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The fourth month of pregnancy usually brings more calmness and regularity to the life of the expectant mother. She has already got used to her new position, her body has adapted to the revolutionary changes characteristic of the past first trimester, the main dangers for mother and fetus are left behind.

It is not yet so difficult to carry a child, a woman is active and full of strength. She enjoys her position and new status.

general information

The fourth month of pregnancy opens the second trimester, which is often called "golden", because the condition of a woman still allows her to do whatever she likes, not to limit herself too much in nutrition and physical activity, at the same time, she is no longer so worried about the outcome of pregnancy, because the threat of miscarriage is significantly reduced after the end of the first trimester.

The fourth month includes weeks 14, 15, 16, 17 and partially captures several days from week 18. Four full obstetric months are 16 weeks, but obstetric months differ from calendar months in that they have exactly 4 weeks, and a little more in calendar months.

Thus, if we calculate pregnancy in obstetric months, then it lasts 10 months, and in calendar months - a little more than nine.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

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Baby development

The fetus has achieved great success: absolutely all internal organs and systems have been formed in it, and all of them are already working, with the exception of the lungs. But the lungs are not idle either - they begin to swell and contract episodically - the baby "rehearses" the respiratory movements. So his chest will expand with spontaneous breathing after birth. It will be interesting to know how the child feels weekly.

14 week

Imagine a ripe peach. This is the size of the baby right now. He grew up to 13-14 centimeters and gained weight up to 50 grams. With such a solid growth, the weight is small. Therefore, the baby looks rather pathetic - a very thin, all wrinkled and red child, who has no subcutaneous fatty tissue, does not look like cute baby dolls from posters about pregnancy and childbirth. But this is temporary.

The hairline on the head began to grow - there are children who already have a very impressive hairstyle under the length, but so far all the kids, without exception, are blond. There are still no pigments in the child's body that color the skin and hair. But your baby has already acquired its own identification feature - fingerprints. The skin pattern on the fingertips does not repeat, your baby is already unique.

The optic nerve reaches the stage of development at which the baby no longer needs to be in constant darkness. Eyes, the formation of which continues, are already beginning to distinguish light from darkness. If you direct a very bright light on the woman's tummy, then the baby will begin to squint and his movements will become more restless and active.

The brain begins to gradually establish control over the work of the organs and systems of a small organism. But it’s too early to talk about fully coordinated movements. By the way, at the current stage, the child has mastered a smile, but here it is still unconscious, this is a reflex contraction of facial muscles.

15 week

Your treasure in the womb becomes smarter - at this time, the first convolutions and furrows on the brain begin to appear. In this regard, new cells of the nervous system - neurons - begin to form at a breakneck pace. They interact and form the first neural connections.

The baby becomes more mobile. His entire body is covered with a thick lubricant that protects the parchment-thin skin from the effects of amniotic fluid. Lubricant fixes on the skin a layer of thin hair, devoid of pigmentation - lanugo. As the skin becomes firmer, the lanugo will begin to fall out and the lubrication will disappear. By childbirth, it will remain only in deep skin folds.

The child has grown to 16 centimeters. Finally, the weight has shifted - now it reaches almost 100 grams. The liver works, the work of the gallbladder and ducts begins. Bile, entering the intestines, stains the original feces (meconium) in a dark green or even black color. This is how the baby will empty itself for a few days after birth.

Boys get their own sex hormone this week. Testosterone begins to be synthesized. Girls do not yet have their own sex hormones - they grow well under the influence of mother's hormones.

16 week

It is believed that at this time, babies begin to dream. But physiologists are sure this is a delusion. Dreams will become available to babies a little later, when certain areas of the brain mature, but for now, small tremors of the eyeballs under tightly closed eyelids can only be regarded as the beginning of the work of the oculomotor muscles. Their formation has just been completed. Eyelids themselves acquired cilia. The frontal lobe of the brain is actively growing, so the forehead begins to protrude somewhat forward.

Your baby has grown up to 17 centimeters, and the weight gain was about 30-40 grams, now he weighs almost 130 grams.

All the muscles have formed, but not all of them are functional yet. Facial mimic muscles are among the first to acquire the ability to move and contract, and the arsenal of different faces and grimaces is expanding.

The hearing aid goes to a new level - now the sounds of the high frequency range are available to the baby. He hears the phone ringing and already distinguishes his mother's voice from his father's.

The baby has a blood type and Rh factor, and his own hemoglobin appears at the current time. Ultrasound scanning can determine the sex of the child with high accuracy.

17 week

The child has mastered what adults will diligently wean him from after birth - he spits and yawns. His appearance takes on individual traits. If the embryos are similar to each other, then obvious differences are outlined at this stage - a characteristic shape of the nose or a high forehead, long eyelashes or thick eyebrows. The baby begins to acquire those external features that are bestowed on him by nature and the genome from his parents.

The baby has grown up to 20 centimeters, already weighs more than 160 grams, and now the weight will increase more actively, because from this week subcutaneous fatty tissue begins to form in order to gradually rid the child of thinness.

The baby can make the first conscious movements - previously they were all involuntary. An instinctive skill is being formed that saves people's lives - the instinct of self-preservation. If a child is now frightened by a loud sound, then he will shrink, group.

Already now multiparous can begin to feel the first movements of the baby. Primiparous ladies will have to wait a couple more weeks.

The well-being of the expectant mother

Life is getting better, and even those who suffered from toxicosis of incredible strength feel it. A woman notices that she has become better looking (in most cases this is exactly the case). Hair becomes more shiny, nails become stronger, skin color and condition improve. All this is done for the expectant mother by the hormone progesterone, which creates all the conditions for the successful bearing of offspring.

Feeling better in several ways. The psychological and emotional background begin to gradually level off. Unstable reactions, raging emotions and tearfulness with irritability are a thing of the past, as the psyche adapts to new conditions. The growing uterus rises higher, it has already gone beyond the small pelvis and is now in the abdominal cavity. Its dimensions do not yet greatly constrain other internal organs, so there is no strong inconvenience, but there is relief - the pressure on the bladder has decreased, frequent urination ceases to bother the expectant mother.

The breast grows another half in size and is now a subject of special pride for a woman. The nipples may darken and develop small bumps called Montgomery's tubercles. The chest at this time usually does not hurt, there are only slight sensations of increased sensitivity in the nipple area. In multiparous women, colostrum may begin to stand out.

Progesterone does everything to make the child feel comfortable in the uterus - it stores glucose and fat in the female body in case of hunger, softens the uterine muscles, relieves tone. But he also has side effects - for example, it is he (and not the growth of hair on the baby’s head, as many people think) that causes frequent heartburn, increased gas formation and periodic intestinal upset.

The signs of pregnancy at this time are often referred to as increased fatigue, but it cannot be compared with the half-asleep state in which the woman stayed during the first trimester.

