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Objectives: 1. Coordination and clarification of ideas about the patterns of team formation based on the knowledge gained. 2. Development of the skills to apply the acquired knowledge in the conditions of trainings. 3. Development of communication skills for teamwork. 4. Designing an order for joint activities of a team type. Form of learning: Business game Learning model: Assessment - Teaching - Analysis - Exercise - Application

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Small groups are small associations of people (from 2-3 to 30 people) engaged in a common cause and in direct contact with each other.

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Characteristics of a small group

Psychological and behavioral community of its members Dynamism of development and vital activity of the group (from the phase of formation to the phase of disintegration) Moral and moral norms of the group Direct contact between members of the group Size of the group Composition of the group (individual composition) Moral and moral tone Direction of activity

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Classification of small groups

reference - non-referential natural - conditional underdevelopment - high development

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A TEAM is such a small group in which a differentiated system of various business and personal relationships has developed, built on a high moral foundation. Such relationships are usually called collectivist (a team of like-minded people).

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Team Requirements

Successfully cope with the tasks assigned to it Have high morals, good human relations Create for each of its members the opportunity for personal development Be capable of creativity. how a group can give people more than the sum of the same number of individuals working individually can give

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Team Signs

Availability: Manager and leader A certain system of relations in the group Conformity Moral values ​​and norms Communication channels Position and status Internal attitudes Role positions Composition

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Stages of team formation (A.G. Kirpichnik)

mutual orientation. This is the stage of low performance of the group (self-presentation, observation of other members of the group, understanding and selection of partner properties that are important for oneself). Emotional uplift. It is determined by the advantage of contacts animated by the novelty of the situation. Loss of psychological contact. It arises as a result of the beginning of joint activities, in which not only advantages, but also problems are found, hence the situation of mutual dissatisfaction. The rise of psychological contact. Associated with obtaining the results of joint activities, coordination in role functions that reveal the strengths of each team member.

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Structures of intragroup communication channels

Centralized (vertical): Frontal Radial Hierarchical Decentralized (horizontal, "communicative equality"): 4. Chain 5. Circular 6. Complete or unlimited structure of communication (there are no obstacles to free communication) Structures limited to varying degrees

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frontal structure

Participants are directly nearby and, entering into direct contacts, can see each other, which allows them to some extent take into account the behavior and reactions of each other in joint activities.

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Radial structure

Participants in the activity cannot directly perceive, see or hear each other and exchange information only through the "central person". This makes it difficult to take into account the behavior and reactions of others, but it allows you to work independently, fully revealing your own, individual position.

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Hierarchical structure

There are several (at least 2) levels of subordination, and some of them can directly see each other in the process of joint activity, and some cannot. Interpersonal communication is limited, communications can be carried out mainly between two adjacent levels of subordination. 3 3 3 1 2

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Chain variant of the structure

Interpersonal interaction is carried out, as it were, along a chain, where each of the participants, with the exception of the two extreme ones, interacts with two neighboring ones. Extreme positions interact with only one member of the group.

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circular structure

All members of the group have the same opportunities. The available information can be circulated among the members of the group, supplemented and refined. Participants in communication can directly observe each other's reactions and take them into account in their work.

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Full or unlimited structure

There are no barriers to free interpersonal communication. Each member of the group can freely interact with others.

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Positional roles in communication

The laws of communication presuppose the successive passage of the following positions: "Author" "Understanding" "Critic" "Organizer of communication" "Arbiter" Simple communication Complex communication OK A P K Arb

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Team roles

I option. Belbin's classification: "Chairman" - calm, self-confident, in control. "Supplier" - active, dynamic, tense, excited. "Man of the team" - socially oriented, affectionate, sensitive. "Clarifying" - extroverted, curious, sociable, enthusiastic. "Assessing" - serious, cautious. "Executor" - predictable, manageable. “Growing” is a creative individualist, not acceptable to everyone. Potential "chairman" of the new team.

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Team roles

II option. Craigan, Wright classification. “Assignment leader” - responsible for the execution of work. "Social-emotional leader" - creates a favorable atmosphere and encourages analysis in the group. "Neutralizer" - keeps the team in a good mood. "Delivering" - communicates with the necessary sources. "Main negative" - ​​evaluates ideas, draws up a work order, welcomes conflict. "Active listener" - asking, looking for ideas, not expressing support for any particular position.

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III option. Woodcock classification. "Team leader" - raises the question. "Diplomat" - a negotiator, influential, focused on the whole team. "Ambassador" - develops external relations, makes new acquaintances that are useful for the team. "Controller" - takes care of the quality of the product, the "voice of conscience" of the team. "Judge" - stimulates justice in the group, avoids haste. "Adapter" - observes, does not allow conflicts.

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Command types

An unformed team is most often characterized as "king and courtiers", where the "king" does what he wants, and the courtiers must obey him. Sometimes the “king” works hard and hard, but this does not help the team to form, because all proposals, discussions and decisions are proposed and accepted by him. The experimenting team tries to avoid feigned politeness. "We don't need our stupid civility," they say; and this means greater openness of the team and readiness to face difficulties. The united team gets more benefit from the common work. At this stage, more efforts are identified to create a structure for the work of the team: the goals of the team are explained; tasks to be completed are determined; planning and analysis of the results are carried out more accurately and accurately. A mature team is characterized by very high level methodological work and developing activities (in the broadest sense). The loyalty of the team is natural and self-evident and is not subject to discussion. Team development becomes a way of life.

