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Motorists think about the practicality of maintenance and operation of units last. And in vain, because it is the practicality of the constituent modules that determines their continuity to non-standard situations.

Pull-pull: is it possible to tow a broken car with an automatic gearbox over certain distances

One of the unusual incidents is towing. This is a kind of ceremony: the car-assistant with the help of a "tie" pulls the car, in which the emergency light blinks. It is definitely good if the faulty car is equipped with mechanics - he poked the neutral wheel and, in agreement with the leader, pulled it for the required number of kilometers. With a car equipped with an automatic machine, it will not work that easily.

For example, towing a car with an automatic transmission and with an inoperative engine is prohibited in most cases. The reason for this is the capricious lubrication system. If on the "mixer" the gears are constantly in an oil bath, then the insides of the automatic transmission are lubricated exclusively under the pressure of the oil pump. The work of the latter is possible only when the motor is on.

So it turns out that with a deactivated internal combustion engine, the standard design of such a box works almost dry! Hence - embarrassing incidents in the form of damage to the working surfaces of the rims or the wedge of the gear wheels. However, some manufacturers take this point into account by displaying a tolerance for this type of operation in a standard font or b / w picture in the manual.
It is not prohibited to put a car in tow on an automatic machine with a running power plant. However, you need not to overdo it - the repair will many times exceed the cost of the tow truck. However, such transportation will not turn into disastrous consequences if the basic rules are followed:

  1. The intensity of movement should not cross the threshold of 40 km / h.
  2. The distance traveled without a long rest is no more than 40 km.
  3. The travel mode is calm and as smooth as possible.

Competent towing of a car with an automatic transmission with an inoperative engine with the same type of car: tips

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Often a very expensive car becomes a donor, for example, or in the popular way - "cube". Despite the German strength of the gear change mechanism, it can be ruined in one march with the "trailer". This is possible by ignoring the strict charter, part of which is set out in the three paragraphs above. The recipe only needs to be expanded a little:
  • Fast acceleration using the kick down mode is prohibited.
  • Automatic gear shifting is not allowed - only manual mode.
  • Moving with overdrive is not recommended.
  • Driving in higher gears is not allowed.

In the process of thinking about the nuances of towing, the question often arises whether it is possible to tow a car with an automatic transmission in mode D. The answer is a categorical "no", pull only on "N". Where does this interest come from? And here is what it is caused by: the car, having broken down, remained in the driving position. Meanwhile, this is not an argument - you can safely go to neutral by holding down the lock button.

How to ensure smooth starting and soft acceleration on automatic transmission? It's simple - to use emulation of mechanics. On many machines this is done as : the lever is moved to the "+ -" zone and here, with light jerks of the selector back / forward, the low / high gear is activated. On old machines, the smooth acceleration procedure is performed by progressive switching of modes in the sequence "L", "2", "D". Working speed interval: 2,500-3,500 units per minute.

How to properly tow a car in principle

By focusing on technical issues, organizational issues are often overlooked by car enthusiasts. The first step is to look for a cable in the trunk, the carrying capacity of which is three times the weight of the car. At the same time, it is necessary to eliminate the uncertainty in the operation of the brakes and steering section by checking the whole thing.

For your information... It is not allowed to tow on a rope on ice. The maximum speed of the exercise is no more than 50 kilometers per hour.

It is necessary to agree in advance on the method of communication:

  • blinking "distant";
  • normal multiple signal;
  • a mobile phone switched to speakerphone mode.

It is also worth remembering that when the engine is deactivated, the brake vacuum cleaner, power steering and glass blowing do not work. Therefore, it is more difficult to control the towed vehicle. In the cold season, the glass fogging effect is also added, to compensate for which it is worth keeping a rag in the ergonomic zone.

Deliberate towing of a car equipped with an automatic transmission with an inoperative engine is unthinkable without knowing the key principles:
  • the cable must be bright and have signal flags;
  • cling the connecting link diagonally (this ensures smoothing of blows, transparent visibility, the wheel does not fall on the rope);
  • turn on the ignition so that the steering wheel blocker does not work;
  • activate "thank you" or hang the emergency triangle on the trunk.

The driver should readjust in advance and turn in the maximum arc, as the trailer always cuts the trajectory. When driving a faulty car, you need to monitor the tension of the cable: when it sags, slow down smoothly.