A woman continues to change her taste preferences, her own quirks appear. Some begin to eat salty, although they did not like such food before, others want to smell the rails in the subway, others demand that their husband urgently get them fresh strawberries in February. This is not due to whims, as many people think. A woman really needs what she asks for. Medicine has long tried to explain this need by saying that the child lacks something that is contained in the desired product. But recently this version was abandoned, leaving the reasons unclear.

When walking or standing for a long time, the lower back hurts. But this does not mean that the pain is sharp. We are talking about a slight sipping in the lower abdomen and lower back - such sensations are due to the onset of stretching of the ligaments that hold the uterus. This is normal, no need to worry.

In a calm state, lying on their backs, women who give birth not for the first time, at the end of the third month, can already feel the first movements of the child. The more active a woman is, the more she moves, the less likely she is to feel the baby's tremors so early. Usually a woman feels the first stirring in the evening, before going to bed, when she completely relaxes.


The abdomen at 4 months of pregnancy can already be indicated visually. It will appear earlier in thin women. For full ladies, the “interesting position” may be imperceptible even at a later date. The abdomen grows due to the exit of the uterus from the small pelvis and its gradual rise upwards. The tummy looks very neat, it is small, and at the same time it makes no sense to guess whether it is a boy or a girl in the shape of the abdomen - this is already shown by ultrasound, moreover, the popular method of determining sex by the shape and size of the abdomen does not stand up to any sound criticism.

A fast-growing belly is characteristic of women with a narrow pelvis, as well as polyhydramnios and multiple pregnancies. The tummy will grow slowly in women with wide hips, oligohydramnios, placenta attachment along the back wall.

If a woman does not want others to reveal her secret, while you can not worry - the tummy is not too noticeable, at any moment you can say that you just got better, and they will still believe you. You can not squeeze the growing fetus with clothes with tight belts, tight-fitting clothes. It's time to start wearing looser models that do not put any pressure on the stomach. Moreover, you can not drag the stomach - it can be deadly for the crumbs.

Weight gain

It is imperative to monitor weight gain from this period. It is optimal, of course, to do this from the very beginning of pregnancy, in extreme cases, at least know your initial weight before pregnancy. From the 4th month, the placenta is actively growing and developing, and therefore the amount of blood in the body of the expectant mother increases dramatically. This fact alone leads to an increase. In the first trimester, a woman could already gain a few kilograms or could lose weight due to nausea, toxicosis and the inability to eat normally, but now she will only gain and nothing else.

Weight control is important to carry out weekly at home, and once a month at a scheduled appointment with a doctor, report on your own measurements. This will help the doctor to quickly notice a possible tendency to excess body weight, as well as to suspect earlier invisible to the eye and very dangerous internal edema that may appear in the expectant mother.

The following indicators can be considered the norm of weight gain for this month (depending on the weight of the woman before the start of pregnancy):

  • for very thin women, it is permissible to add 4.5 kilograms from the beginning of pregnancy to their original weight;
  • for women of normal build without signs of excess weight - 3-3.5 kg;
  • for women who are overweight - no more than 2.5 kilograms.

If a woman is in the middle fourth month Gained 6 kilograms, this is a clear excess. You should definitely discuss this situation with your doctor. Excess weight, which will be acquired now, can cause severe preeclampsia in the third trimester, a complication of childbirth. It can cause fetal hypoxia, as well as hypertension in a woman.


Symptoms of toxicosis by the beginning of 4 months recede in 80% of women who suffered from them at an early stage, and by the end of 4 months, only one out of 10 such women continues to experience discomfort, but they are noticeably easier than they were before. The woman's immunity has adapted to new endocrine conditions, it has ceased to fight and fight with the fetus, the child is no longer threatened with intrauterine death due to an inadequate response of the mother's immune system. The placenta began to work, and therefore the load on the woman's blood circulation and her metabolism changed. It is with this that the disappearance of toxicosis is connected.

If this is what happened, enjoy your special position and status. If you still have nausea, there is intolerance to odors, then try to follow these recommendations:

  • add more protein foods to the diet (do not overdo it, 100 grams will be enough in addition to the existing menu);
  • agree with the doctor on the possibility of taking salty foods - salt helps to cope with nausea and its consequences, restores salt balance, but do not forget about drinking plenty of water;
  • try not to eat in large portions, split the diet into 6-7 doses, make each portion small so that it can be absorbed faster;
  • eat more vegetables and fruits;
  • keep a bottle of lemon essential oil close at hand - for nausea, add a drop on your wrist and inhale it for about a minute.

If all else fails (which is rare), see your doctor for help.

What is allowed and what is prohibited during this period?

Colds, flu and other diseases that can lie in wait anywhere in the fourth month are no longer as dangerous as in the first trimester. This is due to the full performance of the placenta of its duties - it is an additional protective barrier between the child and the female body. But it's still best to take care of yourself.

If now you want to fly on a long-awaited vacation, you can safely go for it - the flight will not hurt, flying on an airplane during this period is not prohibited. Even if the airline representatives notice your situation, they will not ask for a doctor's note confirming that it is safe for you to travel. If you are flying at sea, try to avoid overheating and prolonged exposure to the sun.

Sex is not prohibited unless the doctor has a different opinion on this matter. A different opinion appears if there is a threat, problems with the cervix, placenta previa. In other cases, the spouses are free to do whatever they want - the stomach does not interfere with them yet. But already now it is worth avoiding poses in which the partner will press his weight on the woman's stomach.

Prohibited and dangerous:

  • smoking and taking alcoholic beverages, psychotropic substances;
  • take any medications without the knowledge and approval of the doctor;
  • eat raw meat and drink unpasteurized milk;
  • lift weights and arrange difficult physical tests and loads;
  • wear tight clothing;
  • contact with chemicals;
  • wear high-heeled shoes (the center of gravity is already changing).

Remember that any self-treatment is strictly prohibited. Menstruation cannot go on at 4 months, and therefore, if bloody or smearing brown discharge appears, especially if it pulls the lower abdomen, the best thing a woman can do is contact " ambulance". Bleeding is an emergency, and with timely medical attention, the child can still be saved. If the nose bleeds, an ambulance is not needed. Just put ice on the bridge of your nose. With pregnant women, after an increase in the amount of circulating blood, nosebleeds can be quite common.

At 4 months, you can start taking a course of psychological preparation for childbirth. This will benefit, because the knowledge gained during the preparation will help a woman to more easily survive the third trimester and to correctly orient herself at the moment when childbirth begins.

The fourth month opens the second trimester - the most calm and comfortable period of pregnancy. By this time, the manifestations had almost disappeared, the woman underwent an initial examination at the antenatal clinic, the recently formed placenta reliably protects the fetus from the negative effects of the external environment. The unborn child has already formed all the organs, and the baby's life support system has begun to function.

