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Situations why chainsaw stalls- so many. Since it is a technical mechanism, at the slightest deviation it tends to react through partial or global breakdown. There is a list of the most common malfunctions, the causes of which we will consider in this article:

  1. The mechanism stalls immediately. The tool cannot start fully, the reason is in the parts of the unit that take part in the start of the tool’s operation.
  2. Under load. The problem is in the fuel system or air filter, as the pressure on all components of the tool increases significantly.
  3. When tilted. The fuel tube of the gas tank, when positioned on its side, is in the air, and not in the fuel mixture.
  4. At high speeds. The problem may concern three spare parts: the fuel pump, the gasoline filter and the air filter. The filter must be washed and cleaned, and the fuel pump must not leak liquid. Otherwise, it needs to be replaced with a new one using the Kosi Kosa store.

With us you can have others, we will be happy to answer all your questions and suggest possible solutions to problems even in hopeless situations with the tool.

What to do if the chainsaw starts and stalls

One of the most popular situations when working with a saw is when chainsaw starts and stalls. This can happen with both a new and an “experienced” tool, and there are more than enough reasons for this. The most common of them is the lack of the required amount of fuel in the gas tank. It doesn’t matter what kind of saw you have, a Chinese Husqvarna or an original Shtil: if there is not enough fuel, then the problem in question arises from this. So, if there is little fuel, then you need to increase its volume in the tank by preparing the required amount according to the established proportion. How to do this - look in the instructions; the brand of oil that needs to be used is also indicated there. An interesting nuance with gasoline - it must have a maximum octane number, its quality depends on this, and accordingly the operation of the saw itself.

For the sake of economy, many saw users, and most often this happens with the domestic brands Ural and Druzhba, do not drain excess fuel, leaving the saw to “winter” with it for many months. This is strictly forbidden to do, firstly, for fire safety reasons, and secondly, in order to avoid deliberately provoking the breakdown of your instrument. There are also other situations when chainsaw owners manage to add new fuel to the old fuel, forgetting about the lost qualities and the possible chemical reaction of this “explosive mixture”. This absolutely cannot be done.

In addition to fuel, you also need to check the spark plug. Remove excess carbon from it or replace it with a new one, check the contact with the high-voltage wire and, if the gap is more than 0.5 mm, carry out a mandatory replacement of the spark plug.

For owners of saws of the popular Partner 350 brand and other lesser-known analogues, which include Chinese products, it is important to approach the issue of a stalled saw very delicately, especially if it is heated up. Do not rush to disassemble the entire structure into parts, consult with specialists. In addition to products that play a huge role in the ignition and continuous operation of the saw engine, you can also find here, which is the main cutting element of the entire structure.

The chainsaw stalls when you press the gas - reasons and solutions

Even an amateur in working with a chainsaw should distinguish between two situations of a stalled saw: if chainsaw stalls when pressing gas, then there is an insufficient supply of fuel, and the load means not only an increase in gas, but also a complication of the work of all other components of the saw that were not previously involved in overcoming obstacles. What we mean here is that the moment when the saw collides with the element that it must cut, that is, wood, it operates at a stronger power than when the gas is normally pressed.

A saw that stalls when gas is added may indicate a dirty fuel filter, which you can clean yourself. If the carburetor jet or another component does not work, then it is better to have it repaired. If the saw starts and stalls, the cause may be fuel liquid poured onto the same spark plug, or a dirty air filter.

When heating any tool, you should not inspect it, you need to let it cool, and it is better not to check any hot part, in order to avoid unforeseen situations. If you had to replace some component or global part of the mechanism, do not despair: our service will be happy to help you with this.

Is repair needed if the chainsaw stalls at idle?

Everyone knows the situation when, at idle speed, his tool simply stalls. This happens with almost all devices that have a motor. The main reasons:

  • stalls at idle due to clogged air or fuel filter;
  • lack of spark due to a bad spark plug;
  • Carburetor misalignment, as one of the most important reasons for a stalled saw, can also be the reason why this happens when heating up. Its substandard operation also contributes to the fact that the instrument stalls “when hot.”

