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Carl Jung used free association as a lie detector because it helped determine a person's motivation. Thanks to this technique, a person can come to the realization of what is gnawing at him and begin to eliminate his psychological problems. The “16 Associations” exercise works similar to Jung’s association test, and it will not take more than 15 minutes to complete. If you want to better understand your own feelings and understand what you really need, Jung’s association test is an unrivaled assistant in this matter.

The human brain is designed in such a way that, if it is necessary to remember something, it is encoded by a set of visual images, information from the senses and associated sensations in the body and emotions.

What will you get from the “16 associations” exercise?

  1. Awareness of what influences your perception and subconscious attitude towards a situation/phenomenon/fact. Even if you do not make any attempt to work on the area from which the word was chosen, after 3-6 months you will get a completely different result when you take the test again. This is all the work of the subconscious - when thoughts and associations are put on paper, a person begins to analyze them in any case.
  1. Transformational effect. Through conscious perception, a change in attitude occurs and there is a reasonable scientific explanation for this. A person remembers not the event itself, but the last memory associated with it. The more new associations we apply to a keyword, the more the circuit that is activated by that word will change. Depending on what emotions arise during associations, the change in the future emotional color of the chain and the feelings that will arise the next time this word is remembered depends. Thus, the brighter the emotion, the stronger the rewriting effect.
  1. You receive a ready-made map for further work on yourself - it becomes clear what can be used as a resource and what should be changed. The higher the awareness, the more determined a person is to change - this will help achieve maximum results after passing the Jung association test.

Jung's association test: exercise “16 associations”

For the exercise to be effective, it should be performed in absolute peace and solitude.

  • Think about what word you would like to work with. For example, if you think that you are currently experiencing financial difficulties, let it be the word “money,” and if you think you are lonely, write the word “love.” Draw the following sign on a piece of paper:
  • As quickly as possible, without hesitation, enter in the left column all the associations that you have with this word - any phrases, catchphrases, words.
  • Next, fill out the second column - you need to combine the words into pairs - 1 and 2, 3 and 4, 5 and 6, etc. In the second column you need to enter associations that arise when combining words into pairs.
  • To fill the third column, you need to do the same thing - combine the 8 words received in pairs and display associations; we do the same with the 4th column.
  • As a result, you get a key word - something with which you can unravel the tangle of problems and get rid of negative attitudes.

How do you like this word? Are you surprised or is this the expected result? How did you feel while doing this task? And was it interesting? Have you discovered something new about yourself?

Quite often it turns out to be a complete surprise what kind of associations can jump out of the subconscious. What can you say about the last word? What does it mean to you?

The general breakdown of the results looks like this:

Analyzing the first column

The first column of words reflects several points at once:

1. Our “level of reality”. This is what fills our daily lives. At the level of reality, our “stamps” “live”, beliefs that have no serious basis, but nevertheless influence our lives.

We think in cliches and these cliches are clearly visible in the first column. For example, if we take the word “money”:

Money is dirt, money is a lie, money is a test, money is pity, money is charity, big money is obtained dishonestly, etc.

It's interesting that money is such a topic that everyone has something to say about. But few of those who talk about money actually have money. Therefore, discussions about money are, by definition, the most stupid. Few of the debaters understand what they are talking about, but nevertheless, everyone has cliches in their heads.

2. At the first level of our test, the strategy for obtaining what we are studying is also very visible. In our example, the strategy for getting money.

Someone is an honest hard worker and his words: “Work, plow, it’s hard, tired, they don’t give it, the boss, the salary...”.
And someone thinks that money should fall from the sky: “I want it, give it to me, a bank, a yacht, a plane, a cruise, an inheritance...”.

Analyze how you are doing with the way you receive money.
The first person from my example will most likely work hard and conscientiously all his life, but if easy money comes into his life (let’s say he receives an inheritance), he will not know what to do with it, and “out of grief” he will get sick or will drink.
The second one will continue to wait for the weather by the sea, be angry that the yachts still don’t arrive, and be offended by the world. But it is unlikely that it would occur to him that money can simply be earned.

It happens that a person has already outgrown the previous strategy, like short pants, but still does not understand that it is time to abandon it. So the Ugly Duckling, who had long ago become a Swan, out of habit hid from the swan flock in the bushes.

