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The luckiest major arcana of the Tarot is the Star. This card promises good luck and life. The 17th lasso can save even a negative alignment. All you have to do is look at the map. I will use the Rider-White deck, a classic on Tarot Cards.

As in previous articles on Tarot, I’ll start analyzing this lasso with the background. The seventeenth lasso is depicted on a blue background. Therefore, do not forget to connect the subconscious, intuition and hidden forces of the body when interpreting this position.

It depicts a naked girl with two jugs. Symbol of purity and beauty. Water pours out of the jugs, symbolizing life. The girl pours one jug back into the river, which symbolizes the water cycle in nature, and pours the other onto the ground, watering the plants and irrigating the soil.

The stars are shining above the girl. One of them is bright yellow, and 7 others are white. This number in the Star lasso is not accidental. After all, God created the world in 7 days. The Star Tarot card shows the process of creating life. Those who are familiar with chakras know that a person has 7 main energy centers. And those who are not familiar have heard about the seven colors of the rainbow.

When the 17th major arcan appears in the reading, it’s time to wake up.

I'm sure you know the expression: "Born under a lucky star." A person is lucky throughout his life; luck helps him achieve his goals. Also, the brightest star helped sailors to choose the right path during a long voyage and the absence of other landmarks. The seventeenth lasso of the Tarot Star means the right path in life, a faithful assistant.

If you take a closer look at this major lasso, you will see that the night is ending. The sun hasn't come out yet, but it's already starting to get brighter. All the inhabitants wake up. There is only a moment left and dawn will come. This symbolizes the end of the black stripe and the beginning of the light one.

In the distance you can see a bird on the door, which has woken up and is ready to start a new day. Roosters in villages wake up local residents. Birds are always present in places where living conditions are good.

17th lasso - meaning

Tarot Star means luck and popularity, optimism, success in career and personal life. In astrology, it symbolizes the transit of Jupiter through the 1st or 10th house, the planet Jupiter with its positive characteristics.

Tarot Star in the reading promises the presence of a guardian angel, a guiding star. She gives a positive answer. If you use “Yes-No” fortune-telling, then it’s definitely “Yes”. The meaning of the 17th Arcana is the fulfillment of desires, the emergence of new opportunities. You are moving on the right path. You woke up from a long sleep.

Karmic meaning of Tarot Star - movement in the right direction

In a scenario for the future, the 17th lasso indicates that a favorable period has begun in life. You need to use this time to solve difficult issues. Now many serious problems will be solved much easier. It's worth continuing to dream. Or an assistant will appear in your life who will solve many problematic issues in life.

You can look at the seventeenth lasso of the Tarot from a different perspective. When a Star appears, it often speaks of the end of a black streak, a negative period, or a series of failures. You have the right direction of movement.

Dream more often.

In a reading for love and relationships, this Star card is not so pleasant. She gives love and happiness, platonic feelings, spirituality. For young girls and women, it is better when a card with a man appears in the layout. You may have a faithful friend, assistant, mentor.

In profession and business, the 17th lasso shows far-reaching plans and hopes. Now you are just laying the foundation for future victories. You need to set a goal and go towards it. In business, the Star card speaks of expanding the scope of activity, the emergence of partners, and the establishment of trade turnover. But success with this card does not come immediately. It sets the motion vector. The rest is up to you.

Star - inverted position

The seventeenth major arcana in reverse is not as bad as the other cards. Usually it means a disappointment, the wrong path. Many of you have read the story about the goldfish or are familiar with the saying: “Fear what you wish for, it may come true.” When the Star fell in an inverted position, I had a large flow of clients, and I answered emails all day. But there was no time for consultations. Popularity also has its downsides. The karmic meaning here is simple. You need to think: Is this what you really want? Are you heading down the right path?

Combinations in layouts

In combination with other cards, the 17 Arcana Tarot Star gives a positive interpretation of the issue. With cards on a blue background, like , it enhances the influence of the subconscious, intuition on resolving the issue, your hidden reserves.

If other cards in the layout do not give a clear answer, then the Star usually tips the scales in a positive direction. It means: you need to move in that direction. A negative alignment makes it neutral. The card does not allow the 17th lasso to use its meaning.

You can get an answer to your question

The presence of this card in the layout indicates the existence in a person’s life of a higher guiding force, which he must trust. A person always knows what a Star is for him now. This is a kind of desire, a goal that is always before his inner gaze, which he is ready to “make” at any fleeting moment (“while the star is falling”). He knows what kind of faith, what kind of hope that lives in his soul and sometimes seems too high.

So, it is they who must be trusted, guided by them, not betrayed by fear, not afraid of anything and follow them! This is a gift from heaven, it is “led”, seen and not lost. The main thing is that he himself does not lose his real, highest and authentic self. Therefore, the meaning of the card is so closely related to Faith and Trust in the Future. The Star’s advice is to remain ABOVE the earthly perception of this issue, it is resolved on a different plane.

Remain in calm confidence that your instincts do not deceive you, that the object of your search is within reach. The stars always shine, even if we can't see them - this is true for so many things. If something is not currently before your eyes, this does not mean that it does not exist at all. The star says that what you believe in exists, the moment will come and you will see. This is the main thing.

Otherwise, in the interpretation of the Star, three approaches can be distinguished: 1) the approach of modern tarot readers who write guides on the interpretation of the Arcana, 2) the ancient one, which can be found in worn-out manuals, and 3) the approach of practitioners who rely on current observations. Modern tarot writers seem to fall willy-nilly under the magic of the inspired and radiant vibrations of the Star as they write their texts.

