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What is prayer?

Lesson plan:

Opening Prayer


1. What is prayer?

2. Conditions when prayer becomes effective


Practical task

Closing Prayer


Prayer is the path of relationship with God , along which we must necessarily walk, run, constantly talking with God. Going deeper into this path further and further, learning the depth of this path. This is the path of relationship with God, which is very important for a person.

1. What is prayer?

(Matt 6:5-15)

Prayer is a conversation with God, communication.

With the help of communication, people build relationships with each other, begin to trust each other, help, support, etc.

People do not communicate with each other using memorized poems, right?

It’s the same with God, you need to communicate not in tongue twisters, but in normal human language.

The main thing in prayer is to pray.

When a person comes to the “secret room” or to a prayer meeting, the most important thing at this time is to pray.

Prayer is not a monologue. Prayer is a dialogue.

Our God is alive! He answers prayers. He meets needs. He speaks to a person through the Bible, gives answers in the heart.

2. Conditions when prayer becomes effective.

(Matthew 6:5,6).

Don't be a hypocrite.It is not necessary to be seen praying. It is necessary to be sincere with God. He knows the heart.

Don't use empty repetitions. Let your prayer be spontaneous and two-way.(Matthew 6:7)

Don't hold anything against anyone. Farewell. (Matthew 6:14-15) ; (Matthew 5:23-24).

3. Examples of people's prayer lives in the Bible.


(2 Kings 19:14-19) - changed the course of political and military events, prayer can change the circumstances of our lives.


The power of Jesus' ministry lies in His prayer life.(Mark 1:35); (Matt 14:23) , the Gospel emphasizes that Jesus prayed, and prayed a lot.


Everything they became and everything they did was born out of prayer.

(Acts 1:14) - the descent of the power of the Spirit was in an atmosphere of joint prayer. Pray with friends and you will know the power of the Spirit.

(Acts 10:9) - Peter became a lever in God’s affairs; if you want to be the engine of God, pray.

(Acts 16:25) - Paul and Silas experienced suffering in prayer. Their prayer led to the conversion of the guard's family and an earthquake. Pray when grief comes into your life.

(Acts 13:2,3) - Paul received the ministry of a missionary in prayer. If you want to be a messenger of God, pray.


If we want to live with God, prayer will be our main means of such a life.

Practical task

1. Create a habit of prayer.
The best time for prayer is early in the morning, before worries enter our day. The day after meeting the Lord will go completely differently.
It is good to set and stick to a certain length of time in prayer (“pray for at least an hour,” Jesus told His disciples).
2. Create a list of needs.
Using such a list will help give precision and direction to prayer. With the help of the list you will be able to know what the Lord has already answered.

“...Love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who despitefully use you and persecute you...”

Gospel of Matthew (5:43-45)

And, in fact, why and for what should we love and forgive our enemies?

Let us note several such reasons.

First, because we are all people, rational beings, capable of reasoning, delusion and understanding. Therefore, there is always hope that someday, under certain circumstances, our enemies will change their positions and turn into our friends. Or, on the contrary, we will understand under the hail of their arguments that we were wrong, we will repent and join our now former enemies as their allies.

People have the right to make mistakes, everyone can make mistakes, and therefore it is necessary to always leave people a chance to admit their mistakes and repent. And then even our deadliest sworn enemies can turn into our supporters, as happened once with the Apostle Paul. Love and forgive your enemies, because one day they may become your friends.

As long as a person is alive, there is hope for salvation. A person can know the truth even moments before death, being crucified on the cross. Therefore, pray for your enemies so that they become your friends - this sometimes happens.

In addition, circumstances are sometimes stronger than people, and circumstances sometimes unite two irreconcilable opponents together in a common struggle, as was the case during the Second World War. Then, without the help of the allies, who knows how the history of Soviet Russia would have turned out.

“England has no friends, only allies,” says an English proverb. It accurately illustrates the fact that historical circumstances often change the places of allies and enemies. In the struggle for primacy there are no “eternal” opponents and allies. When necessary, the Englishman argues, we are friends with Russia against France, and when necessary, with France against Russia. All other Europeans argue in much the same way.

Another reason why we should be grateful to our enemies is that it is the enemies who are always completely honest in their hatred of us, revealing our strengths and weaknesses with their hatred. Our enemies, thereby, help us understand ourselves, force us to constantly think about our lives, evaluate the correctness of our actions.

But is it possible to do without enemies at all? European mass propaganda now loves to portray a conflict-free world full of smiles and happy faces. Who is man's enemy if everyone around him is tolerantly happy?

But isn't a serial killer the enemy of ALL people? Doesn't a thief spit on people and human laws? Isn't a terrorist who cuts the heads of innocents the enemy of ANY CIVILIZED person, no matter where he lives? Isn't a dictator who unleashes an unjust war the enemy of all humanity? Is the world already rid of scoundrels?

That is, EVERY NORMALLY THINKING PERSON HAS PERSONAL ENEMIES. Another thing is that in the fast pace of life we ​​do not often encounter such enemies and sometimes we even forget about their existence. But sometimes enemies unexpectedly remind us of themselves... through misfortune and the death of our loved ones.

And the state? Can it live in peace with all its neighbors and have no enemies among them?

The history of mankind shows that this is impossible to even imagine. The history of mankind is the history of conflicts in which neighbors clashed with each other.

But maybe now other times have come, when hostility is replaced by tolerance and when the “enemy-friend” dilemma is becoming a thing of the past? It’s hard to believe in such peacefulness, keeping in mind the constantly growing “defense” spending in all countries (not, of course, under the cover of the “nuclear umbrella”).

Any country on the planet that defends its national interests, as it understands them, cannot fail to take into account that the implementation of these interests may conflict with the interests of another country. And it’s good if these mutually hostile interests can be resolved at the negotiating table. But this does not mean that hostility has disappeared, it only “hidden” until better times, when it will be possible to not give a damn about the opinion of a neighbor and establish your own rules of the game.

The thousand-year practice of international conflicts clearly shows how to behave in dealing with the enemy.

The more fiercely our enemies scold us for something, the more we should be imbued with confidence that we are right. And the more flattering our enemies treat us, the more joyfully they praise our actions, the more suspicion we should have of the error of our actions.

Enemies can hide behind a mask of virtue, courtesy and nobility for a very long time, hatching their insidious plans against us, waiting for the moment of reprisal against us. This is why it is extremely important to know and understand your enemies so as not to fall for their tricks. You have to think!

However, during the time of the last Secretary General, the Soviet Union suddenly miraculously lost its enemies - they disappeared in an instant!

All former enemies suddenly became our best friends. And all the Soviet country needed was to abandon the Bolshevik ideology, so as not to be the “Evil Empire,” as its enemies then called the USSR. It was necessary to simply “turn our face to the people”, to satisfy their needs for “bread and circuses”. And our sworn enemies suddenly appeared before us as charming, smiling people, sincerely rejoicing at the beginning of Russia’s movement towards their understanding of democracy and freedom.

There was a feeling during perestroika that all the imperialist capitalists suddenly turned into joyful friends of Russia, wishing its people success and prosperity. What kind of settlements can there be between friends? Only complete trust! The Warsaw Pact is instantly falling apart! The reunification of Germany is happening instantly! Instantly, Soviet troops are removed from the equipped barracks into the open field! And all for free! You live a great life! Well, what about it? After all, we are now friends forever!

In the 90s, Russian media excitedly praised everything Euro-American, glorifying freedom and democracy, capitalism and entrepreneurship, humanism and tolerance. The Russian intellectuals had finally broken through - nothing now stopped them from so cheerfully and fervently ridiculing the Soviet past and so furiously and derogatorily denouncing the Russian present. To the “fools and roads” were added “no one needs an army”, “no one needs a fleet”, “no one needs industry”, “backward agriculture”, “soviet culture”.

“Now we are friends of Europe and America, and we must kick the Russian nag into Western civilization, mercilessly trampling its rotten values,” - this is what Russian intellectuals saw as the main task of the moment in the dashing 90s. On this wave of blind love for Euro-America, a new generation of advanced and creative intellectuals has now grown, for whom the Motherland has turned into Russia, from which they “must get out.” Go to places where the wages are higher and the food is better, where the house is more spacious and the work is more prestigious. Like, “you can’t forbid living happily”!

What about Russia? “...Well, Russia? I lowered my head and resigned myself...”

Russia has come to terms with the division of Yugoslavia, with the transformation of Afghanistan into a global drug producer, with the destruction of legitimate regimes in Asian and African countries, with brutal reprisals against civilians and politicians in many countries.

And Russia, intoxicated by liberal propaganda, obediently accepted one slap in the face after another. The collapse of the USSR - please, the shooting of parliament - please, the extermination of Russians in Central Asia and the Caucasus - please, the proclamation of apartheid in the Baltic states - please, the revival of Nazism in Georgia and Ukraine - please, the entry of former allies of the USSR into the European Union - please, NATO's approach to borders of Russia - please, dominance of foreign agents and rampant swamp lawlessness on Russian territory - please. Russia obediently swallowed everything that Western and Russian liberals brought to it.

But why did this happen? But because Russia has forgotten who is its friend and who is its enemy. Who should you be offended by if there are only friends around? Russia has lost the criterion of truth in assessing its neighbors.

For a long time, Soviet communist propaganda stupidly hammered into the heads of Soviet people the idea that the enemies of the USSR were the capitalist-imperialists of all countries, led by the United States. Precisely because the USSR is building a communist society. That is, according to the ideology of the CPSU, the main struggle in the world is between communism and capitalism. The main historical opponents are communism and capitalism.

It was this thoughtlessness that the enemies of Russia took advantage of, starting from the first years of Soviet power. They wittily contrasted the peoples of Russia with communism: they say that the peoples of Russia are under the yoke of communists. Thus, Russia's enemies immediately turn into its friends - it is necessary to free the poor Russians from cruel communism.

The enemies of the USSR have always fiercely criticized communist ideology, the CPSU, ridiculed the “policy of the party and government,” presenting their criticism as sympathy for the Russian peoples languishing under the heel of totalitarianism. The goal is clear: to create among Russians a positive image of the capitalist world, which cares about the fate of the peoples of Russia, and to overthrow communism with the hands of the Russians themselves.

The stupidity of communist propaganda in the USSR allowed cunning liberals to impose on Russians the opinion that the West is not fighting against the peoples of Russia, but against communism, which “enslaved” the Russians. They say that in order for Russians to live in the same “dignity” as people in the West live, they just need to throw off the yoke of communism and join the “civilized” world.