During the fourth month of pregnancy, the uterus grows very rapidly in size. If by the beginning of the first week of this month it barely rises above the pubic joint, then by the end of the fourth month the bottom of the uterus approaches the level of the navel. Another significant change is an increase in blood volume by 30-40%. This increase in circulating blood volume puts more stress on the heart muscle. A healthy heart copes with it, and in case of pathology of cardiovascular activity, these changes can affect the work of the heart in a bad way.

An increase in the level of melanin in the blood affects the condition of the skin and hair - moles darken, age spots appear on the skin, the strip of skin between the navel and the pubic bone, the skin of the perineum darkens. These changes will disappear some time after childbirth. To reduce the intensity of the appearance of spots, you need to actively use sunscreen for the face.

The stomach at 4 months of pregnancy may be completely absent, and most pregnant women still use the usual clothing models. However, an increase in waist volume is already noticeable, and in some women, a rounding of the abdomen. Since the uterus is growing rapidly, severe pain in the groin and lower abdomen may appear due to sprain. They pass as quickly as they appear.

Due to the increase in the total volume of fluid in the body, a woman feels. The volume of vaginal discharge also increases. The load on the circulatory system causes a violation of the integrity of small vessels, bruises and nosebleeds. They may appear less frequently if the air is intensively humidified in the dwelling.

Due to frequent constipation, prerequisites for - varicose veins of the rectum may appear. Outside and inside the anus, venous nodules appear, which bleed when straining, become inflamed and swell.

A pleasant sensation for women undergoing a second and subsequent pregnancies, and for slender thin women, is the feeling of the first movements of the unborn child.

The placenta is a universal organ - it protects the fetus from pathogenic bacteria and viruses, synthesizes the necessary proteins and hormones, removes the waste products of the unborn child with venous blood, filters out harmful substances, delivers oxygen and nutrients from the mother's body. Thanks to her, a woman manages to avoid accidents and not be afraid of abortion due to the negative impact of the external environment.

The baby's waste products are urine, which the fetus releases every 40-45 minutes into the amniotic fluid. The amniotic fluid is renewed every 2-3 hours, it is sterile and has a constant chemical composition. Amniotic fluid protects the fetus from damage, stimulates the baby's metabolism, and allows him to move freely. At the 4th month of pregnancy, the fetus imitates respiratory movements, drawing water into the lungs, training the respiratory system.

The weight of the fetus by the end of 4 months, and its height increases from 12 to 20 cm.

The unborn child has already formed a swallowing and sucking reflex - from time to time he sucks his finger. The arms are bent at the elbows, the palms and fingers can fold into a fist, the fetus can grab the umbilical cord, touch its face. Despite the fact that the baby moves a lot and willingly in the uterine cavity, these gentle movements are not yet fully felt by the woman, they can easily be mistaken for sensations from intestinal motility.

A light and thin fluff appeared on the skin of the child - lanugo. It covers the entire body of the fetus, and will disappear only after childbirth. The fluff helps to keep the original lubricant on the body, which protects the skin from the action of amniotic fluid. Eyebrows, hair, eyelashes are outlined on the head and face of the fetus. On the fingers, the formation of nails begins.

The genitals of the child are in the process of formation, but its gender can already be determined. When conducting an ultrasound, it is still very difficult to distinguish a boy from a girl. In the male fetus, the prostate begins its development, in future girls, the ovaries already contain eggs, and have descended into the small pelvis from the abdominal cavity.

The baby's ears gradually take their permanent place, rising from the side of the neck to where they should be. The formation of the inner ear is not yet complete, but the baby is already reacting to strong noise. The sensitivity of the retina increased, and the fetus was able to raise and lower the eyelids.

The psychological state of the pregnant woman

Women undergoing their first pregnancy, at the fourth month, finally realize that expecting a baby can bring positive emotions. They begin to feel that they have an extremely important mission to perform, and they anxiously await the first movements of the fetus. Those who already have children know that in the second trimester of pregnancy they will enjoy the joyful excitement during a kind of communication with an unborn child, from his first gentle, and then more and more tangible movements and movements.

During the fourth month of pregnancy, if there are no deviations from the normal course, the woman visits her doctor once. The obstetrician-gynecologist will evaluate the results of previously passed tests, ultrasound data. If the results of a smear test for urogenital infections are unfavorable, a course of treatment with antibacterial drugs should be completed within the fourth month. After a course of therapy, a control examination of a smear from the vagina is prescribed.

At the end of the fourth month, the doctor may order tests related to screening for the second trimester of pregnancy. It is carried out from 15 to 20 weeks of the gestational period. This screening includes a blood test, or “triple test,” and another ultrasound.

    Analysis of the concentration in the blood of the hormone hCG, or chorionic gonadotorpin;

    Analysis for ?-fetoprotein (AFP);

    Analysis for unconjugated (free) estriol.

If the level of these markers deviates significantly from the norm, the risk of having a child with congenital pathologies is high:

    craniocerebral hernia;

    Cleavage of the anterior abdominal wall of the fetus.

Risk factors:

    The woman's age is over 35;

    Radiation impact;

    Harmful working conditions;

    Side effects drugs;

    The presence in the family of children with pathologies;

    History of habitual miscarriage.

An increased content of markers indicating a high risk of anomalies in the results of screening of the first and second trimester is a reason for amniocentesis. This study is voluntary, it consists of a puncture of the uterus under ultrasound control to collect amniotic fluid. This is an extremely informative analysis, which is performed only with significant indications for it. One procedure out of 200 ends with spontaneous abortion.

According to the results of the study of amniotic fluid determine:

    Genotype and sex of the fetus;

    The level of ?-fetoprotein, indicating malformations of the central nervous system;

  • Since nausea no longer accompanies meals, a pregnant woman's appetite increases. You should not thoughtlessly eat various dishes, because there is a danger of weight gain in excess of the permissible norm. If you count from the initial weight before pregnancy, at this time the increase should be no more than 2-2.5 kg.

    The optimal diet is to eat often, but little by little, without overeating. Most of the diet is consumed in the morning, during lunch and breakfast. In the morning they mainly eat cereals, dairy products, at lunch - hearty meals, and in the evening it is better to leave easily digestible foods. For snacks, it is better to use not cookies and sandwiches, but fruits and vegetables.

    The use of salty foods is limited, it is better not to salt food in order to avoid edema. Smoked meats, fatty and fried foods, semi-finished products are prohibited. Sweets, rich pastries can lead to an increase in excess weight.

    Very helpful products. containing protein - meat, fish, cottage cheese, cheese. Dairy products will not only make up for the lack of calcium in the body, but also help to improve digestion and bowel function. Recommended for the use of beef, liver, apples, dried apricots. In practice, the doctor will recommend supplementing such a diet with iron supplements.

