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1.1) How to prepare for admission?

  1.– the website contains relevant and useful information for MIPT applicants.
  2. – a great way to prepare for exams and studies at MIPT.
  3. : classes for grades 9-11 run from September to March, the last few lectures are devoted to preparing applicants for exams.
  4. Foxford online school for grades 5-11. Classes are taught by MIPT teachers who have extensive experience working with schoolchildren.
  5. New opportunity to prepare for entrance exams – Electronic Physics and Technology School (eFTS) .
  6. Options for entrance exams and problem books from previous years are indispensable material for preparing for.

1.2) What is Open Day and when is it held?

At the Open Day, applicants are given the opportunity to familiarize themselves with information stands, the program of graduating departments and meet representatives (students, dean’s office) of physics and technology schools. As a rule, first there is a presentation of the Physics and Technology Institute as a whole, which takes place in the concert hall, then you can attend a presentation of one or more faculties of interest to the applicant. These events are held annually in January and April. Keep an eye out for announcements about the next Open Day on


2.1 ) Where can I find out the rules for admission to MIPT?

2.3 ) The results of which events can be counted as entrance exams at MIPT?

2. 5 ) How do correspondence Olympiads affect admission to MIPT?

The winners of the Olympiad, by decision of the organizing committee of the MIPT Physics and Mathematics Olympiads, receive MIPT diplomas and recommendations from the Physics and Technology Center, giving the right to preferential admission to MIPT, all other things being equal, at the interview.

2.6 What admission benefits do applicants who graduate from school with a gold medal have?

MIPT does not provide any admission benefits for applicants who graduate from school with a medal. They submit documents on the same basis as other applicants and undergo an interview. However, a medal can make a favorable impression in an interview.

2.7 ) What benefits generally exist?

Without entrance examinations, MIPT accepts winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiads in mathematics, physics and computer science, as well as members of Russian national teams participating in international Olympiads in these subjects. Subject to successful completion of entrance examinations, persons belonging to the categories provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation are accepted outside the competition.

2.8 ) What is the passing score for admission to FRTK and other faculties?

The average passing score on the FRTK has been just below 280 points over the past few years. For applicants with scores close to this boundary, the interview played a particularly important role. Based on its results, the applicant was either enrolled in the FRTK or received an offer to enroll in another faculty.

2 . 9) Is it possible to do this with 300 points?

Perhaps :) But it is worth considering that at the interview you will need to make an excellent impression on the representatives of the commission. For example, with your sporting achievements, diplomas from many Olympiads, hobbies, etc.

2 . 10) What is an interview? How does it go?

The applicant undergoes an interview at the faculty to which he applied. At the interview, the commission (consisting of representatives of the dean’s office, institute and basic departments of the faculty, as well as the central admissions committee) gets acquainted with the student, forms a general impression of him, his inclination towards science and the advisability of his admission to this faculty. Important factors in the commission’s decision-making are the sum of points in mathematics and physics, diplomas from various (especially Physics and Technology) Olympiads, the student’s interest in the areas of training at the faculty, his achievements in sports, art, and technical creativity.

2.11 ) How to enroll in FRTK for paid training?

If you did not pass the competition for a budget place, then you can apply for paid training. This can be done immediately, or it can be done at the end of August, when additional recruitment for paid places is carried out. However, the sooner you submit your application, the more likely it is that you will be enrolled, since at the end of August recruitment for paid places takes place on a competitive basis. The cost of studying at MIPT in the 2016/17 academic year is 100 thousand rubles. per semester and does not change throughout the entire period of study.

2. 12 ) Is it possible to transfer to MIPT from another university?

Can. The transfer is carried out if there are vacant places in the 2nd year upon completion of the 2nd year of study at the university where the student studied (that is, with the loss of a year). During the transfer, an interview is conducted in general physics and mathematics (mathematical analysis and analytical geometry).

2.13 )Is it possible for foreigners to enroll on a budget?

Citizens of the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic and the Republic of Tajikistan, as well as persons with a residence permit in the Russian Federation, act in the same way as citizens of the Russian Federation and can be enrolled both in the budget and for paid education under the same conditions. Citizens of other states - republics of the former USSR can be accepted for 1st year in places financed from the federal budget or for paid education. Foreign citizens, with the exception of citizens of states - republics of the former USSR, are accepted only for paid education.

