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There are many reasons why drivers tint the glass on their car. For example, someone cares so much, because the film will hold small glass fragments in the event of an accident and will not let them crumble. In addition, tinting glued to the glass will not allow the interior to heat up even under direct sunlight. From the street, the interior of your car is not visible, aesthetically for many it is more attractive than transparent glass, etc. There are many reasons, as we have already mentioned. Today we will not talk about that. And not even about how traffic police officers treat tinting, because there are established standards for light transmission.

Do it yourself

Of course, you can find a scattering of companies and service stations, among whose services there will be cars. They will do all the work, but the price will include the cost of their services, and not just consumables. For those who are used to doing everything themselves, the costs will be correspondingly less. Actually, this is the first reason to do the glass tinting yourself. The second, probably, is the moral satisfaction from the personally performed process. If you are going to drive only in your region, then be guided by the standards established in it when choosing a tint film. If the geography of your trips is more extensive, then focus on the toughest of all that relate to the areas you visit. We will not consider this question now in detail; Let's imagine that you have already decided on it and bought a film.

To start such work as the right one, you need to be prepared. In addition to the film itself, you will also need a set of tools, detergent and a hair dryer. It is advisable that someone help you, because, despite the general simplicity of the process, doing everything yourself is not very convenient.

Let's go over the tools. To tint glass, you will need a spray gun, a rubber spatula, a craft knife, and a microfiber cloth. Please note that the spatula and knife seem to come with the film, but their quality leaves much to be desired. The spatula will be hard and the knife will dull quickly. Why is that bad? After all, the work is not that jewelry? On the one hand, everything is so. On the other hand, a dense spatula, when leveling the applied film, will leave scratches on it, which will negate the usefulness of the process. And a blunt knife, which, in fact, is needed to cut out the borders of pasting, will tear the film. Also, as you know, nothing good. The torn edge suggests that you can no longer tint the glass correctly. So get your tools ready; it is not at all necessary to buy “professional” ones, just high-quality ones are enough.

Surface preparation

A process such as properly tinting car windows requires you to prepare these windows. Naturally, there is no point in gluing the film on dirty or greasy glass. To properly prepare the surface, stir the detergent in warm water to make foam, spray the glass with a spray bottle, and then remove the product with a rag. We specifically mentioned microfiber because there should be no lint left on the glass. A regular rag can leave marks. If you have one from which even small particles will not remain, it is her. Applying tint to dirty glass is dangerous. Not only do you reduce the transmission capacity of the glass with your own hands, because light will not pass through the dirt particles at all, but the adhesive layer will lag behind the surface in these places, and bubbles and wrinkles will appear on the tinted glass. It's unaesthetic, but that's not even the problem. Any unevenness during the operation of the power window will be exposed to the seal, and sooner or later the tinting will simply peel off in tatters. Therefore, be careful and completely clean the surface. Ideally, it should still be degreased.

In the workshop, glass is usually completely dismantled and the work is done on a special table. This facilitates access and performance of work, since it is simply impossible to properly tint the glass on a car without removing the seals. This is especially true of the rear window, which is motionless in the design of the car. If on the side windows, by removing the seals on the sides, you can get to the upper part, and not completely glue the bottom (because they will be hidden by these seals), then this number will not work with the rear window. So take it off and place it on a table or other flat surface.

Getting Started

Now that the preparations are complete, you can start. Since car window tinting must be done without bumps, there must first be some kind of fitting. The film must be glued to the inner surface of the glass, but measurements and cutting should be carried out on the outside, it is more convenient. If you start tinting car windows with your own hands alone, then the glasses, as we said above, are best removed and placed on a table or workbench. So, having washed the glass on both sides, apply a film to the outside, cut off the edges with a small allowance, about 1 cm. If the side glass was not removed, then lower its edge and make an incision exactly along it. Recall once again that the glass seals must be removed in any case!

When the fitting and cutting are completed, the tinting of the car windows as a process enters the final phase. After removing the transparent layer, attach the film with the adhesive side to the inner surface of the glass, remove air and water from under it with a rubber spatula. For the best result, we just need a hair dryer. The area of ​​influence of the hair dryer, especially if you use a building hair dryer, is quite large. Under the action of a hot air jet, the film will be smoothed out, automatically leveling out irregularities. In addition to your work with a spatula, a hair dryer will improve the quality of tinting several times. it will be quite difficult to do it alone, you will need an assistant.