Communist propaganda in the USSR, while defending communism, lost completely in the ideological war to Western liberalism, which managed to present itself as a defender of the material needs of the citizens of the USSR. Appealing to the desires of the builders of communism to live “like all civilized people,” Western liberal propaganda offered a “simple” way to satisfy material needs - if only they abandoned communism, the peoples of the USSR would live as financially secure as people in the West live. We must free ourselves from the communist yoke that restrains human freedom in order to live the way people live in “civilized countries.”

And the most shameful thing for communist ideology is that the Soviet people's intelligentsia was the first to fall for this trick of Western liberalism. It was the Soviet intellectuals, despite all their “intelligence” and “consciousness,” who were unable to realize that, under the pretext of fighting communism, the West was actually waging an irreconcilable struggle against the very existence of Russia. It was the Soviet intelligentsia that became the “fifth column” of the West in the fight against Russia. It was the Soviet intellectuals who were the first to buy into the West’s assurances of its selfless love for Russia and began to passionately call for a fight “for your and our freedom.” Why do we need to make missiles and block the Yenisei - we just need to drive out the commies and Russia will be happy.

It is Russian intellectuals, fooled to the point of stupidity by Western verbiage, who can tirelessly “drive a blizzard” at Russians about a civilized, humane, democratic, progressive, humane, free and tolerant Euro-America. The Europeans themselves, we must give them their due, never really hid the truth (for there is no one more honest than your enemy in his hatred of you).

The “Iron Lady,” for example, never hid from anyone that Russia only needs 15 million inhabitants to be a successful supplier of natural resources to Europeans.

Zbigniew Brzezinski spoke directly in his books about the dismemberment of Russia.

Madeleine Albright, Condoleezza Rice, Hillary Clinton have never hidden the opinion that Russia does not rightfully occupy such large territories in Siberia and the Far East, rich in useful resources. Not according to Senka, like, a hat!

And there is “nothing personal” in this desire of Western liberals - they have nothing against the Russian people, they are only against the fact that the Russian people own (allegedly undeservedly) one seventh of the planet’s land area. If only the Russians would give up their territories to the West, or sell them for a handful of beads (like the Indians sold Manhattan), and slowly die out in the reservations set aside for them.

But the Russian liberal media simply blurt out these statements by Russia’s enemies with their persistent advertising of the Western way of life. And this would continue until the final solution of the Russian question. But then suddenly the Maidan happened. And the truth was revealed in all its tragic glory.

Soviet propaganda constantly hammered into the Soviet people the idea that the West was the enemy of communism, but not of Russia. In this, Soviet propaganda amazingly helped capitalist propaganda. The Soviet people could not even imagine that the capitalists actually hated them, and not communism. And gradually the Soviet people began to believe that Euro-America would take them into its arms as soon as the communist regime in the USSR fell. The peoples of the Soviet Union naively expected that the door to Europe would open as wide for them as it did for the East Germans after the fall of the Wall. Western propagandists convinced the Soviet people, corrupting them with promises of a well-fed life, that the West dreams only of a prosperous Russia free from communists. That is why the Russians parted with Soviet power so easily.

And then the truth was revealed. It turned out that the West does not care deeply about Russian welfare, does not care about whose power the Russian people are under: communists or democrats, Zionists or fascists. ALL THIS TIME THE WEST HAS BEEN FIGHTING NOT WITH COMMUNISM, BUT WITH RUSSIA.

Russia is the goal of the West. To split Russia into small principalities and destroy Russia is the goal of the entire Western policy of recent centuries, as it was fully revealed to the Russians (once again, by the way!) just now.

And we, naive ones, believed that the West would allow the Russians, who got rid of the communists, to build their own “indivisible”. Whatever the case! It turns out that the West was in conflict not with communism in the 20th century, but with Russia. But “dear Russians” did not understand this, destroying the great Soviet Union. They thought that they were getting rid of communism, but in fact they were destroying Russia with their own hands and ruining their future. In order to understand this, it took the Russian defeat in the 90s, it took the death of several states, it took NATO approaching Russian borders, it took the Nazi coup in Ukraine, it took the gross deceit and duplicity of the liberal West in relation to all countries of the world.

By its behavior, its actions, its hypocrisy, its “double standards,” the West clearly showed that its goal was not victory over communism, but victory over Russia, which presupposes the further dismemberment and destruction of Russia.

Thanks to the West for teaching the Russians such a cruel lesson, finally showing their true face - the FACE OF THE BEAST. Events in Ukraine, prepared from beginning to end by the West, clearly show the future fate of Russia. When NATO locates its bases in Ukraine, then it will be Russia’s turn to become a victim of the next Orange Revolution, or rather, the White Ribbon Revolution.

The West in Ukraine, from the very formation of its “independence”, fooling people’s heads, positions itself as a defender of freedom, truth, honesty and integrity. Allegedly, only after getting rid of the communist legacy, after getting rid of the tutelage of totalitarian Russia, is it possible for Ukraine to flourish in the ranks of the EEC and NATO. Liberal propaganda is so strong that millions of Ukrainians are now unaware that they are simply being used as cannon fodder in the West’s fight against Russia. Zombified by Western propaganda, Ukrainians are no longer able to even simply compare the life of the people “before” and “after” the entry into the EEC of some former Soviet republics and countries of the socialist community - liberal lies blind the eyes and liquefy the brains!

"Bless your enemies." These words of Christ are a condition for survival in a hostile world. We must know and remember our enemies, and be grateful to our enemies for the fact that with their constant criticism they do not allow us to relax and serenely rest on the laurels of the successes achieved. Don't forget your enemies!

Enemy criticism is necessary to improve your views - the more your enemies scold and criticize you, the more confidence in the rightness of your cause should grow. But you cannot be led by hostile criticism and “sprinkle ashes on your head” with any accusation from the enemy. And it is clear that the less the enemy criticizes you, the more suspicion there should be that something is going wrong with you. And the more flattering words your enemies say about you, the worse your affairs actually are.

We must thank our enemies very much for their constant, stupid, inexorable hatred of Russia that does not subside even for a minute. After all, if they, having a little more intelligence, had even thought a little about the tactics of their lies, then Russia would have been doomed to disappear. All that was needed was to praise the Russian authorities as sweetly as possible, bribing everyone and everything, restructuring the order in the Russian house in every possible way in a liberal spirit, but so that this restructuring was not particularly noticeable to the people. It was necessary to add more “honey” to the anti-Russian cocktail so that the Russians would not suspect a trick.

And there was no need for our respected liberal “friends of Russia” to rush to “harvest the fruits” - they were not yet ripe enough. Corrupting Russian society, there was no need to rush into gay pride parades, for example - it was necessary to quietly and peacefully spread the views of the LGBT community to the population, and in five to ten years it would have “ripened.”

There was no need to rush into admitting “splinters of the USSR” into NATO. It was necessary to quietly and peacefully reform the lives of people throughout the post-Soviet space in the spirit of “respect for human rights,” “good neighborliness” and tolerance.

Pretending to be a sheep is what the West has failed to do in the fight against Russia. Stingy with money, capitalist misers! They were so happy about the state treason that occurred at the very top of the USSR that they literally “choked on saliva with happiness.” And indeed, who would have thought that the many years of propaganda of liberalism in the “Evil Empire” would suddenly turn out to be so effective that the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee himself would become its victim.

And the algorithm for conducting anti-Russian propaganda was the most primitive. In the spirit of Dr. Goebbels, the liberal media constantly lied day after day, “plaguing the ears” of the Soviet people, that 1. In the West everything is very good and will be even better, 2. In the USSR everything is bad and will be even worse, and 3. The West - the enemy of communism, not Russia. And such a primitive brainwashed not only millions of “soviet people,” as one of the Russian intellectuals “successfully” put it, but also, as it turned out, the highest Soviet leadership - to such an extent that they were almost the first to believe in the holiness of the West and in the depravity of the Union.

And now we must bow deeply and thank, thank and bow to our enemies for their stupid haste in eliminating Russia. If it were not for their bestial hatred of everything Russian, we still would not have understood all the hostility of European civilization towards Russia. If our enemies had behaved more cunningly, the Russians would still not have known that they were doomed to extermination, and would continue to be foolishly moved by Europe and America.

Events in Kyiv and Ukraine clearly showed that the next target of the Orange revolutions would be Russia. Gentlemen liberals, we should have calculated more carefully. “Hurry is only needed when catching fleas,” as they say in Russia. And in Ukraine, you were clearly in a hurry, considering that “the client is ready” and Russia will not make a word, submissively putting its neck under your ax. Here you have miscalculated, gentlemen. Well, it turns out that you, gentlemen, liberals, are no strangers to stupidity either.

The tactics of constant lies and advertising of liberalism gave an excellent result for our enemies - the Soviet Union collapsed, the Warsaw Pact collapsed, truly, “the connection of times fell apart.” And such tactics, if they had continued for another ten to twenty years, supported by the “good participation” of our enemies in the lives of Russians, would automatically lead to the collapse and destruction of Russia.

But “appetite comes with eating”! What a blessing the destruction of the Soviet Union was for the Russian enemies - it truly turned the heads of all the scoundrels! And they began to recklessly, in a hurry, destroy the great legacy of Soviet power. The collapse of the economy, thieves' "privatization", the voucher scam, gangster lawlessness, "finally there is sex in Russia", nonentity in power, corrupt loudmouths in the squares, "poisonous bastards" in the liberal media - all these "fruits of freedom" helped Russians -take a new look at the “happiness” of being friends with the West.

Now the Russian people are getting rid of their most dangerous illusion - love for the West, freeing themselves from their delusion that Euro-America wants happiness for the Russians and Russia.

The Russians suddenly saw what fate the free, democratic, humane and progressive West had in store for them: “Moskalyak to Gilyak!” - it seems so. Like, there’s no need to unnecessarily scare the Russians just yet, “and then we’ll hang them later.” And in general, turning Russia into a nuclear desert is the cherished dream of the Maidan liberals. The enemy has fully revealed his bestial insides - “Russia to the Gilyak!”

How much more time would Russian liberal intellectuals fool Russians with their tales about kind Europeans and Americans supposedly dreaming of Russia’s well-being, if not for the Maidan. Now the Russians, the Russians, have clearly seen that Western liberals dream of only one thing - that the Russians with their damned Russia should not exist in the world.

Thank you, our irreconcilable enemies, for your honest hatred of Russia! Thank you for telling us honestly what awaits us in the very near future. We are grateful to you that your hatred of us has finally opened our eyes, ridding them of the liberal veil. Thank you for your hatred of us allowing us to know who is our true friend and who is our enemy.

Thank you that Russians have now recognized the fifth columnists in their country, echoing the spread of liberal fables. If it weren’t for you, our irreconcilable enemies, Russian liberals would still be fooling us with their verbiage.

Thank you, our enemies!

And in conclusion, it is necessary to say who personally is the enemy of the Russians, the Russians, Russia and in general all the peoples of the earth.

