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Sergei Kuzhugetovich Shoigu (Tuv. Sergei Kuzhuget oglu Shoigu; born May 21, 1955, Chadan, Tuva Autonomous Okrug, RSFSR, USSR) - Russian military officer and statesman. Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation since November 6, 2012. Army General (2003). Hero of the Russian Federation (1999).

Chairman of the State Committee of the RSFSR and the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief (1991-1994), Minister of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief (1994-2012), Governor of the Moscow Region ( 2012).


Sergei Shoigu was born on May 21, 1955 in the small town of Chadan, Tuva Autonomous Region, in the family of the editor of the regional newspaper Kuzhuget Sereevich Shoigu and livestock specialist Alexandra Yakovlevna Shoigu (nee Kudryavtseva).

He did not serve in the army.


From 1962 to 1972 he studied at a local school. From 1972 to 1977, Sergei Shoigu studied at the Krasnoyarsk Polytechnic Institute and graduated with a degree in civil engineering.

In 1996, he defended his dissertation “Organization of public administration in forecasting emergency situations in order to reduce socio-economic damage” at the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration for the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences.

Head of the interregional movement "Unity" (1999-2001), co-chairman of the United Russia party (2001-2002, together with Yu. M. Luzhkov and M. Sh. Shaimiev), member of the Supreme Council of "United Russia". Founder of the United Russia party.

President of the Russian Geographical Society (since 2009).

Head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia

Since 1991 he becomes chairman of the Russian Rescue Corps; Chairman of the RSFSR State Committee for Emergency Situations. From 1991 to 1994 - the first chairman of the new State Committee of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief.

In 1992, he was appointed deputy head of the temporary administration on the territory of North Ossetia and Ingushetia during the Ossetian-Ingush conflict. From 1993 to 2003 - Chairman of the National Commission of the Russian Federation for the UN International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction.

From 1994 to 2012 - Minister of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief (At the same time, from January 10 to May 7, 2000 - Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation). As Minister of Emergency Situations, he led many rescue and humanitarian operations of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations. He was repeatedly named by Russian citizens as the most popular minister, whose activities are approved by the majority of Russians.

In 1996 - curator of the election campaign of the President of the Russian Federation in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Since 1996 - member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation (since 2012 - permanent member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation).

In 2000, he headed the Unity party, which later, together with the Fatherland (Yuri Luzhkov) and All Russia (Mintimer Shaimiev) parties, was transformed into the United Russia party.

Since October 15, 2003 - member of the Maritime Board under the Government of the Russian Federation. Since November 2009 - President of the Russian Geographical Society. Since October 2010 - Member of the National Anti-Terrorism Committee of Russia. Since July 2011 - member of the Interdepartmental Commission for Combating Extremism in the Russian Federation. Until June 30, 2011, he was Chairman of the Board of Directors of the federal network operator in the field of navigation activities NIS GLONASS.

Political career of Sergei Shoigu

Sergei Shoigu began his career as a politician in 1995, when he joined the “Our Home is Russia” association, led by Viktor Chernomyrdin. In 1996, he oversaw the election campaign for the presidential elections in the Russian Federation in the constituent entities of the federation. In 2000, he became the head of the Unity party, which lost to the Communists during the Duma elections, but bypassed the Fatherland - All Russia bloc of Yu. Luzhkov. After which the parties “Unity”, “OVR” and “All Russia” (Mintimer Shaimiev) united and formed the pro-presidential party “United Russia”.

In the Duma elections (2003, 2007 and 2011), Shoigu’s name was invariably in the top three on the United Russia party lists, thanks to the politician’s high ratings.

In March 2012, Shoigu was proposed by United Russia to Russian President D. Medvedev as a candidate for governor of the Moscow region. In April of the same year, the Moscow Regional Duma supported the candidacy, and on May 11, 2012, Sergei Shoigu became governor of the Moscow region. But I didn’t stay in this chair for even a year, because... in November 2012, on the recommendation of the President of the Russian Federation, he was appointed Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. His predecessor Anatoly Serdyukov resigned due to his involvement in the Oboronservis scandal.