2. 14 ) Are applicants and Olympiad participants provided with housing? "Phystech"?

Applicants (both citizens of the Russian Federation and foreign citizens) are provided with housing in the summer. In the spring, the dormitories are occupied by students and during the spring Olympiads it is impossible to provide a dormitory for everyone, but if possible, you can be accommodated in dormitory clubs or with friends.


3. 1 ) What is the Phystech Olympiad?

The Phystech Olympiad is held in March. Participants in the Phystech Olympiad who achieve a high result are winners and prize-winners of the Olympiad and can count this result as an entrance test.

3.2) What is the Traditional MIPT Olympiad?

The traditional Physics and Mathematics Olympiad is held annually at the end of February - beginning of March within the walls of MIPT. The Olympics are open, and anyone can participate in it. The winners of the Olympiad, by decision of the organizing committee of the MIPT Physics and Mathematics Olympiads, receive MIPT diplomas and recommendations from the Physics and Technology Center, giving the right to preferential admission, all other things being equal.

3.3 ) Are there visiting Olympiads? ?

MIPT visiting physics and mathematics Olympiads are held annually in mid-January - early February by MIPT students and graduate students. Currently, schoolchildren of grades 10-11 from schools in cities and towns of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Moldova and other countries annually participate in the Olympiad. Approximately every sixth participant in the Olympiad is a student at the Correspondence School of Physics and Technology at MIPT. Diploma winners of the Olympiad, by decision of the organizing committee of the MIPT Physics and Mathematics Olympiads, receive MIPT diplomas and recommendations from the Physics and Technology Center, giving the right to preferential admission, all other things being equal.

3.4 ) What's happened « Start in science » ?

This is an international scientific and technical competition for schoolchildren. For more information, see the competition website. Laureates and diploma holders have advantages when enrolling in the institute, other things being equal. The competition is held on the basis of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University) (MIPT) with the participation of the Federal Correspondence School of Physics and Technology at MIPT, the Interuniversity Center for the Education and Development of Talented Youth in the Field of Natural and Mathematical Sciences "Phystech Center", leading research institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Russian Academy of Education and scientific centers of Russia. Competition goals:

  • development of intellectual creativity of students, involving them in research activities in science, economics and management;
  • identifying talented and gifted students in the field of scientific and technical creativity, providing them with support;
  • attracting scientists from leading Russian research centers and universities to work with students;
  • formation of creative connections with research teams, organization of mutual communication;
  • attracting public attention to the problems of developing the intellectual potential of society.


4 .1) Is there a military department at MIPT?

Yes, MIPT has one; admission there is carried out on a competitive basis. Students are studying in the 3rd year at the military department. Then at the end of the 3rd year - training in a military unit and passing exams. Those who successfully complete the training program are promoted to the rank of reserve soldier or sergeant. Those who wish can continue their studies in the reserve officer training program (4-5 years).

4 .2) Is there a deferment from the army?

While studying at MIPT, the student is given a deferment from the army for the entire period of study in accordance with the law.

4.3) I entered Phystech, I'm going to live in a dormitory. Do I need to be discharged and/or deregistered from the military register at my place of permanent residence?

If you are a nonresident student, then you need to deregister from the military register at your place of residence on the basis of a notice of admission to MIPT and go to 330 Civil Code. If you are from Moscow, then you don’t need to go anywhere. If you are not a citizen of the Russian Federation, then you need to get a certificate stating that you are a full-time student, and you do not need to be deregistered from the military register at your place of residence.


5. 1 ) MIPT takes 3rd place in the ranking of Russian universities. Does this mean that there are 2 more universities in Russia that teach physics better?

Ratings vary. There are ratings based on sociological surveys, there are ratings conducted by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and others. Almost incomparable universities are compared, for example, the State University Higher School of Economics and Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. Of course, economics is taught much better at the Higher School of Economics. The fact that MIPT takes 3rd place in the ranking does not mean that somewhere else physics is taught better; after all, physics is not the only comparison criterion.

5.2 ) What are departments and what are faculties?

