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As dream books assure, anyone can dream of murder: both an emotional person with a hot temper, and an inconspicuous quiet person with a phlegmatic temperament. However, such a plot can be interpreted in different ways. Before finding out why this “event” is dreamed of, it is worth clarifying who killed whom in the dream, for what and in what way.

Murder according to the Enigma dream book

The Enigma dream book, explaining what it means to see murder in a dream, assures that such a dream symbolizes the dreamer’s insufficient control over his own well-being. You shouldn't let anyone control your life and decisions.

Did you dream that some animals were killed in your presence? For example, cats. Most likely, you have a lot of complexes that interfere with building relationships. You want to get rid of your insecurities, but you don't know how to do it.

Why does a woman dream

Explaining why a woman dreams of murder, the dream book of psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud gives an interpretation of the dream based on the dreamer’s emotions.

If a girl in a night dream experienced shock, fright, or strong excitement, it means that in reality she spends too much mental energy and effort on unnecessary things. But if you dreamed that a terrible incident did not cause any unpleasant sensations, then this means that in reality this person can easily commit some kind of offense.

What does it mean for a man

Explanations of what a dreamed murder promises for a man are in the Islamic dream book. This interpreter assures: for a guy to dream that he is investigating the murder of a member of his family - a sign that the “killed” relative really wants to meet him in reality.

To see that he himself is killing one of his relatives - mother, daughter, wife - is a signal of the need to pay attention to his behavior regarding his family. There is a possibility that close people do not receive enough attention from the dreamer.

Seeing someone you know as a murderer

Have you ever seen someone you know as a murderer in a dream? Such a plot is often dreamed of after a quarrel or disagreement with a “dream character” in real life. However, in order to get an accurate interpretation, it is worth remembering who exactly took the “slippery slope” in your dream, dream books recommend.

And one more thing: when deciphering the plot in which you recognized your loved one as the killer, it is worth remembering how this “knowledge” turned out for you.

Dreamed of a family member

Pastor Loff's dream book assures: if in a dream you find out that the murderer is your mother or grandmother, who decided to kill for the purpose of protection, then a long and happy life awaits you.

But why dream about how one of your parents, together with your sister or brother, is trying to finish off your loved one or loved one: you are afraid of losing your “other half” due to frequent quarrels with household members.

One of my friends

Did you dream that your friend hacked someone to death and asks you to hide the bloody ax? Beware of accidents and accidents for several days after the nightmare. And also beware of drafts, advises Vanga’s dream book.

In a dream, friends invited you to a party where one of the guests was killed? Such a nightmare symbolizes the confusion of thoughts and actions. Figure out what you want and only then act. Especially if they were not against complicity.

See a colleague

Watching in night vision a picture of a colleague killing his cruel boss with a shot in the head is a sign of financial or career changes, says the Muslim Dream Book.

If you dreamed that you were entrusted with a murder investigation, it means that you will soon be entrusted with some important task. And if you are accused instead of the real murderer, then, most likely, you will pay for other people’s mistakes in reality.

Enemy, competitor

The Eastern Dream Book will tell you what the plot in which you caught your enemy at the crime scene promises.

If the murderer had a pistol in his hands from which he fired, then in real life you will be caught in the act. Control your words and actions. Seeing that your rival tortures someone and accidentally kills him is a signal that there are a lot of unnecessary things and people in life.

Reason for murder in a dream

In order to more accurately decipher what a murder means in a dream, most dream books suggest clarifying what caused such an incident. So, the misfortune happened because:

  • suspicions of treason - expect problems with your lover;
  • robberies – don’t play for money – you’ll lose;
  • exceeding self-defense - you are very angry with someone;
  • attacks by a maniac - not satisfied with your intimate life;
  • ritual action - you are worried on the eve of an important event;
  • contract killing - to alarm.

Be a random witness

Everything that happens to us in this world is a consequence of a pattern. When trying to harm someone, remember the “boomerang law” and try to change the situation through a settlement agreement. Give in, even if you are wrong - add a plus sign to your karma.

If at night you saw in your dreams that you had become an accidental witness to a murder being hunted by a criminal, then do not rush to get scared. Most often, this picture suggests: don’t run, but decide. Don't run away from problems, but solve them.

Become a killer yourself

Not the most pleasant episode in a dream is a picture where the dreamer commits a murder. To avoid making mistakes, clarify who was decided and draw the right conclusions from the interpretations. So, kill:

  • relative - you want to make the relationship warmer;
  • friend - be sad that your friend is moving away;
  • stranger - you are tired of the monotony and want change;
  • child - it’s time to part with childish spontaneity;
  • boss - you do not respect or are afraid of this person;
  • zombie - you will be able to cope with grievances and troubles.

Miller's opinion

Gustav Miller, in his dream interpreter, gives the following interpretation to a dreamed murder: murder saved you from the threat hanging over you - you will be able to demonstrate firmness and the ability to stand up for yourself. Committed murder for profit or glory? In real life you will be involved in shameful, unpleasant events.

But killing a wild animal or a villain who wants to do harm is a symbol of good luck in business and growth of authority. This explanation is especially relevant if a similar plot has been dreamed about many times, Miller’s dream book assures.

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Questions to the author

Choose your dream!

Have you ever dreamed about it?


    • You are now going through a difficult period, you are nervous a lot and do not see the results of your efforts. And most importantly, you don’t know who to complain to, you hide everything inside yourself. You need to speak out and it will become easier 🙏.

      I dreamed that I was the main person in some community. A man, about 27-30 years old, came to us and began to tell us how beautiful our death would be, and I was sure that he was a cannibal and wanted to take our bodies. He speaks to me, and his people surrounded my comrades. The man asked me: who should I kill first? I started asking him to leave everyone, and asked why he needed to kill us? He did not answer, but only smiled and threw a knife at a man. I felt so much excitement for these people, although I don’t know anyone. And when he said “It’s time,” I woke up.

      • A stressful situation may await you on the other side - you will have to take the rap for everyone. But this is even to your advantage! Show yourself as a professional and earn an extra portion of attention from your superiors 😜.

        I dreamed about how many murders of children took place in my educational institution, and several times I ran away from my death, only I knew all this.

        I dreamed that I was in some room and all the people dear to me were with me, and some crazy person began to kill one by one. And at the end it was my turn, he began to cut me into pieces until I died from painful shock, but I didn’t see any blood.

        15-Mar-2017 Anonymous:

        I saw in a dream that I strangled a person, I really felt uneasy, it’s just that I can’t kill, but I can’t hit a person, and I’m wondering what this dream is for???

        Why do I dream that a maniac killed my parents before my eyes, and then hunted me and my sister. Soon I was left on my own?

        Why do I dream that an accident happened in my presence and a person was killed by a falling pipe. The murdered man was interested in me and wanted intimacy, I was rude to him and before I could leave, I became an involuntary witness to what happened. After which people and acquaintances, but not relatives, considered me a murderer, I could not justify myself, and some child, a close relative, also pierced my stomach with some kind of light fittings! It hurt, but there was no blood, I couldn’t pull it out, some woman I knew in a dream gave me some kind of red-colored and sweet-tasting mixture, the pain went away instantly, she asked how I was, she wanted to smear the wound with the same potion, but disappeared somewhere. I looked at the wound; it was quite large, just above the navel. Moving the fittings aside, I saw a gurgling liquid similar to pus, but did not pay much attention to it.