After pasting, if you removed the glass, leave it in a dust-free room with a constant temperature for several days. This is necessary so that the film on the glass sticks to the surface without atmospheric action; if the windows were not removed, then it is advisable to leave the car in the garage for the same few days. Leaving immediately on the street threatens with deformation of the tint film, and this will reduce all your efforts in tinting car windows to zero.


As you can see, tinting car windows can be done correctly with your own hands. The process itself is not too complicated, and preparations for it cause the greatest difficulty: pick up materials and tools, find a dust-free room with a constant temperature and humidity, remove seals and glass. By itself, pasting does not cause difficulties. However, if you do not have any of the above requirements, it is still better to turn to professionals so as not to pay for tinting twice.

There is not much pleasure from driving a car with non-tinted windows, and this is especially noticeable on hot summer days, when the sun shines in the driver's face and not only interferes with driving, but simply blinds him. It is in order to get rid of the intrusive sun, from the unwanted looks of passers-by and similar situations, that the car is tinted.

Of course, most often tinting is ordered in professional tuning salons and similar places, but with proper dexterity and at least minimal skills, you can tint your car yourself. In addition, the consumables needed for window tinting are quite cheap, so you can even practice applying the tint film on the training glass beforehand.

Toning as an element of tuning

Often, car tuning begins with tinting, and in fact, this is the easiest step in working to improve the car. Naturally, tinting is the type of refinement that can be easily removed by simply peeling off the tint film from the car glass. But there are easier ways to get rid of tinting, if necessary.

One of the simplest options is temporary tinting, which is transparent elements covered with a tinted film, installed on top of ordinary glass. Naturally, this type of protection from the sun and prying eyes should be well thought out and provided with a reliable system of attachments to the glass, which will allow you to remove the lining and fix them if necessary.

What difficulties may arise

First of all, the difficulties associated with the reaction of the traffic police to tinted windows come to mind. Naturally, if there are laws that prohibit the modification of cars by darkening the windows, then you should pay attention to them if you don’t want to pay huge fines. But in this case, just such a removable tint that can be installed or removed at any time can help. In this case, the inspectors of the road guard services do not have the right to make claims, but can only demand to remove the lining with the tint film.

Removing temporary tinting if necessary:

An important problem may be that such a film can greatly reduce visibility at night. To prevent this from happening, it is enough to refuse to tint the rear window. Naturally, it is also necessary to tint the windshield with extreme caution, because at night it will be quite problematic to drive a car with low beam headlights.

However, for people who do not want to endure unnecessary problems and inconveniences while driving a car or do not want to show strangers what they have in the cabin, all these interferences will not be an obstacle to tinting their car windows.

What you need to work

Before choosing the most suitable materials for tinting, you need to decide whether we will remove the windows from the car, or whether we will carry out all the work without disassembling the car. It will depend on this whether we need a glass removal tool for work or we can get by with a standard set of tools for film stickers.

Required minimum tools and materials:

  • tint film
  • Soap solution or shampoo
  • Rubber roller or spatula
  • Industrial or household hair dryer
  • Stationery knife with a new blade
  • Dry soft cloth
  • Spray
  • Pure filtered water

Try to choose a film that has the best reviews. Naturally, pay attention first of all to the film that is recommended as the most convenient, because it is best for beginners to make their first pen tests with the most convenient and simple material.

Getting the car ready for tinting

If we decided to save money and decided to tint in our garage, then let's start preparing the car and tools. First of all, we make a soapy solution or dilute the shampoo in clean water and pour it into a container with a spray bottle. It is best to keep this liquid slightly warm (for example, on a battery). Next - proceed to the preparation of glasses. Experienced experts advise starting car tinting from the side windows, as they are smaller in area and even one roll of film is enough for all the side windows of the car.

Of course, it is most convenient to tint the windows if you first remove them. In addition, it is the removal of glass that can help solve the problem with the appearance of bubbles after gluing the film, since the work can be carried out in a room where there will simply be no dust.

In any case, the glass must be cleaned before sticking the film and it is best to do this with a glass cleaner and after washing thoroughly wipe the glass with a soft dry cloth. Some experts advise tinting on a cloudy day or after rain, as this is the time when insects and dust are the least.