An applicant chooses a physics and technology school upon admission depending on his interests and score and submits documents for it. At the interview, the commission, having gotten to know the applicant, may recommend that he apply to another physics and technology school if it is more in line with the applicant’s interests and his chances of being accepted there are higher. In years 1-3, the school program is largely similar: a general fundamental education in physics and mathematics is given, an extended course in computer science is taught, and English is studied. In the 2-3 years, the student must choose one of the basic departments (department is a department of the university that prepares the student within a certain specialty) at his school. There are departments at institute and physical and technical schools, and any of them can be basic. The graduating basic departments are associated with basic institutes and companies, where students, starting from the 4th year, spend 3-5 days a week working on real projects.

5.3 ) Is there a correspondence course at MIPT?

No, all training at MIPT is full-time.

5.4 ) What is the size of the faculty scholarship?

MIPT has a social scholarship paid to disabled people who suffered as a result of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and not only. There is an additional social scholarship in the amount of 4,500 rubles, paid to students from low-income families. There is a regular academic scholarship in the amount of 4400 rubles, an increased one of 5500 rubles, all first-year students in the first semester receive a scholarship in the amount of 4400 rubles. There is also a scholarship from the Development Foundation in the amount of 13,000 rubles (approximately 20-25% of 1st-4th year students). Students who have studied well for several semesters and actively participated in scientific and social life can receive personalized scholarships: a scholarship from the MIPT Academic Council; Potanin scholarship; scholarship from the Moscow City Hall; scholarship from the Dolgoprudny city administration; scholarship from the President of Russia. Additional financial assistance is also paid to students who perform some socially useful activity.

5.4 ) Is it possible to earn extra money during junior years and how to do it so as not to harm your studies?

It's possible, but you shouldn't do it. In your junior year, you will have to spend all your free time studying. And by working part-time, you will spend this time working, so you will accumulate a lot of debt, and it will be almost impossible to pass the exam. Juniors should be studying, not working. The opportunity to earn extra money will appear in senior years. If you have financial problems, you need to apply for a social scholarship and contact the dean’s office for financial assistance. Good academic performance (no C grades) will allow you to receive an academic scholarship. In addition, 25% of 1st-3rd year students receive an additional personal scholarship in the amount of 13,000 rubles, and you can be among them if you study successfully.

5.6 ) Where do students and applicants eat?

Students usually eat in the student canteen, which is located directly opposite the FRTC dormitory. Also, almost every academic building has canteens where you can go during a break between classes. For those who prefer to cook on their own, there are two kitchens with electric stoves on each floor of the hostel.

5.7 ) What is there in the FRTC dormitory? How do students live?

There is a gym in the FRTC dormitory. There is a club where discos are held on holidays, and a reading room (botalka) where you can study in peace. On the ground floor there are two showers (male and female). There is a washing room (3 automatic washing machines), a vacuum cleaner for public use.

5.8 ) Is the hostel available for foreign citizens?

Yes, the hostel is provided to citizens of the Russian Federation and foreign citizens both for the period from submitting documents until the admissions committee makes a decision on enrollment, and for the duration of their studies.

5.9 ) I have a MIPT prospectus, it says: “At the disposal of MIPT students and employees: a 25-meter swimming pool, a chess club, a table tennis hall, a clay tennis court, two sports buildings with a games room and a bodybuilding room, a recovery center (sauna), a small gym, wrestling and boxing halls, a ski lodge, a football field, volleyball and basketball courts." Such an attractive image is created. But is all this really there, and what of this is provided to students for a fee, and is it expensive, and what is free?

Everything is really there and is provided by the university for free (with a student card).

Taking into account individual achievements of applicants upon admission
in 2016

When admitting students to undergraduate and specialist programs, the University awards points for the following individual achievements:

For having a certificate of secondary general education with honors or a certificate of secondary general education (secondary (complete) general education), containing information about the award of a gold or silver medal, a diploma of secondary vocational education with honors, 1 point is added.

For individual achievements when participating in olympiads and other intellectual competitions and competitions for schoolchildren, points are added according to Table 1. The applicant’s achievements over the past three years before admission are taken into account, unless otherwise indicated in the table, provided that they are not used to obtain special rights.

For individual achievements when participating in sports and creative competitions and competitions for schoolchildren, points are added according to Table 2; the applicant’s achievements for the entire period prior to admission are taken into account, unless otherwise indicated in the table.

