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Sky Ferreira

As soon as the titled model announced the release of her album, a couple of days later Ferreiro and her friend - DIIV member Zachery Cole Smith - detained by the police. The cops became suspicious of the stolen license plates on the Ford in which the couple was traveling. However, the problem turned out to be much more serious. When checking documents, ecstasy tablets and a bag with 42 doses of heroin were found in the car. The lovers were taken to the police station, but before the court's decision they were already released on bail. The situation is worsened by the fact that the car was listed as stolen, and when Skye was arrested, she tried to resist. They have already been charged on several counts, although in his Twitter, Zachery claims that they were framed.

Zac Efron

A good boy and a favorite of the entire female (and not only) half of America, the star of “High School Musical” has never had a reputation as a party animal and reveler. The other day, information appeared that shocked all fans of the well-behaved Efron. It turns out that for several years he abused alcohol, cocaine and ecstasy. But he found strength and underwent drug addiction treatment. Due to his addiction, the actor began to miss filming and already had to deal with the police. After five months of rehabilitation, he plunged back into work. Efron has already presented the film “Parkland”, where he starred in the title role, and is working on the new film “Chantarpa”.

Courtney Love

The widow of Nirvana leader Kurt Cobain, singer Courtney Love is rightfully considered the most experienced drug addict in Hollywood. She has countless offenses to her name: she broke out the windows of her own home, destroyed furniture in hotels, started riots on board an airplane, attacked police officers - in general, everything as befits a rock star. Friends even gave her the nickname “black tornado,” implying constant trouble, and her other nickname, Coco, reflects her long history with cocaine. It is surprising that after litigation she almost always managed to get away with it. At the moment, Courtney has settled down and gone to work on a new album.

Elton John

It's hard to believe that one of Rolling Stone magazine's "greatest performers of our time," Sir Elton John, once suffered from drug addiction. The singer spoke about his addiction a few weeks after the death of Whitney Houston. The artist admitted that he used cocaine in immeasurable quantities and often brought himself to a dying state, but never considered himself a drug addict. After another seizure, he could get up and sniff the next line. A meeting with his current husband, Canadian designer and director David Furnish, helped him recover from his illness. Today the composer is ready to help anyone who wants to quit drugs.


The British singer, whose positive image never aroused suspicion, also suffered from addictions. Sting came to fame as a member of the rock band Police, which he left at the peak of its popularity in 1984. The ideal husband and caring father turned out to be a drug addict and a rake. His drunken antics increasingly came to light until a new girlfriend, Trudie Styler, forced him to recover from drug addiction. After a rehabilitation course, he decided to start a solo career and in the 90s he again became a star. Several years ago, in his blog on the Huffington Post, he made a statement in which he called on the government to legalize marijuana and use the proceeds from its sale to fight crime, poverty and global warming.

Lindsey Lohan

American actress Lindsay Lohan has repeatedly been imprisoned for drug use and possession. The star underwent treatment for addiction six times, and was even sentenced to 14 days in prison, but this did not stop the singer. In March of this year, she underwent another course at a special clinic due to a road accident. At the time of the incident, Lohan was already on probation for her previous offense of stealing jewelry. A month ago, on the Oprah Winfrey Show, Lindsay admitted that when she got into trouble because of her addiction to alcohol and kleptomania, she always subconsciously wanted to go to prison, since only imprisonment could stop and calm her down, at least for a while.


The artist never hid the fact that he was addicted to antidepressants, but until recently he preferred not to talk about this dark side of his biography. Slim Shady admitted to taking 60 Valium and 30 Vicodin capsules a day in the mid-2000s. At some point, the artist suffered a serious overdose, almost all of his organs failed and doctors had no hope of recovery. A month later, the singer began work. According to the artist, the main reason he did not allow himself to give up was a sense of responsibility for his own daughter Hayley, as well as his two adopted daughters Laney and Whitney.

Britney Spears

America's "Pop Princess" has always been predicted to have a bright future. This was the case until the singer met her husband, dancer Kevin Federline. The divorce from Kevin in 2007 unsettled the artist. After the court hearing, Britney suffered a series of mental breakdowns: she suddenly gained weight, left her career, started using drugs, alcohol, and even shaved her head. In 2008, Spears was hospitalized in a psychiatric clinic and declared incompetent, so custody of her two children was transferred to their father, Kevin.