        Dream. I am sitting at the table with my whole family, and we are discussing that a maniac has appeared in our neighborhood and killed our neighbors. Then the frame changed, and I see that this maniac killed someone on our veranda, it seemed to me that it was my mother. The frame changed again. The gate is open and from there you can see the police car and my father (the body was not removed, but I did not see his face). And the maniac appears at the gate again, but the police and dad don’t see him. I look at him through the window. With a gesture he shows me that I am next. Some kind of animal fear awoke in me, and I screamed as loud as I could. Grandma asks what happened, and I’m still screaming. My father comes in and asks the same question, and I’m scared as hell (how did he come in and not notice the killer?). Then I looked, and the maniac was coming into the house and I woke up. I’m crying, breathing heavily, and my heart is ready to jump out of my chest. I was very scared!

        I dreamed that I came to a friend’s house (and the house was not hers at all, as in reality) and the neighbor’s door was open, I asked: what happened there? She answers: yes, she is dying, and on the same day they came to pick her up. Then I somehow found myself in “my house”, it was one of the elite, I was climbing the stairs and I heard a blow to the ground, they threw a man off the roof of this house, I started running up the stairs and some people from the street also ran along with me and overtaking me, everyone ran up, there were a lot of people, and someone told me that this was not the first murder. This entrance also had very large windows.

        In the dream, two of my nephews (a boy and a girl) fell from some kind of slide, but the boy was still alive, and I stabbed him in the stomach with a knife. After that, I took them both in my arms and wanted to throw them into the river, which was very close, but my friend noticed me, but did not understand that the children in my arms were dead. We walked and talked for a long time, and I woke up when she realized that they were not alive. During the conversation, I seemed to hint that I had done something bad, but I didn’t regret it, but rather was happy and smiled all the way like crazy. And when she found out that the children were dead, she sympathized with me, but was not afraid and seemed to want to help me not make a mistake.

        In a dream, I killed a child with some knife-like object. I stuck it in his stomach several times, he didn’t even cry and looked at me, then I lowered him into the sewer, then during sleep I was tormented by my conscience about what I had done, I woke up and these feelings continue, I can’t come to my senses.

        I had a dream that I was in a room and there were three babies lying. The one who was lying in the middle was crying a lot, and I kill him. I have my son in my arms, but I don’t have children yet. And I start to think how this can happen, because I killed an innocent child. After all, I am a mother myself, and in my sleep all night long I am tormented by these thoughts. I've been walking all day and can't come to my senses.

        Dream: Some kind of room, a lot of people. I had a conflict with a man about 50 years old. They argued for a long time, it came to assault. And at one moment I have a knife in my hand and while no one is looking, I thrust it up to the hilt into the left side just below the man’s heart. The man didn’t even scream, he turned pale. I picked him up, didn’t pull out the knife, covered the handle with myself and led him into some room with a bed. Nobody suspected anything, they were probably blind. I went into the room, laid him on the bed, pulled out a knife (surprisingly there was not a lot of blood), he immediately began a monologue with me. The man was dying and suffering. He began to cry, realizing his imminent death. I don’t remember the essence of the monologue (something like a confession), I just looked at him, silently. I felt my heart beating fast (80-90 beats, it actually beat so hard as it went along). He died for a long time... He died, and I woke up... tough.

        I am a young mother, my husband is unrequited, he loves his daughter. Dream - a young married couple stood at my daughter’s crib, they had a baby in their arms. I stood against this couple. Behind me, an unknown person shot a baby in the face. The couple laid him dead and mutilated in my daughter's crib. But the corpse managed to become numb and hung by its hand on the grate, facing the outside. I didn’t see him and in the evening I went to put my daughter to bed. Taking her to the crib, she squealed when she saw that baby, by which time he had turned partially green. The next night, this disfigured baby made me remember the second part of the dream. Dream - a man unknown to me was executed in public near an unfamiliar car with the same gun.

    I dreamed that my mother rented a house on Zavyalovo (behind the station area, my mother’s sister works there), I don’t know why, she told us to go there with my sister (my sister) right away, my mother went to work (she works as a cook, sometimes she leaves at night), Well, we came, sat, drank tea, then the hostess came, so smiling, she said, “Are you already here?)))” this was at 11 o’clock. Then my mother came and bought herself a can of beer, as if to celebrate that she had worked all day. Then we argued, quarreled (I don’t remember why), she got dressed and left, I followed her to the doorstep, and shouted after her, “Mommy, where are you going?” ?, the first time, I didn’t hear, I asked her again, I heard that she was going to the store, okay, I think. We are waiting, she is gone and gone... The morning came, I started to panic, for some reason I ran straight to my mother’s sister, they have a 2-story residential building with only 8 apartments, she lives on the 2nd floor, I go in, and there is garbage and planks from the very porch all sorts of things, if you can call it garbage, as if they are doing a redevelopment, (the case for the double bass O.o., the bench on which lies this damn, huge knife, either for meat, or for bones, I go up to their apartment, and for sure, they are doing “renovations”, I go in, and there is an old table by the window (even in Soviet times they made such things) and a woman is sitting, as if she had fallen asleep, her head is on the table, and her body is not moving, I look, and this is... My mother, God, how I was scared to death, for some reason there was blood on my temples, I don’t know what I was doing at that moment, I took her mouse sweat, put down the sofa (there was one there too, such an old one), I thanked God with all my veins when she I woke up!!! I said, “Mommy, what happened to you? Are you hurt, get away from here?”, “I don’t remember, some woman, (she gave me coffee, I then fell)” “Mommy, for more details”, “some young woman, with black hair”... And then that same woman comes in, I was stunned, and it seems that I turned white like a piece of chalk, my hair stood on end... “Are you not dead yet?!” she said She didn’t seem to notice me. She came down, I told my mom, let’s run away from here! we quickly went down, and this woman had already begun to come up to us with a coffee maker, I told her, go to the kitchen and brew it there (I ended up in some huge house where the kitchen is on the ground floor,” she obediently went, I ran in convulsions to get with this knife, I took it and started to hide, someone told me, mom, probably “don’t attack first (or something like that)”, I saw the back of this woman, and how I hit her on the back with a knife (knife, bastard, it was very heavy, so maneuverability was terrible), I didn’t want to kill her, but for my mother, I was ready to do it, there was so much anger in me. she turned around as if she hadn’t noticed anything, saw me and made her eyes as if they wanted to pour something very hot on her, she began to cover herself with her hands, although I didn’t touch her anymore, because of such a heavy knife. She began to run away, I felt very light in my soul, I thought, now my mother and I can leave this house, and everything will end, he was not there... (then, everything is according to the book, I didn’t see the scene , only as if I had read everything in the book, there was something like this) “the woman began to scream, call for help, and then her brother came, they (that is, we) no longer felt what happiness was, they felt death. ..”

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    This is the first time I have seen such a realistic plot in a dream.