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STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM The concepts of "team" and "teamwork" are most developed in management, primarily in personnel management, and are associated with special psychological and structural characteristics of a group of employees, which allow organizing effective interaction of employees to achieve their goals. Constant changes in the external and internal environment of the school require the search for new resources, the adjustment of goals and objectives, the development of new projects, the establishment of new partnerships, which means that the work of various pedagogical teams is in demand. The process of team building becomes an integral part of the life of the school. Even more relevant is the transformation of the teaching staff into a team of like-minded people, united by a common vision, mission and values. And in this case, strategic planning, project activities, teamwork become personally significant, not only for the director and his administrative team, but also for all participants in the educational process, united in a single team.

With regard to the practice of subject education, the concept of "teamwork" began to be used in foreign methods from the late 50s - early 60s. last century. The theoretical and practical aspects of this direction in the methodology of language teaching were summarized in a collection of articles published in 1992 by the Cambridge University Press "Collaborative Language Learning and Teaching". The term team / collaborative teaching (literally: "teaching in a team" / "collaboration in teaching") - in a broad sense, refers to the interaction of a group of teachers in order to make learning more effective. In a narrower sense, the term describes the joint work of two or more teachers in the classroom, and it is this understanding that is the most common in foreign language teaching methods. Teambuilding (teambuilding, teambuilding) is a powerful management tool, the key to successful business development must be more widely implemented in the school system and the Russian Federation / or expanded, improved. FORMULATION OF THE PROBLEM

In the domestic methodology, the term "teamwork" is not used in its broad or narrow sense. Its analogue in the domestic tradition can be the concept of "cooperation" - "educational cooperation", "pedagogical cooperation", "pedagogy of cooperation". As a rule, it refers to the interaction of a teacher with students, although it can also describe the interaction of students in joint learning activities and the interaction of teachers in a system of interdisciplinary connections "(Tyukov, 1988). Thus, a working definition of teamwork in relation to the activities of teachers can be as follows : bringing together two or more teachers to ensure the effectiveness of the educational process by coordinating the content and methods of teaching in extracurricular time or when conducting classes together, as well as by combining these two ways of organizing work (the most effective examples in the areas of language teaching: bilingual learning, bimodal learning , the use of different channels of perception: cooperation between a speech therapist and a teacher of a foreign language using different methods of work, interdisciplinary training.

Teachers working in a team may have different specialties, qualifications, work experience. The distribution of functions of teachers will be largely determined by the field of study. The better the team members understand the goals of joint work, the more definite and logical the division of their areas of activity, the more effective the team's work will be. The project discusses the differences between the working group and the team, the types of pedagogical teams, the pros and cons of teamwork, the signs of an effective team, the signs that characterize the team way of working, the process of creating a team, the stages of team development, the behavioral styles of team members, team leadership, ways of influencing people during team building. The reasons for the occurrence of possible difficulties in the team, and the trainings used to train and unite the team are also considered. FORMULATION OF THE PROBLEM

PROJECT OBJECTIVES EDUCATIONAL To acquaint: with the principles of building an effective teaching team; with various methods and techniques of team building; with techniques for distributing roles among team members. MANAGEMENT to create an effective team whose members would have the initiative, a sense of responsibility, high efficiency and teamwork technologies for the development, and then for the implementation of innovative projects "School of Self-Determination and Self-Realization" and others. Goals drive people.

PROJECT OBJECTIVES To form an idea of ​​the principles, rules and advantages of team interaction in solving industrial and professional problems To develop team interaction skills (combining one’s own goals and the goals of the group; work on the development and implementation of ideas as part of a group; interaction in a group / in a pair, result-oriented ; turning problems into a resource) To teach team members to successfully withstand the stressful effects of managerial activities without compromising mental and physical health Quickly and effectively restore the resource of working capacity

PROJECT PARTICIPANTS leaders, teachers of various levels; HR specialists; other employees; representatives of parent committees.

KEY CONCEPTS A team is an autonomous group of professionals created for the prompt, effective solution of managerial tasks. A group is a community of people united by joint activities, unity of goals and interests, mutual responsibility. Team building is the process of creating a team.

The phrase “teaching team” refers to a group of teachers organized to work together to achieve a common goal and share responsibility for the results obtained. TEAM CONCEPT

DIFFERENCES BETWEEN WORKING GROUPS AND TEAMS Thus, a team is an autonomous group of professionals created for the prompt, effective solution of managerial tasks.

