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Russian Federation Decree of the President of the Russian Federation

O (as amended as of July 1, 2014)

In order to consolidate the efforts of federal executive authorities, state authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, organizations and citizens of the Russian Federation in the field of ensuring national security

2. To the Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation:

submit an annual report on the state of national security and measures to strengthen it, including on the progress of implementation of the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020;

introduce draft regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation on the implementation of the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020;

submit proposals for bringing the regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation into compliance with this Decree.

3. To recognize as invalid:

4. This Decree comes into force from the date of its signing.

The president
Russian Federation

national security of the Russian Federation until 2020

I. General provisions

1. Russia overcame the consequences of the systemic political and socio-economic crisis of the late 20th century - stopped the decline in the level and quality of life of Russian citizens, withstood the pressure of nationalism, separatism and international terrorism, prevented discrediting the constitutional system, preserved sovereignty and territorial integrity, and restored the ability to build its competitiveness and defending national interests as a key subject of emerging multipolar international relations.

State policy is being implemented in the field of national defense, state and public security, sustainable development of Russia, adequate to internal and external conditions. The prerequisites have been created for strengthening the national security system, and the legal space has been consolidated. Priority tasks in the economic sphere have been resolved, and the investment attractiveness of the national economy has increased. Original Russian ideals, spirituality, and a dignified attitude towards historical memory are being revived. Social harmony is strengthened on the basis of common values ​​- freedom and independence of the Russian state, humanism, interethnic peace and unity of cultures of the multinational people of the Russian Federation, respect for family traditions, patriotism.

In general, the prerequisites have been formed for the reliable prevention of internal and external threats to national security, dynamic development and transformation of the Russian Federation into one of the leading powers in terms of the level of technological progress, quality of life of the population, and influence on world processes.

In the context of globalization of world development processes, international political and economic relations, which create new threats and risks for the development of individuals, society and the state, Russia, as a guarantor of successful national development, is moving to a new state policy in the field of national security.

2. The main directions of ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation are strategic national priorities, which determine the tasks of the most important social, political and economic transformations to create safe conditions for the implementation of the constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens of the Russian Federation, the implementation of sustainable development of the country, the preservation of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the state.

3. The National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020 is an officially recognized system of strategic priorities, goals and measures in the field of domestic and foreign policy that determine the state of national security and the level of sustainable development of the state in the long term.

Conceptual provisions in the field of ensuring national security are based on the fundamental relationship and interdependence of the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020 and the Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020.

4. This Strategy is a basic document for planning the development of the national security system of the Russian Federation, which sets out the procedure and measures to ensure national security. It is the basis for constructive interaction between government bodies, organizations and public associations to protect the national interests of the Russian Federation and ensure the security of the individual, society and the state.

5. The main objective of this Strategy is to create and maintain, by national security forces, internal and external conditions favorable for the implementation of strategic national priorities.

6. This Strategy uses the following basic concepts:

“national security” is the state of protection of the individual, society and the state from internal and external threats, which allows for ensuring constitutional rights, freedoms, a decent quality and standard of living for citizens, sovereignty, territorial integrity and sustainable development of the Russian Federation, defense and security of the state;

“national interests of the Russian Federation” - the totality of the internal and external needs of the state to ensure security and sustainable development of the individual, society and state;

“threat to national security” - a direct or indirect possibility of causing damage to constitutional rights, freedoms, decent quality and standard of living of citizens, sovereignty and territorial integrity, sustainable development of the Russian Federation, defense and security of the state;

“strategic national priorities” - the most important areas of ensuring national security, along which the constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens of the Russian Federation are realized, sustainable socio-economic development and protection of the country’s sovereignty, its independence and territorial integrity are carried out;

“national security system” - forces and means of ensuring national security;

“national security forces” - the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies in which federal legislation provides for military and (or) law enforcement service, as well as federal government bodies taking part in ensuring the national security of the state on the basis of legislation Russian Federation;

“means of ensuring national security” - technologies, as well as technical, software, linguistic, legal, organizational means, including telecommunication channels, used in the system of ensuring national security for collecting, generating, processing, transmitting or receiving information about the state of national security and measures to its strengthening.

7. The forces and means of ensuring national security concentrate their efforts and resources on ensuring national security in the domestic political, economic, social spheres, in the field of science and education, in the international, spiritual, information, military, military-industrial and environmental spheres, as well as in the field of public safety.

II. The modern world and Russia: state and development trends

8. The development of the world is following the path of globalization of all spheres of international life, which is characterized by high dynamism and interdependence of events.

Contradictions associated with uneven development as a result of globalization processes and the widening gap between the levels of well-being of countries have intensified between states. Values ​​and development models have become the subject of global competition.

The vulnerability of all members of the international community in the face of new challenges and threats has increased.

As a result of the strengthening of new centers of economic growth and political influence, a qualitatively new geopolitical situation is emerging. A tendency is emerging to search for solutions to existing problems and resolve crisis situations on a regional basis without the participation of non-regional forces.

The inconsistency of the existing global and regional architecture, oriented, especially in the Euro-Atlantic region, only to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, as well as the imperfection of legal instruments and mechanisms increasingly pose a threat to ensuring international security.

9. The transition from bloc confrontation to the principles of multi-vector diplomacy, as well as Russia’s resource potential and pragmatic policy of its use, have expanded the Russian Federation’s capabilities to strengthen its influence on the world stage.

The Russian Federation has sufficient potential to count on the creation in the medium term of conditions for its consolidation among the leading states in the world economy on the basis of effective participation in the global division of labor, increasing the global competitiveness of the national economy, defense potential, and the level of state and public security .

10. Ensuring the national interests of the Russian Federation will be negatively impacted by possible relapses of unilateral forceful approaches in international relations, contradictions between the main participants in world politics, the threat of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their falling into the hands of terrorists, as well as the improvement of forms of illegal activities in cyber and biological areas in the field of high technology. Global information warfare will intensify, threats to the stability of industrial and developing countries of the world, their socio-economic development and democratic institutions will increase. Nationalist sentiments, xenophobia, separatism and violent extremism will develop, including under the slogans of religious radicalism. The global demographic situation and environmental problems will worsen, and the threats associated with uncontrolled and illegal migration, drug and human trafficking, and other forms of transnational organized crime will increase. The spread of epidemics caused by new, previously unknown viruses is likely. The shortage of fresh water will become more noticeable.

11. The attention of international policy in the long term will be focused on the possession of energy resources, including in the Middle East, on the Barents Sea shelf and in other areas of the Arctic, in the Caspian Sea basin and in Central Asia. The situation in Iraq and Afghanistan, conflicts in the Near and Middle East, in a number of countries in South Asia and Africa, and on the Korean Peninsula will continue to have a negative impact on the international situation in the medium term.

12. The critical state of the physical safety of hazardous materials and objects, especially in countries with an unstable internal political situation, as well as the proliferation of conventional weapons uncontrolled by states can lead to the aggravation of existing and the emergence of new regional and interstate conflicts.

In the conditions of competition for resources, solutions to emerging problems using military force are not excluded - the existing balance of power near the borders of the Russian Federation and the borders of its allies may be disrupted.

The risk of an increase in the number of states possessing nuclear weapons will increase.

The ability to maintain global and regional stability will be significantly reduced if elements of the global missile defense system of the United States of America are deployed in Europe.

The consequences of global financial and economic crises may become comparable in total damage to the large-scale use of military force.

13. In the long term, the Russian Federation will strive to build international relations on the principles of international law, ensuring reliable and equal security of states.

To protect its national interests, Russia, while remaining within the framework of international law, will pursue a rational and pragmatic foreign policy that excludes costly confrontation, including a new arms race.

Russia views the United Nations and the United Nations Security Council as the central element of a stable system of international relations, based on respect, equality and mutually beneficial cooperation of states based on civilized political instruments for resolving global and regional crisis situations.

Russia will increase interaction in such multilateral formats as the G8, G20, RIC (Russia, India and China), BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China), as well as use the capabilities of other informal international institutions.

The development of relations of bilateral and multilateral cooperation with member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States is a priority area of ​​foreign policy for Russia. Russia will strive to develop the potential for regional and subregional integration and coordination in the space of member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States within the framework, first of all, of the Commonwealth of Independent States itself, as well as the Collective Security Treaty Organization and the Eurasian Economic Community, which have a stabilizing influence on the general situation in the regions bordering with member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

14. Russia will contribute to strengthening the Eurasian Economic Community as the core of economic integration, a tool for promoting the implementation of large water-energy, infrastructure, industrial and other joint projects, primarily of regional importance.

15. Strengthening the political potential of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and stimulating within its framework practical steps that contribute to strengthening mutual trust and partnership in the Central Asian region will be of particular importance for Russia.

16. The Russian Federation stands for the comprehensive strengthening of mechanisms of interaction with the European Union, including the consistent formation of common spaces in the areas of economics, external and internal security, education, science, and culture. The long-term national interests of Russia are met by the formation of an open system of collective security in the Euro-Atlantic region on a clear contractual and legal basis.

17. The determining factor in relations with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization will remain the unacceptability for Russia of plans to advance the alliance’s military infrastructure to its borders and attempts to give it global functions that run counter to the norms of international law.

Russia is ready to develop relations with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization on the basis of equality and in the interests of strengthening general security in the Euro-Atlantic region, the depth and content of which will be determined by the alliance’s readiness to take into account Russia’s legitimate interests when carrying out military-political planning, respect for international law, and also to their further transformation and the search for new tasks and functions of a humanistic orientation.

18. Russia will strive to build an equal and full-fledged strategic partnership with the United States of America based on coinciding interests and taking into account the key influence of Russian-American relations on the state of the international situation as a whole. The priorities will remain the achievement of new agreements in the field of disarmament and arms control, strengthening confidence-building measures, as well as resolving issues of non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, increasing anti-terrorism cooperation, and resolving regional conflicts.

19. In the field of international security, Russia will remain committed to using political, legal, foreign economic, military and other instruments to protect state sovereignty and national interests.

Carrying out a predictable and open foreign policy is inextricably linked with the implementation of Russia’s sustainable development goals. The successful integration of Russia into the global economic space and the international system of division of labor is hampered by the low pace of transfer of the national economy to an innovative path of development.

20. To prevent threats to national security, it is necessary to ensure social stability, ethnic and religious harmony, increase the mobilization potential and growth of the national economy, improve the quality of work of public authorities and create effective mechanisms for their interaction with civil society in order for citizens of the Russian Federation to realize the right to life, safety, work, housing, health and a healthy lifestyle, accessible education and cultural development.

III. National interests of the Russian Federation and strategic national priorities

21. The national interests of the Russian Federation in the long term are:

in the development of democracy and civil society, increasing the competitiveness of the national economy;

in ensuring the inviolability of the constitutional order, territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Russian Federation;

in transforming the Russian Federation into a world power, whose activities are aimed at maintaining strategic stability and mutually beneficial partnerships in a multipolar world.

22. The internal and external sovereign needs of the state to ensure national security are implemented through strategic national priorities.

23. The main priorities of the national security of the Russian Federation are national defense, state and public security.

24. To ensure national security, the Russian Federation, along with achieving the main priorities of national security, focuses its efforts and resources on the following priorities of sustainable development:

improving the quality of life of Russian citizens by guaranteeing personal safety, as well as high standards of life support;

economic growth, which is achieved primarily through the development of a national innovation system and investment in human capital;

science, technology, education, healthcare and culture, which are developed by strengthening the role of the state and improving public-private partnerships;

ecology of living systems and rational use of natural resources, the maintenance of which is achieved through balanced consumption, the development of advanced technologies and the expedient reproduction of the country’s natural resource potential;

strategic stability and equal strategic partnership, which are strengthened on the basis of Russia’s active participation in the development of a multipolar world order model.

IV. Ensuring national security

25. The main content of ensuring national security is to maintain legal and institutional mechanisms, as well as the resource capabilities of the state and society at a level that meets the national interests of the Russian Federation.

The state of national security of the Russian Federation directly depends on the economic potential of the country and the effectiveness of the national security system.

1. National defense

26. The strategic goals of improving national defense are to prevent global and regional wars and conflicts, as well as to implement strategic deterrence in the interests of ensuring the military security of the country.

Strategic deterrence involves the development and systematic implementation of a set of interrelated political, diplomatic, military, economic, information and other measures aimed at preventing or reducing the threat of destructive actions on the part of the aggressor state (coalition of states).

Strategic deterrence is carried out using the economic capabilities of the state, including resource support for national security forces, through the development of a system of military-patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation, as well as military infrastructure and the management system of the state’s military organization.

27. The Russian Federation ensures national defense based on the principles of rational sufficiency and efficiency, including through methods and means of non-military response, mechanisms of public diplomacy and peacekeeping, and international military cooperation.

28. Military security is ensured through the development and improvement of the state’s military organization and defense potential, as well as the allocation of a sufficient amount of financial, material and other resources for these purposes.

Achieving the strategic goals of national defense is carried out through the development of a system for ensuring national security, pursuing a promising military-technical policy and developing military infrastructure, as well as through improving the management system of the state’s military organization and implementing a set of measures to increase the prestige of military service.

29. The state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of national defense and military development, including within the framework of the Union State, for the long term is aimed at improving the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies called up under any conditions of development of the military-political situation ensure the security, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state.

30. Threats to military security are: the policies of a number of leading foreign countries, aimed at achieving predominant superiority in the military sphere, primarily in strategic nuclear forces, through the development of high-precision, information and other high-tech means of warfare, non-nuclear strategic weapons, formation in unilaterally a global missile defense system and the militarization of near-Earth space, which could lead to a new round of the arms race, as well as the spread of nuclear, chemical, biological technologies, the production of weapons of mass destruction or their components and delivery vehicles.

The negative impact on the state of military security of the Russian Federation and its allies is aggravated by the departure from international agreements in the field of arms limitation and reduction, as well as actions aimed at disrupting the stability of the systems of state and military control, warning of a missile attack, control of outer space, and the functioning of strategic nuclear forces , nuclear weapons storage facilities, nuclear energy, nuclear and chemical industries, and other potentially dangerous facilities.

31. The Russian Federation implements long-term state policy in the field of national defense by developing a system of fundamental conceptual, program documents, as well as planning documents, developing norms of legislative regulation of the activities of government bodies, institutions, enterprises and organizations of the real sector of the economy, civil society institutions in a peaceful and wartime, as well as improving civil defense forces and means, the country’s network and transport infrastructure in the interests of national defense.

32. The main task of strengthening national defense in the medium term is the transition to a qualitatively new look of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation while maintaining the potential of strategic nuclear forces by improving the organizational structure and the system of territorial basing of troops and forces, increasing the number of units of constant readiness, as well as improving operational and combat training, organization of interspecific interaction of troops and forces.

To this end, the system of manning the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies is being clarified, including the training of personnel and the development of the necessary infrastructure, optimal mechanisms for being in the reserve are being worked out, the prestige of military service and the status of officers is being raised, and the implementation of state programs and orders for the development, creation and modernization of weapons, military and special equipment, including communications, reconnaissance, electronic warfare and control equipment.