Father - Kuzhuget Sereevich Shoigu (1921-2010) (born Kuzhuget Shoigu Seree oglu: the family and personal names were swapped by a passport officer’s mistake) worked all his life in party and Soviet bodies, was secretary of the Tuvan regional committee of the CPSU and retired as first deputy chairman of the Council of Ministers Tuva Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. He also headed the Tuvan State Archive and worked for six years as editor of the newspaper “Shyn” (“Truth”) in the Tuvan language, wrote the stories “Time and People”, “The Feather of the Black Vulture” (2001), “Tannu-Tyva: Country of Lakes and Blue Rivers” (2004).

Mother - Alexandra Yakovlevna Shoigu (1924-2011), Honored Worker of Agriculture of the Republic of Tuva, until 1979 - head of the planning department of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic.

Sister - Larisa - deputy of the State Duma of the 5th convocation and 6th convocation from the United Russia party.

His wife is Irina Aleksandrovna, president of the Expo-EM company, which deals with business tourism (among its main clients is the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations).

Two daughters:

1. Yulia (born in 1977), candidate of psychological sciences, as of September 2008 - director of the Center for Emergency Psychological Assistance of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia (since 2002).
2. Ksenia (1991) - student at the Faculty of Economics at MGIMO.

These 730 days became the most successful time for the Russian Ministry of Defense since its creation in 1991. Under Shoigu, the prestige of the officer profession was restored, and enrollment in military schools increased 7 times. The number of draft dodgers has sharply decreased. This was achieved thanks to her unprecedented humanization. And it’s not just about the normal soldier’s life with buffet meals, showers, new, improved uniforms... It’s just that for many young people the idea of ​​serving honestly for a year is now attractive.

Under Sergei Shoigu, the number of contract servicemen for the first time exceeded the number of conscript soldiers. Some military units classified as permanent combat readiness are staffed by contract soldiers. Stable income makes this service increasingly attractive.

The army has not studied the way exercises are conducted under Shoigu since Soviet times. Combat readiness checks have already taken place in all districts; all branches of the armed forces and branches of the Armed Forces have been checked. Thanks to this, the country's leadership was finally able to assess the real state of affairs in the defense sector.

Politeness is an officer's weapon

Sergei Kuzhugetovich was remembered for these 2 years for his statements. The minister, as they say, does not go into his pocket for words. Remember his most resonant lines?

“We would really not like the concept of “victory” to develop over the years, or even worse, to change its orientation. Losers would become winners, and winners would become losers."

“We need to saturate the preparation so that they are ready for anything. They need to run and shoot so that they come out hardened. What do you make of them as “nerds”? This is not enough! The future officer must run, shoot, and be trained! Let them take notes at the institute.”

“I don’t know of a single victory, even in individual competitions at sports championships, that a person would win alone. There are always mentors and your own team of like-minded people. So it is with me. Without a good team, without wise veteran teachers, without reliable reliance on professionals, nothing can be achieved.”

“Rudeness towards any person, and especially towards a military man, is unacceptable in any environment.”

“It’s hard to look for a black cat in a dark room, especially if it’s not there. This is all the more stupid if this cat is smart, brave and polite" (in response to the accusation Head of the SBU V. Nalyvaichenko in the participation of Russian special forces in the events in Ukraine).

“Recently, there was a lot of noise about the fact that we placed the Iskanders (operational-tactical missile systems. - Ed.) somewhere in the wrong place. On the territory of the Russian Federation, wherever we want, we put it there.”

“We are trying to bring military medicine closer to the soldier and officer.”

“I want people to serve in decent conditions. It is necessary in many areas to pull the army out of the past into this century.”

“Officers must live in human conditions. They should feel like the sovereign’s people, and the barracks should not look like prison barracks.”

“We intend to make sure that during his service a soldier receives 2-3 specialties that will be useful to him after service and in civilian life.” And he didn’t forget what he was taught at school.”

During a meeting with students at MATI, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu explained the essence of training reserve personnel through training students at military departments and passing training camps. Today we are publishing the full version of Sergei Shoigu’s conversation.