They are simply filled with hope, inspiration and light, and the general interpretation boils down to “the future promises prosperity, happiness and the fulfillment of all desires.” This is one of the most favorable cards of the Major Arcana in terms of influence, it opens the way to a happy and joyful new future, success and achievements, renewal and prosperity, foreshadows the fulfillment of dreams, the light at the end of the tunnel and complete restoration.

It speaks of the clear presence of the guiding guiding force of the Universe in the life of the questioner at this stage. Her appearance in the scenario says that everything will be fine, that what we have been waiting for for so long will come into life. What a person asks about has the most favorable prospects. You can safely continue your path, since the guiding star has been chosen correctly. This is a card of optimism and faith.

This is a very good sign in the scenario, a wonderful omen. The most direct meaning of this omen is the fulfillment of desires, happiness (subject to patience, calmness and faith in your dream), the achievement of a cherished goal (and, most importantly, a true understanding of this goal, what it should be). A star may indicate that a bright event is coming in life (“finest hour”), and it is advisable not to miss this chance. This card represents the arrival of new opportunities and the confidence to realize them.

In a scenario for any situation, the Star means a positive solution to the issue, the undoubted achievement of the desired, the favor of Heaven. She says that before a person there is (or is about to be) a wide space for activity and love, the sky will every now and then provide excellent opportunities for “making dreams come true.”

We must use this favorable time, trust the lucky star, which will help realize everything we have planned. This card patronizes all creative people. It carries both a sense of one’s own mission and calling in life, as well as recognition of one’s talents, the arrival of fame, and the opportunity to shine in one circle or another.

In purely everyday situations it can symbolize the “light at the end of the tunnel”, a quick improvement in the situation. It can also be interpreted as a reward awaiting a person - a reward for selfless work, for suffering endured, for a good deed.

The appearance of a Star in a chart often indicates that the matter in question will turn out to be more significant and lasting for a person in its impact on life than it seems today. It is promising - in the sense that it will remain relevant even in the distant future.

In practice, the Star often reflects dreams, hopes and (yet) unrealized desires. It appears when a person makes plans, looks to the future with hope, is carried away by some rosy dreams and has high expectations about the issue. Often the Star speaks more about a state of mind, inspired and full of hope, than about eventual implementation or actual solutions to problems. At the same time, she certainly supports the intention to start something new and lasting, to take a new path in life. She often appears to people who are burning with the desire to take risks, and at the same time overwhelmed by anxiety. In this case, the Tarot says what a person already knows and supports him in his inspired aspirations!

Traditional (ancient) meanings are not always favorable; sometimes the card means loss (including physical strength, being in a state that is no longer entirely of this world). At the same time, in the traditional Tarot, the Star was in most cases considered one of the three guardian angels who promised a favorable outcome to any planned business!

In general, if such meanings of the Star as earthly success, fertility and wealth can be questioned, then the spirit of crystallineness and lightness of its vibrations cannot. It brings good prospects, but visible from such a height that not everyone manages to climb. To someone who is painfully hit by a mountain stream today against the nearest rocks, the vision from the heights of the Star may seem like a chimera: everything is in order, the river flows perfectly and somewhere there it, as expected, flows into the sea... everything will be fine! But, overall, this “bird’s eye view” remains a good sign in the reading and a positive message to the questioner from higher guiding forces.

The star enjoys various “arts” - aikido and calligraphy, aromatherapy and reiki, Zen Buddhism and feng shui, yoga and meditation. It helps a person to form an idea of ​​what the joy of being, a good, comfortable, suitable life means to him, what the true needs of the soul and body are. Sometimes it directly indicates the power of astrological influences in life and the need to work with the horoscope.

She also often describes some phenomena that combine elements of idealization, futurism and beauty - this could be either an ultra-modern airport building or the creation of a shocking couturier. They have lightness, transparency, inspiration and detachment from everyday life, and there is often a feeling that somewhere there is a whole world where everything is just like this, and these things just fell out of there into our dimension... The range of such phenomena is very wide. The star idealizes perception to the limit and at the same time serves as a tuning fork - the essence of idealization exactly corresponds to the spirit of a person, and dreams highlight the holy of holies of his heart.

Encouraged and inspired. "Burn, burn, my star!" A surge of creative energy, hope and faith in the future. The emergence of new ideas and bright prospects. The card may indicate that the questioner is cherishing far-reaching plans, has started some long-term business, designed for success. Whether this success will be as brilliant as we would like will be shown by other cards in the layout. The gift of the Star is freedom, a clear head and purity of aspiration. The star confirms and blesses a person’s intuitive confidence that he is able to live the highest dream without leaving the ground.

This card appears when a person is again ready to listen to the voice of the soul and follow the inspiration that illuminates his inner heavens, striving for his true values. The soul gains faith in absolute inner truth (“tuning fork”). According to the Star comes complete self-recognition, throwing off masks and conventions and a willingness to follow the pure and natural truth in oneself. Body and spirit are one, there is no need to hide, fear, suppress, hide anything.

The star reminds that true contentment and happiness is not achieved as a result of material acquisitions and does not come through other people, it is an internal state of naturalness and perfection. A state when faith brings strength and peace, and peace and tranquility come from within. Freedom, a clear head and purity of aspiration. A star can not only dream about the future, but also be in the moment, perceiving every moment as valuable and beautiful. The card touches on the deep subconscious desire to live for the sake of life itself, and usually people who get out from under the rubble of the Tower (previous Arcanum) feel very well what this means (and the vibrations of the Star accordingly). He went out into the field, goalless, but on his own two feet. Sunrise, dew sparkles, birds sing... God, life...

