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Every day, many different goods are transported thanks to road transport. However, the download has its limits. When they are violated, there will be a fine for overloading the truck.

The responsibility for the overweight along the axes is established by law for a reason. Indeed, because of a heavy car, the road surface suffers.

In addition, the risk of an emergency increases, the car will not be able to brake in time, it can get into a skid on a slippery road.

In this article:

Who is responsible for axle reloading of a truck

The current version of the Code of Administrative Offenses of 2019 identifies several subjects on which responsibility can be assigned. First of all, the truck driver may suffer.

If the car belongs to an enterprise, then the responsibility is often brought to the firm and the official (manager). When the vehicle is in use, the responsibility rests with the lessee of the truck.

The following question arises: what is the threat of the overweight of freight transport, if the violation is recorded by road photo and video cameras?

In this case, the owner of the car will be responsible. This applies not only to citizens, but also to legal entities, as well as individual entrepreneurs.

At the same time, penalties for axle overload of a vehicle for individual entrepreneurs are the same as in relation to enterprises. The corresponding note contains an article for the advantage along the axes.

In accordance with part 9 of article 12.21.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, penalty for the consignor for overweight, inaccurate information about the weight and dimensions of the cargo in the accompanying documents.

The responsibility of the shipper for reloading is:

  1. For citizens in the amount of 5 thousand rubles;
  2. For officials - from 25 thousand to 35 thousand rubles;
  3. For legal entities - from 350 thousand to 400 thousand rubles.

The amount of sanctions directly depends on how much the load on the car is exceeded. The presence of a permit for the transportation of large cargo is also important. For exceeding the weight specified in it, there is a separate liability.

Sanctions provided for by article 12.21.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation

In order to find out what are the fines for trucks, it is enough to refer to article 12.21.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. It consists of several parts and establishes responsibility depending on how exactly the axle load has been exceeded.

In addition to the fact that a fine can be issued, the truck is placed in an impoundment parking lot. Then for his stay there you will have to pay an additional fee.

The amount of the fine is different for citizens, officials and businesses.

Minimum the amount can be one and a half thousand rubles, and the maximum is 500 thousand... Extreme responsibility occurs in the event of an overload exceeding half or more of the permissible standards.

The responsibility for ignoring the requirements of road signs regulating the order of movement of heavy vehicles is established separately.

For exceeding the figures indicated on them, a fine of up to 5 thousand rubles is imposed. And it is charged the same way for everyone.

Overload penalty table

Excess weightPunishment
2% to 10%Driver: 1 - 1.5 thousand rubles.
Official: 10-15 thousand rubles.
Yur. person: 100 - 150 thousand rubles.
10% to 20%Driver: 3 - 4 thousand rubles.
Official: 25-30 thousand rubles.
Yur. person: 250 - 300 thousand rubles.
20% to 50%Driver: 5 - 10 thousand rubles. or deprivation of rights for 2-4 months.
Official: 35 - 40 thousand rubles.
Yur. person: 350 - 400 thousand rubles.
50% or moreDriver: 7-10 thousand rubles or deprivation of rights for 4-6 months.
Official: 45 - 50 thousand rubles.
Yur. person: 450 - 500 thousand rubles.

What is considered overload

Excess weight is considered to be an unacceptable load on the wagon axles. There is a special table with which the allowable parameters are calculated.

They depend on the type of vehicle and the distance between its front and rear axles. In addition, the type of track along which the car is moving will play a role.

Weight check takes place at special control points. And if an excess is revealed, then the carrier will be penalized. They can be appealed both to the traffic police and to the court.

Practice shows that it is not always possible to defend one's innocence. Therefore, it is best to enlist the support of an experienced lawyer.

Please note that if the overload was insignificant (within two percent), then the administrative responsibility does not occur . Beware of divorces on the part of weight control and traffic police officers if a fine will be issued for overloading along the axles.

In order to understand what the overloading of a truck is fraught with in 2019, it is important to study the norms of not only the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, but also the rules of the road. Armed with all the knowledge, it will be easy to defend your innocence.

Once again, we will emphasize that the amount of responsibility largely depends on whether there is a transhipment permit for transportation. Its absence can be fraught with the deprivation of a driver's license for up to six months.