These are not Europeans, not Americans, not other peoples of the world, these are the liberal elites of all countries (including Russia): political, financial-economic, cultural-media. These are people who profess liberalism, servants of a liberal ideology that corrodes society, turns a person into a primitive consumer of material goods, destroys the person in person.

Liberalism, born in Europe with the denial of God and His morality in the Renaissance, is the cause of all the disasters of mankind in modern times, and now it has become the cause of a global systemic crisis, the cause of the extinction of indigenous European peoples, and the cause of a global environmental catastrophe.

Liberalism is the enemy of humanity because it is based on the cultivation of human egoism. He remains attractive to millions of people, misleading them with false promises, corrupting them with his call for freedom from observing any norms. Liberalism vilely deceives people, palming them off with material slavery under the banner of spiritual liberation. And liberalism will sooner or later subordinate any country to its values, not only Russia, but the whole world, if you do not oppose it with another, ALTERNATIVE to LIBERALISM, ideology.

It is impossible to defend against liberalism with prosperity and a high standard of living, missiles and nuclear weapons, much less overcome it, because the fight against it does not take place on the battlefield, not in the material sphere, but in the minds of every person. The destructive liberal idea can only be overcome by a creative idea. An idea can only be defeated by another idea, therefore, the sooner an alternative ideology to liberalism is formulated, the sooner universal peace will come to earth. This is where we need to start - there is simply no other way to save Russia!

When we have been disciples for a long time, we may develop a kind of spiritual Alzheimer's disease. We may begin to forget how God saved us, how He worked in our lives, and how sinful and lost we are without Him. To remember all these things is to have a strong weapon against the schemes and attacks of Satan. If Satan does manage to make us forget everything, then it is only a matter of time before we return back to the world.

Lesson 1: REMEMBER

Remember God

Exodus 16:1-3

Israel, the people whom God led out of Egypt and to whom He showed miracles at the Red Sea, very soon began to forget what God had done for them. During difficult times, the Israelites began to lose faith and trust in God. When Israel crossed the Jordan to enter the Promised Land, God commanded them to take heavy stones from the middle of the river (the water in it parted, like the Red Sea), which “will be for the children of Israel for a memorial forever.” (Joshua 4:1-7)

We can also set up “memorial stones” to help us remember God’s power, love, and faithfulness in our lives. ( Keep a journal of answered prayers, save or create objects that will remind you of the goodness and faithfulness of God, of His works in your life.)

Deuteronomy 8:10-18

There is another danger that we may face with our years of discipleship. We forget the role of God in our lives. We can begin to believe that our lives and our blessings are the result of using our talents and abilities. God says that we will be tempted to forget Him not only in difficult times, but also in times of prosperity.

Remember the Crucifixion of Christ

Acts 20:7

As is clear from the New Testament and the history of the early church, the disciples broke bread at least once a week.

1 Corinthians 11:23-30

Jesus instituted the Lord's Supper. His instructions were clear: “do this in remembrance of Me.” Christ's sacrifice and covenant are holy and valuable. The Bible teaches us that communion calls for self-reflection and unity among believers. Before you take communion, think about the following:

  • Is there a sin in your life that you need to acknowledge and confess?
  • Are there any relationships in the church that need to be improved?

Luke 22:14-20

Easter was a CELEBRATION of God saving His people. Communion has the same meaning for us today. This is an opportunity to think about God's love and how He saved us.

  • The bread is the body of Christ, which was broken for the sake of His people.
  • The wine/juice is the blood of Christ that was shed for His people.
  • By receiving communion, we (1) recognize/remember Christ's sacrifice for us and (2) reaffirm the covenant He has made with us. (3) We celebrate/thank God for our salvation.

Remember heaven!

Philippians 3:12-21

Q: How often did Paul think about the difficulties and trials he suffered in the past?

Q: How often do you think about heaven? Is your greatest goal to reach heaven to be close to God?

Q: How can you tell from a person that his “residence” is in heaven?

Spiritual Practice: Write down your conversion story. Keep it in a safe place and re-read it every year on the day of your baptism, which is the day of your spiritual birth. Take communion with everyone.


Goals: The two main objectives of this lesson are - to teach students to have an accurate (biblical) understanding of God And inspire them to build a daily relationship with God.

Q: How do you think your personal experiences and years have shaped your view of God?

Q: What was your relationship like with your father? What does power mean to you? Have you had any negative experiences with government officials?

Our relationship with our earthly father and our past experiences with government officials can be major influences on our understanding of God. God is NOT far away, He is NOT distant and NOT indifferent. He is NOT angry or short-tempered. God is NOT unjust and NOT unloving. God is a perfect Father who wants a real, daily relationship with us.


You are important to God.

Luke 15:3-6

If you were the only person who needed saving...God would come for you! He loves you so much. This is what God is like.

God values ​​you.

Luke 15:8-10

Q: Have you ever tirelessly searched for a lost item? What exactly?

The value of a thing is determined by how hard we look for it and what we are willing to do (even get dirty if necessary) to find it.

There are many passages in the Bible that show how much God values ​​us. In the Old Testament, God called His people “His portion”/“holy people”/“his own people” (Exodus 19:5; Deuteronomy 7:6; 14:2; 26:18; Ps. 134:4). In the New Testament, He calls us sons and daughters, a royal priesthood, a chosen people, the body and bride of Christ, and says that He so loved us that He gave His Son for us. (Ephesians 1:4-8; 1 Peter 2:9; John 3:16).

The Bible teaches that God values ​​us very much!

Psalm 39:1-4

  • Q: What mud/swamp did God save you from?

God wants to be with you.

Luke 15:11-32

Q: When you sin and hurt God, do you doubt that you need to communicate with God?

Q: Do you think the prodigal son wanted to return to his father as soon as possible after everything he had done?

Q: How did the father react when his son returned? Describe the love of a father for his son.

Q: How does God feel when we choose the mire/swamp of sin rather than repentance and returning to Him?

Q: How will God react if we choose to repent and come home and be close to Him?

God loves us and wants to have a daily relationship with us. The only way we can screw things up is to forget how much God loves us and allow Satan to convince us that we are better off staying with our pigs (in the mud/swamp of sin) or that God will not take us back if we we'll be back.

Spiritual Practice: Take time to write about how you were raised. Especially about how it affected your view of God. Strive to acquire an accurate biblical understanding of God.


Goals: The two main goals of this lesson are - teach students to lead a prayer life(start a prayer journal) based on the six points of the Lord's prayer and give them a basic understanding of prayer and fasting.

Q: How important is communication to relationships?

Good communication is the foundation of any relationship. Likewise, relationships with God flourish if there is communication with Him. In prayer we both speak and listen to God on a personal level.


Mark 1:35

Jesus was a busy man, but he always found time for prayer and a place where no one would disturb Him.

Q: What in your life might be preventing you from finding time and space to pray?

Why should we pray?

Luke 11:1-4

“…give us our daily bread…” When a first-century Jew heard “daily bread,” he immediately remembered the exodus. In Exodus 16 (manna from heaven), the Israelites had to rely on God for food. During the collection of manna, they could only collect the amount needed for the day (anything in excess was eaten by worms). This caused God's people to come to Him every day to receive the necessities of life.

Q: What would happen to the Israelites if they stopped going into the desert every day to get manna?

Q: What will happen to us if we don't spend time with God?


  • “Our Father” - Recognize God
  • “hallowed be thy name” - Praise God (Read a few Psalms for inspiration)

“Thy kingdom come” - Pray for others (Church, family, enemies, mentors and anyone you would like to see in heaven!)

  • “Give us our daily bread” - Pray for daily needs (Think about spiritual, emotional and physical needs. Pray throughout the day)
  • “and forgive us our sins” - confess and ask God for forgiveness (Pray for sins specifically. Remember, the more aware you are of your sins...the greater your gratitude for Jesus will be!) (Luke 7:36-50)
  • “and do not lead us into temptation” - Arm yourself spiritually. (Pray for God's protection)

Luke 11:5-13

Q: What does Jesus teach about our prayer life in this story?

  • Be persistent (verse 8)
  • Know that God loves you and wants the best for you! (verse 13)

Philippians 4:6-7 / 1 Peter 5:7– God takes care of you! Prayer is a time when we can give our burdens, worries and worries to God.

1 Thessalonians 5:17- “Pray without ceasing.” Prayer is something that should become a regular habit. Even when we are busy doing something else, we can always include God in our thoughts and our hearts.

Q: How can “constant prayer” change your daily activities and your schedule?

Spiritual Practice: Start a prayer journal using the outline Jesus gave His disciples. Set aside a time each day, when there are no interruptions, to pray. Find special, inspiring places for prayer times. Take time next week to pray together (using Luke 11/prayer journal).


Goals teach students how to study the Bible effectively daily And teach them how to use additional materials (symphony, etc.).

As we study the Scriptures, we need to have a deep understanding of how important the Word is.


Luke 4:1-13 – Overcoming temptations with knowledge of Scripture is what Jesus usually did. He always knew when Satan tried to misuse the Scriptures to tempt him! (verses 10-12) 2 Peter 3:15-16) Satan's temptations and tricks are something we will struggle with day after day. Overcoming them means acquiring the habit, like Christ, of responding to temptations with God's Word.

Q: What temptations does Satan tempt you with? How can Scripture help you overcome temptation?

Psalm 1:1-3– The Bible doesn’t say that we should have “quiet times” every day… in fact it says that we should have a lot more! Blessed is the man who meditates on the word of the Lord day and night (and not just 30 minutes in the morning)!

Q: What is the difference between “meditating” and “just reading”?

Q: How has meditating on the Word helped you “get ahead” in life? (verse 3)

Psalm 118 - The longest chapter in the Bible that extols the usefulness and effectiveness of God's Word.

- A pure and righteous life comes when we keep God's Word in our hearts (verses 9-10).

  • Jesus teaches us that the human heart is the source of sinfulness (Mark 7). Our hearts are changed by the work of the Holy Spirit. When we keep God's Word in our hearts, we can take preventive measures to guard against sin.

- We shouldn't hesitate. We must obey God's commandments (verses 59-60)

  • Bible study is useless unless we put into practice what we have learned (James 1:22-25)

Q: What reasons do you have for delaying and disobeying God's commandments?

Acts 8:26-29– Despite all his importance and busyness, the Eunuch from Ethiopia still found time to study the Word of God. (Carefully explore the desire to learn more and the heart of the Ethiopian Eunuch)


→Decide in advance what you want to study.

◊ Tips:

  • Study one book of the Bible (read, plan, study)
  • Study part of the book (for example, the Sermon on the Mount, the Lord's Supper, etc.)
  • Study one topic (grace, faith, impurity, etc. / use a symphony).
  • Study the lives of specific people from the Bible (Abraham, Moses, David, Ruth, etc.)
  • Study the sermon you heard. Be like the people of Berea (Acts 17:11)
  • Ask questions to which you don’t know the answers, go deeper to find the answer.

