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They have their own nuances and subtleties, which are very difficult for a novice driver to notice, grasp, and then put into practice. One such situation in which you should be especially careful is when driving around a roundabout. From the outside it seems that there is nothing complicated about it - I drove onto it, drove in the general flow, and took the right turn. However, this is not entirely true. Before starting a roundabout, it is worth understanding the nuances of driving around the ring. After all, you need to enter/exit it correctly, as well as occupy a certain lane and not become an obstacle to other vehicles. How to get around the ring?

with a circle

In our country, traffic flows on the right side. Therefore, the section of the road on which driving is carried out counterclockwise in a circle is called driving in a circle. Traffic regulations inform that driving in a circle is completed only after the vehicle leaves this place on the roadway.

Signs and markings

Regulation at intersections of this type occurs without the help of a traffic light. The "Roundabout" sign is installed at the entrance to the roundabout. Pedestrian crossings located on the circle are always unregulated. And signs and markings determine priority movement around the ring. The traffic regulations have a clear list of all road elements that are allowed to be installed at and in front of the intersection. Signs that can be installed in front of: “Roundabout”, “Main Road”, “Give Way”, “No Stopping”. The last two indicate that vehicles located on the ring have priority. That is, a car approaching a roundabout must stop and let other vehicles already moving through it pass, and only then enter. Otherwise, the driver will violate traffic rules, which may lead to a traffic accident.

The “Main Road” sign allows you to move without stopping, without allowing other vehicles from the secondary road to pass. Consequently, drivers entering the roundabout do not have priority according to traffic regulations.

Entry to the ring

In order to be on the circle, you need to know which lane you can enter it from.

First, find out if traffic around the ring is a priority. The elements of the road will help you with this. If the “Roundabout” sign is not accompanied by another (“Give way”), then the roundabout is the main one, and you have no right of way before entering it. So, you've let the vehicles pass, and there's a gap you can take advantage of. The rules teach us that the turn is made from the appropriate outer lane. However, this does not apply to roundabouts. Therefore, entry is made from any row. And also at the roundabout you occupy the same lane as before the intersection. You cannot enter from the left lane and take the far right lane. This is a gross violation.

In some cases, the ring has fewer lanes for traffic compared to the previous section of the road. In these circumstances, the driver should change lanes in advance, according to traffic rules.

Movement around the ring

Turn signals are devices that many drivers forget about when crossing this section of the roadway. This is a serious violation, because driving around the roundabout may involve many maneuvers, of which other drivers must be warned.

As already mentioned, it is very important to monitor the technical means of traffic management before entering. There will definitely be a “Roundabout” sign installed there. In addition to it, there may be “Give way”, “Driving without stopping is prohibited”, as well as other signs indicating which direction is the main one.

For the most part, the roundabout almost always takes priority, but not always the other roads are secondary.

When driving around the ring, the driver of the vehicle must follow his lane and not become an obstacle to other road users. And when making a maneuver, be sure to use turn signals. Otherwise, there is a high probability of creating an emergency situation.

Many drivers do not turn on their turn signals when driving in circles, thereby misleading other road users. Therefore, it is necessary to comply with traffic rules. When a passage is made, it must be observed by each driver.

There are often other roads adjacent to the roundabout intersection. The driver must think in advance what maneuvers he will perform.

For example, direct movement along a ring. Traffic regulations do not contain this information, but experienced drivers recommend sticking to the middle lane on a three-lane roadway. Even though your direction has priority, you still need to make sure other drivers see you and let you pass. So, when driving directly through the roundabout, it is more convenient to stay in the right lane. However, this may impede the movement of other vehicles. Therefore, if it is impossible to occupy it, then you can change to the middle one.

One of the nuances that you should pay attention to is on the ring. After all, it is allowed at a roundabout intersection. During its execution, it is also necessary to turn on the turn signals. This way you will protect yourself and others from accidents.

Turns on the ring

Circular traffic allows you to turn right or left. The driving rules for the first and second turns are different. The right one is much easier to do. To perform it, you will need to change lanes to the outer lane as you move, without interfering with other vehicles. Be sure to use your turn signals. It would also be a good idea to reduce your speed.

