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Just a few years ago, magical rituals were a closed area for the uninitiated, since the rules and conditions for their implementation were kept secret and passed down either by inheritance or from teacher to student. Today the situation has changed radically, largely thanks to the development of the Internet.

Currently, anyone can gain access to previously closed information; anyone can learn the basics of magic and, with the help of special rituals, influence their own lives and the entire world around them.

Magic rituals with candles

Candle magic is largely based on the magical properties of the candles themselves. These attributes are used in almost all magical actions, however, there are many rituals in which candles play a leading role.
In such magic, the candles themselves play a huge role, so the outcome of each individual ritual largely depends on the performer’s ability to choose candles wisely.

Some rituals are based on Christian energy, so to carry them out you need to use blessed church candles. Other rituals are based on the forces of nature, therefore you need to use only natural wax candles; there should be no paraffin in such rituals under any circumstances. In addition, such features of candles as color, size, shape, etc. can be of great importance.

It is important to remember that candles are used in rituals of white and black magic, but they are always symbols of the element of Fire.

The fire element has been used in magic since ancient times, when candles had not yet been invented by man. In those ancient rituals, ordinary fires were used, with the help of which magicians performed purification rituals, removed negative energy from people, and healed them from many diseases and ailments.

Today, candle magic rituals are most often aimed at attracting financial well-being, good luck, love and good work. The candles used also depend on the direction of the ritual; for example, in love magic, red, pink, white and church candles are most often used, and they must be made of natural wax.


Ritual ladder of wealth

To perform this magical ritual you will need:

  • natural wax candle;
  • long green wool thread;
  • 9 clove buds;
  • copper or silver candlestick;
  • matches that light a candle.

Take a thread in your hands and tie all nine prepared clove buds (seasoning) to it. Nodes with buds should be located at approximately equal distances from each other. Then firmly grasp the thread with both hands and say the words of the spell:

“I, the servant of God (name), created with my own hands a ladder of nine knots. I created it so that I could use it to get to great wealth, to family well-being. I, the servant of God (name), wish to have a lot of money. This is my will. Let what is said come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After pronouncing the magic words, you need to wrap a thread around the candle along its entire length. Now you must light this candle for nine evenings so that each time it burns out by 1/9.

This ritual is performed during the waxing moon. To increase the effectiveness of magic, before performing the ritual, take a cleansing bath with herbs, thoroughly wash your face and wash your hands. You need to carry out the ceremony with your hair down, taking off all your jewelry.

Ritual with candles for love

This ritual is performed on the waxing moon. To perform the ritual you will need:

  • pink new tablecloth;
  • a piece of food foil;
  • a piece of red chalk;
  • white candle;
  • candle of your favorite color;
  • two candlesticks;
  • pin;
  • matches.

All attraction rituals bring positive results

Cover the table with a pink tablecloth and draw a heart in the center with red chalk. Place candles in candlesticks in the center of the drawn heart, light them with matches and say the words:

“Great Goddess of Love, I am a slave (name), I need your help. I call on your endless power. I ask you, Goddess, light the fire of love in two hearts, keep this fire, do not let it go out and flicker. May my love (name) with a man (name) only grow stronger from year to year and bring us happiness. Let it be so".

The ceremony is carried out after sunset and so that the candles burn out completely before midnight. At 12 o'clock, only melted wax should remain from the candles. Place the wax on the foil and write your name and the name of your lover on it with a pin. After this, draw a heart on the wax so that both names are enclosed in it.

Wrap the wax in foil and put it in a secluded place.

Magic rituals on Christmas Eve

Christmas among all Christian peoples is considered a sacred holiday, during which angels fly over the entire earth, and people’s most cherished dreams come true. It is believed that if you make a wish on Christmas night, it will definitely come true, the main thing is to make it correctly and sincerely.

Ritual before Christmas

This magical ritual is held on January 6th and is aimed at healing from illnesses. On Christmas Eve, buy a towel made of natural linen and pray for healing from all ailments. Later. If someone in your family gets sick, you will need to wrap him in this towel and read prayers over him.
Towel spell:

“I, the servant of God (name), speak in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, from seventy-seven ailments, from seventy-seven diseases, from the pain of love, from the torment of the night, from feigned dryness. From traveling cancer, from epilepsy, from damage and writhing. As the Most Holy Mother of God washed her Son and dried her with a linen towel, so You, God, bless my servant (name) flax. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Whomever I, the servant of God (name), wipe with a linen towel, I will erase seventy-seven ailments and illnesses from him. Let what is said come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".