When we wash the windows before sticking the tint film, we carefully get rid of sand and dust, otherwise it is impossible to achieve a good result. In addition, if we wash the windows on the car, and not separately from it, then experts recommend removing the seals and covering the skin so that water or soapy water does not get on it.

Getting Started with Toning

First of all, you need to prepare the film, which we will stick. Let's unfold it and inspect it so that it is intact and without dents, tears or folds. After that, we spray the glass from the spray gun with a soap solution or a shampoo solution and apply the film to the glass. We try to straighten it as much as possible, and cut off the excess part with a margin of about 5 mm along the glass contour.

At the same time, we try not to catch the glass with the knife blade, as this can leave scratches and even chips on it. After that, a very important stage in the work begins. We apply the cut-out film to the glass, which is sprayed with a solution of soap or shampoo, and smooth it so that wrinkles do not form on it. When everything is ready, we begin to peel off the film from the tint, which will remain on the glass.

Peel and stick film

While peeling the film, it is best to call someone to help you. It is most convenient to make it so that one person peels off the film from the tinting, and the second immediately moistens it and smoothes it over the glass. The fact is that it is the solution of shampoo or soap that temporarily neutralizes the glue and this time is enough to stick the tint normally.

You will have approximately 10-15 minutes to correct the position of the tint on the glass. At the same time, it will be easy to move it on the glass and not be afraid to damage it. But don't hesitate either.

After the film has taken its place on the glass, the soap solution should be expelled from under the film. For this, a rubber spatula is ideal, with which the solution is expelled from under the film from the center of the glass to its edges. In this case, it is better to hold the film with your hand, as this will help you not to move the film itself and avoid wrinkles, which at this stage is fraught with damage to the workpiece.

Cut and dry tint

When we cut out the workpiece, we made a small allowance to make it easier to work, but it's time to cut off the extra parts. To do this, take a clerical knife with a sharply sharpened blade and cut off the extra sections. Some professionals advise cutting the film at an angle of about 30 degrees to the glass so that the tint does not reach the edge of the glass by 1-2 mm. In this case, peeling of the film can be avoided. In the same case, if we tint the glass directly on the car, we advise you to tint 2-5 mm under the seal.

After that, it remains only to dry the glass with a hair dryer. For this, both an industrial and a household hair dryer can be useful, but if you don’t have it at hand, you can simply put the windows or the entire car in a warm place for 3-4 hours.

After that, it will be possible to use the car, but it is not recommended to lower the windows, since the complete drying of the film occurs after a few days.

Rear window tinting features

Above, we examined the tinting of side windows, which are smaller in area than the windshield or rear. The work on the rear glass will be somewhat more difficult and it is better to start tinting it after a little practice on smaller objects.

The main difficulty in tinting the rear window is that it is curved. Some types of film can stretch, which will help eliminate the need to cut and fold it, but you definitely cannot do without a good quality industrial hair dryer. No one claims that it will not be possible to tint with one piece of film, because each car and the shape of its glasses must be considered individually.

However, consider the case when it is possible to carry out work without patterns and film cuts. In general, the scheme of work is approximately the same as with the side windows, but after the tinting along with the protective layer is glued onto the soap solution, the film should be stretched over the entire surface as much as possible. The film is quite reliable and can withstand serious force before it breaks. After that, it is necessary to expel air bubbles and the remaining solution from under the film with a spatula. However, the assistant at this time should simultaneously heat the film with a hair dryer where the solution has already been removed. It is especially important to do this in curved areas. At the same time, it is necessary to expel and smooth the film more carefully and with great effort.

It is this technique that will allow the film to be stretched where it is needed and it will take the form of the rear window. After that, we use the same techniques as when tinting side windows, that is, we remove the protective film from the tinting, spray the glass with soapy water and straighten the film on the glass. However, do not forget that after this you will also need to smooth the film and dry it with a hairdryer.

Detailed video about tinted side windows:

In the event that it is not possible to tint the rear window in a single piece, we advise you to make cuts not vertically, but horizontally. In this case, the ideal option would be a cut made along the line of the rear window heating element, since in this case it will be invisible to the eye.

