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Kindness is the desire to help people without demanding gratitude for it.
This is a property of the soul that allows you not to remain indifferent to the troubles of others,
to be there when a person needs it so much.
Kindness and compassion are the basis of the character of Russians, who always strive to come to the aid of not only their neighbors,
but also to a complete stranger.
Kindness is also a gentle, caring attitude towards people, all living things on earth.
The kindness of a child is manifested in his affection towards a cat or puppy,
in his care of flowers, kindness must be taught from childhood.

Kindness is a somewhat abstract concept.
Much can be put into the meaning of this word.
At first glance, it is easy to answer the question: what does kindness mean?
But at the same time it’s difficult. After all, kindness is the basis of such concepts as mercy, empathy, sympathy, selflessness and even heroism.
It is love for a person, kindness, the desire to save him that becomes the motivation for a heroic act.

What does kindness give to a person?
Of course, respect and love from loved ones, good relationships with friends and colleagues.
But kindness often manifests itself so unselfishly that the person who committed the good deed even remains unknown. The main thing for him is to help others.
An unknown person transferred a large sum of money for the treatment of a child in trouble.

Do good, and it will definitely come back to you, even from people who are completely strangers to you!

Essay-reasoning on the thematic area of ​​Kindness and Cruelty
Cruelty is a rude, aggressive attitude towards living beings,
I don’t feel any pity at all.
Can be expressed in words or in the use of force.
Cruelty can arise due to stress or some kind of mental trauma.
A young child may become violent because someone in the family is violent,
and he simply copies the behavior.
Most often it occurs in families where there are constant quarrels and assaults.
A child, looking at this, either takes the side of the offender and behaves the same way, or takes the side of the victim and becomes angry towards everyone because of suffering. And in a teenager, cruelty can arise either because no one notices him, either at home, or at school, or with friends.

Cruelty is probably the result of the incorrect formation of the human personality, when, when raising a child in childhood, parents do not see the child as a person and do not evaluate him as an individual.
Cruelty is generated either by dislike or indifference towards a child, or, on the contrary, by boundless blind love, which gives rise to permissiveness.
School or a bad group of friends, the Internet, all this gives rise to cruelty in a child, which grows and gets stronger over the years. From childhood, it is necessary to instill in the child respect for him as an individual, instill in the child respect for himself and for the people around him, to be able to evaluate his actions and the ability to be responsible for them.
But this is often not the case in many families when raising children.
And cruelty begins to manifest itself from small things, when children begin to torture animals, offend weaker children, disrespect older people, all this then grows into a more rigid framework.

In simple words, cruelty can be called a rude and disgusting attitude towards others.
Where does it come from?
Many believe that such a character trait in a person arises due to a lack of love,
respect and attention from others.
However, there are cases when a person becomes cruel not because of this.
Abusive people do not feel pity for those they hurt.
The cause of cruelty can be childhood psychological trauma,
as well as disappointment in someone or something.
It is not for nothing that there is such a science as psychology, which calls on scientists and doctors to study the reasons for the emergence of such character traits.

Essay-reasoning on the thematic area of ​​Kindness and Cruelty
Kindness is a quality that should be familiar to every person,
Every inhabitant of our planet should have it.
A kind person is always ready to help everyone in need and give the last piece of bread,
without asking for anything in return.
Kindness must be selfless, if a person does good in order to receive something in return,
then such a person cannot be called truly kind.
Kindness is something without which we cannot exist and it is difficult to disagree with such a statement.
People donate blood to help others, do charity work and do everything to make other people feel good. Can kind people be called altruists? – perhaps yes!
Many kind people can be called altruists, because such people do good without demanding anything in return.
Some people not only sometimes help others whenever possible, but also create entire charitable organizations with the goal of helping a huge number of people.

People at all times considered goodness to be one of the most important human qualities; we see the victory of goodness in folk tales, short stories and other literary works of various genres. People like it when they see the victory of good over evil in books, so the authors of various works most often end their works with this very victory.

