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Let's talk about the device of a car air conditioner, how it works and its main malfunctions.

How does it work

A car air conditioner works on the same principle as a conventional refrigerator, although it is arranged a little differently. It is a sealed system filled with freon and special refrigerant oil that is not afraid of low temperatures. Oil is needed to lubricate the compressor and the entire system. Despite some differences between auto air conditioners from different manufacturers, their circuit diagram is the same. Consider the most common option.

When you press the button to turn on the air conditioner, the electromagnetic clutch is activated, and the steel pressure plate 3, having emitted a characteristic click, is magnetized to the pulley 2. The pulley is driven by a belt and, when the air conditioner is turned off, spins idly. Compressor 1 is now running. It compresses the gaseous freon, which makes it very hot, and drives it through the pipeline to the condenser 4. It is often called an air conditioner radiator, as it cools the highly heated and compressed freon.

In this he is helped by a fan 5, which turns on at the first speed simultaneously with the compressor. If the car is driving - even better, the condenser is additionally blown by the oncoming air flow. Having cooled, the compressed freon begins to condense and leaves the condenser already liquid. After that, liquid freon passes through receiver dryer 6. Here, wear products and other dirt are filtered out from it.

Somewhere in the area of ​​​​the receiver-drier is peephole 9. Through it, you can visually assess how complete the system is. It is not available on all vehicles.

After being cleaned in the receiver-drier, freon flows towards the car interior to perform the main work. The climax occurs when liquid freon passes through expansion valve (TRV) 10. The expansion valve is installed on the pipeline through which liquid freon enters the evaporator. If the evaporator is completely filled with liquid freon, then saturated steam comes out of it, the temperature of which is equal to the boiling point. The regulatory body of the TRV is closed. If steam exits the evaporator, the heating of which exceeds the setting of the expansion valve, then the regulating element of the expansion valve is opened so that the area of ​​​​its flow section corresponds to the permissible value. In fact, the TRV is an automatically adjustable throttle. Without going into theory, you can compare the expansion valve with the nozzle of an aerosol can.

Passing through the expansion valve and entering the evaporator, freon passes into a gaseous state (boils) and at the same time it is strongly cooled. Evaporator 12 is the same radiator, only smaller. Ice freon cools the evaporator, and fan 13 blows cold from the evaporator into the car interior. After passing through the evaporator, the still sufficiently cold freon enters the compressor again. The circle closes.

The part of the system from the compressor to the expansion valve is called the pressure line. It can always be identified by thin tubes that are warm or hot. The part from the evaporator to the compressor is called the return line, or the low pressure line. It is made of thick tubes and feels icy to the touch. If in the pressure line during the operation of the compressor the pressure fluctuates from 7 to 15 atmospheres, then in the return line the pressure does not exceed one or two atmospheres. When the air conditioner is turned off, the pressure in both lines is equalized and is about five atmospheres.

Several sensors monitor the correct operation of the system. On receiver dryer 6 there is a sensor 7 for turning on the second fan speed. When the cooling of condenser 4 is not enough (stand in a traffic jam), the pressure in the pressure line begins to rise rapidly, and the freon in the condenser stops condensing. The sensor responds to a pressure surge and turns on fan 5 at full power. Sensor 8 turns off the compressor if the pressure in the pressure line reaches exorbitant values. Sensor 11 switches off the compressor if the evaporator temperature gets too low.

How to serve?

To extend the life of the air conditioner, keeping the engine compartment clean will help. Especially carefully it is necessary to wash the condenser from the accumulated salt deposits in the spring. Its pollution is often the only reason for the poor performance of the air conditioner.

In the process of washing the engine compartment, it is useful to check the reliability of the mechanical fastening of the tubes - freon pipelines. If any tube vibrates, it must be fixed.

Preparing the air conditioner for the summer is usually not required. It can be recommended to check its operation in advance and, if you suspect insufficient efficiency or a malfunction, call the service for diagnostics and refueling.

What are the breakdowns?

In an automobile air conditioner, the compressor is subject to mechanical wear. The rest of the elements (except fans) are fixed. More often, it is not he who fails first, but the condenser - a heat exchanger installed in front of the engine radiator. It is under pressure (up to 20 atm.) and is constantly exposed to salt and dirt flying from the road. Corrosion, vibration, mechanical stress lead to the formation of microcracks in it and refrigerant leakage.

Symptoms of a malfunction are noises that appear when it is turned on or during operation. So if the air conditioner noise when the engine is running and does not disappear when it is turned off, most likely, the pulley bearing is faulty. With such a breakdown, it is better to contact an auto service.