Drying the film when tinting the rear window:

If you want to not just darken the car windows, but use a film with some kind of pattern or ornament, then when working, you should very carefully smooth out the tint so as not to stretch it and deform it, otherwise you will not achieve the desired result.

And of course, if you are not confident in your abilities, then we advise you to practice either on some unnecessary glass or on home-made glass linings for making quick-release tinting for cars.

Do not forget that even such work as tinting a car on your own should be carried out with the utmost diligence so as not to miss any trifles.

If the car glass is damaged, then it cannot be tinted. Minor scratches are the exception. If we are talking about significant damage (cobwebs, round holes, etc.), then first you need to repair or completely replace the glass. It should also be noted that it is better to carry out car tinting work with an assistant. This will save you a lot of time and effort.

Any window tinting always starts with the side windows, because they are the easiest to dismantle.

Materials and tools for car tinting:

  • Detergent.
  • Sharp blade or utility knife.
  • Rubber spatula.
  • Tint film for glass.
  • Spray bottle.
  • Warm water.
  • Napkin without lint.

All of the above materials with tools should be prepared before starting work on tinting your car.

Step by step work:

Stage #1

Glass tinting should be started after washing it. Thoroughly rinse the glass from dust and dirt, and on both sides. Make a soap solution, apply it to the surface of the glass, and then wipe it dry with a lint-free cloth. To check if there is any fluff left on the glass, use a clerical knife or a sharp blade.

Washing glass with soapy water

Stage #2

We are preparing a special solution, necessary for applying and further fixing the tint film on the glass. Dilute shampoo or any detergent in warm water. Beat until foam appears. The foam will allow the film to glide over the glass, allowing for a final fit. For convenience, the prepared solution can be poured into a spray bottle. That's all preparation for tinted glass. Next, you will need to work closely with the tint film.

Preparing a soap solution

Stage #3

Auto glass measurement

Accurately measure the length and width of the windows that you are going to tint, and only then cut the tint film strictly according to the parameters obtained.

The pattern can also be obtained in another way without measuring the parameters of the glass. A film is applied to the glass from the outside of the door and smoothed out well, and then simply cut out along the contour.

Film pattern on car glass

Important point! The sides and bottom should be cut out first. In this work, there is no need to rush. Tinting should be carried out without any tiny gaps. The top side of the film should be cut after it has been moved down by 5-7 cm. The main thing here is high accuracy and accuracy.

Stage #4

When the film is completely cut to size, the windows are only half tinted. Now is the time to apply it to the glass. By the way, to effectively separate the film into two parts, you can use adhesive tape. This is done very simply: tape is glued to the film at different levels on both sides, and then you need to pull it in different directions. Next, we apply a film on the soaped glass and move it as necessary so that it eventually fits perfectly.

The process of separating the film from the substrate

Stage number 5

Now it is very important to carefully smooth the film with a rubber spatula and expel air bubbles and soapy water from under it. Next, in parts, remove the protective layer of the film. It is necessary in order to be able to stick and smooth the film well.

Smoothing the film with a squeegee

Stage number 6

After tinting the side windows, we move on to tinting the rear window. That is why they first undergo training on the side windows. The fact is that all the rear windows have a curved shape, and this significantly complicates the whole process of work. However, in general, the entire tinted rear window will not differ much from the tinted side windows.

The process of applying the film on the rear window of the car

Important! The film must be glued strictly from top to bottom.

Carefully need to be separated from the glass, at first only a third part. Then this surface must be well lubricated with soapy water. Then fix the film on the glass and you will need to separate another third of the tinting from the protective layer.

Smoothing the rear window should be carried out with extreme care so that no air or soap solution remains anywhere. The glass will dry for 3 days (during this period it is not recommended to touch it with your hands).

Toning with an industrial hair dryer:

It is worth noting that tinting glass on your own, even with a partner, can cause some difficulties on the front and rear windows, as they have an inflated shape. Here you will be rescued by an industrial hair dryer.

It is necessary to carefully stretch the film over the entire area on the wetted concave glass, without removing the protective layer of the tint film. When gluing the film, use an industrial hair dryer to remove the excess soap solution and air bubbles that have formed. This happens due to the heating of problem areas of the film.

