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In the secondary market, you need to carefully examine the Honda CR-V, especially cars before the 2010 restyling. It even makes sense to look under the trunk lining, because a lot of dirt can accumulate there, and cracks can also appear on the rear arches. But in general, the car is reliable, many Honda cars, if taken care of, can serve for a long time without problems. But still, even in the Honda CR-V, some troubles may arise over time.


The paintwork is quite delicate, the windshield also cracks easily, a new glass costs $ 600. Chips on the body can appear and they must be touched up as soon as possible, because rust will appear on them. In general, the car is well protected from corrosion by electroplating. But the tailgate is not particularly well protected, so after 6 years of operation, rust may appear on it.

After about 3 years, chrome parts, headlights and other optics begin to become cloudy. If you want to change the headlights, they will cost $ 550, but the non-original can be found 2 times cheaper. Also, after about 7 years of operation, door locks can strain, each of which costs $ 400, especially in winter, the locks can stop opening.


It often happens that parking lights fail after 6 years, because rust appears in them. On the earliest cars, there were such glitches: after turning on the ignition, the electric drive on the left side mirror turned on. Under warranty, dealers changed the mirrors completely. It also happens that the audio system starts to fail, resets the settings itself. After about 120,000 km. mileage, the air conditioner may fail because the compressor relay burns out in it, which costs $ 15. The electromagnetic clutch may also fail or the aluminum tube may leak.

The battery here has a capacity of 45 A / h, you need to make sure that it is charged, sometimes you can just listen to music for an hour, and there is not enough power to start the engine.


The motors here are reliable; for the Russian market, 4-cylinder in-line gasoline engines are installed on all cars. They are really reliable, they can easily drive 300,000 km. There are engines with a volume of 2.4 liters and there is a 1.8-liter engine from the 2006 Honda Civic. There is also a 2-liter R20 engine.

There are cases that after 70,000 km. mileage, there is a hum from the accessory drive belt tensioner roller, but they are quite rare, and the roller itself costs $ 40. Also, over time, it is necessary to adjust the valve clearances, about once every 45,000 km. And you don’t have to wait until the taps appear. It is necessary to fill in high-quality fuel, oils must also be of high quality. But still every 90,000 km. it is advisable to change the fuel filter, the original costs $ 60, and the analogue can be taken for 17. But this fuel filter is located in the tank along with the fuel pump. You also need to remember to check the condition of the spark plugs at each MOT, the original ones cost $ 22 each, but you can also find analogues for less money.

It is also advisable to clean the radiator every 3 years so as not to be at risk of overheating the motor. The original oil must be filled in, then the chain that is installed in the motor will last about 100,000 km. It costs about 80 dollars. The main thing is to change the chain in time, and prevent it from stretching. Especially engines with a volume of 2.4 liters are at risk. Needless to say, the oil level should also be normal, because if it is low, then there will be a lot of problems that it is better not to know about.

There are also diesel versions of the Honda CR-V, they have a 2.2-liter i-CTDi engine, they appeared in Europe in 2004 and were not officially sold in Russia. Although diesel engines are also very tenacious, they require high-quality diesel fuel. In 2009, a new 2.2 i-DTEC diesel engine appeared, which is also no worse than its predecessor.


Gearboxes on Honda are also reliable, mechanical boxes last a long time, but you need to change the oil every 60,000 km. the original Honda MTF fits here. Approximately 140,000 km. the clutch already hints that it is time to change it - squeaks appear at the clutch pedal bushing. The original disc is $140 and the basket is $240. But you can take and non-original 2 times cheaper. It’s better not to delay the replacement so that the flywheel of the motor, which costs $ 350, is not damaged.

Automatic boxes are also quite reliable, they serve at least 250,000 km. It is also necessary to periodically change the oil in the box - Honda ATF-Z1 or Honda ATF -DW-1. The box is repairable, you can put new clutches, a freewheel and other parts in it. The entire overhaul of the box will cost approximately $1,000. If it happens that after 7 years of operation the box will not work, then you just need to check the condition of the gear selector position sensor, if it is out of order, then its replacement will cost $ 50.