How to get a transport permit

Permits for the transport of heavy goods are issued by local or federal authorities responsible for the state of the road sector. It all depends on which roads are to be traveled and the region.

To obtain a permit, you must provide the documents for the car, the scheme, as well as the planned route of movement. Sometimes you may need an escort from the traffic police. This moment is being worked out at the stage of obtaining permission.

The permit may be valid not only for one, but also for several trains. In this case, the period of validity is stipulated in the document itself. A permit is required for transportation.

Therefore, the driver must have it. In addition, the mention of permission must be present in the consignment note.

Overloading: Consequences

Fines for overloading transport in 2019 remained the same, and all of them are spelled out in article 12.21.1 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation.

At the same time, a penalty for overweight for legal entities can be applied in the case of submission of inaccurate documents on the weight of the cargo. The same can be said for the indication of inaccurate data in transport documents.

Individual entrepreneurs are responsible in the same way as legal entities, if there is no special clause in the mentioned provision of the Code of Administrative Offenses. For example, part 10 establishes liability for individual entrepreneurs for excess weight when loading a car.

The amount of the sanctions depends on the availability of a permit, overweight limits, and other issues. In this case, the amount of payment may also depend on how the violation was recorded.

By contacting an auto lawyer by phone, you can resolve any issues related to excess vehicle weight. You can also download a sample complaint against the fine order on the website.

Russian main roads, not to mention urban ones, often do not stand up to criticism. Overloaded vehicles are believed to be the main damaging effect. There are many vehicles of various carrying capacities on the roads. When the maximum permissible loads on the roadbed are exceeded, the roads are destroyed. It takes money to rebuild the road. Therefore, the overload penalty has been doubled.

According to the new edition of the SDA and the Administrative Code, the amount of damage inflicted by overloaded vehicles to roads began to be assessed more strictly.

Low-tonnage Gazelles are often used for transportation. The punishment for them is increased as well. This is despite the fact that their permissible weight does not exceed the standard for the load not only on the highway, but also on any city road.

Roads are also destroyed because of their poor quality. The leadership of some regions of the Russian Federation are trying to bring to justice the builders and repairmen who are in charge of the roads. If the roadway does not withstand the terms of operation stipulated by the law, the court punishes them.

Road requirements

Receiving large fines for overloading, in some cases it is not worth paying them right away. There are times when the law allows you to reduce liability and put forward a counterclaim when you go to court.

  1. The road on which the excess was recorded does not meet the regulatory requirements for the load (GOST 52748-2007).
  2. During the construction of the road, the rules "Highways" SP 34.1330.2012 were violated.
  3. "Road clothes" do not meet the requirements of SNiP 2.05.02-85.

Poor quality "Road clothes" often leads to breakdowns of such popular urban trucks and cars as Gazelles. "Road clothes" is a term from SNiP. It implies that the road must withstand the normative vertical, short-term load without destroying the roadbed.

The rules for the carriage of goods on the territory of the Russian Federation are given in the government decree No. 272. According to the tables given in the "Rules", it is possible to determine the weight of the cargo that can be transported without violating traffic rules and without receiving a penalty for overloading.

Annex 1- the mass of a single car (meaning, without a trailer), during static weighing should not exceed:

  • 18 tons for a 2-axle vehicle;
  • 25 tons for 3-axle;
  • 32 tons for 4-axle;
  • 35 tons for 5-axle.

Appendix 2- the permissible loads on the axles of the vehicle are indicated, during dynamic weighing.

For single vehicles, with a distance between axles of 2.5 meters, the axle load should not exceed:

  • 6 tons for a road designed for 6 tons;
  • 10 tons for a road designed for 10 tons.

Popular Gazelles, depending on the modification, have a distance between the axles from 2.9 to 3.5 meters.

The law permits setting car overloads on private roads that differ from the norms of decree no. 272. For this, appropriate road signs are installed on the road; information on the permissible axle load of the vehicle must be posted on the official website of the road.

Traffic police detects overload

On the roads, traffic police inspectors determine the weight of the cargo in three ways:

  • Checking the accompanying documentation for the cargo.
  • At a stationary weighing point.
  • At the point equipped with dynamic weighing equipment.

Static weighing: the car enters the scales, the inspector registers the total mass of the vehicle. Gazelles passing along intercity highways are often checked in this way.

