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After a long illness, with seasonal vitamin deficiency, it is necessary to take care of the state of the immune system, otherwise doctors do not exclude the risk of a relapse and a decline in performance. The daily menu should include products to boost immunity; in addition, it is advisable to take vitamin and mineral complexes.

What foods boost immunity?

In order to prevent viral diseases and colds, doctors recommend not only taking pills and vitamins. To activate the internal processes of the body, you can select products that increase immunity in adults. It is advisable to discuss the list of food ingredients in the daily menu individually with your therapist to eliminate the risk of an allergic reaction. Below are those food products whose benefits are invaluable to the body, especially during the period of seasonal vitamin deficiency, after recovery.


To improve your health, your daily menu should contain a ginger drink rich in vitamins and valuable microelements. These are magnesium, zinc, camphin, sodium, feladrin, retinol, gingerol, vitamins B and C, borneol, which quickly enhance the body’s immune response. Being a natural antioxidant, ginger improves immunity and promotes the rapid elimination of free radicals. To enhance the therapeutic and preventive effect, it is recommended to add lemon and honey to ginger drink and use it for every tea party.

Lemon with garlic

When studying which foods boost immunity, it is important not to forget about the preventive properties of natural antiseptics and immunostimulants. Lemon with garlic is an effective remedy that can boost the immune response. The tincture has stood the test of time, and has a multifaceted effect in the body. These natural antiseptics contain bactericidal components that kill bacteria and prevent their further appearance. Below is a classic recipe for lemon tincture with garlic to boost your immunity.

You will need:

  • lemon – 1 pc.;
  • garlic – 3-4 cloves;
  • water - a few drops.

Preparation and use:

  1. Chop the garlic, squeeze the lemon.
  2. Combine the ingredients in one container and mix.
  3. Add 1 tbsp. l. water to dilute the concentrated tincture.
  4. To increase immunity, take 1 tsp orally. in the morning and before bed.


This is another natural product that boosts immunity in adults. It must be taken with great caution, since doctors do not exclude the possibility of an allergic reaction on the skin. If there is no such contraindication, it is useful to know that honey contains 22 out of 24 elements valuable for the body of women and men. Strengthening the immune system in adults and children is ensured; the main thing is to determine the safe dose of this natural product. The composition is dominated by vitamins A, E, C, B, K, and folic acid to improve the functioning of all internal organs and adult systems.


This beekeeping product is placed in a separate group from honey. Propolis is part of numerous folk remedies for maintaining the immunity of adults. This is a natural antibiotic that is actively used in all areas of medicine, and enhancing the immune response is no exception. The natural composition contains essential oils, plant resins, wax, tannins, vitamins, and microelements. Propolis is a product that increases immunity in adults, and also destroys pathogenic flora of viral and fungal origin.

What immune-boosting foods should you include in your diet?

To reliably protect the body, it is necessary to slightly change the daily menu, but do it competently. If the diet of adult women and men is fortified and balanced, there is no need to worry about seasonal colds and more serious viral diseases. You will have to give up fatty foods, otherwise unpleasant digestive problems will come, but fresh salads and greens, as natural antioxidants, will increase the immune response even during quarantine. It's time to figure out which products are best to include in the menu that quickly increase immunity in adults.


Such natural products contain amino acids, a complex of microelements, and biologically active substances necessary for the normal functioning of the endocrine system. Berries can be consumed fresh, dry, frozen or grated, but after cooking they lose most of their beneficial components. They contain carotene, antioxidants, vitamins C, E, B, essential oils, tannins, and mineral salts. To increase the body’s protective properties and improve metabolism, it is recommended to pay attention to the following products:

  • rosehip, from which it is recommended to prepare a decoction and syrup.
  • green apples as powerful antioxidants;
  • black currant to activate metabolism at the cellular level;
  • chokeberry with selenium, iodine, copper, manganese, carotene, molybdenum, vitamins C, B1, B2, E, PP in the composition;
  • blackberries to boost immunity in adults;
  • viburnum with a high content of vitamin C;
  • sea ​​buckthorn containing folic acid, vitamins, flavonoids.

Fermented milk products that increase human immunity

To qualitatively strengthen the immune response, it is necessary not to forget about the enormous benefits of live yoghurts. Such natural products, which quickly increase immunity in adults, additionally activate the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, rid the intestinal flora of harmful bacteria, normalize digestion, and eliminate unpleasant symptoms of indigestion. The following food products have similar properties:

  • kefir;
  • curdled milk;
  • fermented baked milk;
  • cream cheese;
  • eggs.