With all-wheel drive versions of the CR-V, everything is not so simple, because the differential and the DPS rear wheel coupling are docked into one unit, but there are 2 oil pumps. This box is not designed for off-road driving, because if the wheels start to slip, the oil will quickly heat up in the main reverse gear, so the rear-wheel drive can turn off at any time - the system will turn it off in an emergency. The instrument panel does not indicate overheating anywhere, so the car can suddenly become front-wheel drive. Also, this unit is poorly protected from water, so if you drive into a deep puddle, the unit will fail, vibration and crunch will tell about this. Also, it is necessary to change the oil in the clutch sometimes, especially after the appearance of a crunch, DPSF-II oil will go here.

The cardan shaft also does not like dirt, the crosspieces serve no more than 200,000 km, and when they fail, you will have to change the cardan assembly for $ 1,000. But you can try to separately put non-original crosses for $ 16.


In terms of endurance, the suspension is quite good, there are times when the rear springs sag over time, after about 4 years. New springs cost $150 each. It also happens that wheel bearings start to buzz, their replacement will cost $ 60. The steering rack may begin to tap. After about 100,000 km. mileage, play may appear in the steering rack. On the same run, the tie rods, which cost $45, fail, the stabilizer struts, the shock absorbers begin to tap. On cars before restyling, it is usually necessary to change the silent blocks of the rear levers. But after restyling, the suspension design was finalized and became more durable. You can distinguish the car after restyling by the new bumpers and grille.

Not so good with the braking system. After 120,000 km. caliper guides can turn sour. The front pads need to be changed quite often, if you drive in a boyish style, then 15,000 km. they will last. The front pads are $140 and the rear pads are $100. The discs on a CR-V typically last no more than 50,000 miles. For those who do not want to pay $300 for an original set of pads and discs for the front wheels and $200 for the rear wheels, it makes sense to put brakes from Brembo or TRW, it will turn out 3 times cheaper.

But in general, the Honda CR-V is a reliable car, it does not quickly lose value in the secondary market. Motors and gearboxes are really reliable, so such a car quickly finds a new buyer in the secondary market. When compared with a competitor - the Volkswagen Tiguan, which is not so reliable, then the German of the same years is cheaper by about 250,000 rubles. The best buy would be a CR-V released after 2010, no matter what engine and gearbox.

And the absolute majority of our cars are equipped with all-wheel drive. Rare front-wheel drive "Europeans" are no less passable, in this respect you should not be afraid of them.

The Honda CR-V is probably the only 4WD car that can get stuck if at least one front wheel is stuck. The rear wheels “grab” late, the moment is clearly insufficient for serious off-road, so if the front wheels slip when climbing a hill, you can already go down and try again. Well, if the soil is loose, then most likely you will immediately dig in. There is a small chance that four-wheel drive will help, especially if there is an opportunity to stall in plenty. But as practice shows, it is better not to rely on the traction of the rear wheels.

Here, as on earlier generations of the CR-V, a double pump scheme was used as a rear axle coupling. Let me remind you that in this clutch the clutch pack is compressed due to the pressure difference created by the pumps. The first of them is driven from the front axle and propeller shaft, and the second from the rear wheels. And if there is a difference in speed, then they create pressure that compresses the clutches. The use of such a scheme in the XXl century can only be called insanity. It works only when the front axle is seriously slipping, and so that the car is not too dangerous in corners, when the rear axle is suddenly connected, the moment transmitted to the rear axle is very limited, and it is transmitted very late. As a result, the presence of such an all-wheel drive scheme is not beneficial either for cross-country ability or for handling.

Do not be surprised if the cardan shaft is suddenly removed from the car: in the event of a malfunction, many owners do not repair the rear-wheel drive, but once they experience the “charms” of the system on a slippery road, they try to get rid of it. Ambiguous reactions to traction are clearly not a plus for this car. No wonder ESP for these machines is included in the basic package and is not disabled.

Interestingly, the transmission itself is very reliable. If you follow the anthers and do not forget about the maintenance of the cardan shaft, changing the oil in the bevel gear and the rear axle, then everything will be fine. Is it worth checking the oil level in the rear gearbox more often than usual, it is prone to leaks on older cars.