3. Also, the first column of words allows you to assess the level of pessimism- optimism regarding your money situation.

To determine it, read 16 words and try to evaluate - as you get closer to the end, do the words become more optimistic or less optimistic?

If the level of optimism goes down - bad! So, as a result of the test, reconsider some of your beliefs and you will achieve success!
If the level of optimism goes up - good! This means that no matter what financial situation you are in now, everything will work out!

4. The next thing we analyze in the first column is - these are induced (transposed, imposed) fears and beliefs on us. Sometimes they are also called “mind viruses.” This is something that for some reason you have adopted, although if you think about it, it has nothing to do with you.

So, parents very often transfer their fears onto their children! A lot of money is a shame.

There is simply a darkness of false and alien attitudes floating in our consciousness! We are saturated through and through with other people's ideas, plans, motives and fears. Now we have a difficult task ahead of us - to catch these OTHERS' troubles in our test!

This test should be done by hand on a piece of paper! And this is very important precisely in order to detect “strangers”!
Interesting! People often identify handwritten “virus words” using hidden signs (mistakes, blots, a word is written with a capital letter, and all the rest are written with a small letter, or, conversely, the word is written smaller or larger).

However, analyzing what is written by hand is not the only way to detect “strangers”. Do the following - read the first column out loud, quickly, in one breath, trying to pronounce the words clearly and tracking your emotions and bodily sensations.

Most likely, at some word, a wave of disagreement will rise in you, as if it was not you who wrote it. You may even feel a drop in energy, instant fatigue and apathy.

When you find thought-form viruses on your list, think about their origin. Perhaps you will remember the edifying look of the old teacher, the instructions of the father and the admonitions of the grandparents. But oddly enough, most often we all remember our mother. That's who basically puts everything in our heads.

Now that you understand where it came from and, perhaps, even remembered how much you had to lose or not do because of it, give up this word - belief!

How? Just cross it out and write a new one in its place! Any word, not necessarily close in meaning, but chosen by you personally.

Let's move on to analyzing the second column

The second column is the level of intelligence! That's what I think about it! Let me explain... The fact is that most people do not think about their problems at all. They bathe in them, live in them, worry about them, talk a lot, but think very little! But in vain... Sometimes a good, strong, unemotional analysis would give much more than hours of exciting conversations.

At this level, your own limiting beliefs come out!

Not sure
Asking is bad

In decoding it would sound like this:
This won't work for me.
I don’t have enough education... start-up capital... experience...
Wrong age... It's too late... Etc.

Analyze the second column of your test and find limiting beliefs and obstacles in it. If there are any, reflect on them by asking: “Why do I think this is so?”

Each time, ask yourself a clarifying question until you are sure that you have arrived at the absurd. Having caught yourself on the absurdity of the arguments, laugh at them and part with the conviction, like with shoes that have gone out of fashion.

Here is an example of a typical dialogue between a psychologist and a person stuck in his belief:

— Belief: I’m not the same age anymore.
- What is “that” age?
- Well, 20 years.
— When you were 20 years old, what could you do?
- Nothing.
- And now?
- Now I can, I have education and experience.
- So why do you think that the age is wrong?
- Health is not the same.
- What does “that” health mean?
- Young.
— There were rich people in your family
- Yes, my great-grandfather was very rich, he returned from the mines at the age of 40, opened a shop, became a merchant...
— How old was your grandfather when he started, and was he in good health?
Yes, no, he returned from the mines, completely ill.
So it's not a matter of health or age?
- It turns out that yes...

This kind of dialogue with yourself needs to be conducted for every limiting belief. Better in writing.

Let's look at the third column - What is the reason?

The third column is the level of feelings! It shows our “emotional hooks”! “Tails” of the past, fears, causes of emotional conflicts.


Take a careful look at this column of just four words, and perhaps you will understand the true reasons for not only financial, but also general troubles.

Interesting! From the words of the third column you can usually create an expression - some kind of “slogan” or motto! Play with words and make up a phrase. Sometimes it's an inspiring call to action, even if it's written in capital letters and hung on the wall.

The slogan turned out to be as follows: My goal gives confidence that work will bring good luck

Analysis of the fourth and fifth columns is the key to yourself

What are these last key words for you? Think about it!

There is no standard transcript for the last three words. Usually this is a tool for analysis or a hint for further psychological work. There, a person’s key fears, true and not far-fetched causes of problems, as well as genuine motives can “pop out”. One thing is clear, if the meaning of the words - keys is far from the associated concept (in our example it is money), the root of the problem lies in spheres and planes that are far from the sphere of money as such.

