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- this is the abuse of various chemical, biological and medicinal drugs that are not included in the list of narcotic drugs. However, substance abuse and drug addiction are general concepts. Glues, varnishes, fuels and other chemicals can be addictive and addictive just like drugs.

When substance abuse develops, mainly mental dependence, less often - physical. Mental and somatic disorders and personality changes are observed. It is impossible to name a single reason for the development of substance abuse. Of great importance in the fact that a person becomes a drug addict is the specificity of the individual:

  • passivity;
  • infantilism;
  • emotional instability;
  • dependence on others;
  • demonstrativeness.

The social aspects of such a widespread phenomenon as substance abuse are also important - a low level of education and professionalism due to a lack of interest in study and work; lack of spirituality and lack of ideas of youth, inability to organize their leisure. Defects in education and a low level of health education, the surrounding microenvironment and an unfavorable situation in the family also affect such bad habits as substance abuse, smoking and drinking.

Drug addicts inhale solvent fumes to produce hallucinations similar to dreams. They can be not only pleasant, but also disturbing, but always bright and colorful. Often drug addicts form small groups to participate in the same dream together.

Substance abuse as a social problem in our time is extremely acute. It is especially alarming that child substance abuse has become the most widespread. In adolescence, the likelihood of involvement in various addictions is very high, since adolescents are characterized by curiosity for the unknown, increased susceptibility, weak will and lack of self-criticism.

Most often, substance abuse occurs in adolescents for the following reasons:

  1. Psychological. The desire to be independent and do what adults forbid. It is the desire to be adults that makes adolescents easily amenable to negative influence;
  2. social reasons. Teenage substance abuse most often affects dysfunctional families or families with a liberal parenting style. When a teenager's life is not controlled, he has a lot of free time. The inability of a teenager to occupy himself with useful work leads to boredom. Then he goes outside to spend time in the company of peers, and there most often the first attempts to turn to toxic substances occur.
  3. Other reasons- the desire to keep up with peers, curiosity to experience new sensations.

To get drugged, teenagers use readily available, cheap household chemicals, solvents, nitro paints, synthetic adhesives, and stain removers. Already a few inhalations of the vapors of such a drug leads to an intoxicating effect. The dose of inhaled toxins depends on the substance used, the depth of inhalation and the inhalation delay.

In intoxication, which occurs when inhaling psychoactive drugs, there are three phases:

  1. It is similar to alcohol intoxication - there is a rise in mood, a pleasant noise in the head, pleasant warmth and relaxation spread through the body. In this phase, awakening the drunk is quite simple. If the inhalation of toxic substances continues, the turn of the second phase comes.
  2. The phase of carelessness and lightness. It is characterized by increased gaiety, with a desire to laugh and sing. Many adolescents limit themselves to this phase for fear of worsening their condition. If you continue to inhale toxins, the third phase of drug intoxication will begin.
  3. It is characterized by auditory and colorful visual hallucinations, the so-called "cartoons". Drug intoxication in this phase can last approximately 2 hours. After the end of this phase, the adolescent develops lethargy and loss of strength, and depression of mental functions is observed.

Types of substance abuse

There are several types of substance abuse. They depend on what substance the person inhales.

Gasoline substance abuse

Substances that cause narcotic intoxication in gasoline are toluene, benzene and xylene. The process goes like this: a drug addict wets a cloth with gasoline and inhales gasoline vapors for 10 minutes. This chemical irritates the respiratory tract, causing a sore throat and cough. Then there is reddening of the face, increased heart rate, dilated pupils, impaired coordination of movements and speech, gait becomes shaky. The next stage of the action of gasoline vapors is the onset of euphoria, which, with continued inhalation of toxins, leads to a mental disorder - delirium, accompanied by hallucinations and delirium.

If at this stage the inhalation of gasoline vapors stops, then after 20-30 minutes the narcotic dope recedes, but there is a headache, lethargy, apathy, irritability, and can be very sick. These symptoms persist for quite some time.

Substance abuse with acetone

This type of toxic intoxication is characterized by severe hallucinations, but, unlike other types of substance abuse, they appear much faster. Almost immediately after inhaling acetone vapors, the drug addict feels a slight euphoria, against which hallucinations occur, and disorientation in time. This type of substance abuse causes very colorful hallucinations, mostly of a sexual nature. A teenager during such intoxication sits with his head down and half-closed eyes, I do not react to the environment in any way.

If the inhalation of acetone vapor continues for a long time, it can lead to coma. When getting out of intoxication in this case, the teenager develops complete apathy, severe weakness, nausea, vomiting, irritability.

Glue substance abuse

In this type of substance abuse, certain types of adhesives are used. Glue is poured into a plastic bag and then put on the head. This is dangerous because in a state of narcotic dope, teenagers are not able to remove the bag from their heads, and die of suffocation.

At the initial stage of inhalation of glue vapors, a slight euphoria occurs, which is replaced by hallucinations. After getting out of intoxication with toxins, a teenager is haunted by weakness, headache, nausea, and vomiting.

Substance abuse with nitro paint solvents

Inhalation of solvent vapors for nitro paints causes a disorder of consciousness, increased mobility, a sharp change in the state of ecstasy with incredible anger. If inhalation continues, delirium develops, accompanied by visual and auditory hallucinations. At the same time, the teenager feels lightness in the body and elation, which disappear after a while, and they are replaced by severe weakness and headache, nausea and vomiting.

The harm of substance abuse of any kind is that it causes serious disorders in the body of adolescents. With prolonged substance abuse - for 1-2 years - irreversible changes occur in the brain and organs of the patient. Teenage drug addicts become feeble-minded people.

Unfortunately, teenage substance abuse with gas, or rather, components of domestic liquefied gas, has also become widespread. Fatal cases have been recorded. Adolescents use Chinese-made 550 ml metal gas cartridges for inhalation containing liquefied propane and butane.

Signs of substance abuse

Symptoms of substance abuse depend on the type of substance inhaled, the duration of inhalation and the timing of this bad habit. At the initial stage of substance abuse, 3-5 breaths of toxin lead to a buzz in the head, tears and salivation, slight dizziness, and a sore throat. There is dilated pupils, difficulty in concentrating and a decrease in the reaction to any external factors. This state usually lasts 10-15 minutes. Then there are headaches, nausea and vomiting, intense thirst, a sweetish taste is felt in the mouth.

When substance abuse progresses, the consequences of inhaling toxic substances are expressed by psychomotor agitation and psychosensory disorder. The sounds heard in the head of the drug addict are repeated, turning into an inexhaustible echo.

Long-term drug addicts show signs such as dramatic weight loss, brittle hair and nails, puffy face, sallow complexion, and dry skin. Teeth are affected by caries, and in places of contact with a toxic substance, scars and suppurations are visible on the skin. The personality of the patient changes, and it immediately catches the eye.

The diagnosis of "substance abuse" is established when the patient has several symptoms at once. It:

  • an irresistible desire to take a narcotic substance;
  • the appearance of a goal to increase the dose of a toxic drug;
  • the presence of mental and physical dependence on the drug.

Treatment and prevention of substance abuse

Drug addiction and substance abuse - their consequences are very dangerous for human health and life, so these problems need to be disposed of as decisively as possible. One of the ways to return people to a normal life in society is the treatment of drug addiction and substance abuse.

Substance abuse treatment is carried out either on an outpatient basis or in a hospital - psychiatric or narcological, where the patient undergoes several stages of treatment. First of all, the intoxication of the body is removed from the patient, then the withdrawal syndrome is stopped. The next step is the normalization of the mental state of the patient, the suppression of the symptoms of mental dependence, the resumption of impaired somatic functions. The final stage of the treatment of substance abuse is the rehabilitation of the patient, which is carried out through anti-relapse therapy and rehabilitation measures.

