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Meditation has been familiar since ancient times, when Tibetan monks and sages found harmony between their body, mind and the world around them.

Turn on meditation music and immerse yourself in a new unknown world. You will discover new facets of your existence. Correctly selected music can give you a state of complete renunciation and charge you with positive energy.

Regular exercise can put your mind in order and relieve you of worries about external stimuli. Meditation is also known as an effective tool in the fight against bad habits and a way to improve memory, concentration, intelligence, as well as the development of will and character.

But the most important thing is that meditation develops an enhanced ability to adequately assess one’s existence and the world around us. It eliminates illusions and allows you to look at everyday things soberly and impartially.

Meditation is more of a process or an activity that needs to be done. Moreover, it is an internal state of calm and practice. A person cleanses his thoughts, empties himself from within in order to see something new for himself. However, the human brain is designed to think, and doing so poses a certain challenge, so it should be said differently. Meditation forces a person to concentrate as much as possible on a specific thing so that everything else fades into the background. Our consciousness has spiritual filling, but in order to see what is inside or outside, we need to concentrate and force our attention not to notice what is unnecessary.

  • Don't expect instant results. It takes months to feel the effects of the practice. Effective meditation requires endurance, patience and habit. Don't give up on classes just because you can't do it. Remember that even the eastern sages spent years to achieve nirvana.
  • Apply the skills in life, maintain a sober state of mind and try to understand what proper meditation can teach you.
  • It is best to meditate before bed. It is best to practice meditation a few hours before bed.
  • Record your condition. Realize that you feel better on the days you meditate. You will find that you have become better at concentrating on specific things.

Compare your condition with those days when you do not meditate.

Thanks to meditation, you can get rid of anxiety, sensitivity and bad mood. Don't delay and start meditating right now.

Quiet meditation to calm the soul is suitable for everyone. Its uniqueness and benefit lies in the fact that this spiritual practice will have a beneficial effect on the body of the practicing subject, regardless of any, because the effect of meditation is not determined by the status of the practitioner, his physique or faith. Peaceful meditation for the soul can be done anywhere, but it is best to meditate at home.

Dynamic meditation for harmony of soul and body

Dance meditation is most suitable for women, because dance is a unique world of improvisation, here you can change the rhythm, style, perform a variety of steps, and reveal yourself in movement. And, which is very good for moving dynamic meditations, you can act spontaneously without learning any special special techniques, movements or dance steps. In addition, you can choose any musical accompaniment for your classes. Independent meditation leaves you a choice - you choose the music for the soul, the time and place to practice.

Calm meditation for the soul - relaxation music for the soul

Incredibly useful, early morning meditation. Such activities increase the communicative characteristics of an individual. Communicating with different people throughout the day, entering into verbal and non-verbal contacts, the practitioner of meditation for the soul will experience a feeling of satisfaction from productive interaction. By recharging yourself with energy through morning exercises and meditation, you will feel confident and collected throughout the day. During meditation, when you relax and stop controlling your mind, you may unexpectedly end up with a tangle of problems. But, it needs to be rolled out and untangled.

It's difficult, but it must be done. Resentment and disappointment may wash over you, and other negative emotions may come. Don’t block them, don’t keep them to yourself, because meditation for the soul is designed to free you from negativity. If you want to cry, cry, because at this moment your mind becomes clearer, you understand the essence of the problem that is tormenting you, and you see a way to solve it.

Watch the video of a powerful meditation on harmonizing soul and body


Your only duty is to be happy. Make it a religion: to be happy. If you are unhappy no matter what you do, there is probably something wrong with it and some drastic change is needed. Let everything be determined by happiness.

Meditations to harmonize mind and body.

A woman who loves herself is necessarily beautiful, inevitably beautiful. She creates beauty with her self-love. She gains grace, dignity...

Many diseases of our physical body arise due to the fact that we have lost touch with it or have become hostile to it. The body is the greatest mystery in all of existence. His secret needs love; its secrets, its vital functions, require close study.