Dynamic weighing: the car drives on the weighing platform at a speed not exceeding 5 km / h. The new method is used on Federal Highways.

The devices determine the actual mass of the vehicle and the load on each of the axles. If the allowed values ​​are exceeded, a protocol is automatically written out. The measurement error, with correctly installed equipment, is not high.

When the operating requirements are violated, the error can reach 3%. The driver considers the measurement results to be overestimated - this fact must be indicated in the protocol. Then the liability in the form of an assigned fine will be reduced. This is especially important when the fine for legal entities reaches half a million.

Damage tariffication

The Administrative Code assigns a penalty for overload, taking into account the local conditions of the Federal Road. The basic indicators are the damage caused to a section of the road 100 km away. When the overload of a truck is:

  • 2-10%, damage = 925 rubles.
  • 10-20%, damage = 1120.
  • 20-30%, damage = 2000.
  • 30-40%, damage = 3125.
  • 40-50%, damage = 4105.
  • 50-60%, damage = 5215.

According to official information, the damage caused by overloaded vehicles in the Central and Far Eastern regions is about 3 times higher than in the South and Volga regions. Accordingly, the penalty for overloading there will also be higher.

The law makes it possible to calculate the damage from the passage of vehicles in excess of the permitted axle load, depending on weather conditions. The government of the Rostov region recently issued a decree proposing to increase the base rates of damage caused by congested vehicles in the summer, when the asphalt surface softens.

Farmers, owners of Gazelle 33023, should not be afraid of an increase in the fine in hot weather, the total mass of the car will hardly exceed the standard enough to leave a noticeable mark on the road.

Punishment from the Administrative Code

Administrative Code prescribes punishment for exceeding the permitted weight of the vehicle or for increasing the axle load in excess of the data specified in the technical documentation for the vehicle. Article 12.21.1 determines the amount of the fine for the carriage of goods in excess of the standard. It is different for a driver, an employee who prepares documents for transportation, for an organization (legal entity). For overload, a punishment is assigned depending on the percentage of exceeding the standard:

The law gives drivers the opportunity to replace fines for overloading by deprivation of rights for a period of 2-4 months (clause 3), 4-6 months (clause 6). Responsibility for the carriage of goods under a special permit is defined in clause 4.5. He did not ignore the Administrative Code and individual entrepreneurs. They can receive a fine from 80 to 100 thousand (paragraph 10).

How is overload calculated

Before concluding a contract for transportation, you need to find out what kind of cargo can be transferred. Starting from an excess of 2%, the overload penalty will have to be paid. The cargo is transported along the route, where there are weighing points. It doesn't matter if it is stationary or dynamic. The calculation principle is the same for any type of weighing. Let's make it on the example of Gazelle-Business.

From the technical documentation we get:

  • Permitted weight = 3.5 tons.
  • Curb = 1.79 tons.
  • Gross mass = 3.5 is taken as 100%.

Weight measured at a stationary point = 3.6. Weight difference = 100 kg. Overloading in percent = (0.1 tons * 100%) / 3.5 tons ≈ 2.8% Let's see what punishment the law provides for overloading at 2.8%. We subtract the weight of the cargo from the total mass and estimate whether the order will bring profit or loss.

The calculation of the maximum axle load is carried out in the same way. Then the calculation results for each of the axes are added. At weighing points, the measurement accuracy can be ≈ 3%. Therefore, the difference between the permitted and unladen weight (load weight) must be increased by 3%. We determine on which road the cargo should be transported. Now you can sign the contract.

An overloaded car, both a passenger car and a truck, is a great danger to the driver and other road users. In addition, it creates an increased load on the road surface, which suffers in any case. How to calculate overload, and what are the penalties for driving with violations today? Each driver must understand his responsibility and know what threatens him.

Permissible vehicle weight

In the summer of 2015, amendments to the relevant acts on the carriage of goods on Russian roads came into force. Based on this document, new standards for the permissible vehicle weight have been introduced.

For example, the maximum weight of a car that has the right to drive on the road without additional permission is 44 tons. This is the maximum maximum.

Of course, there are no such standards for passenger cars. But does this mean that you can overload your car and drive with impunity? The limit does exist. It consists in the fact that it is prohibited to carry a large number of passengers. This is punishable by a corresponding fine.