→ Read aloud.

→ Read different translations.

→ Use a notepad to jot down thoughts and questions as you study the Bible.

→ Tell people about what you are studying.

Spiritual Practice: Study the Bible with someone. Learn to use the symphony and study materials to complement your Bible study.


Goals: The two main goals of this lesson are – teach students about relationships and roles in the body of Christ (church) And help them understand how they can use their personal talents to serve the body of Christ.

When we become part of the body of Christ, our relationships change radically! Instead of considering ourselves the center of the universe, we should “esteem one another better than ourselves” (Philippians 2:3). The Bible teaches us that church is not a place where we just go. It is an opportunity to serve and care for the needs of others.


Our relationship

John 13:34-35

Jesus commanded us to love one another as He loved us. This kind of love and this kind of relationship with each other is what makes us Christians. Christ's willingness to serve and sacrifice for His disciples was the ultimate manifestation of His love. We need to show the same love to each other (service and sacrifice).


Provide for each other's material needs - 1 John 3:17.

Take an interest in each other's spiritual condition - Colossians 1:28.

Mark 3:35

We are brothers and sisters of Jesus if we do God's will. Because of this common purpose, Christian relationships transcend even blood relationships.

Our role

Ephesians 4:14-16

Everyone has a role in the church. Defining and implementing it is critical for the church so that the congregation can grow and mature.

1 Corinthians 12:12-26

Everyone is important in the body. It must function the way God intended it to! Even the weakest ones are incredibly important! We must appreciate the gift and role of everyone in the church and understand that we need each other! We rejoice and suffer together (this is sincere love, from a pure heart! - 1 Peter 1:22).

What is your gift?

A spiritual gift is a specific talent/ability that God has given us. While spiritual gifts were the manifestation of a "miracle" (we believe these gifts were specifically for the apostolic period before the full formation of the New Testament, and no longer exist today), non-miraculous gifts have an equally important role in creation body of Christ.

  • Non-miraculous gifts - Romans 12:4-8
  • Gifts of Leadership – Ephesians 4:11

1 Peter 4:10

Whatever gift you receive should be used to serve God's people. God has given us gifts, talents, and abilities to build His kingdom in unique ways.

Q: What are your gifts? How can you use them to serve God's people?

Examples: leadership, Children's Kingdom, making announcements, teen ministry, administration, hospitality, giving, special ministry roles in your home church

Spiritual Practice: Find an area in the church where you can serve. Next week, when you get together, go and serve or invite some Christians to visit you to show your hospitality.


Goals: The two main goals of this lesson are to help students understand the importance of discipling and to inspire them to develop active and healthy relationships with each other.

Discipline is the process by which we learn and train ourselves to be like Jesus. Discipleship and instruction are intertwined throughout the New Testament. In the spirit of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20), when the Apostles were commanded to “convert all nations” and “teach them to observe all things,” church members convert people and then teach each other individually or in groups to “keep all things.”


Instruction is based on Jesus Christ

1 Corinthians 11:1

In our discipling relationships, Christ is the standard and our lives are the example.

Q: What's the difference: make your life example and make your life standard?

Q: Why is it important to understand the difference?

We need to have humility and a desire to imitate the qualities of Christ in our relationships with each other.

However, the foundation and focus of our mentoring relationships should be the desire to be like Jesus.

Teach and Exhort

Colossians 3:16

Q: Besides instruction, what should be “abundant” in our relationships?

Q: What is the difference between “teach” and “exhort”?

To teach means to transfer skills and knowledge. This is active mentoring.

To admonish is to warn or notify of an error; gently, kindly, but seriously reproach; warn; give instructions about wrong actions; advise; warn about danger or wrongdoing. This is a response instruction.

To live in spiritual confidence, we need both types of instruction.

Proverbs 27:4-5

The Bible teaches us that it is better for someone who loves you to correct you, even harshly, than to be surrounded by those who do not love you and do not correct you at all.

Q: Do you have spiritual friends whom you trust enough to allow them to constantly correct/convict you?

Q: Are people who tell you “what you want to hear” rather than “what you need to hear” really good friends?

Excerpts from each other

There are many passages in the Bible that use the words “one another.” These passages tell us how Christians should and should not behave towards each other. These passages help us have a spiritual view of instruction.

  • Hebrews 3:13 – disciple one another daily
  • Hebrews 10:24 – encourage one another to love and good works
  • Galatians 5:13 – Serve one another
  • Galatians 6:2 – Bear one another’s burdens

Q: Is this the kind of relationship you have? Are you actively looking for them in your life?

Important practical tips about discipling:

Build deep relationships in your small group: meet regularly.

Have dynamic spiritual time as a group: confess your sins, share your burdens, talk about what you are studying from the Bible, pray together, share faith together, rebuke and encourage each other, etc.

Spiritual practice:

Spend time discussing the good and the bad and learn to encourage and mentor each other. Start by discussing 3 good characteristics of each other (areas in which you are like Christ) and then share 1 thing about each other that needs to be repented of/grow.

See how many passages you can find in Scripture that say “one another”?


Goals: The two main goals of this lesson are – inspire disciples to see the world through the eyes of Jesus (from His point of view) And encourage them to have the heart and compassion of Jesus.


Matthew 9:35-38

Q: What did Jesus do when he “saw the crowds”?

Q: What does it mean to have compassion for people?

The Jews in Jesus' day viewed compassion as an "inducement" to kindness, benevolence, or love.

Q: Have you ever seen anything that moved you to be kind, benevolent, or loving? (charity advertisements about starving children, homeless people on the streets, disaster victims in the news, etc.)

Q: What did He mean by “sheep without a shepherd”?

Sheep without a shepherd have no one to look for them, no one to protect them from predators. The Bible tells us that in our daily spiritual life, Satan is the roaring lion. The people we pass by every day do not have someone to care for them spiritually. They are lonely and wandering. This is how we should see the people around us.

Mark 6:30-44

Life can be exhausting! Jesus and His disciples were tired and hungry, and so they rested. However, when they got to where they were going, they found even more people with needs.

Q: What was the heart of Jesus? What motivated Jesus to meet people's needs?

Q: Think about a time when you had a long, tiring day (at work, school, family, church service). Did you still want to be compassionate towards the needs of others at that point?

We may feel like apostles who lack the physical or emotional capacity to meet the needs of others. However, we must not forget that if we are willing to act by faith, God will give us opportunities to meet the needs of others and to grow ourselves.

Mark 1:40-42

Jesus was willing to sacrifice His well-being, His reputation, and even His life to help this man. Jesus loved with all his heart those who were looked down upon, considered trash because of their physical, moral or social status.

Q: Would you be willing to sacrifice your well-being, your reputation, or even your life to help someone?

Q: Do you love those who are looked down upon and considered inferior?

Mark 2:13-17

Jesus saw more than just the physical and emotional needs of people. He saw spiritual needs. These people may have looked normal on the outside, but spiritually they were sick, humiliated and needy!

Q: Do you see the spiritual needs of those around you?

Psalm 114:5-6

As disciples of Christ, we must remember why we serve, why we spread the good news, and why we deny ourselves for the needs of others...we do all this to be like the God who is merciful and who helped us when we were weak!

Spiritual practice:

Imitate the heart of Jesus in your relationships with people. Show compassion that moves you to action. Decide to see the spiritual and physical needs of people around you, and sincerely desire to help!


Goals: prepare and inspire students to be courageous, respectful and (above all) effective spread of the Gospel.



2 Corinthians 5:10-21

We proclaim the gospel (trying to convince people) because we know and fear God.

Moreover, the love of Christ “controls” us to live for Him as His ambassadors.

And also the understanding that God has entrusted us with the ministry of reconciliation encourages us to evangelize.


Romans 1:16-17

There is no need to be ashamed of the Gospel, because it contains saving power.

Luke 9:23-26

If we are ashamed of Christ and His words, He will be ashamed of us.

Acts 4:29-31

Pray for courage! God will answer your prayers.

Spiritual Principles for Effectively Sharing the Gospel

Matthew 10:11-14

Be discerning and don't focus/get distracted by those who don't take God seriously.

1 Thessalonians 2:7-8

Invest in friendship, you don't have to meet just for the purpose of studying the Bible. Relax together, read books, eat together... share your life with people!

Matthew 5:14-16

Be an example. This is God's will that our lives should shine in this world for everyone and that those who see our good deeds will glorify God.

Q: As an example of your personal life, studies, finances, work, etc. glorifies God and makes the gospel attractive to people? Or are you ashamed to show people certain areas of your life?

1 Peter 3:15-16

Be gentle and respectful.

Useful tips

1) Make an effort, take steps: start communicating and make connections wherever you are.

2) Write down in a notebook the names and phone numbers of those with whom you shared your faith. This will serve as both a reminder and a prayer list.

Spiritual practice:

Make a list of people you would like to see as students next year.(family, friends, co-workers, classmates, etc.). Add this list to your prayer journal.

Pray that God will open the door for you to share your faith with these people.

Pray for courage and then go and proclaim the gospel.


Goals: To teach students the importance of helping the poor and inspire them to serve and sacrifice in caring for the poor and needy.

We can help those less fortunate rather than ourselves in many different ways: by donating money to charity, volunteering, or simply helping those less fortunate on a personal level. In any case, it is very important that the student has a heart willing to serve those in need.


Matthew 25:31-46

Jesus talks about “sheep” and “goats.” “Sheep” are those who give to others without discrimination. “Goats” are those who do not give, but only take for themselves. The Bible says we will be judged on how generous we are and help the poor and needy!

Q: Which of the people around you would you classify as “these little ones”?

Q: How can you serve them?

Proverbs 21:13

How we respond to the poor/less fortunate affects how God will treat us.

Proverbs 14:31

We honor God if we are kind to the poor.

James 1:27

God's heart goes out to those who are in sorrow, who are wounded and unable to take care of themselves.

Galatians 2:9-10

Evangelizing the Gospel throughout the world means serving the poor. Evangelism and serving the poor always go hand in hand.

Q: Why do you think it was so important for the apostles to decree that the spread of the gospel should be accompanied by ministry to the poor?

Q: Why is preaching accompanied by service important to us today?

Q: How committed are you to “remembering the poor”?

As we proclaim the gospel, we must “continue to remember the poor.” When we do this, we honor God and are a light to the world. As Jesus said: “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16)

Spiritual practice :


Introduction: God's Word and His power give us everything we need to live a happy, godly, fulfilling life in every area. (2-Timothy 3:17, 2-Peter 1:3, John 10:10)

The area of ​​marriage is extremely important. If something goes wrong in a marriage, a person may have serious spiritual problems. Marriage is the most important area for instruction.