Meditations to parmonize the mind and body are good to do during body cleanses and diets. Harmonizing the mind-body connection will lead to an overall improvement in well-being. Relaxation has wonderful powers when the body is relaxed, the mind is relaxed, the heart is relaxed. Relaxation can transform you and take you to such beautiful heights - and it is such a simple technique. As relaxation deepens, it becomes meditation. Meditation is the name of the deepest relaxation. Unfortunately, religions have been absolutely body-hating. But this gives a clear hint, obviously indicates that if a person learns the wisdom of the body and the mystery of the body, he will never care about the priest and God. He will find the greatest of secrets within himself and within the secrets of the body - the very altar of his consciousness. Once a person becomes aware of his own consciousness, his own being, there is no God above him. Only such a person can be respectful of other human beings, of other living beings, because they are as mysterious as he is - different forms of expression, diversity, from which life becomes richer. And as soon as a person finds consciousness in himself, at the same time he finds the key to the highest. No education that does not teach you to love the body, that does not teach you to be compassionate towards the body, that does not teach you to penetrate its secrets, can teach you how to enter your own consciousness. The body opens doors - the body serves as a springboard. And any education that does not touch the topic of body and consciousness is not only absolutely incomplete, but also extremely harmful, because it will bring nothing but destruction. Only the flowering of consciousness within you prevents destructiveness and gives you an irresistible desire to create - to create more beauty, more comfort in the world. Man needs a better body, a healthier body. Man needs a more conscious, alert being. A person needs all the comfort and all the luxury that existence is ready to provide him. Existence is ready to give you heaven, here and now. The closest point at which nature has approached you, at which existence has come to you, is your own body. It has the water of the oceans, it has the fire of stars and suns, it has air; it is made of earth. Nature knows that the body is more intelligent than you, and therefore nothing important in the body is left to you, everything is left to the body itself. For example, breathing, or heartbeat, or blood circulation, or digestion - none of these are left to you; otherwise you would have fallen into chaos long ago.