For trucks, the axle load rule applies. This is the most important point in the calculations. In order to understand exactly how the load is calculated, you need to understand the simplest concepts.

So, all cars are divided into two classes:

  1. "A" - operated on the routes of three categories: the first, second and third, respectively.
  2. "B" - ongoing movement on any road.

Valid values ​​are shown below.

First of all, for cars:

  • with two axles - 18 tons;
  • with three axles - 25 tons;
  • with four axles - 32 tons;
  • with five axles - 35 tons.

As for road trains, other standards have been established for them:

  • with three axles - 28 tons;
  • with four axles - 36 tons;
  • with five axles - 40 tons;
  • with six axles and more - 44 tons.

How to calculate?

The load is calculated using a complex formula. You also need to consider the maximum weight for a particular road category. The load of a truck is distributed as follows: it is less on the front axle, on the rear (or rear) it is much higher.

When the car drives into the scales at the post, the control officer uses a special reference book, which contains a huge number of types of vehicles and describes the detailed load on their axles. Let's look at a few examples and determine how it folds onto each axis.

The GAZelle cargo truck has two axles: front and rear. The total weight of the car is summed up by the formula:

M TS = N PO + N ZO, where:

It would seem that everything is simple, but for other vehicles it is not always possible to apply this formula. Three-axle vehicles with two combined axles have to be calculated differently. For example, let's take a Kamaz -53215 car. The calculation is already being carried out according to the formula:

M TS = N PO + N t, where:

  • М ТС is the mass of the vehicle;


Consider the table of permissible loads. Note that the rates are given for each axis.

The calculation should be made as accurately as possible, since the error can be no more than 5%. The closer the axles are to each other, the greater the pressure on the road surface. This explains the dependence on distance.

Legal restrictions of other countries

When sending a loaded car outside of Russia or for goods, it is important to study the legislation in order to avoid fines that can significantly affect the budget.

Below is a table with which you can determine the gross vehicle weight in some countries.

Country / Vehiclebiaxialtriaxialfour-axle2 axle trailer3 axle trailer4-axle road trainroad train in 5 and 6 axlesroad train semitrailer 3 axlesroad train semitrailer 4 axles
Poland19 26 30 18 24 37 40 29 38
Germany17 24 32 18 24 35 40 27 35
France19 26 26 19 24 38 40 - 38
Belgium19 28 32 20 30 38 44 29 39
Spain20 26 26 20 26 38 38 - 38
Belarus20 25 26 20 26 36 44 - 38
Kazakhstan18 25 32 18 24 32 44 28 38

Transport companies carefully study the information and laws of other countries and insure those who turn to them.

Statistical and dynamic weighing

At special points located on the track, a check weighing takes place in order to determine whether the car is overloaded and what is the axle load.

Weigh it in two ways:

  • in static;
  • in dynamics.

Both of these methods are used today, let's find out what is the difference between them. So, static weighing is as follows: the car drives into the scales and stops. This method determines the exact weight of the vehicle at the moment.

Weighing in dynamics occurs when the vehicle is moving slowly. This method is necessary to determine the load on each axle. The car moves on the scales at a speed not exceeding 5 km / h.

The only disadvantage of this method is the error, which you definitely need to know about. The maximum it can be 3%.

All scales used today at weighing points are predominantly electronic. The entrance to them is made using a ramp. Not always two types of scales are installed at the same post.

Responsibility for transhipment

Undoubtedly, all citizens with cars are aware that there is a liability for overloading. This is most often encountered by truck drivers. Most of the owners of light vehicles do not think about overloading at all.

The maximum permissible weight of a car, if we do not take into account the axle load, is set even before the car leaves the conveyor. Each vehicle document has a line regarding this point.

The manufacturer himself knows how much load the car can withstand. This is influenced by many factors, from the parts used in production to the distance between the axles.

What does the overload lead to?

Responsibility for overloading is a very serious matter. Such actions sometimes lead to serious consequences, among them:

  1. Creation of an emergency. An overloaded vehicle is unstable on the road. In addition, the load creates pressure on the axle, which may not withstand at one moment.
  2. Destruction of the roadway. It's hard to argue with that, but overloaded cars do crash roads. Pits on them are a huge problem for the country, fines are not always able to cover the damage caused.
  3. Vehicle parts and parts quickly deteriorate, the vehicle itself becomes obsolete and breaks down.
  4. If the car is overloaded, the braking distance will be longer, which will create an additional risk of an accident.