Fruits and vegetables

Such natural foods for the immune system should form the basis of your daily diet. Their use can be combined with multivitamin complexes, because they do not harm health (with the exception of red fruits for chronic allergy sufferers). This is a vitamin bomb, an inexhaustible source of valuable microelements, natural antioxidants without harm to health. All adults are advised to pay special attention to the following food ingredients.

Human health completely depends on the state of the immune system, and to strengthen it, it is necessary to consume foods rich in various elements every day.

Can foods boost immunity^

Immunity is the body’s ability to resist harmful substances, germs and diseases. The functions of the immune system have been developed since the very beginning of human existence, but to this day they depend on the environment people live in.

For example, those who live in the North have much stronger body defenses than residents of southern countries. In general, immunity is divided into two types: innate (obtained genetically) and acquired as a result of vaccination or illness.

You can have a positive impact on your health if you regularly consume foods for immunity, because, as you know, if there is a lack of any substances, it can decrease.

What factors negatively affect the functioning of the immune system:

  • Poor nutrition: semi-finished products, refined foods, presence of chemical additives in food;
  • Taking antibiotic medications;
  • Toxic effects, poisoning;
  • Private stress, depression;
  • Multiple chronic diseases;
  • Smoking, alcoholism;
  • Abuse of caffeinated drinks.

There is an opinion that many serious diseases arise precisely against the background of low human immunity, so now, when various diseases are common in different countries, every person needs to not only know which foods increase immunity, but also be sure to include them in their menu.

Products to boost immunity: list and properties ^

Bee products for immunity

Naturally, the first place in this list of products for boosting immunity is taken by honey, however, we should not forget about others: for example, honeycombs or propolis. How they work:

  • They have an antibiotic effect, due to which diseases are cured faster;
  • Microelements, vitamins and folic acid have a beneficial effect on the intestines, calm the nervous system, and normalize metabolism.

Foods that strengthen the immune system: fruits

This list includes the following:

  • Oranges: help overcome colds, have a positive effect on the functioning of the kidneys and heart, and cleanse blood vessels;
  • Apples: their spectrum of action is wide, because... they effectively fight common ARVI and help the body recover from cancer;
  • Peaches: tone up, increase performance, prevent infectious diseases;
  • Bananas: relieve exacerbations of gastritis, normalize blood pressure;
  • Grapes: it is recommended to eat it for asthma, constipation, oncology, migraines and kidney diseases - in all cases it helps to make symptoms less pronounced;
  • Cranberry: protects against radiation and prevents cancer;
  • Cherry: reduces the risk of heart attacks, improves immunity;
  • Rosehip: strengthens the walls of blood vessels, improves digestion, helps in the treatment of tuberculosis;
  • Strawberries prevent dehydration and stimulate brain function;
  • Black currant: tones, relieves intestinal problems, activates metabolism.

Foods that Kill Cancer Cells and Boost Immunity

In case of cancer, when creating a menu, first of all, you need to pay attention to the following products to strengthen the immune system:

  • Rosehip decoction, green tea;
  • Garlic;
  • Dry red wine
  • Celery, radishes, onions and radishes;
  • Horseradish;
  • Fish;
  • Carrots and pumpkin;
  • Walnuts;
  • Bran.

What foods boost immunity in children?

In childhood, when the child’s immune system has not yet strengthened, it is very important to pay attention to his nutrition and be sure to use the following in his diet:

  • Milk, yogurt and kefir;
  • Apples;
  • Carrots and beets;
  • Sea fish;
  • Parsley;
  • Wheat groats;
  • Garlic and onion.

What herbs can boost immunity: herbs

Additionally, you can influence your health not only with food, but also with herbs:

  • Ginseng,
  • Eleutherococcus senticosus,
  • The roots of the Manchurian Aralia,
  • Pink radio.

It is useful to prepare healing infusions from more accessible plants:

  • Dandelion roots,
  • Sagebrush,
  • Motherwort,
  • Raspberry and birch leaves,
  • Lungwort,
  • St. John's wort.

Recipes for healing infusions ^

To positively impact your immune system, here are some home remedies to strengthen your immune system:

Recipe 1

  • Mix hawthorn, raspberries and rose hips in equal parts.
  • Leave to steep in boiling water for half an hour.
  • Drinking tea.