    Subway, people by themselves climb the stairs to the exit from the underground, others pass through the turnstile... and then several fearless young male people and completely inconspicuous people begin to shoot with pistols at everyone indiscriminately. So furiously and without a trace of regret, I lay down on the floor hoping that they wouldn’t shoot me while I was lying down, but the feeling of defenselessness and them without control shots was very frightening. I saw how several people were already lying down and one had several bullets in his head, others were running away in shock, panic began, I heard how they immediately began to broadcast a voice on the news reporting what was happening now, there were already three people killed, and they are not stopping go. Having miraculously remained unharmed, they are trying to kill me, playing for themselves, and not just, but so that it would look tragic... I felt my helplessness in this doomed situation. Still, they figured me out and didn’t let me go unnoticed. Later, I was already in the apartment of my boyfriend, with whom I had been in perfect harmony for three and a half years (as in reality this is true). He, knowing about my impending fate, enters into communication with those people, they somehow ended up in this apartment. and there I felt like a cornered animal without any hope that I could escape this. It was impossible to leave; like predators, they easily and with no small amount of interest discussed my death, and then I returned to the room where I, in confusion, expected unpredictability in the fantasy of these types. Having somehow gained their trust, I found out that they had come up with something for me that would look like suicide and they were amused as if it would be a boom for the entertainment of all those who are waiting for something spicy from them, and all without a shadow of a doubt that this murder was deliberate so cranked out. I heard and saw how they enthusiastically discussed the plot of my fate, invented on the fly. (This was a side view from above, and there was a feeling that for them this was a very gambling entertainment in which they were confident in many percent. There were about three of them, one girl who came up with exactly how they would have fun with me, the guy fully supported her fresh ideas. And when I became aware of what awaited me, that feeling of hopelessness began to depress me and greatly frighten me to the point of disbelief in what was happening, I didn’t understand why this would all be such a joy for me and why they would do all this, and why? I? I began to whisper to my martyr to help me escape, but he himself was like he was not himself, both with them if they enlightened him to their plans, and against them, telling me what awaits me... Trying to find a way out for me, but he himself had little faith that this was possible... There were no thoughts of how to leave the apartment, there was also a feeling of closed doors. There was a feeling of inevitability of my such destruction from my life of Meoya, even if she ran away.

    Today I am 27 years old and 11 months old.

    I have never thought about suicide and I don’t understand such nonsense.

    I woke up in an unpleasant Shock and fear of entering the subway, although I often use it...


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    I had such a dream... Grannies are sitting in the yard, a warm sunny day. There were about 6-7 grandmothers sitting there. Among them there was one grandmother in a wheelchair. They talked and discussed various topics. Suddenly a gypsy woman passed by them and she heard the grannies begin to talk about Islamic religious topics. And then the gypsy, walking a little further from them, turned sharply and headed towards the grandmothers. She approached them, pulled out a knife and began to kill the grandmother who was in a wheelchair. She pulled out the knife, started inserting it near the eye (scarecrow), then began to cut her cheek with the knife and in the end she killed her. The grandmothers sitting nearby were in shock and could not do anything, and they were all silent and afraid to move. There were no cries for help, no movements, no help to the disabled grandmother, there was nothing like that. They were just scared. As soon as the gypsy began to leave the crime scene, she walked 3-5 meters. And I pounced on her and began to beat her violently and with anger. The grandmothers still sat silently and were all also numb. I beat the gypsy with my hands and feet. He beat her to such an extent that she eventually stopped breathing and died. After a little time had passed, after she stopped breathing and was covered in blood, I stopped... and then I realized that I had committed a murder, I had killed a person. I went up to the grandmothers and said that I had killed a man and they would put me in prison. The grannies answered as one - “Grandson, don’t be afraid, we won’t tell the police anything, because you killed a criminal, she killed our friend. We didn't see anything and that's it. Let's say so"

    After that, I ran away and was tormented by my conscience that I was a murderer. The grandmothers never told the police who killed the gypsy. Noya still, after some time, came to the police and confessed.

    The dream ended there and I was so relieved that it was just a dream.

    Please help me figure out what this dream could mean. Thank you in advance!!!

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    I dreamed of something incomprehensible, but clearly visible! At the beginning we said something and had to do it, I don’t remember, and then when I worked at my main job and approached the place where we had to do something (I don’t remember what), but it was early morning and summer (since it was warm and green with a small light fresh morning breeze, and there was no one on the street) I took them to a tree, hanging as if on a gallows, and at the same time, like cattle being weighed, on a tree. One did not move, and the second was like a child and was shaking his arms and legs (he was closer, but I couldn’t jump and reach him; even though there were ledges in the wall of the house, I couldn’t) and decided to call the rescuers by going behind the house. The girl answered and began, as is their custom, to give the address (I started running around looking, and they were either behind the bushes or dirty or rusty), but somehow she named this intersection of streets, and while I was running, she hung up on me or the connection was lost! I call back, another one picks up, I ask a question about the previous application and I see 2 firefighters driving up in the distance, 1 ambulance and 1 prior police officer with T-shirts, but for some reason they turn around before reaching me and go back. I take out the second phone and start waving and yelling at it! And a hand appeared from one fire truck and began to slow down those remaining and those in front! After they arrived, I escorted them into the yard, and then they had already taken everyone down, the yard neighbors had sung the branches on the tree where they were hanging, and the belts were lying on the floor! And here you see a lot of fire from the police operatives; who, why, where and so on! Well, when the senior commissioned officer sat down in my room and started asking and praising something; The real home phone rang and I woke up!!! Now I’m racking my brains as to why this is all!???

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    I dreamed that I killed my Russian and literature teacher. I hate her and can’t stand her (everyone who studies with her hates her, my class is no exception), so first she asked my opinion about a literary work, and I expressed it. My opinion did not coincide with hers, she started yelling at me and said that she was giving me a 2, I asked why she yelled at me and took me to the headmistress. the headmistress was on my side and told me not to give me a 2, when we returned to class she started shouting at me, I took it and hit her, she turned into some kind of grandfather in a wheelchair. I chained her to a chair near the first desk and sat down. My classmates began to applaud me, but then everyone got scared and began to think about what to do. Grandfather (teacher) began to pull pens and pencils off the table, I saw this and immediately took them from him, he smiled. I approached the chair on the other side and saw that about 30 pencils and pens were hidden there. we started fighting. I knocked him to the floor (but before that I pulled him out of the chair) and began to kick him, then I jumped up to the chair and began to take away the pencils and pens. Suddenly I saw a pencil that didn’t look like an ordinary one; it shimmered with blue-blue colors. I turned around and saw that my grandfather began to quickly get up and crawl towards me. I realized that this was something important and abruptly broke the pencil. My grandfather disappeared along with the stroller. What does this strange dream mean?! I'm 15

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    Hello) Help me explain

    Sleep please)

    In general, the dream was that at first

    Everything was ordinary, as usual

    Life and then it's like a click

    Happened! Like in a fairy tale and now I’m in

    A wedding dress, not at the registry office, but already

    At the celebration, but what am I married to?

    That is an influential person, but I

    I don’t even know, I asked in a dream

    My parents and friends who are mine

    My husband and how did it happen that I’m behind him


    Then there at my wedding somehow-

    It's like they killed an acquaintance, and I

    I was sitting talking to my

    Classmate, and also asked

    Who is my husband, but in the end

    Nobody said that! when they killed

    A friend, my husband immediately went

    Look for me, and here he comes and I

    I tell him: “You are not me by any chance.”