If your device does not idle, does not pick up or develop speed, then perhaps this is not yet a major breakdown, and with the help of our articles you can cope with it yourself. From the proposed reasons, a more realistic picture becomes clear: does your device need specialist intervention, or can you fix a breakdown at a specific level yourself. If you need to replace a specific part, for example,

A chainsaw is no longer a luxury, but a necessary tool for anyone who has at least some kind of suburban area. With its help you can carry out gardening work, collecting firewood, processing lumber and much more. There are many models of chainsaws on sale, varying both in power and overall quality. You can verify this here -

However, any technique can be capricious, and chainsaws are no exception. Let's look at the most common problems.

The tool stalls immediately after starting

One possible reason is a lack of fuel. Check the amount of fuel in the gas tank and add if necessary. In this case, you should strictly follow the recommendations of the instructions, especially regarding the quality of gasoline and oil. In our country, such subtleties are often ignored, filling the saw with whatever is necessary, which causes accelerated wear of the engine and leads to failures.

The saw may also stall due to deterioration in the contact of the spark plug with the high-voltage wire. This may be caused by mechanical shear or carbon deposits. Sometimes it is recommended to periodically replace the spark plug with a new one, even if the old one did not show any problems in operation.

The chainsaw can work normally when in a straight horizontal position, but stalls when tilted to the side. As a rule, this is also due to a lack of fuel: the fuel tube rises when tilted, and if there is little fuel, it rises above the fuel level.

Chainsaw stops idling

If cleaning the muffler did not help solve the problem, and your saw’s engine is carburetor, then you can try adjusting it. Most engine models have coarse and fine adjustment bolts (H and L, respectively). By increasing the engine speed with their help, you can eliminate the problem. Keep in mind that carburetor adjustment is a fairly delicate process that requires the use of a tachometer.

The engine cannot withstand the load

If the chainsaw stops right in the middle of a particularly thick log, then the problem may be caused by problems with the fuel supply system or problems with the air filter. The engine simply does not receive enough combustible mixture to operate under heavy load, and stops.

The usual solutions to these problems are replacing the fuel in strict accordance with the recommendations in the instructions (we have already talked about this) and cleaning (replacing) the air filter.

The chainsaw stalls when the speed increases

The reasons for this phenomenon are similar to the previous ones: either the problem is in the fuel system or in the air filter. Try disconnecting the fuel hose from the carburetor - if gasoline flows poorly (but you know for sure that there is fuel in the tank), then the reason is the gasoline filter. You can also check the fuel pump - fuel should not leak through it. If this happens, then it is advisable to replace the pump.

The chainsaw does not have an overly complex system, but it does require careful maintenance. Many people forget about basic rules when operating a chainsaw, and this significantly shortens its service life. Basically, when certain rules are regularly violated, problems arise.

For example, a chainsaw may not start or stall after pressing the gas. In such a situation, the first thing you need to do is find out the cause of the breakdown and try to fix it yourself.

Checking the main chainsaw systems

If the chainsaw stalls immediately after turning on, it means that some part of the equipment has broken down. The cause cannot be identified instantly, so you need to check all the details sequentially.

The first thing you need to do is check the fuel tank of your chainsaw. There may simply not be enough fuel for full operation, so it is necessary to prepare the mixture in accordance with the standards mixing oil and gasoline. Gasoline must have the maximum octane number, and the oil is usually selected according to the instructions in the owner's manual.

If the reason is not the amount of fuel, then the next cause of failure may be the spark plugs. Not only the spark plugs are checked, but also the high-voltage wire from the tips. The spark plug gap should be no more than 0.5 mm.

If the gap distance is too small, it means that carbon deposits have deposited on the spark plugs, which need to be cleaned and then installed parts in its place and check whether the chainsaw starts or not. It is also recommended to replace the spark plugs completely with new ones from time to time, even if they are in good condition.

Another reason that the chainsaw stalls after pressing the gas may lie in a breakdown of the carburetor or fuel filter. Cleaning the fuel filter yourself is quite simple, unlike the carburetor, which has a more complex design and therefore this part is best left to specialists.

Why does the chainsaw not start or stall at idle?

There are times when a chainsaw stalls at idle. Most often the reason is a dirty muffler, which can be easily cleaned without the help of specialists. You can also solve problems by adjusting the carburetor. On this part of the chainsaw there are two bolts with the letters L and H. The bolt, called L, is responsible for the speed of the chainsaw.

To increase the idle speed, you need to turn the bolt half a turn, and perhaps this will solve the problem. We must not forget that a carburetor is a rather complex system and its adjustment may be beyond the power of an ordinary person. If you set the speed value incorrectly, you can deform the internal system of the chainsaw, so it is better to entrust this work to professionals.