Robert Downey Jr

In his youth, after several works in teen comedies, the actor played a desperate teenage drug addict in the film Less Than Zero. After which Downey began to have problems with drugs in real life. After a series of high-profile scandals, he was fired from the studios where he was filming, and the court sentenced him to 16 months in prison for possession of cocaine, heroin and weapons. In addition, Robert had to undergo compulsory treatment. The actor said that his father, director Robert Downey Sr., who allowed the boy to try marijuana at the age of 8, was to blame for the addiction.

Lady Gaga

In 2011, the singer admitted to drug use, urging her fans not to follow her example. The artist used illegal substances, namely marijuana, to create new hits. Gaga explained that in her youth she wanted to be like her idols so much that she started taking drugs and miraculously survived. Having overcome her addiction, she began to engage in charity work, donating huge sums for the treatment of drug addicts.

We must pay tribute to the courage of these stars - not every person, especially a public one, will dare to openly talk about their mistakes. But artists like Vlad Topalov are ready not only to discuss their struggle with drug addiction, but also to help others get out.

Dana Borisova

The news about the TV presenter's drug addiction came as a shock to her fans. Borisova has never been distinguished by extravagant behavior and harsh antics, at least in public. As it turned out, there are such devils in the still waters that a couple of months ago Dana’s celebrity friends decided to trick her into sending her to rehabilitation. Until recently, the TV presenter thought that she was participating in the filming of a reality show in Thailand. It turned out that Dana was waiting for a clinic on the island, conversations with a psychologist, yoga and a complete break from the outside world. During periods of calm, Borisova gets in touch and vows to “tie it up.” It happens that Dana panics, and then she secretly calls journalists and reports that she is being held by force. While Borisova’s condition is unstable, her ex-husband is threatening to take full custody of their nine-year-old daughter Polina.

Vlad Topalov

If Dana has yet to overcome her addiction, then her colleague Vlad Topalov has left the dark times behind. In 2009, the musician admitted that after the breakup of the duo Smash! I used drugs regularly for several years. 8 years after coming out, Vlad became a partner in a Moscow rehabilitation center to combat drug addiction, gambling, alcoholism, smoking and other addictions. According to the artist, he invested his own funds in the development of the clinic.


Who would have thought that the crazy and bright Shura, who the audience associated with the eternal carnival, would leave the stage due to serious health problems. For several years, the artist struggled with testicular cancer, undergoing chemotherapy and long rehabilitation. After treatment, the artist weighed 140 kilograms! At the same time, Shura struggled with drug addiction. “There were too many temptations in my life at that time. I was the number one star on the stage and used a lot of “bad” substances. “I myself realized that I needed to get checked,” Shura shared in an interview with “The doctor examined me from top to bottom and referred me to an oncologist.” The artist cites drug addiction as the cause of cancer: “I took drugs that completely killed my immune system. I no longer ate normal food, I constantly consumed it and went to parties where everyone smiles in your face, and you are slowly dying.” Now Shura’s life is a schedule, proper nutrition and healthy sleep.


After the final breakup with Aiza Anokhina two years ago, the rapper went downhill again. It is known that before his wedding with Isa, the artist was addicted to heroin, and periodically old demons attacked Guf throughout his family life. As the rapper admitted, the love of his wife and the birth of his son helped him come to his senses, but, as it turned out, Guf was unable to leave drugs in the past. In September 2015, after a concert in Krasnoyarsk, the rapper and the Centr group were taken to a local drug treatment clinic and asked to take tests. The artist spent 6 days behind bars, serving an administrative sentence for using prohibited substances. A similar situation occurred in 2014 - then an examination showed that the artist used cocaine and hashish. However, Dolmatov himself took his arrests calmly. “Yes, I am Guf, the whole country knows that I smoke weed. This is bad, illegal, but I am not a systemic heroin addict and do not encourage anyone to use them,” Alexey said after his release from Krasnoyarsk prison. And yet, a year after his arrest, Guf went to Israel for rehabilitation. The artist was at a clinic called “Phoenix” near Tel Aviv. Dolmatov was under supervision for a long time and even visited the holy places of Jerusalem. The 37-year-old musician also attended group art therapy and psychodrama classes and met with a psychologist several times a week.

