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About what it is ppm alcohol, we often hear, however, not everyone knows how to correctly understand acceptable standards. What alcohol limit is permissible for a driver?

When driving while intoxicated, the driver faces not only a fine of 30 thousand rubles, but also deprivation of his license for 1.5 - 2 years (Articles 12.27 and 12.8 of the Administrative Code). Moreover, from year to year, liability for violation of these points becomes more stringent. If the driver gets caught a second time, the driver will have to pay 50 thousand rubles and give up driving for 3 years. The public unanimously agrees that driving while intoxicated is terrible, however, they agree on what is acceptable norm ppmille can not.

How much can you drink and drive?

In some countries, moderate drinking while driving is legal. Small amounts of alcohol can even be contained in many foods, so even an avid teetotaler may have alcohol readings. This effect is achieved by fermented kefir or kvass, carbonated drinks, berries and fruits, etc. Some number of ppm may appear precisely after consuming such products, and this is already a reason for the traffic police officer to apply severe punishment, although in fact there is no reason for it.

The use of certain medications is also dangerous in this regard - for a certain period of time they increase the alcohol content in the blood. Even simple heart drops (Corvalol, valerian, etc.) have a similar effect, so using them before a trip can cause a positive breathalyzer reaction. In this case, it is necessary to appeal by law (Article 12.8 of the Code of Administrative Offences, note): the driver is prohibited from using any substances that lead to intoxication, and these are drugs, alcohol, toxicological and psychotropic drugs. Therefore, liability for violating the law occurs only when the presence of ethyl alcohol in a concentration higher than 0.16 mg/liter in the driver’s exhaled air is established, and the presence of psychotropic substances is proven by the results of urine and blood tests.

The picture shows drinks that after a certain time will give 0.3 ppm in the driver's blood. The law does not provide that the breathalyzer readings must be confirmed in any other way, for example, lack of coordination, unsteady gait, etc. Medical examination does not require clinical confirmation of the results. That is, the rule of law requires complete sobriety from the driver - there are no gradations and discounts regarding tonic low-alcohol drinks (beer and “energy drinks”), which are recognized in many countries. A threshold of 0.16 mg/liter completely eliminates problems with errors in the readings of the device, and also eliminates errors with natural doses of alcohol in the readings.

Rosstandart established the specified alcohol standards based on numerous studies - both theoretical and practical. The indicators of different types of breathalyzers are also taken into account. Most measuring instruments give an error in the range of 0.03-0.04 mg/l. The remaining margin of acceptable values ​​is a “discount” for the influence of a number of other external conditions (the presence of alcohol vapor in the environment, humidity, air temperature, etc.). The lower threshold of the study was the same during all studies - regardless of the type of breathalyzer, it was equal to 0.16 mg/l.

A few words about ppm.

Permille is a unit of change in alcohol concentration. There is also "milligram per liter", but "ppm" is more often used in international practice. If mg/l is a unit that shows the concentration of alcohol in the air, then ppm allows you to determine the alcohol content in the blood. Researchers have proven that there is a strictly proportional relationship between the volume of alcohol in the lung air and its content in the blood. That is, mg/l and ppm are different physical units, different parameters, but they have a close relationship with each other. If a person's blood contains 1 ppm of alcohol, this means that the alcohol concentration in his body is 0.45 mg/l. Thus, constant ppm ratio and mg/l is 1:0.45. Thus, the permissible dose threshold is 0.35 ppm.

There are devices that can give readings in both ppm and mg/l. However, when drawing up acts in such cases, mg/l is indicated - this is required by law.

An erroneous conclusion about the driver’s condition can occur even after a medical examination, which is carried out using special instruments. In this case, the problem is resolved in court.

How much do you need to drink to reach 0.3 ppm of alcohol?