Today there are fewer and fewer people with real kindness.
Indifference and selfishness take their toll, robbing humanity of one of the most valuable qualities.
Many people calmly pass by other people's problems, pretending that they haven't noticed anything. Everyone has their own things to do - endless worries, work, people stop appreciating priceless qualities and little by little become robots.
I hope that someday humanity will again prefer real, live communication, value true friendship and be caring towards people who need help. Now computers have made people more callous and less “alive”; kindness has become not as important a quality as it was before.

When we give up our seat on public transport or help older people cross the road, we are doing good, but, unfortunately, few people now think that such actions are more correctly attributed to our responsibilities, and not to the manifestation of kindness as such.
Kindness is something more, accessible to everyone and, at the same time, characteristic of a few.

A person, like a drop of water, reflects the entire society: its best qualities and its vices. Today, for the first time, people have the opportunity not only to speak out, but also to speak out. Throw out everything that has accumulated in your soul. And everyone could see how much dirt suddenly appeared. It was not the healing spring that clogged, but the abscess that burst through. Russia has lost Russia In Russia, writes Yevgeny Yevtushenko in the poem “Loss”. How relevant these lines are! There is no need to prove that our society is sick, that it is experiencing spiritual starvation. And a person is looking for a form of self-expression. He is looking for a form of manifestation of his own “I”. At all times, people have strived to know themselves, to find their place in life, despite all kinds of social disasters. Literature, painting, and music always came to the rescue. When I listen to Tchaikovsky, I forget about everything, standing on the threshold of a majestic spiritual world. I don’t understand how it was possible to express all this wealth, the cosmic depth and height of the soul with seven notes, seven symbols on a sheet of music, and I think about one thing: in this soul what was given from God was fully manifested. But this man’s life was passionate, there were often falls in it, but we don’t remember any of this - we only hear music. The result of this life is the result of colossal efforts, a gigantic struggle... And here is the soul of modern man. Empty, unspiritualized and not comprehending itself. When there is a struggle in it, the desire to show the world one’s “I” - this most often ends in inhumane and cruel actions. Let us remember the words of Voltaire: “He who is good only for himself is good for nothing.” Forgetting these words, we can pass by a person, essentially our brother, who has become ill on the street and urgently needs help. We remain silent when healthy guys, fully capable of earning a living by honest work, engage in robbery. Man and society... This problem remains topical, pressing throughout all centuries, leaving no one indifferent. And a true citizen writer cannot help but respond to the questions of our time. V. Rasputin's story "Fire" is a deep, talented analysis of modern reality. The short work shows a fire in a taiga village, the personal experiences of the main character, and the lack of spirituality of people who, in a difficult moment for the village, think not about saving the people's property, but about personal gain. The story forces us to take a closer look at these phenomena, it calls: stop, look into yourself, is this how we live? After all, life is given to realize oneself as a person among people: happy, kind, wise. The main character of V. Astafiev’s work “The Tsar Fish” understands all this at the last minute. And only when, in a trembling voice, he asks for forgiveness for everything he has done in life, then the king fish quietly leaves him. A scary story that makes us think about every step we take today. Our world is cruel. Look how many suicides there are around! How many of my peers are committing suicide! Who is to blame: family, school, friends! Sorry, but life is yours, given to you. Life is a gift from God! Imagine that some kind of animal or plant will disappear from the face of the Earth. Ecological catastrophy! But suicide is almost a big catastrophe, although we are talking about just one soul... No matter how difficult and disgusting this life may be, we are obliged to fight for it, to save it. A person in whom a good beginning is alive is capable of this. Conscience. And only she tells a person the exact course. And only conscience indicates: here it would be necessary to consult with a senior, more experienced person. Yes, now we ourselves are not able to put everything on the shelves, in order - we don’t have enough strength, spiritual strength first of all. But you can give examples when these efforts are enough not only to not fall, but to give your whole life the right direction. These are Pushkin, Yesenin, Shostakovich, who understood at a very early age that talent requires tireless work. The Church could also give examples from its number of names. Saints Sergius of Radonezh and Seraphim of Sarov already in childhood chose the path of monasticism and priesthood and at the end of their lives they were surrounded by numerous brethren. They had enough patience, obedience, work, and strength - and they reached spiritual heights. I think that everything or almost everything is determined by our upbringing. Our society, from generation to generation, raises people who have no upbringing. They have not absorbed anything, they are frail in spirit and soul. It is the generation that is stamped, not the individual. Remember Andersen's The Steadfast Tin Soldier? All the soldiers looked alike, but he stood out, was one-legged... And people are not tin soldiers. Each one is one and only. This is what we were taught in literature lessons at school. We got acquainted with the works of Gogol, Tolstoy, Chekhov. I would also have included in the school curriculum, if not the Lenten prayer itself, then its arrangement made by Pushkin - “The desert fathers and the blameless wives...” These verses are in any collection, you can take it and read it yourself. I would parse this text slowly, one word at a time - like a sentence is parsed in a Russian language lesson. But the school curriculum provides very few hours for the perception of our daily bread - the fruits of the world literary field. Therefore, we ourselves must think about this. There is an old, old book known to hundreds of generations under the short name “Bible”. It carries within itself eternal, enduring moral principles, observing which, a person knows how to remain a person, despite any trials, a wise and strong person, reliable and healthy, kind and merciful. Note: I called the “Bible” a book, one might add: for reading, for teaching, for repetition, even for worship, for a man - if he, I repeat, is a man! - It is always natural to worship books that teach good. Don't make a face when you hear the word "teach". Only bad books are sweet and edifying, while good books can teach gradually, unobtrusively and captivatingly. One wise man said: “There is no past - it has passed, and we will not be able to change anything in it. The future is not in our power. Use the current moment to do good to people. Hurry to do good!” And if we manage to convey goodness today, if we make it a rule for every day, we will be justified before history and before people. Yes, wisdom is for all times, for all minutes of life. No one will be able to refute this truth. Time passes, our strength is depleted, good impulses fade. At some point we realize it’s too late. The words of Chaadaev, who wrote back in the 19th century, are increasingly coming to mind that Russia was created so that the whole world could see how not to live, and, indeed, the fate of Russia has always been difficult. But I believe: better days will come, and society will be reborn through the improvement of the soul of each person. And not only beauty will save the world, according to F. Dostoevsky, but also kindness, mercy, humanism. We are knee-deep in blood in such fogs. Stop punishing us, God. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Are we really extinct? Or haven't you been born yet? We are born again, and again - even harder. E. Yevtushenko.