What to do if the chainsaw stalls under load?

Very often, chainsaws with a powerful power device stall due to increased load. The only reason here can be dirty fuel filter or gas tank. In case of such a problem, it is best to replace the entire fuel filter, especially since it is not too expensive. If this does not help, then it is recommended to check the quality of the mixture.

More precisely, you need to prepare a new fuel mixture by first replacing gasoline. Maybe it’s all about the quality of gasoline, and the low octane number simply does not allow the chainsaw engine to achieve sufficient power under excessive loads.

The chainsaw stalls when the speed increases

In cases where the chainsaw begins to stall at high speeds, you need to check the following details:

  • air filter;
  • gasoline filter;
  • fuel pump.

The air filter becomes very clogged during operation, so it needs to be cleaned and perhaps even rinsed under warm water, but before installing it, the part will need to be thoroughly dried. After this, the fuel hose is disconnected from the carburetor.

If liquid does not flow through it, it means that it is simply clogged and it is recommended clean it or buy a new hose. If the mixture flows through the fuel hose in full, then the filter does not need to be checked. In all other cases, it is necessary to clean the breather with a regular needle, and replace or wash the gasoline filter.

The reason may even lie in the gasoline pump. We are talking about checking the wear of this part. If fuel leaks through the walls of the gasoline pump, it means it needs to be replaced. If fuel does not seep through the walls, then this is not the reason why the chainsaw stalls at high speeds.

The main reasons for chainsaw failure

Although all possible breakdowns in certain parts of the chainsaw system have been described, their solution may not be enough. It is necessary to dwell on some aspects of problem solving in more detail.

Checking the fuel mixture and spark plugs

The fuel mixture that is poured into the chainsaw must be pre-prepared. First of all, we must not forget that when preparing a fuel mixture, it is necessary to use only high-quality components approved according to the operating manual. We also must not forget that it is best to drain the fuel before storing the equipment or between seasons when the chainsaw is idle.

Checking spark plugs can be divided into several subsections. First, you need to remove the spark plugs and check their tips for fuel. This can happen from time to time when the chainsaw is started. Most often, this happens to inexperienced users who simply forget to follow the rules of sequence when starting a chainsaw at cold speeds.

Secondly, there may be carbon on the spark plugs, which simply clogs the connection gap. The gap should have a distance of 0.5 to 0.65 mm. Remove carbon deposits using fine-grained sandpaper or a brush with metal hairs.

Checking and cleaning the muffler

It happens that checking absolutely all components from the hose to the spark plugs does not give results and the chainsaw continues to stall when you press the gas. In this case All that remains is to check the muffler. This piece of equipment is very often the cause of breakdown. The bottom line is that over a long period of use of a chainsaw, a large amount of deposits accumulates in the muffler. In addition, sediment appears if you fill in a low-quality fuel mixture or use the equipment incorrectly.

The first thing you need to do is check the muffler for carbon deposits. To do this, it must be dismantled. First, the nuts are unscrewed, the muffler, plate and reflector are removed. The main thing is not to tear off the studs on the fastenings during dismantling. If carbon deposits are found inside, it means that the muffler needs to be cleaned, and this can be done in two ways.

The easiest way to clean the muffler can be applied to collapsible chainsaws. To do this, you need to do several steps:

  1. After removing the muffler the entire internal part is treated with a metal brush in order to remove the main layer of carbon deposits.
  2. After the top of the sediment has been removed, the inside of the muffler is cleaned with fine-grained sandpaper.
  3. To improve the cleaning effect the muffler is treated with a chemical solution, and then dried well and installed back on the chainsaw.

When removing carbon deposits, the main thing is not to use too much force so as not to deform the muffler structure.

The second option is only suitable for models with a non-separable design, and here carbon deposits are quite difficult to remove in all places of the muffler. It is simply physically impossible to reach all parts of the muffler, but before starting the main cleaning, it is recommended to carry out mechanical cleaning at least in those places where the brush can reach.

After this, shot is poured into the muffler, which, when the chainsaw is shaken, removes carbon deposits, but this method is not the most effective. It is best to use special chemicals that are poured into the system and so the equipment costs several hours. After this, the muffler is purged.