A meeting between Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and more than 300 students from 14 Russian universities took place on December 18 at the Moscow Aviation Technological Institute (MATI). In 1.2 hours, the minister answered 26 questions that were related to the procedure for military service by students.

In his opening remarks, Shoigu said:

– You have all heard that the president pays great attention to increasing the defense capability of our country. And, in particular, on changes in conscription for military service, and student service in general. A few numbers. Every year, 532 thousand young people receive higher education in our country, this is only male. Of these, about 10% are called up for service, at best 11%, who go to defend the Motherland. Some of them continue to serve. We would like to figure out why this is happening and fix what can be fixed. To ensure that ultimately our society comes to the understanding and perception that it is indecent not to serve in the army. This is our task. It is difficult to accomplish, but we believe that we can accomplish it with you if we pursue this path thoughtfully and energetically.

That is why we are here today, within the walls of your wonderful educational institution. Before this, we had a meeting with the rectors of leading universities in our country and we will continue this practice. Next week we will have a meeting with 140 rectors who are members of the council of rectors of our country and we will discuss what we will have time to develop by then.

There are 72 military departments in our country where future lieutenants are trained. The preparation cycle is different. Basically, it consists of the fact that you attend a military department for 2 years, and upon completion, you undergo 2 months of field training and receive the rank of lieutenant. Today's technology suggests the question: if we can train a lieutenant in such a cycle and in such a mode, then why can’t we train an ordinary reservist in the same mode? The answer is natural - of course we can. If we approach this very thoughtfully and, most importantly, with desire, then here we will see a lot of positive things for our country, and for our army, and for each of you.

We didn't stand still all this time and this is what we managed to do. This year we met the sports community halfway and created sports companies. Of these, 32 people have now been selected for the Olympic team who will participate in the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi in 2014. In addition, more than 70 members of the national team in various sports serve in sports companies.

Next, we met the talented guys halfway and organized scientific companies. Today there are four of them, and in the future we expect to expand our interaction with university science and increase their number as necessary. And there is such a need today. We see good results. Today, for scientific companies, which is a completely new phenomenon for us, we select one person from 15 candidates for a position. And the selection was quite tough, but the result completely satisfies us. During the first 4 months of service, 3 applications for inventions, more than 40 innovation proposals and more than 40 scientific publications were submitted.

And these are all ordinary scientific companies. Of the entire intake, approximately 70% of the guys expressed a desire to continue serving in the army. Of course, we are looking to ensure that they can continue their scientific work and work to implement their proposals into practice. Today we have already received a fairly substantial amount of materials in the areas of materials science, diagnostics and control systems. All this is already being implemented.

We are commissioning a large number of facilities. Thus, the Plesetsk and Vostochny cosmodromes are being built. The first part is already in operation and we expect to complete its construction in the near future. And we need a lot of good specialists there, specialists with good education.

We propose today to create a system of university reserve training according to the scenario for training lieutenants, but in a truncated version. For 2 years, the student undergoes theory and upon graduation from the university, after a bachelor’s degree, between or after a master’s degree, three-month training camps in our training camps and units. After this, the student receives a military specialty, a military ID and a diploma. Exactly in this sequence. The time of the training camp is negotiable.

What are the pros and cons here? The first and main thing for us is the huge amount of work that needs to be done. This is bringing our entire training ground base into line with modern requirements, which should provide training for reservists within 3 months. A few words about reservists. The army is becoming more and more professional. Every year the number of professionals in the army will grow, and the number of conscripts will decrease. In the end, only that part will remain that we need to prepare a mobilization reserve in case, God forbid, war. And we expect that in 2 years of theory and 3 months of field training, with your strong desire, we will be able to prepare an active reserve. Of course, there are many more advantages. This includes serving in your teams and obtaining a real military specialty. During these months, we are ready to teach you at an intensive pace everything you need to obtain a full-fledged military ID, which will allow you to consider yourself a person who has fulfilled your civic constitutional duty.

Ready to answer all your questions.

– Will the period of study at the military department, in the event of expulsion from the university, be counted towards the period of military service?