    Are you looking? he said, he took you by the hand

    And he led me into the car, because he was very

    I was worried that something was wrong with me

    Will happen! And he put me in the car

    And we left, and when I kissed him,

    I wasn't there either

    Disgust, nothing, I liked it

    On the contrary, kiss him

    Help me interpret the dream


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    I had a very strange dream. I open the door and walk into a very dirty room. There is a sink and a mirror. This room is quite large for a bathroom, something similar to a shared shower and toilet (school), only very old. I see blood on the washbasin, it hasn’t all drained out yet, it’s still running, and the mirror is covered in blood, in splashes, and of course there’s blood on everything else too, just not in such quantities. And then I notice a guy lying on the floor (I don’t remember exactly). After which I see everything that happened to him. Two guys came and started beating him, and I saw it all in very small details, it was terrible. They beat him to death. When he was already lying dead, one of the guys said a phrase, but I didn’t remember it. I only remember the name of the person who was killed. Maybe I was a witness, and then I walked into this room, or maybe I walked in, and then someone saw this murder, I can’t remember either. That is, the order of events is confused for me. Or I dreamed a couple of times. But at the end I saw the inscription on the wall: “I love Katya.” I don’t understand how to bring all this together. And I don’t understand why I dreamed about it all. Please, help. What would that mean?

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    About a month ago I had such a dream. I don’t know why, but I remembered it exactly, although I usually forget dreams

    So, it was at the wedding of my already married aunt. I didn’t see my husband, he seemed to be absent. I remember sitting at the table and eating salad, my aunt (bride) came up to me and asked for help. I happily agreed and went out with her in the hall. By the way, the house was very strange, like a huge cottage, in one of the rooms there was a wedding, in another there was a kitchen, in the third there was a sports car. I didn’t have time to visit the other rooms. In general, I followed my aunt into the kitchen and she gave I have a skate, which is very strange. I took it and carried it somewhere. As soon as I left the kitchen, a girl bumped into me and looked at the skate in fear. It was covered in blood, although they gave it to me clean. She began to scream. But I I didn’t kill anyone, I know that for sure. I got scared and stood rooted to the spot. Riot police immediately ran out and wanted to grab me, but someone pulled me sharply by the hand. I obediently ran after him, it turned out to be a guy with blond hair. We got into that sports car and drove out of the building.

    Then I woke up

    What could this mean?

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    I had a dream... we were relaxing with friends in a hotel, in the apartment where we were there were two floors, everything was fine... then my friend and I are walking and I see my beloved guy and his friend, we run to them and they are wounded (they dove with a knife), we drag them into the room and treat the wounds, I go out for a while, come back and my friend is killed cruelly, the guys shout to me he’s here again (it was a little guy with a knife) I run to the door trying to close it but this guy ticks several times me with a knife, but I take the knife away, close the door, the guys and I sat for a few minutes and decided to run, we run and see that all the people who were dead... then I wake up in the hospital, and they tell me what happened, it turns out that I survived and my friend, but she lives in another city in an abandoned house. The killers did something to her head and she doesn’t remember anything or anyone, I come to her and there’s a conversation, they talked, she remembered me and what happened, she told me how brutally they killed her ... I left and she calls me and says that they came for her, they are burying her alive, but in her place I find myself and I survive... it was a terrible dream

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    The first time I had a dream about a murder was 3 months ago. a little boy was killed in it, now I don’t remember the details, I only remember that I considered myself involved in this murder. and today I again had a dream about a murder - this was already a continuation: the man who killed the boy committed murder again, killed and dismembered the corpse and walled it up in the wall. I woke up more than once, but this dream did not leave me, even after reading the prayers, I was very scared in reality, and again I felt guilty for this murder. I am still very scared, there is terrible anxiety in my soul. By the time I finally woke up and never fell asleep again, I clearly saw the killer’s face - he was very similar to my employee. it all ended with him killing another girl with a KAMAZ, then he sent this KAMAZ into the water and under his gaze, I jumped after the KAMAZ. I'm scared. someone tell me what this is and why this could be a dream. I worry about my family and friends and myself. Help me please!!!

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    Today I had a terrible dream. Some kind of premises like a school or university. It was in the corridor, how many people came in and began to catch one at a time. A young girl put a man on the floor and tied him up (in my opinion, they were all very young, maximum 22 years old). Then she plugged in the medical resuscitator and gave it a shock to the chest. I don’t remember exactly what happened next, but at the end I cut the head with a small knife and put it in a bag. And this happened to everyone. I was in a panic, everyone was running and trying to escape, but there were guards everywhere and they wouldn’t let me in. My turn was approaching and I asked, does the person die immediately? The girl told me that he had been suffering for a long time, although the discharge slightly reduced the pain. I ran to the main one and begged him not to kill me, I said that I would do anything. He said it’s good that you came. They won't kill you if you agree to kill just like that girl. I immediately agreed. What could this mean? Please tell me!!! Lately I've been having strange dreams a lot. And in all of them I cry a lot.

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    I am 14 years old.

    I take dreams very seriously.

    My parents didn’t live together for a long time because my dad drank.

    But not long ago my mother went to a fortune teller - and she told her that THEY WILL NOT LIVE TOGETHER. BUT they still made peace. Dad doesn't drink yet.

    This is the dream*

    I go up to my grandfather and my mother comes out of the coffee in tears and in a wedding dress - in short, it was a wedding (they have been divorced for 2 years, but there was no time to file an application)

    I ask my mother why she is crying.

    And then she says to my grandfather and me, “go over there and remember.”

    Grandfather had just gone to remember when my mother began to roar and said that now they would probably go to jail!

    I asked her. "Where is he" and "What happened"

    Mom answered “he got drunk” and showed me to the other side of the road where the bus was - - - - - - but I wanted to run... That’s when I woke up (I dreamed about it today)... Please

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    Hello, tell me the meaning of my dream. I dreamed from Monday to Tuesday. This means such a dream. I’m walking with my mother through the market, holding hands with her, looking at clothes, everything seems calm. And then they have to go, as it were, to an underground pedestrian crossing, and then we look there, a man with a large knife seems to be cutting the living into another, then another man comes up and tries to stop him, but the killer grabs the second man and stabs him in the stomach several times with a knife, there are a lot of tracts, Mom and I are wearing a tupar, we turn around and start to run away, the killer follows us with quick steps. We go down the hill (there is also a beautiful lake nearby) to the path. I’m looking for my dad, and aru at the top of his lungs, the police help ahhhhh... The killer leaves in the other direction holding a bloody knife and covered in blood... I woke up from horror with terrible feelings... Please explain what’s what... thanks in advance...

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    I dreamed that at first I was waiting for a marshutka... and I saw a suitable one coming, but without signs I stopped it and already paid for the fare. But then I looked inside and some drunk, knee-jerk people were sleeping and I abruptly went out and closed the door and the route left. closing the door opposite me, the military unit and more and more soldiers and people near me... they all go to work and then they receive an order from all the people they find to kill everyone... and then they jump right over the buildings... they brutally kill... I was in some kind of body... then a woman unknown to me. and when they caught me, they dragged me for a long time, they tried to kill me several times by accident, but death passed me by... and then somehow I managed to break free and run... I ran away, in the end no one caught up with me, I’m alive... I woke up.20

    Lately I've been having dreams like this quite often and it makes me feel creepy.