Prayer for strength

This prayer allows the performer to gain not only physical, but also spiritual strength. Early in the morning of January 7th, you need to wash your face and say the prayer three times:

“The Savior was born on this day, and light appeared all over the world. I, the servant of God (name), will also be saved with that light. I will have mental strength and physical strength. Let what is said come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The consequences of rituals and magic

There are many opinions about whether magic is safe, and what consequences an inexperienced performer who decides to try his own powers in magic may face.

The first opinion, popular among church representatives and believers, is that any magic is a terrible sin, and therefore the performer will face a terrible punishment in the future, which will affect his life on earth and life after death. Oddly enough, this opinion is very widespread in our country, although such a point of view is not based on anything other than fear of the unknown.

The only strange thing is that the main ideologists of this view of magic are the clergy. In fact, there is no evidence from the Bible that says that all magic is evil and sin. Even if you think logically, what sin could it be to use magic to help your neighbor and save him from illness and some troubles in life? If this is a sin, then medicine is also a sin, since it interferes with God’s plan, and indeed any attempts to change one’s life for the better.

Take the choice of a specialist seriously; the successful course of your situation depends on his actions

The next point of view is the opinion of professional magicians who provide paid services to the public. Such sorcerers say that magic can indeed have serious consequences, but they threaten only those who wish to independently perform magical rituals without proper training and the necessary experience. This point of view can be explained quite simply – financial intent.

Of course, professional magicians earn their living by practicing witchcraft and taking money from people for it. They do not want to lose their bread, and therefore they do not need an ordinary person to be able to independently influence his life, help himself and his loved ones.

However, in fairness, it is worth noting that there is some truth in this point of view, but only if this very opinion is changed a little.

Magic can indeed be dangerous and can lead to serious negative consequences, however, this applies exclusively to magic, which is initially aimed at harm.

Black rituals carry a serious danger, both for the performer and for his loved ones. But even such witchcraft can be used and not be afraid of the consequences, the main thing is to follow the main rules, correctly conduct rituals, set up protection, pay off, etc.

Every person should remember that our ancestors from the most ancient times used light magic, were not afraid of the Lord’s Punishment, did not turn to professional sorcerers for help, and were quite happy. Ancient rituals are practically no different from those rituals that can be found on the Internet. Our ancestors, just like us, wanted to protect themselves and their loved ones from illness and adversity, wanted to enlist the support of luck, wanted to attract happiness and wealth. Despite the change of generations, despite the fact that life itself has changed a lot, people have remained the same.

We, like ancient people, want to live and be happy, we believe in the power of magic and use available witchcraft means.

If this witchcraft is aimed for good, if you experience only positive emotions when performing magical rituals, if there is no desire in your thoughts to harm someone, then your magic will be light and safe, without cruel consequences.

Who really should be wary of the consequences of magic are people who decide to turn to witchcraft for help in order to do harm, in order to cast a black love spell that deprives the target of their will, taking a man away from a strong family.
Remember that whatever actions and magic you perform, so will their consequences. For love you will receive love, for hate you will receive hatred, for harm you will receive harm. This is the main principle of magic, and if you remember it, then you don’t have to be afraid of witchcraft.

Every religious act is an initiation, a dedication, a magical procedure. What is the occult essence of Christian baptism? When you read the text to the end, you will be horrified, but, nevertheless, it is worth reading.

Formally, based on dogmatic theology, baptism is interpreted as birth for “spiritual life”, they say, having been born from the womb, a person was born only for physical life, in order to become a Christian and have a chance to “enter the kingdom of heaven”, baptism is necessary. From the point of view of the Christian Church, both Catholic and “Orthodox,” which is actually Left Orthodox, an unbaptized baby is “rotten.”