- No, it will not. Today we don’t need to dig trenches, machines do that. Today we need to service complex systems and equipment; today we need specialists who are able to work on this equipment. We need specialists for control and communication systems, drivers, mechanics. Medical specialists are urgently needed. This year alone it is necessary to create 16 medical companies.

What benefits will be provided to graduates after completing military training?

– The main benefit is that there is no white card, but a military ID and a military specialty. And you won’t have to hide in the swamps until you’re 27 to get a full deferment later. And you won’t have to have two or three children, although in principle this is good. Everyone has their own and let's not cross the line. Believe me, for us this is a serious step towards all of you. And we really want you to really take this as a good opportunity not to run anywhere, but to study calmly, without interrupting the educational process, to go through three months of training. And for this we will create decent training centers, incl. at our higher educational institutions.

You will undergo theoretical training one day a week, it is not that difficult. After this, the formed teams will undergo training camps for 3 months. We have enough parts, training grounds and equipment for this. And believe me, we will try to do everything to ensure that the conditions are humane. But at the same time, of course, we will demand full commitment. We need to recruit from 80 to 100 thousand people into the reserve per year.

One more thing. Agree, this is not great for our country when, after receiving higher education, about 10-12% of graduates are “simple”.

Therefore, I would not talk about benefits here. By the way, if someone thinks about extending their service, there are no obstacles to this. There are training centers where you can take additional courses and, having a higher education, receive the rank of lieutenant. Our officers today earn much more than in civilian life, or as they call it, the industrial average, or the regional average. Officers with the rank of major to colonel receive on average more than 60 thousand rubles. per month. This is despite the fact that we clothe them, provide them with shoes and provide them with an apartment. And from lieutenant to major - from 50 to 60 thousand rubles, somewhere in this corridor. You go into civilian life, find such a job today!

Explanations by Nikolai Pankov: If you closely follow Russian legislation, you will undoubtedly have noticed and paid attention to the fact that a federal law came into force on January 1 of this year. It does not introduce benefits, but specific restrictions for enrollment in the federal personnel reserve and entry into the public service for those who have not completed military service under conscription. And in general, today public and private employers pay the most serious attention to this. This, it seems to me, also falls into the category of benefits and preferences.

– Does a student have the right to choose a specialty during service and will it necessarily be related to the specialty obtained at the university?

– Of course, a student can choose his future specialty, but most likely it will be determined by the specialty obtained at the university. We will try to bring the military specialty as close as possible to your future profession, we are interested in this. Well, as for the educational institutions where you study, everything is determined by plans and programs. This applies to many universities, especially technical ones. There we have a more serious approach to technology, which is due to complex military systems, anti-aircraft missile systems, space and many other things.

– Will all university students have the opportunity to enroll in the military department and undergo military training?

– If such a decision is made, and we will try together with you to ensure that it is made, so that all students have this opportunity. Of course, with the exception of those who do not have such an opportunity due to health reasons or other valid reasons.

– The army is the most important social institution, which, along with school and family, specializes a person. The army teaches a lot, mutual assistance, a sense of comradeship. Only in the army can a person be imbued with a sense of patriotism. Thus, these 60 thousand people who do not join the army will be deprived of this. Simply put, their specialization will not be final. Not only is the army losing 60 thousand people, by and large Russia is losing an entire generation. That is the question.

- I agree with you. Believe me, this is a big, big question. There are students who lived in the “dorm” and those who did not. There is a difference? Eat. The one who lived in the “dorm” has an iron will, is a more independent, and more self-confident person. The same is true in military service. As for patriotic education, it is not instilled only through propaganda or posters, but is instilled precisely by the attitude of society towards those who serve. Just like the attitude of society towards those who should serve, but do not serve.

Look, in recent years we have acquired a huge amount of literature on how to get out of the army, how to sue a boss or an officer. Well, there is a lot of similar literature on other issues. Moreover, certain “passengers”, or rather citizens, began to speak out, who began to boast that they had managed to “slack”, managed to escape from service. It started with the escalation of the fact that our army is a horror, the army is worse than a prison, the army is a place where people are seen off with tears, crying, lying in the middle of the road, etc.