There are no particular difficulties with the manual transmission either. More than sufficient clutch life, reliable operation of the switching mechanism does not cause any complaints. But most of the cars of this generation have an automatic transmission.

I have already written a separate article on the features of Honda shaft automatic transmissions and why their automatic transmissions are generally more reliable than traditional designs. Both four- and five-steps, which were installed on the CR-V III, fully possess these advantages. And on the vast majority of cars there are five-speed gearboxes. Due to the small age of the box, they still cannot boast of what cars are experiencing, but there are all the prerequisites for this. From frank minuses it is possible to name only speed of work.

Of the interesting features - an external oil filter is optional here. For particularly difficult operating conditions, it is worth using part 25430-PLR-003, and since any operation in Russia is especially difficult, the filter should be installed. Unfortunately, there are a lot of Chinese fakes on the market, inside of which there is a simple cartridge from the fuel filter, and even installed without sealing.

Due to the nature of the box, the most common nuisance here is a breakdown of the overrunning clutch associated with attempts to build up or abruptly engage reverse gear. And on five-speed gearboxes, the overrunning clutch also does not like sharp starts, and for those who like to press the gas “to the floor”, it can fail after hundreds of thousands of runs.

The clutch resource is quite large - usually more than 300-400 thousand kilometers. The box is characterized by uneven wear, in which the clutches of higher gears are usually worn out more, because they provide the main mileage of the car, and careful drivers have almost no load on the first or second gear.

In a five-speed box, the third gear drum gets into the risk zone, so after a run of 120-150 thousand kilometers it is worth checking if there is slippage under load.

Another feature of the automatic transmission from Honda is a wide choice of options for the execution of elements within the same series. Five-speed automatic transmissions are not so easy to fix on your own for this very reason: they are all very, very different.

In general, despite the very large resource of the mechanical part, which here, firstly, works on rolling bearings, and secondly, only the mechanics of one gear are always loaded, a certain amount of trouble and repairs will be required even with runs of just over 150 thousand kilometers . Solenoids do not last forever and need to be replaced, especially the line pressure solenoid. It may require cleaning the “plate”, especially if the driver liked active movement and there was no external filter on the car.


K-series motors were installed on Honda cars by the time the third generation of the sideboard appeared for a long time. The second generation of the crossover also rode them. In fact, the engines are the same, and the difficulties are the same: some specimens have a good oil appetite, a low chain resource (about 100-120 thousand mileage), camshaft painting, the need to control gaps in the timing every 40-50 thousand mileage, numerous oil leaks .

And yet, in general, these are excellent and very resource units, and besides, they are designed for the use of low-viscosity SAE 20 oils, which allows you to maintain an oil pressure reserve on used engines. Of course, when using SAE 30-SAE 60 oils for long runs.

Motors are distinguished by very good traction and character, good layout. They also have a good supply for tuning and a wide selection of components for both atmospheric and compressor tuning.

Surprisingly, earlier versions of the motor seem to be more reliable. The same K24A1 on the second generation of cars have an average higher chain resource compared to the K 24Z 4, which was put on the hero of today's review, and are less prone to oil appetite.


original price

17 817 rubles

“Good” does not mean at all that the motor will not require maintenance. The most common problem is engine oiling due to poor performance of the crankcase ventilation system and poor design of a number of components. Leaking valve cover gaskets reduce the life of spark plug tips and ignition modules. Plastic cylinder head plugs, part number 12513P72003, can cause unexpectedly rapid oil leakage. Both the i-VTEC block gaskets and the crankshaft front oil seal can be the cause of leaks. All these parts require regular replacement, and the ventilation system needs to be monitored, cleaned and even improved.

Modernized crankcase ventilation kits are on sale, but you can also independently check the integrity of the system components, especially the PCV 36162-RRA-A01 valve, the 17136-PNA-000 bushings and the 17130-PNA-003 check valve, and the latter can be easily selected from VAG products at a much more reasonable price, for example, 60 rubles. Due to the poor performance of the ventilation system, cleaning the throttle with mandatory subsequent adaptation also becomes a regular operation.