Turning left is a little more challenging, especially for novice drivers. However, having dealt with it once, you will not experience any difficulties in the future. Turning is carried out only in accordance with the Rules of the Road. Therefore, first you need to take the extreme left position on the roadway. As you already remember, the lane change maneuver necessarily involves turning on the appropriate turn signals.

In the case where the road has two lanes, you should start driving from the left, and upon reaching the exit you need to change lanes to the right and complete the movement along the ring by leaving it and turning.

In a three-lane circle, turning left is essentially done by performing the same maneuver as described earlier (with two lanes). But in this case, you will simply need to change lanes to the right not once, but twice. Maneuvering must be done carefully and correctly, since you are not the only participant in the circular movement and must remember that any mistake or carelessness of yours can cost you a decent amount.

Exit from the roundabout

When leaving a roundabout, the driver must learn one basic rule. Exit is only allowed from the far right lane. Before this, if you were moving in a different lane, you let cars pass, and then move out.

Pedestrians and their movement around the ring

As already mentioned, crossings for individuals outside of vehicles on the circle are unregulated. Therefore, they must be passed in accordance with traffic rules. The roundabout is quite difficult for motorists to navigate, but pedestrians are also often afraid of it. However, this fear is not justified. Since people can quite easily cross the roadway at an unregulated crossing, the main thing is to wait until the vehicles slow down and then stop to let you pass.

Traffic rules, driving around the ring: fines

Since there are rules, there are also penalties for breaking them. They depend on the traffic rule violation. Roundabouts won't hurt your wallet as long as you follow all traffic rules conscientiously.

The most common driver mistakes:

  • Directions
  • Ignoring the right of priority of vehicles traveling on the main road.
  • The turn signals were not turned on when maneuvering.
  • Leaving a roundabout in any lane other than the required one on the far right.

The exact amounts of fines can be found in regulatory documents. So, for example, for driving clockwise the driver is deprived of his driver's license.

The driver of a vehicle entering the ring during a red traffic light will receive a fine of about one thousand rubles. In case of repeated violation - five or deprivation of the right to drive a car for up to six months. Parking is allowed only five meters before the intersection, that is, before leaving the roundabout. Otherwise, the driver is obliged to pay about five hundred rubles to the state treasury.

The most important thing is to choose the right lane correctly when moving around the ring. Traffic regulations are updated regularly, so it’s worth keeping an eye on the changes. Also, carefully study road signs, even though you follow the same route every day. After all, driving by inertia, you may not notice a new installed element of the road and, as a result, cause an accident. And of course, don’t forget to let pedestrians pass at the crossing before the roundabout.

In this article we will talk about the ring, as well as the rules for passing it.

The ring (or the section of road intersection), along which traffic is carried out in a circular manner, due to established traditions, has become one of the most dangerous places on a non-roadway. The main reason lies in the fact that when driving around the ring, driving rules fade into the background for drivers. And they are the most elementary ones.

Advantage when driving around a circle

In order to ensure safer passage within such intersections, appropriate amendments were made to the Traffic Rules, which provide for the installation of several signs before entering the roundabout. In addition to the already familiar designation “Movement in a circle”, it also became possible to see the label “Give way”, “STOP”. If you see these signs in front of your car, then you should keep in mind that the right of way is given to the vehicle that is currently moving within the intersection area, it must be given the right of way, and only after completing the maneuver of this vehicle you are allowed to start movement.

Additional sign: “Main road direction”

In order to ensure greater information content of the designating combinations: “Give way”, “Moving in a circle”, as well as their meaning being clearer to drivers, traffic rules sometimes integrate a third symbolic designation in the form of a label “Main Road” and a sign “Direction of the Main Road”. At the same time, the main road can occupy both the entire ring road and part of it (one and three quarters). If the trajectory of the main road covers only part of the circular drive, moving within this section of the intersection, the driver must remember the road intersection diagram in order to have an idea of ​​who will be able to overcome the circle first.

