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The simplest and cheapest switch is two diodes connected in an “OR” circuit. The load connected to each power source (battery and adapter) through separate Schottky diodes is powered by the source whose voltage is higher.

The disadvantage of this approach is the power dissipation (PD = Ibatt × Vdiode) and voltage drop (Vdiode = 350 mV at 0.5 A for the PMEG2010AEH diode) when the battery is connected to the load. These losses are not particularly significant if high-voltage multi-cell batteries are used. But for a single-cell Li+ or two-cell NiMH battery, power losses and voltage drop across the diodes cannot be neglected.

An alternative to diodes can be charger chips that have a POK output (POK - “Power OK”), for example the MAX8814 chip, which switches loads with a voltage drop of only 45 mV at a current of 0.5 A (Fig. 1), which gives a gain compared to 305 mV diodes. Power losses in such circuits are 152.5 mW (175 mW - 22.5 mW) less than in circuits with diode “OR”. At lower currents, the circuit's performance becomes even better. So, with a load current of 100 mA, for example, the voltage drop across the diode is 270 mV, and on transistors of an alternative circuit it is only 10 mV.

This circuit switches the load without any involvement of the microcontroller or system program. When the load is powered by batteries and Vdc In is disabled, the POK output of U1 is high. In this case, the load is connected to the battery through Q4 and Q3. Node 1 receives battery voltage through R2, and transistors Q1 and Q2 are turned off. When Vdc In is connected to a constant voltage source, Q1 and Q2 remain off for a while thanks to capacitor C1, which increases the voltage at node 1 to Vbatt + Vdc.

High voltage appears at the gates of Q1 and Q2 immediately after Vdc is applied. To prevent the possibility of damage to the POK pin, transistor Q5 is added as a source follower. The gate of Q5 is supplied with battery voltage and the POK pin will not exceed this voltage. When the voltage at the POK pin drops, current begins to flow through Q5, the voltage at the gates of Q1 and Q2 goes low, and transistors Q1 and Q2 turn off. Vdc In is connected to the load, and U1 begins to charge the battery. C1 and R1 create a slight delay to allow Q3 to turn off completely and avoid uncontrolled current flowing to the battery.

If the external DC voltage source is removed from Vdc In, the POK pin will go into a high impedance state and battery current will flow through the internal diode of transistor Q3. The load voltage will be equal to Vbatt - Vdiode. Due to the battery voltage applied to the gate, Q5 will be open until POK reaches a level sufficient to connect the load through Q4 and Q3. Rice. Figure 2 illustrates the behavior of this circuit when the load is switched from a constant voltage source to the battery and then back to a constant voltage source.

By changing the circuit, you can use charge control chips that do not have a POK output, for example, the MAX1507 (Fig. 3). A signal similar to POK can be generated by a comparator (U3) comparing Vdc In with the battery voltage. The response of such a circuit is very similar to the response of the original circuit (Fig. 4).

Very often there is a problem with charging a car battery, and there is no charger at hand, what to do in this case? Today I decided to publish this article, where I intend to explain all the known methods of charging a car battery, isn’t it interesting? Go!


Photo 13 This is one of the simplest charging methods, since the “charger” in theory consists of two components - an ordinary incandescent lamp and a rectifying diode. The main disadvantage of this charging is that the diode cuts off only the lower half-cycle, therefore, we do not have a completely constant current at the output of the device, but you can charge a car battery with this current!

The light bulb is the most ordinary one, you can take a 40/60/100 watt lamp, the more powerful the lamp, the greater the output current, in theory the lamp is here only for current extinguishing.

The diode, as I already said, to rectify alternating voltage, it must be powerful, and it must be designed for a reverse voltage of at least 400 Volts! The diode current must be more than 10A! This is a mandatory condition, I highly recommend installing the diode on the heat sink; you may have to cool it additionally.

And in the figure there is an option with one diode, although in this case the current will be 2 times less, therefore the charging time will increase (with a 150 Watt bulb, it is enough to charge a dead battery for 5-10 hours to start the car even in cold weather)

To increase the charge current, you can replace the incandescent lamp with another, more powerful load - a heater, boiler, etc.


This method works on the same principle as the first, except that the output of this charger is completely constant.

