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Many motorists are interested in how to increase the engine power of their own car. Some dream of high speeds, others are fans of sports hobbies. There are many options to increase power while maximizing speed. The difference between them is in price and efficiency.

However, it is worth remembering that more power makes the car more "gluttonous", and this does not suit everyone. Therefore, making such a decision, you should carefully analyze each method separately, drawing the appropriate conclusions.

Power addition options

Reducing vehicle weight

To do this, heavy parts are replaced with analogues made of light, but very durable material. This method allows you to reduce fuel consumption, improve handling, increase dynamics. But, to the question of whether it is possible to improve engine functions thanks to it, the answer is unequivocal - no.

We install a filter with zero resistance

The most simple and inexpensive method applied to sports cars. The filter has maximum cleaning capacity and does not resist the passage of air. This speeds up its access to the combustion chamber, contributing to the efficient use of gasoline and a significant increase in engine power.

Thanks to the ability to carry out cleaning, the filter does not need to be replaced, which can significantly save the budget. True, this method does not allow to achieve a significant increase in power.

This is a really effective option that requires minimal investment. It consists in increasing the volume of the block cylinders by boring. Due to this, the connecting rods, as well as the pistons, are subject to changes.

This technique does not guarantee that the increase in power will justify the expected result. It is possible that with minor changes, fuel consumption will increase quite impressively.

We install sports counterparts to standard parts

Thanks to forged pistons, it is possible to significantly increase the load on the engine. Such an increase in engine power provides an opportunity to achieve the expected results, squeezing the maximum out of any unit.

But, at the same time, you will have to replace the brakes and the gearbox (gearbox), which need to be adapted to new loads. The advantages of this technique include maintaining fuel consumption within the same limits, as well as increasing the operating period due to the use of quality parts.

ECU reprogramming (electronic control unit)

Almost all cars with injection engines are equipped with a control unit with a specific work program. Despite a number of restrictions put forward by the ECU to the specific characteristics of the engine, they can be successfully bypassed.

Programmers have their own way of doing this, allowing them to introduce new parameters into the car's "brain". Thanks to computer technology, such chip tuning gives effective results.

It is not recommended to carry out such a procedure on your own. This can lead to a program failure that can disable the unit. This work should be done by professional programmers!

Replacing the exhaust pipe

Interested in how to increase engine power, it is worth paying tribute to this not quite standard technique. It is able to add about 15% to the maximum power at an insignificant cost, it consists in installing a direct-flow pipe to the exhaust system.

This helps to reduce the resistance of the outgoing gases, which significantly speeds up the movement. Thanks to this, the engine's energy costs for exhaust gases are reduced and redirected to efficient acceleration of the crankshaft. The retribution for such pleasure will be unpleasant noise and too dirty exhaust, polluting the surrounding air.

Installing nitrous oxide

Many filmgoers are familiar with a substance called nitrogen. The cylinder installed in the machine is activated, which gives a significant acceleration. True, not for long. This technique is extremely simple, but the short duration of action and the high cost of the components are a significant drawback.

Ways to increase engine power include installing a turbocharger. Passing through the turbine, the exhaust gases are accelerated by a specialized fan that pumps large volumes of air to the combustion chamber. The stronger the driver accelerates, the number of revolutions will increase faster, which is quite strongly felt.

True, this will have to use a more reliable cooling system. Despite the fact that installing a turbine is quite an expensive pleasure, it will help to significantly increase the potential of the engine with your own hands. The disadvantages include the increased "voracity" of the car.

Despite the seeming simplicity of tuning a gasoline engine, it is advisable to entrust the work to specialists from the car maintenance industry. After all, structural changes in the power unit are a serious improvement that can affect numerous parameters. If performed incorrectly, there is a risk of accelerated wear of the chassis, as well as the transmission.

Speeding up a diesel engine

From gasoline engines, diesel engines are fundamentally different in the technology of combustion of mixtures, which are first set on fire with the help of electrical discharges. In diesel engines, the strongest detonation occurs after powerful compression.

This property does not allow applying some of the listed methods to them, since the diesel engine becomes unsuitable for upgrades. Given this, the cost of improvements will be much higher.

The features of the modernization of diesel engines include the following.

  1. All modern diesel units provide for the presence of a turbine in the design. Therefore, modernization consists in replacing it with a more powerful one.
  2. The finalization of the cylinder head, as well as the start-up, is replaced by the installation of improved fuel supply systems, among which CommonRail is quite popular. This is a rather expensive type of tuning, but effective.
  3. Chip is applied in the same way.