Sign indicating movement in a circle

If there is only a designation that is deciphered in the traffic rules as circular movement, then in this case you need to rely on the principle that the traffic rules provide for an obstacle on the right. Then there is a need to give way to the transport that is currently entering the intersection of tracks along which the circular movement takes place.

According to the traffic rules, the presence of a traffic light in front of the intersection along which there is a circular movement indicates that this intersection of tracks is regulated. In this regard, questions about priority in movement can be considered closed. Because in the traffic rules, such a situation is similar to an ordinary intersection, therefore travel within this intersection of paths is regulated by the same rules as at an ordinary intersection.

Which lane should I take?

A question like this is important. Which lane should you use to drive around? It all depends on where you want to go. Making a turning maneuver to the right, to the left, or driving in a forward direction. The extreme lane on the right is intended for maneuvering to the right. The leftmost bar corresponds to a maneuver to the left. When making direct passage, you must proceed from the number of lanes on the roadway, and continue moving either within the central lane, or take the far right, provided that there are only two lanes - this is what the Rules indicate.

In order to make a turn in the opposite direction, the Rules advise taking the lane in the far left lane, after which we go around the circular intersection along the full trajectory.

Light indicators

Traffic regulations require that turn indicator lights be turned on in such a way as not to confuse other traffic participants. When making a potential left turn, you should display a left turn signal. When you begin to enter an intersection, first indicate your actions with the appropriate turn signal.

Leaving the intersection

It is necessary to understand how to exit the ring. Traffic regulations indicate exiting exclusively from the far right lane, even if you started entering it from the left. Thus, if the entry was from the left lane, then when driving already within the circle there is a need to change lanes and provide the right of passage to those cars that the Rules designate as an obstacle on the right. Therefore, leaving the intersection causes numerous accidents.
Bottom line

  • you need to drive around the circle counterclockwise;
  • the designation of a roundabout according to the traffic rules means that at the intersection there are equal powers for participants in transport traffic, and passage is possible only using the rule of interference on the right;
  • traffic rules signs indicating movement in a circle, as well as “Give way” give priority to the vehicle that passes within the circle. At the same time, in the ring itself the interference rules on the right are active;
  • designations of roundabouts, requirements to give way, and directions of the main road give priority to those vehicles driving on the main road;
  • light indicators turn on before the actual maneuver on the ring;
  • Exit from the roundabout is only possible in the far right lane.

As it became clear from the above, moving around the ring is not a difficult task. You just need to follow the basic rules for traveling within the ring, and also give passage to vehicles that have priority in movement.

Since 2010, drivers have been guided by traffic rules that contain two options for driving roundabouts, causing drivers to get confused, creating traffic jams and accidents. On November 8, 2017, legislators eliminated this shortcoming of the traffic rules, and in this article we will talk about what roundabout rules are in force in 2017 and what fines drivers face if they violate the rules for driving through intersections with roundabouts.

Roundabout from 8 November 2017

Since November 8, 2017, innovations have been introduced into the traffic rules that have changed the requirements for passing roundabout intersections.

The updated traffic rules state that when driving at an intersection of equivalent roads with a roundabout and a 4.3 “Roundabout” sign installed, drivers entering this intersection must give way to cars moving along it.

That is, drivers moving in a circle are given advantages over drivers entering it.

If there are traffic lights or priority signs at a roundabout intersection, the driver must follow their requirements when driving.

What is considered a roundabout?

A roundabout intersection is a place where roads intersect, join or branch at the same level and there is a “Roundabout” road sign. Movement at such an intersection is carried out exclusively counterclockwise, but movement clockwise will be considered a gross violation of the rules.

In addition to the “Roundabout” sign, other signs may be installed at the intersection, for example, the “Main Road” sign. In this case, you will have an advantage. When a roundabout intersection is equipped with a traffic light, you need to be guided by its signals.

A traffic circle at an intersection may have two or more lanes. What to do in this case?

And so, if you need to leave the circle at the nearest exit, then you do not need to change lanes to the left, but drive along the right, without changing lanes anywhere.

When you need to overcome the entire circle, then move closer to the center of the circle, where it is more free, and you will not interfere with cars moving in and out of the circle. However, leaving the circle is only allowed from the leftmost lane, unless road signs indicate otherwise. When mandatory signs “Direction of traffic in lanes” allow entry and exit from a circle of several rows, then you can do this.