Project team. This is a multifunctional group in which teachers of different academic disciplines can work, if necessary for the implementation of a pedagogical project. In order to complete the project, all team members must work closely with each other. Usually such teams are disbanded at the end of the project. But in research work, one project can be replaced by another, which means that team members can work for many years. Problem solving team. They can be called task teams, task forces. Usually these are short-term groups. The qualifications of team members are related to the specifics of the task being performed: they are involved in the joint study of complex or critical situations, in order to develop recommendations and implement them. Improvement team. As the name implies, these teams are engaged in the optimization of the educational process. Management team. In some educational institutions they are called management teams. But if each member of the administration simply clearly fulfills his duties and does not go beyond their implementation, then this is not yet a team. TYPES OF PEDAGOGICAL TEAM

In the organizational structure of large projects and in their management, three types of project teams can be distinguished: 1. Project team (KP) - the organizational structure of the project created for the period of the project or one of the phases of its life cycle. The task of the project team management is to develop policy and approve the project strategy to achieve its goals. The project team includes persons representing the interests of various participants (including stakeholders) of the project.

TYPES OF PROJECT TEAM 2. Project Management Team (PMC) - the organizational structure of the project, including those members of the PC who are directly involved in project management, including representatives of some project participants and technical staff. In relatively small projects, the PMC may include almost all members of the PC. The task of the PMC is to perform all management functions and work in the project during its implementation.

TYPES OF PROJECT TEAM Project management team (PMC) - the organizational structure of the project, headed by the manager (general manager) of the project and created for the period of the project or its life phase. The project management team includes individuals who directly perform managerial and other project management functions. The main tasks of the project management team are the implementation of the project policy and strategy, the implementation of strategic decisions and the implementation of tactical (situational) management.

Interpretation of the place and role of the project team

Time: The team building process is “time consuming”. It takes a long time for a working group to become a team. Emotional-volitional resource: in order for group members to become a team, significant efforts are required to form a “team spirit”; additional training for team members may be required. "Human factor": the value of a person, a school principal, increases sharply in a team, and each member of the team needs to be psychologically prepared for this. Democracy: the administrative-command style of management in the team "does not work." "Exclusivity": the team model is not always suitable for "replication", each new team must be created with special care and care. Fragility: in a team, much rests on the relationship between its members, on the "team spirit", the system of values, the philosophy of development. These categories are subtle and require constant support and maintenance. CONS OF TEAM WORK


high results in work; high satisfaction of team members with belonging to it and working in it; a large number of proposed ideas and solutions; a large number of solved problems and high quality of solutions; positive emotional experience. SIGNS OF AN EFFECTIVE TEAM

FEATURES THAT CHARACTERIZE THE TEAM WAY OF WORK The first letters of each of the characteristics form the word "PRODUCT", which is the key to characterizing the team way of work: Purpose and values ​​Efficiency Evaluation and recognition Effectiveness Satisfaction Collectivism Creativity

size FACTORS OF TEAM PERFORMANCE Team performance resources cohesion spatial constraints norms

THE PROCESS OF BUILDING A TEAM A natural way for a group to go through several stages in succession:


REQUIREMENTS TO THE TEAM LEADER According to T.V. Svetenko, G.V. Galkovskaya: “Required leadership qualities and skills: to coordinate a team; be a moderator, i.e. be able to create a favorable climate in the team; help team members with advice; resolve conflicts; report results; represent the team outside of it; negotiate for the benefit of the team

An important component of the ability to work in a team is human tolerance According to Valeria Dvortseva, General Director of VIZAVI Consult, the concept of “teamwork” implies the following skills: quickly adapt to a new team and do your part of the work in a common rhythm; establish a constructive dialogue with almost any person; convincing colleagues of the correctness of the proposed solution; admit your mistakes and accept someone else's point of view; delegate authority; both lead and obey, depending on the task assigned to the team; restrain personal ambitions and come to the aid of colleagues; manage your emotions and disengage from personal likes/dislikes.





EXPECTED RESULTS Setting a goal to achieve a common goal Developing team and personal responsibility for results Improving the efficiency of business interaction within the team Forming cohesion, a sense of belonging to the team Forming positive expectations among participants from working in a team Unleashing the creative potential of participants In addition to purely educational achievements, the professional growth of a novice manager (teacher), since this task is one of the main ones when creating teams of this type Creating and strengthening a favorable psychological climate in the team Development and implementation of the innovative project "School of Self-Determination and Self-Realization"

TOOLS Mini-lecture Brainstorming Psycho-gymnastic exercises Demonstration experiments Role-playing Case studies using CR technologies Analysis of video samples Group and individual exercises and tasks Analysis of current experience in the "here-and-now" format

USED ​​LITERATURE T.V. Svetenko, G.V. Galkovskaya. Innovation management in school management M., 2009. Azimov E.G., Shchukin A.N. Dictionary of methodological terms - St. Petersburg, 2006. Gerchikova I.N. Management. - M., 2008. Grayson D., Oedell K. American management on the threshold of the 21st century. - M., 1999. Meskon M., Albert M., Hedouri F. Fundamentals of management. - M., 2001. Vazina K.Ya., Petrov Yu.N., Berilovsky V.D. Pedagogical management (concept, work experience). - M., 2001. Pedagogical search / Comp. I.N. Bazhenov. - M., 2007.