What a word! Just born, and already - “rotten”! That is, “filthy”, pagan, unchrist. Those. from the point of view of Christian theologians, everything that “opens up falsely”, everyone who is conceived and born in a natural biological way, all this is initially vicious, dirty, disgusting, vile, in full accordance with the doctrine of the “immaculate conception”, for if only one conception per the entire history of mankind was immaculate, therefore, all other conceptions are vicious! Those. everything that is born must perish, because... death entered life through the “fall”, and the only chance to be saved and “gain eternal life” is baptism.

As a matter of fact, similar procedures existed in many cultures, both in Hinduism and in various kinds of esoteric orders, ancient mysteries, secret societies, and they still exist today in traditional communities, the so-called “cradle civilizations.” In Hinduism, those who passed the initiation rite were called “twice-born” and received the right to study the Vedas and participate in the ritual.

The meaning of such initiatory rites, as a rule, was elimination, overcoming birth trauma, i.e. it was a repeated passage through the amniotic fluid, the passage of the “death-rebirth” path.

At the same time, the ritual could have the meaning of including the neophyte in some closed brotherhood, community, and then connecting the neophyte to some egregor, or energy-information field.

But! These rituals were always performed with adults, conscious people, or with teenagers, but never with babies. Those. The immutable law of freedom of choice and free will was always taken into account.

In Christian baptism, everything is the other way around - initiation is carried out over a baby who cannot prevent it in any way, express his desire or reluctance, but the fact that all babies cry hysterically during this black magic procedure indicates that this is how they express their violent indignation at this violent action and reluctance to become another sheep of “God” destined for the slaughter.

Look closely at these pictures, what do you see? You see a five-pointed star, the main symbol of the USSR Yantra. And now I will prove to you that the Christian “sign of the cross” is not the outline of the Cross, but the Five-Pointed Star. Look: blue arrows show the trajectory of movement of the right hand - the beginning is from the Ajna Chakra - the point above the bridge of the nose, then a vertical line down, approximately to the solar plexus - this is the Manipura Chakra, then the right shoulder, then the left shoulder, for Catholics it’s the other way around . Formally, it appears that a Cross is applied, but in reality, a Five-pointed Star is applied, because you do not take into account the trajectory of the forearm and elbow. These trajectories are shown by red arrows. Now, if you connect all the lines, you will get a Five-pointed star without the lower left ray, which from the point of view of Magic is not important, because all processes occur in a mirror manner and, in accordance with the rules of symmetry, what happens on the right is reflected on the left side of the body. So, when you are baptized, “sign yourself with the sign of the cross,” you put a Five-pointed star on yourself! Congratulations to you!

“Orthodox” version Catholic version Soul-KA

In various treatises on Magic and esotericism, it is said that the Five-Pointed Star is a “good” sign, because it is a sign of protection from negative influences, especially since if the star is “headed” up, then this means evolution, “movement towards the Light” , but if the horns are up, the “head” is down, then, of course, it is a devil’s star. This is all complete bullshit. Inside any five-pointed star there is another, inverted. That. when you apply a “good” Five-pointed star to yourself, you also apply to yourself a Five-pointed star, which is directed “head” down. Moreover, with your first movement - from the Ajna Chakra, that is, the place where your Ego, Personality, Spirit is located, you lower it to the point where a large star, explicit, connects with a small, inverted, implicit star. And what does all this mean? And this means that you lowered your Spirit down, directed it not “toward the light and God,” as they diligently instill in you, but, on the contrary, downward, into darkness, into death. But this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that your Soul, as a result of this mark, was captured and sealed inside two Five-pointed stars and now it will not go anywhere, it is locked there and very securely locked by double magical walls, nailed with five magical nails!

The tradition of putting a Pentagram on oneself as a protective sign goes back to the Egyptian pharaohs; in all sacred drawings and bas-reliefs, they were depicted with their arms crossed on their chest, the same position of the hands of the mummies of the pharaohs; depending on which hand was on top, the magical purpose of this gesture changed. Hitler, during his public speeches, also often folded his arms across his chest in a similar way. But these gestures were not the outline of the Five-Pointed Star, it was the imposition of a large Pentagram on oneself, and there is a huge difference between these two signs. If the Pentagram really is a protective sign and in the Chinese system of Wu Xing - the Five Primary Elements, it shows the ways of generating the primary elements, then the Five-Pointed Star, inscribed there, shows the ways of destruction and oppression of the primary elements.