The situation is even more serious if it starts to make noise when turned on and becomes silent when turned off. This means the need to replace the compressor, as the old one has backlash. Serious repairs can be avoided if you contact the workshop at the first sign of a malfunction. You can correct the situation only by conducting a complete diagnosis of the system.

If you bought a used car, then when refueling the air conditioner, it is advisable to diagnose the entire system. Maybe there is a freon leak somewhere and it doesn't cool well. There was such a case when the owner came to refuel the air conditioner. Refused to diagnose. He had enough freon just to leave the service - he all flowed out of the system. A leak was later discovered. as they say, the miser pays twice, and the diagnostics themselves will cost less than refueling the Conder 2 times.

It's really hot outside, and you feel the asphalt melting right under your feet. You really want to be somewhere in the snow-capped mountains to breathe a little cool air. Fortunately, most modern cars are equipped with air conditioning, so you can enjoy the coolness while driving. But do you know how to use the air conditioner in the car as efficiently as possible?

Turning on the air conditioner in a car is so common that it has almost become a reflex action, like closing your eyes while sneezing. Many people do not even understand the principle of operation of the air conditioner, so the likelihood of its improper operation is quite high.

The automakers have created a user interface that is as simple as possible, so the driver only needs to press a button and select the appropriate temperature. The system will do the rest on its own. Nevertheless, there are some nuances, understanding of which will help to use the air conditioner in the car as efficiently as possible.

There are nuances that many guess about, as well as those that are difficult to detect on their own. We will consider only the main ones, which are the most important from our point of view. First, let's try to understand how the air conditioner works in a car.

The air conditioning system is a closed circuit that contains both high and low pressure sides:

  1. In the high pressure circuit, the gaseous coolant is drawn in by the compressor, which is driven by the engine. This is what is the source of the noise that is heard in the engine compartment when the air conditioner is turned on in the car. The compressor supplies the gas to the condenser, which is a radiator designed to cool the heated compressed refrigerant and then turn it into a liquid at high pressure.
  2. After that, the liquid refrigerant enters the low pressure circuit through the expansion valve and ends up in the evaporator. Since the low pressure refrigerant has a very low boiling point, it turns into a gas very quickly after it enters the evaporator. This process is called evaporation, in which heat is absorbed.

In most cases, the evaporator is mounted behind the car's dashboard, so it cools the air around it. An electric fan draws in air from outside, passes it through the evaporator, after which it enters the cabin through the vents.

The cycle then repeats over and over again. Now that you know how the car air conditioner works, let's see how to get the most out of your car air conditioner.

Let's start with the basics

The first step to facilitate the operation of the air conditioner is to park the car in shady areas. Of course, it’s almost impossible to look for the perfect place every time in huge parking lots, but keep this in mind so that you can leave your car in the shade if possible.

We also recommend that you find out where the shadow of a tree or building will be at a certain time when you go to work. If certain parking spaces are in full sun during the first part of the day, they are more likely to be in shade during the second part of the day. Look for such places and leave your car there.

Even if your car gets warmer during the day, shade can help keep it warm during the day. So you don't have to ride in the stove on wheels when you leave the office.

If you are parking in a large open parking lot, the use of special protective elements that are installed on car windows will not hurt. This will reduce the greenhouse effect inside.

Classic method

If the tips listed above did not help you, and the interior of your car has become very hot, we advise you to try to ventilate it even before turning on the air conditioner.

You just need to open all the windows in the car and drive a short distance. Efficient maneuvering at speeds of around 10-15 km/h will cause hot air to quickly escape from the cabin, making room for fresh air from outside.

Turn on the minimum operating mode of the air conditioner

You won't be happy if someone abruptly wakes you up in the middle of the night, right? The air conditioner will also not be able to operate at full capacity immediately after it is turned on. If there is an automatic air conditioning system, it will increase the speed gradually, starting from the minimum position.

Always use recirculated air mode

After cool air starts blowing from the vents, you need to activate the recirculation mode. This means that the air conditioning system will not suck in air from outside, using the one in the cabin. Since the air inside the car will gradually cool, the system will function more efficiently.

Proper shutdown

It is necessary not only to understand how to use the air conditioner in the car, but also to turn it off properly. After arriving at your destination, do not immediately turn off the engine, as this will adversely affect the operation of the air conditioner.