Leva "Bi-2"

While “Russian rap” is serving time for “weed,” “Russian rock” manages to settle the issue with coin. On May 17, at the Moscow Open Arena stadium, where a football match was taking place between the capital’s Spartak and Grozny’s Terek, police detained the lead singer of the Bi-2 group, Leva (Egor Bortnik), after finding him in possession of a joint. As eyewitnesses said, “an hour before the Spartak-Terek match, the musician tried to enter the VIP box. Didn't pass the test. They found a bag of something very similar to marijuana on him.” The artist was taken to the police station and was later given a fine of 3,000 rubles.

Stas Piekha

“He encountered this disgusting thing when he was little,” singer Edita Piekha says about her grandson. - In St. Petersburg they drugged him. I barely managed to pull him out of this environment. She sent him to Moscow to see his mother, and there he, fortunately, lost contact with these people. But I remembered for the rest of my life that drugs are scary. He grew up to be a decent person. I’m proud of him,” admitted Edita Stanislavovna last year. Following the famous grandmother, who decided to make revelations, the musician himself spoke up. “My parents were constantly not at home, there was a black hole inside and a lack of feeling that you were loved. Substances filled this hole,” said Stas. Moreover, during his use, Piekha suffered a heart attack three times and, by his own admission, “miraculously survived.”

Everyone knows that celebrities tend to use drugs. However, today we will talk about 25 famous people who abused various substances, but were able to overcome their addiction.

25. Slash

Slash, who is one of the most famous musicians in rock, was also one of the most drug-abusing people in the music business. However, due to his diagnosis of congestive heart failure in 2001 and the support of his wife, the former Guns N Roses guitarist was able to kick the habit.

24. Jennifer Aniston

While filming the popular show Friends, Jennifer smoked one cigarette after another. However, in 2007, she decided to give up her bad habit through intensive detoxification, and now uses exercise to avoid returning to nicotine use.

23. Eric Clapton

He became so addicted to heroin that during one of his performances, Clapton lost consciousness and had to be resuscitated. Eventually, Pete Townshend, guitarist for The Who, convinced Clapton to give up his addiction and found a drug and alcohol treatment center called Crossroads.

22. Catherine Zeta Jones

Although she smoked as a teenager, she decided to kick the habit as an adult. She made this decision after paparazzi photographed her smoking while pregnant. These photographs, combined with her fear of passing on the habit to her children, convinced her to quit smoking.

21. Jon Stewart

Since the age of 15, the famous host of “The Daily Show” struggled with smoking addiction. The CGL Foundation eventually convinced him to give up the habit, and since 2000, Stewart has stopped smoking.

20. Brian Welch

Known as one of the founders of the multi-platinum nu metal band Korn, Brian Welch once became involved in the world of money and drugs. At the peak of his career, he became addicted to several substances and vices, including alcohol, sleeping pills and Xanax. When he became a Christian in 2005, he decided to cleanse himself of these addictions.

19. Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey, who is an inspiration to many people around the world, once admitted that she used crack cocaine in the 80s. No one knows how long her addiction lasted, but one thing is for sure: Oprah Winfrey has long forgotten about her.

18. Matt Damon

Matt Damon, who was a smoker for a long time, decided to quit the bad habit when he saw a photo of himself smoking and realized how terrible he looked. Moreover, he allegedly even convinced his good friend Ben Affleck to quit smoking.

17. Eminem

Eminem was able to kick his drug addiction thanks to the help of Elton John, a friend he met in 2001 who eventually convinced him to kick the habit.

16. Steven Tyler

The lead singer of the popular rock band Aerosmith abused drugs when he was in high school. In one of his interviews, he admitted that his addiction led to problems at school, difficulties in adequately perceiving his success and poor relationships. His bandmates convinced him to go to rehab in 1986.

15. Sanjay Dutt

Sunil Dutt's son developed a teenage drug addiction after his mother died of cancer and he spent five months in prison in 1982 for illegal drug possession. His father sent him to a rehabilitation center in the US, where he was able to overcome his addiction.

14. Robert Downey Jr.

Robert Downey Jr., who is currently known as Iron Man, once suffered from a serious drug addiction. He was a drug abuser so bad that they didn't want to deal with him and wouldn't give him roles because of it. It's good that he was able to get rid of his addiction after he went to rehab.