You have heard of alchemists who tried to turn rough metals into gold; your body does much more - it turns all kinds of garbage that you fill yourself with into blood, into bones. And what’s more: out of this garbage it creates your brain. It constantly turns all your ice cream and Coca-Cola into a brain - a brain capable of creating Rupperford or Albert Einstein, Buddha, Zarathustra, Lao Tzu. Just look at this miracle! The brain, such a small thing, locked in a small skull... One single brain can contain all the libraries of the world. Its capacity is almost endless. This is the greatest memory system. If you wanted to build a computer that powerful, it would require many miles of space to operate. The body is such a beautiful gift from God that to fight it is to reject God himself. This is the altar... we are elevated to this altar. This is a temple. We exist in it and must, as soon as possible, take care of it. This is our responsibility. Follow the body. Never try to dominate the body in any way. The body is your foundation. Once you begin to understand your own body, ninety-nine percent of your suffering simply disappears. But you don't listen. The body says: “Stop it! Do not eat!" You go on eating, you listen to the mind. The mind says, “This is so delicious, wonderful. A bit more!" You are not listening to the body. The body feels nauseous. The stomach says: “Stop it! Enough! I'm tired!" - but the mind says: “Just think, what a taste... just a little more!” You go on listening to the mind. If you listened to the body, ninety-nine percent of the problems would simply disappear, and the remaining one percent would be just incidents, not real problems. It is immensely beautiful, immensely complex. There is nothing else as complex, as subtle. Seventy million cells are contained in your one body - seventy million souls. Each cell has its own soul. And how they act... with what consistency, how rhythmically and in what harmony! Listen to its language, decipher its language, and little by little, as you penetrate the book of the body and turn its pages, you will realize the whole mystery of life. It is condensed into your body. And as soon as your attitude towards the body changes, it becomes easier to go inside, because the body becomes open to you. It allows you to go inside, it reveals its secrets to you. This is how all the secrets of yoga were first learned. This is how all the secrets of the Tao were first learned. Don’t say “physiological process” and “mental process.” These are not two different things - only two parts of one whole. Whatever you do in the field of physiology affects the mind. Whatever you do in the field of psychology, it affects the body. These are not two different things; it's one whole.
In Japan, children are taught a very simple method of controlling anger. They are told: whenever you feel angry, don't do anything about the anger, just start breathing deeply. Try this and you won't be able to be angry. Why? Why can't you be angry just because you breathe deeply? It becomes impossible to be angry. Two reasons... You start breathing deeply, and anger requires a certain rhythm of breathing. Without this rhythm, anger is impossible. For there to be anger, a certain rhythm of breathing is necessary, chaotic breathing. If you start breathing deeply, it is impossible for the anger to come out. If you consciously breathe deeply, anger cannot be expressed. He requires a certain rhythm of breathing, which must be allowed; you don't have to do this - anger will do it itself. By breathing deeply you cannot be angry. And secondly, the mind shifts. When you feel angry and start breathing deeply, the mind shifts from anger to breathing. The body is unable to be angry and the mind has shifted its focus to something else. Then it is difficult to be angry. That is why the Japanese are more capable of self-control than any other people on earth. It's just training that starts in childhood.
And the whole secret of the birth of a new humanity will consist in the art of listening to the heart, consciously, vigilantly, attentively. Follow it always and in everything, go wherever it leads you. Yes, sometimes it will make you exposed to dangers - but then remember: these dangers are necessary to make you mature. Sometimes it will cause you to go astray - but remember again that from these errors lies growth. Many times you will fall. Rise again, because that is how a person becomes strong - by falling and rising again. This is how a person becomes whole.
But don't follow rules imposed from outside. No imposed rule can ever be right, because those rules were invented by people who want to control you. Yes, sometimes there were great enlightened people in the world - Buddha, Jesus, Krishna, Muhammad. They didn't give the world rules, they gave the world their love. But sooner or later, students get together and begin to create a code of conduct. Once the master is gone, once the light has died down and they are left in deep darkness, they begin to feel for certain rules to follow, because now the light in which they could see is no longer there. Now they will have to rely on the rules.
Absorb the spirit, absorb the silence of the master, learn his spiritual grace. Drink as deeply as possible from his being, but do not imitate him. Absorb his spirit, absorb his love, accept his compassion, and you will be able to listen to the whisper of your own heart. But the heart speaks only in a whisper. The heart speaks very quietly; his voice is quiet; it's not loud.
Forget everything that you were told: “This is right, this is wrong.” Life is not so frozen. What is right today may not be right tomorrow, and what is wrong this moment may be right the next. Life cannot be put into shelves; it cannot be so easily labeled: “This is right, this is wrong.” Life is not a pharmacy where every bottle has a label and you know where it is. Life is a mystery; in an instant something is appropriate, and then it is right. Right is what is harmonious with existence, and wrong is what is inharmonious with existence.
Sit in the sun. Allow the sun's rays to penetrate your body. Feel how their warmth moves inside, penetrates deeper, touches the blood cells and reaches the very bones. The sun is life, its very source. Close your eyes and feel what is happening. Stay alert, watch and enjoy. Little by little you realize that there is very beautiful music going on inside, a very subtle harmony. Now you have established a connection with the body.
Research has been conducted in Russia for several decades, and scientists have come to some conclusions. Here's one of the most impressive results: before illness occurs, six months before, the body continuously gives you signals. Six months is so long! The disease will occur in 1975; in mid-1974 the body begins to give you signals - but you do not hear, you do not understand, you do not know. You become aware only when the illness has already happened. You may have heard many stories of Hindu sannyasins, rishis, Zen monks, Buddhist bhikkhus announcing their death long before it happened. And you may be surprised to learn that this announcement was always made six months before the death occurred - never before, always six months. Many saints announced that they were going to die, but always six months before. This is not an accident, these six months are significant. Before the physical body dies, the bioenergy begins to die, and a person who is deeply connected to his bioenergy knows that the energy now begins to shrink. Life is equivalent to expansion, death is equivalent to contraction. He feels that the vital energy is being compressed; he announces that he will die in six months. Zen monks are famous for even choosing how they die - because they know it.
Let life rule, trust life, and little by little life will destroy all your limitations, and energy will begin to flow into those parts of the body where there were previously obstacles to it. Life should be passion, vibrating passion, pulsating passion, incredible energy. Whatever you do, it shouldn't be dull - otherwise don't do it. There is no duty to do anything, but do what you really want to do.
All limitations will gradually disappear and your whole life will become yours again. You will reclaim your own body; you will reclaim your own mind. Society has crippled the body, the mind - crippled everything. You have only been given a certain set of possibilities: very narrow slits, and you can only look through these slits. You are not allowed to see completely.
If you do not treat the body naturally, one disease or another will break out. This disease is your friend. She shows: “Behave better, change your behavior! In some ways you are going against nature!” If you don't eat anything for three or four days, you will start to feel dizzy, hungry, and depressed. The whole body will tell you: “Take food!” - because the body needs energy. If you can intentionally relax the body, then you can help the mind intentionally relax. The mind is a more complex phenomenon. Once you gain confidence because your body listens to you, you have new faith in yourself. Now even the mind can listen to you. It will take a little more time, but it will happen.
When your mind is relaxed, begin to relax your heart, the world of your feelings, emotions - which is even more complex and subtle. But now you can move with new confidence, with great faith in yourself. Now you know that it is possible. If this is possible with the body and mind, then it is possible with the heart. And only when these three steps have been completed will it be possible to take the fourth. Now you can enter the deepest center of your being, which remains beyond the body, mind, heart: the very center of your existence. And you can relax him too. And this relaxation undoubtedly brings the greatest of all possible joys, the utmost peaks of ecstasy, acceptance. You will be full of bliss and joy. The quality of dance will appear in your life. All existence dances except man. The whole existence is in a very relaxed movement; There is movement, of course, but it is extremely relaxed. Trees grow, birds chirp, rivers flow, stars move: everything continues in a very relaxed way. No rush, no haste, and no wasted effort...except in humans. Man fell victim to his own mind. According to Osho's method "Balance of body and mind"