In reality, Christian marriage is like a stage on which disciples shine brightly for many families around them. A Great Marriage Brings Others to Jesus!


God's Plan

Genesis 2:24, Proverbs 18:23

Marriage fulfills our deepest needs. But for this, spouses must be best friends.

Matthew 19:9– marriage is for life.

Spiritual principles of marriage:


Ephesians 4:29– Strengthen each other with your words, and do not destroy! (Proverbs 12:18; 18:22)

James 1:9– Be quick to listen (Proverbs 18:14)

Colossians 3:13, Ephesians 4:26 – Resolve grievances and get rid of/don’t bury bitter roots.

Proverbs 15:22– Without advice, businesses will be upset. Become partners in planning. (Set up a regular time to plan schedules, finances, housekeeping needs, etc. together).


Colossians 3:19, 1 Peter 3:7 – Find out what God expects! Husbands should NOT be harsh/harsh with their wives! Husbands must serve their wives and be attentive to them. Husbands should do their part of the housework, cleaning and taking care of the children!…

1 Peter 3:5-6– Find out what God expects! Wives must learn submission. Wives should NOT be nagging or bossy. Proverbs 21:19; 25:24; 27:15

Ephesians 5:22-33– God calls men to be spiritual leaders in their families.

Advice/Advice on Marriage

Scripture teaches us many things about marriage: our roles, responsibilities, the need for unity, how we should talk to each other, how we should behave towards each other, etc.

It is as important for us to learn to obey Scripture as it is to learn to have a deep relationship with God, to love and serve others, and to serve the poor.

Sometimes our marriage is the last place we practice our Christianity when it should be the first!

Acts 5:1-11– do not “defend” each other when there is indifference, sin or compromise

Proverbs 15:22- consult.

Q: Are either of you two closed to influence?

Every marriage needs outside influence; no one can do without advice. Couples need guidance. "Four-Way Openness": Husbands and wives need to ask each other for permission before talking to mentors or others about their unresolved problems. This is a powerful protection for relationships and a good test of the sincerity of intentions.


Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

While spending time together, communicate on spiritual topics.

Pray together every day (for example, in the evening).

Study spiritual books together (about marriage, about education or other spiritual books).


1 Corinthians 7:5- Don't refuse each other.

1 Corinthians 13:4-8– Remember to love as the Bible teaches (this is the best recipe for romance!) Remember about special manifestations of love: cards, flowers, gifts, surprises...

Spiritual practice:

Do something this month to strengthen your marriage spiritually. (For example, pray together, seek guidance/advice, share faith together, start reading a book about marriage together, etc.)


Introduction: The family is the basic unit of society. To understand the desperate situation our society is in, you need to look at the desperate predicament families are in today! Families with the usual values ​​of this world - poor communication, resentment, ill-mannered children and, as a result, fading marriages.

The absolute opposite is the family, with Jesus at the center. She is a breath of fresh air and a ray of hope.

A family that lives by God's Word is a happy, outgoing, warm, loving, devoted and faithful family. Likewise, Christian marriage is God's wise design for men and women to live together in love. Therefore, the Christian family is God's answer to the godlessness and selfishness of society. The family is God's chosen place for parents to develop their character. After all, He gave them the most valuable thing - children.


Spiritual Focus

  • The chain of commandments: Christ – husband – wife – children.
  • If you want a great family, you need guidance!
  • The goal is to have a family committed to the gospel.


  • Safety and happiness:
    1. Time – you will need to get your priorities in order!
    2. Tenderness - without it they will feel insecure in this life, become distant, withdrawn into themselves. Spiritual examples (of parents) – Ephesians 6:4, Deuteronomy 6:7
  • Education and punishment:
    1. Proverbs 23:13-14- It is not for love - not to raise children. Education is training.
    2. Colossians 3:21– it’s important to encourage.
    3. Proverbs 22:15; 29:15, 17, 19, 21- God commanded to punish.
    4. The husband is the one who is responsible for disciplining the children.
    5. The wife and husband must agree on “rules” so that the children do not choose which parent to obey!
    6. Proverbs 22:6– areas of instruction: respect for authority, conversation and openness, tenderness, behavior, neatness, mood swings.
    7. Constantly mentor each child.

Other Important Points

  • Regular Bible reading together.
  • Be on time for church meetings. Plan extra time, especially for children. Plan to arrive early!
  • Pray with your children before bed.
  • Have weekly spiritual times as a family.
  • If your children are already Christians, partner with those serving in a teen group. Calmly accept feedback about your child. Don't take a defensive position.

Practical advice

  • Create a simple reward and reward system for children.
  • Share the gospel with your whole family. As a family, build relationships with other families.
  • Ask Christians you respect to recommend helpful books.

Spiritual practice:

Have a fun Bible reading time with a spiritual focus.



Razheva Nadezhda Evgenievna,

teacher of Russian language and literature

first qualification category

Municipal educational institution secondary school named after. N.A. Nekrasova

Nekrasovsky district

Yaroslavl region

Lesson #4

Lesson topic: Orthodox prayer

The purpose of the lesson:

the Orthodox attitude of Christians to God; prayer as a conversation between a person and God, as a form of possible communication between a person and God.

Lesson objectives:

Educational: deepen students’ knowledge about Orthodox prayer and its types;

introduce the concepts of “prayer”, “grace”, “saints”;

Developmental: explain to students the difference between the concepts of “pray”, “demand” and “command”, enrich and complicate their vocabulary, formulate ways of interaction between a student and a teacher, and students with each other;

Educational : help students understand the difference between material wealth and spiritual joys.

Terms and concepts:material requests, spiritual requests, Orthodoxy, prayer, demand, request, order, grace, saints.

Lesson equipment:computer, projector, presentation, electronic supplement to the textbook by A.V. Kuraev “Fundamentals of Orthodox culture. 4-5 grades", handouts, textbook, interactive board.

Forms of work: conversation, work with the text of the textbook and additional material for the lesson.

Forms of organization of cognitive activity:collective, group, individual.

The board is divided into two parts: on one it is written: material requests, on the second - spiritual ones.

I. Organizational moment.

II. Updating knowledge.

TEACHER: At home you read the article “Man and God in Orthodoxy” in the textbook. Answer the questions:

1. Why do believers call God’s nature creation?

2. Do you think God stopped caring about the world after he created it?

3. Remember what it means to be Orthodox? (If children have forgotten the meaning of the term “Orthodoxy”, you can open the textbook on page 7)(Slide 1)

(Question from the teacher that arouses interest in the topic)

TEACHER: Let's imagine a situation where suddenly a good wizard appeared who could fulfill one of your wishes. What would you ask for?

(The students speak out, the teacher writes down their wishes in the appropriate part of the board. If there are few spiritual desires, the teacher stimulates their formulation with questions:

“Would you like to do something kind for someone else?” etc.,

You can remember the fairy tale “Flower - Seven Flowers”,

You can remember that people often perform feats and even sacrifice their lives so that their name remains for centuries.)

TEACHER: I wrote down your wishes on the board, distributing them in different columns.Read what they are called. Think about why some wishes are called “material requests” and others “spiritual requests”?

(Students speak out)(Slide 2)

III. Introduction to the concept of “prayer”.

1. TEACHER: Wizards only exist in fairy tales. But believers are convinced that God hears all our desires, all our requests. Turning to God is called prayer. (Slide 3)(teacher announces the topic of the lesson)

When do you think a person turns to God in prayer?(Students speak out)

Listen to poems by Russian poets.How do poets answer the question asked? Underline the key words that will help you find the answer to the question.

(Slide 4) ( Poems are read by students prepared in advance.)


K. Romanov


Like a burden will roll off your soul,

Doubt is far away -

And I believe and cry,

And so easy, easy...

M.Yu. Lermontov


Let's finally break up

Do you remember? for my service

He promised me as a friend,

My first will

You perform it as your own.

Give me the girl. –

Shamakhan queen...

A.S. Pushkin


Looked at him point blank.

By your order

Comrade Major has appeared.

Leave the documents to me.

You will go alone, without a radio operator,

Walkie-talkie on the back.

And across the front, along the rocks,

At night behind German lines

You will walk along such a path,

Where no one has gone.

You'll be on the radio from there

Fire batteries.

Is it clear? - That’s right, it’s clear.

Well, then go quickly.

K. Simonov


After all, the best is all about us -

From their efforts.

Russia is famous for its teachers.

The disciples bring glory to her.

Don't you dare forget your teachers.

A. Dementiev


4. The cook looked sideways:

"Wow eater -

This guy is new."

puts an extra spoon,

He says not angrily:

You should, you know, join the navy

With your appetite.

That one: - Thank you. I'm just

I haven't been in the navy.

I'd rather be like you

A cook in the infantry...

A. Tvardovsky

5. Tomorrow the fight...

The young man whispers, his sorrow hidden,

Whispers a prayer.

“Save, O Lord, Thy people.”

Tomorrow the fight...

Fedor Sologub


Hint words:

TEACHER: How do you think prayer differs from a demand, request, order?(Students speak out)

IV. Working with the textbook.

TEACHER: What types of prayers are there?

(electronic supplement to the textbook: lesson No. 4 “Orthodox prayers”, interactive model “Orthodox prayers”. Show the first picture.)

1. A prayer-request is a request from God for help and various benefits. Most often they start with everyday blessings: health or success.

You and I also wrote many such requests.

But, becoming wiser, a person begins to ask God for other, spiritual benefits.

This is what you and I wrote.

Give examples (from the textbook p. 12) of requests for spiritual benefits.

(Reading and commenting on an example of a prayer request in the electronic manual)

2. (Explanation of the prayer of thanksgiving and “doxology”.)

Why do you think one type of prayer is called a prayer of thanksgiving? What do people thank God for?

People don't use the prayer of thanksgiving very often. Why?

(If children find it difficult to answer a question, find the answer in the textbook and comment on it.)

Remember in what situations your loved ones say: “Glory to God!”

The connection between the prayer of “doxology” and joy. This joy is a little similar to that which arises from the fact that you feel that you have a faithful Friend. The word friend is derived from the word other. Having a friend means you are not alone, it means there is someone else nearby. Such joy arises when, for example, you helped someone a lot. You suddenly felt the pain of another person, you forgot about yourself, and joy appeared in your heart. When a person feels that he is not alone, but that God is nearby, then this is the greatest joy: God will never betray, God is stronger than everyone, God loves you.

(Reading and commenting on an example of a prayer of thanksgiving and “doxology” in the electronic manual).

3. Re-read the poem by Konstantin Romanov “When there is no strength to bear the cross.” What prayers does the poet remind people of? (about prayer of petition and prayer of thanksgiving).

How did you understand the expression “When there is no strength to bear the cross”?