The relatively small timing resource on this series of motors is sometimes associated not so much with chains, but with quickly worn dampers and a quick failure of the phase shifter. The subsequent drop in pressure leads to blows in the timing mechanism and suspicions about the chain and the replacement of all involved nodes. Sometimes everything is done by replacing the phase regulator valve, the symptoms of its malfunction are similar, the motor will also rattle “cold”, and after warming up it is unpleasant to make noise.

In principle, checking the chain wear here is quite conveniently done, there is a window above the crankshaft pulley in the block for installing a tensioner, through which you can visually assess the chain wear, without relying on indirect signs.

Often the intervention in the timing mechanism is caused by the need to replace the camshafts, they do not last too long here. Often, already by a hundred thousand mileage, the car noticeably loses power, and when changing the oil, characteristic steel crumbs in working out are clearly visible. Ignoring the problem usually leads to much more serious damage. The problem is not cheap, camshafts and clutches are expensive. By the way, while studying materials for a recent one, I was surprised to see that Alfa Romeo camshafts, on many engines of which there were also similar problems, are serially restored using EBM / DED printing technologies.

Pictured: Honda CR-V "2009–12

Motors with runs "over 200" almost always have a pronounced oil appetite. The reason in most cases lies in the wear of oil scraper and piston rings. But the problem can manifest itself noticeably earlier, successfully disguised as leaks.

The main enemy of the motor is its catalyst and lambdas. The latter should be checked and changed without waiting for the catalyst to become bad. And the catalyst must be replaced (or removed) before the crumbs from its ceramics pick up the cylinders. Usually, with runs of more than 200 thousand, replacement is required, but endoscope control is necessary even with runs of more than a hundred thousand, especially if the car is operated in a region with winter frosts below 30 degrees. Also, the condition of the spark plugs and components of the ignition system greatly affects the catalyst resource. Unfortunately, in the eastern regions it is not uncommon to use used candles “from Japan”, since iridium candles really last a long time. European car users are usually disgusted by such maintenance tricks.

In the photo: Under the hood of the Honda CR-V "2009–12

I already wrote about the "wars for viscosity" in the material and I will not repeat myself. Oil can be poured in any one that meets the operating conditions. With a light load and short runs, the standard SAE 20 is optimal, but the use of more viscous options is fully justified and does not harm the motors.


The third generation Honda CR-V is undoubtedly a very worthy car. Especially it will appeal to those who need a spacious minivan, not a crossover. The quality here is “real Japanese” - up to runs of 120-150 thousand kilometers, the car usually behaves perfectly, and even after obvious problems it is usually not visible. Most of them will be decided on maintenance as part of regular maintenance, if the service is good and knows what the car needs.

Pictured: Honda CR-V "2006–09

Of course, the price of spare parts is not encouraging, but they are not often required, at least at first. But inside the design is fraught with a fairly large number of hidden problems that will gradually manifest themselves. The most unpleasant of them are associated with the body and the features of its anti-corrosion protection. All problems are very well hidden, but for the time being.

The undoubted disadvantages include the use of not the most successful all-wheel drive system, for all the simplicity of its purely hydraulic solution, it is not suitable for our conditions, and the controllability of the car with it noticeably deteriorates.

Pictured: Honda CR-V "2006–09

Electronics in general is excellent, but it is also not eternal and prone to failures. The quality of interior materials is also lower than expected. And given the relatively high price of new cars and well-maintained prices in the secondary market, this is an extremely unpleasant fact.

Buying a car with a solid mileage is gradually turning into a lottery: after 5-7 years of operation, quite large investments are possible. However, the prices for such machines are kept at a very high level. Of classmates, only the Toyota RAV 4 is rated higher.

Would you buy a Honda CR-V III?

The third generation CR-V has been in production since September 2006. At first, the car was sold with a 150-horsepower 2.0-liter engine, and in the spring of 2008, cars equipped with a 2.4-liter engine with 166 hp appeared. With. In addition, a diesel modification could also be purchased in Europe, but such CR-Vs were not officially delivered to Russia. There are very few of them coming to the officials, because, as a rule, these are cars bought cheaply in Moldova, Belarus and Ukraine and driving around Russia on local (foreign) numbers.