The total score for individual achievements cannot exceed 10 points.

Table 1. Table for recording individual intellectual achievements

Event Conditions for adding points
Schoolchildren's tournament in experimental physics "The Best Experimenter of Science City" (regional stage) Winners - 2 points, runners-up - 1 point.
International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) Participants - 10 points.
International Physics Olympiad (IPhO) Participants - 10 points.
International Olympiad in Astronomy and Astrophysics (IOAA) Participants - 10 points.
International Astronomy Olympiad (IAO) Participants - 10 points.
International Olympiad in Physics “Romanian Masters” Participants - 10 points.
International Olympiad in Mathematics “Romanian Masters” Participants - 10 points.
International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) Participants - 10 points.
International Chemistry Olympiad (IСhO) Participants - 10 points.
International Space Olympiad in mathematics, physics and computer science in Korolev
International Experimental Physics Olympiad (IEPhO) Winners - 3 points, runners-up - 2 points.
Capital Physics and Mathematics Olympiad MIPT Provided that special rights obtained as a result of participation in the subsequent final stages of the Phystech Olympiad in mathematics and physics are not used, winners - 3 points, prize-winners - 2 points.
International Junior Science Olympiad in Physics, Biology and Chemistry (IJSO)
MIPT visiting physics and mathematics Olympiad Provided that special rights obtained as a result of participation in the subsequent final stages of the Phystech Olympiad in mathematics and physics are not used, winners - 2 points, prize-winners - 1 point.
International Zhautykov Olympiad in mathematics, physics and computer science Winners - 10 points, II degree winners - 9 points, III degree winners - 8 points.
National Olympiads for schoolchildren of stage IV (final stage) in mathematics, physics, astronomy, computer science or chemistry Winners and runners-up – 10 points.
National Olympiads for schoolchildren of the IV stage (final stage) in biology Winners - 4 points, runners-up - 3 points.
National Olympiads for schoolchildren of the III stage (regional stage) in mathematics or physics or astronomy or computer science or chemistry or biology Winners in mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer science - 7 points, prize-winners in mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer science of the 2nd degree - 5 points, prize-winners in mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer science of the 3rd degree - 3 points.
Competitions as part of educational training at the Winter Computer School (WCS) for schoolchildren in Dolgoprudny
Competitions within the framework of educational training at the Summer School “Combinatorics and Algorithms” Winners - 5 points, II degree winners - 4 points, III degree winners - 3 points.
Olympiads for first-level schoolchildren in mathematics or physics or computer science or chemistry or biology included in the approved list of Olympiads for schoolchildren in the 2013/14 or 2014/15 or 2015/16 academic year. Winners in mathematics, physics, computer science - 10 points, prize-winners in mathematics, physics, computer science - 8 points; winners in chemistry - 8 points, prize-winners - 6 points; winners in biology - 4 points, prize-winners - 3 points.
Olympiads for second-level schoolchildren in mathematics or physics or computer science or chemistry or biology included in the approved list of Olympiads for schoolchildren in the 2013/14 or 2014/15 or 2015/16 academic year. Winners in mathematics, physics, computer science - 8 points, prize-winners in mathematics, physics, computer science - 6 points; winners in chemistry - 6 points, prize-winners - 4 points; winners in biology - 2 points, prize-winners - 2 points.
Graduate of the Correspondence School of Physics and Technology (ZFTS) For graduation, 2 points are added, provided that the applicant studied at school for at least two years in at least one subject. For “excellent” grades in subjects on the school completion certificate, an additional 1 point is added for each subject with this grade. An additional 1 point is added for a red certificate.
Speech at the scientific, technical and scientific-practical conference of schoolchildren “Start in Science” in sections that are relevant for existing areas and specialties of training, as well as in biology For each I, II or III degree diploma of the international conference “Start in Science”, 5, 4 or 3 points are added, respectively, for a laureate’s diploma - 7 points. For participation in at least two final stages of the international conference “Start in Science” with different reports on the same subject, 1 point is added.
Participation in the work of the Small Academy of Sciences (MAN) of Crimea “Seeker” in subjects that are core to existing areas and specialties of training, as well as in biology For the certificate of a full member of the Minor Academy of Sciences (MAS) of Crimea “Seeker”, 10 points are added.
Open Chemistry Olympiad for schoolchildren 2015/16 academic year
Robotics Olympics Roboton.MiR Winners - 10 points, runners-up - 8 points.
Scientific and practical conference “Start in Innovation” Participation for at least the last three years, each victory of the team during the specified period is valued at 1 point.
Programming Olympiad for schoolchildren "Technocup" Winners - 8 points, runners-up - 6 points.