Diesel engines with their intake system have more complex devices than gasoline engines. Therefore, you should not expect a super increase in power without a professional engineering approach. However, the cost of the upgrade is so high that many motorists prefer to buy a car with more power.

A budget option

If you wish and have the opportunity to increase engine power, you should turn to the help of professionals in a specialized tuning studio. If you have an equipped garage, you can achieve improvements yourself, but this will require certain knowledge and professional skills.

After all, there is a considerable difference between an old-fashioned penny and a modern expensive car, and without the appropriate skills, you can not improve performance, but harm the car.

If you remember how long ago diagnostics were done, candles, filters, as well as liquid were changed, space investments will not be required to increase power. By cleaning the throttle, checking the compression of the engine, cleaning the intake, you can significantly increase the dynamics of the car by increasing the power. Fuel quality is also of great importance.

Possible consequences

For units that have received changes, the resource is significantly reduced. Therefore, frequent diagnostics and installation of expensive parts will be required. Having compared the desires with the possibilities and assessed the cost of the upcoming modernization, perhaps the best option would be to purchase a new car with a more powerful engine.

Serious improvements entail increased fuel consumption. This should also be taken into account when deciding on tuning.


An increase in the working volume of the engine is carried out by replacing the crankshaft or by boring (diameter) of the cylinders. As power increases, traction also increases. The method is applicable to almost any, but leads to a drop in engine efficiency and an increase in consumption.

An increase in the compression ratio is achieved by milling the bottom plane of the cylinder head, installing pistons with a more convex top or a modified camshaft. Allows you to increase the efficiency of the engine, increase power and reduce. On the other hand, after this upgrade, it is necessary to use higher quality gasoline with a higher octane number.

Chip - changes the program of work of the electronic control unit, increasing engine power. When applying chip tuning, all limiters (power, speed, revolutions) are removed. Chip tuning programs aimed at increasing power and torque neglect environmental friendliness, economy and engine life. "Easy" chip tuning programs have almost no drawbacks, but give a small increase in power due to the elimination of errors in serial versions of the software.

You can reduce the resistance to the flow of incoming air by installing an air filter of zero resistance, altering the throttle body, boring and grinding the intake manifold, replacing valves with valves with an increased diameter and boring air channels. Other than the relative high cost of the process and the weak effect of increasing power, there are no disadvantages.

Reducing the resistance to the flow of exhaust gases is achieved by installing a special exhaust system with pipes of increased diameter and exhaust manifolds with a minimum number of bends.

Installing a turbocharger (compressor) on a car allows you to increase the amount of fuel mixture burned in the cylinders by supplying it under increased pressure. A very effective and common car tuning tool: many automakers have launched the production of compressors and turbines for their models. Disadvantages: loss of resource, especially on engines that were not originally designed for the installation of supercharging (compressor). In addition, a turbocharged engine is more demanding on the quality of fuel and oil, and has increased fuel consumption.

Installation of an intercooler - an intercooler of the supplied air. The cooled air is compressed, allowing slightly more air to enter the cylinders as part of the fuel mixture. It is installed in tandem with turbocharging and complements it, enhancing the positive effect of the application.

Lightening the mass of moving parts of the engine leads to an increase in power by reducing energy losses to set the engine parts in motion. To do this, pistons, connecting rods and valves are changed to similar ones made of lighter alloys.


If you are interested in tuning to increase the power of a car, do not forget that often buying a more powerful car can be cheaper than serious tuning. In addition, tuning the engine alone does not allow the car to realize the increased power. As a result, you will have to redo the chassis, transmission, suspension, etc. At such costs, buying a more powerful car will be more justified in terms of cash costs.

Useful advice

An increase in engine power must be preceded by an engineering and mathematical calculation. In its absence, the installation of additional devices on the engine may lead to a deterioration in the parameters of efficiency and resource without increasing power. Contact specialized firms with experience in engine tuning, as well as qualified specialists and appropriate equipment.
It is possible to independently increase engine power only by using kits produced by manufacturers designed for self-installation on an engine or its specific type.


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How to increase engine power. Methods for increasing engine power

Publisher: PONCHIK

Introduction ................................................ ................................................. ....

Cylinder block................................................ ............................................

Cylinder head ............................................................... .........................

Camshaft and valve train .......................................................

Intake manifolds................................................... ...............................

Carburetors ................................................................ .........................................

Ignition system................................................... .................................