The two-liter engine was equipped with both a 6-speed "mechanics" and an "automatic", and a more powerful power unit worked exclusively with an automatic transmission. The choice of engine depends only on the ambitions of the driver: 150 forces for the needs of the crossover is enough. You should not be afraid of automatic transmission: the probability of breakage is minimal. In the secondary market, cars of 2009–2010 are sold from 800 thousand rubles for versions with “mechanics” to a million for a full stuffing in more than decent condition.

Just insert a battery

Body and its electrical equipment

The battery is one of the weakest points of the CR-V. The standard battery is simply weak for our winter, therefore it is strongly recommended to install a battery with a capacity of at least 55 Ah. Of course, the battery should be sized in order to use regular fasteners. Other possible problems are not so significant and are much less common. For example, a seal can be knocked out from under the chrome lining of the tailgate, which does not look very aesthetically pleasing. If the car is still under warranty, then you should pay the attention of servicemen to this part: its replacement is free, but without a complaint from the client, the dealer will not be able to deliver a new sealant.

The front bumper mounts sometimes cannot cope with its weight, as a result of which the entire structure can sag - especially in cases where negligent mechanics accidentally break off several fragile plastic parts located under the headlights. And if a skirt from the standard Mugen body kit is attached to the bottom of the bumper, then the likelihood of such a breakdown increases.

When examining the body, corrosion should be taken seriously: pockets of rust indicate that an accident occurred in the history of the car. Even if you are not worried about the appearance of the repaired car, this is not a reason to relax: say, if the driver's seat belt pretensioner worked at the time of the accident, then the SRS unit will need to be replaced - and this is very expensive. Complete diagnostics of electronic systems will help to make sure of the cloudless past of the car.

Many owners, in their desire to reduce washer consumption, turn off the headlight nozzles. We strongly do not recommend doing this: unwashed optics quickly become cloudy - be sure to pay attention to this when choosing a car. The original xenon lamp can cost 7,000 rubles!

Some owners, when buying a new car, install an aftermarket Mydean multimedia system, which includes navigation, bluetooth, a DVD player, a rear-view camera and much more. This thing is, without a doubt, convenient. And yet, it is necessary to carefully check the operation of all functions of the device: dealers had many complaints about these systems and replacements under warranty.

Just change the oil


For the most part, CR-Vs are equipped with a 5-speed automatic transmission, less often come across versions with “mechanics”. The "Automatic" has proven itself remarkably: it is a very tenacious and unpretentious unit, therefore, on three-year-old cars with a mileage of about one hundred thousand kilometers, one should not expect problems. The only concern about the box comes down to timely oil changes, as required by the regulations.

If the main radiator of the cooling system was changed on the car, you should pay attention to how the automatic transmission cooling radiator is installed, located in its lower part. When installing a non-original radiator, the pipes going to the box heat exchanger are often simply closed to each other, and the “machine” works without cooling. Naturally, this will negatively affect the unit.

The CR-V's rear gearbox requires little to no attention. The rear wheel connection system with two pumps is very durable, and any problems there can only arise due to lack of oil. The only thing you should pay attention to is the leakage of seals. However, this is extremely rare.

Two comrades served...


The R20A (2.0 l, 150 hp) and K24Z4 (2.4 l, 166 hp) engines have proven themselves on the previous CR-V family and on other models of the brand - in particular, on the Accords ". These motors are quite demanding on the quality of the oil, so it is best to use original fuel and lubricants - otherwise, problems may arise in the i-VTEC variable valve timing system: dirt clogs the oil channels and grids, and the engine enters emergency mode. After that, flushing the entire engine lubrication system is required and, possibly, replacing the VTEC and VTC valves, which is not cheap.

By 80,000 km, extraneous noise may begin to be heard from under the hood, caused by a drive belt tensioner, which is inexpensive to replace. The belt itself runs about 130,000 km. The timing drive is driven by an almost eternal chain, so you just have to adjust the valves in time.

When using low-quality fuel, premature failure of the catalytic converter and lambda probe is possible. But if you are not inclined to save on gasoline, then you can count on the longevity of these components: 200,000 kilometers for them is not the limit.