Recipe 2

  • Stir 1 tbsp. spoon of linden inflorescences, lemon balm and mint leaves, as well as St. John's wort.
  • Add hot water and let stand for 30 minutes.
  • We use it throughout the day.

Recipe 3

  • Mix 200 g of oatmeal with rose hips (100 g).
  • Add boiling water and leave covered for 12 hours.
  • We drink 100 g three times a day.

Recipe 4

  • Pour boiling water over a couple of lemons, remove the seeds, and blend in a blender.
  • Grind 2 heads of garlic, beat everything with 200 g of sour berries, add half a glass of honey.
  • We mix everything until uniform, eat it every day when you want.

Recipe 5

  • Grind aloe, kalanchoe and golden mustache in a meat grinder.
  • Combine in equal parts with honey.
  • We take 1 tbsp of the mixture every day. l.

In combination with products that are beneficial for the immune system, any of these remedies gives a good effect, thereby preventing the occurrence of many diseases, ranging from colds to more serious ones.

The health of the immune system is determined by numerous factors, including our diet. Physical activity, as well as an appropriate amount of rest and sleep, also play a major role in our immunity. Let's figure out which foods boost immunity.

The immune system functions properly with a well-balanced and properly formulated diet. Some products contain biologically active substances that stimulate the body's immunity, increase the production of antibodies and leukocytes, stimulating macrophages (ie, cells capable of destroying foreign bodies), which enter the bloodstream (so-called phagocytosis).

Here are foods that boost immunity, include them in your diet and be healthy!

1. Vegetables and fruits are a source of vitamin C and -carotene

Vegetables and fruits are a source of numerous minerals and vitamins. It is especially important to include vegetables and fruits in your diet that contain vitamin C and beta-carotene. These are great foods for the immune system.

Particularly good sources of vitamin C are: Brussels sprouts, horseradish, cabbage, red and green peppers, parsley, spinach, cauliflower and kohlrabi and black currants, wild strawberries, strawberries, kiwi, lemon, grapefruit and orange.

  • black currant 182.2 mg
  • parsley 178 mg
  • red pepper 144 mg
  • Brussels sprouts 94 mg
  • broccoli 83 mg
  • strawberry 66 mg
  • kiwi 59 mg
  • oranges 49 mg

To provide the body with the right amount of β-carotene, do not forget about such foods to enhance immunity as: carrots, parsley, cabbage, spinach, sorrel, onions, red chard, Swiss chard and fruits such as apricots, melons, peaches and plums.

  • carrots 9938 mcg
  • parsley 5410 mcg
  • kale 5350 mcg
  • spinach 4243 mcg
  • chard 4020 mcg
  • sorrel 3848 mcg
  • bulb 3400 mcg
  • red pepper 3165 mcg
  • apricot 1523 mcg
  • melon 1100 mcg
  • peach 595 mcg
  • plum 295 mcg

2. Onion vegetables as a source of organic sulfides

Allium vegetables are onions, garlic, leeks. In addition to sulfur compounds, they also contain vitamins C, A, E, as well as B vitamins, minerals: sulfur, selenium, magnesium, iron and essential oils. Garlic and onions contain phytoncides, which have bactericidal and fungicidal effects. One of these substances, allicin, present in garlic, is responsible for its characteristic smell. These immune-strengthening foods should always be in every person’s diet.

3. Vitamin D3

Research conducted in recent years indicates the important role of this vitamin in regulating the function of the immune system. Vitamin D3 deficiency is associated with numerous diseases - cancer, autoimmune, and infectious diseases. Vitamin D3 affects cells of the immune system, which include macrophages, B and T lymphocytes, eosinophils and neutrophils. In addition, this vitamin increases the production of cathelicidin, a protein with bactericidal properties.

Food products to strengthen the immune system that contain a certain amount of vitamin D3 are fish oil and fatty fish (herring, salmon, sardines). However, its best source is synthesis in the body under the influence of sunlight. Unfortunately, due to changes in lifestyle - staying indoors for long periods of time and using sunscreen - the body cannot produce enough of this vitamin.