The fight against substance abuse is impossible without developing a negative attitude towards psychoactive drugs in the patient. To do this, doctors hold group discussions where they tell patients about substance abuse as a serious chronic disease. Psychotherapists also develop in patients the installation on the complete rejection of any psychoactive substances, and also teach them how to behave in critical situations when there is a high risk of resuming the use of toxic drugs.

Prevention of drug addiction and substance abuse is an important task of modern society. It should be carried out jointly by state and public organizations, educational institutions and families. The main responsibility for the future of the younger generation falls on the shoulders of parents and teachers, but it is impossible to protect a child from society. Therefore, the main measures for the prevention of drug addiction and substance abuse should be carried out in places of leisure for the population, educational institutions, rehabilitation centers for social and treatment-and-prophylactic areas, enterprises and other organizations and social infrastructures.

μανία - passion, madness, attraction) - a set of disease states characterized by attraction and addiction to taking medicines and other substances that are not classified as narcotic according to the 1961 UN Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs. They are characterized by chronic intoxication, the presence of mental and / or physical dependence syndromes.

There are no medical and biological differences between substance abuse and drug addiction. The difference, first of all, lies in the type of substances used: substance abusers prefer chemicals that have an intoxicating or hallucinogenic effect, but are not officially classified as drugs. Another difference is characterized by the way the substances are used. Drug addicts use quite a variety of methods of introducing drugs into the body: smoking, swallowing, inhaling through the nose, injections. Drug addicts usually only inhale (sniff) toxic substances - other methods are in many cases impossible, extremely dangerous or do not bring the expected effect.

A common type of substance abuse is the use of household and industrial chemicals. This species is more commonly seen among children and adolescents and is a social problem sometimes referred to as "child drug addiction". This type of substance abuse usually consists in inhaling the fumes of varnishes, paints, solvents, ether, putty, gasoline, propane, butane, isobutane, some types of glue (glues containing toluene are popular among drug addicts). Drug addicts can also sniff washing powders and similar detergents. The poisoning effect arises from the effect of aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons on the central nervous system. The ingestion of these substances into the body is fraught with a rather rapid development of severe lesions of the central nervous system, a psycho-organic syndrome, an irreversible decline in intelligence, resulting in disability.

Drugs containing psychoactive substances in high doses can also serve as an object of substance abuse: psychostimulants, tranquilizers, antiparkinsonian drugs and sedatives. Such substance abuse is characterized by a slightly lower level of harm compared to inhalation substance abuse.

Most Popular Substances in Substance Abuse

The main hallucinogenic substances in household chemicals are toluene-containing substances such as solvents, some types of adhesives, varnishes and paints, as well as household aerosol insecticides, gasoline and household gas. The latter is most dangerous because it displaces oxygen from the lungs, thereby causing suffocation.

Passive substance abuse

Passive substance abuse is a phenomenon in which the victim of chemical poisoning herself does not plan to use any chemical, but in the process of work (for example, repairing an apartment, furniture, or manufacturing certain products) inhales the fumes of those same substances, as a result of which she can get toxic intoxication and hallucinations. Most often this occurs in a confined space. To combat this, gas masks, respirators and ventilation are used, but it often happens that some conditions do not allow observing safety precautions when handling such substances. Also, many cases were recorded when, after using low-quality finishing materials, as well as coatings for other purposes, a closed room literally turned into a gas chamber. That is, a person living or working in such premises may become a drug addict without noticing for himself.

A number of regional laws of the Russian Federation prohibit the sale to minors of a number of household chemicals containing toluene, but there are no such restrictions at the federal level yet. Also in the Russian Federation at the federal level and in many other countries of the world, toxic intoxication is equated with alcohol and drugs with all the ensuing consequences for the detainee, such as deprivation of rights or even deprivation of freedom. The very use of household chemicals for other purposes in the territory of the Russian Federation is not prohibited by any legislation.

Substance abuse contributes to a change in the human personality, the formation of mental and physical dependence. Many, especially parents of children and adolescents, would benefit from knowing what it is - substance abuse, its possible consequences and methods of treatment.


This is the abuse of certain chemical and non-narcotic drugs. These include varnish, gasoline, glue, acetone and other chemicals. Inhalation of such drugs contributes to the violation of mental functions.

Substance abuse is often observed in childhood, but sometimes occurs among older people who use certain drugs for too long. Substance abuse differs from drug addiction only by a socio-legal factor. There are similar disorders of the nervous system, personality changes, problems in the social life of the patient.

Children's substance abuse

So what is substance abuse? Today, this disease is an acute social problem. In particular, teenage substance abuse is very popular. At this age, children are quickly involved in all sorts of addictions, because they are interested in everything unknown, they have an overestimated susceptibility, weak willpower.

Often, substance abuse in children and adolescents is observed for several reasons:

  1. Psychological. The desire to feel like an adult pushes them to everything forbidden, children are negatively influenced.
  2. Social. Substance abuse in adolescents often occurs in dysfunctional families or with a liberal way of education. With insufficient control over the child's leisure, he has a lot of free time, he has nothing to do. He finds friends with whom he begins to get involved in toxic chemicals.
  3. Substance abuse has other causes. Search for unknown sensations, fear of falling behind friends.

Among adolescents, available household chemicals, solvents, paints, adhesives, etc. are used to achieve a toxic effect. The inhalation dose of these chemicals depends on the agent used, the length of the inhalation, and the inspiratory delay.

Children's substance abuse leads to severe changes in the child's body. When using intoxicating chemicals for a couple of years, irreversible changes are observed in all organs of a teenager, they turn into demented people.

Phases of intoxication

There are three degrees of drug intoxication:

  • Can be mistaken for alcohol intoxication. At the same time, the mood rises, the whole body relaxes. With the next inhalation of the intoxicating chemical, a second phase is observed.
  • The stage of carelessness and lightness. This phase is typically overly cheerful mood with a desire to laugh and sing. Most stop at the second stage, fearing to aggravate their condition. With further inhalation, a transition to the third degree of intoxication occurs.
  • The last stage is manifested by vivid hallucinations, called "cartoons". This effect can last for about a couple of hours. This is accompanied by weakness, mental functions are disturbed.


Substance abuse, depending on the chemical used, is divided into the following types:

  1. Substance abuse with gasoline - substances that lead to euphoria, in gasoline - benzene, toluene and xylene. To get an intoxicating effect, drug addicts impregnate some material with this agent and inhale these vapors for about 10 minutes. It causes irritation of the respiratory tract, coughing. The face begins to turn pink, the pupils dilate, the pulse accelerates, and there are difficulties with speech. After that, a feeling of euphoria appears, and with further inhalation of fuel, this brings a mental disorder - delirium, which is expressed by hallucinations and delirium. At the end of the use of the chemical, after about half an hour, the narcotic effect recedes and is replaced by a headache, loss of strength, irritability, apathy, and nausea. Such symptoms of substance abuse disturb for quite a long time.
  2. Acetone substance abuse - this type of toxic intoxication is characterized by hallucinations that appear much earlier than with other types. Almost immediately after the use of this substance, a feeling of euphoria, hallucinations, and disorientation in time appear. Acetone causes extremely vivid hallucinations, often of a sexual nature. The drug addict during this sits with his head down and his eyes almost closed, completely unresponsive to his surroundings. When leaving the intoxicating state, apathy, lethargy, vomiting, and irritability occur. An overdose can put the drug addict into a coma.
  3. Glue substance abuse - only certain types of adhesives are used. To get toxic intoxication, the glue is poured into a plastic bag and put on the head. This method is extremely dangerous, since the drug addict cannot remove the package in a state of euphoria, there is a risk of suffocation and death. At the beginning of inhalation of chemical vapors, euphoria occurs, later hallucinations. When leaving this state, a person feels a breakdown, headache, nausea.
  4. Substance abuse with solvents - the use of solvents for intoxication leads to impaired consciousness, hyperactivity, a sharp transition from a state of euphoria to intense anger. With prolonged inhalation of vapors, delirium develops, in which hallucinations occur, the drug addict feels light and elated. The exit from this state is also accompanied by weakness, headache, vomiting.
  5. Gas addiction - this type is also very common. Fatal cases have been reported. Drug addicts use gas cartridges containing liquefied propane and butane. This type of disease is especially popular among children 8-10 years old. Lighters, gas cartridges, air fresheners can be a great danger to children. Some not only inhale liquefied butane, but also drink it.
  6. Drug substance abuse - this form mainly uses antihistamines, some anesthetics and other over-the-counter drugs. Patients have an unhealthy flush and red lips. With prolonged substance abuse, signs of involuntary movements appear, an unusual gait with a too straight back and legs. If the next dose of pills is not taken, there are sharp mood swings, increased sweating.
  7. Caffeine substance abuse is also a fairly common addiction. It is mainly found in the adult population. This habit can be easily overcome by gradually reducing the daily dose of coffee. Caffeine substance abuse is formed by the abuse of foods and drugs that contain methylxanthines.