Briefly about the results

  • It is possible to tow a faulty car with an automatic machine, but only if its engine is turned on and the selector is switched to "neutral". In the case when the power plant does not work - refer to the instructions.
  • The maximum towing speed is 40 km / h, the maximum distance is no more than 40 km.
  • A car with an automatic machine is allowed to act as a tug, but only the control mode of its box should be switched to manual, and the movement process should be smooth.
  • Do not neglect the key basics of tandem movement and forget the traffic rules for this type of driving. It is imperative to agree on a way of communication between cars.

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Answer the question: "Is it permissible to tow a vehicle equipped with an automatic transmission?" you can read the instruction manual of the car. The vehicle manufacturer indicates the possibility of towing, and also describes the features of using vehicles with an automatic gearbox as a tug.

Automatic transmission.

Towing a vehicle with an automatic gearbox is allowed, but with some restrictions. It is necessary to tow a car with automatic transmission when the "neutral" is on. Even in this position, when the machine is moving, rotational movements are performed by the entire mechanism of the box. The transmission is not designed for this kind of load - this will lead to rapid overheating of the unit, it may even fail. Plus, the oil pump serving the automatic transmission performs its functions only when the power unit is running. If you drag a car with the engine turned off, the elements of the automatic box will work without the flow of the lubricant mixture, which is fraught with premature failure of the device.

Please note that cars equipped with an automatic machine and equipped with an all-wheel drive system are best transported using a tow truck, this is often indicated by the manufacturer in the vehicle operating instructions. The machine must be moved by raising the front or rear axle; using a hitch for transportation is undesirable.

It is allowed to use a car equipped with an automatic transmission in the role of a tug, if such a possibility is indicated in the vehicle manual. Many automatic transmissions are not designed for the additional loads that arise when using the machine as a towing vehicle.

Transporting the machine without risk

Rigid hitch option.

Automatic transmissions on various car models may have certain design features, therefore, the possibility of towing a car with an automatic transmission must be carried out taking into account the recommendations of the car manufacturer set forth in the vehicle operating instructions. Particular attention should be paid to:

  • the distance at which it is allowed to tow the car;
  • the speed at which this kind of transportation is carried out

The above parameters may differ significantly for different factories - machine manufacturers.

Cars equipped with a three-speed automatic gearbox are transported to a maximum distance of 25 km / h at a speed of 40 km / h. Transport with a four-speed (and more) automatic transmission can be dragged at a speed of 50 km / h over a distance of 50 km. If you need to cover a longer distance, then every 30 km the car is stopped and the transmission is allowed to cool down. Before you start towing a machine equipped with an automatic gearbox, you need to do the following:

  1. Add ATF mixture to the maximum mark to increase the amount of lubricant and protect the parts from overheating. Excess liquid after transportation must be drained, for this it is worth using the services of masters at the service station.
  2. Place the selector in neutral.
  3. Carry out transportation on a rigid hitch.
  4. Whenever possible, towing should be performed with the engine running, then there are no restrictions on the speed of movement and distance. With the engine off, towing is performed with certain restrictions.

Compliance with the rules for towing a car with an automatic transmission allows you to save the box in working order. A sudden movement of the car while towing can permanently damage the automatic transmission.

If towing is performed incorrectly, the following consequences are possible:

  • breakdown of the torque converter;
  • failure of the motor pumping oil in the box;
  • premature wear of the gears, this situation arises if you drag the machine with the selector turned on in position D.

Towing vehicle equipped with automatic gearbox

A car equipped with an automatic transmission in the role of a tug.

How to tow an automatic machine on a box? When starting transportation, read the manual for the car, it contains the speed, distance and tonnage with which it is allowed to use a car with an automatic gearbox as a tug. If it is not possible to read the instructions for the car, adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Use a rigid hitch for towing.
  2. The mass of the towed vehicle should be less than the mass of the vehicle acting as a tug.
  3. Position D of the automatic gearbox selector is inadmissible, manual mode and 2nd or 3rd gear are used. You should not include overdrive, because additional loads will be created. At lower rpm, the transmission heats up more slowly.
  4. The "leading" car should start off slowly and smoothly, move without sudden braking and jerking, any sudden movements can damage the automatic transmission.


