Council for the best organization of work in providing paid services to the population:
with first cash prize- teams: Balashikha District Pool (Chairman of the Board Denezhkin A.S.); Consumer cooperative "Raypotrebsoyuz "Vozrozhdenie" (Chairman of the Council V.V. Gubin); Consumer Society "Pushkinsky Trade Complex" (Chairman of the Council Shoval S.V.);
with second cash prize- teams: Klinsky District Pool (Chairman of the Board T.N. Frolkina); Leninsky District Pool (Chairman of the Rostov Council N.N.); Consumer cooperative "Sever-M" (Chairman of the Council Raev M.M.);
with third cash prize- teams: Bronnitsky Consumer Society (Chairman of the Council Nazarova L.P.); Voskresensky District Pool (Chairman of the Council Korshunov K.P.); Domodedovo District Police (Chairman of the Council Pimenidi F.N.); Consumer Society "Sturgeon" (Chairman of the Council Belova T.A.).

Award Diplomas of the MSPC Council for the best organization of investment activities:
with first cash prize- teams: Dmitrovsky District Pool (Chairman of the Council Danilina O.A.); Istrinsky District Pool (Chairman of the Council Makarova L.I.); Klinsky District Pool (Chairman of the Board T.N. Frolkina); Mozhaisky District Pool (Chairman of the Council Akhmetdzhanov M.A.);
with second cash prize- teams: Voskresensky District Pool (Chairman of the Council Korshunov K.P.); Consumer cooperative "Raypotrebsoyuz "Vozrozhdenie" (Chairman of the Council V.V. Gubin); Consumer cooperative "Podolsk" (Chairman of the Council Yakovlev V.A.); Consumer cooperative "Sever-M" (Chairman of the Council Raev M.M.)
with third cash prize- teams: Leninsky District Pool (Chairman of the Rostov Council N.N.); Pushkin Raypo (Chairman of the Board Slesareva N.Yu.).

By a unanimous decision of the 147th reporting and election meeting of representatives of consumer societies of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Zubov was re-elected to the post of Chairman of the Council of the Central Union for a period of five years.

The meeting was held in Ulyanovsk the day after the NEW COOPERATION Forum. With their decision, representatives of the country's consumer societies demonstrated a high degree of trust in the current leader of the Central Union and support for the ambitious program for updating consumer cooperation, with which Dmitry Lvovich Zubov came to the Central Union of Russia about two years ago.

“We managed to do a lot during the reporting period. We have been looking for a long time for a formula that would allow consumer cooperation to make a qualitative leap to a new level of development. And I think we found it. – Dmitry Zubov said during his speech. - The NEW COOPERATION forum has outlined the mechanism that we will use. It is now extremely clear that consumer cooperation will not survive if it relies only on its internal strength. It should become the center for uniting all the country's cooperative resources. Particularly important for consumer cooperation is cooperation with government authorities, joint implementation of significant economic and social projects, and work with large businesses and state corporations. It is necessary to involve businesses in joint work, especially young entrepreneurs, cooperation with whom will allow us to develop cooperation more successfully. In a word, the mechanism is clear, the direction and forms of our movement are clear, now we need to discard all hesitations and doubts in order to work hard for the benefit of the state and cooperators, concluded the Chairman of the Council of the Central Union.

The meeting also reviewed the results of the work of the Central Union for the reporting period, priority directions for the development of the consumer cooperation system for a five-year period, proposals for the composition of the Council of the Central Union, the Audit and Credentials Commissions, and the Commission for the Preservation of Cooperative Property. In addition, the council approved the budget of the Central Union for 2017 and considered other issues within its competence.

Zubov Dmitry Lvovich. Born on May 11, 1954 in the city of Vyksa, Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod) region. Graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute named after. S. Ordzhonikidze. He worked as a foreman, then as secretary of the Komsomol committee at the Lukhovitsky Machine-Building Plant. He was the founder and director of the All-Union Center for Youth Housing Complexes (YHC). From 1989 to 1991 – Deputy General Director of the All-Union Center for Cinema and Television for Children and Youth. Subsequently, he held senior positions at Moseximbank, OJSC IBN System, and CJSC Promkhiminvest. One of the founders of AFK Sistema, since 2000 he has served as Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors. Doctor of Economic Sciences. In May 2016, he was elected Chairman of the Council of the Central Union of Consumer Societies of the Russian Federation. On February 9, 2018, he was re-elected to this post for a five-year term.


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