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It is prohibited to drive at a speed (km/h) exceeding that indicated on the sign.

If you exceed the permitted speed with a difference of up to +10 km/h, a traffic police inspector can stop you if the movement of your car differs from the flow of others, and at the same time give only a warning. Exceeding the speed limit over +20 km/h is punishable by a fine; over +80 km/h - fine or deprivation of rights.

A difference of up to +20 km/h is allowed due to the fact that the inspector’s “radar” shows instantaneous speed, while the driver’s speedometer shows average speed. The accuracy of the speedometer readings is also affected by the wheel rolling radius (Rk), which is not a constant value; in addition, the speedometer has a rough scale of divisions.

1. From the installation site to the nearest intersection, and in a populated area, if there is no intersection, to the end of the populated area.
2. The effect of the sign is not interrupted at exit points from territories adjacent to the road and at intersections (junctions) with field, forest and other secondary roads in front of which the corresponding signs are not installed.
3. The coverage area may be limited to tab. 8.2.1 "Coverage area".
4. To the same sign with a different speed value.
5. Before sign 5.23.1 or 5.23.2 “Beginning of a populated area” with a white background.
6. Until sign 3.25 "End of maximum speed limit zone."
7. Until sign 3.31 “End of all restrictions zone.”

If the sign has a yellow background, then the sign is temporary.

In cases where the meanings of temporary road signs and permanent road signs contradict each other, drivers must be guided by the temporary signs.

Good afternoon, dear reader.

In the next article in the “Traffic Signs” series we will talk about the third type of road signs - prohibiting traffic signs.

Let me remind you that in previous articles we discussed warning signs and priority signs:

In this article you will find images of prohibitory signs, as well as explanations for them:

No entry sign (brick)

A prohibited entry sign (popularly known as a brick sign), as you might guess from its name, prohibits the entry of vehicles onto a road or section of road in one direction:

A special feature of the brick sign is the fact that it does not apply to route vehicles (buses, trolleybuses, minibuses):

So, a prohibited entry sign is usually installed in the following situations:

  • When entering in the opposite direction onto the road with.
  • When entering a road on which only route vehicles are allowed to travel in this direction.
  • When entering a road, entry to which from this direction is prohibited.

Depending on the specific situation, the punishment for driving under a brick can be completely different:

for 4-6 months or 5,000 rubles.Entering a one-way road in the opposite direction. It does not matter whether the driver entered this road as usual, or whether he did so.
3,000 rubles in Moscow and St. Petersburg
1,500 rubles in other regions.
Entering the lane for route vehicles under a brick.
Warning or 500 rublesEntry into the adjacent territory is prohibited under the entry sign. precisely describes the punishment for violating the requirements of the “entry prohibited” sign in the adjacent territory and emphasizes that deprivation of rights cannot be applied in this case.

By the way, why do you think the 3.1 sign is popularly called brick sign? Write about it in the comments to the article.

No movement sign

The traffic prohibited sign is similar in meaning to the previous one. However, they also have several differences:

Sign 3.2 prohibits the movement of vehicles in both directions, i.e. It cannot be installed upon entry.

No movement sign does not apply on the:

  • route vehicles;
  • cars driven by disabled people of groups I and II (with the “Disabled” sign);
  • cars transporting disabled people of groups I and II or disabled children (with the sign “Disabled”);

The vehicles listed above can move freely on streets marked with sign 3.2.

Additional exceptions in 2019:

  • Federal postal vehicles (with a white diagonal stripe);
  • vehicles that serve enterprises located in the designated area;
  • vehicles that serve citizens or belong to citizens living or working in the designated area.

However, vehicles listed on this list must only enter and exit the designated area at the intersection closest to your destination.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the concept of the nearest intersection is not deciphered, and in practice a controversial situation may arise:

Take a close look at the above picture. The left intersection is much closer to the intended destination, but when entering from the right intersection, the driver will have to cover a much shorter distance to the entrance to the yard. What is the best way to deal with this situation? Write your opinion in the comments.

I would like to note that if you are going to enter under sign 3.2, then it is better to have with you documents confirming your relationship with your destination. For example, a passport with registration at the destination.

The maximum fine for violating the requirements of sign 3.2 is 500 rubles.