It is permissible to tow a car equipped with an automatic gearbox in desperate situations when it is not possible to use the services of a tow truck. Towing such a car requires the driver to know the characteristics of his car, before starting transportation, it is worthwhile to familiarize himself with the manual for the car and adhere to the manufacturer's recommendations regarding the distance the vehicle can be towed, as well as the speed of its transportation. Violation of the restrictions regarding the speed and distance of towing can lead to overheating of the automatic transmission and its premature failure.

People are increasingly asking the current question. It is worth disassembling it in detail: "Why is it impossible to tow a car with an automatic transmission?", And also: "Why is it not recommended to tow a car with an automatic transmission?"

It is not advisable to tow a car with an automatic transmission. The automatic transmission is sensitive to overheating. In the case when the damage to the machine is not related to the gearbox, the breakdown of the "automatic machine" is ensured during towing.

This is due to the design features of the automatic transmission, which contains a cooling and lubrication system. They only work with the engine running. When towing a car with the engine turned off, the automatic transmission is experiencing a lack of lubrication; when towing, its mechanisms will work.

In view of this, the automatic transmission will fail. It is possible to tow at a speed of 50 km / h, at a distance of up to 50 kilometers, in a "neutral".

Let's move on to the second question: towing another car is not recommended for a car with an automatic transmission, as this is equated to difficult operating conditions. The main thing in this transportation is the ability to gently get under way.

There are several rules

  1. When towing, oil is consumed 1.5 - 2 times faster, it is better to check the oil level in advance.
  2. Use of transmissions other than the second and third is strictly prohibited!
  3. It is more correct if the weight of the towed vehicle is less than the weight of the towing vehicle.
  4. You need to go at a speed of 30-40 kilometers per hour.

In any of these cases, it is better to call a tow truck. After all, if the automatic transmission breaks down, it will be much more expensive.

An automatic transmission is a complex unit, the repair of which can cost a car owner a pretty penny. That is why many owners of cars with "automatic machines" completely refuse help when it comes to towing even over short distances.
Such a respect for the car, of course, is commendable, but it betrays a complete lack of understanding by the owner of the reasons for the restrictions set by the manufacturer for towing by cars with automatic transmission.
Meanwhile, at auto forums, to the question: "Is it possible to tow another car on an automatic machine?", As a rule, car owners - those who imagine at least in general terms the automatic transmission device, give a positive answer.

ATF cooling system of a car with automatic transmission

When the oil (ATF) is heated, its lubricating properties decrease and the friction between the automatic transmission parts increases.

The main reason for the special requirements for towing another machine on the "automatic" is the fact that the transmission oil in such a box plays the role of a working fluid that transfers torque from the engine to the transmission. In motion, the oil becomes very hot, as a result of which all its performance characteristics, including the ability to fully reduce friction between parts, are reduced.
That is why a radiator must be installed in the oil circuit to cool the ATF. In addition, modern cars with "automatic" have devices for monitoring the oil temperature - at least a control lamp warning of overheating of the liquid.

Towing another car on "automatic"

Improper towing. The weight of the towed car should not exceed the weight of the "tractor".

Supporting experienced car owners, let's say - on the "automatic" you can tow another car, but with the following precautions:

    Monitor the temperature of the oil in the automatic transmission. In modern "automatic machines" this function is performed by electronics and, when the oil overheats, it switches the automatic transmission into a safe mode of operation.

  • avoid sudden accelerations;
  • the mass of the towed car should not exceed the mass of the "tractor";
  • if the design of the gearbox provides for a choice of gears and driving modes, move in lower gears;
  • watch the temperature of the oil in the automatic transmission.

In later models of automatic transmissions, the selection of the safe mode of operation occurs automatically. This became possible thanks to the electronic "stuffing" of modern automatic transmissions, which actively reacts to changes in torque and load on the transmission, reducing the load on the planetary gears of the box. The owner of such a car is only required to change the oil in the unit on time.

Is it possible to tow a trailer with an automatic gearbox

Towing a trailer

When towing an automatic machine, you should move in lower gears, avoid sudden accelerations and difficult-to-pass road sections.