4. Sauerkraut

Fermentation is a natural way of preserving food, causing simple sugars to break down into lactic acid. Lactic acid creates ideal conditions for the development of beneficial intestinal bacteria. In addition, it prevents the development of putrefactive bacteria in the intestines. This change in the intestinal microflora has a good effect on the immune system. These bacteria (called probiotic strains) produce vitamin C during fermentation. Therefore, sauerkraut contains much more of this vitamin than the raw product. Sauerkraut is obtained as a result of lactic fermentation and contains beneficial lactic acid bacteria. These are products that increase immunity in adults and children.

5. Fermented dairy products

Fermented dairy products to boost immunity include yogurt, kefir, buttermilk and acidophilus milk. They contain lactic acid bacteria, which inhibit the growth of pathogens and stimulate the growth of beneficial intestinal microflora. Regular consumption of fermented dairy products. These are the foods that boost immunity - yogurt and kefir, which can strengthen the intestinal immune defense.

Remember that beneficial intestinal bacterial flora is essential for the healthy functioning of not only the entire gastrointestinal tract, but the entire body.

6. Sea fish

Unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, found mainly in fatty sea fish, also play an important role in shaping the body's resistance to infections. These acids have a positive effect on the immune system, enhancing the immune response to pathogens. Adequate consumption of omega-3 acids strengthens the immune system, protecting the body from infections and even autoimmune diseases.

To provide the body with a sufficient amount of omega-3 acids, here are some foods that boost immunity that should be included in the menu: sardines, salmon, mackerel, herring and tuna, as well as flaxseed and rapeseed oil.

7. Zinc-rich foods

Zinc protects the body from the harmful effects of free radicals. In addition, it is involved in the maturation and functioning of T lymphocytes. Zinc deficiency increases susceptibility to infections, makes wounds more difficult to heal and causes a lack of appetite.

Foods for the immune system of adults rich in zinc include oysters, beef and red meat. Bean seeds, nuts, spinach, asparagus and whole grains are also good sources of this trace mineral, but their fiber content may interfere with the absorption of zinc from the intestines. These immunity-boosting products are not only healthy, but also delicious!

Immunity is the body's resistance to dangerous infections, viruses and other agents and microorganisms that can harm human health. One of the most important tasks of immunity is maintaining the integrity of genetic material throughout the life of the organism. Every person has innate immunity, which is transmitted genetically, and acquired immunity, which appears after illness or as a result of vaccination.

Causes of weakened immunity

Despite the fact that immunity reliably protects a person from terrible diseases, its effectiveness can be greatly reduced as a result of the following factors:

  • unhealthy diet, consisting of refined foods with the addition of various chemicals;
  • taking antibiotics. In this case, substances can be taken not only as a means of their own therapy, but also with the meat of animals that have been fed with various medications;
  • the influence of toxins at work or due to poor ecology;
  • variability and mutation of bacteria and viruses due to polluted atmosphere or after long-term use of antibiotics;
  • stress and depression that arise due to poor living conditions;
  • excessive alcohol consumption;
  • chronic diseases;
  • smoking;
  • drinking caffeine with tea or coffee.

How to support immunity

To maintain immunity, you need to eat right and lead a healthy lifestyle. Exercising is excellent for strengthening the immune system, but you should refrain from excessive physical activity.

Today there are many nutrients known that can... In order to receive all the beneficial microelements, you need a varied and balanced diet, which should contain:

- vitamins
- omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids
- iodine
- zinc
- lactobacilli
- bifidobacteria
- phytoncides
- selenium
- alimentary fiber

All these substances have an impact on the state of the immune system.

List of foods that boost immunity


Proteins remain the only source of essential amino acids that are involved in the creation of immunoglobulins. In addition, they are involved in the restoration of cells damaged by viruses and bacteria. Protein-rich foods include sea fish, various types of nuts, mushrooms, legumes, cabbage, cereals and dairy products.


Zinc is an essential component in the development of immunity, as it is involved in the synthesis of thymus hormones. Among other things, the amount of produced cortisol . Zinc is involved in the creation of immune cells and especially phagocytes. In addition, this essential metal element catalyzesimmunostimulatingthe effects of vitamins C and A. Foods that contain zinc are liver, shrimp, fish, meat, oatmeal, beans, egg yolk, mushrooms, green peas.


Selenium is a well-known antioxidant. The trace element stimulates the synthesis of antibodies, which are directly involved in the fight against infections. In addition, selenium serves as a zinc preservation factor. Selenium is found in seafood, seeds and grains, brewer's yeast and nuts.