Movement of motor vehicles is prohibited

This sign applies exclusively to mechanical vehicles:

Let me remind you of the definition of a motor vehicle from paragraph 1.2 of the traffic rules:

"Motor driven vehicle" is a vehicle driven by an engine. The term also applies to any tractors and self-propelled machines.

That is, mechanical vehicles are cars and trucks, mopeds, motorcycles, buses, tractors, self-propelled vehicles, etc.

In this case, the list of exceptions for this sign coincides with the list for the previous one. It includes cars for disabled people, public transport, postal cars, as well as vehicles serving citizens and businesses located in the designated area. In general, all requirements are similar to the previous paragraph.

Truck traffic is prohibited

The sign for the movement of freight transport is prohibited applies to trucks and combinations of vehicles with a permissible maximum weight exceeds 3.5 tons, if the sign does not indicate the mass, or the mass indicated on the sign (in this example - 8 tons):

This sign also prohibits the movement of tractors and self-propelled vehicles, but does not prohibit the movement of trucks designed to transport people.

This sign does not apply to:

  • Postal cars.
  • Trucks without a trailer with a permissible maximum weight of not more than 26 tons, serving enterprises located in the designated area. These trucks can only enter from the intersection closest to their destination.

Motorcycles are prohibited

The road sign applies exclusively for motorcycles and prohibits their movement on the road in both directions:

Exceptions for this sign:

  • postal motorcycles with a white diagonal stripe on a blue background;
  • motorcycles serving businesses and citizens working or living in the designated area.

If you have this sign, you can drive your personal motorcycle to your home. Also, for example, a pizza delivery man will be able to come to you.

Also, the sign does not prohibit the movement of mopeds and bicycles.

Let me remind you that entry under the sign prohibiting the movement of motorcycles is only possible from the intersection closest to the destination. The penalty for violating the requirements of this sign is a warning or a fine of 500 rubles.

Good luck on the roads!

Series of articles "Traffic Signs"

If sign 3.2 is installed on only one side, is it illegal?

We often use it to prohibit entry only in a certain direction. Although the through passage in the opposite direction is free.

Reading time: 4 minutes

Many motorists, including experienced ones, periodically violate traffic rules (traffic rules) - intentionally or absent-mindedly. For neglecting road signs (hereinafter DZ) and markings, negligent drivers will face administrative liability. For example, some of them will have to pay a hefty fine for driving under a “No Entry” sign (“No entry”, or “brick”).

Traffic police fines for traffic violations

The amount of fines and the cases in which they are provided for are determined by the relevant articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Penalties cover all aspects related in one way or another to the movement of vehicles. The most common reasons for penalties are:

  • speed limit violations;
  • lack of a driver's license, alcohol intoxication;
  • road traffic accidents (RTA);
  • unfastened seat belts, lack of helmets;
  • traffic violations at intersections;
  • violation of marking rules and road signs.
  • Traffic police fines are the mildest administrative punishment. For some violations, your driver's license may be revoked or your vehicle may be detained.

    The amount of the penalty depends on:

    • consequences of the violation (only travel or accident);
    • the number of such violations over the past year;
    • method of recording the violation (security camera or traffic police).

    Where is the entry ban sign installed and what is its coverage area?

    A DZ, classified as prohibitive, introduces or cancels certain restrictions on movement along the section of the road in front of which it is installed. If a road sign introduces any prohibition, it has a red border around its circumference. If it removes the restriction, its border is black.

    As a rule, the “No Entry” impact zone extends to the section of the road located behind the installation site of this sign, in the direction of travel, until the entrance to the nearest intersection.

    If there is no intersection, the road sign will have an effect up to the border of the populated area. In other cases, the effect of the prohibiting DS extends to the territory limited by the same road signs.

    There may be an additional sign under the “No Entry” DZ, which indicates a certain type of vehicle that has permission to pass under the “brick”. In addition, it may indicate a clarification of the zone of influence of the sign and its direction, as well as the duration of this remote control.

    The “Entry prohibited” policy (3.1) does not apply to vehicles traveling on certain routes (trolleybuses, buses, minibuses, etc.).

    Difference from the “No Traffic” sign

    “No Entry” and “No Traffic” signs signal different actions. The “brick” limits entry to the roadway only behind the place where it is installed. That is, traffic movement from another direction is possible. A DZ that prohibits movement limits it in any direction of the coverage area. The Code of Administrative Offenses provides for a fine for driving under a “No Traffic” sign.