    Problems 4 months - the threat of miscarriage and constipation

    Despite the fact that the threat of miscarriage is no longer as great as in the first trimester, it still exists. The main reason is cervical insufficiency. It occurs due to the weakness of the muscle bundle, which normally holds the internal os of the cervix tightly compressed. The pharynx of the cervix does not hold the fetal bladder for the following reasons:

      Pathological course of previous births;

      History of abortions and miscarriages;

      Hormonal disorders.

    The diagnosis of "istvico-cervical insufficiency" threatens with infection of the membranes and death of the fetus. It is put on palpation, confirmed by ultrasound. Treatment is a surgical suture on the cervix or a ring on the cervix. A woman with such a diagnosis is categorically not recommended to strain, do housework.

    Primary placental insufficiency is another risk factor for maintaining pregnancy. In this condition, the fetus does not receive the right amount of oxygen and nutrients due to endocrine disorders, the action of an infection or due to a genetic factor that manifests its effect before the 16th week of pregnancy.

    Symptoms of placental insufficiency are similar to those of a miscarriage:

      Lower abdominal pain;

      Lower back pain;

      Bloody vaginal discharge.

    Due to insufficient supply of nutrients to the fetus, congenital malformations may occur. Diagnosis - a study of the level of placental hormones in the urine, blood and amniotic fluid.

    Treatment of placental insufficiency:

      Vitamin therapy;

      Antispasmodics - papaverine, no-shpa;



    • Methionine;

      Soothing herbal preparations.


    The appearance of bloody discharge, accompanied by pain in the abdomen and lower back, is a very dangerous symptom that indicates the onset of spontaneous abortion. The discharge is bright red and may contain blood clots. If these symptoms appear, you should immediately seek emergency help. If timely measures are taken, miscarriage can be prevented.

    Minor painless discharge that appeared after an intimate relationship may be a sign of cervical erosion. This condition should be treated after childbirth.

    intimate relationship

    The well-being of a pregnant woman at 4 months improves significantly, she becomes more active and energetic. If the doctor sees no contraindications for intimate relationships, you should not refrain from them.

    Possible contraindications:

      Risk of miscarriage;

      Multiple pregnancy;

      Treatment for an infectious disease of the reproductive organs.

    In addition, for many women, under the influence of hormones, libido only increases, and positive emotional experiences will benefit them.

    Video about the rules of conduct and features of the course of the fourth month, mandatory examinations:

    Education: Diploma "Obstetrics and Gynecology" received at the Russian State Medical University of the Federal Agency for Health and Social Development (2010). In 2013, she completed her postgraduate studies at the NMU. N. I. Pirogov.

The fourth month of pregnancy is the end of the first trimester and the beginning of the second. This period lasts from 12 to 16 weeks. By now, the condition of the expectant mother is stabilizing. The embryo is firmly established. Toxicosis replaces a good appetite. A more pronounced belly appears, the figure of a woman is rounded. It's time to think about changing your wardrobe.

Child development

The placenta is fully formed. It provides nutrition to the embryo, protects it from infections, removes waste products.

By this time, the laying of all the main internal organs had taken place. Some of them immediately take on the final form. And some, for example, the brain are formed gradually, in several stages.

Significant changes are observed in the embryo. For example, with regard to the nervous system, then:

  • The developing retina of the eye is already able to detect changes in light.
  • The auditory ossicles are formed. The fetus reacts to your voice or loud noises. During this period, it is recommended to start talking with the child.
  • There is a sucking reflex. On ultrasound, you can clearly see how the baby holds a finger or toe in his mouth.
  • Mimicry develops. He can squint, frown.
  • Swallows amniotic fluid and feels a change in their taste.
  • Active production of neutrons continues, up to 5000 nerve cells are formed in one second.
  • Grasping reflex. The kid catches his legs with his hands, pulls the umbilical cord.

At this time, you can already determine the sex of the child:

  • In boys, the testicles are sent to the scrotum, by the end of the 14th week the prostate is formed.
  • In girls, a uterus appears, a follicle is laid in the ovaries.

From the musculoskeletal system, the following can be observed:

  • The ossification of the skeleton begins. During this period, it is very important to consume enough calcium.
  • Milk teeth are laid and the dates when they will erupt.
  • Increases joint mobility.
  • Muscles are formed and strengthened. The child can already hold his head.

Endocrine system:

  • The adrenal glands are active.
  • The thyroid gland begins to produce thyroxine (it ensures the development and growth of cells, activates metabolism).
  • The pancreas secretes insulin, which controls the amount of sugar in the blood.
  • The pituitary gland produces a hormone (ACTH) responsible for the development of muscle tissue, skin pigmentation.
  • The work of the kidneys, which excrete urine into the amniotic fluid, is normalized.
  • As a result of the development of the muscles of the chest, a respiratory reflex is formed.
  • The lungs are not yet divided into alveoli, but the baby performs actions similar to inhalation / exhalation, absorbing and expelling amniotic fluid.

The immune system:

  • The thymus produces lymphocytes and teaches them to recognize and destroy viruses.
  • The bone marrow produces red blood cells and white blood cells.
  • Almost all the main components are present in the blood, and its group and Rh factor can be determined.

Digestive system.

  • The spleen is active.
  • Bile is produced by the liver.

Eyebrows, eyelashes, hair begin to grow, the body is covered with guns. Nails were formed, a pattern of fingerprints was outlined.

Depending on whether the child is blonde or brunette, the follicles produce the appropriate pigment.

Physical activity

The fetus begins to move at the age of 7-8 weeks. But a woman can feel the first signs of this only at the 4th month of pregnancy, sometimes later. But it should be noted that the absence of tremors after the 20th week is not a sign of deviations. Especially if this is your first pregnancy. In women who gave birth before these women, the abdominal muscles are more stretched and sensitive.

It feels like flatulence. But some compare, as if small bubbles burst in the stomach or butterflies flutter.

The activity of the child in the womb depends primarily on his mood and movements of the expectant mother. If a woman walks a lot, it is lulling. During rest, the child, on the contrary, is energetic. But it must be borne in mind that when a person is busy or passionate, he listens less to his feelings.

Woman's well-being

The fourth month of pregnancy is considered the easiest period. The body began to adapt to the new state:

  • Toxicosis is significantly reduced or disappears without a trace. Appetite increases.
  • Irritability and increased fatigue go away, there is a surge of strength, self-confidence, complacency. Anxiety about the unborn child does not go anywhere, but it becomes less than in the first trimester. As a rule, it is now that most people understand that pregnancy can be pleasurable.
  • The expectant mother continues to gain weight. On average, since the last menstruation, this is plus 5-6 kg. But a lot depends on height and physique. If the indicator is significantly different from the norm, a consultation with a gynecologist is necessary.
  • After four months of pregnancy, the woman notices that her hair has become unusually dense, and her nails have become stronger and grow faster. As a result of hormonal changes, progesterone produced by the body reduces natural hair loss and prevents delamination of the nail plate.
  • The temperature returns to normal, thanks to which the state of health improves.
  • The amount of whitish vaginal discharge increases.