According to the Star, a person is freed from the prison of oppressive circumstances and experiences gratitude.

The star provides enormous, almost inexhaustible opportunities for personal development and self-improvement. It washes away everything old and reveals new, previously unknown layers of the soul. It carries the right instinct and understanding of future development, the serene knowledge that all obstacles will be overcome, patience and finding the right place for something important in oneself. Finally comes a clear understanding of your goal, what it should be. Indeed, among other things, the Star indicates a successful synthesis of past and present, the peak of achieved knowledge, past and present efforts.

The star says that none of us will ever get completely lost - as soon as we ask fate to help, it comes to the rescue and shows the way. The appearance of the Star in the layout is one of these signs. Now the leading hand points to all sorts of small keys-signs that acquire fateful significance in life.

The card symbolizes serenity (this is more than patience!), born of the knowledge that everything will be and an understanding of future development. When appearing in the reading, the Star says: “Your hope is knowledge from above.” Therefore, one must calmly, carefree and joyfully go one’s way, hoping for a joyful outcome of events, and look far ahead, free from the shackles of everyday life and a vain worldview.

Radiate happiness, optimism, sublimity, purity and complete confidence in yourself and your destiny. There simply shouldn’t be any mundaneness, despondency or hopelessness. This card advises you to breathe easily and freely, living with your soul in the future, but not forgetting to generously pour out streams of good around you. We are talking about the most inspiring, important and essential, which does not accept pettiness and requires a depth of understanding and trust in universal laws. We must look to the future with hope, without consigning our dreams to oblivion.

This is not “cannot be”, it can be, maybe, and will be. Difficulties will be resolved, depression will end and life will become wonderful.

According to the Star, good knowledge of yourself allows you to fully use your innate talents and abilities. As we delve deeper into ourselves now, we will feel a surge of creativity and inspiration that we have never felt before. We are captivated by new thoughts and ideas, we are ready to give ourselves and our work to other people. The star says: even if you see that not everyone needs it, it shouldn’t change anything for you. Continue to serve others, and your strength will not dry out - what you give will be returned to you a hundredfold, and everything that you hide will perish.

The person described by the Arcana Star is usually handsome and young, or at least youthful. In any case, he attracts everyone's attention, as a rule, enjoys success, finds himself in the center of events, and peculiar rays of good luck emanate from him. Communication with such a person allows you to increase your chances of your own success. Even if he doesn’t pay much attention to us personally (after all, the Star often notes people who are quite narcissistic, although this is not necessary), just getting into the aura he radiates can already transform life, inspire, renew, and inspire new aspirations for something beautiful.

So a five-minute conversation about nothing with a good designer can inspire “great things” in terms of changing the environment. The star corresponds to talents, giftedness, bright artistic inclinations, as well as fame and glory. This person may be what is called a media person and be popular in one circle or another. Sometimes the Star Man is somewhat reminiscent of the movie James Bond, who crawls out of a just-exploded all-terrain vehicle in an immaculate white bowtie and almost with a martini glass in his hand. A Star-man often exudes a spirit of perfection, a not entirely understandable impeccability. And how does he manage to live in the harsh reality without hangnails on his nails or stains on his car? Is he from another planet? Or maybe from another star...

Usually nothing comes for free. A star is often an indicator of a person who has experienced a great renewal after serious trials. He lives according to cosmic laws, he has a guiding star, and therefore his presence illuminates the path for others. The card indicates the bearer of unfading youth and true beauty, not only external, but also internal. The body is the temple of the soul, it reflects its beauty. The star gives improvement in appearance and health, rejuvenation.

We are the physical embodiment of our spiritual life, and from life we ​​can make a work of art, be a “man of art.” The card foretells that you will be one! Self-expression will reach its highest point, and the ability to work with the energies of the Universe that were previously inaccessible will come.

The man is a rising star with bright prospects. He may be worthy of all praise in terms of professional competence, and he has no need to fear rivals (but perhaps envious people).

“It shines, but does not warm.” But it shines! A star is not fire, but light and the desire for light. She carries a longing for the unattainable, hidden in the depths of space. When we are inexplicably drawn to something as if there were eternity, immortality, the answer to all questions, we are in the power of the Star. The star is a symbol of the Inexpressible Beauty and a projection of our search for what is impossible to obtain, but necessary. Banzhaf writes about the Star: “It seems to us that we desire it, but in fact we strive to unite with the Eternal Feminine.”

The Star is the guiding light of the spirit, remaining with us when the tedious and painful upheavals of the Tower have been experienced, destroying our old ego, old values ​​and worldly attachments. This is a newfound heavenly prosperity, a desire to follow the light.

This is already a life not of this world. Having chosen it, a person still undergoes the final test of the Moon, its hesitations and doubts; the “night of the spirit” begins, the darkest hour, followed by the dazzling dawn of the Sun, Judgment and Peace. In a deeper sense, this card represents a touch of higher cosmic knowledge (which may look like clairvoyance).

This is the phase of spiritual well-being when the stars can be seen through the clouds. At a deep level, the Star represents the inner light of wisdom. It is the hope and optimism provided by sufficient philosophical foresight. Inspiration and faith, following a calling, one’s star, an ideal worthy of striving for.