The usual shot of vodka gives an alcohol consumption of 40 grams. In the blood it is absorbed in the form of 0.5-0.6‰ (ppm). Alcohol oxidation in the body occurs at a rate of about 7 - 10 g/hour, that is, the decrease will be 0.1-0.16‰. Thus, it takes about 4 - 5 hours for this stack to completely disappear from the body.

About 0.5‰ of alcohol content in the blood is also given by 0.5 liters of beer or 1 glass of dry wine for a man weighing 80 kg. In order to reduce the level to 0.3‰, it takes a little more than an hour. The lower the body weight, the higher the concentration of alcohol in the blood will be when consuming the same amount of alcohol.

Alcohol oxidation, by the way, occurs not only in the stomach, but also in the liver. Therefore, in the case of a snack after drinking, the process of assimilation of alcohol into the blood slows down, that is, its maximum concentration in the blood also becomes less. If you drink on an empty stomach and do not have a snack, then the absorption of alcohol occurs quickly, and its content in the blood is maximum. Carbonated drinks are absorbed faster.

It is worth noting that a woman’s body is much more susceptible to alcohol. The same dose of alcohol affects representatives of different sexes of the same weight differently: a woman gets drunk faster and comes down slower.

Thus, before the trip, drinking alcohol is allowed, but at least 4 hours are needed for it to completely disappear - this is provided that no more than the indicated doses are used. Adjustments should also be made for medications and snacks. In this case, the meeting with the traffic police inspector will be absolutely safe and will not end in trouble.

Promille is a unit for determining the amount of alcohol in the blood. One unit of ppm is a thousandth of a substance, a tenth of a percent of a liquid. There is a significant difference between the body of a man and a woman when identifying this indicator. How much is ppm? This question interests many.

Designation and calculation

The ppm sign looks like this - ‰. It is often confused with the percentage sign, which is a mistake.

  • 1 ‰ = 0.1% = 1/1000 = 0.001.
  • 100 ‰ = 10% = 0.1.
  • 200 ‰ = 20% = 200/1000 = 0.2.

30 minutes after consumption, the maximum concentration of alcohol can be detected in the human body.

Permille is an indicator that provides information about:

  • alcohol content at a certain point in time;
  • volume of different types of drinks;
  • the time it takes for alcohol to leave the body.

The result will depend on the following parameters:

  • weight, gender, age of a person;
  • percentage of fluid relative to the weight of the human body;
  • the volume of alcohol that was taken.

So, how much is ppm?

Stages of intoxication

The stages of intoxication vary depending on the alcohol consumed. The first is characterized by only mild intoxication, moderate severity will be observed in the second, severe degree appears in the third stage of intoxication. The last stage is life-threatening, as coma and even death can develop.

A lethal dose for a person will be:

  • 4-8 gr. ethyl alcohol per 1 kg of weight for an adult;
  • 3 gr. per 1 kg of weight of adolescents, sick and elderly people.
  • up to 0.3% - no influence of alcohol;
  • 0.3-0.5% - the influence is rather weak;
  • 0.5-1.5% means mild;
  • 1.5-2.5% - average degree;
  • 2.5-3% - strong stage;
  • 3-5% - a severe stage, in which coma and even death may occur;
  • 5-6% means a lethal dose.

Permille, which is allowed

What is permitted ppm? This is the amount at which it is still acceptable to drive.

At what amount of alcohol will it be safe to drink? The driver's behavior and reaction will differ depending on the ppm:

  • 0.1-0.6 ppm. The moving light source appears blurry. Poor assessment of the situation. The driving style becomes risky, the speed most often exceeds the permissible limits, and the driver can harm others.
  • 0.6-0.9 ppm. The distance assessment is incorrect, imbalance occurs, and assessment of the situation is difficult. The driver does not adequately assess lighting, distance, signals from other cars and traffic lights.
  • 0.9-1.3 ppm. Alcohol has a relaxing effect. There is a decrease in the angle of vision, with a weak and incorrect perception of the surrounding reality. Concentration is completely absent; a high degree of intoxication makes the driver dangerous to others, including himself.
  • 1.3-2.5 ppm. Maintaining consciousness is difficult, driving a car is out of the question. Impaired vision, reaction, orientation in space.