This means that the financial situation will not improve until the real problem is worked out and solved. As a rule, it is organically tied to one of three:
problem of parent-child relationships;
system of values

Now take a piece of paper and draw the last word!

If it's good, save the drawing! This is your energy resource!
If it’s bad, look at it for a while, say goodbye and solemnly burn it!

The work with the test is now complete. I hope it gave you some useful insights!

Carl Jung used free association as a lie detector because it helped determine a person's motivation. Thanks to this technique, a person can come to the realization of what is gnawing at him and begin to eliminate his psychological problems.

The “16 Associations” exercise works similar to Jung’s association test, and it will not take more than 15 minutes to complete. If you want to better understand your own feelings and understand what you really need, Jung's association test is an unrivaled assistant in this matter.

The human brain is designed in such a way that, if it is necessary to remember something, it is encoded by a set of visual images, information from the senses and associated sensations in the body and emotions.

What will you get from the “16 associations” exercise?

1. Awareness of what influences your perception and subconscious attitude towards a situation/phenomenon/fact. Even if you do not make any attempt to work on the area from which the word was chosen, after 3-6 months you will get a completely different result when you take the test again. This is all the work of the subconscious - when thoughts and associations are put on paper, a person begins to analyze them in any case.

2. Transformational effect. Through conscious perception, a change in attitude occurs and there is a reasonable scientific explanation for this. A person remembers not the event itself, but the last memory associated with it. The more new associations we apply to a keyword, the more the circuit that is activated by that word will change.

Depending on what emotions arise during associations, the change in the future emotional color of the chain and the feelings that will arise the next time this word is remembered depends. Thus, the brighter the emotion, the stronger the rewriting effect.

3. You receive a ready-made map for further work on yourself - it becomes clear what can be used as a resource and what should be changed. The higher the awareness, the more determined a person is to change - this will help achieve maximum results after passing the Jung association test.

Jung's association test: exercise “16 associations”

For the exercise to be effective, it should be performed in absolute peace and solitude.

  • Think about what word you would like to work with. For example, if you think that you are currently experiencing financial difficulties, let it be the word “money,” and if you think you are lonely, write the word “love.” Draw the following sign on a piece of paper:

Research word

  • As quickly as possible, without hesitation, enter in the left column all the associations that you have with this word - any phrases, catchphrases, words.
  • Next, fill out the second column - you need to combine the words into pairs - 1 and 2, 3 and 4, 5 and 6, etc. In the second column you need to enter associations that arise when combining words into pairs.
  • To fill out the third column, you need to do the same thing - combine the 8 words received in pairs and display associations; we do the same with the 4th column.
  • As a result, you get a key word - something with which you can unravel the tangle of problems and get rid of negative attitudes.

If over the next few days you do not let the keyword out of your head, trying to apply it to various areas of your life, then many thoughts may appear that will help you better understand yourself and your subconscious.

The “16 Associations” exercise-test helps to identify the deep roots of any problem, get to the bottom, the real cause of your problem, as well as other people’s life programs that prevent you from achieving success in a certain area of ​​life.

The test is quite simple and takes 10-15 minutes to complete. What is needed to carry it out? You need a piece of paper and a pen. On a piece of paper you need to draw the following sign:

Research word

1 1 1 1 1
3 2
5 3 2
7 4
9 5 3 2
11 6
13 7 4
15 8

Now comes the fun part! You need to take any area where you think you have a problem: family, health, happiness, love, man, woman, children, sex, work, leisure, vocation, money...

That is, it can be anything. The test is universal and allows you to identify the source of imbalance in any area that you decide to explore.

Let’s take the topic “MONEY” as an example. And if you haven’t chosen any area for research, then also stop at money. I am sure that the results of the study will surprise you and allow you to look at the area of ​​your personal finances from a completely different perspective.

Now quickly, without much thinking, write in the first (left) column of the table 16 associations associated with the word MONEY (your word under study).

I hope it’s clear what an association is. It can be any word, phrase, catchphrase, interjection... And it is not necessarily related in meaning to the main word - money!
Did you manage? Great!