    “Brick” extends its influence to all types of transport. DZ “Movement prohibited” (3.2) limits the rights of all or certain types of vehicles. It may indicate the type of vehicle that is subject to the traffic ban:

    • passenger vehicles weighing up to 3.5 tons;
    • freight vehicles heavier than 3.5 tons, as well as self-propelled vehicles;
    • motorcycles;
    • tractors;
    • trailers.

    Additionally, such a DS may indicate the minimum weight, length, width or height of vehicles whose movement is prohibited.

    Who can drive through a prohibitory sign?

    Drivers living in the area covered by the sign are allowed to pass under the “brick”. Citizens who work in the territory covered by the DM will also not commit violations. The same rule applies to disabled drivers of groups I and II. Service vehicles, as well as those belonging to an enterprise located in a restricted area, can also pass under this sign.

    In all cases, confirmation is required - passport, ID, employment contract, voucher, invoice or other documents. Only federal postal employees going for the “brick” in a vehicle with an identification mark (a white stripe on a blue background, located diagonally) do not need to present anything.

    Responsibility for violation

    The fine for driving under sign 3.1 is small - only 500 rubles. A larger fine (1,500 rubles) is provided for driving under a “brick” into a lane intended for the movement of route vehicles. For Moscow and St. Petersburg, the amount for this violation has been doubled - up to 3 thousand rubles.

    5 thousand rubles will have to be paid for driving into oncoming traffic located immediately behind the “brick”, or the punishment will be deprivation of rights for a period of 4 to 6 months. For a repeated violation, you can lose your driver's license for up to 1 year (Article 12.6 of the Administrative Code). Repeated failure to comply with traffic rules, recorded by a video camera, will cost the violator 5 thousand rubles.

    Other types of punishment are not provided if crossing the border of the impact of remote sensing did not entail consequences. This refers to road accidents causing harm to human health.

    Is it possible to challenge a fine?

    Often on Russian roads you can see inconsistency of road signs and markings, as well as illegal installation of emergency protection. In such cases, the imposition of a fine for a violation may be challenged. There are other controversial situations.

    Nowadays, most penalties are imposed based on data from photo and video recorders located on the roads. After processing, a potential violator may receive data that raises doubts. For example, the license plate of a car is blurred in the photo, and the owner believes that it is not his car. In this case, within 10 days after receiving a copy of the resolution with a photograph of the violation, the decision on collection can be appealed. But for this you need to present strong evidence that you are right.

    The same can be done if traffic police officers fine you on the spot. In both cases, a complaint can be submitted to higher authorities of the traffic police, as well as to the prosecutor's office and the court.


    From all of the above, the conclusion is simple: you should not violate traffic rules. To do this, you should be extremely careful on the road, despite heavy traffic. Often, drivers do not pay due attention to additional information specifying the coverage areas of prohibited emergency protection.

    Responsibility for driving through a “No Entry” sign: video

There are quite a lot of signs prohibiting travel and traffic regulations. But the most common one, which deprives one of the ability to move, looks as simple as possible. This is the most ordinary white circle surrounded by a red border. However, not everything is so simple: for each specific type of vehicle such signs can be installed, but with additional marks.

What does the “No Traffic” sign mean and which road users are affected by it? What is the fine for driving under a “No Traffic” sign? We will answer these questions in this article.

Where is it used?

The places of application of this sign are listed in GOST R 52289 - 2004. In general, it is installed to prohibit further vehicle movement on a section of the road. The main sign (3.2 in the traffic rules) is placed at the entrances to territories where the movement of all or certain types of transport is prohibited. Side exits are equipped in combination with additional signs (8.3.1 – 8.3.3 Traffic Regulations). The sign applies to both directions; accordingly, it is never placed on one-way roads. However, there are exceptions when its power is simply canceled, which is also stated in GOST. Such exceptions include:

  • route vehicles - buses, trolleybuses and other types of public transport with an established route;
  • transport designed and equipped for the transportation of disabled children or disabled people of groups I and II, as well as driven by a person with a disability (the car must have an appropriate sticker, it is advisable to have documentary evidence of the disabled person’s status - ITU results, certificate);
  • machines that serve and are on the balance sheet of enterprises in the area of ​​the sign; belonging to persons who live or work in this area (so that the inspector does not have doubts about the legality of travel, it is better to carry with you an employment contract to confirm the place of work or a passport/registration certificate to prove residence in the area of ​​​​the sign. In the case of servicing this territory, for example, when delivering goods, you need to have a delivery note with you indicating the address);
  • Federal postal vehicles, especially marked with a white stripe on a blue background on the body (have the right to be in the prohibited area, but are required to leave the road at the nearest intersection to the point to which it is traveling).