Table 2. Table for recording sports and creative individual achievements

Achievement Conditions for adding points
Holder of champion status based on the results of participation in sports competitions, participant in international sports competitions, winner and/or prize-winner of national sports competitions, holder of sports titles and/or categories, holder of the “Ready for Labor and Defense” badge If you have the sports title “Grandmaster of Russia”, 4 points are added. If you have one of the categories in chess (except for the 4th), the title of “Candidate Master of Sports” or “Master of Sports” in chess, 2 points are added
If you have a gold badge received for the results of passing the standards of the physical education complex “Ready for Labor and Defense”, or the 4th sports category in chess, 1 point is added.
Music school and/or music college For graduating from school or college - 2 points.
Art school For graduation - 2 points.

MIPT— Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. The university is located in Dolgoprudny, in the Moscow region. It is considered one of the best technical universities in Russia. The system of continuous education here is developed at the proper level: brilliant and talented children are selected at the stage of admission to specialized basic lyceums and schools. In the first or second year, children study theoretical disciplines (mainly physics and mathematics). In older courses, up to three study days are spent at the “base” - the experimental sites of the university. In addition to a high level of training in technical disciplines, the students study foreign languages ​​at an in-depth level, which provides a unique opportunity to work abroad.

Passing score:

Passing score at MIPT 2013

Passing score

I wave

Passing score

II wave

Faculty of Radio Engineering and Cybernetics (FRTC)

Computer security

Faculty of General and Applied Physics (FOPF)

Applied mathematics and physics (APPF)

Faculty of Aerophysics and Space Research (FAKI)

Applied mathematics and physics (FAKI)
System analysis and management (FACI)
System analysis and management (FAKI under a joint program with the Academy of National Economy)

Faculty of Molecular and Chemical Physics (FMCP)

Applied Mathematics and Physics (FMBF)

Faculty of Physical and Quantum Electronics (FFQE)

Applied mathematics and physics (FFKE)

Faculty of Aeromechanics and Flight Technology (FALT)

Applied Mathematics and Physics (FALT)
Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (FALT)

Faculty of Management and Applied Mathematics (FUPM)

Applied mathematics and physics (FUPM)

Faculty of Problems of Physics and Energy (FPPE)

Applied Mathematics and Physics (APFE)

Faculty of Innovation and High Technologies (FIHT)

Applied mathematics and physics (FIVT)
Applied mathematics and physics (FIVT under a joint program with the Academy of National Economy)
Applied mathematics and computer science (FIVT)

Faculty of Biological and Medical Physics (FBMP)

Applied Mathematics and Physics (FBMF)

Faculty of Nano-, Bio-, Information and Cognitive Technologies (FNBIK)

Applied mathematics and physics (FNBIK)
Applied mathematics and computer science (FNBIK)

Tuition fee:

Name of specialty / area of ​​trainingCost of education

Faculty of Radio Engineering and Cybernetics

Applied mathematics and physics (FRTC)136000
Informatics and Computer Science136000
Computer security136000

Faculty of General and Applied Physics


Faculty of Aerophysics and Space Research

Applied mathematics and physics136000
System analysis and management136000

Faculty of Molecular and Biological Physics

Applied mathematics and physics136000

Faculty of Physical and Quantum Electronics

Applied mathematics and physics136000

Faculty of Aeromechanics and Flight Technology

Applied mathematics and physics136000

Faculty of Management and Applied Mathematics

Applied mathematics and physics136000

Faculty of Physics and Energy Problems

Applied mathematics and physics136000

Faculty of Innovation and High Technologies

Applied mathematics and physics136000
Applied mathematics and physics Applied mathematics and physics (FIVT under a joint program with the Academy of National Economy)136000
Applied mathematics and computer science136000

Faculty of Nano-, Bio-, Information and Cognitive Technologies

Applied mathematics and physics136000
Applied mathematics and computer science136000

Faculty of Information Business Systems

System analysis and management136000

Information about the hostel:

Dormitory location: from the Novodachnaya railway station it is a 5-minute walk. The train takes about 20 minutes to Savelovsky station.