Don’t read further until you do this, otherwise I know you, the main thing is to run through the text diagonally and run further. Don’t do this, otherwise you’ll get everything again as always - zilch on vegetable oil. Thought must end in action. Once in her book “Where they distribute unconditional faith in themselves,” Tatyana Morozova wrote about what real understanding of something is.

“Understanding leads to the fact that a person PHYSICALLY cannot remain who he was before. Otherwise understanding is just an illusion. I understood - that means I did it. Anyone who has once experienced what it means to do what is yours will never agree to a surrogate. For example, when a person understands that the cause of his illness is hyper-touchiness, then he physically cannot continue to be offended by anyone. Understanding is necessarily supported by actions. No action - no understanding.
Understanding comes to the head through the heart, i.e. through feelings, which give a person the necessary energy to translate understanding into action. It’s as if a person has an internal source of energy and finds ways to bring his plans to life.”

This quote makes you look at some things differently. Why do you seem to understand everything, but don’t do anything? This means that this is really an illusion of understanding, and you yourself are still far from it! Now you have a valuable criterion of understanding; if it is not met, then it is an illusion.

After we got rid of illusions and still completed this simple task - we wrote 16 associations that first came to mind for the word under study, we go further and fill out the second column.

It is also easy to fill out - now connect the first word with the second, the third with the fourth, the fifth with the sixth, etc. and write in the second column from the left the KEY ASSOCIATION DERIVED FROM A PAIR OF WORDS!

By the way, an association is not a conclusion! That is, the association can be anything, not necessarily logically connected with the previous words. The words “rest” and “health” may cause someone to associate “resort”, while others may associate it with “sanatorium” (I remember my first package holiday, where I improved my health). The most important thing here is to feel that it is this word, and no other, that jumps out of the subconscious as uniting this pair of words.

So, in the second column you have 8 words.

The next stage (have you guessed it yet?) is to again connect the first word with the second, the third with the fourth, and so on, and write key associations in the third column in the same way. Now there will be 4 of them!

And then, as you might guess, combine the words again, derive associations again (2 in total). And finally, by combining the last two words you get the final association. What do you associate the word MONEY with (your research word)!

The last word is the key!
How do you like this word? Are you surprised or is this the expected result? How did you feel while doing this task? And were you interested? Have you discovered something new about yourself?

Quite often it turns out to be a complete surprise what kind of associations can jump out of the subconscious. What can you say about the last word? What does it mean to you?

To decipher the results, let’s take the interpretation outlined by Elena Shubina in her book “How to Attract Money.”
The general decryption looks like this:

Analyzing the first column

The first column of words reflects several points at once:

1. Our “level of reality”. This is what fills our daily lives. At the level of reality, our “stamps” “live”, beliefs that have no serious basis, but nevertheless influence our lives.

For example, a good half of city residents claim that they are afraid of mice, rats, snakes, and enter the entrance almost with their eyes closed, but rarely have any of them ever seen a live mouse in their entrance! Why are they afraid of them? This is a cliche - “women are afraid of mice,” and since I’m a woman, I should be afraid.

The same thing happens with money (any other word being studied). We think in cliches and these cliches are clearly visible in the first column.

Money is dirt, money is a lie, money is a test, money is pity, money is charity, big money is obtained dishonestly, etc.

It's interesting that money is such a topic that everyone has something to say about. But few of those who talk about money actually have money. Therefore, discussions about money are, by definition, the most stupid. Few of the debaters understand what they are talking about, but nevertheless, everyone has cliches in their heads.

2. At the first level of our test, the strategy for obtaining what we are studying is also very visible. In our example, the strategy for getting money.

Someone is an honest hard worker and his words: “Work, plow, hard, tired, don’t give, boss, salary...”.
And someone thinks that money should fall from the sky: “I want it, give it to me, a bank, a yacht, a plane, a cruise, an inheritance...”.

Analyze how you are doing with the way you receive money.
The first person from my example will most likely work hard and conscientiously all his life, but if easy money comes into his life (let’s say he receives an inheritance), he will not know what to do with it, and “out of grief” he will get sick or will drink.
The second one will continue to wait for the weather by the sea, be angry that the yachts still don’t arrive, and be offended by the world. But it is unlikely that it would occur to him that money can simply be earned.

It happens that a person has already outgrown the previous strategy, like short pants, but still does not understand that it is time to abandon it. So the Ugly Duckling, who had long ago become a Swan, out of habit hid from the swan flock in the bushes.