Fines for drivers who violate roundabout rules

If you move at a roundabout intersection against the flow, that is, clockwise, you will be punished as for driving in the oncoming direction, namely, a fine of 5 thousand rubles or you will lose your license for 4-6 months.

If you violate traffic rules while driving in a circle, for example, when changing lanes, then the fine will be 500 rubles or a warning will be issued.

But in case of violation of the requirements of the “Circular Traffic” sign, and for not giving priority to cars driving in a circle, the fine will be 1 thousand rubles. Remember that now, if there are no traffic lights or priority signs at the intersection, cars traveling in a circle have priority in traffic.

Good luck on the roads!

For many, especially novice drivers, driving around a roundabout causes some difficulties. What is this connected with? Is a roundabout as scary and dangerous as it might seem at first glance? It is these questions that will be answered in the article.

Roundabout - what is it?

Perhaps it’s worth starting with the most important thing, namely with the answer to the question of what constitutes circular motion. The traffic rules prescribe that a roundabout (or more specifically, a roundabout intersection is an intersection that looks like a ring with a certain number of intersections of roadways. It is worth noting that the roadway on the ring itself is not a separate road, but only a section intended for exiting one roads to another.

Quite a bit and sparingly is written about roundabouts. On roundabouts, drivers quite often have problems and difficulties, especially for beginners. This is most likely due to lack of awareness. But at the same time, it is necessary to take into account the fact that roundabouts are designed to facilitate traffic on the roads. In addition, if you understand the structure of such intersections, driving will become much easier and simpler. After all, there is nothing overly complicated or scary in circular motion.

About the benefits of circular motion

The roundabout actually has a lot of advantages. Unfortunately, not everyone understands this. Many novice drivers, not fully understanding the rules, consider the circular type of intersections to be unnecessary and dangerous. However, ring traffic on roads still has a number of advantages.

Firstly, there is a short waiting time. Particularly hasty drivers will not have the opportunity to violate traffic rules. and this can be done quite quickly, and all due to the lack of traffic lights. Secondly, throughput increases significantly. The absence of the need for a “red for all vehicles” phase helps, making travel much more convenient. Thirdly, the diagram of possible branches on the ring is much simpler and more convenient. After all, at intersections with installed traffic lights, the travel system is very complex and often incomprehensible. At a roundabout, the number of possible branches directly depends on the diameter of the ring.

Circular motion has many other advantages. Among them is an environmental advantage, because cars emit much less exhaust gases. You can also add reduced noise, no costs for traffic lights and much more.

On the disadvantages of circular motion

Of course, circular motion also has disadvantages. It is because of them that most novice drivers are so afraid of roundabouts. So what are the problems with roundabouts?

Firstly, this is the resulting congestion during rush hour.

The thing is that drivers who need to give way to all motorists at the intersection sometimes wait quite a long time. And driving into such an intersection in heavy traffic conditions is not so easy even for experienced drivers. Secondly, there is a problem with signs and illiterate motorists. The thing is that some signs at the intersection may simply be missing, which has a very negative impact on traffic. Many drivers believe that being on the ring is already a priority. It is with such motorists that conflict situations often arise. Beginners should be especially careful in such cases.

Of course, roundabouts have many other problems: for example, difficulties in organizing passage for cyclists, a large required area, an increase in the length of the path for pedestrians, etc. Nevertheless, you should not be afraid of roundabouts. You need to re-read the section of the traffic rules "Circular traffic". Entering the circle after this will not seem so difficult. However, knowing the rules alone will not be enough. Danger must be expected from everywhere, you must be prepared for the worst. Perhaps this is the tactic that will help avoid accidents.

About entering the roundabout

Quite a painful topic - entering a roundabout. The traffic rules, it should be noted, do not separate roundabouts into any special group. Therefore, there are no separate rules for driving through such intersections, as well as entering them. When entering a roundabout, you should be guided by simple traffic rules, namely: road signs, road markings and, in some cases, traffic lights (traffic lights, it must be said, are installed on roundabouts quite rarely. But sometimes you can still see them).