The permitted ppm is 0.1 units or less.

Signs of intoxication

A person is considered drunk if there are a number of signs. This:

  • strong odor of alcohol from the mouth;
  • unstable posture, pronounced trembling of the fingers;
  • speech impairment, behavior inappropriate to the environment;
  • sudden changes in skin color (redness, paleness);
  • sudden incorrect movements, inappropriate behavior.

How to determine the ppm permissible when drinking alcohol?

The ratio of the amount of ppm in the blood and signs of behavior at a certain stage of intoxication will be as follows.

At an alcohol level of 0.010-0.030, behavior will be normal, with hidden disorders that can only be determined by special means; this stage of intoxication is considered mild.

At an alcohol level of 0.031-0.060, behavior is characterized by mild euphoria, talkativeness, relaxation, a decrease in the level of restraint with a decrease in concentration, mild intoxication becomes medium.

At an alcohol level of 0.061-0.1, behavior is characterized by extroversion, dulling of all sensations, severe disinhibition, impaired perception and reasoning, poor pupil reaction to light appears, this is still an average degree of intoxication.

At an alcohol level of 0.11-0.2, behavior is characterized by frenzy, anger, strong changes in emotions, expressiveness, reflexes, articulate speech, control over behavior, motor skills are impaired, intoxication occurs with a high probability, and the degree of intoxication is strong.

At an alcohol level of 0.21-0.30, the behavior is characterized by stupor, possible loss of consciousness, weakening of all sensations, memory, consciousness, and motor skills are impaired, the stage of intoxication is very strong, and poisoning occurs.

At a level of 0.31-0.40, behavior is characterized by loss of consciousness, severe depression of the central nervous system, death can occur, control, heartbeat, breathing, balance are impaired, intoxication occurs with severe intoxication.

At a level of 0.41-0.51, behavior is characterized by loss of consciousness, control may be lost, breathing and heartbeat are disturbed, nystagmus appears, severe intoxication is dangerous to human life.

At a level greater than 0.51, severe poisoning of the body occurs with a fatal outcome.

Lethal dose: is there a clear answer?

Permille is an indicator that can help determine the lethal dose.

In each individual case, its indicators differ. It is difficult even for a doctor to clearly determine this. So how much alcohol can you drink, and how much will be dangerous for a person?

We have already looked at these indicators in numbers. 6-8 ppm will be a lethal dose for an adult, 2.5 ppm means severe intoxication. But it is more convenient for the average person to count in liters.

So, the ppm rate is known.

If you drink one bottle of vodka for an adult, you will get exactly 2.5 ppm. And if you take three half-liter bottles, it will already be a lethal dose. But it must be taken into account that a person must consume this alcohol in about an hour. But if you stretch out alcohol for a long time, especially with a snack and active movements, then there will be no death, but only severe intoxication.

Wine and beer have a lower alcohol concentration. To get a lethal dose, you need to drink a lot. When you drink a large amount, the body reacts in the form of vomiting, so some of the alcohol is eliminated from the body. The lethal dose directly depends on weight, age, gender and chronic diseases.

Thus, ppm is a unit of measurement of blood alcohol content, a very informative indicator.

Designed for independent determination of blood alcohol concentration based on the quantity and quality of alcoholic beverages consumed.

The reasons why people drink alcohol can be completely different. Some people drink intoxicating drinks to relax, some to gain courage, and some to forget and get away from problems. In all cases, we should not forget that excessive alcohol consumption has a detrimental effect on human health and can lead to irreversible consequences.

Our calculator can be useful in different cases:

  • If you plan to drive after a feast;
  • You want to calculate the maximum allowable dose of alcohol for yourself;
  • You want to know how long after drinking alcohol you can safely drive a car, etc.