Naturally, there is no guarantee that chemicals will help completely remove carbon deposits, but this will comparatively reduce the amount of sediment on the walls of the muffler.


A chainsaw, like any other equipment, can fail at any time due to improper use or due to expiration of its service life, but most problems can be easily solved by replacing or cleaning one or another part. The main thing is to always follow the rules for operating a chainsaw.

To the real owner do without a chainsaw? This is nonsense! Many small and not so small tasks will stop without this tool: cutting branches, pruning bushes, small carpentry repairs, etc. What can I say, you yourself know better how much it is needed.

AND popular chainsaw It is no coincidence that the partner is named so - she helps in the household just as well as her partner. And if this chainsaw breaks, it’s very difficult without it. Fortunately, you can try to repair the Partner chainsaw yourself. Let's see in what cases this is possible.

Chainsaw Partner 350: characteristics and features

Chainsaw Partner 350 belongs to the class of household or amateur hand-held gasoline saws. Amateur - does not mean a “club of interests” for chain saw lovers, but denotes the power and capabilities of the unit. This saw is one of the best in its class and is optimal for short-term work in the garden, on a summer cottage, etc.

With its help, you will trim bushes, prepare brushwood for the barbecue and wood for repairs, and cut down a small tree. All this is possible due to the following technical parameters:

  • Weight: 4.7 kg
  • Two-stroke engine power - 1.8 hp. (1300 W)
  • Engine capacity: 34 cc.
  • Electronic ignition system.
  • The capacity of the oil tank is 0.2 l, the fuel tank is 0.4 l.
  • Chain pitch: 3/8 inch.
  • The maximum chain length is 41 cm, the optimal length is 35 cm.
  • Primer for starting a cold engine.

Advantages of the Partner chainsaw 350 lies in its compact size and convenient operation. It has a built-in safety system: the double inertia brake is activated automatically as soon as an emergency situation occurs. potentially dangerous for the saw operator.

Chain lubrication is also carried out automatically. At the same time, fuel is consumed very economically, and the air filter lasts longer thanks to the CCS system. It’s even surprising that at such high engine speeds the saw operates relatively quietly. As a nice “bonus”, the cylinder walls are coated with a special protective compound, and an anti-vibration system is built into the handles.

Concerning disadvantages of a chainsaw Partner 350, then the reviews on the forums speak most eloquently about them. It turns out that this model was first released in 2012 and then re-released in 2015. According to the documents, the updated model is more advanced. But in practice, copies of the first series are more reliable and break less often. In addition, this saw is not equipped with a shock absorber - this can be felt during prolonged use.

Chainsaws Partner
is produced by the Swedish concern Husqvarna, which is well known to users of equipment for gardening, dacha and forestry. Factories producing Partner equipment are located not only in China, but also in the USA, Italy, and Great Britain.

Despite this, Partner chainsaw price relatively low. Spare parts are also available. In Western countries, this brand is very popular due to its win-win combination of price and quality. But even Swedish quality sometimes fails.

Common Partner saw breakdowns: diagnostics at home

The Partner gasoline saw cannot be called unreliable. For many users it works without problems in winter and summer, for many years. But others complain about the same typical problems:

  1. The chainsaw won't start.
  2. The chainsaw starts but stalls.
  3. Fuel does not enter the cylinder.

All these have problems internal reasons in the parts and assemblies of the tool. This means that in order to get to the bottom of it and fix the breakdown, you will have to disassemble the electric saw. This is not as difficult as it may seem, because manufacturers always take this possibility into account.

For self-diagnosis problems at home, you need to understand that common chainsaw problems in the vast majority of cases are caused by the same reasons. Therefore, just by the symptoms, you can guess where the source of the problem is.

For example, if the chainsaw does not start, then the reason most likely lies in the ignition system, namely in the spark plug. If air leaks into the cylinder, then you need to look for a defect in the fuel system. A dirty filter causes the engine to stall and smoke, and so on. Let's look at these cases in detail so that you feel confident when repairing the Partner chainsaw yourself.

What to do if the Partner 350 chainsaw does not start

Now that you know what caused the breakdown, it's time to get down to business. A faulty ignition system can only be repaired after disassembly. To do this, remove any remaining fuel from the tank. Then carefully disconnect the wire and remove the spark plug (a special key is provided to remove it).