Signs of substance abuse

The manifestations of substance abuse in children are noticeable much earlier than in adults. The symptoms differ depending on the toxic chemical used. However, there are also common signs of substance abuse:

  • the child cannot express himself clearly;
  • children smell of chemicals;
  • the child does not communicate with parents, does not answer questions;
  • mood changes drastically;
  • uncleanliness;
  • constant irritability;
  • slovenliness;
  • insomnia;
  • apathy;
  • inattention;
  • sometimes there is a rash and inflammation in the nasopharynx;
  • memory impairment;
  • muscle weakness;
  • headache.

Stages of addiction

The following stages of development of dependence on toxic intoxication are distinguished:

  1. First stage. A mental dependence is formed, forcing an increase in the dose of a toxic agent.
  2. chronic stage. Dependence progresses further, the effect of euphoria changes. Physical dependence and withdrawal symptoms develop.
  3. Last stage. Signs of addiction and substance abuse progress further. Euphoria no longer occurs even at high doses. Characteristic signs of this stage: prolonged abstinence and breaking. An exhausted body can no longer be returned to its previous physical state.


The harm of substance abuse is the formation of detrimental failures in the work of all organs. The main blow falls on the nervous system. Depending on the specific chemical, substance abuse has the following consequences:

  • When glue is abused, there is a breakdown, headaches, nausea, vomiting, mental disorders
  • When using solvents, chronic fatigue, apathy, hallucinations, nausea, and vomiting are observed.
  • When inhaling acetone or gasoline, hallucinations, mental abnormalities appear, health and the immune system deteriorate.

In childhood, this disease causes serious complications. The child can be paralyzed, in case of an overdose, suffocation can occur and be fatal.

With such an addiction, patients very rarely come to a healthy life. Often, drug addicts begin to use drugs because they no longer get a feeling of euphoria from toxic drugs. Patients are completely out of reality. Basically, such addictions lead to death.

Psychological dependence on toxic chemicals occurs after only 2-3 days, and physical dependence develops after about a couple of months. Substance abuse is extremely difficult to treat, its consequences are almost irreparable, since harmful changes have already occurred in all organs.

Video: the death of adolescents from substance abuse.

Treatment and prevention

Treatment of this disease is the main way to return a person to a normal life.

Substance abuse involves treatment in three stages. It is recommended to give priority to treatment in a hospital for narcological treatment than to an outpatient, independent one.

  1. At the initial stage, the elimination of intoxication of the body is carried out. After that, the withdrawal syndrome is eliminated.
  2. At the second stage, psychotherapeutic methods normalize the psychological state of the drug addict, eliminate the symptoms of mental dependence, and restore somatic functions.
  3. At the last stage of the treatment of the disease, the patient is rehabilitated with the help of measures to avoid relapse.

The fight against substance abuse is the development in the patient of an aversion to the use of intoxicating substances. In specialized clinics for patients, interviews are held, the degree of harm of substance abuse for people is discussed. Psychotherapists, with the help of certain sessions, try to cause the drug addict to reject and refuse to use dangerous drugs.

Prevention of this disease is the most important task of society. It should be carried out by public organizations together with the participation of the state, educational institutions. Parents and teachers have a huge responsibility for children. Preventive measures should be carried out in schools, universities, rehabilitation centers, enterprises, places of cultural recreation for people.

Only specialists can make a true diagnosis and fight the disease. Prohibitions, screams and punishments do not affect the sick child in the desired way. It is possible to get rid of substance abuse only in a hospital.

Substance abuse is the abuse of substances that are not included in the list of official drugs. Intoxicants create a feeling of euphoria, characteristic of alcohol or drug intoxication. Prolonged use of toxic compounds leads to the degradation of the individual, undermining physical and mental health. With the rejection of toxins, an abstinence syndrome occurs.

What is substance abuse

Substance abuse is the uncontrolled excessive intake of psychotropic drugs, household chemicals and other poisons that are not classified as drugs. Although the substances are not combined into one group, the effect of those on the body is similar. Both of them lead to fatal dependence, negatively affect the personality, social status and health.

Substance abuse is caused by:

  • tobacco:
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • medicines.

The main substances leading to addiction are volatile compounds intended for industrial and domestic needs.

Causes of substance abuse

Addiction to toxic substances in childhood and adolescence is caused by the following reasons:

  • an irresistible desire for adventure;
  • connection with a bad company;
  • character traits: beyond susceptibility, emotional instability, inability to say “no”, desire to imitate peers, submission to the majority;
  • craving for independence, lack of education, bad manners, weak will, low intelligence, disregard for morality, self-criticism;
  • trouble in the family;
  • lack of funds for drugs.

Children from different social strata become drug addicts:

  • poor dysfunctional families;
  • wealthy with a decent atmosphere in the family;
  • wealthy intellectual families.

Children, often left unattended, with unorganized leisure, not feeling controlled by their parents, fall into bad company.

Mechanism of addiction development

Future drug addicts inhale vapors of volatile substances (gasoline, solvents, glue). The brightness of sensations is affected by the depth of inspiration and the concentration of these substances.

At the first stage, a person experiences pleasure from colorful hallucinations - while not everyone becomes addicted. If negative manifestations - nausea-vomiting syndrome and pain in the head take up over the euphoric state, addiction may not occur. In the case when pleasure came from the first or second time, substance abuse becomes a habit.

The body gradually adapts to toxins, negative symptoms are minimized. Euphoria instantly captures the mind. Man controls hallucinogenic dreams. The initial dosage increases over and over again, addiction occurs. Interests are sharply reduced, people rotate only in the environment of drug addicts, inhale volatile substances. Rejection of toxins leads to severe withdrawal.

Substance abuse among teenagers

Addiction to toxic substances develops mainly in adolescents 12-14 years old. Young people and adults rarely inhale volatile compounds for pleasure. Household products with a psychotropic effect instantly evaporate, causing intoxication.

The risk group includes homeless children, children from families with poor financial support and a difficult psychological atmosphere. However, some socially well-off teenagers in certain situations acquire a bad habit. The impetus for substance abuse is a weak will, curiosity, a desire to imitate leaders and underestimation of the consequences.

What do drug addicts use?

Dependent due to lack of finances, they mainly use cheap, affordable volatile products used in everyday life.


Regular inhalation of gasoline vapors is addictive. The substance leads to a breakdown of nervous tissues. Drug addicts sniff rags soaked in gasoline. Euphoria comes within 10 minutes. A long session ends with delirium, terrible dreams.

Falling out of reality lasts 30-40 minutes. Then the person suffers from headache, nausea, loss of appetite, swelling and redness of the eyelids. He is not interested in the world around him and events. The state of prostration disappears after 5 days.


For sessions, glue with toluene is used. Light euphoria turns into hallucinogenic dreams. To get pleasure, a person puts a plastic bag on his head. Sometimes during inhalation, asphyxiation occurs, leading to death.