(The image shows a fragment of Alexander Deineka’s painting “Stakhanovites”)

Man and society, their interaction is the most pressing topic in the works of Russian literature. Society is a part of the world that is always developing. It has its own traditions, values, time frames. Society has its own unit - the person. He does not have the opportunity to choose the association where he should live. When he is born, he already becomes part of society. This society influences the formation of personality, lifestyle, and interests of a person. How does society exert pressure on an individual? The works of Russian literature highlight the problem of “man and society”:

(Illustration for L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace")

Tolstoy in his novel “War and Peace” shows that the nature of high society in Russia is dual. The reader has the opportunity to look at the high society of St. Petersburg and observe its life. A whole world with its own foundations and laws also opens up to him. However, the author clearly highlights the unnaturalness of high relationships. Well-dressed ladies strain their smiles, they are pale and cold, but inside there is only indifference and emptiness. Foreign news is often discussed at high society events. A person who knows how to think will quickly get bored here and be disappointed in the pompousness of the gentlemen. Tolstoy also clearly depicts representatives of the upper class, who are distinguished by their sensitivity and nobility. We are talking about Natasha Rostova, Andrei Bolkonsky, Pierre Bezukhov. They are smart, interested in people, the world in general. They are the absolute opposite of the dead who are found in the salons of St. Petersburg. But each of the above did not feel at ease in high society. They were deceived and could be disgraced. They are individual, have nothing in common with a hypocritical, gray society.