And do not count on the officials in the repair of diesel CR-V. Firstly, it is fabulously expensive, secondly, it is very expensive, and thirdly, they most likely will not undertake this, citing the fact that the car is not a core one.

In general, we do not recommend anyone to buy a CR-V with a diesel engine. Such cars on the market, as a rule, have already been visited by two owners, and probably the second of them twisted the mileage before selling.

Attention to the brakes

Chassis and steering

The Honda suspension does not cause any trouble - even a fairly “running” CR-V, which has wound 80,000 thousand on the odometer, is holding up with dignity. You can drive to the steering link play (2,700 rubles apiece) and wait for the stabilizer bushings to wear out - unless, of course, the previous owner changed them at 45,000 mileage. You may also encounter tired front anti-roll bar links (the so-called “bones”), but this replacement will not ruin you either.

Silent blocks in the levers of the front "MacPherson" easily run up to 200 thousand. There are also no complaints about the shock absorbers: they will not “cry” out of the blue and will not bend the stem when they hit strong pits - unlike those, say, on the Civic. And don't be fooled by the rear shock absorber tube, rubbed to a shine with the upper plastic boot - this symptom in no way affects the life expectancy of the part.

On machines with a 2.0-liter engine, an “electric” steering rack is installed, and hydraulics are used on 2.4-liter CR-Vs. In any case, with a run of 60 thousand, the unit will be absolutely serviceable and will not dishonor itself in the next 100,000 km.

You may find that the wear on the brake discs and pads is too intense. It is clear that the human factor mainly affects their viability. For active drivers, replacement in a circle often occurs at 45,000 km, so the state of the brakes can be used to judge the modes in which the car was operated.

On individual specimens, uneven tire wear and slight suspension sag due to spring fatigue can be found on the rear axle. The first problem is solved by adjusting the wheel alignment angles, the second by replacing the springs. We can advise you to periodically check the parameters with the "razor" and do not leave the car for a long time with an overloaded trunk.


When buying a used CR-V, you can save at least three hundred thousand rubles compared to a new car, and if you resell it in a couple of years, you will lose about 100 thousand rubles - Honda is quite liquid. First of all, we would recommend taking a closer look at dealer cars that have passed all the maintenance required by the maintenance regulations and retained the remnants of the warranty so that you can call in a company service and find out the history of the car. In the same place, you will go through the diagnostics of electronic systems and make sure that the car was not in an accident.

The compact crossover Honda SRV of the third generation entered the market in 2007. In 2010, the Honda CR-V went through a facelift.


The car was aggregated with gasoline atmospheric "fours" with a working volume of 2.0 liters (R20A / 150 hp) and 2.4 liters (K24Z4 / 166 hp). For the European Vietnam, a 2.2 CDTi diesel (140 hp) was also offered. In Russia, Honda SRV with a turbodiesel is very rare.

Gasoline engines have a timing chain drive. Some Honda CR-Vs of 2007-2009 with a 2.4-liter engine with a run of more than 60-90 thousand km required the replacement of an extended chain. Lucky were the owners who noticed in time the changes in the sound of the engine and the reduction in traction. They managed to get by with little blood. The less attentive paid with a chain jump by several teeth and a meeting of valves with pistons. To restore the engine outside the dealer service, it took about 30,000 rubles for spare parts and 12-13 thousand rubles for work.

Another unpleasant ailment in cars from 2.4 2007-2008 is the chipping of the exhaust camshaft cams. The defect was discovered when opening the cover to adjust the valves on a run of 120-240 thousand km. The cost of a new camshaft is 30,000 rubles. It is worth noting that there are examples that have passed over 300,000 km without this defect.

The 2-liter unit has an incurable specific feature - an increase in vibration when the climate control is turned on. Also, on these engines there was a factory defect - a violation of technology when pressing the valve guide of the third cylinder.

In general, gasoline engines are quite reliable and do not cause any trouble. Motors easily start up in frosts and have a moderate appetite. According to the regulations, a valve clearance check is required every 45,000 km. This procedure should not be neglected, since practice shows that on a pair of valve cylinders during this period they can already “bloom”.