If a roundabout has exits, then you can enter the ring itself from any lane. However, often before intersections, and not only roundabouts, there are signs “Direction of traffic along the lane(s)”, or special markings are applied. In this case, of course, entry to the intersection must be carried out strictly in accordance with the markings or road signs.

About leaving a roundabout

Exiting a roundabout still needs to follow certain rules. Many drivers, unfortunately, completely forget that when leaving the roundabout they need to change lanes to the far right lane. And you also need to leave the intersection only from this lane. However, this rule does not work when special road signs are installed at the intersection, indicating the direction of movement along the lanes. The same is true when there are special markings on the road. We should not forget that often at roundabouts, especially large ones, there are pedestrian crossings. In this case, you need to reduce your speed and give way to people crossing the road.

Turning on turn signals when passing roundabouts

The inclusion of turn signals is quite clearly stated in the section of the traffic rules “Circular traffic”. Turn signals, however, are not turned on by all drivers, and often not according to the rules. What problems can arise at a roundabout with turn signals on?

So, the rules oblige drivers to turn on the right turn signal always when entering a roundabout. But this is where most of the problems arise: some motorists either do not know about this simple rule or find it inconvenient. This is why so many road users, when entering the roundabout, consider it necessary to turn on the turn signal in the direction of which road they intend to drive in the future. This also adds another problem. Many, especially novice drivers, who drive strictly according to the rules, often mislead other road users by always turning on the right turn signal when entering a roundabout. What to do in such a difficult situation? Since traffic on the roundabout is always organized from left to right, it is better not to turn on the turn signal at all when driving in your lane. And if the driver needs to turn left, then in this case, of course, it is necessary to turn on the left turn signal.

So, what should we conclude? The turn signals are always turned on when changing lanes on the roundabout, as well as when leaving the roundabout. Should you drive strictly according to the rules and always turn on your right turn signal when entering a roundabout? The question is controversial. Sometimes it is this decision that can provoke an accident.

Traffic at a roundabout with a "Roundabout" sign installed

If a driver passes a roundabout where there is only one “Roundabout” sign, then all the following rules are observed. You are allowed to enter an equivalent roundabout intersection from absolutely any lane. This condition, of course, does not apply to the case when at the intersection there is a road sign with the meaning “direction of movement along the lane”, or a special one has been applied. In this case, it is worth remembering the section of the traffic rules “Circular traffic”: entry into the circle will be carried out strictly in in accordance with signs or markings.

Everyone entering such a circle will have priority. After all, the rule applies here, which means that all vehicles at the intersection will have to give way to cars entering the roundabout. How to leave an intersection where there is a roundabout? The traffic rules, again, establish a simple rule: in the absence of signs and markings with the value “Direction of traffic in lanes”, you will have to leave the roundabout only from the far right lane.

Traffic at a roundabout with a "Give way" sign installed

Often at roundabouts there is a sign that says "Give Way". How do you get through an intersection where there is a roundabout? Traffic rules establish a fairly simple rule.

All motorists driving around the circle have priority, since the circle is the main one in relation to the roads leading to this circle. This leads to a very simple conclusion: drivers of vehicles entering the roundabout must give way to motorists moving around the roundabout. When drivers enter the roundabout, they are essentially on the main road. In this case, you can continue moving without yielding to anyone.

Traffic at a roundabout with a "Main Road" sign installed

How to cross a roundabout if there is a "Main Road" sign and a "Roundabout" sign on it? Traffic rules in this case establish several simple rules. All vehicles at such an intersection must give way to drivers entering the roundabout.

At the same time, motorists entering a roundabout are required to make sure that the road is actually given way to them. After all, many illiterate drivers believe that they always have priority on the roundabout. This is precisely why most accidents happen.

Drivers entering a roundabout with a "Main Road" sign must also pay attention to another sign - "Main Road Direction". In this case, you should immediately determine exactly how the main road is laid.

Novice drivers should pay attention to all the following tips and recommendations, drawn up, of course, in accordance with traffic rules.
Entering a roundabout seems to many beginners to be something extremely difficult and dangerous, although this, of course, is not at all the case. But how can you make life easier for novice motorists?