Knowing what specific concentration of ethanol (pure alcohol) you have in your blood at a given time, you will be able to make decisions regarding travel as a driver of a vehicle and calculate the time interval until sobriety occurs.

Drunk driving law

Statistics show that about a third of all road accidents occur due to drunk drivers. It is not surprising that the country has a law prohibiting driving while intoxicated.

Until 2010, there were restrictions on the permissible level of ethanol in the blood and exhaled air. Thus, the maximum possible level of alcohol in the blood was 0.3 ppm, and in the exhaled air - 0.15 mg/l. Thus, it was possible to drive without fear, for example, after a bottle of weak beer.

Starting from August 6, 2010, the requirements became more stringent. Now the concentration of alcohol in both the blood and exhaled air should be zero. If a drunk driver nevertheless dares to get behind the wheel of a car, then he faces deprivation of his driver’s license for a period of one and a half to two years (according to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, Article 12.8). The same penalty is provided if the driver gives control of the car to a person who is intoxicated.

It is important to understand that a driver is now recognized as drunk only according to the readings of a special device - a breathalyzer. A breathalyzer is a special technical device that is used to determine the concentration of ethanol in exhaled air.

Foods and drinks that increase ppm

Even if the driver does not drink alcoholic beverages at all, he still should not let his guard down, because a certain amount of ppm is found in various other products. For example, yeast kvass contains from 0.1 to 0.6 ppm, and kefir and ayran contain 0.2 ppm.
A small amount of ethanol is also released in many fruits: oranges, bananas. Among the ingredients, alcohol can be found in chocolate, cakes, and pastries. Also, medications containing alcohol can affect the breathalyzer readings. Among such medicines are motherwort, Corvalol, valerian, calendula, etc.

How long does alcohol last?

Unfortunately, there are simply no universal indicators of how long a particular portion of alcohol will remain in the blood. Each person is unique, the rate of absorption of alcohol is different for everyone. Here are some factors that influence the speed of this process:

  • Height, weight of a person. The higher these indicators are, the larger the portion a person needs to become intoxicated;
  • Floor. In most cases, women get drunk faster than men;
  • Genetic predisposition. Sensitivity to alcohol is inherited;
  • General condition of the body. For example, drinking a dose of alcohol on an empty stomach will intoxicate you faster and, accordingly, will remain in the blood longer.

Since even for one person the toxic effects of alcohol can take different times, you should not take the calculator readings literally.
However, the average alcohol concentration in the human body can be calculated. It is known that different drinks intoxicate differently. For example, the concentration of alcohol in the body of a man weighing 80 kg will be 0.3 ppm (this is the term for the unit of measurement of alcohol) if he drinks:

  • 50 grams of vodka;
  • Or 200 grams of dry wine;
  • Or 500 grams of beer.

The maximum concentration of alcohol in the human body lasts from 30 minutes to several hours after consumption, then gradually subsides.

In order for you to independently calculate the amount of alcohol in your blood, you need to enter in the form fields information about your gender, weight, indicate whether you drank drinks on an empty stomach or not, and also mark all types of drinks you drank and indicate their portion.

The introduction of a maximum amount of alcohol in the blood when driving a vehicle is one of the main means of state regulation of road safety.

The unit of measurement for alcohol intoxication is ppm- the ratio of grams of alcohol per liter of blood.

The maximum ppm threshold for driving varies from country to country. For example, in Canada the permissible ppm is 0.8, which allows you to drink a glass of beer before the trip.

What is the legal limit for alcohol while driving in Russia? And what will happen if it is violated? Let's figure it out.

Permissible alcohol limit while driving in ppm

For three years, from 2010 to 2013, the permissible rate was “zero” ppm, which completely excluded the possibility of a dispute with traffic police inspectors. However, this norm had many drawbacks. Eating many foods moves the blood alcohol content above zero - chocolate and baked goods, kefir and kvass, juices, yoghurts and overly ripe bananas. Not to mention non-alcoholic beer or many medications.