Signs of poisoning quickly disappear.

The patient is identified by residual effects:

  • pale or grayish skin on the face;
  • dark circles under the eyes;
  • lack of appetite.


Acetone vapors provoke poisoning, burns of the oropharynx and trachea, to whom. The substance causes strong euphoria, colorful dreams, sexual desire. Drug addicts lose their sense of time, stop responding to surrounding events.

Pleasure ends:

  • irritability;
  • fatigue;
  • nausea and vomiting.


After a 5-minute inhalation of solvents, the body becomes light, it seems to the drug addict that he is floating in the air. As the session continues, hallucinations occur.

Euphoria ends:

  • vomiting;
  • pain in the head;
  • aggression.

The skin of addicts acquires an earthy color, the eyelids and bridge of the nose swell.


Inhalation of gaseous substances is carried out by 8-10-year-old children. Drug addicts use air fresheners and gas designed for lighters. It is difficult to guess that youngsters sniff invisible volatile substances.

Suspicion causes:

  • distracted attention;
  • insomnia;
  • change of mood.

Symptoms of substance abuse

The state of euphoria when inhaling volatile chemicals is short-lived. A drug addict overcomes 3 stages of exposure to an intoxicating drug:

Health implications

Warning signs of substance abuse include:

  • causeless malaise;
  • insomnia;
  • apathy
  • headache;
  • loss of interest in studies, sports, hobbies.

Prolonged substance abuse leads to psychosomatic disorders:

  • weight loss;
  • nails and hair become brittle;
  • the skin turns earthy;
  • the face becomes puffy;
  • foci of inflammation form on the skin;
  • overcomes drowsiness;
  • children lose mental and intellectual abilities;
  • dementia occurs.

The withdrawal syndrome appears after 3-6 months of constant use of toxic drugs.

Breaking is accompanied by:

  • aggression;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • loss of appetite;
  • pain in the head;
  • dilated pupils;
  • tremor of the limbs;
  • convulsions;
  • apathy, melancholy, numbness.

Withdrawal syndrome lasts approximately 15 days. Residual symptoms persist for up to 8 weeks.

Diagnosis and treatment

Drug addicts need long-term complex therapy. Treatment is carried out in a hospital. The rehabilitation plan includes:

The productivity of rehabilitation increases if relatives are involved in therapy. The narcologist explains to relatives the nature of substance abuse, recommends a psychotherapist. The doctor helps to rebuild family relationships and ways of raising children.

Psychotherapy sessions remove the problems and contradictions that prompted the child to use intoxicants. The support of relatives and well-built control raise self-esteem, speed up recovery.

When making a prognosis, doctors take into account the experience of a drug addict, the family atmosphere, psychogenic deviations and the level of intelligence. In people with mental safety, with a minimum period of taking intoxicants and with an adequate approach (adjusted daily routine, comfortable family atmosphere, change of company), the likelihood of a complete recovery is high.

Homeless children who take toxic substances for a long time, the chances of removing the dependence are small. In them, polytoxicomania, personality and intellect disorders join the initial disorders, and dementia progresses.

Prevention of substance abuse

Prevention of addictions should be started before the risk of addiction has become a real possibility. Bad habits should be prevented in early childhood.

The main preventive program includes:

  • introduction to a healthy lifestyle;
  • demonstration of harm from addictions (tobacco, alcohol, drugs and toxic substances);
  • instilling the need for sports and creativity;
  • development of the need for active recreation with family, friends, relatives (travel around countries, tourism, mountaineering);
  • genuine interest in the vital aspects of the child: success at school, friends, leisure, relationships in society;
  • implementation of interaction with teachers, psychologists: it is necessary to jointly organize preventive measures, eliminate school and family problems that lead to destructive addictions.

Substance abuse bypasses those families where a trusting friendly atmosphere reigns. The child easily shares his difficulties and problems with relatives, and not with street comrades who eliminate difficulties with the help of dangerous substances. The attentive attitude of parents to children, friendly communication, understanding, love and willingness to help are simple things that help protect young people from substance abuse and drug addiction.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Substance abuse (from other Greek - poisonous, other Greek - passion, madness, attraction) - a set of painful conditions characterized by attraction and addiction to taking medicines and other substances that are not classified as narcotic according to the "United Nations Single Convention on narcotic drugs of 1961. They are characterized by chronic intoxication, the presence of mental and/or physical dependence syndromes.
There are no medical and biological differences between substance abuse and drug addiction. The difference, first of all, lies in the type of substances used: substance abusers prefer chemicals that have an intoxicating or hallucinogenic effect, but are not officially classified as drugs. Another difference is characterized by the way the substances are used. Drug addicts use quite a variety of methods of introducing drugs into the body: smoking, swallowing, inhaling through the nose, injections. Drug addicts usually only inhale (sniff) toxic substances - other methods are in many cases impossible, extremely dangerous or do not bring the expected effect.
A common type of substance abuse is the use of household and industrial chemicals. This species is more commonly seen among children and adolescents and is a social problem sometimes referred to as "child drug addiction". This type of substance abuse usually consists in inhaling the fumes of varnishes, paints, solvents, ether, putty, gasoline, isobutane, some types of glue (glues containing toluene are popular among drug addicts; it is worth noting that since 1998 in adhesives of a famous brand " Moment" this component is not used and, accordingly, is of no interest to drug addicts). Drug addicts can also sniff washing powders and similar detergents. The poisoning effect arises from the effects of aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons on the central nervous system. The ingress of these substances into the body is fraught with a rather rapid development of severe lesions of the central nervous system, a psychoorganic syndrome, an irreversible decline in intelligence, resulting in disability.
The object of substance abuse can also be drugs containing psychoactive substances in high doses: psychostimulants, tranquilizers, antiparkinsonian drugs and sedatives. Such substance abuse is characterized by a slightly lower level of harm compared to inhalation substance abuse.

One of the most malignant types of drug addiction. Causing serious destruction of the body and strong dependence, substance abuse differs from drug addiction only in a legal aspect: it is caused by the use of substances that are not classified by the Ministry of Health as a group of drugs, and it is not subject to legal and criminal acts that apply to drug addicts.

Over the past twenty years, substance abuse - the inhalation of "volatile narcotic active substances" (VNA) - has acquired the character of an epidemic. Every year, hundreds of children and teenagers with bags on their heads go to another world. The average age of consumers of chemical industry products is 8-15 years. Given the scale of the spread of substance abuse and the irreversible destruction that it produces in the child's body and psyche, we can seriously talk about a threat to the future of the nation.

Intoxication comes after a few inhalations. It is almost impossible to determine the dose, depending on the drug, the depth of inspiration, breath holding, vapor concentration are different. Restrictive reactions are headache, compression of the head, heaviness of breathing, nausea.

There are 3 phases in drunkenness.

The first phase is similar to alcohol intoxication: a pleasant noise in the head, a rise in mood, bodily sensations - heat, relaxation of the limbs. In this phase, it is very easy to awaken an intoxicated person. His consciousness is narrowed, but not darkened. When the inhalation is repeated, the second phase occurs.

The second phase is the phase of complacent fun, carelessness and lightness. Many begin to laugh, sing, consciousness loses clarity. The real environment is perceived as an illusion, objects change their shape, spatial ratio, colors seem bright, deep, sounds are distorted, become unusual. The sensation of the body is disturbed, the body seems light, parts of it enlarged or shortened. There is still a need for movement, but coordination is severely impaired, the intoxicated one falls, loses balance. At this moment, he is in a cheerful and elated mood, many are limited to this phase for fear of worsening their well-being.

If the inhalation is repeated, the “cartoons” phase begins, the influx of hallucinations, mostly visual. Hallucinations are bright, mobile, small in size, projected outward, as on a screen, and the drunk can no longer stop them. Auditory deceptions arise as noise, ringing, buzzing, a change in the naturalness of sounds, the unusualness of voices, the loudness of distant sounds and the weakness of close ones, voices acquire an echo.