Tinting is an affordable tuning tool that significantly transforms a car. And in our "latitudes" the appearance of your favorite car is of great importance. There are many offers on the market for such a popular service - sticking a tint film. But the more options, the more difficult it is to find a contractor who can guarantee quality. Therefore, it is quite logical to do everything thoroughly and with your own hands. And about the nuances of how to tint a car yourself and glue the film correctly, we will tell below.

Law and punishment for installing inappropriate tinting

In order not to have to remove only the pasted tinting at the very first traffic police post, allowable standards should be taken into account. According to the law, or rather GOST 5727-88, the windshield must transmit at least 75% of the light, and the front side windows - 70%. A dark stripe is allowed on the front, but not more than 14 cm from the top edge. There are no restrictions on the rear windows. The only thing is that dull tinting (less than 5%) obliges the installation of rear-view mirrors on both sides (that is, it is possible on all modern cars).

The choice of the percentage of transmission of light tinting depends on your goals and current regulations.

The penalty for non-compliance with these norms is not very large - 500 rubles. Since the spring of 2015, "frightening" information about the new law has been circulating on the Internet, which provides for a threefold increase in the amount of the fine (with a repeated 5000 rubles). At the beginning of autumn 2016, the law had not been adopted.

Thanks to the installers, the service for installing reusable tinting has become quite popular. Like, if caught with a removable film, then nothing will happen. But reality shows otherwise. In 95% of cases, the court takes the side of the traffic police, arguing that at the time the vehicle was stopped, the offense had already taken place, therefore, you may well be fined.

The choice of the best film for self-gluing auto glass

For the optimal choice, many parameters must be taken into account. The first is the type of film. They are painted and metallized (there are others, but inexperienced pasters should not mess with them). The second option is preferable, as it is more durable and protects well from sunlight, but the price is twice as high. It makes sense for "training" to take a high-quality dyed film. Its resource will last for 2-3 years, after which (from the top of the experience gained) you will decide which one to glue for the second time.

You should not take the cheapest options (most often Chinese) to learn how to tint. During installation, you will encounter additional difficulties: creases, poor glue and rapid wear. With such materials and without experience, it is unlikely to be able to complete the pasting process to the end.

  • SunTek - strong adhesive, high strength and thermal insulation at the level. For beginners, the Standard series is suitable.

    An example of one of the varieties of SunTek film

  • Llumar has been on the market for a long time, so the production process has been worked out and the quality is at its best. The ATR 10 LUX series has a bronze tint. The price is above average.

    Is one of the top manufacturers

  • Sun-gard - colored films of this manufacturer have a five-year warranty due to the protective silicone coating.

    Most Sun-gard films are six-layer.

  • SunControl has a "chip" in UV protection. The company is Indian, but the quality does not suffer from this.

    SunControl pleases with an abundance of tint colors

  • SolarGard uses expensive metals (copper, aluminum, titanium) in the production of its films. This gives an excellent variety of shades not available to other manufacturers (white, blue, bright green and many others).

    SolarGard factories are located in the USA

Choose which brand you like and wallet, and we will get to work.

Preparation and tools to tint the car

We figured out the laws, we chose the film - now you can get to work. Immediately you need to choose a suitable place for the upcoming manipulations. The street is not very suitable for this. Dust, insects, wind and direct sunlight are the main list of unacceptable conditions. A spacious garage or box is ideal.

So that the execution process does not stop “at the most interesting place”, prepare all the tools and materials in advance. You will need:

  1. The tinting film itself in the required quantity. Decide how many glasses you will tint, and calculate the area. Consider a margin of 10-20% for fitting.
  2. Water sprayer in any manifestation. Needed for spraying soapy water.
  3. Liquid soap or Fairy, clean water.
  4. Something sharp and cutting: an ordinary blade, a stationery knife, a scalpel.
  5. Lint-free wipes.
  6. Distillation - a special spatula with which you will remove the solution from under the film. Should be firm, but without sharp edges. Usually they are plastic and some manufacturers put them complete with a film. If unlucky, then look for them in hardware or automotive stores, and they are also sure to be in stores for outdoor advertising masters.
  7. Special scraper for cleaning windows (optional, greatly facilitates the cleaning process).
  8. Electric building hair dryer with temperature control (we need 550 degrees Celsius).

