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Federal highway M-3"Ukraine" Moscow - Kaluga-Bryansk - state border with Ukraine.

The length across the territory of the Russian Federation is 454.016 kilometers.

The highway originates at the intersection of Leninsky Prospekt and the Moscow Ring Road, then in a southwestern direction through the territory of the Moscow region, passing south of the Solntsevo district of Moscow and Vnukovo Airport. Before turning to Vnukovo Airport, it is a modern highway with interchanges, elevated pedestrian crossings, a dividing strip and 4-5 lanes in each direction. It passes south of the city of Naro-Fominsk.

Further, the highway goes through the territory of the Kaluga region, intersecting in the area of ​​​​the city of Obninsk with the A-101 “Moscow-Maloyaroslavets-Roslavl” highway, passes Kaluga at a distance of 20 kilometers northwest of the city, then goes through the territory of the Bryansk region in a southern direction , lying at a distance of 10 kilometers east of Bryansk, passes several kilometers through the territory of the Kursk region, turns southwest at the junction of the Orel-Kiev highway and reaches the state border with Ukraine.

The following entrances adjoin the M-3 Ukraine highway:

to the cities of Naro-Fominsk, Obninsk, Kaluga, Sukhinichi, the village of Belye Berega, the cities of Bryansk, Navlya, Lokot, Sevsk.

The route passes through the Kaluga, Bryansk and Kursk regions in a southwestern direction.

In 1998, work began on widening the M-3 "Ukraine" road on the head section of the MKAD - Vnukovo to 8-10 lanes, and the Vnukovo - Small Concrete Ring section to 6 lanes.

In 1999, major repairs were started and completed in 2006 according to category I standards of the 67-kilometer section of the road up to the entrance to the city of Kaluga (at km 106+753 - 172+390 - the roadbed was widened, the number of lanes of the roadway was increased to four with the construction of a dividing strip, extension of culverts, major repairs of bridges and overpasses).

In 2007, a major overhaul of the road section km 172+390-173+357 was carried out and transferred to category I.

A continuation of the development of the M-3 “Ukraine” highway is the projected section km 172+390 – km 194+000. The section is the most intense in terms of traffic volumes and traffic intensity. According to the “National Program for the Modernization of Highways of the Russian Federation until 2025,” it should be expanded to four lanes.

Major repairs were carried out on sections of the road:

Km 507+200-km512+467 – in 2007.

km 512+467-km518+000, km518+000 – km519+868 – in 2008.

km 253+000-km260+000, km350+000-km365+050 – in 2009.

km 343+159-km350+000 – in 2010.

In October 2011, sections of the road km 65+200 - km 511+000 - km 518+494 and km 519+146 - km 519+868 M-3 "Ukraine" were transferred to trust management of the State Company "Avtodor".

The history of this highway goes back 80 years. The first design work began in 1938 Then it was called "Moscow - Sevsk".

Road work was stopped during the Second World War and continued when the country was able to overcome the consequences of war devastation.

In 1959, the section from km 107 to km 180 was completed.

In 1963 from 180 km to 300 km

In 1964 from 300 km to 425 km

The section from 425 km to 507 km was built simultaneously with the section from 180 to 300 km, since 1959, and was put into operation in 1963.

It was also built 23 roadside engineering structures— pipes and channels for the passage of melt and rainwater, crossings, transitions, etc.

According to the technical standards of the USSR, the road belonged to cement concrete of the second category. Construction in those years was carried out by three large general contractors - trusts "Kievdorstroy", "Tsentrdorstroy" And Glavdorstroy. Organizations were subordinated Ministry of Transport and Construction.

For many years after the collapse of the USSR, no major work was carried out on the highway. But only spring 2017 the section from 124 to 173 kilometers was put into operation toll fare.

located at 168 and 136 kilometers
. According to current legislation, each section of a toll road must have alternative free travel option.

There are several in this area free route options and many interchanges and exits that allow you to access them. In particular, there are exits to a free section at 107 km near the city of Belousovo and at 173 km near the city of Kaluga.

Following the first improvement in road quality in decades, the second phase of full-scale work has been completed and end of 2017 has been open to motorists since one toll section, from 173 to 194 kilometers.

Payment at the newly introduced site it is produced at toll booth, located at kilometer 168. That is, the toll gates are not located so that motorists entering and exiting the highway between 174 and 194 kilometers pass for free.

All VFR on the highway "Ukraine" M-3 meet the recommendations for their equipment developed by the State Road Service (). Namely:

  • modern control devices for entry and exit from the toll area,
  • ticket issuing machines,
  • means of monitoring and transmitting information about the number of vehicles driven and funds received.

The road got four stripes traffic with separate flows of oncoming vehicles. Instead of direct connections to the highway, secondary and equivalent roads were built at the same level safer two-level interchanges.