Many women experience a burst of creativity. They feel an unexpected craving for knitting booties, sewing cute toys, creating culinary masterpieces in the kitchen. New hobbies emerge. Some begin to write stories, draw. Information is easy to digest. There may be an idea to learn a foreign language or get a second education. True, this period lasts several weeks, so it is better not to build long-term plans.


The size of the uterus is actively increasing, and by the end of the 4th month of pregnancy, it rises from the small pelvis, where there is no longer room for it. Its bottom reaches the navel, as a result, the stomach is noticeably rounded. But if desired, an interesting position can still be hidden with skillfully selected clothes. The main thing is not to wear tight clothes and tight belts.

If you stand in front of a mirror and look closely, you will see a dark, vertical line running down the center of the abdomen and down to the pubis. It appears due to the deposition of melanin pigment. During pregnancy, the strip may darken, but after childbirth it will disappear without a trace.


Intimacy has a beneficial effect on the baby and the expectant mother. But only on condition that the child develops normally, and there is no threat of miscarriage.

There are no significant restrictions in postures. The belly at 4 months of pregnancy is still small and will not interfere. Only need to avoid increased stress or pressure on the uterus.

Your doctor may limit your sex life if you have:

  • Bleeding from the vagina.
  • Tone.
  • Low location of the placenta.
  • Sexual infection.

In other cases, you should not deprive yourself and your spouse of pleasure. But abuse is not recommended. You can make love 2-3 times a week.

A woman is unlikely to be comfortable when her husband lies on top of her. The optimal position is the wife on the left side, the husband is attached behind.


In addition to passing a general blood and urine test, it is necessary to undergo an examination by a gynecologist. The doctor will check:

  • Woman's weight.
  • Pressure.
  • The size of the uterus, with the help of palpation and a centimeter tape.
  • Fetal heartbeat.
  • Status of the cervix during vaginal examination.

In addition, the following examinations are required:

  1. First ultrasound. If you haven't already, hurry up. According to the norms, it must be carried out up to 14 weeks.
  2. A triple test is preferably carried out at 15-16 weeks. It detects the level of hormones AFP, hCG, E3 in the blood. As a result, it is possible to determine the risk of a child developing chromosomal diseases: Down syndrome, neural tube defects, Edwards syndrome.

But this study only identifies an increased risk. And with a poor test result, an additional examination of amniotic fluid is performed.

Possible problems

Although the second trimester is considered one of the easiest periods, a woman may face certain difficulties:

  • Areolas of nipples, freckles become darker. Perhaps the appearance of age spots, moles, including on the face. To avoid this, try to be less in the sun.
  • Heartburn. It occurs as a result of the fact that the uterus presses on the internal organs and gastric juice partially enters the esophagus. Raw carrots and potato juice work well for her.
  • Bleeding gums, caries. Maintain good oral hygiene and rinse your teeth with clean water after eating. It is advisable to visit a dentist.
  • Slight nasal congestion, possibly nosebleeds. As a result of an increase in blood volume, thin vessels can be damaged.
  • The formation of spider veins (varicose veins), exacerbation of hemorrhoids. Under the influence of hormones, vascular tone decreases. To prevent the occurrence of unpleasant diseases, it is recommended to walk more and add fiber-containing foods to the diet.
  • Falling iron levels in the blood.
  • Oily or brittle hair.
  • Increased sweating.
  • Dizziness.
  • Constipation.

There are pulling pains in the lower abdomen as a result of the growth of the uterus and sprains. This condition is considered normal and does not require treatment. But it is necessary to consult a gynecologist to exclude the possibility of a miscarriage.


After toxicosis, the appetite of the pregnant woman increases. To avoid problems with excessive weight gain, meet the body's nutritional needs and prevent constipation, it is necessary to balance the diet. It must contain the required amount of fats, carbohydrates and proteins.

Some tips for proper nutrition:

  • You need to eat fractionally, avoiding the feeling of hunger.
  • Breakfast should be nutritious. It would be nice to cook porridge with a side dish.
  • For dinner, leave easily digestible foods.
  • Between main meals, snack on fruits and vegetables.
  • It is useful to eat lean fish and meat.
  • Dairy products and cottage cheese must be included in the daily diet. They will help to fill the lack of calcium, and improve intestinal motility.

  • Pomegranate, beef liver, green apples, dried apricots will reduce the manifestation of anemia, which is usually detected in the 4th month of pregnancy.
  • Drink plenty of fluids. Drink the main amount of water, juice, tea or compote before 5 pm.
  • Avoid potatoes, fresh cabbage, grapes.
  • If you are prone to edema, reduce your salt intake.
  • Limit sweets, cakes, chocolate. It is better to replace them with marshmallows, marshmallows, honey, jam. And it is desirable to eat in the morning, little by little.

Smoked, overcooked, fast food, sweet soda, alcohol and other harmful products should not be consumed. Coffee is allowed, but not strong and in limited quantities.

It is necessary to monitor the quality of food - it should be as natural and healthy as possible.

In the second trimester, the well-being of the expectant mother improves. And the risk of complications in the fetus is minimal. Now is the time to do what you've been putting off:

  1. If you were planning to move, then the 4th month or a little later is the best time. Pregnant women are even allowed to fly.
  2. Surveys by narrow specialists. If additional treatment or medication is needed, a developed placenta will be able to protect the baby from most drugs.
  3. Repair in the apartment. It is necessary to make a plan so that all work is completed before the start of the 3rd trimester, when the woman can no longer cope with her usual workload.

In case of doubt, whether it is possible to perform certain actions, it would be useful to consult a gynecologist. You should also seek help if you feel unwell.

Behind the difficulties and anxieties of the first trimester, early toxicosis of pregnancy is gone, you have visited many doctors, passed tests. Embryogenesis has almost ended - the development of the embryo and the formation of the placenta. Harmful environmental factors are no longer so terrible. It's time to breathe and enjoy, especially since you feel more energetic.

What happens in the body of a future mother at 4 months of pregnancy?

From this month, the uterus extends beyond the small pelvis and grows quite quickly in the abdominal cavity. At the beginning of the month, the bottom of the uterus barely shows above the pubic joint, and by its end it is almost at the level of the navel. To help the placenta in nourishing the growing fetus, your body increases the volume of circulating blood. An increase in blood volume by 30-40% adds work to the heart. If the heart is healthy, then such a load will be invisible to you. Many specific skin and hair changes occur during pregnancy. Moles and freckles darken, hyper- and hypopigmented spots appear on the skin, as well as a dark line running from the navel to the pubic bone. All of these phenomena are associated with another "trick" of hormones - the deposition of a special pigment substance called melanin. After giving birth, they go away on their own. In order to reduce the likelihood of such troubles, use sunscreen for the face (at any time of the year) and body (when you plan to stay in the sun). To slightly lighten existing spots, you can use whitening masks based on fermented milk products and lemon juice.