Now, if you compare the “Orthodox” sign of the cross and the Catholic one, you will see that in the “Orthodox” version the Soul appears to be locked much stronger and more reliably, since the Soul is located approximately on the right side of the chest, then the “Orthodox” sign outlines it from all sides three sides, in the Catholic version, on the right there remains the possibility of exit.

Do you think this is a coincidence? Is it just something that happened historically?
No, dear citizens, nothing happens in this world by chance, especially if it concerns such things as religion, cults, rituals, everything has a deep, secret, occult, magical meaning and significance. And that’s why it’s funny for me to hear how “Orthodox” citizens grumble dissatisfiedly about the red Masonic five-pointed star introduced into Soviet heraldry by Leib Davidovich Bronstein-Trotsky, a high-ranking member of the Jewish Masonic lodge “Mizraim”. Why are you actually indignant? You draw these five-pointed stars on yourself! Moreover, I will say - all 900 years of the Christian yoke, all these headless “servants of God” painted this five-pointed star on themselves, and in 1918 it materialized, shone - it was hidden, it became obvious!

The fact that the cross is actually a five-pointed star is encoded in the word Crucifixion itself - Jesus was nailed to the cross with five nails and the fifth point is the crown of thorns. What's the point? The fact is that ritual murders in ancient times were carried out using an X-shaped cross. The victim intended for ritual murder or sacrifice was nailed with special ritual nails. Feet to the lower bars, palms to the top, the victim was killed by piercing his temples with ritual screwdrivers. In total, there are five points. This is the so-called St. Andrew's cross, which existed long before the Apostle Andrew.

In these three pictures you can see how the Crucifixion on the X-shaped cross gradually transforms into a Five-pointed star. Jesus was crucified on a T-shaped cross, because the Romans did not provide for execution on an X-shaped cross, but those who organized this performance foresaw everything and while the Roman soldiers divided the money that they were given so that they would turn away, the failed Messiah quickly They nailed it to the cross with four nails and put on a crown of thorns. Thus, this magical instrument was originally intended as a sign of Sacrifice, ritual suicide, because if you put it on yourself, kiss it in church, make its mark on yourself, thereby you are preparing yourself for the sacrifice, i.e. to the final and complete destruction of you as a Personality.

This is only one aspect of Baptism; the next aspect was outlined by Vladimir Avdeev in the article “What should a pagan do with baptism?”
Indeed, during baptism, all the energy channels of the person being baptized are “sealed” and he is completely separated from earthly forces and energies. They call this “renunciation of one’s sinful nature.” Since no other nature exists, this renunciation is a renunciation of our all-generating Mother Nature, who gave birth to us, raised us and fed us.

Another aspect of baptism is described in the book “Eniology” - the author claims that the baptism procedure is an obvious black manic ritual - entrainment to death. I completely agree.

One more aspect. Why are the “Orthodox” called “Oblivantsy”? Because during baptism, “holy” water is poured onto the top of the head of the person being baptized, in contrast to ancient non-Christian and modern Baptist rites, when the neophyte is immersed in the waters with his head. What's the difference?

The fact is that complete immersion in water, usually natural - a river, a lake - is a symbolic act of re-passing through the amniotic fluid, rebirth, in addition, water symbolizes the Cosmos, the Astral.

During “Orthodox” baptism, water is poured only on the top of the head. As a result, such a baptized person turns out to be disfigured for life - his head is energetically, informationally separated, cut off from the Body! Therefore, all “Orthodox” consider the Body to be sinful, the genitals to be dirty and shameful, childbirth to be vicious, and everywhere and in everything they affirm their dualistic heresy - the eternal struggle between the “light” Spirit and “dirty” Matter. Their thinking is absolutely schizophrenic; they perceive the world around them completely inadequately, i.e. so distorted and deformed that one gets the impression that one is dealing with seriously mentally ill people, whom one can no longer even call people, because they call themselves flocks—i.e. a crowd of sheep. But the worst thing is that when these mental patients become the majority, when they become the head of the state, then this state will inevitably face innumerable disasters. Read more about the occult meaning of Christianity here.