  • First of all, turn off the air conditioner while the engine is still running. This can be done before arriving at the place. It will be cool enough in the cabin, so you won’t have time to sweat.
  • After turning off the air conditioner, leave the fan on by selecting medium or high speed. For what? Have you seen puddles of water that appear under your car after using the air conditioner? The water comes from the evaporator. The device is practically icy when hot air enters the area of ​​​​its work, resulting in condensation and the formation of water droplets.
  • The fan should run after the air conditioner is turned off to allow the evaporator to dry. Otherwise, various bacteria and moss can develop at the place of its installation, which ultimately leads to the appearance of an unpleasant smell in the cabin and diseases of the respiratory system.


Remember to perform regular vehicle maintenance, which includes changing the cabin filter. At least once a year, it is necessary to use antibacterial agents to clean the air conditioning system.

You also need to periodically change the refrigerant in the system. It is better to do this at specialized services, buying only original parts for cars.


It must be understood that the use of air conditioning increases fuel consumption. The air conditioner is powered by the car engine.

It is important to be aware of temperature fluctuations. If it is very hot outside, you should not make a snow hut out of your car. The human body reacts negatively to such serious changes in temperature. In some cases, you can simply pass out the moment you find yourself in the sun again.

Quite a comfortable temperature in the cabin - 24 ° C. This choice will help you stay dry and avoid health problems.

Car air conditioning is a real salvation for the driver in the summer heat. There is a special type of air conditioning in a car - this is climate control, which takes care of creating and maintaining comfortable conditions in various areas of the cabin, but its basis is still the same air conditioner, only with a more complex electronics system. How to use the air conditioner in the car, I will tell in this article.

Ideally, we would like the air we breathe to be as clean as possible, but in the conditions of a metropolis, and even more so a highway, such a wish, to put it mildly, is hardly feasible. Cabin filters protect the health of the driver and passengers in the car. Therefore, it is extremely important to replace them regularly in order to avoid the accumulation of exhaust gases from the outside in the interior atmosphere.

Correctly this can be done at a service station. This procedure is necessary to remove a colony of bacteria, mold or even moss that can appear in the evaporator during improper and long-term operation of the air conditioner.

Experts recommend annually cleaning the air conditioning system, and the treatment should be carried out with antibacterial agents.

You will learn about unwanted symptoms by an unpleasant smell from the air conditioning system. Don't ignore him. Prolonged use of such a system leads to respiratory diseases, asthma, and allergies. Therefore, cleanliness is an important point not only for the operation of the cabin air conditioner, but also for your health.

The useful function of cooling the air in the summer in the car brings not only the desired coolness, but can cause a cold, so it is important not only to be able to use the air conditioner, but also to follow a number of rules so that its operation does not adversely affect your health. Despite the ease of adjustment, you need to use any car air conditioner correctly. The simple measures that we will give below will help save on the operation of the car air conditioner and be confident in its operation and performance.

  1. The first rule of operation is the tightness of the cabin. You should not use air conditioning if your windows or sunroof are open, as it will only work at idle, of course, if you want to contribute to the fight against global warming, then this is your right, but you will not be able to cool the interior in this way.
  2. Note that the car must spend additional energy to work on cooling the air in the cabin, so when the air conditioner is running, fuel consumption increases slightly. Therefore, if possible, try to make your unit get less work, park the car in the shade or use special accessories from thermal heating. This will help to avoid the greenhouse effect in the cabin during long parking.
  3. If your car is very hot, open all doors or windows before starting the engine, thus ensuring that the interior is ventilated.
    Then drive slowly with the windows open to improve air circulation. After that, close the windows and turn on the air conditioner.
  4. Never set the air conditioning mode to the maximum immediately, the system is not able to instantly give out full power, this will only lead to its premature wear. If you have an automatic air conditioning system, then it will automatically enter the specified mode from the initial minimum position.
  5. Save on efficient cooling will help the use of air recirculation mode inside the cabin. In this case, there will be no hot air intake from the outside, but only the one in the cabin is used, which gradually cools the air conditioner to a comfortable state.
  6. Always turn off the air conditioner correctly. This should be done a few minutes before the engine stops. The temperature in the cabin will remain comfortable for some time, so you will not feel much difference. Leave the fan running when turning off the air conditioner. This will help to avoid moisture condensation on the evaporator and the formation of puddles under the bottom, which you probably often observed. The operation of the fan will dry the evaporator from excess moisture, so you can resist the formation of mold in the system in such a simple way.
  7. Of course, it is necessary to use air conditioning in the summer, but you should not make an Eskimo dwelling out of the cabin, setting the temperature too low, the level of 22-24 degrees is optimally recommended. Remember that at one time you will need to leave the salon, and too much temperature difference between the outside and cabin air can negatively affect your health, up to loss of consciousness.
  8. Do not neglect the annual maintenance of the air conditioner with the replacement of the cooling system refrigerant, filter and oil. Only in this case will its work be long and effective, and preventive measures, as you know, are always less expensive than repairs.
  9. If your car provides for the simultaneous operation of the air conditioner and the stove, you should use it. Their joint work will reduce the fogging of glasses in the cold season.
  10. Do not forget that you need to turn on the air conditioner not only in the heat. It is worth running the air conditioner at least once a month in winter, because long periods of downtime will negatively affect the cooling system. Starting is necessary so that the oil of the refrigerant medium lubricates the elements of the air conditioner. This simple procedure has a positive effect on the durability of components and parts.