3. According to the textbook: explanation of the terms “grace”, “holy” (p. 13).

How will a person feel that the grace of God has descended on him? (it changes)

Re-read the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov. How did the poet say about the great power of prayer, its influence on a person?(vocabulary work: burden (obsolete word) - an unbearable burden)

It will roll off the soul like a burden

Doubt is far away -

And I believe and cry,

And so easy, easy...

4. Look at the illustrations in the textbook on pages 13-14.

Tell me, when and where can an Orthodox person pray?

V. Introduction to the Lord's Prayer

TEACHER: The Orthodox have a prayer that everyone without exception knows by heart, or, if they don’t know the whole prayer (they haven’t memorized it yet), at least its first words. Listen to an excerpt from the fairy tale by G.Kh. Andersen's "The Snow Queen". What kind of prayer are we going to talk about now?

G.H. Andersen

The Snow Queen (excerpt)

...She ran forward as fast as she could; A whole regiment of snow flakes was rushing towards her, but they did not fall from the sky - the sky was completely clear, and the northern lights were glowing on it - no, they ran along the ground straight towards Gerda and, as they approached, they became larger and larger. Gerda remembered the large beautiful flakes under the burning glass, but these were much larger, more terrible, of the most amazing types and shapes, and all of them were alive. These were the vanguard of the Snow Queen's army. Some resembled large ugly hedgehogs, others - hundred-headed snakes, others - fat bear cubs with tousled hair. But they all sparkled equally with whiteness, they were all living snow flakes.

Gerda began to read the “Our Father”; it was so cold that the girl’s breath immediately turned into a thick fog. This fog thickened and thickened, but small, bright angels began to stand out from it, who, having stepped on the ground, grew into large, formidable angels with helmets on their heads and spears and shields in their hands. Their number kept growing, and when Gerda finished her prayer, a whole legion had already formed around her. The angels took the snow monsters onto their spears, and they crumbled into thousands of snowflakes. Gerda could now boldly move forward; the angels stroked her arms and legs, and she no longer felt so cold. Finally, the girl reached the palace of the Snow Queen.

Whom can people living in different countries call their Heavenly Father - “Our Father”? (H.-H. Andersen, author of the fairy tale “The Snow Queen,” lived in Denmark).

Teacher reading the Lord's Prayer on page 14

The prayer is in Church Slavonic, so not everything in the text of the prayer is clear to us

(Pay attention to the phrases “Our Father”(God allowed people to consider Him as their Father), “Thy Kingdom come”)

At home, together with your parents, read the Lord’s Prayer and complete the task on the card. If you wish, you can learn a prayer.

VI. Summing up the lesson.

(electronic supplement to the textbook: lesson No. 4 “Orthodox prayers”, completing tasks “Trainer”:

What prayers do Christians say at different points in their lives?

“Our Father” is………………

Christians pray because………….

Prayer can……………………………………)

Teacher: Answer the questions:

The word "Orthodoxy" means.....

Prayer is...

Types of prayer: prayer-..., prayer-..., prayer-...

What is the effect of prayer?

How do you explain why a person changes during prayer?

What people are saints?


1. Together with your parents, complete tasks on cards (optional).

2. Draw a tree trunk and four branches: three flowering branches, one, the lower one, withered. The trunk is a prayer, a request. Write on the branches what each branch prayer is about. Which prayer branch will be the highest? What prayer does the withered branch symbolize?

Homework assignments

Exercise 1. Draw matching lines.



petitionary penitents

Prayers prayers


« "Give it, Lord!"

Lord have mercy!"

" God bless!" Task 2.

Read the Lord's Prayer and explain the meaning of the highlighted words. Our Father,!

Who art thou in heaven hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done like in heaven and on earth. Our daily bread give me a shout us this day: and forgive us our debts, like and we leave our debtor: and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from

the evil one.

Who art in heaven _________________________________________________________________

hallowed _____________________________________________________________________

like __________________________________________________________________________

give it ________________________________________________________________________________

like __________________________________________________________________________

temptation ___________________________________________________________________

from the evil one ___________________________________________________________________

Task 3.

Think about what the phrase “and forgive us our debts...” means.

What debts are we talking about? ______________________________________________________________

Do you think you have debts to other people?

Before God?


If yes, which ones? ______________________________________________________________

What are you ready to forgive your friends and family? ___________________________ Task 4.

For those who want to know more. This is how the text of the prayer is written in church books:

Additional material for the lesson
Our Father
I heard - in the cell it’s simple
Old man with a wonderful prayer
He prayed quietly before me:
"Father of people, Heavenly Father!
Yes, Your name is eternal
Sanctified by our hearts;
May your kingdom come
Thy will be done to us,
As in heaven, so on earth.
They sent us our daily bread
With your generous hand;
And how we forgive people
So us, insignificant before You,
Forgive, Father, Your children;
Don't plunge us into temptation,
And from evil deception
Deliver us!.."
Before the cross
So he prayed. Lamp light
Twinkled in the darkness from afar,
And my heart felt joy

From that old man's prayer. A. S. Pushkin

For everything else there is a time, according to the words of Ecclesiastes: “a time for every thing”; but any time is suitable for prayers and psalmody.

John Chrysostom

Prayer is a great weapon, an inexhaustible treasure, never-expanded wealth, an untroubled refuge, an undisturbed calm - and the root and source and mother of countless blessings is prayer: it is more powerful than royal power itself. I mean prayer, not some kind of prayer, not careless and absent-minded, but fiery and difficult, emanating from a painful soul and a deeply collected mind. Only such a prayer is heavenly.

Francois Mauriac

You don't have to have faith to pray; you need to pray to gain faith.



When there is no strength to bear the cross, But if after grief

When melancholy cannot be overcome, happiness will smile upon us again,

We raise our eyes to heaven, Do we give thanks with tenderness,

Saying prayer day and night, With all your soul, with all your thoughts

So that the Lord may have mercy. Are we God's mercy and love?

K. Romanov


In a difficult moment of life there is a power of grace

Is there sadness in the heart: In the consonance of living words,

One wonderful prayer and an incomprehensible breath,

I repeat it by heart. Holy beauty in them.

Like a burden will roll off your soul,

Doubt is far away -

And I believe and cry,

And so easy, easy...

M.Yu. Lermontov

Read the poems. Identify and label the style of address for each passage.(Students work in groups, completing the task on cards)

1. - King! - the sage answers, -

Let's finally break up

Do you remember? for my service

He promised me as a friend,

My first will

You perform it as your own.

Give me the girl. –

Shamakhan queen...

A.S. Pushkin


Looked at him point blank.

By your order

Comrade Major has appeared.

Well, it's good that you showed up.

Leave the documents to me.

You will go alone, without a radio operator,

Walkie-talkie on the back.

And across the front, along the rocks,

At night behind German lines

You will walk along such a path,

Where no one has gone.

You'll be on the radio from there

Fire batteries.

Is it clear? - That’s right, it’s clear.

Well, then go quickly.

K. Simonov


3. Don't you dare forget your teachers.

After all, the best is all about us -

From their efforts.

Russia is famous for its teachers.

The disciples bring glory to her.

Don't you dare forget your teachers.

A. Dementiev


4. The cook looked sideways:

"Wow eater -

This guy is new."

puts an extra spoon,

He says not angrily:

You should, you know, join the navy

With your appetite.

That one: - Thank you. I'm just

I haven't been in the navy.

I'd rather be like you

A cook in the infantry...

A. Tvardovsky


5. Tomorrow the fight...

The young man whispers, his sorrow hidden,

Whispers a prayer.

Tomorrow morning there will be a bloody battle.

“Save, O Lord, Thy people.”

Tomorrow the fight...

Fedor Sologub


Hint words:demand, request to fulfill a promise, hint, prayer, order.

Lesson topic: A feat in the name of people and faith. (lesson 2)

The purpose of the lesson: education of patriotism and citizenship, activation of spiritual and moral education.

Lesson objectives:

Develop cognitive interest in studying the historical past of our country;

Convey respect for the unfading feat, perseverance, courage and selfless love for your Fatherland.

Continue work on the formation of the concepts of “sacrifice in the name of protecting the Fatherland”, “sacrifice in the name of love of God”, “spiritual feat”, “feat of arms” based on traditional Russian Orthodox cultural values;

Develop moral feelings of empathy and responsibility for other people; the ability to draw conclusions, analyze, observe, generalize, and evaluate the events being studied.

Must be able to: explain the basic concepts: spiritual feat, soldiers of Christ, earthly Fatherland, heavenly Fatherland, feat of arms, feat of faith, enemies of the Fatherland, name the names of soldiers, defenders of the Fatherland, have an idea of ​​eternal values: mercy, compassion, valor.

Equipment: an electronic presentation, Glossary, workbook, cards have been compiled

During the classes

I. Organizing time

II. Getting to know new material.

Our army, although it began to be called an army not so long ago - more than two hundred years ago, has an ancient and glorious history. The Russians - that was the name of our ancestors in ancient times - were brave and fearless warriors who did not give enemies the opportunity to conquer their lands. About the Russians, the Byzantine emperor at the end of the 6th century. wrote: “...they love freedom and are not inclined to either slavery or obedience. The brave, especially in their own land, are resilient; easily tolerate cold and heat, lack of clothing and food. Their young men skillfully wield weapons.” Another Byzantine wrote about the Russians like this: “This people is courageous to the point of madness, brave, strong.” The campaigns of Prince Oleg, the victories of the famous military leader of Kievan Rus, Prince Svyatoslav and his squad, put an end to the devastating raids of the Khazars, Pechenegs, and Polovtsians, made Rus' a strong state, and its warriors invincible. Particularly famous were such Russian commanders as Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy, Alexander Suvorov, Mikhail Kutuzov, and in our time, marshals Konstantin Zhukov, Ivan Konev, Konstantin Rokossovsky, etc. You will learn more about them when you study the glorious history of the Fatherland.

Who among us has not heard about the most famous epic heroes Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich? Which boy hasn't dreamed of being like them? And there is definitely no person who has not seen the painting “Three Heroes” by the artist Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov. (slide)

But if many of the deeds of the heroes (note: not all) are the fruit of the imagination of the compilers of epics, and many of them were compiled even four hundred years after the death of the characters, then the heroes themselves existed in reality and made their contribution to the history of Rus'.

So who are they, the epic heroes?

