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Interesting Zodiac

The best horoscopes of the world

Zodiac horoscope

Since ancient times, people have measured the passage of time by the movement of stars, noting over and over again that those born under different stars have different... >>>

Two words about astrology

How often do they say about lucky people: “He was born under a lucky star!” Although in fact, each of us, without even realizing it, is lucky in one area or another. For one, money, as they say, sticks to his hands, for another people are drawn to him, the third is happy in love, the fourth has found himself in the profession...

Why is this happening? And can a person learn to control his destiny in order to expand the boundaries of the luck allotted to him?

Since ancient times, people have believed that astrology, one of the oldest sciences on Earth, can help with this. It is generally accepted that astrology as a science arose long before the beginning of our era in Mesopotamia. In the 19th century, during excavations of the ancient city of Nineveh, a set of clay tablets was found from the palace library of the Assyrian king Ashurbanipal, which are essentially a collection of astrological knowledge and predictions. These astrological tablets are over 26 centuries old! But this is not the limit.

The ancient Greeks claimed that astrology dates back to hoary antiquity. They believed that this science goes back myriads of years, and they considered the legendary prophet Zarathustra to be one of the greatest magicians and astrologers in the world. Even the name of Zarathustra sounds in the Greek way as Zoroaster - in consonance with the Greek “astron”, “star”.

Modern Zodiac astrology is a direct descendant of this ancient doctrine of the stars. According to it, your Zodiac sign is a personal code, thanks to which you can find out everything about your character, inclinations and capabilities. And not only about their own: the zodiac sign is able to tell about the hidden sides and secrets of any person - your friend, colleague, loved one.

However, psychologists are also gradually coming to the conclusion that the time of birth leaves an imprint on a person’s character, and therefore on his fate. In fact, people born in the winter, when there is a clear lack of vitamins, sunlight and warmth, have a more persistent and strong-willed character, while those born in the summer months are more cheerful and easy-going.

Nevertheless, whatever the true reason for the accuracy of Zodiac horoscopes is - in the stars and planets or in the time of birth - it is definitely worth listening to them, because astrology has absorbed centuries of experience in observing human characters and destinies.

Well, besides, do not forget that the main rule of astrologers is: “The stars incline, but do not oblige.” In other words, no matter what zodiac sign you were born under, a horoscope is not a label, much less a sentence. On the contrary, by taking a close look at your horoscope, you can find in it advice on how to make the most of the advantages of your zodiac sign and learn to overcome its disadvantages.

Today there are a huge number of horoscopes in the world, and we will only try to list you the most basic of them.

Natal horoscope

Compatibility Horoscope

Karmic horoscope

Local horoscope

Mundane horoscope

Thematic horoscope

This is a horoscope that is obtained by transferring the ascendant of the horoscope to the degree of any object in the horoscope. In astrology, a similar horoscope is used to clarify life events that are associated with the sphere of influence of a given horoscope object. So, for example, the Venus horoscope (obtained by moving the ascendant to the degree of Venus) reveals in more detail the events of marriage and love.

Horary horoscope

This is a horoscope that is constructed at the moment the question is asked. If possible, the answer to the question can be radical or not radical. Also, it should be noted that this type of horoscope is closest to fortune telling and therefore raises certain doubts about its basis among professional astrologers.

Numerological horoscope

This is a horoscope that uses the reduction of dates (birth, etc.), names (surnames, patronymics, titles, etc.), to one of several prime numbers (each of which is believed to be protected by its own planet). There are also numerological horoscopes that use only a person’s birth number.

Chinese horoscope

This horoscope does not refer to horoscopes, in the full sense of the word, but rather to special calendars. According to him, every year on earth passes under the sign of one of the 12 animals. When compiling it, the astronomical rhythms of the Moon, Saturn and the Sun are taken into account.

Druid horoscope

This horoscope also refers to calendars rather than horoscopes. It is based on the assumption that each person, like a tree, has his own special unique characteristics, strengths and weaknesses. The classification of a person as one or another type of tree depends on the distance of the Sun from the earth on the day of his birth. Therefore, each sign of this horoscope has not one, as usual, but two entire periods of action.

Snakes are talented and ambitious from birth. They have the gift of observation, intuition, instantly read information about a person’s strengths and weaknesses, are persistent, purposeful, and have a strong logical mind...

Each zodiac sign covers approximately a month and consists of three decades. Since each sign occupies a sector of 30 in the horoscope, each decade respectively occupies 10, i.e., one degree falls on each day of the decade.

Aries is a sign of maturity and perfection. This definition applies to all representatives of this amazing zodiac constellation without exception. Aries, almost similar to each other in their qualities, also have distinctive character traits...

A woman and a man, their interconnection and relationships are a mystery of the Universe. Experts from all fields around the world are struggling to uncover it. No clear answers have been found yet... But astrological forecasts for these relationships have always been the most logical and consistent...