There are deceptions of touch, when it seems that mice and insects are crawling over the body, teeth are rotating, jaws are falling out. There is an alienation of perception of oneself, one's body. You can see parts of your body from the side, often the brain, see your body from the inside. These hallucinations are revealed to the inner vision. Psychosensory disorders are diverse, it seems that the walls are moving, the floor is collapsing, sometimes not only the feeling of flying, but also of falling is experienced. Everything around seems different, changed. Sometimes intoxicated people feel like they are in other worlds. Hallucinations are growing, mental manifestations are uncontrollable, there is complete depersonalization, the disintegration of the integrity of the personality, the separation of the soul. Intoxication lasts up to two hours. When inhaling gasoline, the intoxication is poorer, the consciousness is not deeply clouded. But even if the intoxication lasts a few minutes, it seems that a very long time has passed. When you get out of intoxication, there is a weakening and depression of mental functions, fatigue, lethargy, at high doses - nausea, vomiting.

Not everyone develops a habit. For some, the euphoria is weak and complicated by signs of poisoning - vomiting, nausea, headache. But if intoxication has caused pleasure, regular inhalation of LNDV begins. In this case, alcohol intolerance arises and develops. Doctors note the transition to regular sniffing after 4-5 separate inhalations.

As with any other form of drug addiction, once regular use of a drug begins, its effects change. Protective reactions disappear - headache, nausea. Coordination is less disturbed, drunk can walk. Immediately after inhalation, sensory disturbances occur, hallucinations are more conscious and manageable. Strongly increases tolerance, drug tolerance. To achieve the former euphoria, a double or triple dose of solvent is required.

There is attraction and constant dependence. Children lose interest in school and their former activities, hiding with two or three sniffing buddies in secluded places. Solitary use also begins, the teenager starts his own supply of VNDV, an arsenal of tubes and vials. Everything pleasant in his life now closes on him. Attraction, having appeared, immediately acquires an uncontrollable character, it is impossible to keep the child. One patient observed by narcologists was chained to the central heating battery by his father. Although this attraction is more mental than physical. If the child was isolated or the family moved to another city that was not infected with the FND epidemic, the children were soon able to forget about sniffing.

For those who sniff solvents for 1-2 months, internal organs, the brain, and the nervous system are destroyed. Those who sniff for 1-2 years become disabled. Many who manage to survive from frequent overdoses become demented. Any remedy from the LNDV group causes brain damage, death of nerve tissue, cirrhosis of the liver, and kidney failure. A rapidly developing mental dependence does not allow one to slip away from a developing disease.

Related publications:
· Substance addicts
Volatile drugs
· Nitrous oxide
Glue "Moment"
ethyl ether

  • Substance Abuse - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

    There is a group of addictions that can develop in any person, regardless of his individual characteristics or concomitant diseases. If most scientists believe that the personality of the patient, his environment and social status are still important for the development of drug addiction, then no special predisposing factors have been identified for this type of addiction. Especially often it is observed in adolescents, it also occurs in older people who are forced to take certain medications for a long time. It's about substance abuse.

    Substance abuse is a disease that is very similar to drug addiction in the mechanism of development and symptoms. The only difference is that the substances abused by drug addicts are not included in the list of narcotic drugs. They are produced and sold without special government intervention.

    But the consequences of substance abuse are no easier than the consequences of drug addiction. Also, fatal outcomes in case of overdoses are not uncommon, health is significantly undermined, and the patient's social life is collapsing. Thus, the distinction between substance abuse and drug addiction is of a socio-legal, not medical nature.

    Causes of substance abuse

    Substance abuse is caused by the use of an addictive substance. There are a huge number of them. Among them, there are both drugs and substances that are not used in medicine (for example, organic solvents - acetone, gasoline, adhesive components).

    We will look at the most common types of substance abuse.

    Symptoms of substance abuse

    1. Sleeping pill addiction. This group includes the abuse of tranquilizers (nitrazepam, phenazepam, Relanium), sleeping pills proper (Rohypnol, Imovan), anti-allergic drugs (Dimedrol) and other drugs with sedative, i.e. sedative effect (phenobarbital, sodium oxybutyrate).

    The intoxication caused by these substances is similar to ordinary alcohol. Outwardly, the person also gives the impression of being drunk: impaired coordination of movements, unsteady gait, slurred speech. The skin is pale with a greasy coating, the pupils are dilated, the pulse is quickened, the blood pressure is reduced. An overdose of sedatives and hypnotics is dangerous - a coma or even death may occur as a result of respiratory arrest. This type of substance abuse sometimes develops unnoticed in the treatment of insomnia. Especially high is the likelihood of painful addiction to sleeping pills in self-medication. Also, as with drug addiction, when the drug is stopped entering the body, the drug addict develops an abstinence syndrome - it is similar to that of alcoholism. There is a tremor, insomnia, headaches, nausea, sweating, redness of the face, weakness. In severe cases, seizures may occur. With prolonged abuse of sleeping pills, the patient's personality changes. A person becomes distracted, unrestrained, his mood changes for no reason, his memory and intellect suffer. Outwardly, people who abuse sleeping pills look edematous, their skin is gray-green in color, greasy, mimic wrinkles are expressed. The pupils are dilated. Tongue with a dirty brown coating, there is a tremor of the hands. Such patients often visit a general practitioner or neurologist complaining of poor sleep and asking for sleeping pills. At the same time, they insist on prescribing a certain drug to which they have developed an addiction. If the doctor refuses or tries to replace the drug, patients become irritated and lose their temper. Insomnia actually often worries people suffering from this type of substance abuse, but, alas, sleeping pills no longer help them in restoring sleep.

    2. Abuse of anticholinergics. This is a relatively young, but already quite popular form of substance abuse. Anticholinergic drugs include drugs such as cyclodol - it is used to correct the side effects of neuroleptics (therefore, this type of substance abuse is common among psychiatrist patients), diphenhydramine (an antiallergic drug), solutan (a drug for treating cough), etc.

    Intoxication with these drugs resembles alcohol. A feature is frequent hallucinations, a feeling of fear, confusion. Outwardly, patients appear pale with an unhealthy blush on their cheeks and red lips. Their muscles are constrained, involuntary movements and twitching of individual muscles are noted. The gait is unnatural (the legs almost do not bend, the back is excessively straightened). The main symptoms of withdrawal syndrome are irritability, melancholy, decreased performance, mood swings, sweating, muscle weakness, increased heart rate.

    3. Abuse of volatile solvents. This type of substance abuse is most common in teenagers. To obtain a state of intoxication, vapors of volatile organic solvents (glue, gasoline, various household aerosols, stain removers, toluene, etc.) are inhaled.

    Approximately 5 minutes after the substance enters the body, euphoria, an increase in mood, a feeling of "floating" occur. Outwardly, intoxication is manifested by blurred speech, unsteady gait, and often vomiting. With this type of substance abuse, it is easy to get an overdose of the drug, leading to the development of coma, severe brain damage, and possibly even death. Outwardly, drug addicts look pale, lethargic, drowsy, there are bruises under the eyes, hand tremor is pronounced. Adolescents are beginning to lag far behind in their studies. With prolonged use of volatile solvents, dementia develops.

    Examination for suspected substance abuse

    If a person has changed in behavior, he has health problems (weakness, malaise, changes in blood pressure, insomnia), plus the use of any medications in doses exceeding therapeutic ones, there is a high probability that substance abuse occurs. In this case, it is impossible to postpone the appeal to a doctor - a psychiatrist, but rather to a narcologist.