Video “Ch do-it-yourself car air conditioner source ”

This post shows how you can clean the air conditioner in a Nissan Almera Classic car in 20 minutes with your own hands using a special tool.

30-09-2012 at 13:09

In particular, some drivers confuse air conditioning with a refrigeration unit and try to bring down the temperature in the cabin to almost zero, although outside the thermometer goes off scale for +30 degrees.

This extreme approach is a surefire way to catch a cold right away. The difference between the air temperature in the cabin and on the street should not exceed 5-7 degrees. In extreme heat, the temperature “fork” can be increased, but in any case, do not cool the interior below 22–24 degrees: this is quite enough to ensure the proper level of comfort.

Do not direct a jet of cool air in the face of yourself or passengers. This is another common mistake that often leads to colds. As a rule, there is no need to turn on the air conditioner at full power (except in situations where you need to quickly cool the interior after a long exposure to the sun), because even in low mode it is able to maintain a comfortable temperature in the cabin.

The optimal adjustment looks like this: a jet of cold air is directed to the windshield (it should not be hot - otherwise cracks may appear), the minimum mode is turned on. At the same time, make sure that all windows are tightly closed, otherwise you may see through, and the effect of air conditioning is also reduced (after all, hot air enters the salon from the street).

In the summer heat, the interior of a car standing in the sun instantly heats up to such an extent that it is impossible to get into it. To cool it down, first open all doors (or windows) and simply ventilate the interior for 2-3 minutes. After that, direct the deflectors (holes from which air blows) into the passenger compartment, close all windows and doors and turn on the air conditioner at full power. In just 1–2 minutes, the temperature in the cabin will drop to an acceptable level. After that, you can get into the car and turn the air conditioner to the minimum mode.

The situation is more complicated if there are children in the car. The child's body is sensitive to temperature changes. During the trip, the air conditioner can be turned on from time to time to bring down the heat.

However, even the most careful use of the air conditioner does not give a 100% guarantee against the disease. During its operation, moisture condenses on some elements (evaporator, tubes and others), on which street dust and dirt brought by the oncoming air flow adhere. As a result, an environment is formed that is very favorable for the life and reproduction of a large number of various bacteria that are the causative agents of a whole bunch of various diseases: colds, allergies, infectious diseases and others.

If the car is equipped with a cabin filter, then the problem becomes less relevant (provided that this filter is replaced in a timely manner). However, it does not give a 100% guarantee against bacteria getting into the cabin, especially in older cars, in which the air conditioner evaporator is usually contaminated beyond measure.

The air conditioner needs to be disinfected periodically. If the air conditioner does not cool the air quickly and efficiently, it is possible that the level of refrigerant in the system, which is usually used as freon, has dropped (this often happens on older cars). In this situation, you need to contact the service station to refuel the air conditioner, as well as to find and eliminate the causes of the refrigerant leak. If this is not done in a timely manner, the compressor may fail, which will require expensive repairs (sometimes in such cases it is easier to buy a new air conditioner than to repair an existing one).

Unprecedented heat, established this summer in Russia, caused significant damage to the owners of old vehicles, whose engines are water-cooled. Every now and then you can see how on the outskirts of the road there is a used "troika" or "five" VAZ with an open hood, from under which white steam is pouring. The scorching heat, which increases every year, brings no less problems to those whose cars are not equipped with climate systems - air conditioners and climate controls. You definitely won’t envy them: driving with open windows does not particularly save you from the heat, but it brings other troubles: noise, the stink of exhaust gases, and, most sadly, increased fuel consumption.