Exhaust system and exhaust manifolds ..............................................


In our time, with rising fuel prices, there are still enthusiasts who seek to create forced engines. To increase power, additional fuel is needed, and the faster the car goes, the more fuel it needs.

However, power and economy are not always mutually exclusive. With the right parts and careful tuning, both engine performance and fuel efficiency can be improved.

Automotive designs are full of various compromises. Automotive engineers must take into account the large tolerances in the assembly process, technological capabilities, the desired octane number of fuel, the formation of deposits, wear, lack of necessary and regular maintenance, and, at the same time, achieve the lowest possible cost of the assembly.

Standard cars and light trucks are designed to strike a balance between short daily commutes within the city and high speed driving on the highway. Engines and transmissions are optimized primarily for low and medium speeds, not high speeds.

Engines can be thought of as air pumps that mix fuel and air and produce power through a combustion process. If something can be done that increases airflow through the engine (assuming the fuel system is capable of supplying enough fuel in the right proportions), then engine power is increased. Other ways to improve engine power and/or economy are to reduce weight, friction, and load.

Each engine is designed to work with the greatest activity in a certain speed range. The length and diameter of the inlet and outlet ports, intake and exhaust manifolds help determine the engine's power range. Long and small diameter exhaust and intake manifolds improve torque at the right rpm and reduce power at high rpm. Conversely, short channels with large sections improve power at high speeds.

The type and capacity of the intake and exhaust systems, camshaft design, valve springs and valve lifters, ignition system, cylinder heads, valve diameters, bore/stroke ratio are factory-selected to provide a good combination of economy, power, throttle response and low concentration exhaust gases. In addition, transmission characteristics, final drive ratio and tire diameter should also

be consistent with the movement and its characteristics.

For urban driving, high torque at low and medium revs is more suitable (more economical) than the theoretical maximum power at high revs. City driving engines that deliver high torque over a wide rev range provide more even power when accelerating the vehicle through gear changes than engines that deliver high maximum power over a narrow rev range.

Heavy vehicles with relatively small engines should have higher transmission ratios than light vehicles with relatively large engines Also, an engine in a heavy vehicle must be optimized to produce maximum torque in the low to mid range as it provides more torque to drive and acceleration of the car.

New cars and trucks have low final drive ratios, lock-up torque converters, and more gears in the gearbox for long mileage and engine response. One of the best ways to improve performance and economy at the same time on older vehicles is to install a transmission with a large number of forward gears and a differential with a different gear ratio. Quite often, parts from a car of later releases are suitable.

Most racing engines operate in a narrow high rpm range and do not need economy and high torque at low rpm. Many manufacturers of such engines are tempted to install a special "racing" camshaft or a large carburetor on a conventional engine. This increases the theoretical airflow capacity without changing the flow characteristics of other parts. Since the parts are not matched together, the incoming air velocity will decrease and the fuel will not mix properly with the air. The engine will no longer run in the optimum RPM range. This will cause the engine to "choke".

Torque, measured in newtons per meter (N*m), kilograms per meter (kgf*m) is a measure of the torque generated by a blower. Power is a measure of the work (energy) produced by an engine.

Engines produce the most power from a given amount of fuel at their maximum torque. This corresponds to the optimal speed incorporated in the design of the engine. Maximum power is achieved when the engine is spinning up to a speed that exceeds the most efficient. Maximum torque

torque is always reached at lower rpm than for maximum power. Power is increased when the gain gained from increasing RPM is balanced against the losses caused by operating at higher RPM than the engine parts are tuned for.

You can tell something about the engine from the data on its power. On a boosted engine, maximum power will usually be higher than maximum torque, and maximum power will be reached at relatively high rpm. As a rule, forced engines give out about 1 hp. With. by 16.0 cm3. For example, a standard hypothetical engine could have 4916 cc of displacement, maximum torque of 373 Nm at 3000 rpm, and 200 horsepower. With. at 4200 rpm. A forced version of the engine with the same displacement can have a torque of 330 N * m at 3800 rpm and a power of 325 hp. With. at 5600 rpm.

Before selecting parts for engine modification, you need to have a realistic idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat you want to achieve. Before starting work, the engine must be in good condition, otherwise it will soon fail on its own. Carefully check the condition of the engine. Make repairs if necessary, you can make modifications during the repair, which will be cheaper than doing it separately. Determine what power and torque your standard engine has and at what RPM it reaches its maximum value. Then determine at what speed the engine is running when the car is driving on the highway and what gear is engaged. If your car does not have a tachometer, temporarily connect a separate tachometer with long wires so that the tachometer can be pulled into the passenger compartment. To determine the final drive ratio, read the plate on the drive axle.