13. Samuel Jackson

Samuel Jackson suffered from a serious drug addiction. Moreover, he overdosed on heroin several times and was sent to a rehabilitation center in New York more than once, but eventually escaped from there. He found his role as a cocaine addict in the film Jungle Fever cathartic because it made him realize how dangerous his habit was and he was able to kick it later.

12. Charlie Sheen

Widely known for his role in the comedy Two and a Half Men, Charlie Sheen used to be a drug addict. His addiction jeopardized the show and led to one of his fellow actors being fired. However, Sheen sought help and, according to some sources, has still not returned to drug use.

11. Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie once admitted that she used almost every drug in existence. However, when she became engaged to Brad Pitt and had six children, the actress decided to quit her bad habits.

10. Keith Richards

Keith Richards, part of The Rolling Stones, is often called a "pirate junkie". He apparently has no regrets about his past drug addiction. What's more, he says, being a drug addict helped him write some of his greatest hits of all time. However, he has given up all of his hard drugs and currently only smokes marijuana.

9. Ozzy Osbourne

Ozzy and his bandmates abused substances during the peak of their careers. However, due to the severity of his addiction, Osbourne was expelled from his group (which led him to use even more drugs). In the end, he decided to get rid of bad habits, stopped drinking, and gave up drugs.

8. Britney Spears

Although her drug and alcohol abuse was widely publicized, she went to rehab and reportedly has not yet returned to substance use. This is very good considering the fact that she is the mother of two children.

7. Demi Lovato

Like Britney Spears, Demi Lovato is also one of those young celebrities who suffers from multiple addictions at once. She entered rehab in 2010 for three months in order to get rid of her tendency towards destructive behavior, as well as her addiction to alcohol and various drugs. Demi Lovato now lives a healthy life with her family.

6. Chaka Khan

When Chaka Khan first signed a contract with a film studio, she began using heroin and cocaine. She abused both substances for nearly a decade, but after receiving a warning from singer Etta James, she decided to quit.

5. Kid Cudi

Kid Cudi was arrested in 2010 for drug possession. At the time, he was smoking marijuana in large quantities (which influenced many of his songs). However, in 2011 he decided to quit bad habits. This decision was forever immortalized on his wrist with a tattoo symbolizing the death of his old drug-addicted self.

4. Kelly Osbourne

When she was 17 years old, Kelly Osbourne became addicted to Vicodin. She became so addicted to Vicodin that she took up to 50 pills a day. She went to rehab in 2009 and was finally able to kick her addiction.

3. Nicole Richie

Nicole once abused heroin, pills and marijuana. In 2003, she was arrested for illegal possession of heroin, and in 2007 for being under the influence of Vicodin and marijuana. Now the singer has completely turned her life around, got married, and gave birth to two children.

2. Drew Barrymore

Even though Drew Barrymore is known for her good girl roles, she actually has a history of drug and alcohol addiction. At the tender age of 11, she was a heavy smoker and addicted to alcohol. Fortunately, she was able to get rid of her addictions and, according to some reports, she did not return to abusing these substances.

1. Daniel Radcliffe

During the filming of the Harry Potter films, Daniel Radcliffe seriously abused alcohol (and this addiction could have a serious negative impact on his image and acting career). Fortunately, he gave up the habit and now leads a “quiet, non-Hollywood lifestyle.”

Drug addiction is a huge problem in modern society. Many celebrities - musicians, singers, writers, athletes and actors begin to use them, losing themselves and their personality. Let's consider the fate of the most famous drug addicts.

At first, Sigmund Freud's interest in cocaine was purely medical. The first time he tried it, he was amazed at the substance's ability to instill confidence. At the same time, he wrote an article in which he recommended cocaine as a remedy for depression, neuroses, asthma and pain relief. He wrote several similar articles in which he described the sensations of using cocaine.

Sigmund Freud was confident in the miraculous power of the powder that he began to treat his friend Ernst von Fleischl with it for his addiction to morphine, but he died of an overdose. The scientist believed that cocaine helped get rid of all fears and complexes, and as a result he himself became addicted to the powder.

However, I was able to overcome the cravings, but spent too much time and effort on it.