Distance from the university: Academic buildings are located across the street from residential buildings.

Facilities: there is a shower room (there is one on 5 floors), a toilet and a kitchen are located on each floor.

Entrance to the hostel: until one o'clock in the morning. It is possible later, but you should warn about this.

Conditions: All nonresident students and most Muscovites are provided with a dormitory in the first three years. For those whose journey from home to campus takes more than 2 hours, dormitory accommodation is provided first.

April 30, 2016

The Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (Phystech or MIPT), whose faculties regularly produce a huge number of qualified specialists, is one of the most prestigious educational institutions engaged in research activities. Future professionals in the field of applied mathematics, physics, chemistry, biotechnology, computer science and other similar disciplines are trained here.


This university was founded in the 50s of the last century. At its origins stood such famous scientists as Lev Landau, Pyotr Kapitsa and others. The basis of MIPT education is a unique system, which, according to the founders, was the most suitable for mastering certain sciences to the fullest.

Over the years of MIPT's existence, the university's faculties have produced Nobel laureates, astronauts, world-famous engineers and inventors. In 1995, it received the status of a state educational institution. And already at the beginning of 2000, the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences adopted a resolution that concerns the integration of education and science in the training of specialized personnel.

What is the Phystech system?

At MIPT, faculties of various fields have been working according to its principles for more than a decade. They were formulated by P.L. himself. Kapitsa, and they look like this:

  • students must be trained in their specialty by researchers from basic institutes using modern technical equipment for training;
  • work should be carried out with each student individually;
  • every student is obliged to take direct part in scientific activities from the second or third year;
  • After graduation, he must be able to use and know research methods in theory and practice, as well as have sufficient knowledge of engineering in order to solve certain technical problems.

Description of the MIPT educational system

University faculties have their own system, according to which a combination of such things as:

  • fundamental education;
  • classroom work without homework;
  • engineering disciplines;
  • attracting students to research work on the basis of industry institutions.

It is worth noting that the number of academicians and corresponding members from the Russian Academy of Sciences in the teaching staff of MIPT is much greater than in any other Russian university.

Information about the educational institution

When applying to MIPT, it is important to find out which faculties and specialties are most suitable for you or your child applicant. All of them are aimed at training specialists in various scientific and technical fields.

At the university there are various forms of education and preparatory courses, which take place at the correspondence school of physics and technology at MIPT. The faculties and specialties of the institution help to obtain a bachelor's or master's degree.

The university itself is located in the Moscow region, the city of Dolgoprudny.

University specialties

An important question will be what faculties there are at MIPT. Below is a list of them:

  • Aeromechanics and aircraft technology. This department of the university appeared in the 60s with the aim of training qualified personnel in the field of aerospace transport and more.
  • Aerophysics and space research. Here you can get specialties that are related to mathematical modeling, astronautics, new technologies, mechanics and much more.
  • Biological and medical physics.
  • High technologies and innovations.
  • Nano- and other technologies.
  • Problems of energy and physics. This faculty has a thorough cycle, it contains all modern specialties in this area, including applied ones.
  • General and applied physics.
  • Humanities.
  • Radio engineering and cybernetics and others.

Admission conditions

At MIPT, faculties and passing scores are interconnected. They may differ slightly for one department or another. They may also vary from year to year depending on certain circumstances or requirements.

For example, take 2013 and some MIPT faculties. The passing score in most of them is 275 in the first wave and the same in the second. So, in order to enroll in specialties related to innovation and high technology, they should be recruited to almost 300, the situation is similar with nano- and biotechnologies.

You can check with the admissions office and on the educational institution’s website for more up-to-date information regarding passing scores for admission in 2016.

For future doctors

MIPT has a faculty of biological and medical physics, which trains specialists in the most promising professions of the future - bioengineering, technology and biological physics.

Its structure includes departments whose employees help students learn the features of certain areas. In particular, such as:

  • molecular physiology;
  • systems biology;
  • biophysics;
  • biomedicine;
  • physics of living organisms;
  • molecular cellular technologies and many others.