    Parents should be wary if the child has problems with behavior and learning, if the clothes smell of a chemical smell, if the child's things contain stain removers, glue and other household chemicals. In the presence of unmotivated weakness, lethargy, headaches, insomnia and other symptoms of malaise, you should also not delay visiting a specialist. If only physical symptoms are causing concern, a therapist can be consulted. To determine the state of health, it is necessary to take blood tests, urine tests, and an electrocardiogram.

    In the presence of at least a single convulsive seizure, a consultation with a neurologist and an electroencephalogram are mandatory.

    Self-diagnosis of substance abuse is unlikely - identifying the addiction syndrome is not an easy task. Let a specialist do it. External manifestations of substance abuse can resemble the symptoms of many other diseases (arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular insufficiency, consequences of traumatic brain injury, epilepsy, etc.). Many mental illnesses begin with lethargy, lethargy, sleep disturbances (for example, schizophrenia, depression, neuroses, etc.). Only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis, and he will also prescribe the optimal treatment.

    Treatment for substance abuse

    Substance abuse treatment follows the same principles as drug addiction treatment. This is the abolition of the addictive drug, the fight against withdrawal symptoms and the treatment of mental dependence. The first stages of treatment are best done in a hospital. There, the restoration of body functions is carried out with the help of detoxification (intravenous drip infusion of various solutions - glucose, isotonic solution, other liquids that normalize the water-salt balance, for example, reopoliglyukin).

    Fortifying agents are also used - vitamins (groups C, B, PP), biostimulants (aloe preparations), nootropic drugs (piracetam). To correct mental disorders, different groups of drugs are used depending on the symptoms. For example, antipsychotics (sonapax, neuleptil) help with irritability and aggression, tranquilizers are used for anxiety (except, of course, when it is to them that addiction is formed, in such a situation, anxiety can be stopped with antidepressants with an additional anti-anxiety effect, for example, gerfonal, sinekvan) , with a decrease in mood, antidepressants (amitriptyline, paxil, fluoxetine) are indicated.

    After discharge from the hospital, maintenance therapy and regular follow-up with a narcologist or psychiatrist are of great importance. At this stage, psychotherapy is actively used - family, individual, group, behavioral, etc.

    Self-medication usually leads to disappointing results. There are no effective means to combat addiction in traditional medicine. Medicines that could be useful for substance abuse are potent and without a doctor's prescription, confirmed by a prescription, most likely they will not be able to be purchased. But even if such an opportunity presents itself, then unauthorized use of drugs will do more harm than good. There is a risk not only not to get rid of substance abuse, but also to become dependent on another drug, in addition to the existing one - then we will talk about polytoxicomania (or polydrug addiction), and this condition is very difficult to treat. If the patient is focused on treatment with herbal preparations, then, in agreement with the doctor, it is possible to use various sedative preparations in addition to the main treatment, for example, as a sleeping pill (melissa, mint, valerian, etc.).

    When substance abuse reaches such a level that the patient completely drops out of society, then, in addition to treatment, rehabilitation is also necessary. Rehabilitation measures may include sessions with a psychologist, psychotherapist, social worker, assistance in finding employment.

    Complications of substance abuse

    With a complex effect on the disease and the cooperation of the patient himself and his relatives with the doctor, the prognosis for substance abuse is better than for drug addiction. In many cases, it is possible to achieve almost complete recovery and good social adaptation. But if you do not seek help in time, the consequences of substance abuse can be severe. This is the strongest poisoning, and death as a result of an overdose. For adolescents who abuse volatile organic solvents, there is a real danger of acquiring dementia for the rest of their lives. With a long experience of substance abuse, the body wears out - chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system, respiratory organs, liver, and nervous system appear. Therefore, it is important to recognize substance abuse as soon as possible, and ideally try to avoid this problem.

    Prevention of substance abuse

    Properly organized leisure time for school-age children, trusting relationships with parents, and for adults, avoiding self-medication, especially insomnia, irritability, anxiety, helps to reduce the likelihood of developing addiction.

    Psychiatrist Bochkareva O.S.

    psychological reasons. The desire to become independent and independent from adults encourages adolescents to do things that are forbidden to them or cause discontent. Because of the desire to become an adult, adolescents easily succumb to various negative influences, including substance abuse;

    social reasons. Most often, teenage substance abuse affects dysfunctional families, and those families in which a liberal parenting style is used. In such families, the life of adolescents is not controlled in any way, it is left to chance. A lot of free time, as well as ignorance and inability to occupy oneself with the necessary business leads teenagers to boredom. Because of this, they are forced to spend their time in street companies, where the first attempts at substance abuse mainly occur.

    Other reasons. Teenage substance abuse has other causes as well, such as intense curiosity, a desire to experience new sensations, and a desire to keep up with their peers.

    Treatment for substance abuse

    Substance abuse treatment is carried out in a hospital (psychiatric or narcological) and on an outpatient basis. The treatment process consists of several stages. At the beginning of treatment, intoxication is removed and the withdrawal syndrome is eliminated. The main treatment is to restore impaired somatic functions, eliminate mental disorders, normalize the psychological state and suppress the symptoms of mental dependence. At the final stage of treatment, anti-relapse therapy and rehabilitation measures are carried out.

    To relieve intoxication, together with conventional detoxification agents (blood substitutes, glucose, vitamins), nootropic drugs are used in large doses. The most commonly used nootropil has a strong antihypoxic and detoxifying effect. With very strong intoxication, hemosorption, forced diuresis, hemodialysis are indicated.

    Treatment of substance abuse caused by the use of sedative or hypnotic drugs, in particular barbiturates, is carried out without forced diuresis, during such treatment the dose of drugs is gradually reduced (by 10% daily). If this condition is not observed, severe withdrawal symptoms can be provoked. In the event of psychosis, neuroleptic drugs, tranquilizers are prescribed, and symptomatic therapy is also carried out. Antipsychotics are used to correct behavioral deviations and suppress strong cravings for psychoactive drugs.

    - this is the abuse of various chemical, biological and medicinal drugs that are not included in the list of narcotic drugs. However, substance abuse and drug addiction are common concepts. Glues, varnishes, fuels and other chemicals can be addictive and addictive just like drugs.

    When substance abuse develops, mainly mental dependence, less often - physical. Mental and somatic disorders and personality changes are observed. It is impossible to name a single reason for the development of substance abuse. Of great importance in the fact that a person becomes a drug addict is the specificity of the individual:

    • passivity;
    • infantilism;
    • emotional instability;
    • dependence on others;
    • demonstrativeness.

    The social aspects of such a widespread phenomenon as substance abuse are also important - a low level of education and professionalism due to a lack of interest in study and work; lack of spirituality and lack of ideas of youth, inability to organize their leisure. Defects in education and a low level of health education, the surrounding microenvironment and an unfavorable situation in the family also affect such bad habits as substance abuse, smoking and drinking.

    Drug addicts inhale solvent fumes to produce hallucinations similar to dreams. They can be not only pleasant, but also disturbing, but always bright and colorful. Often drug addicts form small groups to participate in the same dream together.

    Substance abuse in teenagers

    Substance abuse as a social problem in our time is extremely acute. It is especially alarming that child substance abuse has become the most widespread. In adolescence, the likelihood of involvement in various addictions is very high, since adolescents are characterized by curiosity for the unknown, increased susceptibility, weak will and lack of self-criticism.

    Most often, substance abuse occurs in adolescents for the following reasons:

    1. Psychological. The desire to be independent and do what adults forbid. It is the desire to be adults that makes adolescents easily amenable to negative influence;
    2. social reasons. Teenage substance abuse most often affects dysfunctional families or families with a liberal parenting style. When a teenager's life is not controlled, he has a lot of free time. The inability of a teenager to occupy himself with useful work leads to boredom. Then he goes outside to spend time in the company of peers, and there most often the first attempts to turn to toxic substances occur.
    3. Other reasons- the desire to keep up with peers, curiosity to experience new sensations.