Like postal vehicles, any vehicle from the above categories must leave it at the intersection closest to its destination.

Legal regulation

The Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation contains a generalized, universal article that establishes administrative liability for violation of any road signs, as well as markings. Provisions of Art. 12.16, more precisely parts 1, 6 and 7 also apply to the prohibition sign. Based on the content, the first part is applicable to cars, the sixth and seventh – to trucks.

Fines imposed

Violation of the “No Traffic” sign on both a heavy truck and a passenger car is grounds for prosecution in the form of a fine (500 rubles). This is a general provision; it is used if the composition is not provided for in parts 6-7 of Art. 12.16.

If an administrative offense was committed in Moscow or St. Petersburg, the fine immediately increases 10 times, up to 5 thousand rubles. This tightening is explained by the incomparable number of vehicles passing on the roads of megacities every day.

However, the law allows a fine of 50% to be paid if paid within 20 days after the sentencing order is issued. If sanctions are unlawful, they can be appealed both administratively and judicially.

“Traffic prohibited” is a prohibitory sign that restricts the movement of vehicles on a specific section of the roadway.

Movement prohibited - 3.2

The sign will be installed on a section of the route where there is a ban on vehicle traffic. The use of a noticeable emblem 3.2 in places of side exits is provided along with signs:

  • 8.3.1;
  • 8.3.2;
  • 8.3.3.

Important ! Signs indicate the direction in which the ban applies.


There are a number of exceptions that apply to vehicles that have the right not to comply with the regulations specified in the traffic rules under the No Driving sign:

  • vehicles serving enterprises located in the specified zone;
  • cars belonging to citizens living in this territory;
  • minibuses;
  • transport carrying or operated by disabled people;
  • equipment owned by the postal service, marked with a diagonal white stripe applied to a blue background.

Attention ! Entry and exit of citizens in these vehicles is carried out at the nearest intersection.

Attention ! Car owners living in the restricted area drive under the sign.

Traffic is prohibited for trucks

The rules provide for restrictions that apply exclusively to trucks. Sign 3.4 is installed, prohibiting entry into a certain territory of certain categories of transport:

  • heavy vehicles;
  • tractors;
  • self-propelled vehicles;
  • trains weighing more than 3.5 tons.

Attention ! The indicated tonnage is taken into account by default, since it is not written directly on the sign.

If it is necessary to indicate the tonnage of trucks that are prohibited from moving, then a road sign 3.4 is installed with a mark of 8 tons. Vehicles with a weight exceeding this indicator are not allowed to enter the specified territory or section of the route. There are certain exceptions that apply to the following vehicles:

  • cars transporting people;
  • postal vehicles with special markings;
  • transport without a trailer weighing up to 26 tons, serving enterprises in the specified area.

Attention ! Entry and exit is carried out at the nearest intersection.

Stop, then move

There are also a number of signs prohibiting movement in the chosen direction without first stopping:

  • 3.17.1 - customs: a ban is established on passing through the checkpoint without completely stopping the car;
  • 3.17.2 - danger: travel is not allowed because an accident occurred on the section of the route ahead, there was a fire or another natural disaster. There are no exceptions based on the sign;
  • 3.17.3 — control: prohibition of travel without suspension.

It is possible to identify the signs by external signs, images on a white background and a red rim. A similar sign is 3.1, completely prohibiting the entry of all vehicles, with the exception of those traveling along the route. The sign has a red background with a white rectangle on it.

Attention ! Driving under this sign will result in the deprivation of your driver's license.

Prohibition group - movement is prohibited

The galaxy of prohibitory signs is complemented by sign 3.3, informing about restrictions on the movement of transport in all directions. The ban traditionally does not apply to minibuses, trolleybuses and trams, as well as cars driven by disabled people and postal service vehicles.

Motorcycle drivers should pay attention to sign 3.5 Traffic is prohibited for motorcycles, which does not allow the movement of two-wheeled vehicles, including those equipped with a trailer and having a total curb weight of 400 kg.