The increase in the mammary glands continues, especially the areolas - dark areola.

Future baby at 4 months pregnant

By the end of the fourth month, the fetus is fully supplied with everything necessary thanks to the already formed placenta. There is a relatively quiet period for you. The placenta not only transfers food and oxygen from the mother to the fetus - it also performs the function of removing harmful substances, waste products of the fetus with the venous blood flow, protects the fetus from the penetration of viruses, bacteria, harmful chemical compounds, and is also a chemical laboratory that synthesizes proteins and hormones necessary for the fetus.

The child has the first reflexes - sucking and swallowing. His arms bend at the elbows and wrists, he is able to clench his palms into fists and grab something. He becomes very flexible, can swim, suck his thumb. The baby moves a lot, but the vast majority of expectant mothers will feel the first movements only in the next month of pregnancy.

This month, the embryonic fluff - lanugo - appears on the skin of the baby. It performs a protective function - it delays the waxy substance secreted by the skin. Even during pregnancy, lanugo will be replaced by thicker and longer vellus hair. Already in this month, hair on the head begins to grow, eyebrows and eyelashes appear, nails form.

The baby produces urine and releases it into the amniotic fluid every 40-45 minutes. However, the baby's urine is not the main component of amniotic fluid. The origin of the waters is still a mystery to scientists; it is assumed that their main producer is the cells of the fetal bladder. The amniotic fluid is completely renewed every 2-3 hours, which maintains their sterility and constant chemical composition. This is the first "habitat" of the child, and it performs many functions, including protection from mechanical damage, provides freedom of movement, and is involved in metabolism. In addition, by drawing amniotic fluid into the lungs and pushing it back, the baby trains in breathing.

This month, boys-to-be develop a prostate, and girls' ovaries, containing millions of eggs, descend from the abdomen to the hips. It is already possible to recognize the sex by the external genital organs, although this is not always possible with an ultrasound examination at this time.

Your child's face continues to take shape. The ears from the side of the neck rise to the right place. Although the ear is not yet fully formed, the child may respond to external noises with changes in motor activity.

By the end of the month, the baby's eyes open, the retina becomes sensitive. During this month, the baby grows from 12 to 20 cm, its weight reaches 200 g by the end of the month.

Feelings of the expectant mother at 4 months of pregnancy

Your stomach gradually begins to slightly round and the waist is smoothed out. Feeling better, appetite increased. It is better if the weight gain for 4 months of pregnancy is from 1 to 4 kg. Tight clothes can become tight, but you can still get by with the usual “non-pregnant” wardrobe.

A rapid increase in the uterus causes stretching of its ligamentous apparatus, which many pregnant women perceive as a sharp pain in the lower abdomen and in the inguinal regions. Such pains come on suddenly and pass quickly.

More fluid in the body causes increased sweating and vaginal discharge. These phenomena are safe, although they require additional hygiene procedures. Sometimes small blood vessels do not withstand the additional load, so nosebleeds are frequent in pregnant women and bruises are easily formed. For recurring nosebleeds, make sure that the air in the apartment is humidified, besides, be sure to tell your doctor about bleeding.

There is also an unpleasant surprise that a “calm” month is preparing for you. Just at this time, constipation may appear. Hormonal changes in the body and the growing uterus slow down intestinal motility, which causes a delay and compaction of food masses in it. Constipation in itself is unpleasant, besides, they can provoke the development of hemorrhoids - varicose veins of the rectum. Hemorrhoids appear in the form of nodules of veins located in the anus or inside the rectum. With constant tension during constipation, such nodules often become inflamed, swell, and bleed. If constipation can be dealt with, then such complications do not happen.

By the end of the fourth month, multiparous or thin women may feel the movement of the fetus.

Psychology 4 months of pregnancy

Many women claim that they realized their impending motherhood just at the border of the third or fourth month of pregnancy, when the first difficulties of the “interesting situation” receded. This is not surprising: during this period, you increasingly begin to experience joyful excitement, enjoy and take care of it. This amazing feeling will help to cope with any difficulties better than any medicine.

Possible deviations from the norm at 4 months of pregnancy

Now one of the main causes of miscarriage can be isthmic-cervical insufficiency (ICI). The bulk of the muscle bundles of the cervix is ​​located around the internal opening (pharynx) of the cervical canal. These muscle fibers normally tightly compress the internal os, holding the fetus inside the uterus. With unsuccessful births, miscarriages, abortions, hormonal disorders, muscle fibers are destroyed, scar tissue comes in their place, which cannot play the role of a “lock”. Then, as the pregnancy grows, the fetal bladder protrudes into the cervical canal, its membranes become infected, and a miscarriage occurs. The doctor can suggest the presence of ICI with a manual examination, but the final diagnosis is made by ultrasound. Treatment may include surgical suturing of the cervix or/and placement of a special plastic ring around the cervix. With such a diagnosis, you should be very careful, lie more and give up homework.

As mentioned above, at this time the placenta completes its formation, so right now it is possible to form primary placental insufficiency - a condition in which the placenta does not provide the fetus with oxygen and nutrients properly. Primary (early) insufficiency occurs during the formation of the placenta during implantation, early embryogenesis and the formation of the placenta under the influence of genetic, endocrine, infectious and other factors up to 16 weeks of pregnancy. It is manifested by a picture of a threatening abortion (the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen, in the lower back, bloody discharge from the genital tract), the development of congenital malformations of the fetus. For early diagnosis, the determination of the level of placental hormones in the amniotic fluid, blood and urine of pregnant women is used. The change in these levels occurs long before the first symptoms, which allows timely treatment. Such a course may include antispasmodics (NO-SHPA, PAPAVERIN), vitamins, herbal sedatives, COCARBOXYLASE, TRENTAL, METIONIN, ACTOVEGIN.

In addition to taking medication, a woman should eat well, sleep a lot and walk in the fresh air (3-4 hours a day).

Necessary medical measures at 4 months of pregnancy

In this month of pregnancy, in its normal course, you will visit the doctor once. The doctor will talk about the results of the tests, explain the parameters of the ultrasound examination. Perhaps he will prescribe an additional examination for infections.

If any of the sexually transmitted infections that adversely affect the development of the fetus are detected during the initial examination, it is now advisable to conduct a full course of treatment, including antibacterial drugs. After treatment, be sure to undergo a follow-up examination.

Between 15 and 20 weeks of pregnancy, a test is done for alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), human chorionic gonadotropin (CG), and unconjugated estriol (NE). In some congenital anomalies (for example, Down's syndrome, craniocerebral hernia, splitting of the anterior abdominal wall of the fetus), the levels of these substances in the blood of pregnant women may deviate from the norm. If the risk of such anomalies is high, it is advisable to do an analysis at the 15-16th week of pregnancy in order to have time to repeat it if necessary. Risk factors for congenital anomalies include: age over 35 years, the presence of children with malformations in the family, recurrent miscarriage, exposure to radiation, harmful production factors, and certain medications.