As you know, driving on the roundabout only in the rightmost lane is not at all necessary. However, for beginners it is better to drive through the roundabout on the right side. This solution has a number of advantages. This saves time, since you don’t have to constantly change lanes. The only exception is when the right lane is occupied by parked cars. But then you should calmly go around them and continue driving again in the right lane. This solution will help to avoid emergency situations, especially in dense traffic conditions.

If the driver needs to continue driving straight after crossing the ring, then it is better to occupy the middle row. This simple solution will help you avoid an accident. After all, drivers who want to continue driving straight in the outer lane often encounter drivers from the middle lane who want to turn right.

And finally, the most important and main advice: you need to drive around the ring calmly, without making any sudden maneuvers. Do not forget about pedestrian crossings, turning on turn signals and road signs. You need to be prepared for anything - this is what will help you avoid an accident.

Is a roundabout dangerous and scary?

Many illiterate drivers actually make mistakes on the roundabout, thus violating traffic rules.

As a result, a roundabout intersection seems to many novice motorists to be an extremely dangerous place. But in no case should you be afraid of the ring: it is only important to take into account that danger can arise from anywhere, even from where you don’t expect it. It is necessary to understand that many vehicle owners do not slow down in front of the ring, do not maintain the required distance and safe lateral interval. Particularly dangerous are those drivers who for some reason consider any roundabout to be a place where they have the right of way. And recently, many drivers have appeared who park their cars on the roundabout completely incorrectly: they do not comply with the condition according to which parking and stopping closer than 5 meters from the intersection of roadways is prohibited. You should not repeat the mistakes of such drivers. It is necessary to know traffic rules well. Driving around the roundabout in this case will not seem like such a difficult task. You must always be very attentive and careful when entering the roundabout and when entering it. Only then will the movement be truly safe.

After the introduction of amendments to the existing traffic requirements of the ring, many drivers do not know how to behave on this section or doubt the correctness of their actions.

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Since precise control of vehicles is a necessity, you should be aware of the assigned priority when being on such road places. Take a closer look at the rules for driving around roundabouts.

What is such a crossroads?

An intersection is a place where roads cross, join, or branch on a single-level plane, which can be limited in imagination. It is worth considering that interchanges with bridge platforms do not belong to intersections and different driving rules are observed at them.

There is a certain classification of intersections:

  • adjustable;
  • unregulated;
  • with circular motion.

When considering each type separately, differences can be identified in the use of these road intersections. Currently, there has been increased interest in roundabouts, where traffic is regulated according to new rules as of November 8, 2017.

When a roundabout is established at a road intersection, there are no traffic lights.

Such an area is marked out as an island where vehicles move in a counterclockwise direction (valid for right-hand traffic). When leaving the circle, drivers follow the usual pattern of movement.

How to move correctly

Before the Government Decree of November 8, 2017, at roundabout intersections, drivers were guided by the following requirements:

  1. If there are unequal intersecting roads, priority is given to the car approaching along the main one. Drivers driving vehicles on a secondary road give way to vehicles with priority. The direction of vehicles on the main road is not taken into account.
  2. Tram vehicles have an advantage over other traffic participants moving in the same or a different direction along an equivalent road. Moreover, the direction of movement of the tram is not taken into account.
  3. If intersecting roads are of equal importance, drivers of trackless vehicles must yield to cars approaching from the right (right-hand rule). But if there is a tram, you should stop and give it priority.
  4. If combined signs 4.3 and 2.4 (2.5) are installed in front of the roundabout, vehicles on the roundabout have priority over other vehicles that wish to enter the intersection.

After updating the traffic rules, amendments began to work in November 2017:

  • the right-hand rule is omitted, implying the fact that vehicle drivers do not give way to cars on the right (a similar amendment works for trams);
  • If sign 3 is present, drivers must give priority to cars on the roundabout.

Thus, in 2020, traffic participants do not have priority when entering the roundabout. Priority is given to vehicles already located at the intersection. You should familiarize yourself with the nuances of proper movement on the ring.