Honda CR-V III USA (2006-2009)

On machines older than 4-5 years, it is often necessary to replace oxygen sensors (λ-probe). The original sensor costs about 7-8 thousand rubles, the analogue is cheaper. The catalyst "asks" for replacement after 150-200 thousand km. The original catalyst will cost 50,000 rubles, but you can save money by installing a "substitute".


Gearboxes also show good reliability. The 2-liter engine can be equipped with a 6-speed "mechanics". Owners of such machines note an extraneous sound / knock when turning on the 1st and 2nd gears. These manifestations do not indicate a malfunction of the box. In any case, the box continues to function without symptoms of deterioration in "well-being".

A five-speed automatic transmission, according to the maintenance schedule, requires an oil change with a remote filter change every 45,000 km. Apparently, this is the secret of the “indestructibility” of the mechanical part of the box. But there are also weaknesses. This is a gear selector position sensor (2,500 rubles) and a second gear clutch pressure sensor (2,500 rubles). A malfunction is encountered on cars older than 4-5 years.

There are no serious problems with the all-wheel drive system. Unless with long runs, sometimes you have to change the crosses of the driveshaft.

Honda CR-V III (2010-2012)


After 40-60 thousand km, the anthers of the front shock absorber were often wiped. The cost of the anther is about 500 rubles. Shock absorbers will last more than 100-150 thousand km. The original suspension strut costs about 10,000 rubles, an analogue - from 2,000 rubles. For crossovers with standard xenon light, it is not easy to choose an analogue instead of a rear shock absorber due to the design features. Mounting for the clearance sensor is provided on the rack.

For 3-4 years of operation of the Honda SRV, the rear springs noticeably sag. In most cases, dealers have replaced them under warranty. Honda supplied new reinforced springs. The cost of one spring is about 3-4 thousand rubles.

After 100-150 thousand km, when adjusting the geometry of the wheels, it often turns out that the camber of the rear wheels is out of tolerance - the wheels are "house". The problem is solved by installing the upper rear adjustable arm.

After 150-200 thousand km, the silent blocks of the front and rear levers are surrendered. The rear silent blocks of the front levers are the first to become unusable. The cost of the front levers is from 3,000 rubles, the rear ones - from 1,000 rubles. Silent blocks (from 500 rubles) can be replaced separately.

The steering rack can knock after 80-120 thousand km. The reason is the wear of the right bushing. Diagnosed by twitching the right tie rod. A new rail costs about 60 tr, a "second-hand" one - about 20 thousand rubles. You can get rid of knocking by replacing the right bushing with an analogue made on a lathe from caprolon. Rail repair will cost 12-15 thousand rubles.

After 80-120 thousand km, souring of the guide calipers is possible. The repair kit will cost 2.5-3.5 thousand rubles.

Honda CR-V III (2007-2009)


On copies of 2007-2008, there are problems with the paintwork of the tailgate - small pockets of corrosion appear. Dealers painted the door under warranty. Often, scuffs are found on the rear door seal, or a rubber lining “falls out” from under the chrome trim above the registration plate.

After 4-5 years of operation, the reflectors darken and the glass of the headlights turn yellow. The cost of the original block headlight is about 35,000 rubles, the analogue is about 10,000 rubles. Regular xenon nurses 100-150 thousand km. The original lamp will cost 5-6 thousand rubles, the analogue - about 1.5-2 thousand rubles. Many complain about the unaesthetic "trembling" of the dipped beam light spot. Burning low beam lamp contacts is an officially recognized disadvantage of the Honda CR-V.

If there are problems with the glass washer (liquid is supplied after 4-6 strokes), then the nozzle check valve must be replaced. The cost of the valve is about 700 rubles.

In cars for the American market, malfunctions in the operation of the central lock are sometimes observed. The malfunction is eliminated by replacing the actuator, which can be purchased at a well-known Chinese online store for 2,500 rubles.

Honda CR-V III (2007-2009)

After 4-5 years, regular parking radar sensors begin to fail. The coating swells on the surface of the sensor and "oxides" form. You can bring it back to life by cleaning and painting the surface again. Sometimes the reason for the "glitches" of the sensors is in the poor contact of the plug. In this case, treating the junction of the contacts with conductive grease will help. "Officials" for a new sensor ask about 5-6 thousand rubles.