Of course there was something. Our country has gone through a very difficult and very difficult path over these 20 years. This is a historically short period, but very difficult. Everything was here. Today you see that we are trying to do everything to make serving with dignity and prestige, so that the service itself is not humiliating. And the time today is different, the third millennium, we must already forget about many things. You are following our actions to improve the living conditions of officers and privates. We also draw certain conclusions and ask ourselves certain questions.

For example, why did a person, when he came to work, wash himself once every seven days? And then when they lead him in formation. It's not clear at all. I ask the military officers who fought, what must a soldier overcome in order to get from the barracks to the teahouse? After all, while he is walking, he can end up in the guardhouse three times, or there will be a parade ground for revenge, or something else... They will shake everything out of you, where are you going, why are you going, why are you going, and when you arrive you don’t want any tea, no communication... That means These soldiers' tea rooms provide a necessary attribute of a military unit. It seems like it exists, but it seems like it’s not particularly needed. How to communicate with fellow countrymen? The simplest things.

And the issue of foot wraps, which we talked about at the beginning of the year? What a fuss there is. What's special about the fact that we decided to abolish foot wraps in the army? I'll tell you about the influence of the Internet on foot wraps. There is one unit in the Moscow region, I came there and talked with young conscripts. Please show me what you are wearing, what you are wearing, what is important in winter. They lined up young, newly drafted guys. They are standing dressed, woolen socks, everything is as it should be, not in boots of course, but in good boots, ankle boots. I asked one boy, 18 years old, just drafted, not after college, how is everything okay? He, apparently having read a lot on the Internet, says - Comrade Minister, but the foot wraps will be more comfortable. Okay, we agreed, the commander gave him foot wraps and boots. But the guy doesn’t know how to use footcloths, so it turned out “more comfortable.” Then the commanders suggested, let’s still allow him to give out socks and boots, let him go as he goes. But he managed to send the sad photo to his mother.

Here, if you leave the foot wraps, of course boots will be more comfortable for them. But you and I are modern people. So let's move with the times. And we have foot wraps for 5 million people, if there is a desire, we can send them. We are now spending them on targets.

– I am a 3rd year student, going to graduate school. Will I have time to get into this program?

- I think you will have time. In any case, we will try to make sure that you have time. To do this, we need to make some changes to the laws, we need to adopt several government resolutions, and most importantly, we need to prepare everything in order to switch to such a system for recruiting students.

– Today, conscription starts from 18 to 27 years old. But, as a person who has completed military service, I have retained my opinion about conscription into the army. How do you feel about starting military conscription at the age of 16? (laughter in the audience).

– Sharply negative, because I would like them to finish school, which they finish at the age of 16. I can’t imagine this... Remember yourself at 16 years old.

– If a student is not fit for military service due to health reasons, will he subsequently be called up for service?

- Well, of course not. But if he wishes, each specific case will be considered separately. For example, in terms of vision, it is possible to provide service in research institutes.

– What happens if a student does not pass the final assessment?

– If he does not pass the final certification within 3 months, he will serve for a year. In my opinion, everything is fair. Fair, right?

– After successfully completing university, can I go to serve under a contract?

- Certainly. When do you finish? (laughter in the audience) Of course you can. Moreover, you have good prospects with a higher education to receive the rank of junior lieutenant, and with further continuation of your studies at our universities, higher ranks.

– Can I continue my studies at universities of the Ministry of Defense after graduating from the military department?

- Naturally. But we must keep in mind that every year we now have more and more competition for admission to our higher educational institutions, very high. Firstly, because we extend the service life, and secondly, because we recruit exactly as much as we need. We recruit for the equipment that we receive over the years. Now our cadets are scheduled according to year. Today we need to seriously solve the personnel problem in terms of ship and sailing personnel. So you have everything ahead of you. If you have such a desire, we will of course be happy to accommodate you.

– What happens if a student refuses to undergo military training at a university?

– Read the criminal code (laughter in the audience). What does refuse mean? He is a citizen of our country. And you see, we do all this to give the opportunity to really not run away from service. On what basis will he refuse? If faith does not allow, please, we have other opportunities for such people, if health does not allow, then he will not serve at all. There is a country, there are laws.