33. In the medium term, the transition to a unified system of orders by federal executive authorities for weapons, military and special equipment for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies, as well as to a unified system of logistics and technical support, must be completed. Regulatory legal regulation must be ensured for maintaining stocks of materiel in the state and mobilization reserves, as well as cooperation with other states in the field of military security.

34. Restructuring, optimization and development of the military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation in the medium term are consistent with the solution of tasks for the comprehensive and timely provision of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies with modern types of weapons and special equipment.

2. State and public security

35. The strategic goals of ensuring national security in the field of state and public security are the protection of the foundations of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation, the fundamental rights and freedoms of man and citizen, the protection of the sovereignty of the Russian Federation, its independence and territorial integrity, as well as the preservation of civil peace, political and social stability in society.

36. The Russian Federation, in ensuring national security in the field of state and public security for the long term, proceeds from the need to constantly improve law enforcement measures to identify, prevent, suppress and disclose acts of terrorism, extremism, and other criminal attacks on human and civil rights and freedoms, property, public order and public safety, constitutional system of the Russian Federation.

37. The main sources of threats to national security in the field of state and public security are: intelligence and other activities of special services and organizations of foreign states, as well as individuals, aimed at harming the security of the Russian Federation; activities of terrorist organizations, groups and individuals aimed at violently changing the foundations of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation, disorganizing the normal functioning of government bodies (including violent actions against government, political and public figures), destroying military and industrial facilities, enterprises and institutions providing the life of society, intimidation of the population, including through the use of nuclear and chemical weapons or dangerous radioactive, chemical and biological substances; extremist activities of nationalist, religious, ethnic and other organizations and structures aimed at violating the unity and territorial integrity of the Russian Federation, destabilizing the internal political and social situation in the country; activities of transnational criminal organizations and groups related to the illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, weapons, ammunition, explosives; the continued growth of criminal attacks directed against the person, property, state power, public and economic security, as well as those related to corruption.

38. The main directions of state policy in the field of ensuring state and public security for the long term should be strengthening the role of the state as a guarantor of personal security, especially children and adolescents, improving the legal regulation of preventing and combating crime, corruption, terrorism and extremism, increasing the effectiveness of protecting the rights and legitimate interests of Russian citizens abroad, expanding international cooperation in the law enforcement field.

39. Ensuring state and public security in the long term will also be facilitated by increasing the efficiency of law enforcement agencies and intelligence services, creating a unified state system for the prevention of crime (primarily among minors) and other offenses, including monitoring and assessing the effectiveness of law enforcement practice, the development and use of special measures aimed at reducing the level of corruption and criminalization of public relations.

40. In order to ensure state and public security: the structure and activities of federal executive authorities are being improved, the National Anti-Corruption Plan is being implemented, a system for identifying and countering global challenges and crises of our time is being developed, including international and national terrorism, political and religious extremism, nationalism and ethnic separatism; mechanisms are being created to prevent and neutralize social and interethnic conflicts; a long-term concept for the comprehensive development and improvement of law enforcement agencies and intelligence services is being formed, social guarantees for their employees are being strengthened, scientific and technical support for law enforcement activities is being improved, promising special tools and equipment are being adopted, and a system of professional training in the field of ensuring state and public security is being developed; the regime for the safe operation of enterprises, organizations and institutions of the country's military-industrial, nuclear, chemical and atomic energy complexes, as well as life support facilities for the population, is being strengthened; the social responsibility of state and public security agencies is increasing.

41. One of the conditions for ensuring national security is the reliable protection and security of the state border of the Russian Federation.

The main threats to the interests and security of the Russian Federation in the border area are the presence and possible escalation of armed conflicts near its state border, the incompleteness of the international legal formalization of the state border of the Russian Federation with individual neighboring states.

A threat to security in the border area is represented by the activities of international terrorist and extremist organizations in the transfer of their emissaries, means of terror and organization of sabotage to Russian territory, as well as the activation of cross-border criminal groups in the illegal movement of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, goods and cargo across the state border of the Russian Federation, aquatic biological resources, other material and cultural assets, organization of illegal migration channels.

The insufficient level of development of border infrastructure and technical equipment of border agencies has a negative impact on ensuring reliable protection and security of the state border of the Russian Federation.

42. Solving the problems of ensuring the security of the state border of the Russian Federation is achieved through the creation of high-tech and multifunctional border complexes, especially on the borders with the Republic of Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Georgia and the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as increasing the efficiency of protecting the state border, in particular in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, in the Far East and in the Caspian direction.

43. Ensuring national security in emergency situations is achieved by improving and developing a unified state system for preventing and eliminating natural and man-made emergencies (including territorial and functional segments), and its integration with similar foreign systems.

Solving the problems of ensuring national security in emergency situations is achieved by increasing the efficiency of the implementation of the powers of local governments in the field of ensuring the safety of life of the population, updating the fleet of technological equipment and production technologies at potentially hazardous facilities and life support facilities, introducing modern technical means of informing and alerting the population in places their mass presence, as well as the development of a system for taking preventive measures to reduce the risk of terrorist attacks and mitigate the consequences of emergency situations of man-made and natural nature.

44. The Russian Federation strengthens national defense, ensures state and public security in order to create favorable internal and external conditions for achieving priorities in the field of socio-economic development of the state.

3. Improving the quality of life of Russian citizens

45. The strategic goals of ensuring national security in the field of improving the quality of life of Russian citizens are reducing the level of social and property inequality of the population, stabilizing its numbers in the medium term, and in the long term - a radical improvement in the demographic situation.

46. ​​Improving the quality of life of Russian citizens is guaranteed by ensuring personal safety, as well as the availability of comfortable housing, high-quality and safe goods and services, and decent remuneration for active work.

47. Factors such as crises of the global and regional financial and banking systems, increased competition in the struggle for scarce raw materials, energy, water and food resources, a lag in the development of advanced technological structures, increasing the strategic risks of dependence on changes in external factors, can become sources of threats to national security. factors.

48. Ensuring national security in the field of improving the quality of life of Russian citizens will be facilitated by reducing the level of organized crime, corruption and drug addiction, counteracting criminal groups in legalizing their own economic basis, achieving socio-political stability and positive dynamics of development of the Russian Federation, the stability of the financial and banking system, expanded reproduction of the mineral resource base, accessibility to modern education and healthcare, high social mobility and support for socially significant employment, improving the skills and quality of labor resources, rational organization of migration flows.

49. One of the main directions of ensuring national security in the medium term is food security and a guaranteed supply of high-quality and affordable medicines to the population.

50. Food security is ensured through the development of biotechnologies and import substitution for basic food products, as well as by preventing the depletion of land resources and the reduction of agricultural land and arable land, the capture of the national grain market by foreign companies, the uncontrolled distribution of food products obtained from genetically modified plants using genetically modified microorganisms and microorganisms that have genetically modified analogues.

51. In order to develop the pharmaceutical industry, conditions are being created to overcome its raw material dependence on foreign suppliers.

52. To counter threats to national security in the field of improving the quality of life of Russian citizens, the forces ensuring national security in interaction with civil society institutions:

improve the national system of human rights protection through the development of the judicial system and legislation;

contribute to the growth of well-being, reduction of poverty and differences in the level of income of the population in order to ensure constant access of all categories of citizens to the amount of food products necessary for a healthy lifestyle;

create conditions for maintaining a healthy lifestyle, stimulating the birth rate and reducing the mortality rate of the population;

improve and develop transport infrastructure, increase the protection of the population from natural and man-made emergencies;

improve the system of protection against unemployment, create conditions for the involvement of people with disabilities in labor activities, pursue a rational regional migration policy, develop a pension system, and introduce standards for social support for certain categories of citizens;

ensure the preservation of cultural and spiritual heritage, the availability of information technologies, as well as information on various issues of socio-political, economic and spiritual life of society;

improve public-private partnerships in order to strengthen the material and technical base of healthcare, cultural, educational institutions, develop housing construction and improve the quality of housing and communal services.

4. Economic growth

53. The strategic goals of ensuring national security are Russia’s entry in the medium term into one of the five leading countries in terms of gross domestic product, as well as achieving the required level of national security in the economic and technological spheres.

54. Ensuring national security through economic growth is achieved through the development of a national innovation system, increasing labor productivity, developing new resource sources, modernizing priority sectors of the national economy, improving the banking system, the financial services sector and interbudgetary relations in the Russian Federation.

55. The main strategic risks and threats to national security in the economic sphere for the long term are the preservation of the raw materials export model of development of the national economy, a decrease in competitiveness and the high dependence of its most important areas on foreign economic conditions, loss of control over national resources, deterioration in the state of the raw material base of industry and energy. , uneven development of regions and progressive labor shortages, low stability and security of the national financial system, continued conditions for corruption and criminalization of economic and financial relations, as well as illegal migration.

56. Insufficient efficiency of state regulation of the national economy, a decrease in the rate of economic growth, the emergence of a trade and balance of payments deficit, and a reduction in budget revenues can lead to a slowdown in the transition to innovative development and the subsequent accumulation of social problems in the country.

57. A direct negative impact on ensuring national security in the economic sphere can be caused by a shortage of fuel and energy, water and biological resources, the adoption of discriminatory measures and increased unfair competition in relation to Russia, as well as crisis phenomena in the global financial and banking system.

58. To ensure national security through economic growth, the Russian Federation focuses its main efforts on the development of science, technology and education, improving national investment and financial institutions in the interests of achieving the required level of security in the military, defense-industrial and international spheres.

59. Threats to national security associated with disproportions in the levels of development of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are prevented by pursuing rational state regional policies aimed at improving coordination of the activities of state authorities, local governments, the business community and civil society institutions.

60. One of the main areas of ensuring national security in the economic sphere in the long term is energy security. Necessary conditions for ensuring national and global energy security are multilateral interaction in the interests of the formation of energy markets that meet the principles of the World Trade Organization, the development and international exchange of promising energy-saving technologies, as well as the use of environmentally friendly, alternative energy sources.

The main content of energy security is the sustainable supply of demand with a sufficient quantity of energy resources of standard quality, the efficient use of energy resources by increasing the competitiveness of domestic producers, the prevention of possible shortages of fuel and energy resources, the creation of strategic fuel reserves, reserve capacities and components, ensuring the stability of the functioning of energy and heat supply systems .

61. To counter threats to economic security, national security forces, in interaction with civil society institutions, are aimed at supporting state socio-economic policy aimed at:

to improve the structure of production and exports, antimonopoly regulation and support of competition policy;

for the development of the national innovation system in order to implement highly effective projects and priority programs for the development of high-tech sectors of the economy;

to strengthen financial markets and increase liquidity of the banking system;

to reduce informal employment and legalize labor relations, increase investments in the development of human capital;

to ensure a balance of interests of the indigenous population and labor migrants, taking into account their ethnic, linguistic, cultural and religious differences, including the improvement of migration registration, as well as the reasonable territorial distribution of labor migrants based on the regions’ needs for labor resources;

on the formation of a system of scientific and technological forecasting and the implementation of scientific and technological priorities, strengthening the integration of science, education and production;

to create conditions for the development of a competitive domestic pharmaceutical industry;

for the development of the industry of information and telecommunication technologies, computer equipment, radio electronics, telecommunications equipment and software.

62. In the interests of ensuring national security in the medium term, competitive sectors of the economy are developing and sales markets for Russian products are expanding, the efficiency of the fuel and energy complex is increasing, the use of public-private partnership tools is expanding to solve strategic problems of economic development and complete the formation of basic transport, energy, information , military infrastructure, especially in the Arctic zone, Eastern Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation.

63. Strengthening economic security will be facilitated by improving government regulation of economic growth through the development of conceptual and program documents for interregional and territorial planning, the creation of a comprehensive risk control system, including:

implementation of active government anti-inflationary, exchange rate, exchange rate, monetary and fiscal policies focused on import substitution and support for the real sector of the economy;

stimulating and supporting the development of the market for innovations, knowledge-intensive products and products with high added value, development of promising technologies for general, dual and special purposes.

64. At the regional level, a balanced, comprehensive and systemic development of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation corresponds to a stable state of national security.

One of the main directions of ensuring national security at the regional level in the medium term is the creation of mechanisms for reducing the level of interregional differentiation in the socio-economic development of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation through balanced territorial development.

In the long term, threats to national security associated with disproportion in the levels of development of Russian regions are prevented by deploying a full-scale national innovation system through the formation of promising territorial-industrial areas in the southern regions and the Volga region, in the Urals and Siberia, in the Far East and other regions of the Russian Federation. Federation.

65. In the field of regional development, national security forces, in interaction with civil society institutions, contribute to the effective implementation by government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local self-government bodies of their powers through the coordination and implementation of measures taken at the federal, regional and municipal levels aimed at the development of regional economy and social sphere, including equalization of their budgetary provision.

5. Science, technology and education

66. The strategic goals of ensuring national security in the field of science, technology and education are:

development of state scientific and scientific-technological organizations capable of ensuring the competitive advantages of the national economy and the needs of national defense through the effective coordination of scientific research and the development of the national innovation system;

increasing social mobility, the level of general and vocational education of the population, and the professional qualities of highly qualified personnel due to the availability of competitive education.

67. A direct negative impact on ensuring national security in the field of science, technology and education is caused by a lag in the transition to the next technological structure, dependence on imported supplies of scientific equipment, instruments and electronic components, strategic materials, unauthorized transfer abroad of competitive domestic technologies, unfounded unilateral sanctions against scientific and educational organizations in Russia, insufficient development of the regulatory framework and weak motivation in the field of innovation and industrial policy, low level of social protection of engineering, teaching and teaching staff and the quality of secondary general education, secondary vocational and higher education .

(Clause as amended, put into effect. - See previous edition)

68. The Russian Federation identifies technological safety as one of its main directions in the medium term. To this end, the state innovation and industrial policy is being improved, fundamental and applied science and education are identified as an absolute priority for the innovative development of the national economy, the federal contract system and the state order system for the training of highly qualified specialists and workers are being improved, and public-private partnerships in the field of science are being developed. and technologies, conditions are created for the integration of science, education and industry, systematic research is conducted in the interests of solving the strategic tasks of national defense, state and public security, as well as the sustainable development of the country.

69. To counter threats in the field of science, technology and education, national security forces, in interaction with civil society institutions, carry out the civic education of new generations in the traditions of the prestige of the work of a scientist and teacher, ensure the effectiveness of state legal regulation in the field of integration of science, education and high-tech industry .

70. Solving national security problems in the field of science, technology and education in the medium and long term is achieved by:

formation of a system of targeted fundamental and applied research and its state support in the interests of organizational and scientific support for achieving strategic national priorities;

creating a network of federal universities, national research universities, providing, within the framework of cooperative ties, the training of specialists for work in the field of science and education, the development of competitive technologies and samples of high-tech products, and the organization of high-tech production;

implementation of programs for the creation of educational organizations focused on training personnel for the needs of regional development, bodies and forces ensuring national security;

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 1, 2014 N 483. - See previous edition)

ensuring the participation of Russian scientific and educational organizations in global technological and research projects, taking into account the conditions of the intellectual property market.