These are not all factors on the basis of which drivers can be severely fined.

Freight car

Truck drivers also need to be mindful of how to properly transport certain types of cargo:

  • oversized;
  • dangerous and others.

Fines for violation are provided for by Article 12.21 of the Administrative Code. They are divided into three types:

  • for an individual - RUB 1,500–2,000;
  • for an official - up to 15,000 rubles;
  • for a legal entity - up to 400,000 rubles.

In some cases, when transporting goods, you may need a permit for carriage. If it is not there, then you will also be fined.

In some situations, when the documents are issued for the cargo, and the weight does not coincide with that presented in the papers, the inspector may additionally impose a fine of 5,000 rubles. For companies, it will increase at least 50 times.

The traffic police inspector does not have the right to issue a fine if the check weighing has not taken place. The overload can be determined by eye, but there is no way to prove it.

A car

There is not a word about overloading of light vehicles in the Code of Administrative Offenses. Nobody weighs them on the road. In this case, the inspector may find another reason to issue a fine.

Those who load a passenger car to capacity know how this affects handling, drifts and wear on parts. Most often, car drivers are fined for incorrect transportation of passengers. They can be placed exactly as many as approved in the documents.

Penalties are provided for the following:

  • warning;
  • 500 rubles for violation of the rules of transportation;
  • 1000 rubles for an unfastened seat belt.

So, overloading a car is a serious violation for which liability is provided. Study the rules well before setting off on the road. If the transport companies take full responsibility for themselves, then the private driver will have to be responsible for everything on his own.

The operating rules for cars and trucks are different. One of these features is the need to ensure that there is no overload on the truck.

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Violation of the standards is dangerous for others due to driving problems and for the road surface. What load is considered acceptable? And what fine will have to be paid for breaking the norm?

What is considered an offense

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, each type of freight transport has a permissible norm for loading. To exceed the norm by more than 2.5%, a special permit will be required, which allows the carriage of goods with a greater mass. In this case, the rule does not apply to vehicles belonging to the Russian army.

To obtain permission to increase the mass, the car owner must:

  • provide a detailed route;
  • pay a state fee for damage to the road surface.

Biaxial 18 tons
3-axle 25 tons
4-axle 32 tons
5-axle 35 tons

In addition to the axles, their location and the type of wheels of the car are important. Failure to comply with any of the rules is considered an offense, and administrative responsibility is imposed on the driver.

What punishment threatens

The punishment for such an offense will depend on the weight of the overload recorded at the control post, as well as on the status of the owner of the cargo vehicle.

For individuals

In cases where the driver does not have a permit to move a heavy-duty car on the highway, a penalty in the amount of 2,000 - 2,500 rubles is imposed on the owner or deprivation of rights for up to six months.

Fines for overloading a truck in 2020 by an individual are specified in the table:

For legal entities

The amount of fines for legal entities persons and individual entrepreneurs are presented in the table:

The amounts of penalties for automatic recording of violations are the same for both individuals and legal entities.

How to pay

You can pay either in person or via the Internet. In case of payment within the first 20 days, the amount of the fine will be 2 times less than the established amount.

In place

If the driver agrees with the issued fine, then he can pay it right on the spot. The traffic police officer can accept payment and issue a check.

At the bank on receipt

To do this, you need to have a decree and a passport with you. The disadvantage of the system is possible queues and a considerable amount of commissions. The fine can be paid not only by the car owner, but also by a third party. After paying the fee, the bank employee is obliged to issue a stamped check confirming the repayment of the debt.

At the Russian Post

The method of payment via mail is similar to payment at the bank. Here you will also need only a passport and a traffic police order.

Via terminal

Payment at the Qiwi terminal does not require additional documents, except for the decree. The terminal charges a commission as set. It is impossible to check for other sanctions through the terminal. If the device is equipped with a barcode reading system, then the fine can be paid by bringing the decree to this system.

Through electronic payment systems

You can pay the traffic police debt on the Yandex.Money, Qiwi and WebMoney platforms.

For this you need:

  1. Pass authorization using your personal username and password.
  2. Select the section "Payments". Then - "State services, taxes, fines", then - "Traffic police fines".
  3. Enter the required data. In this case, the number of VU and STS.