– I would like to know whether the experiment with scientific companies influenced the desire of young people to serve, and whether it justified itself, and what the results of the spring and autumn conscription showed?

– In addition to what I said earlier, I can add that no one has any doubts, and if there is, then I can dispel them. We are creating scientific companies at our Air Force and Navy training and research centers from those who are engaged in various kinds of special projects. This is where we select, and will continue to select, the worthy. In Voronezh, in our training center, out of 34 guys from the scientific company, 22 people will continue to work in our military-technical professions. No one is forcing them, they are conducting scientific work that is very important for us and they themselves want to continue this scientific work and put it into practice themselves.

As for the change in the situation in relation to the army, it has indeed changed. This year, the number of draft dodgers has decreased by more than 20%, and this is a huge figure, more than 30 thousand people. If you noticed, during the spring and autumn conscription days there were no major scandals, we weren’t particularly chasing anyone. In general, we believe that the steps that have been taken to improve conditions of service in the army have been taken correctly. The rules that are established in the army, starting with clothing, living conditions and other conditions, when you serve for 5 days and have free access to the city for 2 days, you can make a phone call, are correct. The situation is changing, and even our decision, if we carry it through in a thoughtful manner, will significantly affect the attitude towards the army.

– Will there be any changes in the procedure for deferments from military service?

“I don’t know, we still need to think carefully about what other deferment from military service we can come up with.” We already have so many of them today that I just don’t know anymore. What other order can we talk about, do you have any ideas about this? Our people are certainly inventive. Instead of inventing some kind of delays, we would rather deal with issues of improving service conditions.

– Is there a possibility of receiving a referral from the military department either to a rescue squad or to engage in rescue activities?

– This question is not for me, but for the Minister of Emergency Situations. If we talk about us, then you know that we have the widest possible service capabilities, starting from mountain brigades and ending with special-purpose units, and there are even more special things. As for rescuers, we can certainly come up with something. But while we are talking about training reservists, we are talking about those who will come to serve tomorrow, we are talking about those who, after serving once every 3 years or once every 4 years, will be called up for a week or two.

– Today there is some kind of unfair attitude towards officers who became officers after graduating from military departments. What prospects are there for solving the problem of the prestige of serving in a military department?

– The president of our country graduated from the military department. The same applies to the Prime Minister, the same applies to the Minister of Defense. What other examples are needed? (applause in the hall) It all depends on the person, if a person decides to devote himself to some other craft, some other activity, some other job, why should he leave training at the military department? 25 years ago I could not even imagine that I would put on shoulder straps and serve. I was doing what I loved, working and building in Siberia, building a lot and interestingly. And I never expected that I would get this job. But it happened. So a student who has completed training at a military department and three months of training can be compared with someone who has completed an educational unit. And those who served know what training is.

Therefore, if you want to continue your profession and become a riot police colonel, you need to move in this direction, graduate from an educational institution, continue to serve and achieve what you have set for yourself. No one has any restrictions. The only restriction, if the law is passed, should be for those who had the opportunity but did not serve. I am absolutely sure of this that this person should be limited in promotion through the ranks of the civil service.

– It is known that when entering a military department to receive an officer rank, you must take a physical training exam. Is it necessary to introduce such an exam upon admission to obtain the rank of private?

– I think it is necessary (laughter in the audience).

– Don’t you think that it is necessary to introduce a certain quota for the military department?

- No, I don’t think so. Because an interesting thing is happening today. They go mainly to those universities where there are military departments. In this case, we equalize everyone's rights. After all, a person goes to study the specialty that he wants to acquire, and not the one that is given at the military department. And most importantly, he does not have to run from the army. This is what you all need to understand. We want to create conditions under which a person is prepared who, if necessary, will defend the Motherland in his hands. And he will do this with sufficient knowledge in this area. And if today we continue to follow the path of catching everyone, forcing everyone to serve, then this will be wrong.