(Paragraph as amended, put into effect by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated July 1, 2014 N 483. - See previous edition)

6. Healthcare

71. The strategic goals of ensuring national security in the field of healthcare and the health of the nation are:

increasing life expectancy, reducing disability and mortality;

improvement of prevention and provision of timely qualified primary health care and high-tech medical care;

improving standards of medical care, as well as quality control, effectiveness and safety of medicines.

72. Some of the main threats to national security in the field of healthcare and the health of the nation are the emergence of large-scale epidemics and pandemics, the massive spread of HIV infection, tuberculosis, drug addiction and alcoholism, and the increased availability of psychoactive and psychotropic substances.

73. A direct negative impact on ensuring national security in the field of healthcare and the health of the nation is caused by the low efficiency of the medical insurance system and the quality of training and retraining of healthcare professionals, the insufficient level of social guarantees and remuneration of medical workers and financing for the development of a system of high-tech medical care, the incompleteness of the formation of regulatory legal healthcare base in order to increase accessibility and guarantee the provision of medical care to the population.

74. The state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of healthcare and the health of the nation is aimed at preventing and preventing the increase in the level of socially dangerous diseases.

75. The Russian Federation defines the main directions of ensuring national security in the field of healthcare and the health of the nation in the medium term as strengthening the preventive focus of healthcare, focusing on preserving human health, and improving the institution of family, protection of maternity, paternity and childhood as the basis for the life of society.

76. Strengthening national security in the field of healthcare and the health of the nation will be facilitated by improving the quality and accessibility of medical care through the use of promising information and telecommunication technologies, government support for promising developments in the field of pharmaceuticals, biotechnology and nanotechnology, as well as the modernization of economic mechanisms for the functioning of healthcare and development of financial resources. -technical base of the state and municipal healthcare systems, taking into account regional characteristics.

77. To counter threats in the field of healthcare and the health of the nation, national security forces, in interaction with civil society institutions, ensure the effectiveness of state legal regulation in the field of standardization, licensing, certification of medical services, accreditation of medical and pharmaceutical institutions, ensuring state guarantees for the provision of medical care and modernization of the compulsory health insurance system, determination of uniform criteria for assessing the work of medical institutions at the level of municipalities and constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

78. Solving national security problems in the field of healthcare and the health of the nation in the medium and long term is achieved by:

formation of national programs (projects) for the treatment of socially significant diseases (oncological, cardiovascular, diabetological, phthisiological diseases, drug addiction, alcoholism) with the development of unified all-Russian approaches to the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of patients;

development of a system for managing the quality and availability of medical care, training of healthcare professionals;

ensuring a qualitative change in the structure of diseases and eliminating the preconditions for epidemics, including those caused by particularly dangerous infectious pathogens, through the development and implementation of promising technologies and national programs of state support for disease prevention.

7. Culture

79. The strategic goals of ensuring national security in the field of culture are:

expanding access of the general public to the best examples of domestic and foreign culture and art through the creation of modern, geographically distributed information funds;

creating conditions for stimulating the population to creative self-realization by improving the system of cultural and educational work, organizing leisure time and mass additional artistic education for children;

(Paragraph as amended, put into effect by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated July 1, 2014 N 483. - See previous edition)

promoting the development of the cultural potential of the regions of the Russian Federation and supporting regional initiatives in the field of culture.

80. The main threats to national security in the cultural sphere are the dominance of mass culture products focused on the spiritual needs of marginalized strata, as well as illegal attacks on cultural objects.

81. The negative impact on the state of national security in the field of culture is enhanced by attempts to revise views on the history of Russia, its role and place in world history, propaganda of a way of life based on permissiveness and violence, racial, national and religious intolerance.

82. To counter threats in the field of culture, national security forces, in interaction with civil society institutions, ensure the effectiveness of state legal regulation of the support and development of the diversity of national cultures, tolerance and self-respect, as well as the development of interethnic and interregional cultural ties.

83. Strengthening national security in the field of culture will be facilitated by the preservation and development of the original cultures of the multinational people of the Russian Federation, the spiritual values ​​of citizens, improvement of the material and technical base of cultural and leisure institutions, improvement of the personnel training system and their social security, development of the production and distribution of works of domestic cinematography , the development of cultural and educational tourism, the formation of state orders for the creation of cinematographic and printed products, television and radio programs and Internet resources, as well as the use of the cultural potential of Russia in the interests of multilateral international cooperation.

84. Solving the tasks of ensuring national security in the field of culture in the medium and long term is achieved by recognizing the primary role of culture for the revival and preservation of cultural and moral values, strengthening the spiritual unity of the multinational people of the Russian Federation and the international image of Russia as a country with the richest traditional and dynamic developing modern culture, creating a system of spiritual and patriotic education of Russian citizens, developing a common humanitarian and information and telecommunications environment in the space of member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States and in adjacent regions.

8. Ecology of living systems and rational environmental management

85. The strategic goals of ensuring environmental safety and rational use of natural resources are:

preservation of the natural environment and ensuring its protection;

elimination of the environmental consequences of economic activities in the context of increasing economic activity and global climate change.

86. The state of national security in the environmental sphere is negatively impacted by the depletion of the world's reserves of minerals, raw materials, water and biological resources, as well as the presence of environmentally unfavorable regions in the Russian Federation.

87. The state of national security in the field of ecology is aggravated by the persistence of a significant number of hazardous industries, the activities of which lead to disruption of the ecological balance, including violation of sanitary-epidemiological and (or) sanitary-hygienic standards of drinking water consumed by the population of the country; radioactive materials remain outside the legal regulation and supervision non-nuclear fuel cycle waste. The strategic risk of depletion of the country's most important mineral resources is growing, and the production of many strategically important minerals is falling.

88. To counter threats in the field of environmental safety and rational use of natural resources, national security forces, in interaction with civil society institutions, create conditions for the introduction of environmentally friendly production, the search for promising energy sources, the formation and implementation of a state program for the creation of strategic reserves of mineral resources, sufficient to ensure the mobilization needs of the Russian Federation and guaranteed satisfaction of the needs of the population and economy for water and biological resources.

9. Strategic stability and equal strategic partnership

89. Achieving the priorities of sustainable development of the Russian Federation is facilitated by an active foreign policy, the efforts of which are focused on finding agreement and coinciding interests with other states based on a system of bilateral and multilateral mutually beneficial partnerships.

90. The creation of favorable conditions for the sustainable development of Russia in the long term is achieved by ensuring strategic stability, including through consistent progress towards a world free of nuclear weapons and creating conditions of equal security for all.

91. Russia, in its relations with the international community, relies on the principles of maintaining stability and predictability in the field of strategic offensive weapons, and attaches particular importance to the achievement of new full-scale bilateral agreements on further reduction and limitation of strategic offensive weapons.

92. Russia will promote the involvement of other states, primarily those possessing nuclear weapons, as well as those interested in joint actions to ensure common security, in the process of ensuring strategic stability.

93. Russia believes that maintaining strategic stability and equal strategic partnership can be facilitated by the presence of contingents of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in conflict regions on the basis of international law in order to solve political, economic and other problems by non-military methods.

94. Russia will act in the international arena from the standpoint of an invariable policy of participating together with other states in strengthening international mechanisms for the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons and other types of weapons of mass destruction, their means of delivery and related goods and technologies, and preventing the use of military force in violation of, as well as from the position of commitment to arms control and rational sufficiency in military development.

95. In order to maintain strategic stability and equal strategic partnership, the Russian Federation:

will comply with existing treaties and agreements in the field of arms limitation and reduction, participate in the development and conclusion of new agreements that meet its national interests;

is ready to further discuss issues of reducing nuclear potentials on the basis of bilateral agreements and in multilateral formats, and will also contribute to the creation of appropriate conditions allowing for the reduction of nuclear weapons without compromising international security and strategic stability;

considers international peacekeeping an effective tool for resolving armed conflicts, advocates strengthening this institution in strict accordance with the principles of the Charter of the United Nations and will continue its participation in it;

will participate in activities carried out under the auspices of the United Nations and other international organizations to eliminate natural and man-made disasters and emergencies, as well as in providing humanitarian assistance to affected countries.

96. In the interests of ensuring strategic stability and equal multilateral interaction in the international arena, Russia, during the implementation of this Strategy, will make all necessary efforts at the least costly level to maintain parity with the United States of America in the field of strategic offensive weapons in the context of their deployment of a global missile defense system and implementation concepts of a global lightning strike using strategic carriers in nuclear and non-nuclear equipment.

V. Organizational, regulatory, legal and information bases for the implementation of this Strategy

97. The state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of national security is ensured by the coordinated actions of all elements of the national security system with the coordinating role of the Security Council of the Russian Federation through the implementation of a set of measures of an organizational, regulatory, legal and informational nature.

98. The implementation of this Strategy is ensured by consolidating the efforts and resources of government bodies, civil society institutions, aimed at upholding the national interests of the Russian Federation through the integrated use of political, organizational, socio-economic, legal, special and other measures developed within the framework of strategic planning In Russian federation.

99. Adjustments to this Strategy are carried out under the coordinating role of the Security Council of the Russian Federation periodically - based on the results of constant monitoring of the implementation of this Strategy, taking into account changes that have a significant impact on the state of national security.

100. Organizational support for the implementation of this Strategy consists of improving public administration of the Russian Federation, as well as developing a system for ensuring national security based on improving the mechanisms of strategic planning for sustainable development of the Russian Federation and ensuring national security under the leadership of the President of the Russian Federation.

101. System of strategic planning documents (concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation, programs of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the short term, strategies (programs) for the development of individual sectors of the economy, strategies (concepts) for the development of federal districts, strategies and comprehensive programs of social economic development of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, interstate programs in the implementation of which the Russian Federation takes part, federal (departmental) target programs, state defense orders, concepts, doctrines and fundamentals (main directions) of state policy in the areas of ensuring national security and in certain areas of internal and foreign policy of the state) is formed by the Government of the Russian Federation and interested federal executive authorities with the participation of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the basis of federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

102. By decision of the President of the Russian Federation, documents on issues of domestic and foreign policy of the state may be submitted for consideration by the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

103. The development of strategic planning documents is carried out in accordance with the Regulations of the Government of the Russian Federation and in accordance with the procedure for preparing documents in the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

104. State policy in the field of combating drug crime and terrorism is formed by the State Anti-Drug Committee and the National Anti-Terrorism Committee - interdepartmental bodies that ensure coordination of federal executive authorities and state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in relevant areas.

105. Complex problems of ensuring national security can be considered at joint meetings of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, the State Council of the Russian Federation, the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation with the participation of other advisory and consultative bodies created to ensure the constitutional powers of the President of the Russian Federation.

106. Measures of normative legal support for the implementation of this Strategy are determined on the basis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as regulatory legal acts of federal executive authorities.

107. Information and information-analytical support for the implementation of this Strategy is carried out with the coordinating role of the Security Council of the Russian Federation through the involvement of information resources of interested government bodies and state scientific institutions using a system of distributed situational centers operating according to unified rules of interaction.

108. To develop a system of distributed situational centers in the medium term, it will be necessary to overcome the technological gap in the most important areas of information, telecommunications and communications that determine the state of national security, to develop and implement information security technologies in government and military control systems, management systems for environmentally hazardous industries and critical objects, as well as provide conditions for the harmonization of the national information infrastructure with global information networks and systems.

109. Threats to information security during the implementation of this Strategy are prevented by improving the security of the functioning of information and telecommunication systems of critical infrastructure facilities and high-risk facilities in the Russian Federation, increasing the level of security of corporate and individual information systems, creating a unified system of information and telecommunication support for the needs of the system ensuring national security.

110. The development and implementation of a set of operational and long-term measures to prevent threats to national security in federal districts is carried out with the coordinating role of the Government of the Russian Federation by federal executive authorities in interaction with government authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

111. Monitoring the progress of implementation of this Strategy is carried out within the framework of the annual report of the Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation to the President of the Russian Federation on the state of national security and measures to strengthen it.

VI. Main characteristics of the state of national security

112. The main characteristics of the state of national security are intended to assess the state of national security and include:

unemployment rate (share of economically active population);

decile coefficient (the ratio of the incomes of the 10% most and 10% of the least wealthy population);

level of consumer price growth;

the level of government external and internal debt as a percentage of gross domestic product;

the level of provision of health care, cultural, educational and scientific resources as a percentage of the gross domestic product;

the level of annual renewal of weapons, military and special equipment;

level of provision with military and engineering personnel.

The list of main characteristics of the state of national security can be updated based on the results of monitoring the state of national security.

The implementation of the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020 is intended to become a mobilizing factor in the development of the national economy, improving the quality of life of the population, ensuring political stability in society, strengthening national defense, state security and law and order, increasing the competitiveness and international prestige of the Russian Federation.

The Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Concept) was developed in accordance with the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation following the meeting of the State Council of the Russian Federation held on July 21, 2006, approved by Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 17, 2008 No. 1662- R.

The purpose of developing the Concept is to determine ways and means of ensuring in the long term (2008 - 2020) a sustainable increase in the well-being of Russian citizens, national security, dynamic economic development, and strengthening Russia’s position in the world community.

In accordance with this goal, the Concept formulates:

  • - the main directions of long-term socio-economic development of the country, taking into account the challenges of the coming period;
  • - strategy for achieving goals, including methods, directions and stages;
  • - forms and mechanisms of strategic partnership between the state, business and society;
  • - goals, target indicators, priorities and main objectives of long-term state policy in the social sphere, in the field of science and technology, as well as structural changes in the economy;
  • - goals and priorities of foreign economic policy;
  • - parameters of spatial development of the Russian economy, goals and objectives of territorial development.

The concept consists of eight blocks, divided into main strategic areas:

I. Strategic guidelines for long-term socio-economic development.

1. Results of the 1990s - 2000s: Russia’s return to the ranks of world economic powers.

The subsection, designed to initially highlight the state of the Russian economy, as well as development trends, occupies about 1% of the text of the Concept (2 pages), and lists the reforms and transformations carried out in the 1990-2000s. And he proclaims that “in recent years, Russia has restored its status as a powerful economic power.”

2. Challenges of the upcoming long-term period

The first challenge is increased global competition. The developers of the concept believe that for Russia, the transformation of the world economy “creates new opportunities for the development of foreign economic integration, strengthening and expanding its position in world markets, importing technology and capital.” The second challenge is the expected new wave of technological changes, which will strengthen the role of innovation in socio-economic development and reduce the influence of many traditional growth factors. “For Russia, the presence of research potential and high-tech production creates the conditions for ensuring technological leadership in a number of important areas.” The third challenge is the increasing role of human capital as the main factor of economic development. For Russia, the answer to this challenge involves overcoming the existing negative trends in the development of human potential. The fourth challenge is the exhaustion of the potential of the raw material export model of economic development, based on the accelerated increase in fuel and raw material exports, the production of goods for domestic consumption due to additional loading of production capacity in conditions of an undervalued ruble exchange rate, low cost of production factors - labor, fuel, electricity.