(Illustration for F. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment")

The novel “Crime and Punishment,” written by Dostoevsky, tells how society can influence an ordinary citizen and his actions. Raskolnikov wanted to kill the pawnbroker. This was not without reason. The first reason is Rodion’s personality, his roots. Not the least role in this was played by a society mired in sins and poverty. Raskolnikov was also poor, he sympathized with other people who suffered. But he still decided to commit a crime. The society from the story “Crime and Punishment” valued only money, forgetting about high morality. Nothing else made sense to them. Sonya Marmeladova was a simple girl who became a prostitute. This happened due to the need to earn money to feed the family. The father of this heroine drinks heavily and sits in taverns where human souls rot. The moneybags, in turn, revel in the wealth that was earned through the lives of ordinary people. Dostoevsky proves that society in any case influences a person, his life. It is impossible to be free while in society.

(Illustration for M. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita")

Bulgakov, with the help of the novel “The Master and Margarita,” raised the question of the individual person and his presence in society. The main character, the Master, is a real genius who managed to write an incredible novel. But after publication, the hero begins to be persecuted; he was not recognized. Who sends him pamphlets and reviews filled with rage? This is a society of graphomaniacs, people who envy and are pseudo-writers. The author shows this society as insidious and caustic. It constantly poisons and attacks the Master, which provokes the destruction of the magnificent creation. As a result, the genius ends up in a madhouse. Now he does not belong to a nasty bunch, his new world is Margarita. It is in this society that the Master rests his soul.

Thus, no matter who a person is, no matter what he is, his individual characteristics and qualities are needed for the benefit of the society in which a person lives and works. We can safely say that if there is an ideal formula, it is a complete and two-way relationship between man and society.

FIPI commentary on the topic “Man and Society” :
"For topics in this direction, the view of a person as a representative of society is relevant. Society largely shapes the individual, but the individual is also capable of influencing society. The topics will allow us to consider the problem of the individual and society from different sides: from the point of view of their harmonious interaction, complex confrontation or irreconcilable conflict. It is equally important to think about the conditions under which a person must obey social laws, and society must take into account the interests of each person. Literature has always shown interest in the problem of the relationship between man and society, the creative or destructive consequences of this interaction for the individual and for human civilization. "

Recommendations for students:
The table presents works that reflect any concept related to the direction “Man and Society”. You DO NOT need to read all of the works listed. You may have already read a lot. Your task is to revise your reading knowledge and, if you discover a lack of arguments within a particular direction, fill in the existing gaps. In this case, you will need this information. Think of it as a guide in the vast world of literary works. Please note: the table shows only a portion of the works that contain the problems we need. This does not mean at all that you cannot make completely different arguments in your work. For convenience, each work is accompanied by small explanations (third column of the table), which will help you navigate exactly how, through which characters, you will need to rely on literary material (the second mandatory criterion when evaluating a final essay)

An approximate list of literary works and carriers of problems in the direction of "Man and Society"

Direction Sample list of literary works Carriers of the problem
Human and society A. S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" Chatsky challenges Famus society
A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" Evgeny Onegin, Tatyana Larina– representatives of secular society – become hostages of the laws of this society.
M. Yu. Lermontov “Hero of Our Time” Pechorin- a reflection of all the vices of the younger generation of his time.
I. A. Goncharov "Oblomov" Oblomov, Stolz- representatives of two types generated by society. Oblomov is a product of a bygone era, Stolz is a new type.
A. N. Ostrovsky. "Storm" Katerina- a ray of light in the “dark kingdom” of Kabanikha and Wild.
A.P. Chekhov. "Man in a Case." Teacher Belikov with his attitude to life, he poisons the lives of everyone around him, and his death is considered by society as a deliverance from something difficult
A. I. Kuprin "Olesya" Love of the “natural man” ( Olesya) and a man of civilization Ivan Timofeevich could not withstand the test of public opinion and social order.
V. Bykov “Roundup” Fedor Rovba- a victim of a society living in a difficult period of collectivization and repression.
A. Solzhenitsyn “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich” Ivan Denisovich Shukhov- victim of Stalinist repressions.
R. Brdbury. "A Sound of Thunder" The responsibility of each person for the fate of the entire society.
M. Karim “Pardon” Lubomir Zuch– a victim of war and martial law.