The main load is the boiler; if desired, it can be replaced with a lamp, as in the first option.

You can take a ready-made diode bridge, which can be found in computer power supplies. It is MANDATORY to use a diode bridge with a reverse voltage of at least 400 Volts with a current of AT LEAST 5 Amps; install the finished bridge on a heat sink, since it will overheat quite strongly.

The bridge can also be assembled from 4 powerful rectifier diodes, and the voltage and current of the diodes should be the same as when using the bridge. In general, try to use a powerful rectifier, as powerful as possible; extra power never hurts.

DO NOT USE powerful SCHOTTTKY diode assemblies from computer power supplies, they are very powerful, but the reverse voltage of these diodes is about 50-60 Volts, so they will burn out.


I like this method the most; the use of a quenching capacitor makes the charging process safer, and the charge current is determined from the capacitor’s capacitance. The charge current can be easily determined by the formula

I = 2 * pi * f * C * U,

where U is the network voltage (Volts), C is the capacitance of the quenching capacitor (uF), f is the alternating current frequency (Hz)

I made this charger to charge car batteries, the output voltage is 14.5 volts, the maximum charge current is 6 A. But it can also charge other batteries, for example lithium-ion ones, since the output voltage and output current can be adjusted within a wide range. The main components of the charger were purchased on the AliExpress website.

These are the components:

You will also need an electrolytic capacitor 2200 uF at 50 V, a transformer for the TS-180-2 charger (see how to solder the TS-180-2 transformer), wires, a power plug, fuses, a radiator for the diode bridge, crocodiles. You can use another transformer with a power of at least 150 W (for a charging current of 6 A), the secondary winding must be designed for a current of 10 A and produce a voltage of 15 - 20 volts. The diode bridge can be assembled from individual diodes designed for a current of at least 10A, for example D242A.

The wires in the charger should be thick and short. The diode bridge must be mounted on a large radiator. It is necessary to increase the radiators of the DC-DC converter, or use a fan for cooling.

Charger assembly

Connect a cord with a power plug and a fuse to the primary winding of the TS-180-2 transformer, install the diode bridge on the radiator, connect the diode bridge and the secondary winding of the transformer. Solder the capacitor to the positive and negative terminals of the diode bridge.

Connect the transformer to a 220 volt network and measure the voltages with a multimeter. I got the following results:

  1. The alternating voltage at the terminals of the secondary winding is 14.3 volts (mains voltage 228 volts).
  2. The constant voltage after the diode bridge and capacitor is 18.4 volts (no load).

Using the diagram as a guide, connect a step-down converter and a voltammeter to the DC-DC diode bridge.

Setting the output voltage and charging current

There are two trimming resistors installed on the DC-DC converter board, one allows you to set the maximum output voltage, the other allows you to set the maximum charging current.

Plug in the charger (nothing is connected to the output wires), the indicator will show the voltage at the device output and the current is zero. Use the voltage potentiometer to set the output to 5 volts. Close the output wires together, use the current potentiometer to set the short circuit current to 6 A. Then eliminate the short circuit by disconnecting the output wires and use the voltage potentiometer to set the output to 14.5 volts.

This charger is not afraid of a short circuit at the output, but if the polarity is reversed, it may fail. To protect against polarity reversal, a powerful Schottky diode can be installed in the gap in the positive wire going to the battery. Such diodes have a low voltage drop when connected directly. With such protection, if the polarity is reversed when connecting the battery, no current will flow. True, this diode will need to be installed on a radiator, since a large current will flow through it during charging.

Suitable diode assemblies are used in computer power supplies. This assembly contains two Schottky diodes with a common cathode; they will need to be parallelized. For our charger, diodes with a current of at least 15 A are suitable.

It must be taken into account that in such assemblies the cathode is connected to the housing, so these diodes must be installed on the radiator through an insulating gasket.

It is necessary to adjust the upper voltage limit again, taking into account the voltage drop across the protection diodes. To do this, use the voltage potentiometer on the DC-DC converter board to set 14.5 volts measured with a multimeter directly at the output terminals of the charger.

How to charge the battery

Wipe the battery with a cloth soaked in soda solution, then dry. Remove the plugs and check the electrolyte level; if necessary, add distilled water. The plugs must be turned out during charging. No debris or dirt should get inside the battery. The room in which the battery is charged must be well ventilated.