But that’s not all; this dualistic division of the entire energy constitution has even more destructive consequences. In addition to the fact that they consider Mother Matter, which gave birth to and nurtured them, to be a dark principle, they came up with an even more monstrous idea - that the entire material world lies in the power of the Devil, the “prince of this world.”

It is clear that this idea was thrown out so that the Christian sheep, with all their headless flocks, would strive with all the strength of their souls to leave the “sinful” Earth for the Kingdom - Heavenly Jerusalem, for “Eternal Life”. But as long as they live, they, in full accordance with this doctrine, try to spoil our Mother Earth as much as possible. Why not shit? After all, if this world is in the power of the Devil, then it is necessary to spoil things in spite of this enemy of humanity.

The result is the destruction of nature, total pollution of everything, every river, every lake. They even managed to pollute Lake Baikal! They shit everywhere - go out into the suburban forest and see how much garbage there is - these are the “Orthodox” who were vacationing. Wherever they appear, no matter what they do, they destroy everything. Even when they try to do something positive and useful, they still fail, or quickly become unusable and destroyed. This applies to roads, cars, houses, communications. Why? Yes, because all this is done with hatred of the world around us!

But that's not all. This dualism of the energy constitution - “white top - dirty bottom” leads to complete degeneration, degeneration, and disease. After all, if your genitals are “dirty”, if it is shameful, if sex is fornication, even in marriage, if childbirth is vicious, then how can healthy, happy, full-fledged children be born in this country? Is it possible to conceive and give birth to a healthy child with “dirty and shameful” genitals? So they degenerate and die out at the rate of a million a year.

You may object - but in Tsarist Russia the birth rate was high - yes, but at the expense of whom? - the illiterate peasantry. But the Russian peasant, who saved him, treated the Christian Church simply as an external, imposed cult; he did not know the intricacies of theology, did not read the Bible and lived by natural laws.

Nowadays the situation is different - widespread literacy, television, which openly pursues the policies of the Russian Orthodox Church, the general activity of this vile Christian propaganda leads to the fact that all those baptized during the Second Epiphany become active carriers and conductors of these dualistic heresies on the mental and energetic level. They infect everything around with their stench!

If you don’t believe me, look at the statistics on the incidence of sexually transmitted, gynecological and urological diseases. Growth of hundreds of percent over the past 15 years! Do you think this is the result of sexual freedom? In Dr. Greece and Rome had much more sexual freedom than in modern post-Soviet Russia, but sexually transmitted diseases were extremely rare there, and women did not even know what gynecological diseases were. Why? Because then there were no doctrines about the sinfulness of the genitals, sex and the depravity of childbirth! The ancestral mission of a woman was sacred, even temple prostitution was sacred, and phallic and yonic cults flourished.

“Orthodox” baptism has a particularly detrimental effect on a woman - all this abomination that pours into a woman’s subconscious - starting with the story of the creation of Eve from Adam’s rib, her temptation by the serpent, expulsion from paradise through her fault, “you will give birth in pain,” etc. .d. - I won’t list it again, leads to the fact that her genitals, and most importantly, her uterus, are energetically blackened. Clairvoyants see this as a black spider engulfing the uterus with its tentacles. This is obvious Corruption, which is produced on a mass scale and is actually legalized by the state. A woman spoiled in this way simply becomes dangerous to herself and to all the men with whom she enters into sexual relations, even if he is her legal husband. By itself, she begins to suffer from gynecological diseases such as uterine fibroids or cervical erosion, adnexitis of various etiologies, the vaginal microflora becomes pathogenic, as a result she constantly suffers from fungal diseases and infects men.

A man, entering into a sexual relationship with a woman spoiled in this way, instead of pure, bright Yin energy, instead of the energy of happiness, gratitude and love, receives an energetically dirty lump of energy. Since the doctrine of the depravity of sex is planted deep in the subconscious, such a woman will perceive every sexual act on a subconscious level as her own defilement, which inevitably affects both herself and the man.