Kurt Cobain - heroin

Kurt Cobain, lead singer of Nirvana, suffered from stomach pain and bronchitis since childhood. He smoked marijuana from the age of 13, and also took LSD and injected heroin. He said that in this way he tried to drown out the pain in his stomach. He called marijuana too weak, which is why he moved on.

Recently, Kurt Cobain has been using large amounts of heroin and has become nervous. He overdosed several times and even felt like he was constantly being watched. In 1994, he injected a large dose of heroin and shot himself in the head.

At the beginning, the writer was fond of alcohol. During that period, he wrote his brilliant works - “Christine”, “Dead Zone”, “It”, etc. Afterwards, alcohol was replaced by a stronger addiction - cocaine. The “king of horrors” was saved from addiction by his wife; she persuaded Stephen to go to the clinic and was always there. Since then, the writer has not used drugs.

Robert Downey Jr. - heroin, cocaine

As a young man, Downey Jr. played a teenage drug addict in Less Than Zero. And then he himself began to have problems with drugs. As a result, he was sentenced to 16 months in prison for possession of heroin, cocaine and weapons. He was also ordered to undergo compulsory treatment. At the same time, the actor said that his father was to blame for his addiction, who had let the boy try marijuana since he was 8 years old.

During the writer’s time, many took opium alcohol tincture for migraines and minor ailments, which often led to addiction.

Carroll suffered from severe migraines, so he also took opium. This substance also helped him cope with his complex about stuttering. As a result, the writer was constantly under its influence.

Adolf Hitler - methamphetamine, psychotropic drugs

Thanks to psychotropic substances, Adolf Hitler was on an emotional high without interruption. It is known that he used 74 medications, including narcotics, which destroyed his health. And in the last days of the war he was under the influence of strong drugs. He was given up to 9 drug injections a day.

In addition, Hitler suffered from problems with the digestive system and flatulence. Dr. Morel prescribed him lubrication gel, chamomile enemas and amphetamines. For gas, the doctor prescribed tablets of strychnine and belladonna. The doctor also often prescribed narcotic drugs. For example, Morel prescribed cocaine inhalations for a sore throat. The result was side effects such as paranoia and rage attacks.

The famous molecular biologist often conducted experiments with LSD. It was believed that this helps to think better. The scientist said that he took LSD while deciphering the structure of DNA. Moreover, many researchers took this seriously and also used LSD in small quantities. And Francis Crick spent his free time from working on discoveries at parties, using the same LSD, without hiding it. LSD helped him both relax and do science.

Bill Gates - LSD

Bill Gates hid the fact that he uses LSD, only hinting that he used drugs in his youth. However, one day, while on LSD, he began to feel as if the corner of the table was about to crash into his eye. But even after such embarrassments, he was never late for work. However, Gates was very reluctant to admit to the experiments of his youth, saying that “In our youth, our brain can deal with experiments that I would definitely not dare to do now.”

By the way, Steve Jobs explained Bill Gates’s failures by an insufficient number of psychotropic experiments, calling his condition “the death of imagination.”

Steve Jobs - LSD

Steve Jobs has repeatedly admitted that he experimented with LSD. He stated that people did not understand him because they had not tried psychedelics. He always believed that anyone who tried lysergic acid had a vivid imagination. For Steve Jobs, LSD was of great importance; he believed that experiments with this substance became the most important thing.

Many believe that Steve's extraordinary abilities and his creative belief in the success of his business were largely due to his experiments with psychedelics in his youth. At the same time, his acquaintances did not always understand Jobs, since he was often under the influence of psychedelic drugs.

Miles Davis - heroin

The great musician of the 20th century had serious problems with drugs, which caused him to retreat from his creative activities more than once. Heroin greatly slowed down Miles Davis's creative processes and prevented him from working. The composer became heavily addicted to heroin, but after 4 years he was able to overcome his addiction thanks to boxer Sugar Ray Robinson, after which he returned to full-fledged creativity.

Murat Nasyrov – hard drugs

Many Russian stars also have problems with drugs. And some die because of them. For example, a famous Russian singer jumped out of a window in 2007 under the influence of strong drugs. And before that, he shouted that he saw his dead friend Baglan Sadvakasov, whom he needed to get to. Within a few hours, Murat used the drug, and then repeated, like crazy, that he had photographed the ghost of his friend. His mother-in-law said that from the moment of the jump, Murat took a camera with him because he wanted to document his death.