At MIPT, the Faculty of Chemistry also includes the molecular study of certain objects. A large number of specialized areas are represented on its basis. The Faculty of Molecular and Chemical Physics combines disciplines that are in one way or another connected with modern natural science. Here they study objects and organisms, ranging from cosmic plasmas to molecules.

Many graduates of this faculty take an active part in the research and scientific work of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and the Russian Academy of Sciences, are at the helm of industrial companies and are engaged in high-tech developments.


Another department, similar in terms of disciplines to the previous one, molecular and biological physics, was formed in the 90s. To date, it has united 15 graduating departments. Like many other faculties at MIPT, it has concentrated the work of academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and members of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine also teach here.

It trains students in the following areas:

  • low temperature physics;
  • information technologies in biology and medicine;
  • ecological problems;
  • thermonuclear fusion control;
  • composite materials;
  • quantum chemistry and chemical physics;
  • electronics at the molecular level and much more.

The basic departments that are part of this faculty are located not only at MIPT, but also at many specialized Institutes, including the Russian Academy of Sciences, research institutes and others.

For information technology professionals

There is a cybernetics department at MIPT, which is combined with radio engineering. It, like the entire university, prepares masters and bachelors in applied sciences. A key feature of this unit is the mandatory combination of deep and detailed theory with detailed experimental preparation. All this is an indisputable condition for the formation of a student as a highly qualified specialist, capable of proposing innovations and being able to implement them in real life.

Such skills are widely in demand in the field of information technology and beyond. Innovation is needed in medicine, in business, in economics, and in management at various levels. The diploma awarded upon completion of this faculty is recognized by large companies not only in Russia, but also far beyond its borders.

Here students can choose the following disciplines:

  • computer networks and communication systems;
  • satellite and mobile communications;
  • navigation systems;
  • space monitoring;
  • neurocomputer industry;
  • optical information technologies;
  • management of technical and economic systems and much more.

Reviews from students and graduates

Like any other university, some of the students like MIPT, and some not so much. Many students managed to find good jobs after graduation, while others needed additional education. It all depends on the department, faculty, teachers. Many factors depend on the student himself, first of all, on his desire to learn.

However, if we move on to reviews on the Internet, then the key advantages of this university, its students and graduates name the opportunity to fundamentally study certain disciplines, as well as the fact that already during their studies they get the opportunity to work in promising areas of activity that will be in demand for more than a dozen years.

They also note the disadvantages of this educational institution. Thus, most of them believe that the program is overloaded with unnecessary disciplines. In addition, the level of teaching is far from ideal in all subjects. Especially when it comes to research methods.

Also, some believe that the program is not fully thought out and changes too often. Others are dissatisfied with the small number of sports grounds, but note that there are more than enough other sections and clubs.

Positive feedback includes student cohesion and mutual assistance, good preparation in English and other languages, and high quality teaching.

University graduates cannot always find a job strictly in their specialty, especially in the scientific field, finding it is not always easy. For those who graduated from an educational institution in areas related to information technology, it is much easier. If they are professionals, then they are in demand not only in Russia, but also abroad.

(Phystech or MIPT), whose faculties regularly produce a huge number of qualified specialists, is one of the most prestigious educational institutions that are engaged in research activities. Future professionals in the field of applied mathematics, physics, chemistry, biotechnology, computer science and other similar disciplines are trained here.


This university was founded in the 50s of the last century. At its origins stood such famous scientists as Pyotr Kapitsa and others. The basis of MIPT education is a unique system, which, according to the founders, was the most suitable for mastering certain sciences to the fullest.

Over the years of MIPT's existence, the university's faculties have produced Nobel laureates, astronauts, world-famous engineers and inventors. In 1995, it received the status of a state educational institution. And already at the beginning of 2000, the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences adopted a resolution that concerns the integration of education and science in the training of specialized personnel.

What is the Phystech system?

At MIPT, faculties of various fields have been working according to its principles for more than a decade. They were formulated by P.L. himself. Kapitsa, and they look like this:

  • students must be trained in their specialty by researchers from basic institutes using modern technical equipment for training;
  • work should be carried out with each student individually;
  • every student is obliged to take direct part in scientific activities from the second or third year;
  • After graduation, he must be able to use and know research methods in theory and practice, as well as have sufficient knowledge of engineering in order to solve certain technical problems.