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    I have never dreamed of anything more terrible. I was raised by my grandmother. The dream takes place in her house. In short, a woman breaks into our house and my grandmother hides me. While I'm taking cover, there are terrible screams in the house. When everything calmed down and she came out, a picture appears that at that time my mother came and that woman brutally killed her! Not just killed, but dismembered. In a dream I see parts of my mother’s body and organs! Hands without fingers, liver in a basin! I'm hysterical, the pain is incredible. And the most interesting thing is that these actions take place supposedly on my birthday. I beg my grandmother to call the police, since the woman is a murderer, she said that she would return, but my grandmother says that it is impossible! Actually, I’m still lying there and can’t sleep, it’s an eerie feeling! I love my mom very much! A terrible feeling of loss. Tell me what this is for? Very creepy

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    Today I dreamed that someone threw a rope around my neck from behind and began to choke me, I escaped, this happens again, five minutes later they threw a rope again and strangled me from behind, I saved myself again and this time I caught the person who did it, a woman. Then I dreamed of a wedding with my husband, but he seems to be against it, he comes dissatisfied to the wedding, we quarrel and go our separate ways, but then I start some kind of investigation into the crime of a girl in some apartment, green rose leaves are scattered everywhere, in the end I find the killer and he also wants to kill me for it, he starts strangling me, I start I don’t remember shouting someone’s name and a man comes and saves me at the end of this dream with my husband, everything seems to be fine, the wedding... I had a horror dream about a whole detective, please explain what my dream means

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    Hello! I had a terrible dream on the night from Thursday to Friday! It was winter and my friend and I went fishing. not far from us I saw the father of my classmate, but I didn’t communicate with him, in the evening when I arrived with a friend as a lady, I saw this man near my friend’s house, he had a very thick gold chain around his neck, and I wanted to take it away, I asked from a friend, what and how to do. and he tells me that I just need to kill him, I thought for a long time and took an ax and hacked him to death, there was blood and I took this chain. but then I didn’t know. what to do and how to call the police, and my friend told me, don’t fuss, everything will be fine, but I went to call the law enforcement agencies and woke up!!! Please tell me what this could mean! Thank you!

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    I had a horror dream. There were two girls standing, one beautiful and pregnant, with short hair, and the second was in her underwear, and then they start fighting, the pregnant woman falls on her stomach, but then gets up and starts beating the other, so hard that she killed her by kicking her. And then I kind of knew her, I was at a pregnant woman’s house, she cut off her head and covered it with some kind of clay and she looked like a mannequin, and she wrapped her body in a sheet and put it in the washing machine and turned it on because some man suddenly stuck it in home to her. Where I was and watched. And then she left and I stayed, and in this washing machine there were leftover food and disgusting sheets, and I still stared at this head... Horror, in short. The dream is wildly vivid.


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    I dreamed: I was sitting on the sofa at home, a door opened in the corridor, a man came in with a large piece of oilcloth, my aunt jumped up and hid in the kitchen screaming. I get up and go into the corridor and think that I need to protect my children. A man grabs me by the throat, I am numb and fell into a stupor, the man bends down and lays me on the floor, while his hand stretches out, then turns and goes out into the corridor to close the door. At this moment I jump up, run to the kitchen for a knife, but I can't find it. And already half awake I see how I’m plunging a big knife into this guy’s head. Before going to bed, I watched the cartoon Cinderella with the children; I don’t watch horror, mysticism, or thrillers.

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    I dreamed that my friends and I were breaking into an educational institution (this building was four stories high). We were armed and each of us went up the floors, and we just started shooting at people, that is, there were children there, and they shot at them, after we killed everyone in the school (in the educational institution), then the police came for us and wanted pick us up (that is, to prison), we began to prepare for prison, I go home to get food for the road and see my mother crying, looking at her, and tears flowed from my eyes. Only my mother and sister knew about my perfect deed. this one was so real that I thought I was really going to prison... this is where I woke up

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    I dreamed that I killed two of my old acquaintances in succession, I haven’t seen Mini for a long time and don’t remember, but still. He strangled one with a hair dryer cord for sexual reasons. And immediately after the first, he invited the second one to his place and immediately after sex in the bathroom, which he did deliberately, stabbed to death, opening the veins and throat, and only because the worst thing was that he got pleasure from the first murder. The worst thing is that I liked it in a dream and I was only worried about not being suspected. This is not good. What does it mean.? I'm afraid to sleep because of dreams like this. I don’t know if it matters, but in my life I once slept with them, and that was a long time ago

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    I have never seen a dream in exactly this sense... I dreamed that I was running away because I had killed a man. Moreover, I did not see the murder itself, how it happened. I just, as if from the very beginning, mentally knew that it was I who killed. Then there was a group of teenagers, they drove me in a car to a multi-storey building... There I hastily changed clothes between floors, since they were looking for me based on the descriptions of my clothes.

    By the way, I see dreams very rarely, and I’ve never seen anything like this. Many years ago, I often had the same dream, how I flew and jumped over houses. But then he stopped dreaming of his own accord...

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    Today I dreamed that preparations were underway for my wedding with my husband, for some reason they decided to have a wedding for the second time and for some reason the action takes place in my grandmother’s old house. I always have nightmares about this house, although I spent my entire childhood there and associate absolutely nothing bad with this house. And here I am, all so happy in the wedding preparations, sleeping in this house and then some kind of spirit, or an angel of death or something even worse comes up and tries to strangle me with his palm. I try to scream, but I can’t and I seem to stop breathing... after that I wake up... please tell me, what could this mean?

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    I killed a living Chucky doll in a dream... Everyone has probably seen this horror movie. If not, then this living doll is killing people. So, in my dream this doll almost killed me. And I had to somehow, but get rid of him. And I tried to kill with a knife, someone helped me, I don’t remember who. I hit the ground and jumped on it. He didn't die. I was scared at the same time... But I killed the killer. But to someone in my dream this doll was a child, his mother was looking for Chucky. And I lied as if nothing had happened. And in the end, I killed Chucky and threw him into the toilet which is on the street. it was outside the city. Why this dream???

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    • You need to watch less nonsense at night!

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      I dreamed that at first I set someone on fire, but it was necessary, then I went to my grandmother’s room, took an ax and screwdrivers, then went into the kitchen and asked, “What is she doing?” she answered, “Do you want me to cook fried eggs?”, then with of all the foolishness she started with a screwdriver, but her wounds healed, then with an ax to her head... Before the ax, I told her “I’m sorry.” But she came to life... I remember for sure that a man should have taken her place, because when the girl set herself on fire, there was a man there. When I killed her, I didn’t have a feeling of fear or sadness, nothing...

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      Today I dreamed of a large communal apartment. I lived with someone (either my mother or my grandmother) in one of the rooms. Opposite our door was the room of the old man, the owner (There was one owner for every 2-3 rooms). And we opened the door, and this old man was lying with his head cut off. We didn’t kill, we just went into his room. We got scared and hid it in a bag, and put it behind my sofa. They didn’t dare call the police. And then we threw it away. It was very scary. I still remember how I held his head in my hands.

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      in a dream I was at home, I had a sword. The whole apartment somehow began to fill with warriors, but they didn’t touch me. And I cut everyone’s throats like pigs and cut off their heads so mercilessly. but... one person was without a helmet and just looked I walk up to him, and looking into his eyes, I cut his neck on one side, he stands there. I cut on the other, he starts to turn around to leave and then I deliver the final blow. And I feel so ashamed and scared, as if I were in reality I killed an innocent person and I feel guilty before him and God.

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      in a dream, some animal was chasing me and my friend and it clearly wanted to kill us. I asked my friend for some kind of weapon, but she only had a utility knife.

      Then this animal turned into a human and began to say, “I loved you, but you want to kill me.” I ran this knife across the throat of this creature a couple of times and realizing that it would not work, I stuck the knife in his heart. it began to fill with blood, fell to its knees and died with the words “but I loved you”

      What could this mean??????

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      I dreamed that I was standing and watching two gypsies cut off a man’s head. I tell them to hurry up. Then I see a lot of scarlet blood on the grass. We get into some old car. I could barely fit in the very small space behind the wheel. We start driving and a white car comes towards us. We are being stopped. Then they put us in some cages in some room. They pour in little dead piglets and throw in some dead little child. The dream was from Thursday to Friday. Tell me, who knows what this is for...