Of course, driving with the air conditioning or climate control on also affects the fuel “appetite” of the car, which is in many ways comparable to the increased engine consumption of a car with all the windows open while driving. But an air-conditioned car has its undeniable advantages - the same climatic comfort in the cabin. True, you need to create this very comfort wisely, because improper use of the climate system can lead to its breakdown, as well as to health problems for car passengers. Today we will give some tips on how to properly use the air conditioner in the car.

In the photo: air conditioner on / off button

Every self-respecting motorist, who cares about the good condition of his “iron horse”, on the eve of the seasons, diagnoses all systems, including the climate system. In the autumn we check the work, in the spring - the air conditioner. It is not for nothing that in April-May the Internet is replete with advertisements for discounts on air conditioner diagnostics - it is recommended to carry it out twice a year, in spring and autumn.

What does air conditioning diagnostics include? First of all, check the level of freon - the substance responsible for cooling the air entering the cabin from the air conditioner. If this level is less than the norm, then this is fraught with both poor air cooling and failure of parts of the cooling unit - the compressor, condenser (air conditioner radiator) and pressure line. The reason for such troubles is the depressurization of the air conditioning system, which can occur as a result of the formation of microcracks on the condenser body or tubes through which freon mixed with a special oil that performs a lubricating function for the rubbing parts of the system flows.

The specialist checks the entire system, and upon detection of centers of depressurization, makes a decision to replace the failed parts. These are serious consequences, the diagnosis of which is a drop in freon levels. But there are other reasons as well. Freon is a gas, and like all similar substances, it evaporates naturally. So the drop in freon levels may be dictated by the service life of an automobile air conditioner without refueling. In addition to checking the level of freon, you need to ensure that fungi do not form on the evaporator. This problem is given by an unpleasant smell when the air conditioner is turned on - it smells like a wet dog. In service centers, this problem is eliminated by disinfecting the evaporator and changing the air conditioner filters.

You can carry out such operations yourself. In any case, we advise you not to ignore the recommendations of the automaker for the maintenance of car air conditioners and regularly diagnose their condition.

Let's say the climate system of your car is working and you meet the summer fully armed. But it is not enough to have a serviceable car air conditioner - it is important to use it correctly. Especially in extreme heat. Here are a few simple rules that will make a trip in an air-conditioned car as comfortable as possible.

We ventilate the car. You should not turn on the air conditioner as soon as you start the engine, especially if the car was in the sun, and “Tashkent” formed in the cabin. First of all, we open all the windows in the car and ventilate the interior for 10 minutes. After that, we close the windows, and turn on the air conditioner fan, first to “one”, setting the temperature indicator to the middle position, and after a few minutes - to “two”, turning the temperature sensor toggle switch to the maximum. It is better to cool the interior not in the parking lot, but in motion - the air entering the interior from the outside at speed will facilitate the task of the air conditioner to create a comfortable temperature. It is also important when cooling the cabin, especially if the temperature outside is above +25 degrees, not to direct cold air onto the glass - due to a sharp temperature drop, microcracks can form in the glass, which eventually grow into large cracks.

2. Set the correct cooling mode. It is not recommended to drive in a car for a long time, the air conditioner of which is working at maximum - so for a short time and catch a sore throat. Therefore, after sufficient cooling of the air in the cabin, it is better to set the fan speed to “two” or “one”, and also increase the temperature.

3 . Set the optimum temperature in the cabin. Doctors say that the most comfortable temperature in the car is 20-22 degrees. Therefore, in order to avoid colds, after sufficient cooling of the interior, it is better to set the temperature indicated above (if the air conditioner is not digital, but mechanical, then set the temperature indicator to medium divisions), and direct the airflow to the feet.

4 . Correctly regulate the air flow into the cabin. If you need to cool the air in the car interior quickly, then turn on the internal air circulation mode.

Thus, a closed space is formed in the interior, the access of hot air from the outside is limited, and the interior cools faster. This method is often used when the car is parked or if the air temperature outside the car is above 25 degrees.

5 . Watching the direction of cold air. Automotive manufacturers have not in vain equipped the air ducts with “curtains” - deflectors, with which you can adjust the direction of the air flow and its intensity. When air conditioning, it is important to adjust all the deflectors so that the cooled air is evenly distributed throughout the cabin.

The above recommendations are mostly suitable for owners of cars equipped with mechanical air conditioners. Automatic climate systems are trained to regulate all parameters autonomously, without the participation of the driver.


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