These meditations will help with insomnia, stress, tension-related headaches, digestive disorders, neck and shoulder pain and other problems, and will also help normalize weight.

Meditation is suitable for every person. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it will have a miraculous effect on the human body, regardless of his status, build or faith. You can meditate anywhere, but it is best to meditate at home.

Dance meditation is more suitable for women, since in dance you can improvise, choose different rhythms and perform a variety of movements. You can act spontaneously without learning special movements. You can also choose absolutely any musical accompaniment that suits you best.

There are some conditions for more advanced meditation. For example, in silence the body better perceives signals sent by the brain. Stable daily meditation allows a person to more fully understand his body and more accurately understand his feelings.

Another very important rule necessary for deep meditation: make sure that your head is in line with your back. It is important.

Early meditation is very useful because it improves communication skills. By interacting with people throughout the day, you will experience the satisfaction of productive interactions. By recharging your energy with morning exercises and meditation, you can feel confident and collected all day long.

By meditating with your partner, you will strengthen relationships in your family; any activities carried out together will harmonize and fill your relationship with respect and trust. Meditation greatly promotes self-awareness, shared purpose, and ways to interact respectfully. Thanks to meditation, you increase those positive aspects without which coexistence is impossible.

It is good to meditate lying down, stretched out and fold your arms along your body. Your back should be straight and your clothes should be loose. Having chosen a comfortable position, you need to relax. At the end of the day, by meditating, you will be able to analyze your day and understand the solution to many problems. Do not meditate late in the evening, as you risk falling asleep. And when meditating, your brain should be clear, your consciousness should be clear.

Having relaxed, during meditation you will first receive a snowball of problems that overwhelm you, but you need to try to roll it out and untangle it. It is not simple. You may be overwhelmed by resentment and disappointment, and various negative emotions. Don't block it all, don't keep it all to yourself. If you want to cry, cry, because at this moment the body becomes cleaner, you understand the essence of the problems, and you see a way to solve them.