If, according to the results of a double test, which a pregnant woman takes at 10-12 weeks (we talked about it last month), and a triple test, there is reason to assume the presence of some kind of pathology, then the pregnant woman will be offered to undergo additional studies.

Women who are at risk of giving birth to a child with malformations are offered to do an amniocentesis at this time - in this case, a needle is passed through the uterine wall under ultrasound control and the required amount of amniotic fluid is taken for examination. They determine the genotype, including sex, fetus, AFP level (an indicator by which one can assume the presence of malformations of the central nervous system), bilirubin (a marker of hemolytic disease), hormones, and proteins. This study allows you to exclude many diseases, accurately diagnose, in the fourth month it is the safest.

From about 13-14 weeks of pregnancy, if the fetus is in a position convenient for examination, ultrasound can determine its gender. However, it is not worth doing an ultrasound only for this reason, especially since at such a time the results may be erroneous. It is better to keep your curiosity until next month, when the second scheduled ultrasound will be performed.

Visit the dentist in the fourth month. Tell him about your pregnancy. The fourth to fifth month is the optimal time for dental treatment, if necessary. At this time, you can already use some anesthetics - the doctor will select the safest for you and the baby. X-rays are also acceptable if needed.

Under the influence of hormones, your gums become sensitive and may bleed. Brush your teeth regularly, rinse your mouth with a decoction of chamomile. An infection in the oral cavity is as dangerous for the unborn baby as any other.

Behavior rules

It's time to rethink your vitamin preparations. If until the fourth month folic acid, vitamin E and iodine were the main ones, now it is necessary to take B vitamins, macroelements (calcium, phosphorus, magnesium) and microelements (iron, zinc). At this time, it is best to take special "prenatal" vitamin complexes. Prenatal vitamins in composition differ from conventional multivitamins in the increased content of iron, zinc and folic acid. Their composition is optimal for a pregnant woman.

Vitamins are usually well absorbed when taken with food or at bedtime. Multivitamins, like other drugs and foods, can cause an allergic reaction, in which case you can try to replace the drug with another one. If, for some reason, you cannot take a multivitamin complex, then iron supplements must be added to the list of monopreparations for this period to prevent anemia in pregnant women. Anemia is a decrease in the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood (a substance that carries oxygen) below 110 g / l. Iron is one of the constituents of the hemoglobin molecule. The daily requirement for iron at this time is 2-4 mg per day. However, iron is very poorly absorbed from both food and medicines. If iron is taken in tablet form, the recommended prophylactic dose is 60 mg per day. The same amount of iron is found in pre-natal vitamins. A lot of natural iron is found in buckwheat, beef, liver, green sour apples, dried apricots, cherries, pomegranates.

At this time, it is permissible to increase the number of calories consumed with food by about 300 per day. These "extra" calories will be spent on the growth of tissues of the mother and baby. If there are not enough calories, then the necessary proteins will be processed in the metabolic process as a source of energy, instead of being spent on growth and development. Expand your diet with protein foods (meat, cottage cheese, fish, poultry, cereals). In addition, the diet of the fourth month must necessarily include fresh vegetables, herbs, vegetable oil, cereals (all cereals are useful, except for semolina - it contains a lot of easily digestible carbohydrates and few useful substances), dried fruits, sour-milk products.

If 10 years ago, pregnant women were advised to move less and rest more, now sports are considered very useful for both mother and unborn baby. Check with your doctor before hitting the gym, especially if you're at risk or have had a miscarriage. You should not engage on an equal footing with your non-pregnant girlfriends. Even if you have an ideal pregnancy, you have become much heavier, you get tired faster, and besides, you have to “breathe for two”, supplying yourself and the baby with oxygen. The best sports for pregnant women are walking, swimming. The "forbidden" include extreme and game sports, skiing, cycling.

Household chores at 4 months pregnant

Use the temporary lull of the fourth month to resolve accumulated domestic issues. And if you have Personal car, then it helps in many ways to do everything quickly. However, decide whether it is really necessary now to drive a car on your own. Remember that pregnancy affects concentration, you get tired faster, and most often the cause of an unpleasant accident on the road is fatigue. If you continue to use the car, it is important to buckle up correctly: to do this, place the lower section of the belt under the abdomen across the hips, and the upper one above the abdomen, you can also purchase a special seat belt designed for pregnant women.

Many women are worried about whether it is possible to dye their hair and nails. Of course, paint and solvents are not very useful for inhalation. However, if the refusal of cosmetic procedures causes fear of looking in the mirror, then it is better not to refuse them. In the end, the harm from constant dissatisfaction with oneself can be equated with chronic stress. Alternatively, you can dye your hair once in your natural tone - and solve the problem until the very birth. You can use tinted shampoos or coloring balms: they are safe.

You may already feel tight in your trousers and skirt, so it's time to think about special clothing. Comfortable, comfortable maternity clothes are what you need right now. It's also time to buy a couple of pillows. From the fourth month, the most comfortable and safe sleeping position is on the left side with one leg bent and a thin pillow between the legs. Recommendations to sleep on the left side are due to the fact that in this position the pregnant uterus does not put pressure on large vessels, does not interfere with blood circulation in the placenta. You can attach another pillow to the lower back so as not to “roll” onto your back. This position helps the blood supply to the placenta and improves kidney function.

How to deal with constipation during pregnancy?

  • Drink more clean non-carbonated water, at least 1-1.5 liters per day. Drink a glass of water in the morning before breakfast. You can replace morning water with a glass of kefir.

4 months of bearing a baby is a period of relative calm and prosperity. All the stress factors associated with the appearance of a child in the family and early toxicosis have long since passed. However, the difficulties of delivery and bearing a child who has reached large sizes, far ahead. During this period, you can enjoy life and do everything possible to protect yourself and your baby from possible complications.

4 months is how many weeks of pregnancy?

The fourth month of pregnancy is 16 obstetric weeks or approximately 18 calendar weeks. The difference is due to the fact that in the obstetric month there are always four weeks of 7 days each (28 days in total). This calculation was introduced for the convenience of planning the timing of pregnancy and the birth of a child. The beginning of this period is the 13th week, and the end is the 16th.

Changes that occur in a woman's body

Already in the fourth month of pregnancy, the female body undergoes colossal transformations. They concern both external factors, such as changes in the shape, color and size of the abdomen, and the restructuring of the functional activity of almost all organs.