TIPS from Steve Pavlina To form a strong team, you need to become a professional team building Team first, then the project Choosing the right team members is the single most important factor in the success or failure of the project Choose team players, not superstar individuals There must be a single leader in the team Program = team Keep in touch Share rewards Write it down Kick out team members who are lagging behind

SO, Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, working together is success. Henry Ford

PROJECT DEVELOPER Tukhvatullina G.I., Director of Lyceum No. 80, Nab. Chelny, Republic of Tatarstan

Sections: School administration

Each school director strives to create an effective team, whose members would have the initiative, a sense of responsibility, and high efficiency. And this is understandable: even the most talented leader cannot manage the school alone, solve all problems, find answers to all questions that arise in the process of the work of the teaching staff. The initiator of the creation of the management team should be the principal of the school.

When does a school principal need to create a management team? Of course, this is absolutely inevitable when implementing an innovative project. For these purposes, a special group is being formed to solve strategic problems. So, in our school, starting to develop and then to implement the innovative project "School of Self-Determination and Self-Realization", the question arose of creating a management team. We understood that the most important, in terms of improving the efficiency of an educational institution, is the team resource. The team is a temporary initiative group of teachers who, in close cooperation, achieve maximum success in achieving the goals. We began to create a management team with professional development. The group included managers, teachers, school psychologists, a social teacher, educators, counselors, librarians. Experience has shown that if the entire teaching staff is involved in the process of finding ways to solve problems, then the goal will be achieved. The curriculum for the formation of a single team was aimed at educating and achieving a common understanding of the goals of the team, identifying problems and ways to solve them, assessing past experience, developing plans and ways to implement them. The classes were practice-oriented. The main forms of studying these topics were reflection, business games, elements of socio-psychological training, project development, questioning, testing, and brainstorming.

The process of team formation presupposes a good knowledge of the leader of the team headed, leaders of primary contact groups, pedagogical inclinations, organizational abilities of each individual, as well as the ability to combine them into psychologically compatible groups that can ensure the success of the future business, a positive reaction of each team member. Any team unites for a common cause.

We understood that the effectiveness of the team's work is largely determined by the clarity of its goals, knowledge of the forms and methods of organizing work. The point of forming the team was to bring the teachers together and build their personal relationships so that they could work together toward a common goal. On the one hand, this applies to groups whose members are entrusted with the execution of certain assignments, tasks, on the other hand, in a broader sense of the word, to all teachers jointly pursuing the common goals of an educational institution. For the purposes of the effective work of the team, we introduced teachers of different characters and abilities into its composition so that the weaknesses of some in a particular case were compensated by the superiority of others.

Thus, the process of creating a team and organizing teamwork involves a balance of goals, individual interests of group members and the collective interests of the entire school. As we moved forward, levels of the management team began to take shape. Let us consider in more detail the formation of the levels of the management team indicated in the table in the conditions of the development of our educational institution.

Formation of the levels of the management team in the context of the development of an educational institution

The content of the activities of an educational institution in an innovative mode Management teams Result
1 The study of the essence of the elements of pedagogical technology Situational groups of teachers motivated for development under the guidance of deputy. director for water resources management 1. Members of situational groups, having deeply studied the elements of pedagogical technology, got involved in the preparation and conduct of seminars for teachers.

2. Teachers got an idea about pedagogical technology, its elements, felt the contradiction between modern requirements for mastering pedagogical technology and the lack of it in their practice

2 Development of a development program (innovative project "School of self-determination and self-realization")

Leading innovation component – ​​project method technology

1.Design team

2. Initiative groups (temporarily existing to develop solutions to any problem)

Development of a problem-oriented analysis, concept, strategic development plan, implementation plan for project stages.


  • graduate models (I-III levels of education);
  • criteria for assessing the work of teaching staff;
  • systems for stimulating the labor activity of teachers
3 Implementation of the development program ("School of self-determination and self-realization")

Leading innovation component – ​​project method technology

1. School Development Strategy and Planning Board

2. SHMO teachers: project method technology and collaborative learning

3. Yearly teams (teams of teachers teaching children of the same age - one parallel of classes)

4. Initiative group No. 1

5. Initiative group No. 2

Coordination of innovation activities at all levels (teacher > MO > one-year team > initiative groups)

Analysis of the results of introducing innovations in the methods of teaching subjects, making a decision to eliminate shortcomings

Analysis of the results of mastering innovations in the educational process in one parallel. Development and implementation of a plan for the implementation of solutions to eliminate the shortcoming in the implementation of the technology of the method of projects and learning in cooperation.

Development of ways to solve the problem of humanization of interpersonal relations in the systems "teacher - student", "student-student"

Development of algorithms for independent activity of students

4 Development of a development program (Innovative project "School of personal and professional self-determination")

The leading innovative component is the competence-based approach, the method of authentic assessment.

Strengthening the emphasis on education in the educational process.