The entire paid section illuminated at night time. All this made it possible to transfer the route from second technical category to first category, which fully meets modern requirements for the quality of roads.

Therefore, with October 5, 2018 speed limit on the new 20-kilometer section up to 110 kilometers per hour for cars and trucks with a carrying capacity of 3.5 tons. For heavier ones, the limit of 90 kilometers per hour remains.

Daily fee, from 7 to 24 hours for travel on these two sections depends on the power and weight of the car and ranges from 40 to 180 rubles, and night, from 24 to 7 am, exactly half as much.

According to the order of the head of the Government of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Medvedev, the site will remain paid for another 91 years, that is, until 2109.

Useful video

Highway M-3 “Ukraine” in the video below:

In the Russian Federation there are roads of different categories. Among those that are repaired at federal expense and maintained by government agencies are federal highways.

These include roads that connect Moscow with other capitals of countries or key cities of different constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Such roads are designated by the prefix M. One of these is the M3 highway.

Where does the road lead?

The federal highway M-3 “Ukraine” was previously called differently. Its name was Kievskoye Highway. Many people do not know where the MZ highway is. The answer is simple: it crosses the territory of three constituent entities of the Russian Federation at once. The route crosses the Moscow region, then Kaluga and then Bryansk. The M3 highway ends at the border with Ukraine, at the Troebortnoye checkpoint.

It is an integral part of the European direction E101. Along the entire route, the climate is moderate; there is no need to be afraid of sudden changes in ambient temperature. The terrain through which the route runs is mostly flat. But there are also quite steep hilly and wooded areas. Moving along the route, you will have to cross several large bodies of water on bridges equipped specifically for this. In particular, such large rivers as the Oka and Nara will have to be crossed.

Track route

Almost 500 km is the length of this federal highway. So, let’s figure out how the M3 highway runs, what highway leads from Moscow to the Ukrainian border. It begins at the confluence of the capital's ring road and Leningradsky Prospekt. Then it winds to the southwest of the region and goes further. The road runs south of the village of Solntsevo, as well as Vnukovo Airport.

Winding in this direction, the road goes into the Kaluga region. It lies not far from Obninsk, but goes past Kaluga. The town remains approximately 20 km from the highway. After this, M3 enters the territory of the Bryansk region, but does not reach the capital of the region, but bypasses it at a distance of about 10 km. A very small section of the route then runs within the Kursk region, after which the road goes southwest. As a result, it stretches to the border with Ukraine.

When was the M3 built?

The construction of this federal road began in the 50s. XX century. The road was finally put into operation in 1976. It was originally made from concrete slabs. Traces of such construction were felt until recently, despite the attempts of road workers to pave the M3 highway with asphalt. Reviews from those who drove along this road indicate that the joints between the slabs are noticeable in some sections of the route. True, this was the case until 2015. The peculiarity of the M3 is that it has one lane in each direction of travel. However, this situation is only on the section of the road to Kaluga. After that, two lanes in both directions.


The best, judging by the reviews, is the section stretching from the capital of Russia to Kaluga. This is apparently due to the fact that the road was improved more than 15 years ago with lanes being widened. Major repairs of various sections of the road were carried out in both 1999 and 2007. The road was also repaired in 2015.

Starting this year, as many motorists note in their reviews, driving along the highway is a pleasure. The quality of the coating is excellent. This road is not very busy. The abundance of cars on it is observed only during the holiday period.

Dangerous road

It is worth noting that the M3 highway is considered far from the safest in Russia. At least that was the case just a few years ago. In one of the ratings of the most dangerous roads in our country, it was in third place. At that time, only the M5 Ural and M10 Russia highways were worse than it from a safety point of view. There are currently no toll sections on this federal highway. And there’s not much to pay for yet. Perhaps they will appear after the reconstruction that is planned. After this, the maximum permitted speed on it should be 120 km/h. In 2015, a project was launched to reconstruct the M3 highway (photo in the article). The project is planned for several years in advance. It has already been announced that some sections of the road will become toll roads after the repairs are completed. It was previously announced that the first section of the M3, for which you will have to fork out for travel, will be put into operation in 2018. This is a piece of the federal highway from 124 to 174 km, it ends before the turn to Kaluga. The free alternative will remain. This will be the A-130 highway, which leads from Moscow to Belarus and on the indicated section lies not far from the M3.

Features of the route

There are a number of features that are mentioned by those who had the opportunity to travel the section from the capital of the Russian Federation to the border with Ukraine where the M3 highway passes.