Of course, it is possible to tow a loaded trailer or other car on an “automatic” machine, but again you need to remember about the peculiarities of the automatic transmission lubrication system. After all, transmission oil for automatic machines not only lubricates the mechanism, but is also a working fluid that transfers torque and forces associated with gear shifting.
Therefore, with an increase in the load on the transmission, the fluid heats up faster and it is necessary to select such a driving mode so that the oil has time to cool down - move in lower gears (if the choice of the driving mode is provided, do not turn on any "Sport", etc.), avoid sudden accelerations and difficult to pass road sections.
In the service book of a car with automatic transmission, the rules for towing a trailer are always indicated, that is, to a possible question from the future owner of a car - "is it possible to tow a trailer on an automatic machine?" - a positive answer is indirectly given. As a recommendation - if you will often travel with a loaded trailer, install an additional oil cooler for ATF. The increased oil volume and cooling surface area provide additional insurance.
It is possible to tow another car on the machine if the mass of the towed car does not exceed the mass of the "tractor" and the car taken in tow has good brakes and steering.
How to tow another car on a machine (and not only on it) is regulated in sufficient detail by traffic rules:
- they are the same for everyone and do not prohibit towing a car with an automatic transmission to another car.

Traffic rules do not prohibit the automatic towing of the "machine".

If you have to "automatically", then to the general rules in this case, you can add the following:

    When towing over long distances, it is necessary to take breaks in movement - to cool the automatic transmission.

  • avoid towing long distances (over 30 km);
  • the travel speed should not exceed 30 - 40 km / h.

Such restrictions are due to the design features of automatic transmissions. In an automatic transmission, when driving in tow with an inoperative engine, the parts (bearings and gears) rotate practically without lubrication and can fail if overheated.
If you still have to tow the machine over long distances, you need to take breaks in motion - to cool the automatic transmission.

The same car owners who doubt whether it is possible to tow an automatic transmission on a box can be advised to at least superficially familiarize themselves with the automatic transmission device - common sense will tell them that they will not commit anything "criminal" with respect to the car if they are careful.

Consider different situations for towing or evacuating vehicles equipped with an automatic transmission.

The reason for the special towing of a car with automatic transmission

During towing (forced movement of the car on the road), all parts of the box work as usual. However, without the engine running, the lubrication of the parts does not take place, since the oil pump starts only with the engine running. As a result, the gears overheat, and the likelihood of failure of the entire automatic transmission is significantly increased.

Car evacuation with automatic transmission

If for some reason (be it an accident or an unforeseen breakdown) the car can no longer continue its movement, it needs to be evacuated or towed to the nearest technical service, an impound parking lot or its own garage.

Always refer to the vehicle manual

The most optimal solution would be to call a tow truck with the possibility of full loading onto the platform. Part-load tow trucks can contribute to automatic transmission failure.

Towing a car with automatic transmission

If you cannot use the services of a tow truck, there is always the option of self-towing.

Before proceeding with the towing, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the operating instructions for your vehicle. The fact is that, depending on the type and device of the automatic transmission, towing may be strictly prohibited or have important restrictions. In some cases, manufacturers recommend towing with the engine running (so that the oil pump works and the automatic transmission is cooled as usual).

How to Unlock the Towing Machine - Video

If the instructions are not at hand, and there is nowhere to get information on your model, remember the rule of the golden mean:

50*50*50 .

No more than 50 minutes of towing at a speed of no more than 50 km / h, no less than 50 minutes of downtime before the next transportation (to cool the box).

If we talk about the method of coupling, then the most preferable option would be a rigid coupling. This approach reduces the load on the automatic transmission due to the absence of jerks after stops or deceleration.

Rigid coupling for towing a car with automatic transmission

The lever must be moved to the "N" position. On some models it is not so easy - it may be necessary to press a special button or even influence the unit through special technical holes (the plug is removed and the inner lever is pressed with a long sharp object, which frees access to the "N" position).

Make sure that the automatic transmission oil level is normal.

If the tug is a car with automatic transmission

When towing another car, the automatic transmission receives an additional load, which means that its heating will increase and wear will increase.

Again, on this issue, first of all, you need to refer to the instruction manual for your car.

If this is not possible, then you must adhere to simple rules:

  1. The oil level in the box must not be lower than normal.
  2. The type of coupling to the towed vehicle is prioritized in favor of a rigid coupling.
  3. The mass of the towed vehicle should not exceed the mass of your car
  4. Optimal speed - 20-40 km / h
  5. The gear lever should be in position 2 or 3, but not in “D”.


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