30 June 2017, 17:06

As you know, many stars suffered from drug addiction and their success in getting rid of it varied. Some have managed to give up drugs completely, others sometimes relapse, and some never stop using drugs at all. The list of celebrities who have ever used drugs is simply huge, but I will give only a few examples in this publication.

Drew Barrymore she took her first cigarette in her teeth at the age of 9, tried cocaine for the first time at 12, and already at 13 she ended up in a rehabilitation clinic, where she was treated for drug addiction and alcoholism. Her transformation from a child star into an adult star was not easy, but she successfully dealt with her problems and returned to cinema.

Robert Downey Jr. He was also an alcoholic and drug addict, which is why his acting career went downhill, but he was lucky - he met his wife Susan, who helped him get rid of all his addictions and return to cinema. He tried marijuana at the age of 6, and in 1987 he underwent his first treatment in a rehabilitation clinic. It is known that from 1996-2001 Robert was in prison for drug use and possession.

Robin Williams also appeared among celebrities who had problems with drugs - although he had these problems back in the late 70s - he used drugs and was an alcoholic...


Sir Elton John t At one time he also had problems with drugs - he used cocaine, because of which, on top of everything else, he suffered from bulimia. In 1975, Elton John suffered a drug overdose, but it was not until the late 80s that he recovered from drug addiction. After that, he began to officially talk about the fact that he had problems with drugs, and also began to help other people get rid of drug addiction.

Addiction Eminem started with Vicodin, because at first the young man did not have enough money for drugs, but as his career developed and his earnings increased, Eminem switched to drugs, but Vicodin and other painkillers still remained the main ones in his “diet.” The rapper admitted that Elton John helped him cope with his addiction. Eminem entered a rehabilitation clinic in 2005, and in 2008 he declared that he was completely “clean.”


Kelly Osbourne coped with her addiction to drugs and now pleases others with her wonderful and fresh appearance. Kelly admitted that she tried most drugs (except crack), but most often used Vicodin. Kelly became addicted to drugs when she became depressed, and in 2004 and 2005 she officially declared her addiction and went for treatment. She completed a second rehabilitation course in 2009. After getting rid of drug addiction, Kelly took part in the show “Dancing with the Stars” and became actively involved in fitness, which helped her lose extra pounds.


Kate Moss... The loudest scandal erupted in 2005, when photographs of Moss were made public in which she snorted cocaine. After this, Kate was at times involved in various stories with drugs, as a result, her addiction at one time gave a very interesting result - thanks to the cocaine scandals, her salary doubled on average per year!!!


Kurt Cobain- committed suicide in 1994. There are many versions of what pushed him to such an act, one of which sounds like “frequent depression and drug abuse.” From the age of 16, he smoked marijuana and used drugs (cocaine and hallucinogenic drugs).


Sky Ferreira

As soon as the titled model announced the release of her album, a couple of days later Ferreira and her friend, member of the group DIIV Zachary Cole Smith, were detained by the police. The cops became suspicious of the stolen license plates on the Ford in which the couple was traveling. However, the problem turned out to be much more serious. When checking documents, ecstasy tablets and a bag with 42 doses of heroin were found in the car. The lovers were taken to the police station, but before the court's decision they were already released on bail. The situation is worsened by the fact that the car was listed as stolen, and when Skye was arrested, she tried to resist. They have already been charged on several counts, although in his Twitter, Zachery claims that they were framed.


Zac Efron

A good boy and a favorite of the entire female (and not only) half of America, the star of “High School Musical” has never had a reputation as a party animal and reveler. The other day, information appeared that shocked all fans of the well-behaved Efron. It turns out that for several years he abused alcohol, cocaine and ecstasy. But he found strength and underwent drug addiction treatment. Due to his addiction, the actor began to miss filming and already had to deal with the police. After five months of rehabilitation, he plunged back into work.


Courtney Love

The widow of Nirvana leader Kurt Cobain, singer Courtney Love is rightfully considered the most experienced drug addict in Hollywood. She has countless offenses to her name: she broke out the windows of her own home, destroyed furniture in hotels, started riots on board an airplane, attacked police officers - in general, everything as befits a rock star. Friends even gave her the nickname “black tornado,” implying constant trouble, and her other nickname, Coco, reflects her long history with cocaine. It is surprising that after litigation she almost always managed to get away with it. For now, Courtney has settled down.