Band selection

DD rules stipulate that entry into the circle can be made from any lane of the adjacent road.

With regard to the need to overcome the ring, it is advisable to give preference to a certain lane:

  • turning right or moving in a straight direction - it is recommended to occupy the right lane;
  • turn left (U-turn) - it is better to change lanes to the left;
  • straight-line crossing - occupying the central lane.

If you want to make a right turn, you should slow down and turn on the appropriate turn signal to change lanes. The rule that the driver makes sure that there are no other vehicles or that they are allowed to pass is mandatory. Such rules of behavior help to avoid creating interference.

Turning left or making a U-turn requires you to first enter the left lane (the presence of several lanes means occupying the far left lane).

You should assess the presence of other road users and turn on the necessary turn signals. After passing the first, second or third exit in the case of a three-lane split, it is recommended to take the right lane.

Straight-line movement is facilitated by a three-lane road division. In this situation, drivers move to the center lane. When two-lane traffic is maintained, the general situation is assessed and the driver is convinced of the legality of his actions.

It is allowed to move in the right lane with a further choice of a straight direction, but then the risk of an accident increases due to the fact that vehicles from the middle lane can signal the start of a right turn maneuver.

Therefore, preliminary occupation of the middle row or one of the central lanes allows you to overcome the ring without creating interference.

Please note: Before entering the roundabout, you should let pedestrians pass if the appropriate sign is installed.

Rules for exiting a roundabout

Guided by the rules of the road, every driver should know that entering the roundabout can be done from any lane, but should only be driven out from the right lane.

It must be remembered that special travel conditions must be observed:

  • objective assessment of the road situation and the presence of other traffic participants;
  • If there are vehicles moving on the right, you need to give them priority.

If the conditions are met by all drivers, then the likelihood of getting into an accident is reduced significantly.

Regarding overtaking and stopping at roundabouts, the following requirements are established:

  • drivers are allowed to overtake other vehicles when driving through roundabouts;
  • You should stop 5 m from the border between the road and the intersection area.

Knowing about the peculiarities of entering, exiting, overtaking and stopping within the ring traffic area, drivers of cars and other vehicles can reduce the statistics of emergency situations on the roads.

Liability for traffic violations

Violation of traffic rules in Russia involves administrative liability. Based on the nature of the detected offense and the consequences that resulted, different amounts of fines are imposed. The decision to pay is made by the traffic police officer who established the fact of the violation.

The following circumstances are possible at roundabouts, the occurrence of which entails payments:

  • entering the intersection with a prohibiting traffic light;
  • the driver did not give priority to another participant who should use it;
  • moving in the direction of oncoming traffic;
  • no turn signal on when changing lanes;
  • leaving the intersection area is not from the required lane;
  • the vehicle has stopped or parked for a long time within the boundaries of the ring.

Currently the following fines apply:

Therefore, when marking an intersection with a roundabout sign (sign 4.3), certain rules must be followed to prevent an emergency situation and avoid penalties.

Is it possible to challenge

You have 10 days to appeal. During this time, it is necessary to file a complaint with the court or inspection department to which the traffic police officer who imposed the fine is attached.

But there must be a good reason to challenge:

  1. Absence of violation - when an inspector issues a fine, but he has no evidence, then in court such cases are rarely resolved in favor of the culprit. Officials justify the refusal by the fact that the actions of the traffic police officer comply with the terms of the oath. Such a reason can be supplemented by another reason, which brings a positive outcome.
  2. The crime has not been identified - guilt has not been admitted, the culprit has not been identified, there is no danger to society. This reason may be considered, for example, when the car was driven by a minor.
  3. The fact of the violation was revealed in circumstances of extreme necessity - serious conditions and the infliction of damage less significant than when the violation was prevented, entail the cancellation of the punishment or prosecution under another article. For example, a driver had to turn from the wrong lane and take the right of way because otherwise a fatal outcome was likely.

Each case of violation should be considered individually and have evidence of innocence or confirmation of preventing a situation with more serious consequences.

To avoid long delays in filing an appeal, you should drive carefully and navigate the designated roundabouts correctly.


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