  4. Select the wallet from which the funds will be debited and click "Pay".
  5. Check the accuracy of the entered data and agree to the terms of service.
  6. Confirm payment.
  7. Through the traffic police website

    Car owners find this option the most convenient.

    To make a payment you need:

    1. Log in to the site.
    2. Search for unpaid fines. For example, by series and driver's license number.

    3. Select an unpaid debt.
    4. Click "Pay Online". The system will offer several payment options. Among them, you need to choose the most suitable one. For example, payment by card or through online wallets.
    5. The site itself does not charge a commission for services. But the commission can be charged by the bank or the payment system with which the payment was made.

      On the portal of the State Service

      To pay penalties in this way, you will have to go through a rather lengthy registration. But later it will be several times easier to pay any debts.

      As well as on the traffic police website, here you can get detailed information about unpaid fines. There is also a commission for depositing funds. After depositing funds, it is advisable to save the receipt in electronic form or print it out.

      Can you dispute

      Avoiding responsibility will not be easy. However, when overloading up to 2%, the inspector has no right to issue a fine. But if the overload is greater, then collection cannot be avoided. And if the violation is indeed recorded, then you can appeal the decision of the traffic police officer to a higher authority or court.

      A certain traffic situation, unlicensed measuring devices, lack of technical documents from the control service and other legal subtleties can serve as the basis for canceling the collection.

      However, according to judicial practice, appeals against such fines are not satisfied, and the driver has to pay the debt in any case.

      Arbitrage practice

      In case of disagreement with the penalties, the driver, shipper or driver's management have the right to file a statement of claim with an appeal within 10 days from the date of the fine.

      As grounds and evidence, you can use:

  • witness's testimonies;
  • video recordings from registrars that there was no control weighing;
  • documents confirming that when shipped, the weight of the car did not exceed the norm, and the car itself was sealed.

Self-representation in court virtually guarantees failure. Therefore, it is wiser to hire a car lawyer who understands the complex intricacies of car law.

In practice, it is almost impossible to challenge the fine in court. Therefore, it is better not to violate accepted standards. Such an attitude will not only save on fines and prevent premature road wear, but, perhaps, overloading will not cause problems with the management of a truck.

Carriage of goods by road is a popular and rapidly growing business niche in Russia. However, in the pursuit of profit, entrepreneurs load their trucks to capacity, ignoring the rules of the road and the technical capabilities of trucks.

Overloaded long-range attackers severely break the roadway. An overloaded car "eats" more technical fluids and fuel. And, as already mentioned, the road surface deteriorates faster. In order to somehow fight this, the authorities adopted several laws regarding the rules for the passage of trucks on different types of routes and the amount of fines for violations.

Car overload is determined by the load on each axle: rear plus front. In total, it turns out, transmitted through the wheels to the roadbed. Often the rear axle of a vehicle carries more of the load than the front axle.

Since, in fact, only the cab and the lift mechanism "presses" on the front axle, while the load falls on the rear axle. Also, overload quickly wears out parts truck, namely:

  • saddle lock;
  • clutch;
  • gearbox;
  • brake pads;
  • rubber;
  • pendants.

Drivers know there are road signs on some road sections and in front of bridges, restricting the passage of cars by weight, for example 3:12. That is, vehicles whose axle load is greater than indicated on the sign cannot move on a bridge or a section of road after this sign.

If the driver violates this rule, he will be subject to a fine stipulated in the Code of Administrative Offenses, the fifth part of Article 12.21.1. It says that the driver of an overloaded car or truck with or without a special permit, may be fined for driving on roads or bridges not designed for such weight.

Permissible weight of cargo for transport of categories "A" and "B"

There are different categories of tracks on which different groups of trucks are allowed to drive. For group "A" it is allowed to drive on highways 1, 2, 3 categories (ordinary roads, not expressways, the number of lanes in one direction can be up to four).

For cars of group "A":

  • More than two m between axles - 10 tons.
  • Up to two meters - 9 tons.
  • Up to one m 65 cm - 8 tons.
  • Up to 1 m 35 cm - 7 tons.
  • Up to one m - 6 tons.

For group "B" the following standards are established:

  1. Between the axles more than 2 m - 6 tons.
  2. Up to 2 m - 5.7 tons.
  3. Up to 1 m 65 cm - 5.5 tons.
  4. Up to 1 m 35 cm - 5 tons.
  5. Up to 1 m - 4.5 tons.