3. Also, the first column of words allows you to assess the level of pessimism- optimism regarding your money situation.

To determine it, read 16 words and try to evaluate - as you get closer to the end, do the words become more optimistic or less optimistic?

Optimism levels are rising Optimism levels are going down
Paper Wealth
Few Greed
Where to get Poverty
I can Embezzlement
Liberty a lack of

If the level of optimism goes up - good! This means that no matter what financial situation you are in now, you will overcome everything! You are on the right path and everything will be fine for you.

If the level of optimism goes down - bad! But I hope that thanks to the test results, you will reconsider some of your beliefs and achieve success in a timely manner!

4. The next thing we analyze in the first column is - these are induced (transposed, imposed) fears and beliefs on us. Sometimes they are also called “mind viruses.” This is something that for some reason you took into account, although if you think about it, it has nothing to do with you.

So, parents very often transfer their fears onto their children! A lot of money is a shame. But my parents picked up this belief at a time when it was completely impossible to earn a lot by honest work unless you belonged to a very narrow bohemian or scientific stratum. Therefore, they sincerely believed in it. But for what reason do you still carry this belief with you?

There is simply a darkness of false and alien attitudes floating in our consciousness! We are saturated through and through with other people's ideas, plans, motives and fears. Now we have a difficult task ahead of us - to catch these OTHERS' troubles in our test!

I asked you to write this test by hand on a piece of paper! And this is very important precisely in order to detect “strangers”!
Interesting! People often identify handwritten “virus words” using hidden signs (mistakes, blots, a word is written with a capital letter, and all the rest are written with a small letter, or, conversely, the word is written smaller or larger).

When I performed this test myself, it turned out that I wrote all the words carefully and completely, and only one word was not completely written - responsibility. When I began to think about him, my mother immediately appeared before my eyes, telling me that big money is always a responsibility.

But analyzing what is written by hand is not the only way to detect “strangers.” Do the following - read the first column out loud, quickly, in one breath, trying to pronounce the words clearly and tracking your emotions and bodily sensations.

Most likely, at some word, a wave of disagreement will rise in you, as if it was not you who wrote it. You may even feel a drop in energy, instant fatigue and apathy.

Among the 16 words I wrote down, the word “labor” became such a word. And then again the picture of my mother surfaced, as she said that you need to work hard so that everything in your life is good.

Elena Shubina gives the following example in her book:

Even without being an expert in psychology, you can feel that the person who wrote this set of associations is a hard worker, standing firmly on his feet, understanding a lot about earthly pleasures, and oriented towards the future.

But where did this terrible word “begging” come from? It rudely breaks into the list of associations linguistically (if this word belonged to the person himself, he would have written - poverty). And it breaks the connection between the logical block, where the main motives and strategy of this person are clearly visible (work well - have a good rest, and don’t forget about the children). It becomes clear what this person spends his energy on. To avoid this very “begging” at any cost.

When I asked the person who wrote this column about the origin of the word “begging,” he remembered that as a child his mother often yelled at him: “Study, you stupid thing, if you don’t learn, they won’t hire you, you’ll be begging!” He studied, graduated from two universities, works hard in a management position at a state enterprise, because he is sure that it is more stable. Many times he received invitations to go into private business, both on a salary and as a “partner,” but he always refused. Why? He says that he doesn’t like to take risks, but at the same time he drives a car at great speed, one goes into the taiga to hunt a bear, that is You can’t call him a risk-taker. He says he’s slowed down. He promises himself to change something, but doesn’t find the strength.

Is he afraid of poverty? Yes, but he tries not to think about it; if such a thought comes, he drowns it out with a shot of good vodka. This is a typical case. After working with the test and removing maternal programming, I tried to combine my main job with management in a private business. Now he runs a large timber processing plant in Siberia.

Other people's fears and beliefs take away much more strength and energy from us than our own, and force us to do completely unthinkable things! It has been noticed that the most common way to drown out the “voice” of someone else’s beliefs is alcohol. Is this why in our country, where everyone lived only according to orders, there are so many people who drink heavily?

But let's get back to the test.

When you find thought-form viruses on your list, think about their origin. Perhaps you will remember the edifying look of the old teacher, the instructions of the father and the admonitions of the grandparents. But oddly enough, most often we all remember our mother. That's who basically puts everything in our heads.

Now that you understand where you got it from and, perhaps, even remembered how much you had to lose or not do because of it, give up this word - belief!