3. Targets:

High standards of human well-being

Social well-being and harmony

Economics of Leadership and Innovation

Balanced spatial development

Globally competitive economy

Institutes for Economic Freedom and Justice

Safety of citizens and society

4. Directions of transition to an innovative socially oriented type of economic development.

The concept considers the transition from an export-based raw material to an innovative model of economic growth, which is also associated with the formation of a new mechanism of social development based on a balance of entrepreneurial freedom, social justice and national competitiveness. This is the sixth edition of the Concept. In the first edition of the document there were three scenarios according to which the Russian economy could develop: innovative, inertial and export of raw materials. By March 2008 (the fourth edition of the document), only the innovative option remained (despite the internationally accepted practice of considering several versions and three forecast options), according to which the Russian economy should become the fifth largest in the world in terms of GDP by 2020, average GDP per capita The population will increase from the current $13.9 thousand to $30 thousand, and life expectancy will increase from 65 years to 72-75 years. The average salary will be $2.7 thousand instead of the current $536.

5. Interaction between the state, private business and society as subjects of innovative development.

II. Stages of innovative development.

It is envisaged that the innovative development of the Russian economy in 2008 - 2020 will take place in 2 stages, differing in conditions, factors and risks of socio-economic development and priorities of the state's economic policy. The first stage (2008 - 2012) is based on the implementation and expansion of those global competitive advantages that the Russian economy has in traditional areas (energy, transport, agricultural sector, natural resource processing). At the same time, institutional conditions and technological groundwork will be created that will ensure, at the next stage, a systematic transfer of the Russian economy to the mode of innovative development. The second stage (2013 - 2020) is a breakthrough in increasing the global competitiveness of the economy based on its transition to a new technological base (information, bio- and nanotechnologies), improving the quality of human potential and the social environment, and structural diversification of the economy.

At the first stage, in accordance with the Concept, the following target macroeconomic indicators will be achieved (2012 by 2007):

  • - increase in life expectancy - 2.5 years;
  • - growth of gross domestic product - 137 - 138%;
  • - increase in labor productivity - 140 - 141%;
  • - reduction in the energy intensity of the gross domestic product - - 81 - 83 percent;
  • - growth of real disposable income of the population - 153 - 154%;
  • - growth of investments in fixed assets - 180 - 185%;
  • - R&D expenditures (private and public expenditures) - 1.4 - 1.6% of gross domestic product;
  • - education expenditures (private and public expenditures) - 5.5 - 5.7% of gross domestic product;
  • - health care expenditures (private and public expenditures) - 5.2 - 5.4% of gross domestic product.

At the second stage, the following target macroeconomic indicators will be achieved (2020 by 2012):

  • - increase in life expectancy - 2 years;
  • - growth of gross domestic product - 164 - 166%;
  • - growth in labor productivity - 171 - 178%;
  • - reduction in the energy intensity of the gross domestic product - 70 - 75%;
  • - growth of real disposable income of the population - 164 - 172%;
  • - growth of investments in fixed capital - 215 - 223%;
  • - R&D expenditures (private and public expenditures) - 3% of gross domestic product;
  • - spending on education (private and public spending) - 6.5 - 7% of gross domestic product;
  • - healthcare costs (private and public expenditures) - 6.7 - 7% of gross domestic product.

The next six sections specify the achievement of the set targets and include:

III. Human Development:

  • 1. Demographic policy and population conservation policy
  • 2. Health development
  • 3. Development of physical culture and sports
  • 4. Development of education
  • 5. Development of culture and media
  • 6. Development of the labor market
  • 7. Increasing housing affordability
  • 8. Development of social institutions and social policy
  • 9. Youth policy
  • 10. Development of the pension system
  • 11. Environmental safety of the economy and human ecology

IV. Development of economic institutions and maintenance of macroeconomic stability:

  • 1. Formation of an institutional environment for innovative development.
  • 2. Long-term priorities of monetary and fiscal policy.
  • 3. Long-term priorities for the development of financial markets and the banking sector.

V. Increasing national competitiveness

  • 1. Development of science, national innovation system and technology
  • 2. Development of high-tech industries:
    • - Aviation industry and engine building;
    • - Rocket and space industry;
    • - Shipbuilding industry;
    • - Radioelectronic industry;
    • - Nuclear energy industrial complex;
    • - Information and communication technologies.
  • 3. Development of basic industries
  • 4. Reform of natural monopolies
  • 5. Development of competitive advantages in transport infrastructure
  • 6. Development of energy infrastructure and increasing energy efficiency of the economy

Development of the electric power industry

Development of the oil and gas complex

7. Development of competitive advantages in the field of environmental management

Forest resources

Water resources

8. Development of agricultural and fishery complexes

VI. Foreign economic policy

  • 1. Purpose and principles of foreign economic policy
  • 2. Priority directions of foreign economic policy
  • 3. Geographical diversification of Russia’s foreign economic relations

Commonwealth of Independent States

Far abroad countries

VII. Regional development

  • 1. Basic principles of state policy for regional development
  • 2. Innovative and social orientation of regional development
  • 3. Regional development centers
  • 4. Improving the system of state regional management

VIII. Main macroeconomic parameters of innovative development until 2020

  • 1. Advantages of an innovative scenario for socio-economic development
  • 2. Forecast for the development of the world economy
  • 3. Main macroeconomic parameters of innovative development of the Russian Federation
  • 4. Formation of supply and demand
  • 5. Diversification of the economy, increasing the competitiveness of industries and agriculture
  • 6. Dynamics of population income
  • 7. Energy saving and dynamics of prices and tariffs for products and services of companies in the infrastructure sectors of the economy [see. Appendix, Table 1].

Development after 2020 will be aimed at consolidating Russia’s leading position in the world economy and transforming innovation into a leading factor in economic growth and forming a balanced social structure of society.

2.2 Features of the development of the Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation until 2020

In accordance with the order of V.V. Putin, the provisions of the Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020 should be guided by the Federal executive authorities and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation when developing program documents, plans and indicators of their activities. Clause 3 of the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 17, 2008 No. 1662-r. The previous President Vladimir Putin set the task of developing a concept for the socio-economic development of the country until 2020 to the Government at an expanded meeting of the State Council on July 21, 2006. However, judging by mentions in the press, interest in the Concept appeared only at the beginning of 2008. In February, at an extended meeting of the State Council “On the development strategy of Russia until 2020,” Vladimir Putin literally “demanded” that the Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the country be finalized and adopted: “I consider it extremely important that the country’s development plans go through broad discussion in Russian society, with the participation of all its institutions. And such a discussion should not end with mere talk - the result should be the adoption by the government of the Russian Federation of the Concept of the country’s socio-economic development until 2020 and a specific action plan in all the areas outlined above.” according to the transcript: Speech at an extended meeting of the State Council 'On the development strategy of Russia until 2020' // Information portal VIPERSON.RU However, instead of a “broad discussion” on March 6 at a government meeting, Viktor Zubkov had to demand that the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade complete work on the concept after March 8 and send out a draft concept for consideration in ministries and departments. The Prime Minister instructed the ministers to “carefully study not only their sections, but this entire document from cover to cover.” Netreba P. Second session of doubling GDP // Kommersant newspaper No. 42/P(3859) dated March 17, 2008

The document developed as a result of these instructions included seven chapters, the titles of which basically repeat the programmatic theses of Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev. It was proposed to divide the period from 2007 to 2020 into three stages - two five-year plans and one three-year plan. At the first stage, from 2007 to 2012, GDP was supposed to grow by 35-36%. At this stage, it was planned to expand global advantages in “traditional” areas - energy, transport, processing of natural resources. At the second stage - 2012-2017 - GDP should grow by 37-39%: a breakthrough in increasing the global competitiveness of the economy based on its transition to a new technological base - information, bio- and nanotechnologies. At the third stage, from 2017 to 2020, it envisaged consolidating Russia’s leading position in the world economy and developing in the mode of an innovative socially oriented economy; GDP growth should range from 19% to 22%. Particular attention is paid to social objectives. For example, the description of the entire tax reform took up one page, which does not contain any numerical calculations. But the social obligations of the budget until 2020 are explained in detail in several chapters. The essence of the proposals is to increase them by 2020 to 9.8-10.3% of GDP against 8.1% of GDP in 2006. In the context of a consistent decline in oil and gas revenues, this is achieved through the use of the Reserve Fund, the volume of which by 2020 will decrease below the target level of 10% of GDP. The first option provided for three scenarios for the development of the Russian economy: innovative, inertial and export of raw materials. By March 2008 (fourth edition of the document), the Government decided to rely only on the innovative option. An interesting circumstance was that the chapters of the fourth March edition of the draft Concept often ended with the link “For details, see Forecast of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020-2030.” The problem is that this document was written and published on the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade website only in August 2008. As a result, the project was subjected to serious criticism from ministries and departments - and underwent two more revisions. The version of the Concept approved on November 17, 2008 is already the sixth. In the latest, sixth edition of the document, three new sections have appeared: on energy efficiency, youth policy, and natural monopolies. Tovkaylo M., Smirnov A. The crisis will not survive until 2020. // Information portal September 29, 2008

The main part of the Concept was written before the aggravation of the situation in the global financial markets, but the Ministry of Economic Development did not radically change the document due to the outbreak of the liquidity crisis, explaining this by the fact that the risks of a slowdown in Russian GDP growth due to the difficult situation in the global economy were incorporated in previous versions of the Concept and in the parameters of the forecast of socio-economic development until 2030. Although in the concept, a slowdown in GDP growth was predicted not because of the global financial crisis, but because of lower oil prices and increased import volumes, which should have led to the zeroing of first the trade balance, and then the current account. Developing such optimistic forecasts, the Ministry of Economic Development is not revising the long-term forecast for oil prices: over the next 11 and a half years, the price of oil will remain at $95--115 per barrel, with an optimistic version - $115--169 per barrel. Main parameters of the forecast of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020-2030. Ministry of Economic Development of Russia. M. August 2008. Despite the approval of the Concept, the Ministry of Finance, in turn, nevertheless asked the Government to postpone the deadline for introducing the budget strategy until 2023 until April 1, 2009, i.e. Economic policy, at least in 2009, will be determined not by the concept, but by more mundane calculations. Shapovalov A. The crisis spared the dreams of the Ministry of Economy // Kommersant newspaper. No. 215(4032) dated November 26, 2008 The Concept was written at the peak of the success of the global and domestic economy and practically does not take into account the troubles characteristic of the last year and a half. This already suggests a correction of some overly optimistic forecasts. After all, the development of our country and the well-being of its citizens depend on the correctness and realism of the chosen course and the means used.

2.3 Implementation of the Concept of long-term socio-economic development as the basis of the Development Strategy of the Russian Federation

We are often, and often rightly, reproached for the lack of a systematic approach to solving problems. We are now adopting a number of long-term programs that are sometimes not linked to each other: a general layout for the location of electric power facilities, a development strategy for Russian Railways, a strategy for the development of regions or territories of Russia. All these are separate blocks of the building, but there is no general drawing, plan and estimate for the construction of this building yet. The concept should provide a systematic picture of the country’s development and a specific work plan.

Elvira Nabiullina, Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Everything is ahead of us! The authorities are for a “bright future”, but how to get there? // AiF. No. 29 of July 16, 2008

Promulgated for the first time in March 2008, the program document of the Ministry of Economic Development “The Concept of Long-Term Socio-Economic Development of the Russian Federation until 2020” immediately became the object of sharp criticism from many economists, sociologists, demographers, and historians, who assessed the optimistic ideas contained in this text as unfounded and unrealizable. forecasts regarding the increase in average wages (almost 5 times by 2020), the average life expectancy of Russian citizens (up to 75 years) and other programmed achievements in the field of social progress. One of the key mistakes is that the Concept is called Strategy, which is wrong from the point of view of the science of “strategic planning and management”. Accordingly, they are trying to assign functions that are unusual for it to the Concept. Ministries and departments have done a great job of identifying long-term guidelines, and the Ministry of Economic Development has played the role of coordinator for the development of this long-term concept. The concept may become the basis for several sections of Russia's future strategy, but it itself cannot be called a strategy or even the basis of a coherent strategy. As Vladimir Kvint, head of the department of financial strategy at the Moscow School of Economics, Moscow State University, put it. M.V. Lomonosov: “This 165-page document, first of all, suffers from a disease characteristic of works prepared by economists without the participation of sociologists, political scientists and lawyers - economic determinism.” Kvint V. The development plan for our economy until 2020 is more like a spell // AiF. No. dated July 16, 2008. That is why the Concept does not say anything about the tasks that need to be solved for the social cohesion of society and increasing its tolerance. No attention is paid to issues of ethnic, national and religious tolerance, and this can lead to destabilization of society, which jeopardizes any plans. As a result, the declared indicators and wishes of the Concept will turn out to be unattainable.

The concept reasonably poses the task of transitioning from the use of predominantly natural resources to the innovative nature of development. But scientists are asking the question: will the transition to an innovative economy be possible at all before 2020? And who will carry out the innovative breakthrough into the future? This could only be achieved if investments in Russian universities were increased three to four times in the 2008-2009 academic year. Those who come to higher school this year will graduate from two-level education in six years. They will need another three years to gain the necessary experience. And thus, they have only three years left to make an innovative breakthrough. But the Concept does not provide for such a revolution in education and science. Personnel support for the implementation of the strategic goals also remains an untouched issue.

Doubts also arise about who should develop the concept and projects for it. This is creative work. Therefore, such work can best be performed by creative teams, scientific institutes and other structures. First, President Putin and then President Medvedev called for the development of the Concept to take place with the active participation of all civil institutions. It would be advisable to hold a national competition to create the Concept, and then projects and programs for it. It is important that the organizing committee for the competition includes people who are truly interested in the innovative development of the country: specialists from innovative industries, scientists from the Russian Academy of Sciences, representatives of higher and secondary schools, representatives of private business, NGOs and other organizations. Birsky A. On the development concept until 2020 // publication dated June 24, 2008

Due to the current crisis situation in the world, the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade did not edit the Concept. Dmitry Sorokin, first deputy director of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, confirms that the financial crisis and the concept are unrelated things, and the country’s leadership is absolutely right in pursuing a long-term program. Tovkaylo M., Smirnov A. The crisis will not survive until 2020. // Information portal September 29, 2008 Thus, many publications draw an analogy with the GOELRO program, which was carried out in 1919, when the country was in ruins. Long-term goals are a prerequisite for overcoming a systemic crisis. But practice shows that it is necessary to have a package of anti-crisis measures, which should be provided for in the Concept, because this is not the last crisis.