Project group

MO teachers

Initiative group No. 1

Initiative Group No. 2

Development of a problem-oriented analysis, development concept, OER program "Formation of students' responsibility for the choice of forms and types of activities and its results"

Conducting seminars to study the theoretical foundations of innovations

Management of professional development of teachers, self-educational work on mastering the conceptual foundations of school development

Development of a methodology for applying a competency-based approach to teaching

Development of ways to improve the corporate culture of communication in the "teacher-student", "student-student" systems

The formed situational groups deeply and thoroughly studied the elements of pedagogical technology and got involved in the preparation and conduct of seminars for school teachers. As a result of the work of the group, teachers got an idea of ​​pedagogical technology, its elements, felt the contradiction between modern requirements for mastering pedagogical technology and the lack of it in their practice. Thus, another level of the management team was formed.

The creation of the school development program began with an analysis of learning outcomes. All teachers took part in this work, which allowed everyone to take a critical look at their personal contribution to the common cause, as well as to expand knowledge about the requirements for learning outcomes. The discrepancy between the required learning outcomes and the actual ones made it possible to start developing a problem-based analysis. All work during the transition of the school to development mode was led by a project team led by the headmaster. All members of the teaching staff were involved in the creation of a problem-oriented analysis. Having identified the main drawback in the work of the school - the lack of conditions for the formation of a personality capable of self-determination and self-realization, the group analyzed the results, process and resources of the school in order to establish the reasons for the lack of results and determine ways to solve the problem. In this regard, the following sequence of work turned out to be the most effective: project group > methodological council > SMO > methodological council > project group.

The creation of a problem-oriented analysis served as a powerful impetus for a revision of the educational paradigm, made every teacher think about who the school should graduate, by what means this can be achieved, what is the level of mastery of pedagogical tools by the teacher himself. The work on the creation of the school development program was the engine of deep introspection of the pedagogical activity of each teacher, and therefore served as a certain starting point in the development of the professional style of activity.

The project team worked on the creation of the development concept, which was based on the change of the traditional teacher-student-textbook learning paradigm to the new student-textbook-teacher paradigm, but at the same time, information about the content of the document was sent to each teacher according to the scheme: project team > methodological advice > SMO meeting. This was done in order to orient the teacher towards self-education in the direction necessary for the school. So, at the meetings of the School of International Relations, questions were discussed about the essence of the technology of the project method, learning in cooperation, the conceptual foundations of student-centered learning.

Methodological work at the school at this stage was carried out more actively using various forms: group (project group, methodological council, SHMO), individual (self-education), collective (teaching council), which had a positive effect on the development of the professional style of pedagogical workers. In addition, an important role in solving this problem (development of the professional style of teachers' activities) was played by the training of teachers in advanced training courses (37% of teachers improved their qualifications in the courses).

Thus, this level of the management team made it possible to develop a problem-oriented analysis, a concept, a strategic development plan, a plan for implementing the stages of the innovative project "School of Self-Determination and Self-Realization", graduate models (I-III levels of education), criteria for evaluating the work of teaching staff, a system stimulation of labor activity of teachers.

The next level of the management team was formed and focused on the implementation of the innovative project "School of Self-Determination and Self-Realization". Aware of the need to change the paradigm, the teaching staff was aware of how difficult the transition to a new paradigm of education, proclaiming the student as the subject of educational activity, is. The management team had to create a number of resources (legal, scientific and methodological, organizational, personnel, etc.) that would allow the implementation of the strategic plan of the innovation project. Thanks to the well-coordinated work of the management team, regulatory and legal resources were successfully and timely created: orders regulating innovation activities were issued, a program of experimental work on the problem of innovation was developed, a regulation on research work, experimental and experimental activities of school teachers, one-year teams were created teachers, within which target groups were then formed, which successfully coped with the solution of the problem of creating algorithms for educational activities. These algorithms were supposed to ensure the organization of independent educational and cognitive activity in accordance with the age characteristics of students. It should be noted that the project team made every effort to provide each teacher who participated in the implementation of the innovative project with methodological materials containing a detailed description of the essence of the technology of the teaching method in cooperation and the technology of the project method, as well as recommendations for their application in practice.

Starting to develop the innovative project "School of Personal and Professional Self-Determination", another level of the management team was formed - project and initiative groups. As a result of the work of the management team at this stage of the development of the school, a problem-oriented analysis, the concept of school development, the program of experimental work "Formation of students' responsibility for the choice of forms and types of activities and its results" were developed. Initiative groups have developed methods for applying a competency-based approach to teaching and ways to improve the corporate culture of communication in teacher-student and student-teacher systems.

Thus, the advantages of collective management are already obvious to us. The management team is the basis for the success of the organization as a whole. Mutual trust has grown in the team. Participation in the development and decision-making is the strongest means of labor motivation for teachers. Collectively, much more ideas are born, the individual potential of each member of the team is building up, decisions become more justified, and everyone's responsibility for their adoption and implementation increases. All this forms a sense of belonging to the achievement of a common goal. At the same time, individual values ​​are also clarified, interpersonal relationships are improved, stress is reduced, and team cohesion is growing.

STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM The concepts of "team" and "teamwork" are most developed in management, primarily in personnel management, and are associated with special psychological and structural characteristics of a group of employees, which allow organizing effective interaction of employees to achieve their goals. Constant changes in the external and internal environment of the school require the search for new resources, the adjustment of goals and objectives, the development of new projects, the establishment of new partnerships, which means that the work of various pedagogical teams is in demand. The process of team building becomes an integral part of the life of the school. Even more relevant is the transformation of the teaching staff into a team of like-minded people, united by a common vision, mission and values. And in this case, strategic planning, project activities, teamwork become personally significant, not only for the director and his administrative team, but also for all participants in the educational process, united in a single team.

With regard to the practice of subject education, the concept of "teamwork" began to be used in foreign methods from the late 50s - early 60s. last century. The theoretical and practical aspects of this direction in the methodology of language teaching were summarized in a collection of articles published in 1992 by the Cambridge University Press "Collaborative Language Learning and Teaching". The term team / collaborative teaching (literally: "teaching in a team" / "collaboration in teaching") - in a broad sense, refers to the interaction of a group of teachers in order to make learning more effective. In a narrower sense, the term describes the joint work of two or more teachers in the classroom, and it is this understanding that is the most common in foreign language teaching methods. Teambuilding (teambuilding, teambuilding) is a powerful management tool, the key to successful business development must be more widely implemented in the school system and the Russian Federation / or expanded, improved. FORMULATION OF THE PROBLEM

In the domestic methodology, the term "teamwork" is not used in its broad or narrow sense. Its analogue in the domestic tradition can be the concept of "cooperation" - "educational cooperation", "pedagogical cooperation", "pedagogy of cooperation". As a rule, it refers to the interaction of a teacher with students, although it can also describe the interaction of students in joint learning activities and the interaction of teachers in a system of interdisciplinary connections "(Tyukov, 1988). Thus, a working definition of teamwork in relation to the activities of teachers can be as follows : bringing together two or more teachers to ensure the effectiveness of the educational process by coordinating the content and methods of teaching in extracurricular time or when conducting classes together, as well as by combining these two ways of organizing work (the most effective examples in the areas of language teaching: bilingual learning, bimodal learning , the use of different channels of perception: cooperation between a speech therapist and a teacher of a foreign language using different methods of work, interdisciplinary training.

Teachers working in a team may have different specialties, qualifications, work experience. The distribution of functions of teachers will be largely determined by the field of study. The better the team members understand the goals of joint work, the more definite and logical the division of their areas of activity, the more effective the team's work will be. The project discusses the differences between the working group and the team, the types of pedagogical teams, the pros and cons of teamwork, the signs of an effective team, the signs that characterize the team way of working, the process of creating a team, the stages of team development, the behavioral styles of team members, team leadership, ways of influencing people during team building. The reasons for the occurrence of possible difficulties in the team, and the trainings used to train and unite the team are also considered. FORMULATION OF THE PROBLEM

PROJECT OBJECTIVES EDUCATIONAL To acquaint: with the principles of building an effective teaching team; with various methods and techniques of team building; with techniques for distributing roles among team members. MANAGEMENT to create an effective team whose members would have the initiative, a sense of responsibility, high efficiency and teamwork technologies for the development, and then for the implementation of innovative projects "School of Self-Determination and Self-Realization" and others. Goals drive people.

PROJECT OBJECTIVES To form an idea of ​​the principles, rules and advantages of team interaction in solving industrial and professional problems To develop team interaction skills (combining one’s own goals and the goals of the group; work on the development and implementation of ideas as part of a group; interaction in a group / in a pair, result-oriented ; turning problems into a resource) To teach team members to successfully withstand the stressful effects of managerial activities without compromising mental and physical health Quickly and effectively restore the resource of working capacity

KEY CONCEPTS A team is an autonomous group of professionals created for the prompt, effective solution of managerial tasks. A group is a community of people united by joint activities, unity of goals and interests, mutual responsibility. Team building is the process of creating a team.

DIFFERENCES BETWEEN WORKING GROUPS AND TEAMS Working groupsTeams Goals and tasks in the work are determined by the director of the educational institution Goals and tasks are determined by the team leader together with its members Defining individual functions, responsibilities and tasks Defining individual functions, responsibilities and tasks to achieve a team result The main activity is aimed at fulfilling individual tasks The main activity is aimed at fulfilling team tasks Personal responsibilityPersonal and mutual responsibility Caring for the results of individual activities and overcoming personal difficulties Caring for the results of each team member and collectively overcoming the difficulties facing the team , effective solution of managerial tasks.

Project team. This is a multifunctional group in which teachers of different academic disciplines can work, if necessary for the implementation of a pedagogical project. In order to complete the project, all team members must work closely with each other. Usually such teams are disbanded at the end of the project. But in research work, one project can be replaced by another, which means that team members can work for many years. Problem solving team. They can be called task teams, task forces. Usually these are short-term groups. The qualifications of team members are related to the specifics of the task being performed: they are involved in the joint study of complex or critical situations, in order to develop recommendations and implement them. Improvement team. As the name implies, these teams are engaged in the optimization of the educational process. Management team. In some educational institutions they are called management teams. But if each member of the administration simply clearly fulfills his duties and does not go beyond their implementation, then this is not yet a team. TYPES OF PEDAGOGICAL TEAM

In the organizational structure of large projects and in their management, three types of project teams can be distinguished: 1. Project team (KP) - the organizational structure of the project created for the period of the project or one of the phases of its life cycle. The task of the project team management is to develop policy and approve the project strategy to achieve its goals. The project team includes persons representing the interests of various participants (including stakeholders) of the project.