Purity and spontaneity, a thirst for redemption and salvation. Movement towards a goal and understanding what this goal should be, a feeling of support from the forces of light. Gaining strength in critical situations, over the abyss. Serenity, the exact knowledge that everything will be overcome, that the path is not over, that the path is not in vain. A clear feeling of connection with the Providential forces (the opposite of being divinely appointed) is a star that leads along the Path.

The star confirms and blesses a person’s intuitive confidence that he is able to live the highest dream without leaving the ground. Crowley writes: “From the golden cup she pours out the ethereal water, which is milk, oil, and blood, reflecting the eternal renewal of categories and the inexhaustible possibilities of existence.” Finding a path that will lead to an individual form of immortality. Touching the secrets of the Universe and the potential for endless growth granted to it.

Wisdom and a true understanding of the goal, which allows you not to repeat the mistakes of the Tower. The star grants that power over the world that the Magician only dreamed of, but in order to maintain this power, it is necessary to return something - “everything you hide, you will lose; having lost, you will gain.” What is given to you from Heaven must be poured out into the world and given to others. The element of wise sacrifice is “now I must return to the flame what it gave me.”

In the occult sense, it is believed that a triune light manifests in human nature - we encounter this idea as we approach the final Major Arcana. This is the Light of revelation from above, the Light of reflective intelligence and the Light of creative creation. These three sources in the Tarot are symbolized by the Star, Moon and Sun. There is nothing higher. Only Judgment and Peace are higher. Only the Kingdom of Heaven.

Banzhaf and Akron write that the Star is an emotional acceptance of the laws of creation and the lightness experienced in this connection: “Look at the birds of the air: they do not sow, they do not reap, they do not gather into barns; and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.” This is cosmic intelligence and divine love, emitting a single stream of spiritual light. The card brings renewal and wisdom, allowing you to get back on your feet after cataclysms.

The star gives a person the strength to recover from “tower” type experiences, to see the light again, to be reborn, to restore the destroyed foundation on new principles. This is the peace that comes to a person after some storm, the destruction of the Tower, a crisis. He now enters a place of hope and healing, brings his life into a state of peace and harmony, uses time for inner cleansing and spiritual growth, brings clarity, begins to feel blissfully calm, free and whole. The star gives liberation, a new life full of satisfaction.

This card is similar to Temperance (two vessels of water, one foot on land, the other in water). But here the water no longer pours from bowl to bowl - it pours out, giving life to the world, and instead of an angel - a symbol of the divine principle in each of us - there is a woman here, young and pure, aware of her human nature, corporeality and femininity. This is not the Empress Demeter, but her daughter, Persephone. On the Arcana there is a picture of replenishment, playfulness, returning to nature and being in harmony with it.

It depicts a naked girl who, standing on one knee (the position of her body resembles a swastika) at the edge of a crystal clear pond, holds a jug in each hand and pours water from them. She pours the contents of one of the vessels onto the ground, and the other back into the reservoir. One knee of the virgin is on the shore, the other leg is immersed in the pond. In the sky hangs a huge Star of the Magi, sparkling with gold and surrounded by seven smaller stars, emitting their rays to the earth.

The largest of them is considered Sirius, and the rest are considered the seven sacred planets of the ancients. There are suggestions that the young woman symbolizes Isis filling the Nile with water (during this period the Dog Star appeared in the Egyptian sky). The nakedness of Isis suggests that nature had not yet donned its green robes until the rise of the Nile, whose waters give life to plants.

The bush and birds (or butterfly) signify growth and rebirth, accompanied by rising river water. Isis (or Persephone) waters the desert, from the moist soil of which blooming nature grows. The seven-pointed star itself can symbolize the seven main planets, the seven Rays of Creation in which God acts. Sometimes the star is depicted as eight-pointed and then serves as a symbol of Venus (also, however, the star of Isis).

The girl has an expression of calm, satisfaction and hope on her face. Often small stars form a halo around her head. Her peace and tranquility comes from within, she reminds that true contentment and happiness are not achieved as a result of material acquisitions and do not come through other people, this is an internal state. Next to her are trees, birds and flowers. Two trees (rose bush and acacia) can form an Arcana portal.

The bird is the sacred wise bird Ibis, a symbol of the Egyptian god of wisdom Thoth, and the conscious mind reaching out into space. A butterfly sitting on a flower is a symbol of the renewal of the human soul. This is a wonderful card of beauty and silence, a powerful image and a sign of inner rebirth. The naked maiden is a symbol of purity and chastity, naturalness and perfection, the personification of eternal youth and beauty. Body and spirit are one, there is no need to hide, fear, suppress, hide anything.

Nudity also symbolizes complete self-recognition and crystallization in it, throwing off all masks and conventions and the willingness to follow the pure and natural truth within oneself. It is important that the heroine of the card graciously takes care of both worlds, water and earth, refreshing and giving life to both. By pouring water, representing life force, into a stream, she returns to the source part of what she receives (or previously received). A star is a spiritual hypostasis of the soul, which is in the process of enlightenment and meditation. At the same time, the “antennas” are tuned to receive inspiration from above, from the spiritual plane, and bring the received revelations into everyday life.

The stars represent the guiding guiding forces of the Universe, with its mysteries, potential for growth, insight and power. In order not to lose this cosmic favor, we must be able to be generous and grateful, to give something back. This could be prayer, meditation, gratitude, praise, a ritual of love. The stars shining above the maiden fill her with supernatural power, and she gives it to the world. This is the beginning of transformation and immortality - the stars above her do what she does, because she begins to become what they are ("as above, so below").