    To get drugged, teenagers use readily available, cheap household chemicals, solvents, nitro paints, synthetic adhesives, and stain removers. Already a few inhalations of the vapors of such a drug leads to an intoxicating effect. The dose of inhaled toxins depends on the substance used, the depth of inhalation and the inhalation delay.

    In intoxication, which occurs when inhaling psychoactive drugs, there are three phases:

    1. It is similar to alcohol intoxication - there is a rise in mood, a pleasant noise in the head, pleasant warmth and relaxation spread through the body. In this phase, awakening the drunk is quite simple. If the inhalation of toxic substances continues, the turn of the second phase comes.
    2. The phase of carelessness and lightness. It is characterized by increased gaiety, with a desire to laugh and sing. Many adolescents limit themselves to this phase for fear of worsening their condition. If you continue to inhale toxins, the third phase of drug intoxication will begin.
    3. It is characterized by auditory and colorful visual hallucinations, the so-called "cartoons". Drug intoxication in this phase can last approximately 2 hours. After the end of this phase, the adolescent develops lethargy and loss of strength, and depression of mental functions is observed.

    Types of substance abuse

    There are several types of substance abuse. They depend on what substance the person inhales.

    Gasoline substance abuse

    Substances that cause narcotic intoxication in gasoline are toluene, benzene and xylene. The process goes like this: a drug addict wets a cloth with gasoline and inhales gasoline vapors for 10 minutes. This chemical irritates the respiratory tract, causing a sore throat and cough. Then there is reddening of the face, increased heart rate, dilated pupils, impaired coordination of movements and speech, gait becomes shaky. The next stage of the action of gasoline vapors is the onset of euphoria, which, with continued inhalation of toxins, leads to a mental disorder - delirium, accompanied by hallucinations and delirium.

    If at this stage the inhalation of gasoline vapors stops, then after 20-30 minutes the narcotic dope recedes, but there is a headache, lethargy, apathy, irritability, and can be very sick. These symptoms persist for quite some time.

    Substance abuse with acetone

    This type of toxic intoxication is characterized by severe hallucinations, but, unlike other types of substance abuse, they appear much faster. Almost immediately after inhaling acetone vapors, the drug addict feels a slight euphoria, against which hallucinations occur, and disorientation in time. This type of substance abuse causes very colorful hallucinations, mostly of a sexual nature. A teenager during such intoxication sits with his head down and half-closed eyes, I do not react to the environment in any way.

    If the inhalation of acetone vapor continues for a long time, it can lead to coma. When getting out of intoxication in this case, the teenager develops complete apathy, severe weakness, nausea, vomiting, irritability.

    Glue substance abuse

    In this type of substance abuse, certain types of adhesives are used. Glue is poured into a plastic bag and then put on the head. This is dangerous because in a state of narcotic dope, teenagers are not able to remove the bag from their heads, and die of suffocation.

    At the initial stage of inhalation of glue vapors, a slight euphoria occurs, which is replaced by hallucinations. After getting out of intoxication with toxins, a teenager is haunted by weakness, headache, nausea, and vomiting.

    Substance abuse with nitro paint solvents

    Inhalation of solvent vapors for nitro paints causes a disorder of consciousness, increased mobility, a sharp change in the state of ecstasy with incredible anger. If inhalation continues, delirium develops, accompanied by visual and auditory hallucinations. At the same time, the teenager feels lightness in the body and elation, which disappear after a while, and they are replaced by severe weakness and headache, nausea and vomiting.

    The harm of substance abuse of any kind is that it causes serious disorders in the body of adolescents. With prolonged substance abuse - for 1-2 years - irreversible changes occur in the brain and organs of the patient. Teenage drug addicts become feeble-minded people.

    Unfortunately, teenage drug addiction with gas, or rather, components of domestic liquefied gas, has also become widespread. Fatal cases have been recorded. Adolescents use Chinese-made 550 ml metal gas cartridges for inhalation containing liquefied propane and butane.

    Signs of substance abuse

    Symptoms of substance abuse depend on the type of substance inhaled, the duration of inhalation and the timing of this bad habit. At the initial stage of substance abuse, 3-5 breaths of toxin lead to a buzz in the head, tears and salivation, slight dizziness, and a sore throat. There is dilated pupils, difficulty in concentrating and a decrease in the reaction to any external factors. This state usually lasts 10-15 minutes. Then there are headaches, nausea and vomiting, intense thirst, a sweetish taste is felt in the mouth.

    When substance abuse progresses, the consequences of inhaling toxic substances are expressed by psychomotor agitation and psychosensory disorder. The sounds heard in the head of the drug addict are repeated, turning into an inexhaustible echo.

    Long-term drug addicts show signs such as dramatic weight loss, brittle hair and nails, puffy face, sallow complexion, and dry skin. Teeth are affected by caries, and in places of contact with a toxic substance, scars and suppurations are visible on the skin. The personality of the patient changes, and it immediately catches the eye.

    The diagnosis of "substance abuse" is established when the patient has several symptoms at once. It:

    • an irresistible desire to take a narcotic substance;
    • the appearance of a goal to increase the dose of a toxic drug;
    • the presence of mental and physical dependence on the drug.

    Treatment and prevention of substance abuse

    Drug addiction and substance abuse - their consequences are very dangerous for human health and life, so these problems need to be disposed of as decisively as possible. One of the ways to return people to a normal life in society is the treatment of drug addiction and substance abuse.

    Substance abuse treatment is carried out either on an outpatient basis or in a hospital - psychiatric or narcological, where the patient undergoes several stages of treatment. First of all, the intoxication of the body is removed from the patient, then the withdrawal syndrome is stopped. The next step is the normalization of the mental state of the patient, the suppression of the symptoms of mental dependence, the resumption of impaired somatic functions. The final stage of the treatment of substance abuse is the rehabilitation of the patient, which is carried out through anti-relapse therapy and rehabilitation measures.

    The fight against substance abuse is impossible without developing a negative attitude towards psychoactive drugs in the patient. To do this, doctors hold group discussions where they tell patients about substance abuse as a serious chronic disease. Psychotherapists also develop in patients the installation on the complete rejection of any psychoactive substances, and also teach them how to behave in critical situations when there is a high risk of resuming the use of toxic drugs.

    Prevention of drug addiction and substance abuse is an important task of modern society. It should be carried out jointly by state and public organizations, educational institutions and families. The main responsibility for the future of the younger generation falls on the shoulders of parents and teachers, but it is impossible to protect a child from society. Therefore, the main measures for the prevention of drug addiction and substance abuse should be carried out in places of leisure for the population, educational institutions, rehabilitation centers for social and treatment-and-prophylactic areas, enterprises and other organizations and social infrastructures.

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    What does it even mean substance abuse? By its definition, it is a physical dependence on various substances, among the properties of which one can note high toxicity, rapid volatility (in most cases), as well as rapid addiction.

    It is believed that substance abuse is a priority "hobby" for many drug addicts for the reason that substances for use are sold in almost any store. That is, as with alcoholism , it is easy for a person to maintain their addiction by simply going to the store and buying what they need.

    Initially, substance abuse began to manifest itself at the end of the 19th century (there was evidence of poisoning with various substances of chemical origin), however, unlike opium addiction , which most often ended in death. It acquired the status of a disease in the middle of the 20th century, when it was already known and identified main symptoms of substance abuse.

    What Substances Do Substance Addicts Use?

    As already mentioned, they can be bought at any store that has stationery. For example, glue and substances that evaporate quickly are very popular among young drug addicts. It could be ethyl and ammonia , as well as detergents, which, in combination with each other, can give a very unusual effect. It can start as a harmless desire to "be like everyone else" and then develop into a more serious stage.