You can also meditate during lunch, while laying out a white tablecloth and setting the table beautifully. Fill your plate with food and start meditating. Chew very slowly, tasting each bite of food. Imagine that your body is saturated with useful elements, necessary vitamins and substances. Feel the saturation of your body even during the meal, then you will eat much less than you usually eat, and will not leave the table with a full stomach.

When you start washing the dishes after eating, try to relax and concentrate on the feeling of cleanliness and order. While pouring water over your hands, imagine how all the dirt is removed from your hands thanks to the stream of water, and at the same time negative, bad energy is washed away. Focus on the process itself, take your time, do everything carefully and very cleanly, plate by plate. Feel and see its purity and freshness. If after this you receive an influx of positive emotions and strength, a charge of vigor, then you meditated correctly and did everything correctly.

You can also meditate while walking in the park. You will feel and feel like a part of nature, spiritually connecting with it. With proper concentration, peace and satisfaction will come to you, the main thing is to watch your inhalations and exhalations and the speed of movement. Correct meditation brings complete consciousness of joy and satisfaction. It’s great if you walk through the park and meditate with a loved one or animal.

and thousands around you will be saved!

A new partnership between soul and body

This text is taken from the book “The Journey of the Soul” by Michael Newton, and processed with the addition of my own vision based on my experience as a regressologist.

When the soul enters the body, an important moment occurs. The establishment of contact between the physical mind and the etheric mind can proceed smoothly or violently in the early stages of adaptation in the womb and in childhood. The integration of Soul and body occurs throughout life.

And it is the end result and how we complete our journey that matters the most. The soul and brain of the new body begin their interaction in this incarnation as two separate, individual beings and ultimately, at the end of life, ideally become one mind.

Throughout our lives, the soul and body become so intertwined that the duality of personality can confuse us and make us question who we really are. Which part of yourself should you listen to? Few people admit to someone that two personalities live inside them. What if they think he’s schizophrenic?! The complexities of interaction between body and soul reflect the process of man's long evolution on earth.

Our modern brain still has ancient sections (reptilian and limbic systems) responsible for survival. Some people in regression report having to contact primitive parts of the brain when they enter the fetus.

These areas of the brain control our intuitive, physical reactions, reflexes that perceive the outside world through feelings that determine its actions and reactions. It is with this functional organism, created before the appearance of the soul, that the soul must unite in the body of the mother. It is in this fruit that the cooperation of body and soul begins.

It is the soul, interacting with the mind of the body, that creates the unique personality of the single Self. Although the physical organism of the body dies, the soul never forgets the body that it occupied and which gave it the opportunity to gain experience of existence on Earth at a certain time and in a certain place.

The body is given for the tasks of the soul

Each physical body has its own unique purpose, and the concepts, ideas and judgments of any human mind are directly related to the soul that occupies that body.

Physiologists do not know why a strong emotion can cause irrational behavior in one person and logical actions in another. They say that this is the type of nervous system a person has, but everything is much deeper, the answer lies in the soul.
When we examine the brain of the human body of the fetus in the womb, some immediately see that the brain structure of the fetus is finely regulated and will interact well with the soul, while for some it is already a little confused.
Excerpt from Michael Newton's regression:

“No two brains are exactly alike. When I initially entered my mother's womb, I gently touched the brain. I swam... searching... exploring... exploring. It is clear to me from the very beginning whether it will be easy or difficult to interact with this brain. I immediately understand whether a child is desired or not, and the beginning of the child’s journey depends on this - good or bad.
When I enter the fruit of an unwanted child, I can change things in a positive way with energy. When I was a young soul, I usually couldn't cope with the estrangement between parent and child, and I experienced feelings of separation.

I've worked with children for thousands of years and can handle any kind of
the child they give me so that we both get into the best shape possible together. I have too much to do in life, so I can’t let a less-than-perfect body slow me down.”

Some are able to quickly adapt once inside the fetus. One client put it very bluntly: “When a complex, highly advanced soul is united with an inert brain, it is as if a racehorse were harnessed to a workhorse.”
But there are always karmic reasons for all proposed combinations of soul and body.
Moreover, a high IQ is not an indicator of an advanced soul. It is not a low ratio, but a worried, irrational mind that creates problems for less experienced souls. As for the combinations of body and soul, various options are offered to us so that we can have more diverse life projects.
Future life planners are not interested in blindsided the unsuspecting soul with a body of “poor quality.” Every combination of body and soul has meaning for both egos.