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      I’ll tell you briefly about the murder: they wanted to kill me with my martyr, in the end the martyr ran away and left me alone, they wanted to kill me with a pistol (then I somehow took it away from the killer and shot the killer in the head - this is not certain, maybe I myself I thought of this in reality, I just don’t remember...), then I woke up... What does this mean? Should I expect betrayal from the martyr, or will one of the people dear to me die? Am I going to die myself? Or will I be in danger?

      Just recently, for 2 days in a row I dreamed about snakes being alive and no one killed them...

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      I dreamed that I threw a doll into the trash can. Then I hear that music is heard from there. I start to panic, I open the cabinet door where the bucket is, and it’s not there. I'm starting to feel wildly afraid. I take the knife. I start looking for her in the kitchen and find her. Then, like a butcher, and even with anger, I begin to chop it into pieces, especially the head. Something like molasses flows out of her. And then Jason Voorhees appears and I’m not so scared anymore, he finishes off this doll and saves me. Nightmare

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      Hello! I had a strange dream. My husband killed a man (in a dream), a friend of my cousin. After some time, they just found him. My cousin brought the deceased to his yard. And they began to mourn him. And I’m very worried that everyone might find out , that my husband killed him. I ask my husband, “Could you kill a person again...?” He answers, I would never have thought that I could do this, but if necessary, I will kill again for you. Why such a dream, please tell me? Thanks in advance

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      And I often began to have dreams that mafiosi and officials were trying to take my life. And then I understand that there is nowhere to run, they will find me everywhere, and then I begin to kill professionally. Hand-to-hand combat skills, shooting with firearms, so much so that when I wake up in the morning I remember the techniques :-) and, as usual, I save someone. And I admit, I like it, but I could hardly dare to try this in my life, although it will suit you. Have you heard somewhere that colored dreams are not good? :-)

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      Today I had a creepy dream as if my mother gave birth to her fourth child) in general there are 3 of us at home, I am a sister and a brother. And I'm going to her maternity hospital. And I see her, she’s so tired. I remember I brought her a bag of cookies. And then she said that she would sleep, I went out but heard some steps, turned around and there was a terrible old woman like a box in a horror movie. And so she strangles my mother and I stand and stare blankly. At that moment, a nurse came and the old woman disappeared... It’s very creepy.. please tell me why I have such a dream?

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      I dreamed that before my eyes, a truck hit a little girl of two or three years old on the highway. I couldn’t help, I lost my bag and couldn’t find the phone to call an ambulance... I was sitting next to her, an ambulance was passing by, I stopped them, pointed to the girl in the bushes... they turned her over, I looked at her pale face and realized that she was dead ... she looked like me in childhood and I felt something familiar in her... WHAT COULD THIS MEAN? I CAN'T CALM DOWN, I'M SCARED FOR SOMEHOW

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      I had a rather creepy dream. In the dream, I was sitting with my mother on the veranda and at first we were calmly talking about something. Then, over some trifle, we started arguing. My mother hit me very hard. There was a pistol on the table and I shot my mother. She didn't die immediately after being shot. Mom was lying and bleeding, but for some reason I didn’t care about her. I left silently...

      And in a dream I felt an evil grin on my face.


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      In a dream, I was at work, some youngsters started grabbing me, one started waving a knife, then I abruptly took the knife away from him, I hit him once, blood began to flow with splashes, then there was another blow and I started running, there were several of them, I killed one and ran out into the street, I saw a colleague from work. I hit him with a knife, then I apologize and run away, they catch up with me, they start shooting and I kill the one I shot and suddenly I wake up, tell me what will happen in my dream from Thursday to Friday and I have to go to work in the morning)


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      HORROR!!! In a dream, I killed 3 men in a store with a pistol, I was not alone, I was definitely not alone with someone. Then covering up traces, evidence, fear that they would find out about me. Then it turns out that one of them is the husband of my friend, I console her , I reassure you... in the end we find under their marital bed, no under the mattress, treasure!!! gold, jewelry, money... and my friend understands that her husband was a stingy guy and hid everything from her... So what would this be for???? I've already broken my head...


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      I dreamed that I killed a stranger. I don’t remember why, but in the dream I knew that I had killed a second time, and I tried to cover up the traces of the murder in the bathroom, as I did the first time, but I couldn’t do it as smoothly (I had bags with body parts and I I tried to wash the blood off them). I was very nervous and when I saw the head with the brain falling out, I was completely horrified and woke up with this feeling. I couldn’t get over this for a long time.

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      I dreamed that my boyfriend was on a bench, I approached him and his nose was bleeding. I started to wipe it off and then some granny took a gun and aimed at him, but I ran out to the front, she was supposed to shoot at me, but at the last moment my beloved blocked me and shot at him. then I climbed somewhere else and so they said, that’s not what we’re talking about. In general, explain to me why I dreamed about this and should I worry about my loved one?

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      I dreamed that a blonde woman broke into my home and wanted to kill my family. I don’t remember exactly, but in my opinion she didn’t kill anyone, but seriously wounded her. Then I dreamed that I, wounded from her bullet, was standing at the window and I saw her with a gang of some scoundrels who were standing in the entrance while she was in our apartment, running away between houses, and behind them people run and shout: “Catch them” Catch them!”

      What is it for? Help me explain please.

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      I dreamed that I was at some kind of holiday (I came with two screwdrivers) They didn’t talk to me, they turned around at me. Someone else came up and started yelling at me. I didn’t like this and killed him with a screwdriver in the throat and in the liver with a second screwdriver. I completely killed the entire party, later I walked along the road covered in blood and that’s where the dream ended. But I woke up with great fear.

      What is this for?

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      I dreamed that I was in some store with a friend, I turned around and she wasn’t around, and the store was so huge and everything there was black and white, then a tall man I didn’t know came up, the salesman most likely took me by the hand and dragged me somewhere into the room, I screamed to my friend, but he covered my mouth and we moved on, then I saw a bathtub with water and began to get out of his hands, but he began to drown me, what was this for?

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      Hello. Please help me interpret my dream, I’m very worried. I had a dream. It’s as if my little daughter and I are alone in my parents’ house and suddenly I see strangers of Caucasian nationality (I don’t suffer from racism), I try to close the doors, but I don’t have time and they come into the house, grab my daughter and stab her in the stomach, and then I was stabbed in the stomach several times with a knife, a terrible dream...

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      From Monday to Tuesday I dreamed that my younger sister stabbed me in the neck with a large knife and cut off not just my head, but cut my breathing tube and there was a lot of red blood flowing down my neck, clothes, and at this time I see one of my relatives in far away and I want to shout goodbye, but there was no voice and I waved goodbye. What kind of horror did I dream? What is all this for?

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      Good afternoon, I dreamed that my husband stabbed his older brother in the garden and his corpse lay as if in a natural depression in the rain at night, while our baby carriage was all smeared with blood and I take everything off it and am going to wash it, and then I start to worry that it they'll put me in jail, I'm making up an alibi, I regret that I washed the stroller, and my husband's father told him that it would be easier for everyone... I woke up in shock

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      I dreamed that some unknown person challenged me to a duel. The duel took place right in the apartment, we stood opposite each other, he had a pistol and I had a gun, he shot first, I fell, but managed to shoot at him. I seemed to have died, but when I woke up, I was half a man, half a ghost, my parents weren’t worried at all and said that some good doctor had cured me. (((Why is this?