Horoscope Kamasutra
Kama Sutra and sex in the sign of Aries 21.03-20.04. The famous mythological bird became famous for its ability to rise from the ashes. Just think! Fiery Aries will raise the dead and ignite the flames of passion out of the blue! Lay your beloved on your back and stand up...

So, you want to seduce a man born under one or another zodiac sign. Then it is useful to use these recommendations.

In order to achieve his goal, Aries is ready to do anything, from luxurious bouquets of roses to the most insidious deception. At the same time, having achieved the desired intimacy, he is usually bitterly disappointed: all his strength is spent on picking the forbidden fruit...

Sometimes Capricorns need a serious partner, and sometimes a cheerful and carefree one who can make them laugh. Which one they choose depends on what stage of life they meet him at.

Some of us are astrologically predisposed to fidelity, others would like to be faithful but cannot, others do not even dream about it. The fidelity horoscope will help you find out the potential abilities of your new acquaintances!

The inhabitants of Ancient Greece believed that each sign of the Zodiac was ruled by its own god. All the time frames of the Greek horoscope coincide exactly with the traditional ones, because...

The sign of Taurus in its symbolic aspect represents the fertile properties as well as the productive forces in all parts of nature. Of the Nart heroes, Taurus corresponds to Borafarnyg.

The hawk is a bird of “high flight”, big ambitions and grandiose plans. He is a successful hunter, and he is very voracious. It symbolizes the desire to explore the unknown, he sets himself the goal of finding something...

House (calli) lucky number: 6, color – dark green. Playful and very open, the Dom is willing to give everything to friends or family and thus avoid disappointment. The fear of loneliness leads him to...

Pagan deities correspond to a certain period of time in the annual cycle, the so-called Svarozh Kolya. During this period of time, a holiday honoring certain deities is usually celebrated. People born during a period dedicated to one of the deities...

Hawthorn - May 13 - June 9. The Glastonbury Thorn is believed to have grown from a cutting cut from the crown of thorns with which Jesus was crowned. In Celtic Ireland, it was believed that a person who destroyed a hawthorn exposed himself to the greatest danger, because...

In the old days September was called "ruin". “Ryti” (roar), which when applied to autumn weather means “roar... blow... howl...”. The patrons of people born in the month of Ruin are two deities. Seva (August 29 - September 13) - goddess of garden...

Alder. Roots (12.22-12.24) Closed, often gloomy, with a rather difficult character, stubborn and often go against public opinion. They take pleasure in ruining someone's mood. Branches (22.03-24.03) Wayward, selfish. They require...

BEAR (December 10 - January 10). The Bear is the owner of the forest, but not the king of animals, not the king of all forests, steppes, deserts and mountains... and all because his excessive laziness was born before the Bear. He knows this, he has gotten used to it and has come to terms with it, he can tell something about himself...

Zoroastrian horoscopes (Zend-Avesta)
Years: 1963, 1995. Symbolism of the sign. The bear is naturally quiet and is not easily agitated. But in a state of anger, he becomes very bold and active, especially the female in cases where her cubs are stolen...

ASHWINI (from April 13 to April 27). Animal symbol: horse. The Ashwinis are looking for a companion who can understand their uncontrollable desire for freedom. Their ideal is an adventurer with a rich spiritual world. They also need perfection in a loved one because they themselves...

Jewish horoscopes by signs
The month of Iyar corresponds to the zodiac sign Taurus (in Hebrew - Shor, i.e. bull, ox). The word “shor” in Hebrew is associated with an adult, independent animal; “tale” - with the small and weak. The bull and the ox are already a step towards independence, the manifestation of one’s individual essence...

NILE. January 1-7, June 19-28, September 1-7, November 18-26. This river and its god were a source of inexhaustible energy for the Egyptians. The Nile is the river that gives life to the inhabitants of Egypt. Its waters not only irrigated crops, but also fertilized the land during widespread floods...

Gallic horoscopes of the Druids
Apple tree: December 23 - January 1, June 25 - July 4. She is rarely tall, pleasing to the eye, there is a lot of cuteness in her, well-built, a lot of charm and warmth. Inspires the thought of love, even when she doesn’t think about it herself (which rarely happens)...

The Vikings were pagans by faith. It was believed that each god rules his own month. But unlike traditional horoscopes, in which the patron of the sign shares his qualities with the person, in the Viking horoscope things were a little different...

In the Middle Ages, there were two astrological systems in Azerbaijan: Western, dating back to Sumerian and Ancient Greek astrology, and Eastern (Turkic), close to Chinese. In addition, in ancient times there was also a special Avestan astrology...

If Leo wants something, he will buy it. If he can't afford it, he'll take out a loan. If he exceeds the loan, he would rather sell his gold watch and stamp collection, but buy this thing...

Pisces man. His inner strength and restraint conquers women. A man born under the sign of Pisces knows how to listen; when you speak, all his attention is directed to you.