Everything for DIY work (photo)

How to tint car side windows: lessons from the pros

  1. It is better to start with them. The small size and absence of bends will allow you to get comfortable with the technology at home with a minimum of waste and nerves. We begin work with the preparation of a soap solution. To tint all the windows of a car (if not a bus, of course) you will need 2.5–5 liters of liquid, depending on the efficiency of your spray gun. The recipe is simple: add 5-10 drops of liquid soap or Fairy detergent to 1 liter of water. The latter option is preferable, since it cleans the glass surface well from grease.
  2. Let's move on to the cutting process. We need to prepare film templates according to the shape of each side glass. Or rather, front and rear, on the one hand. On the other side, you can simply copy from the finished layout. We start up a freshly prepared solution. Apply it to the outer surface of the glass.

    Don't use a spray bottle that's too big, it's hard to work with.

  3. Depending on the size of the roll and the configuration of the window, decide how best to cut - along or across. Now unfold and attach the roll to the glass with a margin. Don't try to make the perfect pattern right away.
    Measure the pattern with a margin

    Leave a few extra inches around the edges. The film will adhere to a wet surface and this will greatly simplify the procedure.

    The film lay firmly on the base

  4. Immediately carefully cut off the straight parts. Then lower the film a few centimeters down and slightly open the window. This will make it much easier to cut the curved part of the glass. If there is uncut film on the corners, remove it.
  5. In the process of cutting, be careful and careful. It is easy to damage the paint or plastic parts of the car with a sharp tool. When the footage of the tinting film is close, then you can make a template from a regular film, and make a final version in conditions convenient for you (for example, on a table, where everything is in great order).
  6. If your car has straight windows, then you are lucky and you can skip the next step (until you reach the rear window). On foreign cars, side windows are often curved. In this case, you need to give the film the desired shape. Work algorithm:
  7. Now cleaning. Apply the solution to the inside of the window and clean it with a special scraper (from the list of materials).
    During cleaning, inspect the entire surface, you need it to be as clean as possible.

    If there are any small particles that are not washed off, remove them with a regular blade. Just don't scratch dry.

    Small particles are easier to expel "wet"

  8. Now it's time for the actual gluing. Peel off the backing film to expose the adhesive. Just do not remove completely, limit yourself to half, starting from the top. After that, moisten the adhesive part with plenty of soapy water. This procedure is best done with a partner (one holds, the other wets). If you are working alone, then apply the film to the outside of the window.
  9. Slightly open the window and try to align the film along the top edge, already on the inside and with glue to the glass. Do not spare the soapy solution, it neutralizes the effect of the glue and gives time for adjustment. Level from the center to the sides. Use a scraper or forcing to get rid of air and water between the film and glass. 100% adhesion of the tint to the surface is required.
  10. Let's move on to the second half. Raise (close) the glass and dampen the lower part liberally with soapy water.
    Wet the glass without being stingy

    Remove the protective film completely, remembering that the adhesive part also needs to be wetted.

    The adhesive layer also requires moisture.

  11. Now the hardest part. It is necessary to fill the film into the gap between the glass, the door card and the seal. By the way, before starting work, check that your plastic spatula can penetrate 1–2 cm into this gap in thickness.
    Expel bubbles and air while the film is wet.

    Without such a tool, it will not be possible to successfully complete the tinting. The main task is the same - to expel all the air and water. How to roll up a car: foreign experience (video in English)

    How to glue the film on the back

    According to the principle of operation, pasting the rear window does not differ from the curved side window. But the larger size and inaccessibility significantly complicates the process (if the station wagon is, of course, lighter).

    1. Briefly fix the procedure in memory. Without a "magic" solution, nowhere. Therefore, we start by spraying it on clean glass.
      The technology is similar to pasting the front windows

      We apply a roll of film to the glass and cut it off with a margin of 2-3 cm. After that, we level the tint clearly along the window and cut off the excess. Smooth out from the center and remove creases with a hair dryer and distillation.

      Curved rear windows require heating with a hair dryer

    2. We achieve a perfectly clean inner surface of the glass and moisten it abundantly with soapy water.

      Cleanliness is an important component of success

    3. Let's move on to the last step. It is highly recommended at this stage to find a partner. It is difficult to handle a large piece of film alone. Do not forget to constantly spray soapy liquid on the adhesive part and on the glass. It remains to get rid of air or water bubbles. The film should also be glued evenly.