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      I dreamed that I was with a friend in a magical forest and mythical creatures were trying to kill us, then they wanted to stick a stake in us, my friend dodged but I didn’t and they stuck a stake in me, but not in the stomach, but the sea of ​​blood got into my arm, but it didn’t hurt me and we left. I had a dream when I was watching a film about the war, Stalingrad, what does this mean and then at school they called me names

      What does it mean


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      Today I dreamed that my mother killed with a knife my friend, my sister’s uncle on my father’s side (we have different fathers), and at the same time, when my mother stabbed him, he and I were kissing! And in a dream they loved each other, and at the same time I was afraid that my husband would find out about everything! Help please, what is this for? Because I’m very worried about Kolya. Kolya is a victim of sleep. Please do not leave without an answer!!!

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      Hello! Help interpret the dream:

      I dreamed that my husband was accidentally shot by his own grandfather, and he blamed himself very much and reproached himself. and meanwhile I’m crying at his supposed grave... horror! What is this connected with? In fact, I am very afraid of losing my loved one, maybe this dream is caused by my fears? Thanks in advance for your answer.

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The dream of murder is one of the most unpleasant. After it, a person wants to know the interpretation of such a dream. Dream books give different interpretations, but agree on one thing - during a dream, the emotions experienced by the sleeper are important. They will help you find the key and unravel the symbolism of the vision.

  • Burning a person in a dream is the beginning of a new stage. Liberation from past relationships, unnecessary connections. Fire means purification and is a good sign for the sleeper.
  • If, after a murder, you throw dream corpse into the water - to know that there will be a quick meeting with friends.
  • If a sleeping person has immured a person, in reality he is keeping a secret that he is trying to hide from everyone.
  • Choking a person means the presence of a stressful state in the real life of the sleeping person, constant nervous tension.
  • To poison in a dream - such a vision means that the sleeper is trying to preserve an already cooled relationship.
  • Shooting from a machine gun or machine gun symbolizes the attitude of the people around you. A dream about war will bring approval from friends. Execution in peacetime speaks of the envy of loved ones.

If the crime weapon is a knife

Killing a person with a knife in the snow can mean an unconscious desire to possess his talents, abilities or qualities. This hidden feeling of envy gives impetus and projects such an unpleasant dream.

The knife symbolizes hostility, deceit, and lies. Killing a person with it in a dream, in reality the sleeper will win victory over competitors and enemies. But triumph will have to be paid dearly.

A table knife means domestic problems, quarrels. Therefore, killing them is more related to family problems and troubles. Such a dream foreshadows a conflict between relatives.

Killing a person with a knife in a dream is a warning of impending troubles. You should be wary of dubious offers to avoid getting into an unpleasant situation. It is necessary to reconsider your environment, your attitude towards loved ones and acquaintances. What to expect if a stabbed person comes back to life in a dream? Such a vision promises a renewal of past relationships.

The knife also symbolizes the sexuality of the sleeper. Hidden desires can appear in such a dream. If a man kills a woman he knows, it means that in reality he is sexually attracted to her.

The crime weapon is a pistol

Firearms are a symbol of strong emotions. Violent feelings in reality can become the impetus for the desire to kill a person in a dream. The dream book offers various interpretations of the nightmare.

Rumors and gossip about a loved one are possible, which can destroy good relationships. Before you trust others, you need to understand the situation. Most likely, envious people are trying to destroy the sleeping person or his family.

Killing a person with a pistol in a dream means that enemies can take advantage of the sleeper’s violent emotions. You should be careful and watch your words - they can be used to cause significant harm to the sleeping person.

For a girl, such a dream means an early meeting with a passionate admirer.

The crime weapon is an ax

The presence of an ax in a dream means an urgent problem or imminent danger that threatens the sleeper. Holding it in your hands is a symbol of leadership and active action. The ax implies mastery of the situation, a rise in your career, but you will achieve this by dishonest means.

The meaning of the dream (to kill a person with an ax) is interpreted in two ways. These may be favorable coincidences of circumstances with the help of which the sleeper will overcome obstacles in his path. Or maybe guilt before the victim who had to be overthrown by dishonest means. Subsequent problems and mental anguish will bring unpleasant scenes with an ax in life if you see them in a dream. To kill a person means to worry about irreparable events.

Try to keep your emotions under control and do not create conflict situations. A warning dream should be interpreted taking into account the level of familiarity or closeness of the relationship with the victim. Killing a stranger with an ax means solving accumulated problems at once.

What does it mean to kill a lot of people in a dream?

A dream is an experience of daily problems, a subconscious search for their solution. Murder in a dream means the internal tension of the sleeper in real life, his anxiety. Unflattering conversations and stressful situations can provoke a nightmare and waking up in the morning with the phrase: “A dream where I kill people - what is it for? What does it mean?

If you dreamed that you killed many people with your own hands, know that such a dream carries a warning about cruelty or tragedy that will damage your reputation. If the murder occurs for the purpose of self-defense, expect a promotion, getting rid of troubles.

Killing a person you know in a dream means ending your relationship with him. The desire to get rid of him in real life is bursting out. If you kill a lot of strangers in a dream and see their blood, such a dream will bring a joyful event, an unexpected solution to problems. If the dream is associated with a familiar environment, quarrels and hostility lie in wait at work or in the family.

A sick person sees such a dream for a speedy recovery.

Kill a loved one in a dream

What to expect if you kill a loved one in a dream? Much in interpretation depends on the feelings experienced. Joy, liberation after tragedy means that there is a hidden desire to part with it. The relationship has exhausted itself, which means it should be summed up. Sadness and grief after the murder of a loved one - secret intrigues towards him can destroy your connection and interfere with tender feelings.

The murder of a loved one is the sleeping person’s aggression against him. Resentment and misunderstanding can be projected by such a dream.

If strangers try to kill a person close or loved (in relation to the sleeping person) in a dream, it means that gossip and intrigue will contribute to a break in relationships or quarrels. Such a dream means negative feelings towards your partner, a desire to resolve a deadlocked situation.

Kill a man in a dream

Dream interpretation helps prevent negative situations. Killing a person, a man, means that an attack of rage or uncontrollable aggression is coming in the near future. Or fear will force you to act against your interests.

Such a dream may mean that the sleeper will get involved in an adventure, the exit from which will be fraught with unpleasant consequences for his reputation.

A positive interpretation of such a dream is the completion of affairs, the resolution of a conflict. If the dreamer killed a man for protection, then the dream predicts a quick promotion at work and success in his endeavors.

Kill a woman in a dream

Killing a woman in a dream foreshadows loss. It could be a valuable item or wealth. You may also experience the loss of a loved one or trust in loved ones. Such a dream symbolizes imminent loneliness. It may be associated with the desire of the sleeper to be left alone. Or forced loneliness will be the result of betrayal of loved ones, betrayal of a loved one.

In some dream books, the murder of a woman (for a man) means the emergence of a new passion. You can expect mutual feelings and tender relationships in reality.

Kill an enemy in a dream

Killing a human enemy in a dream is a good sign, a favorable interpretation. This marks victory over shortcomings and negative manifestations of one’s own personality. Overcoming complexes, resolving controversial issues in favor of the sleeping person.

If you are ill, killing a person in a dream means a quick recovery or a significant improvement in your health. The image of the enemy symbolizes getting rid of something. This could be a victory over an opponent, overcoming difficulties, or successful completion of a task.