The British singer, whose positive image never aroused suspicion, also suffered from addictions. Sting came to fame as a member of the rock band Police, which he left at the peak of its popularity in 1984. The ideal husband and caring father turned out to be a drug addict and a rake. His drunken antics increasingly came to light until a new girlfriend, Trudie Styler, forced him to recover from drug addiction. After a rehabilitation course, he decided to start a solo career and in the 90s he again became a star. Several years ago, in his blog on the Huffington Post, he made a statement in which he called on the government to legalize marijuana and use the proceeds from its sale to fight crime, poverty and global warming.


Lady Gaga

In 2011, the singer admitted to drug use, urging her fans not to follow her example. The artist used illegal substances, namely marijuana, to create new hits. Gaga explained that in her youth she wanted to be like her idols so much that she started taking drugs and miraculously survived. Having overcome her addiction, she began to engage in charity work, donating huge sums for the treatment of drug addicts.


Gerard Butler I never tried to be good. He swears a lot and is always trying to make a prank that will confuse everyone. The actor was especially guilty of this while under the influence of alcohol. He was arrested countless times and released just as many times. One day, Gerard found himself in a Los Angeles prison with eight other troublemakers, real criminals with a history of more than just drunken antics. Then Butler realized that something needed to change in his life and career. Thanks to this decision, Hollywood gained King Leonidas from 300. Now in his fifties, Butler is focused on his career, and not on drunken fun.


Colin Farrell

This Irishman has a reputation as a desperate brawler and drunkard, as well as an unbridled womanizer. But for several years now, fans and journalists have not only been unable to reproach Farrell for drunkenness, but they have not even been able to remember his last girlfriend. At the moment, Colin has not dated anyone for four years and has finally given up alcohol. For a long time, the actor did not talk about what prompted him to give up drinking, but recently he admitted that serious health problems forced him to do so. Colin is now focused on raising his two sons and working.


Mickey Rourke I learned what depression was at the age of seven, when my father left him and his mother. This left a strong imprint on his heart. After Rourke gained worldwide fame and became rich, he spent all his money on parties and psychoanalysts. Alcohol and drugs became his best friends, replacing his real ones. Unable to tolerate this lifestyle, his wife left him, and over time, the offers to work in films stopped. But Mickey turned out to be a strong guy and literally pulled himself out of this hole by the hair, regaining his right to a normal life. Unfortunately, the actor was unable to return to where he left many years ago, but this does not mean that Rourke has no job offers at all.


Russian stars who are drug addicts are also not uncommon. Possessor of recognizable appearance and vocals Shura was the king of the charts in the late nineties. The whole country sang: “Don’t believe the tears, everything will come back...”, but after a while new idols took over the stage. Shura's popularity began to fade, which could not but affect the musician's emotional state. He plunged headlong into depression, and tried to forget himself with the help of drugs, which he took for three years. Subsequently, Shura admitted that he could not resist the temptation to try what other Russian stars had also done. He left the ranks of drug addicts thanks to the help of professional doctors and his own strong-willed efforts.


In 2009, the outrageous TV presenter also admitted to an “affair with cocaine.” Ksenia Sobchak. Without lying, the socialite in one of her interviews shared scandalous details of her youth with her interlocutor. The showwoman said that she snorted cocaine, but she did not become addicted. The girl also added that she is sincerely perplexed when some Russian drug-addicted stars claim that they never allowed themselves too much. In her opinion, it is necessary to be honest with the public. At the moment, Sobchak is an exemplary wife and young mother.


Dana Borisova.

In April 2017, the mother of TV presenter Dana Borisova decided to publicly talk about her grief. On the air of the top-rated show “Let Them Talk,” she asked for help for her daughter, who, as it turned out, was suffering from drug addiction. Andrei Malakhov and several of Dana’s friends organized her immediate hospitalization. Now the girl is undergoing a thorough course of treatment in Thailand and is recovering.