TYPES OF PROJECT TEAM 2. Project Management Team (PMC) - the organizational structure of the project, including those members of the PC who are directly involved in project management, including representatives of some project participants and technical staff. In relatively small projects, the PMC may include almost all members of the PC. The task of the PMC is to perform all management functions and work in the project during its implementation.

TYPES OF PROJECT TEAM Project management team (PMC) - the organizational structure of the project, headed by the manager (general manager) of the project and created for the period of the project or its life phase. The project management team includes individuals who directly perform managerial and other project management functions. The main tasks of the project management team are the implementation of the project policy and strategy, the implementation of strategic decisions and the implementation of tactical (situational) management.

Time: The team building process is “time consuming”. It takes a long time for a working group to become a team. Emotional-volitional resource: in order for group members to become a team, significant efforts are required to form a “team spirit”; additional training for team members may be required. "Human factor": the value of a person, a school principal, increases sharply in a team, and each team member needs to be psychologically prepared for this. Democracy: the administrative-command style of management in the team "does not work." "Exclusivity": the team model is not always suitable for "replication", each new team must be created with special care and care. Fragility: in a team, much rests on the relationship between its members, on the "team spirit", the system of values, the philosophy of development. These categories are subtle and require constant support and maintenance. CONS OF TEAM WORK

BENEFITS OF TEAM WORK "Plus"Indicator Content Professional Time A team of professionals is able to quickly and efficiently solve a problem that usually takes a lot of time Creativity A team of professionals is able to generate non-standard solutions, creating a "solution box" the team develops a style of cooperation and mutual support Coordination Each of the team members flexibly participates in coordinating work Social Image The presence of a team creates a favorable image for the school, inspiring trust among partners Perspective If there is a team, the school has advantages in implementing the strategic plan Spiritual Values ​​Team work forms a creative value system for each member Growth Team work always contributes to the personal and professional growth of team members, and therefore increases the effectiveness of the team as a whole

High results in work; high satisfaction of team members with belonging to it and working in it; a large number of proposed ideas and solutions; a large number of solved problems and high quality of solutions; positive emotional experience. SIGNS OF AN EFFECTIVE TEAM

FEATURES THAT CHARACTERIZE THE TEAM WAY OF WORK The first letters of each of the characteristics form the word "PRODUCT", which is the key to characterizing the team way of work: Purpose and values ​​Efficiency Evaluation and recognition Effectiveness Satisfaction Collectivism Creativity

THE PROCESS OF CREATING A TEAM StageSignsTasks of the managerTasks of employees OrientationAlienation of employees among themselves, dependence on management. Search for relationships Create conditions for comfortable acquaintance and establishment of relationships Try to build relationships with everyone Struggle Conflicts appear between employees; section of "zones of influence", informal leaders appear, the team is divided into groups Assistance in identifying the causes of conflicts and their constructive resolution; training employees in conflict-free interaction Self-analysis, understanding the true causes of conflicts, self-regulation Productivity Informal leaders delineate powers, “zones of influence”, build relationships with each other and management; teams and “companies” emerge Identify teams and build new relationships with them; neutralize "companies" Become aware of yourself in a team, realize common goals, a sense of unity The natural way for a group to consistently pass through several stages:

REQUIREMENTS TO THE TEAM LEADER According to T.V. Svetenko, G.V. Galkovskaya: “Required leadership qualities and skills: to coordinate a team; be a moderator, i.e. be able to create a favorable climate in the team; help team members with advice; resolve conflicts; report results; represent the team outside of it; negotiate for the benefit of the team

An important component of the ability to work in a team is human tolerance. According to Valeria Dvortseva, General Director of VIZAVI Consult, the concept of “teamwork” implies the following skills: VIZAVI Consult quickly adapt to a new team and perform its part of the work in a common rhythm; establish a constructive dialogue with almost any person; to establish a constructive dialogue to convincingly convince colleagues of the correctness of the proposed solution; admit your mistakes and accept someone else's point of view; delegate authority; both lead and obey, depending on the task assigned to the team; restrain personal ambitions and come to the aid of colleagues; ambitions to manage their emotions and abstract from personal likes / dislikes.