* Student performance. Ilya Muromets, Pechersky, nicknamed Chobotok, was the son of Ivan Timofeevich Chobotov from the Murom village of Karacharovo, Vladimir region. He was born on September 5, 1143. Due to the weakness of his legs that struck him from childhood, Ilya lived motionlessly for 30 years in humility, love and prayers to God. Legends have brought to us the miracle of healing of the future defender of the Russian land. After healing, Ilya Muromets used his miraculous spiritual and physical strength only to fight the enemies of the Fatherland and restore justice. It is known that Ilya Muromets had no defeats, but he never exalted himself and released his defeated enemies in peace. Having received an incurable wound in the chest in one of the battles, he, obeying the call of his heart, left the world, took monastic vows at the Kiev Pechersk Lavra and shut himself up. Ilya Muromets departed to the Kingdom of Heaven in the 45th year of his life on January 1, 1188. He was canonized in 1643, and his incorruptible relics rest in the Anthony Caves of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra.

The relics of the saint in the caves of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra

Memorial Day is celebrated on January 1st. He is the patron of the Strategic Missile Forces and the Russian Border Guard Service. The Russian army considers the holy hero their patron. In 1998, on the territory of one of the military units in the Moscow region, a wonderful temple was erected and consecrated in the name of St. Elijah of Murom.

I am going to serve for the Christian faith,

And for the Russian land,

And for the capital city of Kyiv,

For widows, for orphans, for poor people.....

There were a lot of defenders of the Russian land, the Fatherland. We will talk about some of them today in class.

What do we call the Fatherland?

Who are the intercessors of the Fatherland? What are they protecting?

Already in ancient times, the rich Slavic lands were repeatedly attacked by enemies. The Slavs bravely defended their native land, uniting to resist numerous and dangerous enemies.

What's the worst thing in war?

And the commandment of Christ says: “Lay down your soul (give up your life) for your friends, to defend the faith and the Fatherland.” Christ taught to forgive. He taught us to love even our enemies. He said that it is better to turn your left cheek if you are hit on the right. (We have already talked about this in our lessons.) But this is when we are talking about insults caused to you. You can forgive your offense. What if they offend your sister? Mother? Homeland?

But there are other words of Christ: “Whoever is angry with his brother without cause is subject to judgment.” This means that anger can be in vain, but it can also be appropriate.

In 1812, the French Emperor Napoleon led his army to Russia. Look on the map where France is and where Russia is, and you will understand that his invasion was not a random quarrel of the kind that often happens between neighbors. He walked across all of Europe to enter Moscow.

The peoples of Russia - Russians, Ukrainians, Kalmyks, Tatars and others, perceived this war as a Patriotic War and stood up for defense.

From a Christian point of view, only a defensive war can be just. Attack and aggression cannot be justified.

If it was necessary to defend his homeland, family and faith, an Orthodox person takes up arms.

What qualities should a defender have? (Brave, reliable, protects, believes, saves, Holy.)

Russian people have always been distinguished by their courage, bravery, and combat ability to repel invaders. The duty to defend one's fatherland is the sacred duty of every man. This provision is enshrined in the main document of the country - the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Did the defenders of the Fatherland always remain alive? (More than 20 million died during the Great Patriotic War.)

There were many warriors among the Orthodox saints.

Name the names of Christian holy warriors and heroes. (St. George the Victorious, Holy Blessed Prince Dmitry Donskoy, St. Alexander Nevsky)

Let's continue our conversation about the holy warriors of our Fatherland.

* Student presentation. In the first centuries of our era, Orthodox Christians were attacked by opponents of the Christian Faith. A young warrior named George lived in Rome. He believed in Jesus Christ. Opponents of the Christian faith wanted George to renounce Christ and torture him.

The exhausted warrior turned to God in prayer. Suddenly thunder roared and a voice was heard from Heaven: “Don’t be afraid, George, I’m with you!” A radiance appeared, and an Angel descended from heaven in the form of a beautiful young man. He extended his hand to George and said: “Rejoice.” When the Angel disappeared, George stood up and his wounds disappeared. At the sight of such a miracle, everyone around was horrified. George suffered a lot, but nothing could break his courage. Fear gripped the opponents and they killed George.

George began to be called the Victorious for the patience and courage with which he defeated all suffering. The Great Martyr Saint George became the patron saint of Orthodox soldiers. In honor of him, insignia were installed - the St. George Cross and the St. George Medal. These badges were the most honorable awards in the old Russian army and were awarded only for exploits.

Many centuries later, in Russia, in honor of the great Saint George the Victorious, the honorary order “For Service and Bravery” was established. They were awarded to soldiers for exploits performed in defense of the Fatherland.

Remember how the battles of Alexander Nevsky and Dmitry Donskoy began? (from an appeal to God).

What did the commanders do after the end of the battle? (thank God for help).

Miniature Prayer of Alexander Icon of Saint Sergius of Radonezh

Nevsky in the Church of St. Sophia and blesses Prince Dimitry Donskoy

blessing by his archbishop for the Battle of Kulikovo

before the battle.

In the most difficult times, God sends heroes to help people.

III . Vocabulary work.(work in pairs)

I suggest you find the lexical meaning of the following words in the cards:

* what's happened courage?

* what's happened heroism?

* what do heroes usually do?

* what's happened feat?


heroic deed


determination, fearlessness


display of courage, self-sacrifice

* conversation based on the results of work in pairs

IV. Updating knowledge.

In preparation for this lesson, we watched the feature film “Alexander Nevsky”. Do you remember what the main words were uttered by Prince Alexander, which will forever go down in the history of our country?

Remember that both Alexander Nevsky and Dmitry Donskoy were canonized as defenders of the Fatherland.

Let's remember, who are the saints? Why do we call them that?

If it was necessary to defend his homeland, family and faith, an Orthodox person takes up arms. But at the same time it does not become a killing machine. Even in war you must remain human.

And what actions are unacceptable even in war? (You cannot finish off the wounded, you cannot touch the unarmed, you cannot rob local residents if the enemy surrenders or if the war is over - you must treat your recent enemy as a common person, the laws of mercy and justice must replace the laws of war)

What is the difference between personal enemies and enemies of the Fatherland? (A Christian must endure insults brought to him personally, but must defend his friends, brothers, Fatherland, sacrificing his life)

* Underline the words that define the character of a defender of the Fatherland, a warrior: (work in pairs) brave, cowardly, courageous, courageous, traitor, timid, faithful.

V. Continued acquaintance with new material.

And now I want to tell you about a warrior, a faithful son of his Fatherland, a righteous man who did not renounce his faith,

Many people think that the time of martyrs has passed. That now there is “peace and prosperity” and there is no persecution and persecution for the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. But that's not true. And in our day, today, now, many Christians testify to their faith in Christ in the face of persecution, suffering and even death. These are those “who by faith conquered kingdoms, did righteousness, received promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the power of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, were strengthened from weakness, were strong in war, drove out armies of strangers... others were martyred without accepting liberation in order to receive a better resurrection; others experienced insults and beatings, as well as chains and prison, were stoned, sawn apart, tortured, died by the sword, wandered in mantles and goatskins, suffering disadvantages, sorrows, and bitterness; those whom the whole world was not worthy of.”

Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Rodionov was drafted into the army in 1995 and served in the border troops. The training unit took place in the city of Ozersk, Chernyakhovsky district, Kaliningrad region, military unit No. 2631 (now disbanded training unit of the Russian border troops). After the training unit, I ended up at a border outpost on the border of Ingushetia and Chechnya.

On February 13, 1996, together with privates Andrei Trusov, Igor Yakovlev and Alexander Zheleznov, he took up his post. While on duty, they stopped an ambulance driven by Brigadier General of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria Ruslan Khaikhoroev, which was carrying weapons. During an attempt to search, the soldiers were captured. After discovering their disappearance from the post, the soldiers were initially declared deserters. Police officers came to Rodionov’s mother’s house to look for her son after his disappearance. The version that the soldiers were captured was accepted after a detailed examination of the scene and the discovery of traces of blood and struggle.

Yevgeny Rodionov was killed in captivity on May 23, 1996. Ruslan Khaikhoroev confessed to the murder. In the presence of a foreign OSCE representative, he said: “...He had a choice to stay alive. He could have changed his faith, but he did not want to take off the cross. I tried to run..." On May 23, after 100 days of captivity and cruel torture, Yevgeny Rodionov was asked to remove his pectoral cross and convert to Islam. After the refusal, Yevgeny Rodionov’s head was cut off alive.

Evgeniy’s body was identified by his mother by his pectoral cross. Later, the identification results were confirmed by an examination.

Evgeny Rodionov was buried near the village of Satino-Russkoye, Podolsk district, Moscow region, near the Church of the Ascension of Christ.

Evgeny Rodionov was awarded the Order of Courage and the Order of Glory to Russia posthumously.

On October 21, 2008, the warrior Yevgeny Rodionov was glorified among the martyrs as a locally revered saint of the Astrakhan-Enotaevsk diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church. People come to his grave from the Volga region, Chuvashia, and Ukraine. They know about him in America, Japan, Germany, and the Caucasus. In Serbia they call him Eugene the Russian. Soldiers love him, people in prisons ask for his help. 160 icons of the warrior-martyr Eugene were painted, they appeared in 26 churches in Russia. Some of them are myrrh-streaming.

On Zhenya’s grave it is written: “Here lies the Russian soldier Yevgeny Rodionov, who defended the Fatherland and did not renounce Christ, executed near Bamut on May 23, 1996.” One day, a veteran of the Great Patriotic War came to Zhenya’s grave. Having taken off the front-line medal “For Courage,” the veteran placed it on the grave and said: “He saved the soul of Russia!”

VI . Generalization and systematization of the studied material

Today in class you heard stories about people who committed heroic deeds in the name of faith, the Fatherland, and people.

What do you think, does war affect people? How?

Can a person change for the worse during war? (betrayal, desertion, looting, etc., someone thinks that if during a war death lurks at every step, then you can do anything with impunity).

Would such an act be Christian? Why? (we must act according to God's commandments)

Can a person change for the good during war? How?

Indeed, in the face of death, a person can change a lot. He may even believe in God.

Spiritual feat is a difficult struggle for the purity of one’s soul against dirty thoughts, memories, dreams, so that a person’s inner world is pure and bright. Only in such a heart will God, the Source of Light, Life and Good, dwell. And this spiritual battle brings true happiness to the Christian himself and makes the world in which he lives kinder and brighter. This is the essence of Christian spiritual achievement.

* Work with proverbs in pairs.

Read the beginnings of the proverbs written on pieces of paper, select the endings for them, and explain the meaning of the proverbs.

Life is given... (for good deeds) To do good -... (to amuse yourself)

A good deed... (will not go without reward) You wish good,... (do good)

A good man... (they put him in the red corner)

A skilled warrior does not... (falters in battle)

He who fights bravely in battle... (he honestly defends his homeland)

That hero... (who stands tall for the Motherland)

Go beyond your native land... (fearlessly into battle)

We don’t want someone else’s land... (but we won’t give up ours either)

How do these proverbs relate to the topic of our lesson, to the actions of our ancestors?