External changes

From 13 to 16 weeks, others and the pregnant woman herself may notice the following changes:

  • Breast augmentation by 1-2 sizes. This process is due to hyperplasia of the glandular tissue of the mammary gland under the influence of estrogens and the intensive growth of blood vessels that feed it.
  • 3 times enlargement of the areolas of the nipples.
  • Addition of body weight. Until the end of 4 months, weight gain is negligible. It is only 1 - 3 kg. This trend is explained by the fact that the active growth of the fetus and the organs that feed it begins from the 5th month.
  • Increased skin pigmentation. Areas of hyperpigmentation appear on the face, neck, and perineum. The formation on the abdomen of the "line of pregnancy" is characteristic. The appearance of brown spots on the skin is due to increased production and accumulation of melanin.
  • Presence of signs of varicose veins. Usually, such symptoms disappear after childbirth, and in the presence of the disease before the onset of pregnancy, it becomes more severe. On the skin of the legs, usually the legs, small spider veins appear, bluish veins appear through the skin.
  • The belly looks more voluminous than in the photo taken before pregnancy. You can forget about the "bad" times. The uterus is located at a height of 11-12 centimeters above the womb, so it can be clearly visualized.
  • Beginning of fetal movements.
  • Ability to listen to the fetal heartbeat. By the end of the 4th month of pregnancy, it is already possible to observe the baby's cardiac activity.

Inner feelings of a woman

In the body of the expectant mother, many processes are new for her, so the sensations also change. The following symptoms may be observed:

  • A slight increase in temperature in the early stages, worsening the general condition. By the beginning of the 2nd trimester, the temperature curve returns to normal.
  • Problems with gums and teeth begin. Enamel thinning is observed against the background of microelement deficiency and the likelihood of caries formation increases. The gums begin to bleed actively (due to the lack of iron and vitamin C), and therefore it is recommended to rinse the mouth with anti-inflammatory solutions.
  • Dizziness and fainting. Any violation of the daily routine can lead to such conditions. You need to get enough sleep, eat more fruits and vegetables, walk more often in the fresh air.
  • Against the background of changes in the intensity of blood flow in the gastrointestinal tract, dyspeptic disorders often occur. For example, heartburn.

Is there any toxicosis?

As a rule, by the end of the 1st trimester of pregnancy (week 13), the signs of early toxicosis already disappear. However, in some cases, vomiting and nausea do not stop and linger for longer periods. Toxicosis causes a lot of problems. Not only the subjective attitude of a woman to pregnancy is changing, but also the state of the body as a whole against the background of a constant shortage of all the necessary substances.

Allocations at 4 months

Normally, the 4th month of pregnancy should be accompanied by clear or whitish discharge. Brown discharge from the genital tract may indicate the presence of bleeding (abruption and placenta previa). The appearance of discharge with a yellowish or greenish color indicates the development of an inflammatory process.

Medical examinations

In the normal course of pregnancy, a meeting with a doctor at this time should take place only 1 time. When visiting a specialist will be carried out:

  • Ultrasonography. Ultrasound is performed to assess the development of the baby, determine the number of children and their gender. Usually at 4 months severe defects of the central nervous, cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems are already visible.
  • Dopplerography - determination of the state of uteroplacental blood flow. Allows you to evaluate various disorders in the "mother-placenta-fetus" system and timely diagnose such abnormalities as intrauterine fetal hypoxia, delayed fetal growth and development, as well as any pathology of placenta attachment and position.
  • Determination of the level of a-fetoprotein. The norm for this period is from 15 kU/l to 16 kU/l. The level of the hormone increases with multiple pregnancies, malformations of the fetal nervous system (spina bifida, absence of the brain), the presence of Down syndrome, Klinefelter and fetal growth retardation.
  • UAC. Allows you to identify or exclude the presence of anemia, infectious and inflammatory processes, as well as to characterize the effect of the immune system on the fetus.
  • OAM. Using this method, they get an idea of ​​the general condition of the kidneys and urinary tract. Allows you to exclude pyelonephritis of pregnant women, which often begins to develop at this time.
  • Determination of body weight. The procedure is needed to assess weight gain.
  • Measurement blood pressure It is used for the timely diagnosis of the most severe complication of pregnancy - preeclampsia.

Changes in the daily routine

Features of the daily routine for a pregnant woman who is 4 months pregnant can be represented as follows:

  • frequent walks in the fresh air: in parks, forests;
  • regular ventilation of the premises (at least 2-3 times a day);
  • ensuring proper sleep - 8 - 10 hours a day;
  • providing time for daytime rest and, if possible, sleep.

Nutrition and drinking regimen

A woman should receive a maximum of vitamins, micro and macro elements, minerals, valuable nutrients that are essential for a child growing in the womb. Deficiency of any of the listed components can lead to various diseases of the fetus.

For the 4th month, a pregnant woman gains 1.5 - 2 kg in weight, the calorie content of food should be increased. The first 2 meals should be as nutritious as possible, lunch and afternoon snack should be medium in calories, and dinner and a snack before bedtime should be dietary. The volume of liquid used should not exceed 2 - 2.5 liters. If you follow drinking regimen, complications such as edema of pregnant women and preeclampsia will not threaten in the future, and kidney function will not be impaired.

It is recommended to eat as many fresh vegetables and fruits as possible. Instead of frying, give preference to stews or steaming (in a double boiler or slow cooker). The diet should contain the required amount of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iodine, vitamin C and group B.

To prevent anemia, it is advisable to eat more foods that are rich in iron (dried apricots, beef, pomegranate, pork liver). Improve the digestion of porridge, vegetable and butter, whole grain bread.

Physical exercise

It is recommended to perform exercises for the muscles of the back, legs, abs and to increase functional activity. Training should be carried out no more than 2-3 times a week for 30-45 minutes. The following exercises may be suggested:

  • 25 - 30 squats;
  • alternating deep inhalation and exhalation 3 times in a row in the prone position;
  • raising and lowering the legs alternately 20-25 times;
  • alternate throwing of the right and left legs in the supine position;
  • in a position on all fours - retraction of the abdomen.

A good result for strengthening immunity, increasing endurance, improving the general condition was shown by such sports activities as swimming, yoga, water aerobics. It is recommended to devote about 60 minutes of time to these classes at least four times a week.

intimate life

If the pregnancy proceeds without complications, sex is not prohibited. If during the examination contraindications were identified, sexual activity should be abandoned:

  • the threat of termination of pregnancy;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • infectious and inflammatory diseases of the reproductive and urinary systems.

Many expectant mothers are wondering what method of protection to choose. It should be remembered that during pregnancy it is necessary to use barrier methods of contraception (male or female condom, vaginal rings). These methods serve as a reliable means of preventing various diseases, including sexually transmitted infections, which can cause irreparable harm to the health of the fetus.

Possible Complications

By the end of the fourth month, the laying of all organs and systems of the fetus is completed, therefore, the “critical” periods are already behind. Any complications from the fetus are echoes early dates pregnancy. In the 2nd trimester, all necessary examinations should be carried out in order to identify complications such as fetal hypoxia and placental abruption in time.


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