In 2013, the effect of “zero” ppm was canceled. Now driving a car is allowed if the breathalyzer shows when exhaling no more than 0.16 mg per liter of air. This is the new measurable threshold for intoxication. But ppm is a value that calculates the alcohol content in the blood, not in the air.

0.1 ppm, contrary to popular belief, is not equal to 1 mg/l. To calculate it, a formula is used in which 0.1 ppm contains exactly 0.045 mg/l of alcohol. After calculations, we find that the permissible maximum ppm for the current year is approximately 0.35.

The new standard has minimized the measurement error of the breathalyzer. How to determine the approximate ppm level in the blood after drinking alcoholic beverages?

Determination of blood alcohol content

  • the number of degrees in alcohol consumed and the dose drunk;
  • weight and gender of a person;
  • condition of internal organs and genetic predisposition;
  • availability of snacks, their quality and quantity;
  • general condition of a person.

It is not difficult to exceed the legal limit for alcohol while driving. 1 ppm is already serious intoxication, which is achieved after drinking an entire 0.5 liter bottle of vodka by a strong man weighing 70-75 kg. The maximum permissible rate is 5 or 6 units per mille. This is already a lethal dose.

In theory, 100 grams of vodka gives 0.55 ppm, and a 0.5 liter bottle of beer – 0.32. In practice, when tested on a breathalyzer, the result may be completely different. The device can overestimate ppm (for example, with alcohol vapor in the lungs after sobering up) or reduce it. To avoid this ambiguity in the definition of intoxication, the critical value of ppm was increased to 0.35.

It is difficult to calculate the ppm content in the body on your own. There are ready-made tables for this, in which a glass of vodka with a capacity of 100 grams is taken as one dose. The results are also quite arbitrary, but can sometimes be useful.

We offer 2 tables with ready-made calculations - separately for men and for women.


Weight, kg Number of drinks taken
1 2 3 4 5
45 0,43 0,87 1,30 1,74 2,17
55 0,34 0,69 1,00 1,39 1,73
70 0,29 0,58 0,87 1,16 1,45
80 0,25 0,50 0,75 1,00 1,25
90 0,22 0,43 0,65 0,87 1,08
100 0,19 0,39 0,58 0,78 0,97
110 0,17 0,35 0,52 0,70 0,87


Weight, kg Number of drinks taken
1 2 3 4 5
45 0,50 1,01 1,52 2,03 2,53
55 0,40 0,80 1,20 1,62 2,02
70 0,34 0,68 1,01 1,35 1,69
80 0,29 0,58 0,87 1,17 1,46
90 0,26 0,50 0,76 1,01 1,26
100 0,22 0,45 0,68 0,91 1,13
110 0,20 0,41 0,61 0,82 1,01

How long does it take for alcohol to be detected when exhaled?

To determine the time during which it is better not to get caught by traffic police inspectors after drinking alcohol, it is necessary to take into account many factors, including the rate of absorption of alcohol, the time it takes to be removed from the body and body weight. The highest blood alcohol content is achieved 30 minutes to 2 hours after consumption, depending on the type of drink and the presence of a quality snack.

Many drivers are interested in knowing how long it takes for alcohol to completely disappear from the body. The general rule here is that you should absolutely not drink alcohol before a planned trip. If you still have a whole day left before driving the car, you can drink freely. The rules are not ironclad, but quite effective.

We suggest looking at a table that shows how long it takes for various alcoholic drinks to be eliminated from the human body. It should only be taken into account that these data are seriously influenced by a person’s weight, gender and health status.