Another of the recognized defects that appears on the Honda SRV of the first two years of production is the inclusion of the electric drive of the left exterior mirror when the ignition is turned on. Official services do not repair the drive, but replace the entire mirror.


The interior plastic of the Honda SRV 3 begins to creak over time. More often, "crickets" come to life with the advent of frost. Often unpleasant sounds appear in the rear of the car. One of the reasons is the creaking of body iron from the right rear of the car. To eliminate it, it is necessary to remove the plastic lining of the trunk and treat the right side of the metal base of the body with a composition similar to WD-40, and in some places even “work” with a hammer.

Many complain about the rattling of the headrest of the front passenger seat. Restyled versions are distinguished by the backlash of the driver's seat. Sometimes the source of extraneous sounds in the cabin when driving through bumps is the door locks and the outer lining of the door handles.

Honda CR-V III (2007-2009)

The leather on the steering wheel and gear selector is wiped off by 150-200 thousand km. On vehicles with a manual transmission, a creaking sound appears over time when the clutch pedal is pressed. Source - suspension bushing. Its replacement will help for a short time, a more effective way is to periodically treat the sleeve with a silicone-based composition.


With a run of more than 60-100 thousand km, the air conditioner may stop turning on. There are several reasons. First, a blown compressor relay. The original costs about 700-800 rubles. The standard relay can be replaced with a four-pin one from Kalina / Priora for 60 rubles. Another reason is an increase in the gap between the pulley and the clutch of the air conditioning compressor and the impossibility of "pulling". The problem is solved by grinding the shim to reduce the gap between the pulley and the clutch. Another reason for not turning on the air conditioner is the failure of the electromagnetic clutch. Official services for a clutch, along with a replacement, ask for about 12-18 thousand rubles. On unofficial services, about 6-9 thousand rubles will be required.

Some owners experience intermittent SRS malfunction indicator lights. The disease is typical for cars of the first years of production. It's all about the SRS block. The new block is available for 30,000 rubles, and the bu - for 10,000 rubles. A number of cars from the first years of production came under recall to replace the airbag inflator for the driver and front passenger.

After 100-200 thousand km, the voltage regulator or the diode bridge of the generator may fail. Both parts cost over 1,000 rubles. Sometimes the starter also fails, but sometimes it is enough to replace the starter relay (from 800 rubles).


In conclusion, I would like to add that possible malfunctions in the vast majority of cases appear on the 2007-2008 Honda SRV. On younger crossovers, they almost never occur. After restyling, the Honda CR-V got rid of most of the sores and weaknesses.

Review of Honda avg-fifth generation

Test drive of the new Honda SR-B

In the test drive, the presenter talks about technological features, ride comfort, features of the tested configuration, problems that the car owner may encounter and what distinguishes this car brand from the rest. It is said about the main and additional options that are important for drivers, may be of interest to them or become key when choosing a car.

Inevitably, there was a comparison with the previous model: the developers improved many options, modernized existing functions and added new ones. The host talks about the most significant changes for the car owner, their pros and cons.

The first thing that focuses on when reviewing the interior of a car is the driver's seat. It is told about the convenience of the driver's seat itself, the possibilities of its adjustment. A review of the control panel from the point of view of convenience is made, its main functions are demonstrated. The audio system is considered, additional functionality is given. The quality of the finishing material was assessed. Suggestions for possible further improvements have been made.

The back row of seats is considered from the point of view of its spaciousness and convenience for passengers with different builds. Ways to adjust the chairs are given. Demonstrated additional features for passengers sitting in the back.

Separately, the presenter talks about the trunk. It tells about its capacity and the possibility of increasing the usable volume. The convenience of loading and unloading, as well as the possibility of transporting bulky goods, was appreciated.

During a test drive of a car, the comfort of driving around the city is checked. The stiffness of the suspension, cornering and other important points for the driver are evaluated. The host talks about his own feelings, as well as about what the other driver might like and dislike.

Separately, driving on uneven road surfaces is tested and it is told about the features of control when driving on an unpaved road. The presenter compares the difference between driving in an urban environment and outside the city. The viewer can see what to expect from the car when driving through the countryside or along forest roads.


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