How? Just cross it out and write a new one in its place! Any word, not necessarily close in meaning, but chosen by you personally.

Let's move on to analyzing the second column

The second column is the level of intelligence! That's what I think about it! Let me explain... The fact is that most people do not think about their problems at all. They bathe in them, live in them, worry about them, talk a lot, but think very little! But in vain... Sometimes a good, strong, unemotional analysis would give much more than hours of exciting conversations.

At this level, your own limiting beliefs come out!

Not sure
Asking is bad

In decoding it would sound like this:
This won't work for me.
I don't have enough education... start-up capital... experience...
Wrong age... It's too late... Etc.

Analyze the second column of your test and find limiting beliefs and obstacles in it. If there are any, think about them by asking: “Why do I think this is so?”

Each time, ask yourself a clarifying question until you are convinced that you have arrived at the absurd. Having caught yourself on the absurdity of the arguments, laugh at them and part with your conviction, like shoes that have gone out of fashion.

Here is an example of a typical dialogue between a psychologist and a person stuck in his belief:

- Belief: I’m not the same age anymore.
- What is “that” age?
- Well, 20 years.
- When you were 20 years old, what could you do?
- Nothing.
- And now?
- Now I can, I have education and experience.
- So why do you think that the age is wrong?
- Health is not the same.
- What does “that” health mean?
- Young.
- There were rich people in your family
- Yes, my great-grandfather was very rich, he returned from the mines at the age of 40, opened a shop, became a merchant...
- How old was your grandfather when he started, and was he in good health?
Yes, no, he returned from the mines, completely ill.
So it's not a matter of health or age?
- It turns out that yes...

This is the kind of dialogue you need to have with yourself for every limiting belief. It is better if the dialogue is conducted in writing.

Let's look at the third column - What is the reason?

The third column is the level of feelings! It shows our “emotional hooks”! “Tails” of the past, fears, causes of emotional conflicts.


These are the words from a young woman's test. At the time of testing, she was planning to marry a rich man and move abroad. Her parents categorically did not approve of her choice. This was already the third candidate for husband, the previous two were rejected thanks to their parents. The woman was afraid of her parents, afraid of men, their money, possible changes in life, everything... But the reason lay precisely in the fear of her mother’s condemnation.

Take a careful look at this column of just four words, and perhaps you will understand the true reasons for not only financial, but also general troubles.

Interesting! From the words in the third column you can usually create an expression that can be used as a kind of “slogan” or motto! Play with words and make up a phrase. Sometimes it’s just a call to action, even if it’s written in capital letters and hung on the wall. And sometimes, as in the case of our heroine, the quintessence of internal experiences.

I had 4 words in the third column:

The slogan turned out to be as follows: My goal gives confidence that work will bring good luck

Analysis of the fourth and fifth columns is the key to yourself

What are these last key words for you? Think about it!

There is no standard transcript for the last three words. Usually this is a tool for analysis or a hint for further psychological work. There, a person’s key fears, true and not far-fetched causes of problems, as well as genuine motives can “pop out”. One thing is clear, if the meaning of the words - the keys - is far from the associated concept (in our case it is money), the root of the problem lies in spheres and planes that are far from the sphere of money as such.

This means that the financial situation will not improve until the real problem is worked out and solved. As a rule, it is organically tied to one of three:
problem of parent-child relationships;
system of values

Now take a piece of paper and draw the last word!

If it's good, save the drawing! This is your energy resource!
If it’s bad, look at it for a while, say goodbye and solemnly burn it!

The work with the test is now complete. I hope it led you to some useful discoveries!

Training based on the book by Elizabeth Gilbert. 40 exercises for finding happiness Aber Maria

Exercise 24. Free associations

Before execution

The method of free association was invented back in the days of classical psychoanalysis; since then it has changed a lot in form and meaning, and is now almost never used in its original form.

However, as an exercise that works for better understanding and acceptance of oneself, free associations are simply irreplaceable!


Ask someone close to you, a friend or relative, to write a list of 20-30 words on a piece of paper for you. Let these be any words, but from different spheres of life, qualitative and quantitative characteristics, different parts of speech, animate and inanimate objects. Let your assistant, as in the previous exercise, write down his words in a column - one per line.

Your task is to, without much thinking, select an association for each of these words. Next to each word, write down the first association that comes to mind.