Connect the battery to the charger and plug in the device. During charging, the voltage will gradually increase to 14.5 volts, the current will decrease over time. The battery can be conditionally considered charged when the charging current drops to 0.6 - 0.7 A.

Desulfating scheme charger devices proposed by Samundzhi and L. Simeonov. The charger is made using a half-wave rectifier circuit based on diode VI with parametric voltage stabilization (V2) and a current amplifier (V3, V4). The H1 signal light lights up when the transformer is connected to the network. The average charging current of approximately 1.8 A is regulated by selecting resistor R3. The discharge current is set by resistor R1. The voltage on the secondary winding of the transformer is 21 V (amplitude value 28 V). The voltage on the battery at the rated charging current is 14 V. Therefore, the charging current of the battery occurs only when the amplitude of the output voltage of the current amplifier exceeds the battery voltage. During one period of alternating voltage, one pulse is formed charger then during time Ti. Radomkrofon circuits The battery discharge occurs during the time Tz = 2Ti. Therefore, the ammeter shows the average importance charger current, equal to approximately one third of the amplitude value of the total charger and discharge currents. You can use the TS-200 transformer from the TV in the charger. The secondary windings are removed from both coils of the transformer and a new winding consisting of 74 turns (37 turns on each coil) is wound with PEV-2 1.5 mm wire. Transistor V4 is mounted on a radiator with an effective surface area of ​​​​approximately 200 cm2. Details: Diodes VI type D242A. D243A, D245A. D305, V2 one or two zener diodes D814A connected in series, V5 type D226: transistors V3 type KT803A, V4 type KT803A or KT808A. When setting up...

For the diagram "Charger for sealed lead-acid batteries"

Many of us use imported lanterns and lamps for lighting in case of power outages. The power source in them is sealed lead-acid batteries of small capacity, for charging which there are built-in primitive chargers that do not provide normal operation. As a result, battery life is significantly reduced. Therefore, it is necessary to use more advanced chargers that eliminate possible overcharging of the battery. The vast majority of industrial chargers are designed for operation in conjunction with car batteries, so their use for charging small-capacity batteries is inappropriate. The use of specialized imported microcircuits is not economically profitable, since the price(s) of such a microcircuit is sometimes several times higher than the price(s) of the battery itself. The author offers his own option for such rechargeable batteries. Drozdov transceiver circuits The power allocated to these resistors is P = R.Izar2 = 7.5. 0.16 = 1.2 W. To reduce the degree of heating in the memory, two 15 Ohm resistors with a power of 2 W are used, connected in parallel. Let's calculate the resistance of the resistor R9: R9 = Urev VT2. R10/(Icharge R - Urev VT2)=0.6. 200/(0.4 - 7.5 - 0.6) = 50 Ohm. Select a resistor with the closest resistance to the calculated resistance of 51 Ohm. The device uses imported oxide capacitors. Relay JZC-20F with an operating voltage of 12 V. You can also use another relay available in stock, but in this case you will have to adjust the printed circuit board. ...


Automotive electronics CHARGER FOR STARTER BATTERIES The simplest charger for automobile and motorcycle batteries, as a rule, consists of a step-down transformer and a full-wave rectifier connected to its secondary winding. A powerful rheostat is connected in series with the battery to set the required current. However, such a design turns out to be very cumbersome and excessively energy-intensive, and other methods of regulating the current usually complicate it significantly. In industrial chargers for rectification charger current and changes its value sometimes apply SCRs KU202G. It should be noted here that the direct voltage on the switched-on thyristors at a high charging current can reach 1.5 V. Because of this, they become very hot, and according to the passport, the temperature of the thyristor body should not exceed +85°C. In such devices it is necessary to take measures to limit and stabilize temperature charger current, which leads to their further complication and increase in cost. The relatively simple charger described below has wide current control limits - practically from zero to 10 A - and can be used to charge various starter batteries of 12 V batteries. The basis (see. circuit) based on a triac regulator, published in, with additionally introduced low-power diodes...