It is advisable for tractor owners not to lose sight of object 3.6, which establishes a ban on the movement of this vehicle along certain sections of the route. The ban does not apply to self-propelled vehicles engaged in servicing enterprises located in the territory limited by the sign.

There is object 3.7 in the galaxy of traffic prohibiting signs, which does not allow the passage of trucks and tractors equipped with trailers and prohibits the towing of all types of transport.

The most common are signs that restrict the passage of heavy vehicles. Sign 3.11 does not allow trucks with an actual total weight exceeding 7 tons. Sign 3.12 has a different meaning, limiting the load on one of the axles to 6 tons.

Excess height exceeding 3.5 meters is controlled by sign 3.13, and a width of 2.7 m is regulated by road sign 3.14. The series of prohibitory symbols is completed by sign 3.15, which applies to mechanized road users with an overall length of 10 meters.

Special attention should be paid to 3.32 and 3.33, which control sections of the route on which vehicles transporting dangerous goods and flammable substances can travel.

Fine for violating the No Traffic sign

Violation of traffic regulations will result in a fine of 500 rubles. The amount and procedure for collecting money is established in Art. 12.16 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. A small penalty is caused by the inability of the violator to interfere with other participants and create an emergency situation, since according to the rules there should be no other vehicles in the specified area.

Mostly symbols 3.2 are installed on sections of one-way roads in order to prevent oncoming cars from passing. If you enter such a site, the fine increases to 5,000 rubles. The traffic police inspector is guided by circumstances and when they lead to the creation of a dangerous emergency situation, the punishment is reduced to deprivation of rights for up to 6 months.

Violation of the rules in the case of travel under 3.3, 3.4 is punishable by a charge of 500 rubles, and neglect of the 3.5 sign will lead to a legal charge of 300 rubles. Identical sanctions in the amount of 500 rubles are imposed in case of neglect of other objects of this group.

Legislative aspects governing the imposition of fines

The imposition of penalties is regulated by the administrative procedural code, namely Article 12.16. The legislative act contains seven sections regulating traffic rules. The driver is recommended to familiarize himself with all provisions in order to know his rights and obligations:

  1. failure to comply with markings and signs is punishable by charging money in the amount of 500 rubles;
  2. performing a maneuver in violation of the instructions given by road signs - 1000 - 1500 rubles;
  3. moving against the flow on a one-way roadway - 5,000 rubles, deprivation of rights for 4 - 6 months;
    1. repeated violation of the previous paragraph - a driving ban for 1 year and sanctions in the amount of 5,000 rubles, if the fact of the offense is recorded by surveillance cameras;
  4. stopping and parking in the wrong place - 1500 rubles;
  5. parking or stopping in an undesignated place in cities of federal significance - Moscow, Sevastopol, St. Petersburg - 3000 rubles;
  6. truck passage in restricted areas - 500 rubles;
  7. violation of plate 3.4 in cities of federal significance - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sevastopol: 5000 rub.

Features of application and patterns

The effect of the objects extends to the entire section of the path following the installed sign, right up to the signs that cancel them or the next intersection. There are a number of patterns by which it is possible to classify the symbols considered:

  • identical appearance - the products have a white background and a red rim, with an image in the center of the main information indicating the subject of the ban;
  • have a number of exceptions - the ban does not apply to mechanized equipment engaged in servicing enterprises in the prohibited zone and owned by citizens living in the specified area;
  • comparable penalties regulated by the Administrative Code.

Drivers do not face serious penalties for violating the rules, since practically no situations are created that provoke the occurrence of dangerous road accidents. 3.2 is considered an exception, since it is often installed in places with one-way traffic. If you drive onto the roadway against the main flow, the stakes increase sharply, the cost of an error or malicious intent increases for the driver 10 times.

It is required to carefully monitor the situation while moving on a mechanized vehicle and promptly identify installed signs in order to avoid accidental passage. It is recommended to first study the route and the symbol location map in order to develop an alternative route. Carefully study the Administrative Procedure Code, which contains data on the amount of penalties for unlawful actions of drivers.

Installation is carried out in places accessible to drivers and traffic police officers. If the object is not visible from the window, then the driver has the right to challenge the penalty, since an important rule was violated. Watch the road carefully and know how to defend your rights during discussions with traffic police inspectors. Operate with real facts and articles of the administrative code.


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