Another serious problem of the Concept is the lack of resource assessment - a mandatory element of any strategic document. As a result, the proposed Concept has a declarative, slogan-like nature of wishes, the achievement of which is very problematic. Kvint V. The development plan for our economy until 2020 is more like a spell // AiF. No. dated July 16, 2008. The authors of the Concept clearly underestimate, at least publicly, the difficulties and limitations that exist on the path of modernization reforms. This concerns primarily the shortage of resources. The insufficient efficiency of the modern Russian economy and investments in it casts doubt on the feasibility of a number of provisions of the Concept. Russia has not yet embarked on a course of stable, predictable development. Moreover, the current trajectory of development is not entirely correct. The negative trends of the 1990s have not been overcome, and in a number of respects they are even worsening (growing inflation contrary to all forecasts of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, differentiation of society, etc.). Kazennov S. Concept 2020: in search of a feasible scenario // Official website of the Historical Perspective Foundation

A study of the Concept shows that despite the assurances of the Minister of Economic Development Elvira Nabiullina, the Concept does not demonstrate sufficient systematicity of its methodology. Many mandatory elements of the system are omitted, and the existing ones - forecast, analysis of the past, goals, objectives, priorities - are presented out of sequence, interdependence and insufficiently detailed and substantiated by calculations. Thus, the gap between the regional section of the Concept and its national and sectoral priorities is very significant. The Concept does not define how the achievement of industry targets will be ensured in different regions of the country. The assumed growth rates of the Russian economy differ significantly from each other in different sections of the Concept. If the targets indicate that labor productivity “should” increase by 2.4-5 times, then in the labor market section this figure is already significantly lower and amounts to 6.7% in the period 2011-2015 and 7.5% in the next five-year period until 2020, which, naturally, will not be able to compensate for the significant lag behind economically developed countries.

The section “Demographic Policy” is particularly declarative, in which it is determined that by 2025 the population should grow again to 145 million with an average life expectancy of 75 years. At the same time, no additional investments are made in healthcare, no mechanisms or methods have been developed to achieve these indicators. It is noted that some of the guidelines taken in the Concept, on the contrary, look extremely modest. Thus, it is indicated that by 2020 Russia will occupy 10% of the market for high-tech goods in only 4-6 positions. Such indicators are not typical for the innovation scenario. Numerous indicators of the Concept raise doubts, and the lack of resource support leads to distrust in this document. Among the ways to implement the assigned tasks, the most important place should be given, firstly, to the creation of a favorable investment climate and, secondly, to the improvement of legal issues. As long as there is no properly functioning legal framework, it is very difficult to implement serious large-scale programs. Until the country has coped with the monopoly that has formed everywhere, until it is impossible to protect its (entrepreneurial) rights in court, until it is impossible to protect property from raiding, until Russian society overcomes the existing legal nihilism, it will be difficult to achieve the goals facing the country. Panina E. The society is waiting for the details of the 2020 Strategy

In the section on foreign economic policy, the priorities quite rightly include increasing Russia’s role in the formation of the international economic order. But at the same time, no measures are proposed to change the role of Russia in such organizations of the World Bank and especially in the International Monetary Fund. The World Bank is not mentioned at all in the Concept. Russia does not use the powerful resource of international economic organizations, which may lead to the loss of even its current positions. One of the most unfortunate aspects of this section is that the Concept is not coordinated with similar long-term programs of other countries, hence the impression is created that only Russia will move forward, and the rest of the participants in global competition will freeze on their own. A significant flaw in the Concept is that it does not take into account the difficulties of the coming decade that are already obvious today. Experts believe that it will be rich in natural and climatic disasters, and this will undoubtedly affect the economy, politics, and security. Russia faces very tough competition, and it lies beyond the framework of economics and technology - primarily in politics. Not only in the West, but also in the East and even in the South, a certain idea has been formed about the future role of the Russian Federation. And this role did not at all provide for the restoration of Russia either as a strong, independent center of power and decision-making, or as a powerful economic and technological core. Kazennov S. Concept 2020: in search of a feasible scenario // Official website of the Historical Perspective Foundation Therefore, the Russian leadership is currently taking sometimes tough steps, trying to convince foreign opponents.

On September 24, 2008, specialists from leading economic think tanks gathered at the Institute of Contemporary Development (ISD, the board of trustees is headed by President Dmitry Medvedev) and came to a consensus that could hardly please the developers of the Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation: “The government has learned to respond quickly in everything is in order, but there is no strategic vision yet. The concept of long-term development until 2020 was criticized by the majority of the meeting participants. It is not calculated taking into account all the risks; its adoption in its current form would be politically naive. Those young people who will be full-fledged participants in the economy in 2020. life, they will accept it with irony,” ISR Chairman Igor Yurgens expressed the general view. Shapovalov A. Economists reviewed the plans of the Ministry of Economy // Kommersant newspaper No. 173 (3990) dated September 25, 2008. But although experts considered the adoption of the document called the Concept unacceptable in the existing one, five key issues remained uncoordinated - the model of the pension system, the nature of the macroeconomic and budget policy, issues of regional development and an action plan for implementation, the document was approved. Which means further refinement of the provisions of the Concept in the future, taking into account the above-mentioned shortcomings.

September 7, 2019 Awarded the Russian Government Prize in the field of education for 2019 Order No. 1944-r dated August 31, 2019. 10 applicants became award winners in 2019. The prizes were awarded for the development of a digital educational complex in theoretical and engineering mechanics, textbooks and scientific and practical manuals on geotechnics, as well as for educational and scientific publications in the field of modern information, measuring and control radio-electronic systems.

September 7, 2019, State policy in the field of scientific research and development The size of Russian Government awards in the field of science and technology for young scientists has been increased Resolution of August 31, 2019 No. 1121. Starting from 2020, the monetary portion of the Russian Government awards in the field of science and technology for young scientists has been increased from 500 thousand rubles to 1 million rubles.

September 7, 2019, Organization of the healthcare system. Health insurance The Federal Statistical Work Plan has been supplemented with information on the dynamics of wages for junior medical personnel Order No. 1988-r dated September 5, 2019. The collection of official statistical data will make it possible to monitor the increase in wages for junior medical personnel, taking into account the ongoing indexation.

September 6, 2019, Circulation of medicines, medical devices and substances Changes have been made to the procedure for monitoring the movement of drugs for medical use Resolution of August 30, 2019 No. 1118. From January 1, 2020, mandatory labeling of medicinal products for medical use with means of identification will be introduced. The signed decree introduced changes to the Regulations on the system for monitoring the movement of medicinal products for medical use, which will allow drug manufacturers to implement the system within the established time frame.

September 6, 2019, Telecommunications. Telecommunications The concept of creating a state unified cloud platform has been approved Order of August 28, 2019 No. 1911-r. The concept provides for a phased transfer of information systems of state authorities and local governments to a unified state cloud platform. This will improve the efficiency of use of information technology and communication infrastructure created to provide state and municipal services in electronic form.

September 5, 2019, Food industry The Strategy for the Development of Mechanical Engineering for the Food and Processing Industry until 2030 has been approved Order No. 1931-r dated August 30, 2019. The implementation of the Strategy will contribute to the opening of new production capacities, the creation of high-performance jobs, the technological independence of the food industry from imported engineering products, and the growth of export supplies of Russian machines.

September 5, 2019, Quality of regional and municipal governance The Federal Statistical Work Plan has been supplemented with information on the effectiveness of the activities of senior officials and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation Order of August 27, 2019 No. 1873-r. The Federal Statistical Work Plan includes 15 indicators for assessing the effectiveness of the activities of senior officials and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation. The collection of statistical data on these indicators will make it possible to obtain a reliable assessment of the effectiveness of the activities of senior officials and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation.

September 3, 2019, Technological development. Innovation On the signing of an Agreement of Intent between the Government of Russia and the Management Company of the Russian Direct Investment Fund in order to develop the high-tech field of Artificial Intelligence in Russia Order No. 1964-r dated September 3, 2019. The signing of the Agreement is aimed at attracting mutually beneficial cooperation between industrial, scientific, educational and other organizations, the pooling of efforts of which is necessary to achieve the target indicators of technological development in Russia.

September 3, 2019, Automotive and special equipment On updating the fleet of emergency medical vehicles and school buses in the constituent entities of the Federation Order No. 1963-r dated September 3, 2019. It is planned to additionally supply more than 1.55 thousand emergency medical vehicles and more than 2.45 thousand school buses to the constituent entities of the Federation.

September 3, 2019, Law Enforcement Monitoring Law enforcement monitoring plan for 2020 approved Order No. 1951-r dated August 31, 2019. Law enforcement monitoring involves the collection, compilation, analysis and assessment of information for the adoption, amendment or invalidation of regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of constituent entities of the Federation and municipal legal acts.

31 August 2019, Inland water transport and maritime activities A new edition of the Strategy for the Development of Maritime Activities of the Russian Federation until 2030 has been approved Order No. 1930-r dated August 30, 2019. In the new edition of the Strategy, taking into account the current political and socio-economic situation in the country and the world, the priorities, goals and objectives of Russia’s maritime activities for the long term are determined, the forecast values ​​of the target indicators of the second stage of the Strategy are clarified and the forecast values ​​of the target indicators of its third stage are determined (in the previous there were no editions of target indicators - only promising development paths).

August 31, 2019, Professional qualifications The plan of main activities for the preparation and holding of the European Championship of Professional Skills according to WorldSkills standards in St. Petersburg in 2022 has been approved Order No. 1949-r dated August 31, 2019. The plan includes 51 events related, in particular, to the fulfillment of international obligations for the preparation and holding of the championship, the preparation of urban infrastructure facilities, and the development of competition and business programs.

August 31, 2019, Literature and book publishing. Libraries The development plan for the federal state information system “National Electronic Library” has been approved Order of August 28, 2019 No. 1904-r. The plan, in particular, provides for legal regulation of the work of the New Library, improvement of the information technologies used in it, selection and encyclopedic systematization of knowledge from book, archival, museum and university collections, ensuring the inclusion in the New Library of electronic copies of 100% of Russian publications as legal deposit.

August 30, 2019 An organizing committee has been formed for the preparation and holding of the Second Caspian Economic Forum in Astrakhan in 2021 Order No. 1929-r dated August 30, 2019

August 29, 2019, State program “Development of Culture” for 2013–2020 On budgetary allocations for the reconstruction of cultural objects in the constituent entities of the Federation Order No. 1924-r dated August 29, 2019. The targeted (object-by-object) distribution of subsidies provided in 2019–2021 to the budgets of the republics of Buryatia, North Ossetia-Alania, Khakassia, Tyva, the Udmurt Republic, the Trans-Baikal Territory, the Astrakhan, Murmansk, Omsk and Pskov regions for co-financing capital investments in the reconstruction of cultural objects has been approved.

August 29, 2019, Railway transport The authorized capital of JSC Russian Railways has been increased Order No. 1872-r dated August 27, 2019, resolution No. 1094 dated August 27, 2019. The authorized capital of JSC Russian Railways was increased by 44.07 billion rubles in order to increase the level of economic connectivity of the territory of Russia and the comprehensive development of the Mezhdurechensk - Taishet section of the Krasnoyarsk railway. Corresponding funds are provided in the federal budget.

August 29, 2019 The Regulations on the Supervisory Board of the State Development Corporation "VEB.RF" were approved Resolution of August 29, 2019 No. 1117

August 29, 2019, Fisheries, aquaculture, fish processing The procedure for holding auctions for the sale of the right to conclude an agreement on the provision of quotas for crab production for investment purposes has been determined Orders of August 28, 2019 No. 1917-r and No. 1918-r, resolutions of August 28, 2019 No. 1112 and No. 1113. Lists of crab species in certain areas of their production (catch) and construction projects have been established, the number and size of auction items, requirements for projects for the construction of fishing vessels, as well as rules for conducting auctions and a sample form, procedure for preparing and concluding an agreement on fixing shares of crab production quotas for investment purposes. This will ensure a transparent competitive environment in the most profitable and investment-intensive production segment for business. In addition, additional federal budget revenues will be provided, and a new, modern crab fishing fleet will be built. August 27, 2019, Space industry The procedure for creating and maintaining a federal fund of data for remote sensing of the Earth from space has been established Resolutions of August 24, 2019 No. 1086, No. 1087, No. 1088. In order to increase the efficiency and expand the possibilities of using data from remote sensing of the Earth from space, a federal fund of data from remote sensing of the Earth from space is being created. The signed resolutions regulate the creation and maintenance of the federal fund, determine the timing of the transfer of data and metadata to the federal fund, their composition and methods of transfer.


In order to consolidate the efforts of federal executive authorities, state authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, organizations and citizens of the Russian Federation in the field of ensuring national security I decree:

1. Approve the attached National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020.

2. To the Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation:

submit an annual report on the state of national security and measures to strengthen it, including on the progress of implementation of the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020;

introduce draft regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation on the implementation of the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020;

submit proposals for bringing the regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation into compliance with this Decree.

3. To recognize as invalid:

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 17, 1997 N 1300 “On approval of the Concept of National Security of the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1997, N 52, Art. 5909);

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 10, 2000 No. 24 “On the Concept of National Security of the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2000, No. 2, Art. 170).

4. This Decree comes into force from the date of its signing.

The president

Russian Federation

D. Medvedev

National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020

I. General provisions

1. Russia overcame the consequences of the systemic political and socio-economic crisis of the late 20th century - stopped the decline in the level and quality of life of Russian citizens, withstood the pressure of nationalism, separatism and international terrorism, prevented discrediting the constitutional system, preserved sovereignty and territorial integrity, and restored the ability to build its competitiveness and defending national interests as a key subject of emerging multipolar international relations.

State policy is being implemented in the field of national defense, state and public security, sustainable development of Russia, adequate to internal and external conditions. The prerequisites have been created for strengthening the national security system, and the legal space has been consolidated. Priority tasks in the economic sphere have been resolved, and the investment attractiveness of the national economy has increased. Original Russian ideals, spirituality, and a dignified attitude towards historical memory are being revived. Social harmony is strengthened on the basis of common values ​​- freedom and independence of the Russian state, humanism, interethnic peace and unity of cultures of the multinational people of the Russian Federation, respect for family traditions, patriotism.

In general, the prerequisites have been formed for the reliable prevention of internal and external threats to national security, dynamic development and transformation of the Russian Federation into one of the leading powers in terms of the level of technological progress, quality of life of the population, and influence on world processes.

In the context of globalization of world development processes, international political and economic relations, which create new threats and risks for the development of individuals, society and the state, Russia, as a guarantor of successful national development, is moving to a new state policy in the field of national security.

2. The main directions of ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation are strategic national priorities, which determine the tasks of the most important social, political and economic transformations to create safe conditions for the implementation of the constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens of the Russian Federation, the implementation of sustainable development of the country, the preservation of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the state.

3. The National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020 is an officially recognized system of strategic priorities, goals and measures in the field of domestic and foreign policy that determine the state of national security and the level of sustainable development of the state in the long term.

Conceptual provisions in the field of ensuring national security are based on the fundamental relationship and interdependence of the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020 and the Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020.