Type of drink, alcohol content in%

Quantity (ml)

Time during which alcohol vapor can be detected in exhaled air (hour)
Vodka (40) 50 1,0-1,5
Vodka (40) 100 3,0-3,5
Vodka (40) 200 6,5-7,0
Vodka (40) 250 8,0-9,0
Vodka (40) 500 15,0-18,0
Cognac (40-45) 100 3,5-4,0
Champagne 100 1,0
A mixture of cognac and champagne 100-150 4,0-4,5
Port wine 200 3,0-3,5
Port wine 300 3,5-4,0
Port wine 400 4,5-5,0
Beer (2.8) 500 Not determined
Beer (3.4) 500 Not determined
Beer (6) 500 20-45 minutes

In general, for a healthy man weighing 80 kg, the alcohol dissipation time will be as follows:

  • a bottle of beer 0.5 – 2 hours (3 hours when drinking strong beer);
  • 200 g of wine – from 2 hours;
  • 100 g of vodka - you will have to wait 3.5 hours, 300 g - 11 hours;
  • A whole bottle of strong alcohol (40-45 degrees) – 17 hours.

The withdrawal time for alcohol for people of different weights is easily calculated using proportions. But do not forget that the error of instruments for checking the state of intoxication is from 0.1 to 0.16 ppm. To be on the safe side, it is better to add at least an hour to the given data.

Punishment for exceeding the permissible ppm in the body

In 2019, the punishment for driving while intoxicated is quite severe:

  • for the first driving while intoxicated - a fine of up to 30 thousand rubles and a sentence of one and a half to two years;
  • repeated violation of the law - the fine increases to 50 thousand plus deprivation of rights for 3 years;
  • if there is a fine for drunk driving, driving while intoxicated will result in administrative arrest for a period of 10 to 15 days;
  • if the car owner does not want to be examined for the fact of intoxication, the punishment will not be removed from him (it is the same as for the first violation).

There is constant talk in the State Duma about toughening penalties for drunk driving. It is possible that the amount of fines will increase significantly in the future. By the way, transferring the right to drive a vehicle to a drunk person is punishable in the same way as driving independently while drunk.

Tips for avoiding problems with road inspectors

In addition to the fact that drinking alcohol and driving a car should be kept as far apart as possible, you should also adhere to less obvious rules:

  • You should not use medications before traveling, especially those containing ethyl alcohol;
  • The consumption of kvass, fermented milk products and juices, although very rare, can still increase the amount of alcohol in the body. Especially when it comes to natural homemade products rather than store-bought ones;
  • It will most likely not be possible to fool a breathalyzer; this can only lead to an invitation to take an alcohol test at a specialized medical institution;
  • Don't try to hide alcohol with mouthwash or chewing gum;
  • In any case, you should not conflict with the traffic police inspector and say rude things to him.

How to increase the speed of alcohol removal from the body? A good solution would be a contrast shower, sound and long sleep, and hot baths. Proper, healthy food and long walks in fresh, clean air work well to remove alcohol. Let us remind you that when exhaling air, the permitted ppm is no more than 0.35.

What is ppm

After a person has drunk a strong drink, alcohol begins to enter the blood, and with an increase in the amount drunk, the alcohol content in the blood increases.

The concentration of a dissolved substance is usually measured in mass or volume fractions - fractions of a unit or percentage. However, percentage is too large and crude a unit for measuring blood alcohol concentration. Therefore, it was decided to measure this important indicator in ppm. If percent (from the Latin per cent - “per hundred”) is one hundredth, then ppm (per mille - “per thousand”) is a thousandth part of a substance (or one tenth of a percent). Indicated by the sign ‰.

How much can you drink and drive?

A question that is of great interest to drivers who allow themselves to drive while intoxicated is how much you can drink before getting behind the wheel.

The maximum permissible alcohol standards in the Russian Federation have changed several times over the past 10 years. Until 2010, the maximum allowed rate was 0.3‰. By decree of Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev, who then occupied the chair of the President of Russia, the law introduced a zero alcohol content limit in the driver’s body.

This decision led to a storm of indignation in the automotive community, as the percentage of driver’s license deprivations for driving while “drunk” increased sharply. There were several reasons for unfair punishments:

  • the error of breathalyzers - devices that determine the concentration of ethyl alcohol;
  • consumption of foods that are not alcoholic beverages, but cause a positive breathalyzer reaction: fermented milk products, naturally fermented kvass, non-alcoholic beer, some juices;
  • use of certain pharmaceuticals.