The second option for performing this exercise is by ear and while recording on a voice recorder: your assistant pronounces the word, and you quickly name the association for it.

After the job is done, take a few deep breaths and thank your loved one for their participation.

Re-read or listen to what happened. Now it's time for thought and reflection! Try to catch the emotions that arise when reading or pronouncing a particular word. Think about why this word caused such an association. Try to evaluate the associations - whether you like them; how they relate to your present, past or future life; what happens if you continue the associative series.

Always remember that in such exercises there are no right or wrong answers (or associations). This and similar exercises are like having an intimate, sincere conversation with yourself. This is an attempt to understand and embrace yourself.

After execution

Free association is great for more than just exercise at all, but also as a way to deal with pressing, pressing issues. Thus, the method of free association is effective when you want (and not “can”) understand how you feel about a particular situation, what decision is best to make, what strategy to choose when overcoming a problem.

From the book Geopsychology in Shamanism, Physics and Taoism author Mindell Arnold

Zigzag movement and free associations Zigzag movement is precisely the wisdom of the process; it comes from a sense of freedom and awareness of any path that arises, or an interest in following it. It seems such a fundamental need that if it

From the book The Power of Silence author Mindell Arnold

From the book Men and how to twist them into ropes author Antonova Irina

From the book Archetypal Dream Study author Naydenov Evgeniy

Why do free men choose married women? So, why did he choose a married woman? Yes, because it’s easier with a married woman. A married lady does not encroach on her free time, does not blackmail her with pregnancy, insures against sexually transmitted diseases and does not have a relationship

From the book Ariadne's Thread, or Journey through the Labyrinths of the Psyche author Zueva Elena

5. Free associations

From the book Altered States of Consciousness by Tart Charles

What is an open relationship? Relationships, including, according to the insightful definition of E. Frome, Care, Respect, Responsibility and Knowledge. Responsibility is what is missing in life to feel free! Do you want freedom? Why do you need

From the book Scenarios of People's Lives [Eric Berne School] by Claude Steiner

Associations Reduction of associations is an important basic effect of marijuana. It promotes time expansion, sensory expansion, and increased attention given to focus consciousness. However, in a state of high, not all associative patterns lose their power.

From the book Unconscious Branding. Using the latest advances in neurobiology in marketing author Praet Douglas Wang

Open relationships and lifestyle Men and women can live both alone and together, being autonomous, cooperative and equal in rights. Women can have a career without becoming Queen Bee, or become the mother of many children in a huge house with

From the book Man is Man author Vorobiev Gennady Grigorievich

From the book Hidden Mechanisms of Influence on Others by Winthrop Simon

Roman associations People would not stop living together, even if they went their separate ways. Kozma Prutkov Right from the bus we find ourselves in the ancient world of Pompeii. Everything has been preserved here: streets, alleys, houses, things. There are only people. Hand-worn marble of a water fountain.

From the book Disappearing People. Shame and appearance author Kilborn Benjamin

Associations The most effective mnemonic technique is the method of associative memorization, that is, correlating new information with something already familiar. The better the association you manage to select, the greater the chance that you will remember the necessary information in the future. Here

From the book Brilliant Performance. How to become a successful speaker author Sednev Andrey

Free Association and Open Form The approach to detail and relative importance in The Rules of the Game is strikingly similar to the psychoanalytic method of free association, in which the patient says whatever comes to mind. Balanced "free floating"

From the book How to Win People Over by Carnegie Dale

Change Associations Story is a great way to create associations to which you can attach your ideas, but using stories alone is also a pattern. Therefore, from time to time, resort to an analogy or practical

From the book Me, Me and We Again by Little Brian

Associations The most reliable way to remember names is to use associations. Here are some tips: Profession. Sometimes you can associate a feature of a person’s appearance with his profession, and his profession with his name. Suppose you met Mr. Sloney, a pianist.

From the author's book

Chapter 3 Free Traits: Uncharacteristic Behavior and Strength of Character Sometimes I am so unlike myself that I can be mistaken for another person with a character opposite to mine. Jean-Jacques Rousseau. “Confession” The eyes are already familiar to me, I know it all

From the author's book

The world of ideas: personal projects and free traits In addition to biological and social factors, our behavior is influenced by the world of ideas, or ideogenic motives. They represent plans, aspirations, commitments and personal projects that we are engaged in implementing. They are


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