    For example, with age, a drug addict can switch to something “stronger” than glue - to substances that have an even more detrimental effect on the body. These can be both highly toxic drugs and substances, and hard drugs ( heroin , crack cocaine , mescaline etc.). In this, substance abuse is similar to cocaine addiction . In the later stages of the disease, essential oils , and other substances of plant origin. Naturally, the higher the stage, the stronger the complications of substance abuse.

    Signs of substance abuse

    As a rule, it is quite easy to identify a person under the influence of toxic substances. Symptoms of substance abuse can appear at any time, the main thing is to determine the stage of the disease and the strength of toxic poisoning in a particular case in time.

    A person who is just starting to use toxins after a few breaths begins to feel dizzy, he walks unevenly, his legs are constantly tangled, in addition, his speech becomes incoherent, incomprehensible, and sometimes it is quite difficult to determine what he is talking about and whether he says anything in general, or just mooing.

    Also, when using toxins, people feel some sweetness in their mouths, they begin to feel nauseous, plus they are terribly thirsty. It should be noted that during the so-called parish» a person’s reaction slows down a lot, his body fills with lightness, and this person is filled with euphoria . In principle, what drug addicts experience when using substances can be divided into 3 stages.

    First stage these are 1-3 breaths of an inhalant, as a rule, they do not give any effect, except that a protective reaction begins to occur in the body of the person who inhales them. This is fraught with the fact that a strong heaviness appears in the head, manifests itself dizziness , nausea, often this all ends, since a person, in principle, can no longer inhale more. The substance is just beginning to penetrate the brain.

    Second phase- 4-6 breaths, the so-called "golden mean" in a drug addict, there is a noticeable improvement in mood, there is a slight dizziness, but everything around starts to look brighter, a person wants to constantly smile, jump, sing, laugh, and give joy to everyone around. An inexplicable clarity comes in the head, thought processes are accelerated. This indicates that the substance has already entered the brain, but its amount is not yet large enough to completely take over the psyche.

    Third stage- 6-8 breaths, a person practically does not control his body, he begins to lose touch with the outside world. When eyes are closed, hallucinations , and the perception of the surrounding world, as such, gradually disappears. Enchanting sensations are experienced, and reality is greatly distorted in the eyes of a person who is in a state of chemical intoxication.

    It is worth noting that such substances are quickly addictive for those who take them. Dependency can be like physical , and psychological . Over time, the drug addict needs an increasing number of breaths, he can spend a lot of time away from home, and gradually increase the dose.

    As a rule, the mental health of someone who uses chemicals is very much undermined. A person becomes aggressive, sometimes he has a period melancholy , his behavior becomes difficult to call adequate. Under the eyes most often bruises similar to those that occur with lack of sleep. The eyes themselves become red, as a rule, the redness persists even after the effect of the use of inhalants has disappeared.

    It should be noted that the human brain degrades under the influence of such substances, that is, the amount brain cells less and less with each inhalation. The skin changes color, most often turning pale, and begins to give blue. After prolonged use, muscles atrophy, sensitivity decreases, and the pain threshold may be exceeded. It is quite simple to determine the company of drug addicts, or to understand where they most often gather. A company of such adolescents is characterized by an abundance of profanity in speech, a wandering look, reddish whites of the eyes, as well as some slowness, or vice versa - activity in movements and also in speech.

    The place of collection of drug addicts is characterized by a persistent chemical smell (in enclosed spaces, basements) or scattered used tubes of glue, and cellophane bags. Often in such places you can also see beer bottles, or a lot of cigarette butts.

    Treatment for substance abuse

    The treatment of substance abuse is carried out as follows. The patient is admitted to the hospital drug treatment clinic, where his psyche is restored, he has to return the lost properties to the body. In parallel, drug treatment is carried out: substances are introduced that help to overcome the feeling of addiction to inhalants in the patient.

    If a patient with substance abuse was sent to the hospital on time, then success will most often be positive. However, one of the main complications of substance abuse is that the brain of a person who is subject to prolonged chemical exposure is destroyed, as a result of which the patient can commit acts that are completely inadequate, from the point of view of a normal person. With such a development of events, the patient will be sent for compulsory treatment to a psychiatric clinic, and then to a narcological clinic, in such cases, as a rule, the psyche can no longer be restored, and the person receives a lifelong status of a disabled person.

    Diagnosing substance abuse is itself a complex process, as it is possible that the person is simply suffering from chronic insomnia, for example, both have factors such as circles under the eyes, an untidy appearance, melancholy, and some detachment from what is happening. around.

    For the most part, substance abuse is a very common phenomenon among difficult teenagers from poor families, which, in principle, is not surprising. Purely for the reason that their peers, as a rule, already use such substances, they start using them simply on the advice of friends, and over time they really become drug addicts with a strong attachment to volatile substances, and do not even think about what is in this time happens with their body. First of all, it hurts a lot. mucous membrane , since it is through it that toxic vapors pass. However, the strongest impact is on the human brain, because, as already mentioned, those substances that enter it with the blood cause general degradation.

    While some see substance abuse as a "hobby" that can always be quit, the addiction it causes is seen as somewhat similar to addiction to cannabis drugs , which has some similar properties. It should be noted that any addiction that is caused by long-term use of illegal or toxic substances is quite difficult to overcome - the longer a person uses them, the more difficult it will be to get rid of this use in the future.

    The situation with substance abuse is completely identical to the situation with the use of any kind of drugs - addiction, a detrimental effect on the body, an undermined psyche, and also the inability to quit without the help of anyone.

    Separately, it is worth dwelling on such an issue as becoming a drug addict of a person from a normal family. Basically, such cases occur due to the fact that the beloved son fell under the influence of a bad company in which he was most likely persuaded to take a few breaths, simply taking it “weakly”. To prevent this from happening, parents should see who their son is talking to and, if possible, control his social circle.

    No matter how regrettable it may sound, but such a phenomenon as substance abuse came from the CIS countries, and at the moment it is in Russia that every year more and more schoolchildren begin to use inhalants.

    It should be noted that the largest number of drug addicts is among minors. Children, as a rule, begin to get involved in such things at the age of 11-13, although there are cases when children who were only 6-7 years old became drug addicts. Substance abuse at such a young age is caused by the fact that children were left on their own, most often they come from dysfunctional families or homeless children.

    In general, the diagnosis of substance abuse in children is carried out in almost the same way as in adults, with the exception of one but. It is easier for children to overcome addiction to drugs than adults. Basically, it all depends on the mood and desire of a person to overcome addiction, because, as you know, if a person does not want to help himself, then no one can help him in principle.

    As already mentioned, with some complications of substance abuse (in the case of a long period of inhalation), the human brain can be destroyed to the extent that the drug addict goes into a state of indifference to the world around him and his own health. The person will suffer from mental disorders or treat everything with melancholy.

    If you pay attention to adults and adolescents who are undergoing rehabilitation, then a more positive result can be expected from a teenager, with the right psychological approach, he can be convinced of the uselessness of substance abuse, as such, and show life from a different angle, more positive than the one to which he is accustomed to, as a result of which he will have ambitions, plans, and dreams, and substance abuse will be forgotten like a bad dream.

    It can also be added that, in its essence, substance abuse as a social phenomenon can testify to a lot. For example, in the CIS countries, substance abuse is a common phenomenon, given that substance abuse is mainly carried out by teenagers, it follows from this that they come from dysfunctional families, and, accordingly, helps to calculate the poverty rate in the selected region, locality, or country. It will also help to understand the number of difficult teenagers.

    Substance abuse at school

    Among young people with toxin addiction, many go to high school, middle school, and in some cases even low school. For such children, it is common to take several inhalations at school. For example, if he is bored in class, he will ask you to leave, go to the toilet, take a few breaths from the bag containing glue, and return back to the lesson. It will be possible to recognize it by an uneven gait, an absent facial expression, or simply by a characteristic chemical smell. He will most likely either be melancholy and not be able to react to anything. Symptoms of substance abuse in schoolchildren can be completely opposite and are manifested by extreme excitement.


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