This card corresponds to the altruistic sign of Aquarius, which pours two streams of water onto the Earth: the dead water of consciousness and the living water of spirit. The world is created every moment. The immortal God, having created the world, disappears in it, but at the birth of humanity, a process similar to the creation of the world occurs. On the dead soil of the planet, plants arise, giving birth to air-spirit, which then, resonating in time with the vibrations of the cosmos, becomes the living soul of animals.

And then animals, gaining intelligence, become people and begin to destroy this world in order to someday begin evolution again. This is how history is created in time, but at the same time, the same process occurs at every moment and in every person. The dead water of Aquarius is the creation of forms of matter (Saturn), and the living water is the irrigation of their spirit (Uranus), which gives birth to life in matter. The sephiroth of the Star itself connects Venus and the Moon, eternal life and the immortal soul.

In traditional interpretations, the Seventeenth Tarot card is a symbol of the Star of Bethlehem, which heralded the coming of the Savior to the world. The Seventeenth Arcanum calls for surrender to the moment, contemplation of the spiritual world, and to direct one’s gaze into the perfection of the cosmos. It symbolizes rebirth and the life-giving forces of nature. The number 17 means new hope: if you count starting from the full moon, then it is on the seventeenth night, after moonless nights, that the thin crescent of the new moon appears again. Life is not only lived, but also passes in dreams, daydreams, therefore the Star is an unconscious thirst for life, and the contemplation of higher relationships, and an unknowable melancholy, coupled with some irresponsibility.

The card as a whole symbolizes the process of meditation, immersion in the reservoir of the subconscious of the Universe and bringing the revelations gleaned there into everyday life. Wisdom, immortality, spiritual enlightenment, this is the potential for a real understanding of the goal, a clear vision (The Tower is the catastrophic results of the unwise use of power). We all unconsciously need to meditate on our stars and determine the right course on the road of Life.

Light and Shadow (advice and caution)

Tip: take a bird's eye view of everything. This card encourages you not to lose faith and hope, to sweep away doubts and despondency, and under no circumstances give up what you started halfway. The star says: no matter what happens, no matter how things go, do not betray your ideals. Remember that the most fantastic dreams can come true. We must hope and believe - and our expectations will be fulfilled. You may have to be patient and try hard for this, but you can be sure that it will be rewarded in the best possible way. Dreams of happiness will come true, but this requires strong beliefs and confidence. If you feel discouraged, you can meditate on this card to regain confidence. You need to be in beauty and silence, and the light of the star will remind you of itself. Intuition will tell you how to live and what to do, and the higher guiding forces will not leave you. Success is already close by and large. Revelation is just around the corner. Another piece of advice from the Star is to be generous and grateful, to return part of what you receive to the source.

The Trap: Spending too much time dreaming about future success, missing out on the present and avoiding taking real steps.

The map clearly shows the arrival of new promising opportunities in any area and gives confidence in their implementation, with the most positive outcome. New hopes, new strategy, new bright prospects. The star indicates that the questioner has far-reaching plans, and if its light in the layout is at least slightly supported by positive cards, there is every reason to count on success, despite obstacles and difficulties. In the upright position, the card means a surge of creative energy, new ideas.

The star is the “call of the gods”, it also corresponds to all “vocational” activities, be it aviation or ballet; The essential thing is that a person begins to feel great passion for his life’s work at an early age and subsequently spares no effort to achieve belonging to this field.

The star, in general, favors career matters (and may be precisely that - to the greatest extent). She describes situations when a person really is a “star” at work, a recognized specialist, whose competence no one doubts. At the everyday level, this can be a reward in the literal sense, like for a military man - a promotion in rank (a new star on his shoulder straps).

The star indicates that we are currently doing or planning things, the results of which will appear only in a very distant future, but that is why we may not be fully aware of what we are doing. Only in hindsight will it become clear to us what significant decisions we made then (today), under the sign of the Arcanum of the Star. And just as a seed needs time to germinate and become a plant, so the Star does not manifest its fruitful effect immediately.

It is generally accepted that the card promises fulfillment of expectations and reward for efforts. in practice, it can rather be said that the questioner really hopes for an improvement in the financial situation. If there are no Arcana clearly contradicting this in the layout, we can say that he really “shines” making a profit, but, most likely, he will have to wait before this brilliant prospect actually becomes a reality. In general, integrity is being restored throughout the star; this may also apply to financial balance.

The house is in a good, clean and healthy environment.

The questioner dreams of happiness. If there are confirming Arcana in the layout, then we can assume that these dreams will come true. If a question about prospects is asked by a person who is desperate to improve his personal life the way he would like, the Star reports that one should not lose hope, everything will be fine, even if not today and not tomorrow. The star often brings forgiveness and restoration, and is a good sign if the questioner is worried about a falling out.

This card can also be interpreted as a new friend, a new love, which is completely captivating due to the great passion for another person and the enormous significance of what is happening.

The star may indicate a rather unusual connection. Perhaps this is a long-distance relationship in which the partners never have the opportunity to truly be disappointed in each other. They maintain an idealized and aspirational image of each other, which would surely crumble if they had more opportunities to spend time side by side. It could be a platonic relationship that retains the vague prospect of developing into something else in the future.

This is a card of perfect love, blessed by heaven. It helps us understand earthly love as a transcendental force that brings joy, satisfaction, healing and wholeness. It brings new happy relationships, a partner you can completely trust, and speaks of a reason for joy and new hopes. The querent has the prospect of achieving a long-term relationship filled with satisfaction and understanding.