Firstly, motorists note that there are no problems with gas stations along the route. Along the way there are gas stations of most large companies. There are no problems with service points or catering. Motorists will have a place to rest or have a snack along the way. Secondly, judging by the reviews, the route crosses a small number of settlements. This means that there are few “white” signs along the highway, which means there are not many speed limits. Thirdly, on the highway there are not many restrictions on maneuvers in the form of solid lines, so most people do not have any difficulties with overtaking. However, there are still limitations. There are many descents and ascents with continuous roads on the section from Kaluga to the Ukrainian border. Fourthly, the highway is not a transport artery, so very few trucks and heavy vehicles travel along it.

In Russia, some roads are toll roads. In the Kaluga region, a toll road was built in 2019 under the name M3 “Ukraine”.

How much it costs to travel along this route depends on what category the vehicle belongs to and how far it will travel without deviating from the route. The time of day when the car crosses the toll road is also important.

How to determine the vehicle category

Crossing the M3 Ukraine highway in 2019 requires payment of a certain amount of money. The tariff was last revised in May 2019. The cost of travel on this route depends, among other things, on the category of vehicle. It is determined based on the following parameters:

  1. The first category includes passenger cars that can be equipped with a trailer up to 2 m high. This also includes multi-purpose vehicles and motorcycles.
  2. Experts include medium-sized vehicles in the second category. Cars with a trailer within 2.1-2.6 m are allowed. If a Russian owns a van on a passenger chassis, this is also the second category. Pickup trucks and minivans are also called midsize vehicles.
  3. The third category is characterized by trucks and vehicles that carry passengers with a small trailer.
  4. If the truck or passenger vehicle is equipped with a trailer up to 3 m, this is the fourth category.

Where are the toll sections of the M3 "Ukraine"

The M3 "Ukraine" highway is of federal importance. Therefore, there are two toll sections on the route, which cost drivers money to travel through. The areas are located as follows:

  • from km 124 to km 150;
  • from 159 to 194 km.

There is a whole list of tariffs for the section from km 124 to km 150:

  1. If the toll road is crossed by category 1 vehicles from 7 to 24 hours, you have to pay in the range of 40-50 rubles, depending on the payment method.
  2. If we are talking about category 2, the driver will have to pay from 60 to 75 rubles.
  3. For the 3rd category of transport, the tariff ranges from 80 to 100 rubles.
  4. Owners of category 4 vehicles must deposit money in the amount of 144-180 rubles. By driving on toll roads from 24 to 7 hours, you can significantly save money. After all, the tariff has been halved for all transport items.

For those who travel along the M3 “Ukraine” toll road from km 150 to 194 and adhere to the 7-24 hour schedule, the following prices apply:

  1. Owners of category 1 vehicles pay 64-80 rubles.
  2. Managers of vehicles belonging to the 2nd category will pay 96-120 rubles.
  3. For category 3, the tariff increases to 128-160 rubles.
  4. For owners of the 4th category, crossing the M3 “Ukraine” route will cost 256-320 rubles.

From 24 to 7 hours the tariff is also halved. If the journey affects both sections of the toll federal highway M3 “Ukraine” at once, by paying for the entire route, there is an opportunity to significantly save money:

  1. For owners of category 1 vehicles, the trip will cost 104-130 rubles, depending on the chosen method of depositing money.
  2. If a category 2 vehicle is moving along the road, the costs will be 156-195 rubles.
  3. For owners of category 3 vehicles, the trip will cost 208-260 rubles.
  4. Drivers will be asked to invest 400-500 rubles from their own pockets for category 4 transport.

If you want to save on the entire toll highway M3 “Ukraine”, try to travel along the route from 24:00 to 7:00. This schedule implies a half-reduced payment rate.

That's why, when traveling on one of the daily private buses, the ticket may cost more. Then, to save money, it is better to find out the train schedule. The help desk will help with this.

How to pay less on the M3 Ukraine toll road

To ensure that travel on the M3 “Ukraine” toll road does not cost a pretty penny, it is important not to give up using a transponder. This is a device that allows you to deposit money without stopping at payment stations. You can purchase a transponder in the office premises located in front of the entrance to the highway if you are moving from the capital. Also, offices with transponders are located at the exit towards the capital.

A convenient gadget is fixed inside the car to the windshield, immediately behind the mirror showing the rear view. The battery is built inside the device by default. It usually lasts for 5 years of active use. If the battery or transponder deteriorates earlier, you can ask the operator to change them without paying a fee.