Killing an enemy is a way out of difficult situations, future success and glory. Such a dream may portend respect from colleagues and career growth.

Kill a relative in a dream

The murder of a relative or loved one symbolizes a psychological struggle with him. Perhaps misunderstanding and irritation in real life prompted the tragedy in the dream. This is a harbinger of quarrels with loved ones, failure in business, and fateful mistakes.

Psychological trauma in childhood can become the impetus for a dream in which the leitmotif is the murder of relatives. You should analyze why negative feelings appeared. Try to get rid of childhood grievances.

If a loved one is killed in a dream, you know that you will soon part with him or end the relationship. In some dream books, the murder of a relative is interpreted as an upcoming journey.

Killing parents in a dream indicates misfortunes, failures of new projects and plans. Another option means getting rid of the care of relatives, gaining independence, and realizing your personal position in life.

Kill a child in a dream

Killing one's own baby in a dream may portend mutual misunderstanding and conflicts. If the son or daughter is old enough, there will be a conflict, after which the child will leave the parental home.

The murder of an unfamiliar child promises deliverance of the sleeping person from childhood infantilism. The dream signals internal changes that have taken place, thanks to which the dreamer has taken a new path. This is a good sign that foreshadows opportunities and prospects in life.

On the other hand, the desire to get rid of childish openness can lead to excessive pragmatism. Which will negatively affect personal relationships. In an effort to get rid of one problem, the sleeper may acquire another. It is necessary to clearly distinguish between irresponsibility and immaturity and spontaneity and openness.

Seeing blood in a dream

If you had a dream that you killed a person and blood got on your hands, how should you react to this? What interpretation does the vision have? Nightmares can bring good news. If blood gets on a sleeping person during a murder, his activity and energy will bring long-awaited success.

The more blood there is in a dream, the more luck you can expect in the future. Such a dream grants quick material well-being, happiness, and career growth.

If blood stains the sleeper’s clothes, this dream promises an unexpected acquisition or receipt of money in the near future.

Interpretation of sleep

A dream about killing a woman brings good news. New fans may appear. Or someone you know will begin to provide signs of attention. The astral tells a man that a new sympathy will soon arise.

Murder in a dream symbolizes changes in life. The new stage will bring difficulties and give you the strength to overcome them. Perhaps this will be good news for work. Or the appearance of a fan in your life.

Miller's Dream Book portends troubles and sorrows.

Freud's Dream Book advises getting rid of boring relationships.

Tome of Hasse portends a quarrel with superiors. The dreamer should be patient.

Erotic dream book advises to diversify your sex life.

Jung warns of problems that interfere with the choice and formation of a strong personal position.

Dream Interpretation of Medea interprets killing a person as getting rid of fear.

Book of Prince Zhou-Guang portends wealth and honor.

Loff's Dream Book indicates an internal struggle.

Tsvetkova speaks of quick recognition and good luck.

Dream Book of the Wanderer indicates reconciliation with oneself, successful completion of affairs.

Why do you dream about murder?

Killing in a dream means conquering your fears and overcoming difficulties. This is a symbol of removing obstacles and rising above enemies.

  1. If the sleeper carries out a murder order and is a killer, disappointments are coming. Someone wants to use it for their own purposes.
  2. If the dreamer himself is the orderer of the murder, he will get rid of problems, an unexpected way out of a difficult situation.
  3. If the sleeper is the killer of a stranger, there will be a quick resolution of controversial issues, a triumph.
  4. If the sleeping person was killed in a dream, intrigue and deceit can become a serious obstacle in work or personal life.
  5. If a sleeping person was killed by a relative or loved one, you should know that in real life you should expect treachery and betrayal from him.
  6. If the dreamer threatens to kill in a dream, energy directed in the right direction will lead to quick success.
  7. If a girl is killed by a man in a dream, gossip can damage her reputation. You should be more attentive to new acquaintances.
  8. The sleeper sees the murder of a person - to great happiness.
  9. Suicide in a dream is hidden dissatisfaction with oneself. You need to reconsider your life and relationships. Perhaps the sleeper is trying to suppress his own talents.
  10. If a sleeping person kills a thief, there will be a chance for career growth, worries and fears will pass.

How to avoid dreams about murder

If nightmares constantly torment you, do not allow you to relax during the day, if in reality you are haunted by dream plots, you should take a few simple steps to stop worrying.

Step 1. Try to use your body and thoughts as much as possible during the day so as not to remember nightmares. Fatigue will promote sound sleep.

Step 2. Take a warm shower, drink sweet tea. These actions will help you relax completely.

Step 3. A short evening walk, massage, fresh air during sleep will distract you from obsessive thoughts.

Step 4. Try to understand the background of dreams about murder. Analyze your internal or external problems and eliminate them as much as possible.

Step 5. If nightmares affect your mental or physical health, it is better to consult a psychologist or psychotherapist. Professional help will help you get rid of intrusive dreams.

If you dreamed that you were killed in a dream, do not rush to get scared. This dream has almost nothing to do with real danger. On the contrary, it is an eloquent sign that the subconscious sends to you. A dream book will help you understand why you have such a dream.

A harbinger of illness

A dream in which you were killed often occurs before an illness or event. Especially if the murder was done with a knife. In this case, the dream book recommends remembering exactly where the knife was stabbed.

Seeing a wound in the abdomen means general problems with digestion, if a specific organ is affected - difficulties with it, a wound in the arm means difficulties in doing any work, in the leg means heaviness and fatigue. If in a night vision your throat was cut with a knife, it means that in the near future you will become very ill with a sore throat.

Who is sitting in the liver?

The dream book gives an interesting interpretation to a dream in which you were killed by hitting the liver. To understand why you dream about it, just remember the saying “it sits in the liver.”

This means that in real life there is a person (business) who is terribly boring to you. Moreover, it makes no difference whether you were killed with a pistol or in any other way, the interpretation will remain the same.

Cover your rear!

The dream book believes that a dream in which you were shot with a pistol requires special consideration. The fact is that a firearm of this type means deception and betrayal of a loved one.

And if in your night vision you saw that your best friends killed you with a pistol, then in real life try to “cover your rear.” Moreover, such an action promises difficulties at work, failures in transactions and, in general, a bad streak in life.

If you dreamed that your friends killed you in some other way, all at once, then in reality a noisy and fun party awaits you.

According to Miller

Why do you have a dream in which you were killed according to Miller’s dream book? He believes this is a sign of sadness and anxiety. Moreover, if you saw someone shooting at you, it means your enemies have prepared a serious trap for you. Therefore, in the near future, do not agree to adventures and dubious affairs.

How they killed

To understand why you dream that you were killed, you should decipher the method by which you were killed and remember your own feelings.

So electrocution can actually mean either a real heart attack or just bad news. Drowning always symbolizes change for the worse and loss. Did you dream that you were hanged? Prepare for difficult times.

But special caution should be exercised if you were poisoned in the night or even dismembered. Such a dream clearly indicates danger coming from outside.

How to interpret a dream in which a pregnant woman was killed? Unfortunately, all the far-reaching plans were not destined to come true.

The main thing is positive emotions

The dream book emphasizes that all of the above interpretations are relevant if in a dream you experienced fear, disappointment, pain and other negative emotions.

If you dreamed that you were killed, and at the same time you felt joy, then in reality a period of complete triumph and happiness is coming. Positive emotions nullify the worst interpretation.


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