Description of the MIPT educational system

University faculties have their own system, according to which a combination of such things as:

  • fundamental education;
  • classroom work without homework;
  • engineering disciplines;
  • attracting students to research work on the basis of industry institutions.

It is worth noting that the number of academicians and corresponding members from the Russian Academy of Sciences in the teaching staff of MIPT is much greater than in any other Russian university.

Information about the educational institution

When applying to MIPT, it is important to find out which faculties and specialties are most suitable for you or your child applicant. All of them are aimed at training specialists in various scientific and technical fields.

At the university there are various forms of education and preparatory courses, which take place at the correspondence school of physics and technology at MIPT. The faculties and specialties of the institution help to obtain a bachelor's or master's degree.

The university itself is located in the Moscow region, the city of Dolgoprudny.

University specialties

An important question will be what faculties there are at MIPT. Below is a list of them:

  • Aeromechanics and aircraft technology. This department of the university appeared in the 60s with the aim of training qualified personnel in the field of aerospace transport and more.
  • Aerophysics and space research. Here you can get specialties that are related to mathematical modeling, astronautics, new technologies, mechanics and much more.
  • Biological and medical physics.
  • High technologies and innovations.
  • Nano- and other technologies.
  • Problems of energy and physics. This faculty has a thorough cycle, it contains all modern specialties in this area, including applied ones.
  • General and applied physics.
  • Humanities.
  • Radio engineering and cybernetics and others.

Admission conditions

At MIPT, the faculties are interconnected. They may differ slightly for one department or another. They may also vary from year to year depending on certain circumstances or requirements.

For example, take 2013 and some MIPT faculties. The passing score in most of them is 275 in the first wave and the same in the second. So, in order to enroll in specialties related to innovation and high technology, they should be recruited to almost 300, the situation is similar with nano- and biotechnologies.

You can check with the admissions office and on the educational institution’s website for more up-to-date information regarding passing scores for admission in 2016.

For future doctors

There is also medical physics at MIPT, which trains specialists in the field of the future - bioengineering, technology and biological physics.

Its structure includes departments whose employees help students learn the features of certain areas. In particular, such as:

  • molecular physiology;
  • systems biology;
  • biophysics;
  • biomedicine;
  • physics of living organisms;
  • molecular cellular technologies and many others.


At MIPT, the Faculty of Chemistry also includes the molecular study of certain objects. A large number of specialized areas are represented on its basis. The Faculty of Molecular and Chemical Physics combines disciplines that are in one way or another connected with modern natural science. Here they study objects and organisms, ranging from cosmic plasmas to molecules.

Many graduates of this faculty take an active part in the research and scientific work of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and the Russian Academy of Sciences, are at the helm of industrial companies and are engaged in high-tech developments.


Another department, similar in terms of disciplines to the previous one, molecular and biological physics, was formed in the 90s. To date, it has united 15 graduating departments. Like many other faculties at MIPT, it has concentrated the work of academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and members of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine also teach here.

It trains students in the following areas:

  • low temperature physics;
  • information technologies in biology and medicine;
  • ecological problems;
  • thermonuclear fusion control;
  • composite materials;
  • quantum chemistry and chemical physics;
  • electronics at the molecular level and much more.

The basic departments that are part of this faculty are located not only at MIPT, but also at many specialized Institutes, including the Russian Academy of Sciences, research institutes and others.

For information technology professionals

There is a cybernetics department at MIPT, which is combined with radio engineering. It, like the entire university, prepares masters and bachelors in applied sciences. A key feature of this unit is the mandatory combination of deep and detailed theory with detailed experimental preparation. All this is an indisputable condition for the formation of a student as a highly qualified specialist, capable of proposing innovations and being able to implement them in real life.

Such skills are widely in demand in the field of information technology and beyond. Innovation is needed in medicine, in business, in economics, and in management at various levels. The diploma awarded upon completion of this faculty is recognized by large companies not only in Russia, but also far beyond its borders.

Here students can choose the following disciplines:

  • computer networks and communication systems;
  • satellite and mobile communications;
  • navigation systems;
  • space monitoring;
  • neurocomputer industry;
  • optical information technologies;
  • management of technical and economic systems and much more.


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