As a result, instead of feeling happy, a man receives a feeling of guilt for “defilement,” which inevitably leads to the need to drown this unpleasant feeling with alcohol. So they become drunkards and die out.

If a woman has been implanted at deep unconscious levels with the idea of ​​the depravity of all sexual contacts, even in a committed marriage, since only one single conception in the entire history of mankind has been called “immaculate,” then after each sexual intercourse she will subconsciously consider herself “defiled,” “disgraced.” and will - subconsciously - wish the man death! That’s why men here don’t even live to see retirement, and most “Orthodox” women face old age completely alone.

Next, what does their expression mean, “to bear your cross”? They put the following meaning into it: since, they say, the ancestors Adam and Eve sinned (and Eve to the highest degree), and God expelled them from Paradise, this means that all people are sinful and must, supposedly, bear the mark of this sinfulness on themselves all their lives, in the hope that beyond the grave they will be accepted into the Kingdom of Heaven. They don’t understand that in a purely magical sense, the dogma of the total sinfulness of the entire human race is a monstrous power of Corruption that all baptized people bear; moreover, because of this Corruption imposed on them, they spoil everything around them, they spoil and spread their abominations everywhere. I mean all their vile thoughts and deeds.

But that is not all. When they take on the cross, this in the occult sense means that they take on all the negative karma of the Jewish and then Christian egregor.

Imagine - a child was born - clean, healthy, immaculate - he should live and rejoice, but he - if not a cross around his neck, just in a font - and now all those abominations and crimes are hanging on him, carefully and in detail set out in the Old Testament, starting from Eve, with the murder of Cain Abel and further - all those crimes and murders that the Christian churches have already committed, right up to the nasty things and abominations of the current hierarchs. And he is unhappy, all his suffering life he carries this burden of black Karma, which has nothing to do with him. But his loving parents pinned it on him! And why? Yes, because they themselves are the same, and secondly, they were forced to do this by all these bearded barbarians in black overalls and the leaders of the state who support these very bearded barbarians, who are the very Black Magicians!

And finally, during Baptism, the neophyte connects to the egregor of Christianity. Connection to one or another egregor occurs during any initiation, but in this case, the individual reincarnation experience is completely destroyed. A person is deprived of his individual Path of life. He becomes a zombie, an automaton who has been instilled, including at the energy-information level, with the idea of ​​the uniqueness of human life. Therefore, all Christians do not understand what Karma is, what Reincarnation is, they deny Evolution, they deny the pre-existence of the Soul. These people are simply becoming dangerous for Nature, and the fact that Christians are slowly and inevitably dying out, and most actively the “Orthodox” ones, proves that Nature has begun to actively get rid of this cancerous tumor called Christianity.

Magic rituals are considered a small opportunity to change the world around you. Despite scientific and technological progress, faith in the possibilities of magic has not disappeared. So let's understand some of the intricacies of this matter so as not to make irreparable mistakes.

  • Distinctive features between black and white magic

    Modern people are divided into two types. The first are those who see something sinister in magic and try not to encounter it in any way. The second is people who, out of their curiosity, are ready to experiment on themselves and plunge headlong into the study of esotericism.

    In the discussion of white magic, it is said about some kind of pure and immaculate action, since it does not affect strangers, but directly on the person who turns to it. It differs from black in that most often there is no pronounced self-interest in it. Its manifestation is the search for information, treatment for diseases and protection from negative influences. When using it, magicians turn to pure forces: the Holy Trinity, the forces of nature and turn to God in prayer.

    Black magic appeals only to dark evil forces. In their appeals, they ask for help in implementing insidious plans in relation to other people. These spirits help to gain power, love, wealth and cause harm to any person. However, you have to pay for such help, and most often this fee is too high. And they are completely scary.

    Magic rituals are a very effective method for solving all sorts of problems. In the experienced hands of a master, this enormous power can seriously influence the life of any person. Although you will not find a 100% guarantee of success in any description of a magical ritual. Each result depends on a huge number of factors, starting with the correctness of actions and ending with faith in your capabilities.

    Over a long period of time, magic attracts more and more attention. If quite recently only dedicated people could use it, now anyone can try their luck in this matter. Here are examples of how to perform magical rituals for the most pressing desires.

    How to get out of a difficult situation?