Special "chips" are designed for computer-controlled cars.

Long stroke crankshafts and oversized pistons can increase torque and power by increasing cylinder displacement.

After clarifying these data, it is possible to determine the methods of modification. Generally speaking, if you're modifying a car to run at higher RPMs and/or achieve a large increase in power, then be prepared to sacrifice a significant amount of fuel economy and reliability.

Some of the most popular ways to increase engine power are by turbocharging, nitrous oxide injection, or installing a different engine. Special literature is devoted to each of these methods, and a detailed review of them is beyond the scope of this publication.

Depending on the model and year of manufacture of the car, noticeable improvements in its performance can be achieved through careful tuning, changing the gear ratio, tire type, modifying the intake and exhaust manifolds, replacing the camshaft and improving the ignition system. Older vehicles are quite sensitive to such changes, which must be carefully planned and coordinated. The new computer-controlled models already have many of these changes, and these engines have better performance than their predecessors. Cars are so sensitive to change that even a change in tire diameter can affect the throttle response of their engine.

There are very few modifications that can be made to a computer controlled vehicle without degrading the exhaust gas performance. Some specialist firms produce intake manifolds, camshafts, exhaust systems, and computer "chips" that can increase the power of modern car engines. When buying, carefully read the instructions and determine the applicability of the computer to the modified engine.

If you are planning to rebuild your engine, there are some modifications you can make to the rebuild. When the engine is disassembled, cylinder heads, pistons, connecting rods, crankshaft and camshaft can be easily replaced. Modified cylinder heads can provide a noticeable increase in power at high revs. For engines operating in

In "soft" mode, high-quality processing of valves at three angles and the selection of inlet channels to the exhaust manifold will improve engine performance without compromising its throttle response and reliability. Older engines can be upgraded by adding hardened valve seats and special valves to allow the engine to run on low and unleaded gasoline. High compression pistons improve power and efficiency at all revs, but if the compression ratio exceeds about 9:1, high octane fuel is needed. Flat bottom pistons provide a better flame front in the combustion chamber than convex (concave) bottom pistons. Reinforced pistons are stiffer than cast pistons, however, cast pistons perform better under normal conditions.

Longer-stroke crankshafts, together with matching connecting rods and oversized pistons, can increase power without compromising low-end throttle response and torque. However, if you intend to build a high-revving engine, then this method is unlikely to suit us: long-stroke engines (with a large piston stroke) can limit the potential power at high speeds.

Before assembling the engine, go to the workshop and balance the parts - this will help to get extra power that does not require additional fuel.

We will discuss the pros and cons of replacing various parts and the impact of this replacement on other parts of the car. Usually if you replace one part, you must also change or replace other parts that work with them. Check the fuel consumption as well as the throttle response of the vehicle with a stopwatch before and after each modification to determine its effectiveness. For greater accuracy of measurements, carry out them in the same conditions and on the same road.

In this paper, we will try to limit ourselves to discussing modifications that can be done at home for a reasonable price without much time.

Why would a simple driver add power and improve the dynamics of a car. To add confidence when driving, for example when overtaking, and get a comfortable ride, especially in urban areas.

  1. The goal is to adjust the valve timing. The method requires a simultaneous change to another gasoline due to the increased risk of detonation.
  1. Simple and fast way. However, without software adaptation, the load on the internal combustion engine components increases. Another disadvantage is the increase in costs.
  1. Direct current installation. The goal is to reduce the resistance to the exit of exhaust gases. The engine spins up faster. Of the shortcomings, the sound changes, many do not like it. Pay attention to the quality of the forward flow that you put. If it is done incorrectly, the effect may not be.
  1. The predicted increase is 3-5% due to the optimization of the movement of exhaust gases. Ideally, a fine adjustment of the diameter of the pipes to be installed is required.
  1. Parts of light forging are used (MAMI, Mahle, etc.). The goal is to reduce mechanical losses during the operation of the internal combustion engine. The increase in engine power is minimal.

The most popular and easiest way. At the iron level, no changes are made. Only the software part changes - the ECU firmware that controls the operation of modern engines.