Iodine plays an important role in the strengthening and functioning of the thyroid gland, which synthesizes hormones for the functioning of the immune system. Among the foods rich in iodine are green salad, tomatoes, garlic, natural milk, sea fish, beans, carrots and asparagus.

Lacto- and bifidobacteria

Lactobacilli and bifidobacteria are responsible for creating an environment favorable for the synthesis of immune system cells. In addition, these bacteria destroy harmful intestinal microflora and produce amino acids that improve digestive processes. These disease microorganisms kill harmful microbes and prevent putrefactive processes from developing. Beneficial bacteria are found in sauerkraut, fermented milk products, kvass and pickled apples.

Alimentary fiber

Dietary fiber absorbs harmful poisons and toxins, absorbs cholesterol and heavy metal salts. In addition, fiber stimulates the activity of the immune response and suppresses inflammatory processes. Fiber can be soluble or insoluble. Among foods rich in fiber, oatmeal, nuts, cabbage, apples, citrus fruits, bran and other products should be noted.


These substances destroy harmful bacteria and microorganisms. Phytoncides stimulate the immune system, improve recovery processes and make the body more resistant to infections. Among the foods rich in phytoncides, we should note bird cherry, onion, black currant, radish, horseradish and blueberries.

Unsaturated fatty acids

Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids regulate inflammatory processes and enhance the protective functions of the immune system. The substance is found in products such as fish oil, salmon, tuna, olive oil, and seafood.

Vitamin A

The substance stimulates the activity of the immune system and performs a protective function in the mucous membranes and skin. Prevents cracks from forming. Thanks to this, harmful bacteria cannot penetrate the body through natural barriers. In addition, the substance supports the work of phagocytes and protects cells from the action of free radicals. Vitamin A is found in foods such as apples, grapes, green vegetables, tomatoes, red and orange fruits, liver, fish oil, cheese, cottage cheese, eggs, milk, herbs.

Vitamin C

Increases the resistance of immunity to aggressive environmental factors. Stimulates the synthesis of antibodies and interferon, which protect the body from harmful viruses. Vitamin C stimulates the production of immune cells and helps strengthen blood vessels. The substance is a strong antioxidant. Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, wild berries, apples, cabbage, sweet peppers and tomatoes.

Vitamin E

The substance suppresses inflammatory processes in tissues. Thanks to this vitamin, aging occurs more slowly. Like many other vitamins, it exhibits antioxidant properties. Vitamin E is found in liver, legumes, oatmeal, butter, avocados, nuts and seeds.

B vitamins

These vitamins include folic acid, thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, pantothenic acid. Substances activate the immune system during stress. The vitamin is useful for restoring the body after serious illnesses. B vitamins are involved in the synthesis of antibodies. Among, it should be noted nuts, legumes, millet, rye bread, eggs, buckwheat. In addition, these vitamins are present in herbs (clover, dandelion, ginseng, aloe, St. John's wort) and spices. Herbs can be taken during illness or as a means of prevention.

Recipes for drinks and mixtures to support immunity

Various drinks or mixtures can help boost the immune system.

Here are some recipes:

You need to take seven hundred grams of black currants, six tablespoons of honey, half a liter of water. The berries are rubbed through a sieve and then mixed with honey and water. This drink should be drunk within two days. The drink needs to be warmed up a little before drinking.

Half a lemon, one glass of water and one tablespoon of honey. The juice is squeezed out of the lemon, which is then mixed with honey and water. Take the resulting mixture half a glass twice a day.

Two tablespoons of crushed elecampane root, half a liter of port wine. The root is placed in port wine and heated in a water bath for ten minutes. Afterwards the broth is cooled. You need to take 50 ml before meals. Especially useful for men.

Take raspberry leaf, dried chamomile and linden blossom in equal quantities. One teaspoon of the resulting mixture should be brewed in a glass of boiling water. The herbal infusion sits for twenty minutes. Afterwards, the broth is filtered and consumed one glass twice a day. Especially recommended for women.

Walnuts are mixed with honey in equal proportions. Take the resulting mixture one tablespoon three times a day. Especially helps pregnant women and children.

One glass of dried apricots, the same number of walnuts and raisins, two lemons and one and a half glasses of honey. Dried fruits with lemon are passed through a meat grinder and then mixed with honey. The mixture should be taken one tablespoon three times a day after meals.


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