    This ritual is suitable for solving any complex problem. To improve the result, this ritual should be performed on the last day of the year. At this moment, remember all the problems that prevented you from achieving your dream. Then take paper and a simple pencil. Put all your pain, disappointment and grievances on a piece of paper. In order for all the negativity to leave you, tear your record into the smallest pieces. Next, imagining how your life will change for the better, burn the paper on a saucer and scatter the ashes in the wind.

    Salvation from the evil eye

    In order to quickly and independently save a loved one from the “evil eye”, you will need three lit candles. To carry out a conspiracy, sit a person with the evil eye in front of you and read the following prayer:

    “In the blue sky, on the high mountains. May Almighty God rise again, may those who hate Him flee from him, just as wax flows from the heat of fire, so may demons perish from the power of God. God, cleanse the sinner (name), for he will do good before You. Deliver from the evil one and Thy will be done in him. Amen".

    Attracting wealth

    This is held on Maundy Thursday. To complete it, you need to collect two coins and throw them into a basin of water before dawn. Then we whisper the following words over them:

    “Water is vital, we bless you on this day. We ask for your forgiveness and help. There are many of you on earth, but like a river you flow rapidly, let money flow into my house every day.”

    After reading, wash the whole house with this water, starting from the threshold and moving deeper into the rooms.

    How you want to know what awaits us in the near future, whether the person next to you is now the right one, what can be done to fix everything. Many people believe that the future cannot be changed. What if, if you open the door to the unknown and mysterious, you can do something. There are many options for fortune telling. We present to you some of the most interesting ones.

    Fruit fortune telling

    The apple is a mystical object. It has been used since ancient times in. And so, for fortune telling you will need as many apples as the number of guys you like. Write the names of your chosen ones on each one. Next, go into a dark room and bite into all the fruits, bring the most delicious one into the light and read the name. This is the young man who suits you best.

    Book fortune telling

    Bibliomancy is a way to find out the desired answer with the help of books. For this purpose, religious books or philosophical treatises are used. If you don't have one with you, the book you read most often will do. Mentally ask the question you are interested in and, opening the book to any page, without looking, point your finger at the text. The phrase you choose will be the answer, the main thing is to interpret it correctly.

    Find out the answer using rice

    For this fortune telling, take a bowl of cereal and, holding your left hand over it, ask your question out loud. Then take a handful of grains and pour them onto a napkin; if there is an even number, the answer is positive, an odd number means negative.

    Magic follows every person completely invisibly in water, air and all objects around. Magic rituals have become an integral part of our lives; we use them, sometimes without even knowing it. If you want to delve into unknown depths, try to choose fortune telling methods and rituals as scrupulously as possible. Take care of yourself and your loved ones!

  • I live in a resort town, where I can make good money only in the summer season. The rest of the time you need to live on the money you earned in the summer. As always, there was not enough money; many things, such as appliances, furniture and much more, had to be bought on credit, overpaying interest. I’m really tired of this existence, I have a good education, I work a lot, but I still don’t have enough money. I decided that I needed to change something in my life, to resort to real help in solving problems, since I had already used occult rituals to buy your own home. Once upon a time, I was already convinced that occult rituals can change our reality for the better. Don't let the phrase scare you occult rite, This is the name of any ritual using forces previously unknown to us. The ritual in question is not a ritual of black magic, it is white magic that can change our lives. This ritual was recommended to me by a healer whose services I had already used and it helped me a lot.

    Occult ritual to attract big money

    I performed this spell on the waxing moon in the morning before lunch, or in the evening after eight. The main thing is that you can’t tell anyone about this when you’re going to do it, otherwise nothing will come of it. I took two ten-liter buckets, poured water into one, and put a coin in the other. Then she poured water from bucket to bucket seven times and recited a special spell. As the healer told me, if some of the water spills, you need to collect it with a rag and use it to wipe the floor at the threshold, so that’s what I did. After pouring the water and reading the spell, I took a coin out of the bucket and put it in a separate pocket in my wallet. So as not to confuse it and give it away when paying for purchases.

    An occult ritual helped solve the problem


    Do any of you know (have you read?) the so-called Concept of Public Safety with its six priorities in the process (and phenomenon) of managing people?