In addition, in any case, it doesn’t hurt to make sure that the chainsaw’s carburetor is adjusted correctly. Do not begin adjustments until you have cleaned the air and fuel filters. If the filters are ok, use the adjustment screws.

One of them (S) designed for idling, the other two are for maximum (H) and minimum (L) speeds, respectively. Gradually turn the screws clockwise. After stopping, make two turns in the opposite direction.

Problem: chainsaw stalls after starting

Common situation: the Partner chainsaw stalls at high speeds, although before that it starts and works without problems at medium gas. Sometimes at medium it also works intermittently - but at full throttle it immediately stalls. This problem is faced by many users who save on quality fuel.

Poor quality gasoline easily contaminates parts with soot. In this case, checking the filters (air and fuel) will not hurt. Moreover, the muffler suffers from poor fuel and the carbon deposits it creates.

The combustion products of dirty fuel simply clog it, forming an impenetrable plug of soot. This plug greatly reduces engine power. In this case, gasoline is consumed in large quantities, but there is no result in power. Check and clean the muffler:

  1. Remove any remaining fuel from the tank.
  2. Remove the muffler and take it apart.
  3. Do not leave the outlet open; cover it with a napkin or lid.
  4. Clean all carbon deposits from the muffler using a cable and/or detergent. According to reviews, “Mr. Muscle” for pipes or similar household chemicals has proven itself well.
  5. A clean muffler needs to be dried. To speed up the process, you can do this with a hair dryer.

Repairing the fuel system of a chainsaw

When the fuel supply is interrupted, then it is not surprising that the chainsaw does not work. Moreover, in this case there is only one problem: no fuel enters the cylinder. And there may be several reasons for this problem, and you have to find that very reason.

First, try disconnecting fuel hose and observe the fuel pressure. A weak, intermittent flow indicates a clogged filter. Take it out, rinse and dry it, and if possible, replace it with a new filter. Also clear the breather (valve) of any blockages.

Check the condition of the filter carburetor and, if necessary, thoroughly rinse it, dry it and reinstall it. We described in detail about setting up the carburetor above, and these actions in this case will also not be superfluous.

If the reason is not in the breather and not in the carburetor, then everything may turn out to be banal. Make sure there is enough fuel in the tank.

Problems in the cylinder-piston group are also possible.(abbreviated as CPG) chainsaws Partner. This failure can be considered serious because the cylinder and piston are the basis of the engine. Therefore, the CPG is an expensive component, the cost of which reaches half the cost of the entire tool.

From the coordinated work of the cylinder and the piston directly affects the power of the chainsaw. During operation, especially if operating rules are not followed, the cylinder, piston and rings may wear out. In this case, only replacing parts will help.

CPG parts may be damaged mechanically. These defects can be diagnosed independently. Remove the muffler. You can see the CPG in the hole. Scratches and burrs on the cylinder surface, located chaotically, occur when debris, fragments, or solid foreign particles enter.

If the cylinder has darkened, and this defect is observed on its entire surface, then, in all likelihood, you filled the chainsaw with low-quality fuel. Bad gasoline also affects oil scraper rings.
A worn surface of the cylinder on the muffler side is a sign of critical overheating of the chainsaw during operation.

Minor mechanical damage
can be corrected by replacing bearings, rings, etc. But in case of deep scuffing, the CPG will have to be completely replaced by contacting a partner chainsaw repair shop.

How to prevent chainsaw damage

Chainsaw repair in some cases it can be very expensive. This can be avoided if you pay enough attention to the prevention and control of the condition of the instrument and all its parts. Moreover, it is not difficult to fulfill this condition - just use the operating instructions and adhere to rational accuracy:

To keep it in working order, you just need to strictly follow the instructions and follow some general rules:

  1. Do not allow the engine to overheat, take breaks in operation so that it can rest and cool down.
  2. Do not load the chainsaw beyond the capabilities of its class. For example, if you are using a household grade Partner 350 saw, then it is simply not designed to work for more than 40 minutes a day.
  3. Check the chain brake daily (this is done at maximum acceleration).
  4. Follow the manufacturer's requirements regarding the quality and composition of the fuel mixture.
  5. Check the condition of the spark plug weekly and clean the electrodes if necessary.
  6. Before using the saw, make sure the chain is sharp and installed correctly. Pay attention to the wear of the cutting links and sharpen them in a timely manner. Watch for cracks and breaks in the rivets.
  7. A properly tensioned chain does not sag, but it can be moved by hand. Never do this with a hot chain! Sharpen and/or tighten it after replacement.
  8. When refueling the chainsaw, make sure that dirt and other foreign particles do not get into the tank along with the fuel. Fill oil and gasoline carefully, do not spill them.