For the "Simple thermostat" circuit

For the "Telephone line holding device" circuit

TelephonyTelephone line holding device The proposed device performs the function of holding a telephone line ("HOLD"), which allows you to hang up the handset during a conversation and go to a parallel telephone set. The device does not overload the telephone line (TL) or create interference in it. At the time of activation, the caller hears a musical background. Scheme devices telephone line hold is shown in the figure. The rectifier bridge on diodes VD1-VD4 ensures the required power polarity devices regardless of the polarity of its connection to the TL. Switch SF1 is connected to the lever of the telephone set (TA) and closes when the handset is lifted (i.e., it blocks the SB1 button when the handset is on-hook). If during the conversation you need to switch to a parallel telephone, you need to briefly press the SB1 button. In this case, relay K1 is activated (contacts K1.1 are closed, and contacts K1.2 are opened), an equivalent load is connected to the TL (circuit R1R2K1) and the LT from which the conversation was conducted is turned off. Amateur radio converter circuits Now you can put the handset on the lever and move on to the parallel TA. The voltage drop across the load equivalent is 17 V. When the handset is lifted on the parallel TT, the voltage in the TL drops to 10 V, relay K1 is turned off and the load equivalent is disconnected from the TL. Transistor VT1 must have a transmission coefficient of at least 100, while the amplitude of the alternating audio frequency voltage output in the TL reaches 40 mV. The UMS8 microcircuit is used as a musical synthesizer (DD1), in which two melodies and an alarm signal are “hardwired”. Therefore, pin 6 ("melody selection") is connected to pin 5. In this case, the first melody is played once, and then the second one indefinitely. As SF1, you can use an MP microswitch or a reed switch controlled by a magnet (the magnet must be glued to the TA lever). Button SB1 - KM1.1, LED HL1 - any of the AL307 series. Diodes...

For the diagram "Repairing a charger for an MPEG4 player"

After two months of use, the “nameless” charger for a pocket MPEG4/MP3/WMA player failed. Of course, there was no schematic for it, so I had to draw it up from the circuit board. The numbering of the active elements on it (Fig. 1) is conditional, the rest correspond to the inscriptions on the printed circuit board. The voltage converter unit is implemented on a low-power high-voltage transistor VT1 type MJE13001, the output voltage stabilization unit is made on a transistor VT2 and an optocoupler VU1. In addition, transistor VT2 protects VT1 from overload. Transistor VT3 is intended to indicate the end of battery charging. Upon inspection of the product, it turned out that transistor VT1 “went to a break”, and VT2 was broken. Resistor R1 also burned out. Troubleshooting took no more than 15 minutes. But with proper repair of any radio-electronic product, it is usually not enough to just eliminate the malfunctions; you also need to find out the reasons for their occurrence so that this does not happen again. Power regulator on TS122-20 As it turned out, during an hour of operation, moreover, with the load turned off and the case open, transistor VT1, made in the TO-92 case, heated up to a temperature of approximately 90 ° C. Since there were no more powerful transistors nearby that could replace the MJE13001, I decided to glue a small heat sink to it. Photo charger devices is shown in Fig. 2. A duralumin radiator with dimensions of 37x15x1 mm is glued to the transistor body using Radial teleconductive glue. The same glue can be used to glue the radiator to the circuit board. With a heat sink, the temperature of the transistor body dropped to 45.....

For the scheme "Charger for small-sized cells"

Power supplyCharger for small-sized cellsB. BONDAREV, A. RUKAVISHNIKOV MoscowSmall-sized elements STs-21, STs-31 and others are used, for example, in modern electronic wristwatches. To recharge them and partially restore their functionality, and therefore extend their service life, you can use the proposed charger (Fig. 1). It provides a charging current of 12 mA, sufficient to “update” the element 1.5...3 hours after connecting to the device. rice. 1 A rectifier is made on the diode matrix VD1, to which the mains voltage is supplied through the limiting resistor R1 and capacitor C1. Resistor R2 helps discharge the capacitor after shutdown devices from the network. At the output of the rectifier there is a smoothing capacitor C2 and a zener diode VD2, which limits the rectified voltage to 6.8 V. Next comes the source charger current, made on resistors R3, R4 and transistors VT1-VT3, and a charging end indicator, consisting of transistor VT4 and LED HL). As soon as the voltage on the charged element increases to 2.2 V, part of the collector current of transistor VT3 will flow through the indication circuit . T160 current regulator circuit LED HL1 will light up and signal the end of the charging cycle. Instead of transistors VT1, VT2, you can use two series-connected diodes with a forward voltage of 0.6 V and a reverse voltage of more than 20 V each, instead of VT4 - one such diode, and instead of a diode matrices - any diodes for a reverse voltage of at least 20 V and a rectified current of more than 15 mA. The LED can be any other type, with a constant forward voltage of approximately 1.6 V. Capacitor C1 is paper, for a rated voltage of at least 400 V, oxide capacitor C2-K73-17 (you can use K50-6 for a voltage of at least 15 V). Details installation...