The body provides the soul with the opportunity for physical, mental, creative expression. Through the body we can feel both great joy and great pain, both mental and physical. The physical body makes it possible to create in a very dense world, to realize the ideas of a higher principle through us. The lesson of this merging of two minds in earthly incarnation is to form a harmonious unity of body and soul so that they function as one.

Excerpt from regression Michael Newton:
“I am a very fickle soul, with a tendency to act fast and fast, and I prefer aggressive bodies with a temperament that matches my inclinations. We call this kind of combination of mirror images “double-double”. I can never slow down at all. I have to admit that calm bodies with non-militant minds do calm me down, but then I become very lazy and complacent."
Another person about his tandem:
“I feel good in emotionally cold bodies. I also love the analytical mind so we can think before we act. It's like I'm on a roller coaster inside this body. It gets so recklessly and recklessly involved in situations - I mean, I try to keep her together, but it gets so out of control that we both suffer. However, there is also a lot of joy - this wild ride is so exciting!”

Conflict between the Mind of the Soul and the Mind of the Body

Why sometimes the soul cannot be in harmony with our body? Its immortal nature is influenced by the qualities and character of the mind of the body, which, as it were, challenges the soul, testing it for maturity.
For example, the Soul has a task for this incarnation to overcome the need to control other people, and the body is prone to confrontation, thus the Soul does not fit very well with the bodily ego.

On the other hand, a cautious, low-energy soul may choose a body with a rather passive, introverted nature to develop courage in harmony with the body. They scared one, and the second jumped under a bush before the other and both were shaking. And here the tandem will be similar to how two soldered people walk along the road supporting each other.
Planners choose bodies for us in such a way that their certain characteristics can be combined with the flaws of our nature, thus forming special combinations of personality, as if new options.

An example of a complex entry into the body

SUBJECT in M. Newton's regression session: Three lives ago I connected with a very hard, unresponsive brain. It seemed that my presence was unwelcome. This was unusual for me because most of my bodies were in agreement with my presence. As a rule, they immediately accepted me as one of their own.
It was a dull mind, in a deep energetic dead end. My arrival was a kind of intrusion into his inert mental field... the constituent parts of the brain... were isolated from each other... creating resistance... to communication.

A lethargic mind requires more effort on my part. He resists change. I made this mind think, and it is not an inquisitive mind at all. In the sphere of life choice (in the Circle) I saw the end result, i.e. adult mind, but didn't see all the difficulties with a child's mind... at the very beginning. Eventually I was accepted and we adjusted to each other.

A mind that is overly dense in certain areas means that there are blocks there that are preventing the neurons from functioning efficiently. I want to adapt to these blocks on the path with my energy - if possible, while the brain is still in the formative stage. We can change the process of brain development. I stimulate these areas. In the womb, the soul is still aware of itself as a soul and has an influence on the body and even on the emotions and feelings of the mother.
In the process of life, the soul and body are constantly developing. The soul constantly influences the brain with mental telepathy, encouraging cooperation, integration and mutual understanding. The body appreciates the help of the soul, because it the main goal is to help the body overcome fear, calm it down and reassure it that everything will be fine.
Many young children talk to themselves as if they were playing with some imaginary friend.

Isn't this the soul? This is true! Old people also talk to themselves a lot. They are preparing with their souls for parting at the other end of their journey.
Another excerpt from M. Newton’s regression, a question to the client: “In general, how do you feel about returning to Earth in life after life?
S: Like a gift. This is such a multifaceted planet. Sure, this place is heartbreaking, but it's also amazing and incredibly beautiful. The human body is a miracle of form and structure. I am always in awe of each new body, the many ways it expresses itself, especially the most important way - love.

At the webinar you will go through a new technique “Integration of the Mind of the Soul and the Mind of the Body”
Learn an exercise that will help you listen to your body.
Meditation technique

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