VARIABLE TECHNOLOGIES OF TEAM INTERACTION 1.Technology "Eight steps" Step one. "Foggy situation" Step two. "Finding the facts" Step three. "Problem definition" Step four. "Creating a Field of Ideas" Step Five. "Assessment and selection" Step six. "Image of the solution" Step seven. "Drawing up an action plan" Step eight. "Actions and their evaluation" 2. Technology "Six hats of thinking" * "Red hat" * "White hat" * "Black hat" * "Yellow hat" * "Green hat" * "Blue hat" 3. Technology for the development of critical thinking 4. Technology project method

PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION PLAN The content of the activities of the educational institution in an innovative mode Management teams Result Studying the principles of building an effective teaching team, various methods and techniques of team building; techniques for the distribution of roles between team members essence of the elements of pedagogical technology Situational groups of teachers motivated for development under the guidance of deputy. NMR Director 1. Members of situational groups, having deeply studied the elements of pedagogical technology, got involved in the preparation and conduct of seminars for teachers. 2. Teachers got an idea about pedagogical technology, its elements, felt the contradiction between modern requirements for mastering pedagogical technology and the lack of it in their practice Development of a development program (innovative project "School of self-determination and self-realization") Leading innovative component technology of the project method 1. Project group 2. Initiative groups (temporarily existing to develop ways to solve a problem) Development of a problem-oriented analysis, concept, strategic development plan, implementation plan for project stages. Development: graduate models (I-III levels of education); criteria for assessing the work of teaching staff; systems for stimulating the labor activity of teachers

PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Implementation of the development program (“School of Self-Determination and Self-Realization”) Leading innovative component Project method technology children of the same age, one parallel class) 4.Initiative group 1 5.Initiative group 2 Coordination of innovation activities at all levels (teacher > MO > one-year team > initiative groups). Analysis of the results of introducing innovations in the methods of teaching subjects, making a decision to eliminate shortcomings. Analysis of the results of the development of innovations in the educational process in one parallel. Development and implementation of a plan for the implementation of solutions to eliminate the shortcoming in the implementation of the technology of the method of projects and learning in cooperation. Development of ways to solve the problem of humanization of interpersonal relations in the systems "teacher-student", "student-student". Development of algorithms for independent activity of students. MO > one-year team > initiative groups). Analysis of the results of introducing innovations in the methods of teaching subjects, making a decision to eliminate shortcomings. Analysis of the results of the development of innovations in the educational process in one parallel. Development and implementation of a plan for the implementation of solutions to eliminate the shortcoming in the implementation of the technology of the method of projects and learning in cooperation. Development of ways to solve the problem of humanization of interpersonal relations in the systems "teacher-student", "student-student". Development of algorithms for independent activity of students.">

PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Development of a development program (Innovative project "School of personal and professional self-determination") The leading innovative component is the competence-based approach, the method of authentic assessment. Strengthening the emphasis on education in the educational process. Project group of the Ministry of Education and Science of teachers Initiative group 1 Initiative group 2 Development of a problem-oriented analysis, the development concept, the OER program “Formation of students' responsibility for the choice of forms and types of activity and its results”. Conducting seminars to study the theoretical foundations of innovations. Management of professional development of teachers, self-educational work on mastering the conceptual foundations of school development. Development of a methodology for applying a competency-based approach in teaching. Development of ways to improve the corporate culture of communication in the "teacher-student", "student-student" systems.

EXPECTED RESULTS Setting a goal to achieve a common goal Developing team and personal responsibility for results Improving the efficiency of business interaction within the team Forming cohesion, a sense of belonging to the team Forming positive expectations among participants from working in a team Unleashing the creative potential of participants In addition to purely educational achievements, the professional growth of a novice manager (teacher), since this task is one of the main ones when creating teams of this type Creating and strengthening a favorable psychological climate in the team Development and implementation of the innovative project "School of Self-Determination and Self-Realization"

TOOLS Mini-lecture Brainstorming Psycho-gymnastic exercises Demonstration experiments Role-playing Case studies using CR technologies Analysis of video samples Group and individual exercises and tasks Analysis of current experience in the "here-and-now" format

USED ​​LITERATURE T.V. Svetenko, G.V. Galkovskaya. Innovation management in school management M., Azimov E.G., Shchukin A.N. Dictionary of methodological terms - St. Petersburg, Gerchikova I.N. Management. - M., Grayson D., Oedell K. American Management at the Threshold of the 21st Century. - M., Meskon M., Albert M., Hedouri F. Fundamentals of management. - M., Vazina K.Ya., Petrov Yu.N., Berilovsky V.D. Pedagogical management (concept, work experience). - M., Pedagogical search / Comp. I.N. Bazhenov. - M., 2007.

TIPS from Steve Pavlina To form a strong team, you need to become a professional team building To form a strong team, you need to become a professional team building First the team, then the project Choosing the right team members is the single most important factor in the success or failure of the project Choosing the right team members is the only an important factor in the success or failure of a project Choose team players, not individual superstars Choose team players, not individual superstars Team must have a single leader Program = team Keep in touch Share the reward Write it down Kick out team members who are lagging behind

Project team. This is a multifunctional group in which teachers of different academic disciplines can work, if necessary for the implementation of a pedagogical project. In order to complete the project, all team members must work closely with each other. Usually such teams are disbanded at the end of the project. But in research work, one project can be replaced by another, which means that team members can work for many years. Problem solving team. They can be called task teams, task forces. Usually these are short-term groups. The qualifications of team members are related to the specifics of the task being performed: they are involved in the joint study of complex or critical situations, in order to develop recommendations and implement them. Improvement team. As the name implies, these teams are engaged in the optimization of the educational process. Management team. In some educational institutions they are called management teams. But if each member of the administration simply clearly fulfills his duties and does not go beyond their implementation, then this is not yet a team.


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