“Man and Society” is one of the topics of the final essay on literature for graduates of 2019. From what positions can these two concepts be considered in the work?

For example, you can write about the individual and society, about their interaction, both about agreement and about opposition. The approximate ideas that may be heard in this case are varied. This is a person as a part of society, the impossibility of his existence outside of society, and the influence of society on something connected with a person: his opinion, tastes, life position. You can also consider the confrontation or conflict between an individual and society; in this case, it would be useful to give examples from life, history or literature in your essay. This will not only make the work less boring, but will also give you a chance to improve your grade.

Another option for what to write about in an essay is the ability or, conversely, the inability to devote one’s life to public interests, philanthropy and its opposite - misanthropy. Or, perhaps, in your work you will want to consider in detail the issue of social norms and laws, morality, the mutual responsibility of society to man and man to society for everything past and future. An essay devoted to man and society from a state or historical perspective, or the role of the individual (concrete or abstract) in history, will also be interesting.

Society is a powerful force. A person cannot live outside of society. However, the huge number of laws written to protect people from society indicates that not everything is normal in the relations between citizens and society. We are afraid to go out in the evening; we are constantly threatened by scammers from social networks. Entering life, we are already frightened by the dangers that this unkind and sometimes downright evil world threatens. How to live your life according to your plan? How not to break under the blows of fate?

In the famous comedy by A.S. Griboedov “Woe from Wit,” the main character Alexander Andreevich Chatsky, endowed with intelligence and free-thinking, an open and honest person, finds himself in the hostile environment of “Famus society.” Having lived away for three years, meeting, obviously, the smartest people of his time, reading many books, he believes that society is moving forward thanks to progress. He expresses his ideas directly, expecting to find like-minded people in an environment familiar from childhood. However, everything is so simple. Progress did not affect representatives of Moscow's high society, who were frozen in their development. They remain adherents of the rules that guided their grandfathers; they believe that “there is honor between father and son” and “he who is poor is... not a couple.” In this world, they make a choice in favor of wealth rather than love: “... be inferior, but if there are three thousand souls, that’s the groom.” Their home is open “to those invited and uninvited, especially those from abroad.” These postulates allow the flattering and narrow-minded Molchalins to make a career, and maybe even enter a rich family, thanks to their flexibility and ability to please!

As a result, society declares Chatsky crazy because it does not want to accept his impartial accusations. Chatsky is being driven out of this circle, although he is right in many ways. Leaving Famusov’s house, permeated with lies and hypocrisy, the hero leaves, carrying away “a million torments,” crushed by arrogance, he remains true to his convictions, although his heart is broken.

The hero of another classic work, Eugene Onegin, despises society. In the novel of the same name by A.S. Pushkin, three circles of the nobility are shown: local, Moscow and St. Petersburg high society. Onegin is not shown only in Moscow. How are his relationships in these circles? The St. Petersburg society immediately accepted Onegin, thanks to his ability to “bow at ease,” speak perfect French and his ability to dance. “What else? Light decided that he was smart and very nice!” Yes, St. Petersburg society does not tolerate only open flattery and ridiculous imitation. Here Onegin feels quite comfortable. His relationship with the local nobility is completely different. Already at the very beginning, the young rake with all his behavior shows disrespect for the guests who are trying to visit him. On Tatyana’s name day, he draws cartoons of primitive provincials on napkins. He doesn't care about the opinion of this society. But he, afraid of being condemned by these people, accepts Lensky’s challenge to a duel, instead of sobering up his young friend and preventing the murder. Thus, the absurd fear of being condemned by society turns into a tragedy for Onegin.

Society can affect anyone's life. No one is immune from discussions, condemnation and all kinds of gossip. We can all find ourselves in a hopeless situation, and a lot depends on how society behaves. His influence cannot be ignored.


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