4. This Strategy is a basic document for planning the development of the national security system of the Russian Federation, which sets out the procedure and measures to ensure national security. It is the basis for constructive interaction between government bodies, organizations and public associations to protect the national interests of the Russian Federation and ensure the security of the individual, society and the state.

5. The main objective of this Strategy is to create and maintain, by national security forces, internal and external conditions favorable for the implementation of strategic national priorities.

6. This Strategy uses the following basic concepts:

“national security” is the state of protection of the individual, society and the state from internal and external threats, which allows for ensuring constitutional rights, freedoms, a decent quality and standard of living for citizens, sovereignty, territorial integrity and sustainable development of the Russian Federation, defense and security of the state;

“national interests of the Russian Federation” - the totality of the internal and external needs of the state to ensure security and sustainable development of the individual, society and state;

“threat to national security” - a direct or indirect possibility of causing damage to constitutional rights, freedoms, decent quality and standard of living of citizens, sovereignty and territorial integrity, sustainable development of the Russian Federation, defense and security of the state;

“strategic national priorities” - the most important areas of ensuring national security, along which the constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens of the Russian Federation are realized, sustainable socio-economic development and protection of the country’s sovereignty, its independence and territorial integrity are carried out;

“national security system” - forces and means of ensuring national security;

“national security forces” - the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies in which federal legislation provides for military and (or) law enforcement service, as well as federal government bodies taking part in ensuring the national security of the state on the basis of legislation Russian Federation;

“means of ensuring national security” - technologies, as well as technical, software, linguistic, legal, organizational means, including telecommunication channels, used in the system of ensuring national security for collecting, generating, processing, transmitting or receiving information about the state of national security and measures to its strengthening.

7. The forces and means of ensuring national security concentrate their efforts and resources on ensuring national security in the domestic political, economic, social spheres, in the field of science and education, in the international, spiritual, information, military, military-industrial and environmental spheres, as well as in the field of public safety.

II. The modern world and Russia: state and development trends

8. The development of the world is following the path of globalization of all spheres of international life, which is characterized by high dynamism and interdependence of events.

Contradictions associated with uneven development as a result of globalization processes and the widening gap between the levels of well-being of countries have intensified between states. Values ​​and development models have become the subject of global competition.

The vulnerability of all members of the international community in the face of new challenges and threats has increased.

As a result of the strengthening of new centers of economic growth and political influence, a qualitatively new geopolitical situation is emerging. A tendency is emerging to search for solutions to existing problems and resolve crisis situations on a regional basis without the participation of non-regional forces.

The inconsistency of the existing global and regional architecture, oriented, especially in the Euro-Atlantic region, only to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, as well as the imperfection of legal instruments and mechanisms increasingly pose a threat to ensuring international security.

9. The transition from bloc confrontation to the principles of multi-vector diplomacy, as well as Russia’s resource potential and pragmatic policy of its use, have expanded the Russian Federation’s capabilities to strengthen its influence on the world stage.

The Russian Federation has sufficient potential to count on the creation in the medium term of conditions for its consolidation among the leading states in the world economy on the basis of effective participation in the global division of labor, increasing the global competitiveness of the national economy, defense potential, and the level of state and public security .

10. Ensuring the national interests of the Russian Federation will be negatively impacted by possible relapses of unilateral forceful approaches in international relations, contradictions between the main participants in world politics, the threat of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their falling into the hands of terrorists, as well as the improvement of forms of illegal activities in cyber and biological areas in the field of high technology. Global information warfare will intensify, threats to the stability of industrial and developing countries of the world, their socio-economic development and democratic institutions will increase. Nationalist sentiments, xenophobia, separatism and violent extremism will develop, including under the slogans of religious radicalism. The global demographic situation and environmental problems will worsen, and the threats associated with uncontrolled and illegal migration, drug and human trafficking, and other forms of transnational organized crime will increase. The spread of epidemics caused by new, previously unknown viruses is likely. The shortage of fresh water will become more noticeable.

11. The attention of international policy in the long term will be focused on the possession of energy resources, including in the Middle East, on the Barents Sea shelf and in other areas of the Arctic, in the Caspian Sea basin and in Central Asia. The situation in Iraq and Afghanistan, conflicts in the Near and Middle East, in a number of countries in South Asia and Africa, and on the Korean Peninsula will continue to have a negative impact on the international situation in the medium term.

12. The critical state of the physical safety of hazardous materials and objects, especially in countries with an unstable internal political situation, as well as the proliferation of conventional weapons uncontrolled by states can lead to the aggravation of existing and the emergence of new regional and interstate conflicts.

In the conditions of competition for resources, solutions to emerging problems using military force are not excluded - the existing balance of power near the borders of the Russian Federation and the borders of its allies may be disrupted.

The risk of an increase in the number of states possessing nuclear weapons will increase.

The ability to maintain global and regional stability will be significantly reduced if elements of the global missile defense system of the United States of America are deployed in Europe.

The consequences of global financial and economic crises may become comparable in total damage to the large-scale use of military force.

13. In the long term, the Russian Federation will strive to build international relations on the principles of international law, ensuring reliable and equal security of states.

To protect its national interests, Russia, while remaining within the framework of international law, will pursue a rational and pragmatic foreign policy that excludes costly confrontation, including a new arms race.

Russia views the United Nations and the United Nations Security Council as the central element of a stable system of international relations, based on respect, equality and mutually beneficial cooperation of states based on civilized political instruments for resolving global and regional crisis situations.

Russia will increase interaction in such multilateral formats as the G8, G20, RIC (Russia, India and China), BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China), as well as use the capabilities of other informal international institutions.

The development of relations of bilateral and multilateral cooperation with member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States is a priority area of ​​foreign policy for Russia. Russia will strive to develop the potential for regional and subregional integration and coordination in the space of member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States within the framework, first of all, of the Commonwealth of Independent States itself, as well as the Collective Security Treaty Organization and the Eurasian Economic Community, which have a stabilizing influence on the general situation in the regions bordering with member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

At the same time, the Collective Security Treaty Organization is considered as the main interstate instrument designed to counter regional challenges and threats of a military-political and military-strategic nature, including the fight against illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.

14. Russia will contribute to strengthening the Eurasian Economic Community as the core of economic integration, a tool for promoting the implementation of large water-energy, infrastructure, industrial and other joint projects, primarily of regional importance.

15. Strengthening the political potential of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and stimulating within its framework practical steps that contribute to strengthening mutual trust and partnership in the Central Asian region will be of particular importance for Russia.

16. The Russian Federation stands for the comprehensive strengthening of mechanisms of interaction with the European Union, including the consistent formation of common spaces in the areas of economics, external and internal security, education, science, and culture. The long-term national interests of Russia are met by the formation of an open system of collective security in the Euro-Atlantic region on a clear contractual and legal basis.

17. The determining factor in relations with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization will remain the unacceptability for Russia of plans to advance the alliance’s military infrastructure to its borders and attempts to give it global functions that run counter to the norms of international law.

Russia is ready to develop relations with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization on the basis of equality and in the interests of strengthening general security in the Euro-Atlantic region, the depth and content of which will be determined by the alliance’s readiness to take into account Russia’s legitimate interests when carrying out military-political planning, respect for international law, and also to their further transformation and the search for new tasks and functions of a humanistic orientation.

18. Russia will strive to build an equal and full-fledged strategic partnership with the United States of America based on coinciding interests and taking into account the key influence of Russian-American relations on the state of the international situation as a whole. The priorities will remain the achievement of new agreements in the field of disarmament and arms control, strengthening confidence-building measures, as well as resolving issues of non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, increasing anti-terrorism cooperation, and resolving regional conflicts.

19. In the field of international security, Russia will remain committed to using political, legal, foreign economic, military and other instruments to protect state sovereignty and national interests.

Carrying out a predictable and open foreign policy is inextricably linked with the implementation of Russia’s sustainable development goals. The successful integration of Russia into the global economic space and the international system of division of labor is hampered by the low pace of transfer of the national economy to an innovative path of development.

20. To prevent threats to national security, it is necessary to ensure social stability, ethnic and religious harmony, increase the mobilization potential and growth of the national economy, improve the quality of work of public authorities and create effective mechanisms for their interaction with civil society in order for citizens of the Russian Federation to realize the right to life, safety, work, housing, health and a healthy lifestyle, accessible education and cultural development.

III. National interests of the Russian Federation and strategic national priorities

21. The national interests of the Russian Federation in the long term are:

in the development of democracy and civil society, increasing the competitiveness of the national economy;

in ensuring the inviolability of the constitutional order, territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Russian Federation;

in transforming the Russian Federation into a world power, whose activities are aimed at maintaining strategic stability and mutually beneficial partnerships in a multipolar world.

22. The internal and external sovereign needs of the state to ensure national security are implemented through strategic national priorities.

23. The main priorities of the national security of the Russian Federation are national defense, state and public security.

24. To ensure national security, the Russian Federation, along with achieving the main priorities of national security, focuses its efforts and resources on the following priorities of sustainable development:

improving the quality of life of Russian citizens by guaranteeing personal safety, as well as high standards of life support;

economic growth, which is achieved primarily through the development of a national innovation system and investment in human capital;

science, technology, education, healthcare and culture, which are developed by strengthening the role of the state and improving public-private partnerships;

ecology of living systems and rational use of natural resources, the maintenance of which is achieved through balanced consumption, the development of advanced technologies and the expedient reproduction of the country’s natural resource potential;

strategic stability and equal strategic partnership, which are strengthened on the basis of Russia’s active participation in the development of a multipolar world order model.

IV. Ensuring national security

25. The main content of ensuring national security is to maintain legal and institutional mechanisms, as well as the resource capabilities of the state and society at a level that meets the national interests of the Russian Federation.

The state of national security of the Russian Federation directly depends on the economic potential of the country and the effectiveness of the national security system.

1. National defense

26. The strategic goals of improving national defense are to prevent global and regional wars and conflicts, as well as to implement strategic deterrence in the interests of ensuring the military security of the country.

Strategic deterrence involves the development and systematic implementation of a set of interrelated political, diplomatic, military, economic, information and other measures aimed at preventing or reducing the threat of destructive actions on the part of the aggressor state (coalition of states).

Strategic deterrence is carried out using the economic capabilities of the state, including resource support for national security forces, through the development of a system of military-patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation, as well as military infrastructure and the management system of the state’s military organization.

27. The Russian Federation ensures national defense based on the principles of rational sufficiency and efficiency, including through methods and means of non-military response, mechanisms of public diplomacy and peacekeeping, and international military cooperation.

28. Military security is ensured through the development and improvement of the state’s military organization and defense potential, as well as the allocation of a sufficient amount of financial, material and other resources for these purposes.

Achieving the strategic goals of national defense is carried out through the development of a system for ensuring national security, pursuing a promising military-technical policy and developing military infrastructure, as well as through improving the management system of the state’s military organization and implementing a set of measures to increase the prestige of military service.

29. The state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of national defense and military development, including within the framework of the Union State, for the long term is aimed at improving the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies called up under any conditions of development of the military-political situation ensure the security, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state.

30. Threats to military security are: the policies of a number of leading foreign countries, aimed at achieving predominant superiority in the military sphere, primarily in strategic nuclear forces, through the development of high-precision, information and other high-tech means of warfare, non-nuclear strategic weapons, formation in unilaterally a global missile defense system and the militarization of near-Earth space, which could lead to a new round of the arms race, as well as the spread of nuclear, chemical, biological technologies, the production of weapons of mass destruction or their components and delivery vehicles.

The negative impact on the state of military security of the Russian Federation and its allies is aggravated by the departure from international agreements in the field of arms limitation and reduction, as well as actions aimed at disrupting the stability of the systems of state and military control, warning of a missile attack, control of outer space, and the functioning of strategic nuclear forces , nuclear weapons storage facilities, nuclear energy, nuclear and chemical industries, and other potentially dangerous facilities.

31. The Russian Federation implements long-term state policy in the field of national defense by developing a system of fundamental conceptual, program documents, as well as planning documents, developing norms of legislative regulation of the activities of government bodies, institutions, enterprises and organizations of the real sector of the economy, civil society institutions in a peaceful and wartime, as well as improving civil defense forces and means, the country’s network and transport infrastructure in the interests of national defense.

32. The main task of strengthening national defense in the medium term is the transition to a qualitatively new look of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation while maintaining the potential of strategic nuclear forces by improving the organizational structure and the system of territorial basing of troops and forces, increasing the number of units of constant readiness, as well as improving operational and combat training, organization of interspecific interaction of troops and forces.

To this end, the system of manning the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies is being clarified, including the training of personnel and the development of the necessary infrastructure, optimal mechanisms for being in the reserve are being worked out, the prestige of military service and the status of officers is being raised, and the implementation of state programs and orders for the development, creation and modernization of weapons, military and special equipment, including communications, reconnaissance, electronic warfare and control equipment.

33. In the medium term, the transition to a unified system of orders by federal executive authorities for weapons, military and special equipment for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies, as well as to a unified system of logistics and technical support, must be completed. Regulatory legal regulation must be ensured for maintaining stocks of materiel in the state and mobilization reserves, as well as cooperation with other states in the field of military security.

34. Restructuring, optimization and development of the military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation in the medium term are consistent with the solution of tasks for the comprehensive and timely provision of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies with modern types of weapons and special equipment.

2. State and public security

35. The strategic goals of ensuring national security in the field of state and public security are the protection of the foundations of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation, the fundamental rights and freedoms of man and citizen, the protection of the sovereignty of the Russian Federation, its independence and territorial integrity, as well as the preservation of civil peace, political and social stability in society.

36. The Russian Federation, in ensuring national security in the field of state and public security for the long term, proceeds from the need to constantly improve law enforcement measures to identify, prevent, suppress and disclose acts of terrorism, extremism, and other criminal attacks on human and civil rights and freedoms, property, public order and public safety, constitutional system of the Russian Federation.

37. The main sources of threats to national security in the field of state and public security are: intelligence and other activities of special services and organizations of foreign states, as well as individuals, aimed at harming the security of the Russian Federation; activities of terrorist organizations, groups and individuals aimed at violently changing the foundations of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation, disorganizing the normal functioning of government bodies (including violent actions against government, political and public figures), destroying military and industrial facilities, enterprises and institutions providing the life of society, intimidation of the population, including through the use of nuclear and chemical weapons or dangerous radioactive, chemical and biological substances; extremist activities of nationalist, religious, ethnic and other organizations and structures aimed at violating the unity and territorial integrity of the Russian Federation, destabilizing the internal political and social situation in the country; activities of transnational criminal organizations and groups related to the illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, weapons, ammunition, explosives; the continued growth of criminal attacks directed against the person, property, state power, public and economic security, as well as those related to corruption.

38. The main directions of state policy in the field of ensuring state and public security for the long term should be strengthening the role of the state as a guarantor of personal security, especially children and adolescents, improving the legal regulation of preventing and combating crime, corruption, terrorism and extremism, increasing the effectiveness of protecting the rights and legitimate interests of Russian citizens abroad, expanding international cooperation in the law enforcement field.