VII. Reflection.

How does the Orthodox Church treat soldiers? Why?

Name the warrior heroes who became saints.

* Discussion of the proverb “A bad peace is better than a good quarrel”

VII . Homework.

Fill out the table

Warriors of Christ

"feat of arms"

"spiritual feat"

Additional material for independent reading

A military feat, a spiritual feat. Church and army during the war

St. Petersburg Archpriest Boris Kirillov in “Miracles from the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God” writes: “Just before the beginning of the Great Patriotic War (1941), one elder of the Valaam Monastery (Valaam at that time belonged to Finland) had three visions during service in the temple:

1. He saw the Mother of God, John the Baptist, St. Nicholas and a host of saints, to whom they prayed to the Savior not to leave Russia. The Savior answered that in Russia the abomination of desolation is so great that it is impossible to tolerate these iniquities. All these saints and the Mother of God continued to pray to Him with tears, and finally the Savior said: “I will not leave Russia.”

2. The Mother of God and Saint John the Baptist stand before the throne of the Savior and pray to Him for the salvation of Russia. He replied: “I will not leave Russia.”

3. The Mother of God stands alone before Her Son and with tears prays to Him for the salvation of Russia. She said: “Remember, My Son, how I stood at Your Cross and wanted to kneel before Him.” - The Savior said: “No need, I know how much You love Russia, and for the sake of Your words I will not leave it. I will punish you, but I will save you...” The elder who had the vision rested in the Pskov-Pechersky Monastery and lived for about a hundred years.

A terrible war began, in which the enemy had a single goal: to destroy Russia, Holy Rus', to destroy the people of Russia, to wipe out the very concept of Russia from the face of the earth. Then an event occurred that was of great importance for the fate of Russia, and perhaps for the whole world. We often think that all the miracles and signs happened in the past, but they happen all the time, you just need to be in prayer. This has not happened often in the history of peoples and therefore they must remain in the memory of people for our strengthening, confirmation in faith and hope that they have not been abandoned by the Providence of God. We will talk about the icon of the Mother of God.

It was the winter of 1941. The Germans were rushing towards Moscow. The country was on the verge of disaster. In those days, almost no one believed in victory; they didn’t know what to do, they saw only death, there was panic, fear, and despondency everywhere.

When the Great Patriotic War began, Patriarch Alexander III of Antioch addressed a message to Christians around the world about prayerful and material assistance to Russia. Our country had very few true friends then. There were great prayer books in Rus', such as Hieroschemamonk Seraphim Vyritsky. For a thousand days and nights he stood in prayer for the salvation of the country and the people of Russia in the most difficult years, when the country was tormented by enemies. But, as in 1612, the Providence of God, to express the will of God and determine the fate of the country and people of Russia, chose a friend and prayer book for it from the fraternal Church - Metropolitan Elijah of the Lebanese Mountains (Patriarchate of Antioch). He knew what Russia meant to the world; knew, and therefore always prayed for the salvation of the Russian country, for the enlightenment of the people. After the appeal of Alexander III, Metropolitan Elijah began to pray even more fervently with all his heart for the salvation of Russia from destruction, from enemy invasion. He decided to shut himself up and ask the Mother of God to reveal how he could help Russia. He descended into a stone dungeon, where not a single sound could be heard from the ground, where there was nothing except the icon of the Mother of God. Vladyka shut himself up there, not eating food, not drinking, not sleeping, but only, on his knees, praying before the icon of the Mother of God with a lamp. Every morning the Bishop was brought reports from the front about the number of killed and where the enemy had reached. After three days of vigil, the Mother of God Herself appeared to him in a pillar of fire and announced that he, a true prayer book and friend of Russia, had been chosen in order to convey God’s definition for the country and people of Russia. If everything that is determined is not fulfilled, Russia will perish.

“Temples, monasteries, theological academies and seminaries must be opened throughout the country. Priests must be returned from the fronts and prisons and begin to serve. Now they are preparing to surrender Leningrad, but surrender is impossible. Let them take out, She said, the miraculous icon of the Kazan Mother of God and carry it around the city in a procession of the cross, then not a single enemy will set foot on its holy land. This is the chosen city. Before the Kazan Icon you need to perform a prayer service in Moscow; then she must be in Stalingrad, which cannot be surrendered to the enemy. The Kazan icon must go with the troops to the borders of Russia. When the war is over, Metropolitan Elijah must come to Russia and tell about how she was saved.”

Stalin summoned Metropolitan Alexy (Simansky) of Leningrad, the locum tenens of the patriarchal throne, Metropolitan Sergius (Stragorodsky), and promised to fulfill everything that Metropolitan Elijah had conveyed, because he no longer saw any possibility of saving the situation. Everything happened as predicted. There was no strength to hold off the enemy. There was a terrible famine, thousands of people died every day. They took the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God out of the Vladimir Cathedral and walked with it in a religious procession around Leningrad - the city was saved. But many still do not understand how Leningrad held on, because there was practically no help for it: what was delivered was a drop in the bucket. And yet, the city survived. The words spoken by Saint Mitrofan (Voronezh) to Peter I were confirmed again that the city of the Holy Apostle Peter was chosen by the Mother of God Herself, and as long as Her Kazan icon is in the city and there are people praying, the enemy cannot enter the city. That is why Leningraders reverence the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God so much. All the time, from the foundation of the city, she was the Intercessor of it, and of all Russia. It is also interesting that the blockade of Leningrad was broken on the day of the celebration of St. Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina, the enlightener of Georgia. After Leningrad, the Kazan Icon began its procession across Russia. And Moscow was saved by a miracle. The defeat of the Germans near Moscow is a true miracle, revealed by the prayers and intercession of the Mother of God. The Germans fled in panic, driven by horror, abandoned equipment was lying along the roads, and none of the German and our generals could understand how and why this happened. The Volokolamsk highway was free and nothing prevented the Germans from entering Moscow. Then the Kazan Icon was transported to Stalingrad. There in front of her there was a continuous service - prayers and commemorations of the fallen soldiers. The icon stood among our troops on the right bank of the Volga, and the Germans were unable to cross the river, no matter how hard they tried. There was a moment when the city’s defenders remained in a small patch near the Volga, but the Germans could not push our soldiers away, because there was the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God (the so-called “Little Land”).

The famous Battle of Stalingrad began with a prayer service in front of this icon, and only after that the signal for the offensive was given. The icon was brought to the most difficult sections of the front, where there were critical situations, to places where attacks were being prepared. The priesthood served prayer services, and the soldiers were sprinkled with holy water. How tenderly and joyfully many accepted all this!

The time has come for the glorious Russian antiquity! What prayer books there were on Russian soil! And the Mother of God, through their prayers, drove away the enemies, instilling terror in them. I heard stories about miraculous incidents from many front-line soldiers, including non-believers. I would like to tell you about one such testimony of the intercession and help of the Mother of God. This happened during the assault on Konigsberg in 1944. Here is what an officer who was at the very center of the battle for this fortress city says: “Our troops were already completely exhausted, but the Germans were still strong, the losses were huge and the scales were shaking, we could have suffered a terrible defeat there. Suddenly we see: the front commander has arrived, many officers and with them priests with an icon. Many began to joke: “They brought the priests, now they will help us...” But the commander quickly stopped all jokes, ordered everyone to line up and take off their hats. The priests served a prayer service and went with the icon to the front line. We looked in bewilderment: where are they going at full height? They will all be killed! There was such shooting from the Germans - a wall of fire! But they calmly walked into the fire. And suddenly the shooting from the German side stopped at the same time. Then a signal was given - and our troops began a general assault on Koenigsberg from land and sea. The incredible happened: the Germans died in the thousands and thousands surrendered! As the prisoners later said with one voice: just before the Russian assault, “the Madonna appeared in the sky” (that’s what they call the Mother of God), which was visible to the entire German army, and everyone’s weapons completely failed - they could not fire a single shot. It was then that our troops, having overcome the barriers, easily broke the (hand-to-hand) resistance and took the city, which had previously been impregnable and we suffered such losses! During this phenomenon, the Germans fell to their knees, and many understood what was going on here and who was helping the Russians!” And one more fact. Kyiv - the mother of Russian cities - was liberated by our troops on October 22 - the day of the celebration of the Kazan Ion of the Mother of God (according to the church calendar, or November 4 in the civil style). And this was very significant for the people of Russia: our Rus' began from here; here the Baptism of our people took place, who chose Christianity, the Orthodox Faith forever! All the true strength and all the true happiness of the Russian people lies in the Orthodox Faith!

20,000 churches of the Russian Orthodox Church were opened at that time. All of Russia was praying then! Even Joseph Stalin prayed.

The Church blessed the Patriotic War of the Russian people and this blessing was confirmed in Heaven. The spirit of Russia was kindled from the Throne of the Most High!.. How many senior officers, not to mention soldiers, prayed before the battle! Many commanders, and Marshal Zhukov himself, said before the battle: “With God!” One officer who was in touch with pilots during combat missions said that he often heard in his headphones pilots of burning planes shouting: “Lord! Receive my spirit in peace!..”

At the same time, theological seminaries and academies were opened, the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra and many monasteries were restored. It was decided to transfer the relics of St. Alexy, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Rus' to the Epiphany Cathedral, where the same miraculous icon of the Kazan Mother of God that was with the militia of 1612 stood throughout the war. The time has come for the return of the Faith on Russian soil, as our saints predicted.

As Moscow legend says, the miraculous icon of the Tikhvin Mother of God from the Tikhon Church in Alekseevsky was flown around Moscow by plane. The capital was saved, and on December 9, 1941, Tikhvin was liberated. One can recall earlier facts of the intercession of the Queen of Heaven for Russia. On the day of the celebration of the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God, Tamerlane turned home from Russia (1395); The famous Battle of Borodino took place. On the day of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, the Battle of Kulikovo took place, and on the Nativity of Christ in 1812, the last enemy soldier left the borders of the Fatherland.

Cell attendant of the Patriarchal Locum Tenens Metropolitan Sergius (Stragorodsky), Archimandrite John (Razumov): “On the day of Epiphany, January 19 (1943), Metropolitan Sergius led the religious procession to the Jordan. These were the days of the decisive battles for Stalingrad, and Vladyka especially fervently prayed for the victory of the Russian army. An unexpected illness forced him to go to bed. On the night of February 2, 1943, Vladyka, having overcome his illness, asked his cell attendant to help him get out of bed. Standing up, he made three bows with difficulty, sending thanks to God. When the cell attendant helped him get back into bed, Metropolitan Sergius said: “The Lord of armies, mighty in battle, has defeated those who rise up against us. May the Lord bless his people with peace! Maybe this beginning will be a happy ending." In the morning, the radio broadcast the news of the defeat of German troops at Stalingrad.”


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