Often, when contacting a service center, it turns out that the Partner chainsaw broke down due to improper starting of the tool. Therefore, there is only one universal solution when a saw breaks down: handle it correctly, and most problems can be avoided.

And if you are interested in the second popular brand together with Partner, then the next article is about exactly that.

And for those who like to know more, we suggest you watch the video about chainsaw repair Partner

Builders, installers, rescuers and summer residents - all of them, sooner or later, take up a chainsaw when performing their tasks. And the final result of their activities largely depends on how reliably this tool works.

A chainsaw is used to cut wood.

It is worth noting that a chainsaw is a relatively simple device. Nevertheless, like other mechanisms, it periodically fails. When a chainsaw stalls while idling (this is one of the most common malfunctions), the biggest problem is to determine the reasons for this behavior of the device. If the source of the “disease” is correctly identified, returning the device to a working position will not be so difficult.

Therefore, the first thing you need to do is find out what malfunctions the chainsaw has and what leads to the engine stopping at idle.

The car stalls at idle: possible reasons

In order to answer the question of why the saw, periodically capricious, stalls at idle, we must keep in mind that this tool is based on an ordinary two-stroke internal combustion engine.

It follows that malfunctions are caused by various problems with the main components of any internal combustion engine: fuels and lubricants, the ignition system, the quality of the air-fuel mixture and compression inside the cylinder.

The main engine malfunctions include the following:

  • the engine does not start;
  • it starts, but, working unstably, quickly stalls at idle;
  • The chainsaw runs fine at idle, but stalls under load.

The reasons for idle speed problems can be different. But all of them can be reduced to several general positions. So, problems such as:

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Problems with fuel and air filters and their elimination

The chainsaw will stall at idle if the fuel or air filter is clogged. To find out the condition of the first element of the fuel system, you should disconnect the gas line from the carburetor. If, during pumping, fuel is supplied in doses that correspond to the specified standards, then the cause of the malfunction should be looked for elsewhere. If gasoline flows weakly to the carburetor or does not flow out of the hose at all, then most likely the filter is clogged with debris.

To clean it, it is removed from the tank (all fuel must be drained from the tank before this point). Removal occurs through the filler neck of the tank using a wire hook. The filter is disconnected from the suction hose. If possible, clean the filter. If this is not possible or it is impractical to do this for a number of reasons, the used filter is replaced with a new one.

The chainsaw may stall if the fuel filter becomes clogged.

The air filter can also become clogged with dirt or dust, causing rough idle. It should be remembered that this filter becomes clogged quite often, making it difficult for air to enter the system. The proportion of gasoline in the fuel-air mixture increases, and it becomes excessively enriched. In this case, normal engine operation cannot be expected.

To clean the air filter, remove it with extreme care so as not to shake dust into the carburetor. Next, it is cleaned and washed thoroughly. Detergent is added to the rinsing water. After drying, the air filter returns to its place in the chainsaw.

For normal operation of the cutting tool, it is recommended to change the fuel and air filters every 3 months.

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Spark plug problems and how to solve them

It is generally recommended that this key component of the ignition system be replaced at least once a year. But saw owners often forget about this rule. And therefore, you should not be surprised that a device, the maintenance of which is carried out fragmentarily, ultimately “holds” idle speed poorly.

The spark plug of a chainsaw needs to be changed once a year.

Therefore, you should pay attention to the following malfunctions associated with the operation of this system:

  1. Filling the spark plug with gasoline at start-up. To eliminate the problem, turn the candle out and dry it without calcining it. Excess gasoline is drained from the engine through the socket into which the spark plug is screwed. After a break of 30 minutes, the candle is installed in place and the mechanism starts.
  2. Lack of spark due to poor contact of the spark plug tip with the high voltage wire. The connection is checked, and if it is broken, the defect is eliminated.
  3. There is no spark due to a faulty electronic ignition unit. If you are confident that the connection between the tip and the high-voltage wire is reliable, but there is still no spark when the starter is turned on, then the cause of the breakdown may be a malfunction of the ignition unit. This component is not restored, it is only replaced with a new one.
  4. Incorrect gap between spark plug electrodes. In different types of candles this figure ranges from 0.2 to 0.5 mm. The correct gap is set using a feeler gauge of the appropriate thickness. A larger or smaller gap for a given type of spark plug is not allowed.