39. Ensuring state and public security in the long term will also be facilitated by increasing the efficiency of law enforcement agencies and intelligence services, creating a unified state system for the prevention of crime (primarily among minors) and other offenses, including monitoring and assessing the effectiveness of law enforcement practice, the development and use of special measures aimed at reducing the level of corruption and criminalization of public relations.

40. In order to ensure state and public security: the structure and activities of federal executive authorities are being improved, the National Anti-Corruption Plan is being implemented, a system for identifying and countering global challenges and crises of our time is being developed, including international and national terrorism, political and religious extremism, nationalism and ethnic separatism; mechanisms are being created to prevent and neutralize social and interethnic conflicts; a long-term concept for the comprehensive development and improvement of law enforcement agencies and intelligence services is being formed, social guarantees for their employees are being strengthened, scientific and technical support for law enforcement activities is being improved, promising special tools and equipment are being adopted, and a system of professional training in the field of ensuring state and public security is being developed; the regime for the safe operation of enterprises, organizations and institutions of the country's military-industrial, nuclear, chemical and atomic energy complexes, as well as life support facilities for the population, is being strengthened; the social responsibility of state and public security agencies is increasing.

41. One of the conditions for ensuring national security is the reliable protection and security of the state border of the Russian Federation.

The main threats to the interests and security of the Russian Federation in the border area are the presence and possible escalation of armed conflicts near its state border, the incompleteness of the international legal formalization of the state border of the Russian Federation with individual neighboring states.

A threat to security in the border area is represented by the activities of international terrorist and extremist organizations in the transfer of their emissaries, means of terror and organization of sabotage to Russian territory, as well as the activation of cross-border criminal groups in the illegal movement of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, goods and cargo across the state border of the Russian Federation, aquatic biological resources, other material and cultural assets, organization of illegal migration channels.

The insufficient level of development of border infrastructure and technical equipment of border agencies has a negative impact on ensuring reliable protection and security of the state border of the Russian Federation.

42. Solving the problems of ensuring the security of the state border of the Russian Federation is achieved through the creation of high-tech and multifunctional border complexes, especially on the borders with the Republic of Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Georgia and the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as increasing the efficiency of protecting the state border, in particular in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, in the Far East and in the Caspian direction.

43. Ensuring national security in emergency situations is achieved by improving and developing a unified state system for preventing and eliminating natural and man-made emergencies (including territorial and functional segments), and its integration with similar foreign systems.

Solving the problems of ensuring national security in emergency situations is achieved by increasing the efficiency of the implementation of the powers of local governments in the field of ensuring the safety of life of the population, updating the fleet of technological equipment and production technologies at potentially hazardous facilities and life support facilities, introducing modern technical means of informing and alerting the population in places their mass presence, as well as the development of a system for taking preventive measures to reduce the risk of terrorist attacks and mitigate the consequences of emergency situations of man-made and natural nature.

44. The Russian Federation strengthens national defense, ensures state and public security in order to create favorable internal and external conditions for achieving priorities in the field of socio-economic development of the state.

3. Improving the quality of life of Russian citizens

45. The strategic goals of ensuring national security in the field of improving the quality of life of Russian citizens are reducing the level of social and property inequality of the population, stabilizing its numbers in the medium term, and in the long term - a radical improvement in the demographic situation.

46. ​​Improving the quality of life of Russian citizens is guaranteed by ensuring personal safety, as well as the availability of comfortable housing, high-quality and safe goods and services, and decent remuneration for active work.

47. Factors such as crises of the global and regional financial and banking systems, increased competition in the struggle for scarce raw materials, energy, water and food resources, a lag in the development of advanced technological structures, increasing the strategic risks of dependence on changes in external factors, can become sources of threats to national security. factors.

48. Ensuring national security in the field of improving the quality of life of Russian citizens will be facilitated by reducing the level of organized crime, corruption and drug addiction, counteracting criminal groups in legalizing their own economic basis, achieving socio-political stability and positive dynamics of development of the Russian Federation, the stability of the financial and banking system, expanded reproduction of the mineral resource base, accessibility to modern education and healthcare, high social mobility and support for socially significant employment, improving the skills and quality of labor resources, rational organization of migration flows.

49. One of the main directions of ensuring national security in the medium term is food security and a guaranteed supply of high-quality and affordable medicines to the population.

50. Food security is ensured through the development of biotechnologies and import substitution for basic food products, as well as by preventing the depletion of land resources and the reduction of agricultural land and arable land, the capture of the national grain market by foreign companies, the uncontrolled distribution of food products obtained from genetically modified plants using genetically modified microorganisms and microorganisms that have genetically modified analogues.

51. In order to develop the pharmaceutical industry, conditions are being created to overcome its raw material dependence on foreign suppliers.

52. To counter threats to national security in the field of improving the quality of life of Russian citizens, the forces ensuring national security in interaction with civil society institutions:

improve the national system of human rights protection through the development of the judicial system and legislation;

contribute to the growth of well-being, reduction of poverty and differences in the level of income of the population in order to ensure constant access of all categories of citizens to the amount of food products necessary for a healthy lifestyle;

create conditions for maintaining a healthy lifestyle, stimulating the birth rate and reducing the mortality rate of the population;

improve and develop transport infrastructure, increase the protection of the population from natural and man-made emergencies;

improve the system of protection against unemployment, create conditions for the involvement of people with disabilities in labor activities, pursue a rational regional migration policy, develop a pension system, and introduce standards for social support for certain categories of citizens;

ensure the preservation of cultural and spiritual heritage, the availability of information technologies, as well as information on various issues of socio-political, economic and spiritual life of society;

improve public-private partnerships in order to strengthen the material and technical base of healthcare, cultural, educational institutions, develop housing construction and improve the quality of housing and communal services.

4. Economic growth

53. The strategic goals of ensuring national security are Russia’s entry in the medium term into one of the five leading countries in terms of gross domestic product, as well as achieving the required level of national security in the economic and technological spheres.

54. Ensuring national security through economic growth is achieved through the development of a national innovation system, increasing labor productivity, developing new resource sources, modernizing priority sectors of the national economy, improving the banking system, the financial services sector and interbudgetary relations in the Russian Federation.

55. The main strategic risks and threats to national security in the economic sphere for the long term are the preservation of the raw materials export model of development of the national economy, a decrease in competitiveness and the high dependence of its most important areas on foreign economic conditions, loss of control over national resources, deterioration in the state of the raw material base of industry and energy. , uneven development of regions and progressive labor shortages, low stability and security of the national financial system, continued conditions for corruption and criminalization of economic and financial relations, as well as illegal migration.

56. Insufficient efficiency of state regulation of the national economy, a decrease in the rate of economic growth, the emergence of a trade and balance of payments deficit, and a reduction in budget revenues can lead to a slowdown in the transition to innovative development and the subsequent accumulation of social problems in the country.

57. A direct negative impact on ensuring national security in the economic sphere can be caused by a shortage of fuel and energy, water and biological resources, the adoption of discriminatory measures and increased unfair competition in relation to Russia, as well as crisis phenomena in the global financial and banking system.

58. To ensure national security through economic growth, the Russian Federation focuses its main efforts on the development of science, technology and education, improving national investment and financial institutions in the interests of achieving the required level of security in the military, defense-industrial and international spheres.

59. Threats to national security associated with disproportions in the levels of development of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are prevented by pursuing rational state regional policies aimed at improving coordination of the activities of state authorities, local governments, the business community and civil society institutions.

60. One of the main areas of ensuring national security in the economic sphere in the long term is energy security. Necessary conditions for ensuring national and global energy security are multilateral interaction in the interests of the formation of energy markets that meet the principles of the World Trade Organization, the development and international exchange of promising energy-saving technologies, as well as the use of environmentally friendly, alternative energy sources.

The main content of energy security is the sustainable supply of demand with a sufficient quantity of energy resources of standard quality, the efficient use of energy resources by increasing the competitiveness of domestic producers, the prevention of possible shortages of fuel and energy resources, the creation of strategic fuel reserves, reserve capacities and components, ensuring the stability of the functioning of energy and heat supply systems .

61. To counter threats to economic security, national security forces, in interaction with civil society institutions, are aimed at supporting state socio-economic policy aimed at:

to improve the structure of production and exports, antimonopoly regulation and support of competition policy;

for the development of the national innovation system in order to implement highly effective projects and priority programs for the development of high-tech sectors of the economy;

to strengthen financial markets and increase liquidity of the banking system;

to reduce informal employment and legalize labor relations, increase investments in the development of human capital;

to ensure a balance of interests of the indigenous population and labor migrants, taking into account their ethnic, linguistic, cultural and religious differences, including the improvement of migration registration, as well as the reasonable territorial distribution of labor migrants based on the regions’ needs for labor resources;

on the formation of a system of scientific and technological forecasting and the implementation of scientific and technological priorities, strengthening the integration of science, education and production;

to create conditions for the development of a competitive domestic pharmaceutical industry;

for the development of the industry of information and telecommunication technologies, computer equipment, radio electronics, telecommunications equipment and software.

62. In the interests of ensuring national security in the medium term, competitive sectors of the economy are developing and sales markets for Russian products are expanding, the efficiency of the fuel and energy complex is increasing, the use of public-private partnership tools is expanding to solve strategic problems of economic development and complete the formation of basic transport, energy, information , military infrastructure, especially in the Arctic zone, Eastern Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation.

63. Strengthening economic security will be facilitated by improving government regulation of economic growth through the development of conceptual and program documents for interregional and territorial planning, the creation of a comprehensive risk control system, including:

implementation of active government anti-inflationary, exchange rate, exchange rate, monetary and fiscal policies focused on import substitution and support for the real sector of the economy;

stimulating and supporting the development of the market for innovations, knowledge-intensive products and products with high added value, development of promising technologies for general, dual and special purposes.

64. At the regional level, a balanced, comprehensive and systemic development of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation corresponds to a stable state of national security.

One of the main directions of ensuring national security at the regional level in the medium term is the creation of mechanisms for reducing the level of interregional differentiation in the socio-economic development of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation through balanced territorial development.

In the long term, threats to national security associated with disproportion in the levels of development of Russian regions are prevented by deploying a full-scale national innovation system through the formation of promising territorial-industrial areas in the southern regions and the Volga region, in the Urals and Siberia, in the Far East and other regions of the Russian Federation. Federation.

65. In the field of regional development, national security forces, in interaction with civil society institutions, contribute to the effective implementation by government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local self-government bodies of their powers through the coordination and implementation of measures taken at the federal, regional and municipal levels aimed at the development of regional economy and social sphere, including equalization of their budgetary provision.

5. Science, technology and education

66. The strategic goals of ensuring national security in the field of science, technology and education are:

development of state scientific and scientific-technological organizations capable of ensuring the competitive advantages of the national economy and the needs of national defense through the effective coordination of scientific research and the development of the national innovation system;

increasing social mobility, the level of general and vocational education of the population, and the professional qualities of highly qualified personnel due to the availability of competitive education.

67. A direct negative impact on ensuring national security in the field of science, technology and education is caused by a lag in the transition to the next technological structure, dependence on imported supplies of scientific equipment, instruments and electronic components, strategic materials, unauthorized transfer abroad of competitive domestic technologies, unfounded unilateral sanctions against scientific and educational organizations in Russia, insufficient development of the regulatory legal framework and weak motivation in the field of innovation and industrial policy, low level of social protection of engineering, teaching and teaching staff and the quality of general secondary education, vocational primary, secondary and higher education.

68. The Russian Federation identifies technological safety as one of its main directions in the medium term. To this end, the state innovation and industrial policy is being improved, fundamental and applied science and education are identified as an absolute priority for the innovative development of the national economy, the federal contract system and the state order system for the training of highly qualified specialists and workers are being improved, and public-private partnerships in the field of science are being developed. and technologies, conditions are created for the integration of science, education and industry, systematic research is conducted in the interests of solving the strategic tasks of national defense, state and public security, as well as the sustainable development of the country.

69. To counter threats in the field of science, technology and education, national security forces, in interaction with civil society institutions, carry out the civic education of new generations in the traditions of the prestige of the work of a scientist and teacher, ensure the effectiveness of state legal regulation in the field of integration of science, education and high-tech industry .

70. Solving national security problems in the field of science, technology and education in the medium and long term is achieved by:

formation of a system of targeted fundamental and applied research and its state support in the interests of organizational and scientific support for achieving strategic national priorities;

creating a network of federal universities, national research universities, providing, within the framework of cooperative ties, the training of specialists for work in the field of science and education, the development of competitive technologies and samples of high-tech products, and the organization of high-tech production;

implementation of programs for the creation of educational institutions focused on training personnel for the needs of regional development, bodies and forces ensuring national security;

ensuring the participation of Russian scientific and scientific-educational organizations in global technological and research projects, taking into account the conditions of the intellectual property market.

6. Healthcare

71. The strategic goals of ensuring national security in the field of healthcare and the health of the nation are:

increasing life expectancy, reducing disability and mortality;

improvement of prevention and provision of timely qualified primary health care and high-tech medical care;

improving standards of medical care, as well as quality control, effectiveness and safety of medicines.

72. Some of the main threats to national security in the field of healthcare and the health of the nation are the emergence of large-scale epidemics and pandemics, the massive spread of HIV infection, tuberculosis, drug addiction and alcoholism, and the increased availability of psychoactive and psychotropic substances.

73. A direct negative impact on ensuring national security in the field of healthcare and the health of the nation is caused by the low efficiency of the medical insurance system and the quality of training and retraining of healthcare professionals, the insufficient level of social guarantees and remuneration of medical workers and financing for the development of a system of high-tech medical care, the incompleteness of the formation of regulatory legal healthcare base in order to increase accessibility and guarantee the provision of medical care to the population.

74. The state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of healthcare and the health of the nation is aimed at preventing and preventing the increase in the level of socially dangerous diseases.

75. The Russian Federation defines the main directions of ensuring national security in the field of healthcare and the health of the nation in the medium term as strengthening the preventive focus of healthcare, focusing on preserving human health, and improving the institution of family, protection of maternity, paternity and childhood as the basis for the life of society.

76. Strengthening national security in the field of healthcare and the health of the nation will be facilitated by improving the quality and accessibility of medical care through the use of promising information and telecommunication technologies, government support for promising developments in the field of pharmaceuticals, biotechnology and nanotechnology, as well as the modernization of economic mechanisms for the functioning of healthcare and development of financial resources. -technical base of the state and municipal healthcare systems, taking into account regional characteristics.

77. To counter threats in the field of healthcare and the health of the nation, national security forces, in interaction with civil society institutions, ensure the effectiveness of state legal regulation in the field of standardization, licensing, certification of medical services, accreditation of medical and pharmaceutical institutions, ensuring state guarantees for the provision of medical care and modernization of the compulsory health insurance system, determination of uniform criteria for assessing the work of medical institutions at the level of municipalities and constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

78. Solving national security problems in the field of healthcare and the health of the nation in the medium and long term is achieved by:

formation of national programs (projects) for the treatment of socially significant diseases (oncological, cardiovascular, diabetological, phthisiological diseases, drug addiction, alcoholism) with the development of unified all-Russian approaches to the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of patients;

development of a system for managing the quality and availability of medical care, training of healthcare professionals;

ensuring a qualitative change in the structure of diseases and eliminating the preconditions for epidemics, including those caused by particularly dangerous infectious pathogens, through the development and implementation of promising technologies and national programs of state support for disease prevention.