      For a better visualization of the process, watch the video.

    How to make a film sticker on the rear windows of a car yourself: video guide

    Working on bugs: bubbles, creases, stripes and dots

    It's not always possible to do everything perfectly the first time. Even professionals are not immune from mistakes. Some can be fixed, but not all. The main "stumbling blocks":

    1. Air bubbles. It is better to deal with them at the initial stage, until the film has dried. After completing the work, be sure to slowly inspect all the windows. If you find bubbles, then get rid of them with distillation. When the film "grabs", you will have to pre-soften it with a hair dryer or clothes steamer (you can use an iron with a steam generator).
    2. Speaking of hair dryer. Without it, you will only be able to tint cars with straight windows. It will not work to straighten the folds without heating (550 degrees).
    3. Creases must be avoided at any stage. Why? After them there is a noticeable strip. Chinese films are especially “sinful” with such shortcomings; it is very easy for a beginner to spoil the material.
    4. If you notice crooked sticking in the first few hours, then you can still save the material. The excess can simply be cut off. And the shortage can be compensated by moving the film, perhaps there is a reserve on the reverse side. Warm up and separate the tint from the window. Re-spray the solution and glue as needed.
    5. The ingress of dirt under the film is not allowed. Pay close attention to this during the washing phase.
    6. It takes at least a day for the glue to dry completely. It is better to leave the car in the garage for this time. But if you need to go, then do not open the windows and do not heat the interior with a stove or air conditioning.
    7. For pasting all side windows, 2 square meters is enough. m of film. Together with the rear already 3 meters.

    Sticking a tint film is a rather complicated process, but everyone can do it. The key to success is careful preparation and selection of the right material. Also eliminate the rush during work. Even a small speck can then be an eyesore, and the pleasure from the work done will be incomplete.

Each driver decides for himself whether to do the tinting of the car. You can go to a car service and pay a lot of money for services. And you can study in detail the presented article on how to properly tint the car with your own hands, and do everything yourself.

Why you need to tint your car

If you want to protect yourself from prying eyes, the best option would be toned car. Tinting has a few more useful features.

  • The film coating is distinguished by the property of reflecting heat rays. In summer, it will not be so hot inside the car, the plastic elements will not heat up, and the sun's rays will not annoy the driver and passengers.
  • The film blocks ultraviolet light. In the cabin, the windows of which are covered with a tinted coating, the upholstery and plastic elements will not fade so quickly.
  • Provides extra strength. Tinted windows are harder to break.
  • Such tuning improves the appearance of the car. The design of the car acquires a certain gloss and chic, of course, provided that your vehicle is well-groomed and clean.

Types of tint films

A variety of film coatings catches a person who wants to tint windows on their own, literally by surprise. To make the right choice, you need to decide which glass you plan to tint, and what features toning should perform.

Coatings designed for the windshield, front side window, rear side window and rear window will differ in their light transmission.

Also film coatings differ in color. The color pigment is part of the structure, but the more it is, the lower light transmission properties. You can also install metallic tinting. It has a high reflective ability, but at the same time creates certain interference with cellular communications. In addition to the above film coatings, reinforcing films are produced, they are often called "Armored".

Top film brands:

  • LLumar (used by 70% of crafters)
  • SunGuard
  • Infinity
  • contrast
  • Johnson
  • SolarGuard
  • sun control

How to choose a tint so that you do not have to remove it

There are situations when toning required to be removed, it happens:

  • when the light transmission capacity does not meet the requirements of traffic rules;
  • when the material turned out to be of poor quality and defects began to appear;
  • when the color of the coating spoils the appearance of the car.

Checkpoint degree directly affects the safety when driving a vehicle. Exist technical regulations requirements, which specifies the allowable transmittance.

If these requirements are not violated, you can drive a car without fear of traffic police fines.

These rules state that light filter:

  1. For the front has a tolerance of at least 75%
  2. For lateral - not less than 70%

The rear is not standardized, it can be installed there opaque tinting or transparent with minimal light transmission, with the exception of a mirror film coating.