Benefits of chip tuning

How is the power chip tuning of the TLC Prado 150 with the USR turned off, look at the video from our partner:

How many horses will be added? Specific figures depend on the model, the installed engine, the condition of the machine. The average increase in power is:

  • for atmospheric engine up to 7-10%;
  • for gasoline with a turbine up to 15%;
  • for a diesel engine without a turbine up to 19%;
  • for a diesel engine with a turbine up to 30%.

An example of measurement after chip tuning Ford Focus 2 TDCI 1.8 l. 2011 manual transmission (red line - stock, green line - ADACT firmware; graph on the left - torque, graph on the right - power).

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Why would a simple driver add power and improve the dynamics of a car. To add confidence when driving, for example when overtaking, and get a comfortable ride, especially in urban areas.

TOP 8 ways to increase engine power

  1. Installing a crankshaft with an increased crank radius or boring cylinders. The volume of the engine becomes larger, the torque and power increase. Cons: Expensive and increases fuel consumption. It is required to be more attentive to car maintenance, since even a small detonation or water hammer can result in a major overhaul. On many modern cars, this method is not applicable, because the cylinder walls are thin.
  1. Installation of a modified camshaft. The goal is to adjust the valve timing. The method requires a simultaneous change to another gasoline due to the increased risk of detonation.
  1. Refueling with higher octane gasoline. Simple and fast way. However, without software adaptation, the load on the internal combustion engine components increases. Another disadvantage is the increase in costs.
  1. Installation of an air filter of "zero" resistance. Increases the supply of oxygen-air mixture and reduces the resistance to fuel movement at the inlet. Due to this, the compression ratio in the cylinder increases and the power increases by 1-3%. The increase is small, but the method is cheap.
  1. Direct current installation. The goal is to reduce the resistance to the exit of exhaust gases. The engine spins up faster. Of the shortcomings, the sound changes, many do not like it. Pay attention to the quality of the forward flow that you put. If it is done incorrectly, the effect may not be.
  1. Turbine installation on atmospheric engines. As a result, the level of oxygen in the fuel mixture rises sharply. The force of compression and explosion increases, and, accordingly, the power. This is one of the most effective ways, giving the greatest gain on aspirated. However, consider the high cost and technical complexity of the method. Carefully choose the professionals who will take the job.
  1. Installation of exhaust pipes with a modified diameter. The predicted increase is 3-5% due to the optimization of the movement of exhaust gases. Ideally, a fine adjustment of the diameter of the pipes to be installed is required.
  1. Installation of lightweight connecting rods or pistons. Parts of light forging are used (MAMI, Mahle, etc.). The goal is to reduce mechanical losses during the operation of the internal combustion engine. The increase in engine power is minimal.

Chip tuning and power increase

The most popular and easiest way. At the iron level, no changes are made. Only the software part changes - the ECU firmware, which controls the operation of modern engines.

Cons of increasing power with chip tuning

  • It is not recommended to do it yourself;
  • You need to be more careful about the quality of fuel;
  • When switching to E2, CO emissions will increase.

Benefits of chip tuning

  • Engine torque and power will increase, especially when the catalyst or particulate filter is turned off at the same time;
  • The gas pedal will respond faster compared to the stock firmware;
  • The turbo lag on engines with a turbine will disappear;
  • Improved performance on a cold engine, idling and when the air conditioner is on;
  • Does not affect the engine life during civil tuning;
  • No problem passing inspection.

Chip tuning in terms of price-power increase is the best option. Additional benefits: efficiency and the ability to roll back to stock firmware. ADACT guarantees a refund within 10 days after chip tuning, if the results seem insufficient.

An increase in engine power can be achieved in various ways. Some of them involve software reprogramming or manipulation of the motor itself. All options deserve attention and can be used to refine existing engines. Most of the methods also help to significantly save on fuel and keep the fuel system efficient for a long time. Most often, gasoline engines are modified, but some diesel engines can also be improved by analogy.

Chip tuning

Upgrading the engine with the help of chip tuning is one of the most requested services. The low price of the equipment, combined with its practicality and reliability, make it a leader in its industry. Chip tuning is performed using special instruments that allow you to accurately identify indicators that favorably affect the operation of the engine. If you adjust the operation of the engine incorrectly, this can lead to serious consequences. Among the advantages of chip tuning it is worth noting:

  1. Improved overclocking performance. Such a car accelerates much faster, which is appreciated by lovers of “sinking” the gas at a traffic light.
  2. Power gain. On average, chip tuning allows you to increase the power of the car up to 25%. The indicators depend on the year of manufacture of the car, its model and engine modification.
  3. Increase in speed. Due to the fact that the motor runs more briskly, the car can accelerate 10-20% faster.
  4. Reducing fuel consumption.