Unusual musician Andrey Lysikov, performing under the pseudonym "Dolphin", also fell into the seductive trap of drugs. He snorted heroin and was sure that it was nothing more than self-indulgence. One day the singer was visited by a close friend. He indignantly declared that he would sacrifice many years of friendship if Lysikov did not pull himself together and give up drugs. Then the musician decided it was time to stop. Having gone on a long tour, he stayed away from heroin for two weeks. The first step helped him get off the drug “hook.” “A month later, I realized what hole I was lying at the bottom of,” the singer commented on the past.


Sweet-voiced Vlad Topalov became the hero of girls' dreams as part of the boy band Smash. But in 2004, the group broke up, and the singer was never able to maintain his former popularity and achieve new heights. The reason for this fiasco was drugs. It all started with dabbling in illegal drugs with friends on one of the ordinary evenings. It seemed that trying once was not scary, but the narcotic abyss quickly sucked in the young singer. In one night he took 10-15 ecstasy tablets, and then switched to cocaine.

In 2007, in the “Man and Law” program, Topalov publicly stated that he had been a drug addict for four years. The dangerous addiction led to serious health problems. In 2008, 23-year-old Vlad, whose physical form seemed to be in its prime, suffered kidney failure. Drugs became his passion, and relationships with loved ones reached a crisis. Topalov quarreled with his father to smithereens. The harmful addiction led the musician to the point that he could no longer follow his usual schedule. This was also the reason for the breakup of the super-popular duo. Now the singer is back on his feet. “There is an opportunity to choose a new life and live it as you always dreamed,” says the current Vlad Topalov optimistically.


Ex-wife of famous Hollywood reveler Charlie Sheen Brooke Mueller not far from her flighty husband. The actress went to rehabilitation in various clinics 20 times, survived six drug overdoses, but in the end she was never able to return to normal life. For this reason, twin sons Brooke and Sheen are now being raised by the actor’s other ex-wife, Denise Richards. They write that Muller was diagnosed with HIV.


During the filming of the popular show "Friends", Jennifer Aniston I smoked one cigarette after another. However, in 2007, she decided to give up her bad habit through intensive detoxification, and now uses exercise to avoid returning to nicotine use.


Shocking singer Pink she once admitted in an interview that between the ages of 12 and 15 she “tried all the club drugs,” from ecstasy to methamphetamine. She also overdosed once, after which, according to Pink, she never touched drugs.


Actor Burt Reynolds he once told me that at one time he became addicted to the sleeping pill Halcion. In 1992, Reynolds tried to quit taking heavy pills and fell into a coma for eight hours. “I heard the doctor say they were losing me, and I came back,” the actor recalled.


Whitney Houston shortly before her death, she once again turned to doctors for help to help her overcome her drug addiction. The first scandal erupted in 2000, when airport workers discovered marijuana in her possession. After that, she constantly tried to recover from her addiction, but to no avail.


28-year-old Australian actor Heath Ledger died in 2007 at the very zenith of his fame, but completely alone and among a pile of medications. Now you can’t tell whether the overdose was a conscious choice or the result of a tragic mistake.


Scandalous actress and Playboy model Anna Nicole Smith died of a drug overdose in 2007, but her life and death still haunt minds. The star passed away at the age of 39, having outlived her eldest child, son Daniel, who died of a drug and alcohol overdose by just a few months.


King of pop music Michael Jackson died in 2009 shortly before his supposed triumphant return to the stage. According to the official version, the cause of the artist’s death was an overdose of the drug he drank, an anesthetic that helped him fall asleep. In 2011, Jackson's doctor who prescribed the drug, Conrad Murray, was found guilty of manslaughter.


The whole world knows about the next star and her problems with drugs. About the tragic cause of death of the shocking star Amy Winehouse even those who have not heard her songs know. It is noteworthy that a year before her death from an overdose, Winehouse announced that she had completely gotten rid of drug addiction and alcoholism and was going to release a new album.


Elvis Presley

King of Rock and Roll. For many years he abused drugs, due to which he had serious health problems.


Macaulay Culkin

Once upon a time there was one of the most successful and popular child stars. He still struggles with drug addiction to this day.


This list can be continued almost indefinitely... It’s good that most celebrities find the strength to cope with their bad addictions, but on the other hand, why start?

P.S. Jennifer Aniston, compared to all of the above, is white and fluffy.


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