Even if there is a crisis now, we must not despair, but find new courage in the desire to achieve our happiness. We must hope, remain calm, be confident, mobilize all internal reserves for this hope. Believe in a miracle, literally in a miracle, in a guiding star. Despite the fact that there is still a lot of effort to be made to strengthen relations, one should not lose hope, one should not worry and become despondent, everything will be fine. The star is associated with the Virgin Persephone, pouring out the waters of love on the barren land. It is love that heals blindness with its tears, pouring out the waters of love to resurrect and awaken.

New hopes and new lines of behavior in love - a person clears the way for it, washes wounds with healing water, views everything from a higher, cosmic perspective, radiates positive energy and optimism. A card of soft passion, sometimes associated with tantric rituals of healing and initiation into cosmic laws (“Star of David”). Promises a declaration of love, a new level of trust in relationships, pleasure from loving communication.

The star is good at describing sexuality. It foretells well-being and satisfaction in this regard, a time of natural sensuality as a normal part of the human essence. This wonderful card tells you that you will be able to feel your body, restore a healthy libido, and the true nature of your feelings. It indicates an improved sex life or a new, truly suitable partner who can make you feel your true needs.

The Star combines seductiveness, nudity, beauty and tenderness, and it is very difficult to resist, no matter what the material is. The category of “falling in love with love” in our world seems abstract, although in eras when a romanticized perception of reality was in fashion, people understood quite well what lay behind it. Even today we highly value the state of love, elation, and passion; it just rarely occurs to us that it can be “separated” from a specific person and “fly” on these wings non-stop. The star symbolizes such “flights”.

The Star has one rather terrible category that distinguishes it from the other Arcana - inexhaustibility. No matter where the card lies, it indicates that the theme will continue, often even for a longer time than expected. The question marked with a Star will not lose its relevance for who knows how long. In the case of unhappy love, this is quite tragic - a person will love his lost partner for a long time and persistently, not noticing anything around him.

The Spirit of the Star is renewal and rebirth. This is a wonderful card of beauty and silence, a powerful image and a sign of inner rebirth. She is also in charge of youth and beauty, and all kinds of procedures related to their maintenance and creation. Restoration of health, recovery, cleansing. It's time for a more harmonious lifestyle in general.

The soft light of this card promises healing, restoration of energy and fertility when it comes to health. It also brings rejuvenation. Water pouring from jugs symbolizes life itself, so it is believed that the card speaks of good health and excess vitality, and promises complete recovery and conception.

It is curious that the ancient manuals did not attribute particularly positive effects to the Star. They note “depletion of vitality” (apparently, by analogy with water flowing out of vessels), and pulmonary diseases, and even the prospect of drowning (a pond on Arkan). In fact, the two vessels of water on the Arcana suggest the living and dead waters mentioned in fairy tales. “Living water” is poured onto the earth, “dead” water is poured with seeming meaninglessness into the source from which it was taken. According to fairy tales, both of these waters are necessary for rebirth. But which of these two waters will the Arcanum personify for the questioner? The surrounding cards can give a hint.

The Star's connection with impeccable purity and harmony can emphasize themes of ecological niche, suitable climate, clean air and water, freedom of what a person eats from chemical and other contaminants. As a signifier of a disease, it can indicate allergies or other suffering associated with intolerance to some elements of the environment, which is not “clean” enough. Of course, this purity should be understood comparatively. There are people for whom all sorts of dust mites remain an abstraction until the end of their days, and there are those for whom they are a menacing reality. The star will most likely indicate the latter case.

The card may indicate the questioner’s desire to make a career in the field of art or in any other field that requires a creative approach, however, in its inverted position, the card indicates a lack of favorable opportunities (“does not shine”). In certain cases, it can mean stubbornness, reluctance to change anything in life, lost chances and unused opportunities. It can also speak of a lack of self-confidence, pessimism, a passive and indifferent attitude towards people and events, lethargy and slowness, which can sharply contrast with the obvious beauty, talent and potential of a person (a sort of “shooting star”).

The Reversed Star is a desecration of purity, disappointment in a dream, loss of light and inspiration, as well as the power of doubt and uncertainty. This can be a difficult mental state - apathy, loss of strength, depression and loneliness. This is a map of unsuccessful ideas, unpromising plans, doomed ventures, unfulfilled dreams.

An inverted Star can also describe a person, as they say, “who has caught a star”, “who has caught his crown in the clouds” - arrogantly reveling in his imaginary superiority or talent, status or something else. In essence, this is self-deception, a combination of arrogance and rejection. Sometimes an inverted Star signifies the end of a career or fruitless attempts to shine again, following in the footsteps of past merits, to regain popularity. Less often it is an indicator of complexes and low self-esteem.

Traditional interpretations attribute many negative meanings to the inverted Star, ranging from natural disasters (storms, thunderstorms) to the death of friends. Robberies and rapes, mental confusion and suicide - in the ancient interpreters there is plenty to choose from. In any case, it was believed that she was “friendly” with dangers and disasters.

Archetypal correspondences

Star of Bethlehem

Aphrodite, Venus, Astarte (Ishtar, the Star), Isis

"Song of Songs" by Solomon

Gardens of the Hesperides, rejuvenating apples

Rhine rocks

Percival holding the Holy Grail

The meaning of the Tarot Star in the old days was not always considered pleasant, but modern tarot readers almost unanimously recognize this Arcanum as a symbol of bright hopes, a favorable resolution of the situation and the path towards the realization of a cherished dream. This is a very light, thin, airy card, the appearance of which in a layout always pleases both the Master himself and his clients. After all, it’s always easier to talk about good omens, isn’t it?