Vehicle category
Fare workers

in Kaluga region

(PVP 136)

50 40 60 48 75 60 75 60 100 80 100 80 200 160 200 160
30 24 30 24 40 32 40 32 60 48 60 48 100 80 100 80

in Kaluga region

(PVP 168)

80 64 90 72 120 96 120 96 160 128 160 128 330 264 330 264
50 40 50 40 70 56 70 56 90 72 90 72 180 144 180 144

All sections of the route

130 104 150 120 195 156 195 156 260 208 260 208 530 424 530 424
80 64 80 64 110 88 110 88 150 120 150 120 280 224 280 224
26 rub. 30 rub. 39 rub. 39 rub. 52 rub. 52 rub. 106 rub. 106 rub.
16 rub. 16 rub. 22 rub. 22 rub. 30 rub. 30 rub. 56 rub. 56 rub.
Payment in cash or bank cards Travel with a transponder
Travel time from 07:00-00:00 Travel time from 00:00-07:00

Tariffs are valid from October 14, 2019. (00:00:00). Discount on travel using a transponder: 20% day/night - valid on sections km 124 - km 150 and km 150 - km 194 of the M-3 "Ukraine" highway.

Working days (Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu), weekends (Fri, Sat, Sun) and holidays (incl. 04/30/2019, 05/08/2019, 12/31/2019).

Additionally, a discount is provided for travel using a transponder when connecting to a discount from 3% to 10% is possible after connecting to the program and accumulating the required number of bonus points for paying for toll sections of roads of the State Company “Russian Highways”. The user independently activates the discount in his personal account. The discount can only be activated for the next month (or selected period), starting from the 1st, for a specific device. Points accumulated under the program are valid for 1 (one) calendar year from the date of their accumulation. Toll sections included in the interoperability system are not taken into account when accumulating points and do not provide discounts on travel under the Loyalty Program.

Determination of the class and pricing of the vehicle takes place directly at the Toll Point. Changing the classification of a vehicle by category occurs depending on the overall height, taking into account the cargo being transported and the number of axles. Accessories and luggage attached to the roofs of vehicles of the first and second categories are not included in the calculation of overall height.

1. Accessories and luggage carried on the roof and rear door of vehicles of categories 1 and 2 are not included in the calculation of overall height.

2. A vehicle with special technical devices such as an air conditioner mounted on the roof is classified according to its highest point.

3. A category I vehicle, the height of which, taking into account the cargo transported in the body, exceeds 2.6 meters, is classified into category II.

4. A vehicle of categories 1 and 2 with a trailer, the height of which, taking into account the cargo being transported, exceeds 2.6 meters, is classified into category II (with the exception of car transporters, tow trucks and other vehicles transporting cars).

5. A vehicle with snow and/or ice on the roof that affects the overall height calculation is classified according to its highest point.

6. Vehicles of categories III and IV with the constructive ability to lift one of the rear axles to lift it off the road surface are classified according to the number of axles actually installed on the vehicle, regardless of the position of the axles.

7. Vehicles moving on a rigid coupling are classified as one vehicle according to the classification characteristics of the highest vehicle, taking into account the total number of axles.

If a dispute arises regarding the tariffing of travel, you must contact the Sales and Service Center with a written complaint to the operator of the toll section within 30 calendar days from the moment the disputed transaction was completed. Failure to receive a written claim within the specified time frame means the user agrees to such an operation.

Possible adjustments to the personal account of Electronic means of travel registration occur within 3-5 business days. In the event of a discrepancy between the category and type of vehicle (for example, due to cargo being transported on the roof), owners of Electronic Fare Registration Tools can send a claim to an email address (marked “Tariffication of Travel”).

Tariffs for sections included in the Agreement on Interoperator Cooperation (Interoperability) are posted on the page, as well as on the official websites of the Issuers.

Alternative free travel:

Reason: Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 364-r dated March 1, 2017.
Alternative route:
1. Exit from the public highway of federal significance M-3 "Ukraine" at km 107 - public highway of federal significance A-130 Moscow - Maloyaroslavets - Roslavl - border with the Republic of Belarus - public highway of regional significance 29 OP RZ 29K -009 "Kaluga - Medyn" - Kondrovo - public highway of federal significance M3 "Ukraine" (access to Kaluga) - public highway of regional significance 29 OP RZ 29K-001 Vyazma - Kaluga - public highway of regional significance 29 OP RZ 29K-002 Babynino - Vorotynsk - Rosva turn - before the intersection with the public highway of federal significance M-3 "Ukraine".

2. Exit from the M-3 "Ukraine" highway at km 107 - highway A-130 Moscow - Maloyaroslavets - Roslavl - border with the Republic of Belarus - public road of regional significance 29 OP RZ 29K-018 ring road of Kaluga - Detchino - Maloyaroslavets - public highway of federal significance P132 Kaluga - Tula - Mikhailov - Ryazan. Bypass of Kaluga from M-3 "Ukraine" - public highway of federal significance M3 "Ukraine" (access to Kaluga) - public highway of regional significance 29 OP RZ 29K-001 Vyazma - Kaluga - public highway regional significance 29 OP RZ 29K-002 Babynino - Vorotynsk - Rosva turn - to the intersection with the public highway of federal significance M-3 "Ukraine".


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