Since chip tuning usually affects the performance of the entire car, it will take some time to get used to the new motor. In 2-3 weeks, the driver learns all the new nuances of the engine and gets used to them. After upgrading the engine, low-quality fuel can no longer be poured into the fuel system.

Foreign impurities contained in the fuel can cause serious damage to the power unit.

Increasing the volume of the engine

This procedure involves making changes to the design of the engine itself. The motor is bored and pistons with a large diameter are mounted. It is possible to increase engine power by boring only in specialized services, since a small mistake can cause a complete failure of the motor. Most often, for these purposes, they resort to the services of private traders, but recently such a service has become in demand in certified centers.

The installation of new heads on the cylinder block provides a better air flow, which improves the quality of fuel combustion in the engine. The car starts to behave a little differently, so it may take time to get used to the updated characteristics of the car. For a more harmonious and comfortable movement, you may need to install spoilers or body kits.

If a turbine was not initially installed on the car, then mounting the part will be an excellent solution for a significant increase in engine power. Turbocharged internal combustion engines have a longer service life, but they do not consume as much fuel as conventional ones. The installation of new elements in the fuel system can significantly increase the power of the machine, but at the same time creates an additional load on all parts of the vehicle.

Turbocharged engines are characterized by complete combustion of the fuel mixture in the cylinders, due to which much less soot and products remain inside the engine after the task is completed. Also, turbocharged engines are more environmentally friendly and emit less harmful components.

This is one of the easiest ways, since it does not require alteration of the power unit. Initially, the machine may contain heavy parts that have minimal functionality. First of all, the entire interior is dismantled. After carrying out noise and vibration isolation, there is no need for massive and heavy rugs. Replacing the base seats with sports ones will significantly reduce the weight of the car, but at the same time make the ride more comfortable. Other benefits include:

  1. Manageability improvement. Due to the low weight, the machine is easier to control even in difficult weather conditions. If you install good tires on the car, then the car can easily pass even on difficult soils and deep snow.
  2. Improving patency. Light vehicles move more easily on sand or snow, so outdoor recreation has become more accessible even for small cars.
  3. Improvement of dynamic properties. Dismantling and installation of new elements on the body makes it possible to use natural forces more efficiently.

In general, it is possible to achieve a reduction in the weight of passenger cars by 200-300 kg, but this result may be caused by a decrease in the safety of movement by car.

The part is installed mainly on sports cars, but it can also be mounted in a passenger car. The maximum purification provided by the filter allows air to enter the chamber in the required volume in a very short period. The accelerated entry of air improves the combustion of the fuel mixture and makes the engine more efficient. The increase in power will not be very high, but the advantage of the filter is the absence of the need for constant cleaning.

Practice shows that a direct-flow exhaust system can increase engine power by up to 15%. The main disadvantage of the system is its constant noise. This problem is difficult to get rid of, so drivers who value silence should abandon this type of tuning. An exhaust pipe without a resonator is able to reduce the resistance of the exhaust gases, so that the engine does not waste energy on the output of the gaseous mixture. The released energy is redirected to the crankshaft, due to which it rotates much faster.

Many movies about cool cars mention such a substance as nitrous oxide. The substance burns well, so the engine power on this mixture increases many times over. The installation of nitrous oxide is very expensive, so it is not advisable to use it on passenger cars. Even with the correct operation of the installation, its use is unsafe, so you should not consider the option as a constant gain.

The performance of the unit also depends on which gasoline or diesel is poured into the engine. If the car manufacturer recommends pouring 92 gasoline, then filling fuel under the A95 or A98 brand will significantly increase engine power.

Car refueling should be carried out only in those places where high-quality fuel is poured, which has all the supporting documents.

There are no such divisions in a diesel engine, but refueling at proven stations will allow you to fill in high-quality fuel that will correspond to the declared parameters. In winter diesel there are special additives that ensure the safety of fuel in a liquid state even at a temperature of -20 degrees. There are also other additives that help make the fuel more energy efficient. In the case of a diesel engine, the main thing is not to overdo it with the use of additive formulations.

Where is the best place to refurbish?

Announcements about increasing the power of the car can often be found on billboards, in newspapers, on car service websites. Many small workshops offer to change the engine, but quite often there is a situation when they do not have the right tool or qualifications. Experienced craftsmen will rarely work in small workshops that have a minimum of equipment.


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