7. Culture

79. The strategic goals of ensuring national security in the field of culture are:

expanding access of the general public to the best examples of domestic and foreign culture and art through the creation of modern, geographically distributed information funds;

creating conditions to stimulate the population to creative self-realization by improving the system of cultural and educational work, organizing leisure time and mass out-of-school art education;

promoting the development of the cultural potential of the regions of the Russian Federation and supporting regional initiatives in the field of culture.

80. The main threats to national security in the cultural sphere are the dominance of mass culture products focused on the spiritual needs of marginalized strata, as well as illegal attacks on cultural objects.

81. The negative impact on the state of national security in the field of culture is enhanced by attempts to revise views on the history of Russia, its role and place in world history, propaganda of a way of life based on permissiveness and violence, racial, national and religious intolerance.

82. To counter threats in the field of culture, national security forces, in interaction with civil society institutions, ensure the effectiveness of state legal regulation of the support and development of the diversity of national cultures, tolerance and self-respect, as well as the development of interethnic and interregional cultural ties.

83. Strengthening national security in the field of culture will be facilitated by the preservation and development of the original cultures of the multinational people of the Russian Federation, the spiritual values ​​of citizens, improvement of the material and technical base of cultural and leisure institutions, improvement of the personnel training system and their social security, development of the production and distribution of works of domestic cinematography , the development of cultural and educational tourism, the formation of state orders for the creation of cinematographic and printed products, television and radio programs and Internet resources, as well as the use of the cultural potential of Russia in the interests of multilateral international cooperation.

84. Solving the tasks of ensuring national security in the field of culture in the medium and long term is achieved by recognizing the primary role of culture for the revival and preservation of cultural and moral values, strengthening the spiritual unity of the multinational people of the Russian Federation and the international image of Russia as a country with the richest traditional and dynamic developing modern culture, creating a system of spiritual and patriotic education of Russian citizens, developing a common humanitarian and information and telecommunications environment in the space of member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States and in adjacent regions.

8. Ecology of living systems and rational environmental management

85. The strategic goals of ensuring environmental safety and rational use of natural resources are:

preservation of the natural environment and ensuring its protection;

elimination of the environmental consequences of economic activities in the context of increasing economic activity and global climate change.

86. The state of national security in the environmental sphere is negatively impacted by the depletion of the world's reserves of minerals, raw materials, water and biological resources, as well as the presence of environmentally unfavorable regions in the Russian Federation.

87. The state of national security in the field of ecology is aggravated by the persistence of a significant number of hazardous industries, the activities of which lead to disruption of the ecological balance, including violation of sanitary-epidemiological and (or) sanitary-hygienic standards of drinking water consumed by the population of the country; radioactive materials remain outside the legal regulation and supervision non-nuclear fuel cycle waste. The strategic risk of depletion of the country's most important mineral resources is growing, and the production of many strategically important minerals is falling.

88. To counter threats in the field of environmental safety and rational use of natural resources, national security forces, in interaction with civil society institutions, create conditions for the introduction of environmentally friendly production, the search for promising energy sources, the formation and implementation of a state program for the creation of strategic reserves of mineral resources, sufficient to ensure the mobilization needs of the Russian Federation and guaranteed satisfaction of the needs of the population and economy for water and biological resources.

9. Strategic stability and equal strategic partnership

89. Achieving the priorities of sustainable development of the Russian Federation is facilitated by an active foreign policy, the efforts of which are focused on finding agreement and coinciding interests with other states based on a system of bilateral and multilateral mutually beneficial partnerships.

90. The creation of favorable conditions for the sustainable development of Russia in the long term is achieved by ensuring strategic stability, including through consistent progress towards a world free of nuclear weapons and creating conditions of equal security for all.

91. Russia, in its relations with the international community, relies on the principles of maintaining stability and predictability in the field of strategic offensive weapons, and attaches particular importance to the achievement of new full-scale bilateral agreements on further reduction and limitation of strategic offensive weapons.

92. Russia will promote the involvement of other states, primarily those possessing nuclear weapons, as well as those interested in joint actions to ensure common security, in the process of ensuring strategic stability.

93. Russia believes that maintaining strategic stability and equal strategic partnership can be facilitated by the presence of contingents of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in conflict regions on the basis of international law in order to solve political, economic and other problems by non-military methods.

94. Russia will act in the international arena from the standpoint of an invariable policy of participating together with other states in strengthening international mechanisms for the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons and other types of weapons of mass destruction, their means of delivery and related goods and technologies, and preventing the use of military force in violation of the Charter United Nations, as well as from the position of commitment to arms control and rational sufficiency in military development.

95. In order to maintain strategic stability and equal strategic partnership, the Russian Federation:

will comply with existing treaties and agreements in the field of arms limitation and reduction, participate in the development and conclusion of new agreements that meet its national interests;

is ready to further discuss issues of reducing nuclear potentials on the basis of bilateral agreements and in multilateral formats, and will also contribute to the creation of appropriate conditions allowing for the reduction of nuclear weapons without compromising international security and strategic stability;

considers international peacekeeping an effective tool for resolving armed conflicts, advocates strengthening this institution in strict accordance with the principles of the Charter of the United Nations and will continue its participation in it;

will participate in activities carried out under the auspices of the United Nations and other international organizations to eliminate natural and man-made disasters and emergencies, as well as in providing humanitarian assistance to affected countries.

96. In the interests of ensuring strategic stability and equal multilateral interaction in the international arena, Russia, during the implementation of this Strategy, will make all necessary efforts at the least costly level to maintain parity with the United States of America in the field of strategic offensive weapons in the context of their deployment of a global missile defense system and implementation concepts of a global lightning strike using strategic carriers in nuclear and non-nuclear equipment.

V. Organizational, regulatory, legal and information bases for the implementation of this Strategy

97. The state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of national security is ensured by the coordinated actions of all elements of the national security system with the coordinating role of the Security Council of the Russian Federation through the implementation of a set of measures of an organizational, regulatory, legal and informational nature.

98. The implementation of this Strategy is ensured by consolidating the efforts and resources of government bodies, civil society institutions, aimed at upholding the national interests of the Russian Federation through the integrated use of political, organizational, socio-economic, legal, special and other measures developed within the framework of strategic planning In Russian federation.

99. Adjustments to this Strategy are carried out under the coordinating role of the Security Council of the Russian Federation periodically - based on the results of constant monitoring of the implementation of this Strategy, taking into account changes that have a significant impact on the state of national security.

100. Organizational support for the implementation of this Strategy consists of improving public administration of the Russian Federation, as well as developing a system for ensuring national security based on improving the mechanisms of strategic planning for sustainable development of the Russian Federation and ensuring national security under the leadership of the President of the Russian Federation.

101. System of strategic planning documents (concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation, programs of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the short term, strategies (programs) for the development of individual sectors of the economy, strategies (concepts) for the development of federal districts, strategies and comprehensive programs of social economic development of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, interstate programs in the implementation of which the Russian Federation takes part, federal (departmental) target programs, state defense orders, concepts, doctrines and fundamentals (main directions) of state policy in the areas of ensuring national security and in certain areas of internal and foreign policy of the state) is formed by the Government of the Russian Federation and interested federal executive authorities with the participation of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the basis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

102. By decision of the President of the Russian Federation, documents on issues of domestic and foreign policy of the state may be submitted for consideration by the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

103. The development of strategic planning documents is carried out in accordance with the Regulations of the Government of the Russian Federation and in accordance with the procedure for preparing documents in the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

104. State policy in the field of combating drug crime and terrorism is formed by the State Anti-Drug Committee and the National Anti-Terrorism Committee - interdepartmental bodies that ensure coordination of federal executive authorities and state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in relevant areas.

105. Complex problems of ensuring national security can be considered at joint meetings of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, the State Council of the Russian Federation, the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation with the participation of other advisory and consultative bodies created to ensure the constitutional powers of the President of the Russian Federation.

106. Measures of normative legal support for the implementation of this Strategy are determined on the basis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as regulatory legal acts of federal executive authorities.

107. Information and information-analytical support for the implementation of this Strategy is carried out with the coordinating role of the Security Council of the Russian Federation through the involvement of information resources of interested government bodies and state scientific institutions using a system of distributed situational centers operating according to unified rules of interaction.

108. To develop a system of distributed situational centers in the medium term, it will be necessary to overcome the technological gap in the most important areas of information, telecommunications and communications that determine the state of national security, to develop and implement information security technologies in government and military control systems, management systems for environmentally hazardous industries and critical objects, as well as provide conditions for the harmonization of the national information infrastructure with global information networks and systems.

109. Threats to information security during the implementation of this Strategy are prevented by improving the security of the functioning of information and telecommunication systems of critical infrastructure facilities and high-risk facilities in the Russian Federation, increasing the level of security of corporate and individual information systems, creating a unified system of information and telecommunication support for the needs of the system ensuring national security.

110. The development and implementation of a set of operational and long-term measures to prevent threats to national security in federal districts is carried out with the coordinating role of the Government of the Russian Federation by federal executive authorities in interaction with government authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

111. Monitoring the progress of implementation of this Strategy is carried out within the framework of the annual report of the Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation to the President of the Russian Federation on the state of national security and measures to strengthen it.

VI. Main characteristics of the state of national security

112. The main characteristics of the state of national security are intended to assess the state of national security and include:

unemployment rate (share of economically active population);

decile coefficient (the ratio of the incomes of the 10% most and 10% of the least wealthy population);

level of consumer price growth;

the level of government external and internal debt as a percentage of gross domestic product;

the level of provision of health care, cultural, educational and scientific resources as a percentage of the gross domestic product;

the level of annual renewal of weapons, military and special equipment;

level of provision with military and engineering personnel.

The list of main characteristics of the state of national security can be updated based on the results of monitoring the state of national security.

The implementation of the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020 is intended to become a mobilizing factor in the development of the national economy, improving the quality of life of the population, ensuring political stability in society, strengthening national defense, state security and law and order, increasing the competitiveness and international prestige of the Russian Federation.


Presidential Decree No. 683 of December 31, 2015 regulates and defines the strategic directions for the development of national security (NS) of the Russian Federation. The decree came into force from the date of its signing and defined the main concepts of Russia's development for the future.

The decree consists of six main sections, each of which regulates a specific direction:

  1. General provisions (clauses 1-6)
  2. Russia in the world community (pp. 7-29)
  3. National priorities and interests (paragraphs 30-31)
  4. System of measures to ensure national security (NS) (clauses 32-107)
  5. Basics of implementation of this Strategy (paragraphs 108-114)
  6. Key indicators (pp. 115-116)

General provisions

This section defined the goals of the Strategy, its legislative framework, and also defined it as the basis for the formation of state foreign and domestic policy. The basic concepts used in the Decree are defined.

Russia in the world community

The achievements of the Russian Federation, as an independent, integral state, strengthening the country's economy, caring for the younger generation, the health and life expectancy of citizens, and the revival of their spiritual values ​​are considered. The difficult international situation is considered, against the backdrop of which Russia is pursuing a policy of strengthening the country, increasing economic stability and strengthening its defense capability. The Russian Federation builds relations with other countries on the basis of international law and strives for mutually beneficial cooperation with other countries.

National interests and priorities: concept

The main concept of the Russian Federation’s national priorities is to secure its status as one of the leading world powers, maintaining partnerships with other countries in conditions of peace and stable development of the entire world community. The following strategic directions have been identified for the long term:

  • increasing defense capability;
  • strengthening internal interethnic relationships;
  • improving quality of life;
  • a system of measures taken to strengthen the health of citizens and stabilize demographic growth;
  • increasing economic growth;
  • preservation of traditional cultural values.

System of measures to ensure national security in Russia

It is implemented by solving the following strategic tasks:

  1. Defense
  2. Safety
  3. Improving the quality of life in Russia
  4. The economic growth
  5. Technology, education, science
  6. Culture
  7. Healthcare
  8. Ecology
  9. Strategic Stability


The main doctrine of the defense capability of the Russian Federation is to ensure its security and create conditions for its peaceful development in the world community. Strengthening its defense capability, Russia strives to find a common language with other countries through peaceful negotiations, diplomatic meetings, and through international cooperation based on the principles of sufficiency and efficiency.


The main concept of state and public security is the implementation of a set of measures to protect the sovereignty of the Russian Federation, the constitutional system, and the preservation of social stability.

Children's information security concept

One of the main threats to the National Security is the propaganda of fascism, separatism and terrorism using the media and other communication technologies (Internet). The concept of children's safety from exposure to harmful information implies the role of the state as a guarantor of ensuring the harmonious development of the individual. Communication systems are being improved to ensure the protection of children from the propaganda of violence in the information sphere.

Food Security Doctrine

Its implementation is carried out in the Russian Federation due to:

  • implementation of Russian independence in food supplies;
  • mechanization and automation of the agro-industrial sector;
  • soil fertility: restoration and conservation;
  • development of livestock breeding;
  • preventing the uncontrolled use of GMOs;
  • formation of reserve seed funds;
  • improving the product safety control system;
  • training qualified specialists to carry out work in agricultural areas.

Improving quality of life

The increase in the quality of life of the population in accordance with this Strategy should take place regularly. This should be facilitated by targeted programs implemented in the country, each of which helps to improve the lives of the population in a certain area.

The economic growth

Ensuring the economic development of the country through the introduction of new technologies into the production sector and generating income from their activities is the main strategic task of the country. The transition from a country with a raw material export model to a country with high technologies and a developed financial system is Russia’s immediate tasks in the economic sphere.

Technology, science, education

Strategic goals in this area:

  • creation of a system of scientific institutions that are capable of modernizing the country's economic sectors;
  • improving the quality of secondary and higher education.


The following strategic objectives have been set in this area:

  • ensuring a unified cultural space;
  • preservation of traditions and cultural heritage of society;
  • increasing the country's role in the global cultural community.


Healthcare is the most important component of the provision of the National Bank of Russia. Its main strategic goals:

  • increasing life expectancy of Russians;
  • medical services: increasing quality;
  • improving the control system over the production and sale of medicines.


Environmental objectives:

  • rational use of natural resources;
  • conservation of natural systems;
  • elimination of damage caused to nature by human economic activity.

Strategic Stability

It consists of the active foreign policy of the Russian Federation, aimed at concluding partnership agreements with other countries to create a stable system of relations between different peoples.

What is this decree?

The decree defines strategically important directions for the development of the Russian Federation in the long term. The implementation of strategic objectives will contribute to:

  • ensuring political stability in Russia;
  • further strengthening the country's defense capability;
  • increasing international prestige on the world stage;
  • increasing the quality of life of Russians.
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