General description of the card, plot and meaning in the layout

The illustration of the seventeenth Arcana in the Rider-Waite deck exudes calm and harmony. We see a naked girl standing on the shore of a pond in the light of the stars and pouring water from two jugs. The evening sky does not seem gloomy at all, and the brightest star in the sky illuminates a beautiful natural landscape - a green flowering meadow, a tree with a bird comfortably nestled on its crown, and mountain peaks somewhere in the distance. The plot of Arkan directly hints at its main meaning - the light of a guiding star.

Keywords and ideas of the Star card in the layout

Actually, there is not much to say about this card. The meaning and interpretation of the Tarot Star fits well into several basic ideas:

  • Following your dream
  • Favorable resolution of the situation
  • Hope lighting the way
  • Inspiration, light
  • The guiding force of the Universe, leading a person along the path to the true goal
  • Fulfillment of desires
  • Implementation of plans
  • Self-realization, recognition in society

Meaning of the card in the upright position

The meaning of the Arcana Tarot Star will always be associated with the fulfillment of what a person dreamed of. The appearance of this card in a reading is a sign that he is on the right path and he just needs to trust his feelings. This is the fulfillment of hopes, plans, achievement of what you want, the discovery of wonderful opportunities. This is optimism and faith that everything will definitely work out. Arkan is also often associated with the opportunity to realize one’s talents and achieve recognition in a certain circle. The star encourages us not to be afraid to dream, since all expectations can be fulfilled - if not right now, but in the not too distant future. The stars remain in the sky even when we do not see them, which means that our goals and plans must remain in force, even if at the moment we do not see ways to achieve them. The Universe itself will lead you to the right path, the main thing is to trust it.

The meaning of the Arcana Star in an inverted position

The reversed Tarot Star can have different meanings. Most often this is one of the following options:

  • A person’s unfulfilled desire to build a career in the field of art, creativity (what is called “does not shine”)
  • Disappointment in one's own dream, collapse of ideals, loss of inspiration
  • Plans that don't come true
  • The end of a career or futile attempts to regain former popularity
  • Low self-esteem, complexes
  • Lack of self-confidence, doubts
  • The desire to brag, to boast of one’s talent or recognition, arrogance
  • With unfavorable surrounding cards, it may indicate clouding of reason, suicide, rape and other crimes, dangers

Star Tarot card meaning - video

The meaning of the card in matters of love and relationships

Of course, the seventeenth Arcanum, full of inspiration and hope, can only have positive meaning in matters of personal life. However, it is worth considering all its possible manifestations.

Straight position

The traditional meaning of the Tarot Star in a relationship is an ideal union with great prospects, this is a partnership in which each of the lovers can fully open up and realize their needs, this is healing love, complete trust, a delightful sex life, complemented by beauty, tenderness, harmony, and shared inspiration . Also, the card may indicate a union of creative people or a relationship in which partners cannot be disappointed in each other - this happens when lovers live at a distance and joint meetings are very rare, or when there is still only a platonic connection between people . Situationally, Arcanum can symbolize the fulfillment of desires and joint plans.

Inverted position

The meaning of the Tarot Star in love, if it turns out to be inverted, is disappointment in a partner or a relationship on which high hopes were placed, attempts to resurrect a union that was once very happy, but will never become so, sometimes bragging about one’s other half (“let everyone know how handsome, smart, sexy he is—let all my girlfriends be jealous!”). Situationally - collapsed joint plans.

The meaning of Arkan in matters of well-being and health

Let's talk about how the meaning of the Tarot Star manifests itself in health. It turns out that this map is fraught with many mysteries and will not always indicate the absence of problems.

Straight position

An excellent card for health issues. She talks about wonderful well-being, healing and rejuvenation of the body, as well as complete relief from an existing disease.

Inverted position

Under the reverse Arcanum, such serious problems as depletion of vitality, imbalance of water balance, lung diseases, and in some cases even drowning (if there are supporting cards) can occur. Sometimes the Star reports on rare types of allergies and diseases caused by causes that for many are actually myths or abstractions, such as dust mites.

The meaning of the card in personality analysis and assessment of psychological state

Now let's analyze the meaning of the 17th Tarot card in such an area as the description of a person and the state of his soul.

Straight position

This is a very talented person with good creative abilities. A person who confidently moves towards his goal, even if the goal seems impossible to others. Such people usually have good intuition, they have what is called “inner wisdom.” These are altruists who are ready to help others. Also under the Star card are often people engaged in spiritual practices, meditation, yoga, and sometimes adherents of a particular religion, but not rabid fanatics. State of mind is a huge inspiration that helps a person go through life.

Inverted position

The Reverse Star describes a person who has lost his guiding thread. Often this is a person either completely detached from the real world and living in a fantasy land, or one who has lost faith in life and himself. Sometimes upstarts can cross the map, considering themselves the most talented, although in fact they have “one, two, and no” real creative abilities. The state of mind is deep disappointment, the pain of not being able to realize your dream.

The meaning of the Star in matters of finance and work

Let’s not ignore the sphere of professional activity, because very often people turn to tarot readers specifically for career issues.