Meanwhile, during an initial inspection of the spark plug, it may turn out that the reason why the chainsaw refuses to work does not lie in defects in the spark plug or other elements of the ignition system.

Spark plugs can indicate a malfunction of the saw.

So, if the spark plug turns out to be completely dry, this may mean that the original problem lies in the impossibility of fuel entering the combustion chamber. In this case, you should check the entire gasoline supply chain from the carburetor itself.

At the same time, the presence of a characteristic black soot on the spark plug body is a sign that the carburetor is probably poorly adjusted. Because of this, the fuel mixture becomes oversaturated with gasoline. There may be oil in the fuel. In this case, you should clean the spark plug, replace the fuel and adjust the carburetor.

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Substandard carburetor operation

If it turns out experimentally that the filters are clean and the ignition system is not to blame for the fact that the chainsaw is not able to function at idle, the owner of the tool is recommended to switch his attention to the carburetor.

You need to disassemble and reassemble the carburetor without haste, since it contains many parts without which it will not be able to work.

Often, unstable operation is caused by misalignment of this unit, which is responsible for supplying a certain volume of air-fuel mixture to the engine cylinder. It can be adjusted with three special screws located on the carburetor: screws for maximum and minimum speed, as well as a screw that controls idle speed.

Some manufacturers, fearing unwanted interference from incompetent people, supply their products with only one idle screw. But in both cases, carburetor adjustment can be made only by strictly following all the manufacturer’s instructions.

However, even after adjusting the carburetor, in accordance with factory standards, this unit may act up. Then it is recommended to clean the fuel and air channels, jets, and filter element mesh. If the membrane is damaged, it must be replaced with a new one of high quality.

When carrying out maintenance and repair of a carburetor, you should always remember that it is usually stuffed with many very small parts, without which the device simply cannot work properly. Therefore, the carburetor should be disassembled and reassembled without haste and with extreme caution.

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Problems associated with improper operation of the fuel system

The chainsaw periodically stalls at idle also due to a violation of the integrity of the fuel line or an incorrect ratio of the ingredients of the “fuel mixture” consisting of gasoline and oil.

Before each switching on of the cutting mechanism, it is necessary to visually inspect its blocks and components, paying attention to possible defects in the surface of the housing, mechanical damage, and leaks of working fluids. This should also be done for the saw's fuel line, which is usually a rubber tube.

If the device was (especially for a long time) in a damp place and had to withstand sharp fluctuations in air temperatures, this tube could simply crack. This fuel line is not suitable for further use and should be replaced.

Another reason why a chainsaw may stall at idle is failure to comply with the ratio of ingredients when preparing the “fuel mixture”. The proportions of gasoline and oil included in it must exactly correspond to the branded instructions for a particular device. If they are not followed, the engine will not be sufficiently lubricated, and the entire mechanism will persistently stall.

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Idling problems due to a faulty muffler

If there is a noticeable drop in the power of the internal combustion engine at idle, after which the car often stalls, you need to remember to check the muffler. The fact is that this unit may be heavily clogged with resinous particles and combustion products of the spark extinguisher, which fall out on the walls of the muffler in the form of thick deposits.

As a result, the resulting impermeable layer interferes with the normal exhaust of exhaust gases. This situation must definitely be corrected. A simple repair of a clogged muffler is carried out as follows.

Cleaning the muffler with a dry cloth is not allowed, as carcinogenic carbon particles can enter the respiratory tract.

The muffler is removed from the engine and disassembled (if this type of muffler can be disassembled). In this case, it is necessary to plug the remaining holes from under the muffler.

The entire assembly and its individual parts are thoroughly washed with a rag soaked in water and detergents. If the muffler is dismountable, wait until all its parts are completely dry. The non-removable unit is dried using an ordinary household hair dryer. Cleaning this device with a dry cloth is not allowed, otherwise carcinogenic particles that form carbon deposits may enter the human respiratory tract.

As a preventative measure for the normal functioning of the muffler of two-stroke internal combustion engines, it is recommended to use only high-quality oil in the “fuel mixture” of chainsaws and only that which is prescribed by the manufacturer of this unit.


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