Now that you have decided on the parameters of light transmission, we advise you to pay attention for quality film tinting coating. The most durable and best quality is metallized film but it also costs more. But the dyed material is cheaper, it will last less, only 2-3 years.

If you have no pasting experience do it yourself, it is better to opt for an inexpensive dyed film. However, the cheapest tint in the store is also not worth buying. In such products, the front material itself and the glue are far from the best quality.

We prepare materials and tools for tinting with our own hands

The best place to do this kind of work is well lit garage.

On the street you can not tint: wind, dust, midges will make a negative contribution.

What to cook:

  • buy the required amount of film, it is better that it be a little more, taking into account the fit;
  • spray;
  • soap or liquid detergent;
  • pure water;
  • blade, construction knife or for cutting paper;
  • cloth napkins;
  • a plastic spatula for smoothing the film and removing air bubbles from under it (often distillation is included with the film);
  • high power hair dryer.

Also prepare a glass scraper. Make a soap solution, for this, dilute a couple of drops of detergent in 500 ml of water.

Tinted car side windows

Before pasting the side windows take the glass out and wash with soapy water.

We make a pattern of tint film

Before tinting, make a pattern from the film. For cutting, you will need a table, it must be clean and suitable in size in order to cut the material not only on the side windows, but also on the rear window.

Cutting must be done taking into account allowances for errors, we apply the film to the glass and add 5-7 mm from all sides, with help marker, mark the cut line and cut it out. If the glass won't stretch, edge make the minimum, 2 mm.

Side window tinting sequence

There is a blank, now we proceed to gluing.

  1. The entire area to be pasted before to fix tinting, moisten abundantly with soapy water from a spray bottle.
  2. The gluing process starts from the top. The protective layer is removed from the film by two-thirds and also sprayed with a solution. You also need hands moisten water.
  3. The workpiece is applied adhesive layer and aligned to the top edge.
  4. If everything is smooth and there are no gaps, proceed to distill the liquid from the center to the edge. These actions must be carried out carefully. The film can then slide over the surface. Use a soft cloth, then a hard spatula and a hair dryer.
  5. After removing the bubbles, the protruding edges of the pattern are cut off with a clerical knife.
  6. Next you need paste and also smooth out lower part. The protective layer is removed from the pattern, the adhesive layer is moistened with soapy water and applied to the glass surface. The distillation of the liquid is carried out in the same way as when pasting the upper region. To not be vertical folds, follow the direction movements: from the center to the edges.

How to tint the rear window of a car

When toning rear window It should be borne in mind that heating threads are located on it. The heating elements must be thoroughly cleaned of dust and specks and the glass washed.

We make a pattern of a film for tinting the rear window

Rear glass for tinting do not take off, so the pattern is made right there “in place”. The sheet is applied to a wet glass surface (for this it is necessary to spray the glass abundantly with a solution) and cut out with a good margin, 2-3 cm. Then the workpiece is applied again and the excess is already cut off.

Stages of rear window tinting

The technology of gluing the film on the rear window does not differ from the process of tinting the side windows.

  • Spraying the glass surface with soapy water.
  • We apply the pattern, remove the protective layer from it by two thirds, spray the adhesive layer too.
  • Using the method of smoothing from the center to the edges, we remove air bubbles from under the material, all the liquid, correct the creases and align the wrinkles. We make sure that the pattern does not move during the knurling process.

Errors in work happen even among experienced craftsmen, the main thing is to eliminate them in time. Therefore, sticking is best done with a partner.

If a result does not suit, for example, there are bubbles left, they must be “expelled” from under the material with a spatula. This is easy to fix when the tint is still damp. If the film has already “grabbed” well with the glass surface, and the vertical creases, it can be heated with a hair dryer or steam generator.

Sometimes, especially for beginners, the pattern starts to move out, the curvature can be removed by heating the material with a hair dryer, peeling it off and repeating the whole operation again.

The film coating dries completely in about a day. At this time, it is better not to go anywhere, and if the trip cannot be canceled, it is recommended not to open the windows and it is advisable not to turn on the air conditioner.

Learn more about the process car tinting You can from the next video.


For 15 years I have been repairing various types of cars, including brands such as VAZ, UAZ, Chevrolet, Mazda, Kia and many others. Everything related to the box, engine or chassis. You can write me your question below in the comments and I will try to answer it in detail.


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