Fines for exceeding the axle load norm

Accordingly, if the weight of the entire car or the axle load exceeds 2, but less than 10 percent, then the driver, the official who authorized the exit, and the legal entity that owns the car will face overload penalty in size 1000-1500; 10,000-15 thousand and 100,000-150 thousand rubles, respectively.

If the excess weight is more than 10, but less than 20%, then the penalty for overload will be 3000–3500; 20,000-25,000; 200,000-250 thousand rubles. If the mass exceeds the norm by 20, but does not reach 50%, then the fines for overloading the truck will be 4000-5 thousand, or deprivation of rights up to 3 months; 30,000-40,000; for legal entities 300,000–400 thousand rubles.

If axle overload is more than 50%, fines to the driver are 7000-10 thousand or deprivation of rights for up to 6 months; for an official - 45,000-50,000, for a legal entity - 400,000-50 thousand rubles.

If such a violation was recorded using a photo or video, then the amount of the fine will be equal to the upper limit of the fine for the organization that loaded the car. But the carrier will also bear responsibility and payment of fines.

Cases of administrative offenses related to overloading or oversizing, in accordance with the Civil Procedure Code are considered by the courts general jurisdiction.

Judicial practice at the moment, one might say, has already formed and the courts fully satisfy the vast majority of claims against shippers or carriers. Moreover, the appeal against decisions does not give anything.

Why does the law provide for such heavy fines for overloading? This is a way to avoid even greater costs and human losses, since overloading entails:

  • knocking out the roadway (repair costs, accidents due to holes and cracks in the road);
  • high chances of accidents when driving on old structures and bridges;
  • an increase in braking distance, which increases the likelihood of accidents.

The braking distance becomes longer due to the inertia of the load (the heavier the load, the stronger the inertia). And it could be fraught with skidding of the truck, especially in ice or rain. It also matters how well the load is secured.

Because if he moves along the body while driving, it can become cause the truck to roll over and, accordingly, accidents. The driver is responsible for this.

Compliance with the rules for the carriage of goods is monitored by mobile or stationary checkpoints, whose inspectors have the authority to issue a fine and take cars to the car park before payment.

Points equipped with special scales which show the axle load of the truck and the inspector determines if there is an axle overload or not. Weighing a car can be done in two ways:

  • Without stopping the car. In this case, its speed should not exceed 5 km / h. The measurement error can reach 3%, so this method is not often used.
  • When the car is stopped. This method gives more accurate results.

If an overload is detected or the dimensions of the cargo exceed the norm, then this will be a violation and the driver have to pay a fine... Even if there is a special permit and, of course, when it is not.

A special permit for heavy, oversized and dangerous goods is issued by the executive authorities or an organization subordinate to them, or by the owner of the road along which the goods are traveling.

It should be received by the consignor in advance. In the event that obtaining a special travel permit is mandatory or the driver deviated from the route indicated in it, he may also be issued a fine.

In addition, the weight of the cargo must be accurately indicated on the waybills. If the documents indicate a weight that does not exceed the permissible norms, but in reality an overload is determined, the inspector will draw up a protocol and appoint a fine.

And all these troubles go to the driver. More often than not, he has to pay for the fact that his superiors did not complete all the necessary documents properly.

Fines for oversized cargo

There are also rules for the transportation of bulky goods. Bulky cargo is considered to protrude more than one meter from the rear or 10-50 centimeters from each side.

In this case, the cargo must be decorated with special signs that are visible during the day and with reflective elements or lanterns to be visible at night.

This is described in the road traffic regulations. The Administrative Code adds to this that if the dimensions of the cargo are 10-50 cm more than the norm or more than indicated in the special permit, then the inspector of the checkpoint has the right to issue a fine. The range of penalties is the same as above. 1000-400 thousand rubles.

If the amount of the fine is impressive and the driver, of course, cannot pay it, the car will be put in an impound parking lot. And then the shipper will lose time, reputation and possibly the customer. Also incur additional losses the costs of sending another truck in order to share the load: buying fuel, the salary of the second driver, and you may have to pay a penalty to the client for untimely delivery of the cargo, if such is stipulated by the contract.


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