Moon in Sagittarius. These people are distinguished by pride. They are vain. They may appear pompous and smug. They really want to be an example for others, and they love to teach everyone how to live.

March 21 – April 19: awakening time. What do we usually do in the morning when we wake up? That is, what should you do every morning after waking up? That's right - exercise! Then you will have all day...

In a relationship with an Aries woman, the main thing is not to irritate or make her angry, otherwise she will never forgive you for this, and you will not see her again. She will direct her energy towards someone or something else.

Child's horoscope
If you have a Virgo child, you better learn to think fast. They are impatient, want everything at once, and have an inexhaustible supply of energy. They love to learn, are curious and poke their noses into everything. When a Virgo child...

Cancer is an infantile nature; it takes a long time to mature and is in no hurry to make a decision in life. Very often his choice is determined by his parents. But it is possible that Cancer may not agree with their decision and protest...

– zodiac. It is based on dividing all people into 12 different ones based on their birthday. According to astrologers, stars that align in a certain way every month have a huge impact on human behavior and psychology. Therefore, based on the zodiac horoscope, experts determine general characteristics such as character and temperament, behavior in love relationships, as well as suitable professions and predisposition to illness.

This characteristic has only a grain of truth, since the zodiac horoscope is quite general, and two people born under the same zodiac sign can be the complete opposite of each other.

Natal horoscope

This horoscope is more accurate than the zodiac, as it takes into account not only the day, but also the place of birth of a person. Otherwise, this horoscope coincides with the first. They also determine the main aspects of a person’s character and his predispositions.

To compile a natal horoscope, you need information about the day, exact time and place of birth, as well as the exact coordinates of the locality.

A natal horoscope can be made not only for a person, but also for any other object, for example a company, building, residential building. It will determine the fate of the building and possible subsequent problems.

Local horoscope

In addition to his birthday, a person’s character and destiny are significantly influenced by his place of residence, so another horoscope - a local one - can be drawn up every time you move to a new place of residence. The local horoscope is auxiliary, additional. When moving, a person’s character and other important characteristics will not change, only the main line of fate will change, which this horoscope reflects.

Karmic horoscope

Karma is the return of certain actions that a person has performed in his life. A karmic horoscope helps everyone determine who they were in life and what karmic sins they suffered in their present life. With its help you can learn ways to improve karma for subsequent lives.

Compatibility Horoscope

There is also a horoscope that shows the compatibility of two people with each other, taking into account their character, temperament, sociability, and so on. It is compiled on the basis of the zodiac or natal horoscope. The compatibility horoscope determines how well two people fit together, what difficulties await them in a relationship, how to smooth out emerging conflicts, what their life together will be like and how long it will last.

The popularity of numerous fortune predictions is increasing every day in the world. First of all, psychologists associate this with an increase in the number of stressful situations. Today, many specialists, whose field of interest, in particular, includes the physical and astronomical sciences, as well as the theory of probability, are trying to identify a complex of factors that connect the dates and months of people’s births with their character traits.

The oldest predictive treatises of this kind that have survived to this day are cuneiform materials from Mesopotamian temple archives. All horoscopes of the world, including Kabbalistic, numerological, Druid, Chinese, karmic, Egyptian, contain centuries-old wisdom and are characterized by increasing popularity.

In the most ancient sources, horoscopes referred to the ascendants or the signs in which the mentioned ascendants resided. The traditional methodology for calculating ascendants is extremely complex.

Currently, horoscopes are often referred to not as rising signs, but as symbols in which the Sun is located. In addition, this term refers to predictions made for people united by one zodiac sign.

Modern astrologers use horoscopes of the peoples of the world to form reliable forecasts. The most commonly used of these are:

    Egyptian, revealing the hidden abilities of people;

    Japanese, which gives people the qualities of animals;

    Zoroastrian, forming people’s dependence on the protective influence of totems;

    natal, formed at the time of birth;

    local, created at the time of the current stay of a person;

    horary, built at the moment the question arises;

    mound formed at the time of major events;

    thematic, obtained by transferring the ascendants to the degrees of any objects;

    karmic, embodying the impact of previous reincarnations;

    synastric, characterizing compatibility;

    Druids, based on the meanings of winter as well as summer oppositions;

    Chinese, taking into account the traditions of Taoism.

The best horoscopes in the world claim that at the moment of birth a person receives a certain energy impulse that can influence health, behavior, and emotions throughout his entire life.

In fact, this impulse determines the pictures of human characters. For many millennia, people with sacred knowledge have developed complex interpretations, on the basis of which predictors made conclusions about the characteristics of a particular person, his compatibility with partners, and the success of certain actions.

If the horoscopes of the peoples of the world do not give a clear answer to the pressing question, then you should not be upset. You need to listen to your own intuition.

Every person wants to know what awaits him today, how to dress correctly and speak, what changes to expect. This is why there is a zodiac horoscope that can predict...


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