    If you haven't read it, read it. The strongest and most important of the priorities is ideological.

    You can also say worldview. You can call him religious.

    And what does this have to do with the death of the President of Venezuela in March 2013?

    The fact is that…
    How to say? Well, in general, most people believe in something...

    The “rite of kissing” when meeting has very old roots - people “sniffed” each other, thus receiving information about the person they met. This custom is still practiced. But it's different everywhere. Interested to know how people in different countries kiss when they meet?

    In Austria, with friends it is enough to kiss once on each cheek in any order.

    Germans kiss only with close people, with others they limit themselves to a handshake. They do the same in the UK, where even a handshake...

    Each of you will no doubt realize that the title of this lecture is taken from Goethe's Faust. You all know that in this poem we are shown how Faust, the representative of the highest human effort, enters into a deal with evil forces, who, for their part, are represented in the poem by Mephistopheles, the emissary of hell.

    You will also learn that Faust must make a deal with Mephistopheles, which must be signed with his own blood. Faustus, at first, looks at this as a joke. Mephistopheles...

    Paying attention to the shelves of bookstores, completely lined with books on esotericism, and looking at the broadcast network of some television channels, we seriously wondered about the popularity of occult knowledge in the modern world. On the one side.

    These are books by the “classics” of the genre - Helena Blavatsky, Rudolf Steiner, Annie Besant, on the other - countless “secrets” of the Templars, Druids, etc. Boris helped us understand the connection between classical and modern esotericism, as well as its relationship with mass culture...

    If a Slav or Slav woman was given a Slavic name from birth, then there is no need to carry out a naming ceremony. Of course, if there is no need to give it a new name. If a person has not been baptized or brought to any other foreign faith, then the naming ceremony is carried out as follows.

    The Named One stands facing the Illuminated Fire. The priest sprinkles spring water three times on his face, forehead and crown, saying the words: “As that water is clean, so will your face be clean; Just as the water is pure, so will your thoughts be pure; Yako Toya...

    Wedding ceremonies of the ancient Slavs

    According to Slavic custom, the groom kidnapped the bride at the games, having previously agreed with her about the abduction: “I went to the games... and that wife was stolen by himself, and whoever had an agreement with her: the name had two and three wives.”

    Then the groom gave the bride's father a veno - the ransom for the bride. The day before the wedding, the future mother-in-law bakes chicken, sending it to the groom's house. The groom sends a live rooster to the bride's house. There is no entertainment on the pre-wedding day. Everyone is preparing carefully...

    In many Slavic lands there are still traces of holidays in honor of the dead. People go to the burial grounds on Suhenya (March) 1st, at dawn, and there they make sacrifices to the dead. The day is called “Navy Day” and is also dedicated to Morena.

    In general, any ritual in honor of the dead has its own name - Trizna. A funeral feast for the dead is a feast dedicated to their honor. Over time, the Slavic Trizna was changed into a wake. Trizna used to be a whole ritual: They bring cakes, pies to the burial ground...

    As we noted above, each number has its place in the hierarchy and, potentially possessing a comprehensive characteristic of the universe, privately reflects (symbolizes) the parameters of the world, being at a certain level of spiritual self-determination.

    For a more complete reflection of the correspondences existing in esoteric theory and practice, we will give orientation and definition of a specific number of the natural series in several directions of knowledge, namely through the well-known mystical (metaphysical...

    What can be said by examining it through the prism of Russian esoteric hermeneutics?

    Two words, seemingly similar, One and One, and at the same time different. The unit, as the next element coming from..., formed (shaped) and close to the objective (if we consider the existential aspect of existence), is a building material in the reflection of reality, that is, the world of phenomena.

    Due to the diversity of the subject environment, a unit is less likely to determine something independently...

    A young guy named Michael lives with his father and is forced to help him in an unloved business. The fact is that the family business is preparing the bodies of the deceased for burial. Raised to be strict, Michael has little choice - to become an undertaker like his father or a clergyman.

    There is no other way. The desire to leave the hated town is so great that Michael decides to apply for admission to a foreign educational institution, where young men are trained to become priests. Passed the exam...


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