We all must create in society such an atmosphere, such an environment where it would be indecent for any young man or man not to serve. Today, the level of education among ordinary non-commissioned personnel is gradually becoming lower and lower. In the end, the situation becomes very similar to the statement that we really have a workers' and peasants' army, which had a low level of education. But modern weapons are complex and are becoming more and more complex every year. We don’t need those who will dig trenches; we have special machines for this. We don't need those who will make dugouts. We are moving away from the concept of living force. Today, living unarmed force is not force.

Who are reservists in the USA? They are called the National Guard. Listen up, National Guard. These are people who have served, or undergo special training and join the reserves, have a uniform at home, and when the country calls them, they put it on and go to carry out the tasks assigned to them. I saw these in Afghanistan, Iraq and many other places. It's the same with us. If tomorrow the Motherland is in danger, then who will we call on? Call for a shovel? But this is complete nonsense. Today the army is motorized and we need specialists who can solve certain problems using this equipment.

– I’m studying a foreign language, I want to study in the military department, what are my prospects within the Ministry of Defense?

– You have good prospects. Because we have a huge amount of information that requires translation, we need translators. In particular, we are now training sappers to work in Afghanistan, and translators will also be needed there. We have a lot of work for translators. We also carry out extensive international activities.

– I served with one guy for 26 years who did not have a higher education. Because of this, he was not allowed to go on leave to his visiting parents due to the fact that he would not be able to behave correctly on leave. They explained this by saying that there is such a law, is this true?

- There is no such law. If someone said something like that in a unit, then he is a tyrant. Tell me what this part is and when it was, we will figure it out. You have already served, and there is nothing to be afraid of (laughter in the audience). I say absolutely seriously, there is no such law. Today, any serviceman on Saturday and Sunday can leave the unit absolutely unhindered.

– How strong is the influence of the Committee of Soldiers’ Mothers today? Can they influence the decisions of unit commanders?

“Today every soldier can call his parents home. We have many different organizations that interact with us in one way or another. But today we will not discuss this; today we have another topic to discuss. I firmly believe that if you serve in the army, you voluntarily accept certain responsibilities and restrictions that you must conscientiously fulfill and endure. Those who wear shoulder straps voluntarily submit to certain restrictions, this distinguishes us from civilians. But for this we are given certain benefits and certain living conditions. So far they are not always fulfilled, but we are moving towards this and getting there.

– Can a student from a foreign country undergo training at a military department?

– How soon will the program discussed today come into effect, and will we, 4th year students, be able to take part in it?

– We would like to launch pilot projects already in 2014, so that in 2015 it would be fully operational. We need to hurry. In order for it to work, we need your support. If you have your support, everything will move energetically and quickly, and the necessary amendments and adjustments will be made to laws and government regulations. There will be no such support, it will be difficult for all this to move.

– Will military departments be introduced in universities where they do not exist, and will they be introduced in all universities, including private ones, or only state ones?

– Yesterday we discussed this issue with the rectors and came to the conclusion that students from universities where there are no such departments can undergo such training in neighboring universities where they exist. Today we need to use the existing military departments in full, so that they work 7 days a week and so that we see the results obtained. When we realize that there are not enough of them, then perhaps we will begin to expand them, but it would be wrong to create such a department in every university. We believe that students of all universities should undergo appropriate training at the interuniversity military departments being created. And it won’t be a big deal if you leave the walls of your university one day a week and study at the military department at another university. We won’t do this in all non-state universities, but in those that have state accreditation, I think so.

– We need to pass exams, defend our diplomas, how to combine all this with training camps, when to do all this?

– We will give you the right to choose, either after a bachelor’s degree, or after a master’s degree, or in between. So, many guys from Kazan University take academic leave, serve for a year, then return and graduate from the university. I don’t understand this kind of rhetoric when you ask me about when to serve and when to study. There is already a bun, already with butter, there is already a jar of jam standing next to it, what do you need, what else do you need, tell me.

Let's assume this option. We won't change anything. Let's leave everything as it is. You graduated from university, received a diploma, and we called you. You served with us for a year and during that time you forgot what a bachelor’s degree, master’s degree was, what exams you took... You forgot everything, or almost everything. Believe me, this is real, we all studied at universities. If you are not in touch with classes in your future profession for a short period, a lot is lost, this is serious.