Household Electronics THYRISTOR THERMOREGULATOR The thermostat, the diagram of which is shown in the figure, is designed to maintain a constant temperature of indoor air, water in an aquarium, etc. A heater with a power of up to 500 W can be connected to it. The thermostat consists of a threshold devices(on transistor T1 and T1). electronic relay (on transistor TZ and thyristor D10) and power supply. The temperature sensor is the thermistor R5, which is included in the problem of supplying voltage to the base of the transistor T1 of the threshold device. If the environment has the required temperature, the threshold transistor T1 is closed and T1 is open. Transistor TZ and thyristor D10 of the electronic relay are closed in this case and the mains voltage is not supplied to the heater. As the temperature of the environment decreases, the resistance of the thermistor increases, as a result of which the voltage at the base of transistor T1 increases. Relay connection diagram 527 When it reaches the device's operating threshold, transistor T1 will open and T2 will close. This will cause transistor T3 to turn on. The voltage that appears across resistor R9 is applied between the cathode and the control electrode of thyristor D10 and will be enough to open it. Mains voltage through thyristor and diodes D6-D9 will go to the heater. When the temperature of the medium reaches the required value, the thermostat will turn off the voltage from the heater. Variable resistor R11 is used to set the limits of the maintained temperature. The thermostat uses an MMT-4 thermistor. Transformer Tr1 is made on a Ш12Х25 core. Winding I contains 8000 turns of wire PEV-1 0.1, and winding II contains 170 turns of wire PEV-1 0.4. A. STOYANOV Zagorsk...

For the "INTERCITY BLOCKER" scheme

Telephony LONG CITY BLOCKER This device is designed to prohibit long-distance communication from a telephone set that is connected to the line through it. The device is assembled on a K561 series IC and is powered from a telephone line. Current consumption - 100-150 µA. When connecting it to the line, the polarity must be observed. The device works with automatic telephone exchanges having a line voltage of 48-60V. Some complexity of the circuit is due to the fact that the operating algorithm devices implemented in hardware, unlike similar devices, where the algorithm is implemented in software using single-chip computers or microprocessors, which is not always available to a radio amateur. Functional diagram devices is shown in Fig. 1. In the initial state, the SW keys are open. The SLT is connected to the line through them and can receive a calling signal and dial a number. If, after picking up the handset, the first dialed digit turns out to be the index of access to long-distance communication, a waiting multivibrator is triggered in the management circuit, which closes the keys and breaks the loop, thus disconnecting the telephone exchange. K174KN2 microcircuit The intercity access index can be anything. In this scheme the number "8" is specified. The time to disconnect the device from the line can be set from a fraction of a second to 1.5 minutes. Schematic diagram devices is shown in Fig. 2. The elements DA1, DA2, VD1...VD3, R2, C1 assemble a 3.2 V power supply for the microcircuit. Diodes VD1 and VD2 protect the device from incorrect connection to the line. Using transistors VT1...VT5, resistors R1, R3, R4 and capacitor C2, a telephone line voltage level converter is assembled to the level required for the operation of MOS chips. Transistors in this case are included as micro-power zener diodes with a stabilization voltage of 7...8 V at a current of several microamps. A Schmitt trigger is assembled on elements DD1.1, DD1.2, R5, R3, providing the necessary...

All motorists have found themselves in such an unpleasant situation. There are two options: start the car with a charged battery from a neighbor’s car (if the neighbor doesn’t mind), in the jargon of car enthusiasts this sounds like “lighting a cigarette.” Well, the second way out is to charge the battery.