Three years later, the law was supplemented by further amendments defining the permissible concentration of ethanol in the driver’s blood at 0.35‰. This indicator primarily takes into account the error of measuring instruments. This rule is still in effect today.

The concentration of ethyl alcohol in the human body is determined based on two indicators: the ethanol content in the blood (measured in ppm) and exhaled air (milligrams per liter). The latter value appears in legislative acts. Breathalyzers used by police officers for examination also measure the alcohol content in milligrams per liter of exhaled air.

The value of 0.35‰ corresponds to 0.16 mg/liter.

How much do you need to drink to have 4, 3 and 2 ppm of alcohol?

There are a number of factors that influence the concentration of ethanol in the human body at the current time. First of all this:

  • gender and age of the person (women are more susceptible to the effects of alcohol; with age, the ethanol content in the blood with the same amount drunk also increases);
  • body weight (extra pounds reduce the concentration of alcohol in the body);
  • volume and strength of alcohol-containing liquids consumed;
  • rate of drinking alcoholic beverages and the amount of time that has passed since drinking alcohol;
  • individual tolerance to alcohol.

The qualitative and quantitative composition of the snack is also of great importance, since some products accelerate the breakdown of ethanol and slow down its absorption by the body.

Thus, the question of how much you need to drink for a breathalyzer to show so many ppm does not have a clear answer. For a middle-aged man weighing 80 kg, after drinking the classic Russian alcoholic drink vodka, the indicators will be approximately as follows:

  • A 200-gram glass, drunk in one gulp, will give 1‰ of pure ethanol in the blood;
  • for an alcohol concentration of 2‰, you need to drink 400 g of vodka within half an hour;
  • 600 g of drink will show 3 ppm;
  • the result of drinking 800 g of vodka will be 4‰.

These figures reflect the peak concentration of ethanol in the human body, which occurs 30 minutes after drinking alcohol.

Alcohol calculator

It is easy to make an approximate calculation of the proportion of ethanol in the blood after drinking alcohol yourself. For calculations you will need initial data:

  • gender of a person and his weight;
  • quantity and strength of alcoholic beverages consumed.

The influence of other factors will have to be neglected.

The method is based on measuring the amount of fluid in the body and further calculating the proportion of alcohol contained in it.

The proportion of fluid in a man's body is on average 70% of his total weight. For women, this figure is lower - about 60%. Therefore, intoxication in the fairer sex occurs faster and lasts longer.

Let's carry out the calculation using the example below.

A man weighing 80 kg at the end of a hard week of work consumed a half-liter bottle of vodka with a strength of 40%. 0.5 liters of vodka contains 200 ml of pure ethyl alcohol. Taking into account that the density of ethanol is 0.79 g/cm³, we get 158 ​​g. Mass of fluid in a man’s body: 80 kg * 70% = 56 kg.

To calculate the concentration of ethyl alcohol in the body of the man in question, we divide the amount of ethanol in kilograms by the mass of all fluid in the body: 0.158:56 = 0.0028, which is 2.8‰.

Women will endure a bottle of vodka more heavily: the consequences will result in almost 3.3‰.

Youth, good health and a suitable snack can reduce these numbers to 2.5 ppm, but the breathalyzer readings of a traffic police officer and the consequences will still be bleak.

The permitted blood alcohol level allows for a man weighing 80 kg to consume:

  • 50 g vodka or;
  • 400 g of beer;
  • 200 g of dry wine or champagne.

The only condition: you will have to get behind the wheel no earlier than an hour after drinking drinks.

In conclusion, it would be useful to note that the rejection of “zero ppm” is not an indulgence for those who like to drink and drive, but only an adjustment for the error of alcohol control devices. Therefore, drive sober.


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