What we are saying today is that we would like to discuss with you how to do better for you, listen to your opinion, what concerns you, and only after that prepare a law and make the necessary decisions. You don’t need to talk to us like that, we came to you with a very interesting and good intention. First of all, taking care of you, our Armed Forces and our country. We discussed this issue with the rectors, they will discuss it further and then give us their proposals.

To the question I argued with a friend: did Shoigu serve in the army? given by the author Sift the best answer is Why argue, take a look at the biography.

Answer from Mosol[guru]
His pathological fear of foot wraps suggests that he successfully avoided the army.

Answer from Yurok88[guru]
The Ministry of Emergency Situations has armed units with specific tasks. Previously, even conscripts seemed to serve in them. I don't know how it is now. Shoigu COMMANDED them. Can we call this a service?

Answer from Yoanya Silin[active]
He is a civil engineer by training. Until 1993, his military rank was reserve lieutenant. Naturally, he never served a day in the army.

Answer from I-beam[guru]
As long as it’s not a furniture maker, the army already agrees to everything... I remember how the officers after Grechko stuck out their lips at Ustinov... They still could not imagine that even a peddler selling stools could command the army...

Answer from Name[guru]
First they took off the uniform from the generals, then they put it on the civilians.

Answer from Kind atheist[guru]
Sergei Shoigu was born on May 21, 1955
from 1972 to 1977 he studied at the Krasnoyarsk Polytechnic Institute
1977-1978 - master of the Promkhimstroy trust, Krasnoyarsk
1978-1979 - foreman, head of the section of the Tuvinstroy trust, Kyzyl (capital of the Tuva Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic)
1979-1984 - senior foreman, chief engineer, head of the construction trust "Achinskaluminystroy", Achinsk
1984-1985 - Deputy Manager of the Sayanaluminstroy Trust, Sayanogorsk
1985-1986 - manager of the Sayantyazhstroy trust, Abakan
1986-1988 - Manager of the Abakanvagonstroy trust, Abakan
1988-1989 - Second Secretary of the Abakan Civil Committee of the CPSU, Abakan
1989-1990 - inspector of the Krasnoyarsk regional committee of the CPSU, Krasnoyarsk
1990-1991 - Deputy Chairman of the RSFSR State Committee for Architecture and Construction, Moscow
1991 - Chairman of the Russian Rescue Corps, Moscow
And so on.

Answer from Slav[guru]
no, he didn’t serve... and the general’s uniform fits him like a clown... but he’s a smart guy... I respect him

Answer from Volandssk[guru]
No, I didn’t serve. Shoigu S.K. graduated from the military department at the institute, passed the State exam and received the military rank of lieutenant. Thus, Shoigu S.K. is a reserve officer.

Answer from Alexander Trubetskoy.[guru]
He didn't serve. That's why he wants to exchange his foot wraps for smelly socks, he's a fucking amateur.

Answer from Andrew Brown[active]
Yes, he did not serve in the military, but he did more for the army than any other defense minister since 1991. Under Shoigu, for the first time I am not ashamed of my army. Compare the operation in Crimea with any other military operations over the past 20 years. For the first time, our army completely outperformed the American army in information technology. I didn't even have to fight.

Answer from Alex[newbie]
Well said. Ukraine refuses nuclear weapons - we will support and help! And when they refused, here’s a cookie and butter for you! And snatch off part of the territory from a weakened country! Well, just like a human being, like Russian! You learned to rattle weapons after World War II and are constantly dictating your terms! Shove these conditions, you know where??? Your boast that you will take Lviv in 2 weeks is an elementary farce! The guts are thin!!! First, restore order in Russia and remove poverty from the outback! In Russia, only Moscow is fattening and the whole of Russia is working on it!!! Obviously Muscovites like it here!

Answer from Evgeniy Poletaev[active]
Why do people in Ukraine consider Crimea to be Ukrainian? Because of Khrushchev's signature?

Answer from Lilechka[guru]
He studied at the Krasnoyarsk Polytechnic Institute. There was a military department at the university, and if there was a military department, then students were exempt from military service by law. My father also did not serve, because there was such a department at KSU.


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