When I found myself in this situation for the first time, I realized that I urgently needed a charger. But I didn’t have an extra thousand rubles to buy a charger. I found a very simple circuit on the Internet and decided to assemble the charger on my own.

I simplified the transformer circuit. Windings from the second column are indicated with a stroke.

F1 and F2 are fuses. F2 is needed to protect against short circuit at the output of the circuit, and F1 – against excess voltage in the network.

Description of the assembled device

Here's what I got. It looks so-so, but most importantly it works.


Now let's talk about everything in order. A power transformer of the TS-160 or TS-180 brand can be obtained from old black-and-white Record TVs, but I didn’t find one and went to a radio store. Let's take a closer look.

Here are the petals where the leads of the transformer windings are soldered.

And here right on the transformer there is a sign indicating which petals have what voltage. This means that if we apply 220 Volts to petal No. 1 and 8, then on petals No. 3 and 6 we will get 33 Volts and a maximum load current of 0.33 Ampere, etc. But we are most interested in windings No. 13 and 14. On them we can get 6.55 Volts and a maximum current of 7.5 Amperes.

In order to charge the battery, we just need a large amount of current. But we don’t have enough voltage... The battery produces 12 Volts, but in order to charge it, the charging voltage must exceed the battery voltage. 6.55 Volts will not work here. The charger should give us 13-16 Volts. Therefore, we resort to a very cunning solution.

As you noticed, the transformer consists of two columns. Each column duplicates another column. The places where the winding leads come out are numbered. In order to increase the voltage, we simply need to connect two windings in series. To do this, we connect windings 13 and 13′ and remove the voltage from windings 14 and 14′. 6.55 + 6.55 = 13.1 Volts. This is the alternating voltage we will get.

Diode bridge

In order to rectify the alternating voltage, we use a diode bridge. We assemble a diode bridge using powerful diodes, because a decent amount of current will pass through them. To do this, we will need D242A diodes or some others designed for a current of 5 Amperes. A direct current of up to 10 Amps can flow through our power diodes, which is ideal for our homemade charger.

You can also separately buy a diode bridge as a ready-made module. The KVRS5010 diode bridge, which can be bought on Ali at this link or in the nearest radio store

A fully charged battery has a low voltage. As it charges, the voltage across it becomes higher and higher. Consequently, the current strength in the circuit at the very beginning of charging will be very large, and then it will decrease. According to the Joule-Lenz Law, when the current is high, the diodes will heat up. Therefore, in order not to burn them, you need to take heat from them and dissipate it in the surrounding space. For this we need radiators. As a radiator, I disassembled a non-working computer power supply, cut a tin into strips and screwed a diode onto them.


Why is there an ammeter in the circuit? In order to control the charging process.

Don't forget to connect the ammeter in series with the load.

When the battery is completely discharged, it begins to consume (I think the word “eat” is inappropriate here) current. It consumes about 4-5 Amps. As it charges, it uses less and less current. Therefore, when the device needle points to 1 Ampere, the battery can be considered charged. Everything is ingenious and simple :-).


We remove two crocodiles for the battery terminals from our charger. When charging, do not confuse the polarity. It's better to mark them somehow or take different colors.

If everything is assembled correctly, then on the crocodiles we should see this kind of signal shape (in theory, the tops should be smoothed out, since it’s a sinusoid), but is that something you can present to our electricity provider))). Is this your first time seeing something like this? Let's run here!

Pulses of constant voltage charge the battery better than pure direct current. How to obtain pure direct current from alternating current is described in the article How to obtain direct current from alternating voltage.


Take the time to modify your device with fuses. Fuse ratings on the diagram. Do not check the voltage on the charger crocodiles for a spark, otherwise you will lose the fuse.

Attention! The circuit of this charger is designed to quickly charge your battery in critical cases when you urgently need to go somewhere in 2-3 hours. Do not use it for everyday use, as it charges at maximum current, which is not the best charging mode for your battery. When overcharging, the electrolyte will begin to “boil” and toxic fumes will begin to be released into the surrounding area.

Those who are interested in the theory of chargers (chargers), as well as the circuits of normal chargers, then be sure to download this book on this link. It can be called the bible on chargers.

Buy a car charger

Aliexpress has really good and smart chargers that are much lighter than ordinary transformer chargers. Their price averages from 1000 rubles.


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