Straight position

The meaning of the Tarot Star in work is the discovery of promising opportunities, far-reaching plans, favorable prospects. Often the card indicates that a person is “in his place,” i.e. does exactly what it should. This is an activity that brings mental satisfaction and the opportunity to fully realize oneself. Stars' professions are always associated with creativity - this is a card of poets, musicians, artists, theatergoers, show business. If the question is asked about finances, the reward will definitely be received, but a little later.

Inverted position

Reverse 17th Arcanum symbolizes uninteresting work, lack of any prospects, hopelessness of plans or loss of inspiration from the business in which a person is busy. In financial matters, making a profit “does not shine.”

The meaning of the card in combination with the Major Arcana

Undoubtedly, a very important point in interpreting the layout is the combination of the Star card with other Tarot cards, and especially with Trumps. We will start with them.

  • : Hope “at random”
  • : Profession of an astrologer, the right time to implement plans
  • : Higher intelligence
  • : Excellent result
  • : Consolidate what has been achieved
  • : Spiritual development
  • : Relationships with good prospects
  • : Moving
  • : Make a wish
  • : Star-Hermit Tarot Combination - Studying something alone
  • : Change for the better
  • : Worthy goals
  • : Questionable plans
  • : Lose hope
  • : Shifting the situation for the better
  • : Screw all plans
  • : Shattered expectations, plane crash
  • Moon: Foggy future, impossible dreams
  • Sun: Happy implementation of plans
  • Court: Rediscovering the joy of life
  • World: Combination Star and World Tarot - Talent Recognition

Interpretation of the card in combination with the Minor Arcana

Now let's move on to considering possible interpretations of the proximity of the Star to the numerical and figurative Arcana of the deck. Let's analyze all the suits one by one.

With the suit of Staves

  • : Light up “your star”
  • : Finding your purpose
  • : Strive for your goal
  • : Recovery of a sick family member
  • : Hope to find a better way out
  • : Belief in one's own ideals
  • : Hope to overcome difficulties
  • : Encouraging news
  • : Doubt
  • : Hope for good prospects
  • : Find something worthwhile
  • : Uplifting
  • : Believe in yourself
  • King: Give someone hope

With the suit of Cups

  • : Purely platonic relationship
  • : Love confession, reconciliation with a partner
  • : Experience relief
  • : Doubt your abilities
  • : Dreams that didn't come true
  • : Old dreams
  • : Visualize what you want
  • : Refusal of the set goal
  • : Fulfillment of desires
  • : A home where everyone is honest with each other
  • : Conception
  • : Sincerity
  • : Healing the soul
  • : Heal someone

With the suit of Swords

A star in the tarot has different meanings. Mostly they are positive. The card may be telling you that someone in your life views you as the ideal person. Or perhaps you think someone is perfect. She talks about possibilities and fulfillment of desires.

In future scenarios, the lasso indicates beneficial changes. The situation will be restored, the main thing is to listen to your intuition. The star also recommends releasing emotions and allowing creativity to emerge.


The Star card shows a naked woman kneeling at the edge of a small pond. In each hand the woman holds a clay jug of water. From one jug she pours water onto the earth to nourish it and maintain the cycle of fertility represented by the lush greenery around her. From another jug ​​she pours water into a stream that represents her feelings. The woman's one foot lies on the ground, representing her practical abilities and common sense, while the other foot steps into the water, representing her intuition and inner resources.

Behind her shines one large star and seven small ones, symbolizing the human chakras. There is a need here to open these chakras and cleanse the aura. The star is associated with the number 17, which is equal to 8 (1 + 7 = 8). Eight is strength, the quality needed to accept your flaws and love yourself. In the background, the sacred ibis bird, a symbol of wisdom and justice, sits on a tree. The astrological sign of the Star is Aquarius.

General value of the card in the upright position


  • Possibilities.
  • Faith.
  • Hope.
  • Intuition.
  • Creativity.
  • Light.
  • Fate.
  • Clairvoyance.
  • Mission on Earth.
  • Spiritual peace.
  • Music.
  • Dance.
  • Artistic energies.
  • Cosmic energy associated with stars.
  • Metaphysics.
  • Spiritual development.
  • Update.
  • Rejuvenation.
  • Clarity.
  • Lighting.
  • Spiritual guide.
  • Ultimate karma.
  • Good health.
  • Calm after the storm.
  • Light at the end of the tunnel.
  • Update.
  • Inspiration.
  • Calm.

The Star card in its direct form gives hope, faith and the feeling that you are truly blessed by the Universe. There is courage, satisfaction and inspiration in your life. You are entering a love phase filled with calm energy, mental stability, and a deeper understanding of both yourself and those around you. This card tells you that in the long term you must trust the Universe. A bright future awaits you, but to experience it yourself, you must believe in it.

The meaning of this card suggests that you have experienced life's challenges and gone through a difficult time, but are now open to healing and transformation. Your true self has helped you let go of destructive memories. Hatred, envy, bitterness and revenge have disappeared from your life and no longer interfere with future happiness. Now you can forgive and forget to embrace new opportunities.

When the Star appears in a tarot card reading, be open to new ideas, growth, and self-development. Listen to your intuition. You have strong desires, inspiration and goals to discover the meaning of life. Your life is filled with significant changes, transforming yourself from old to new. This card is a calling from destiny that motivates you to take action. Your wish is not in vain as you will eventually find what you are looking for.

The star indicates renewed self-esteem and self-confidence. You will realize how successful and respected you are. Desire, diligence, hard work are your helpers in achieving goals that will become the key to lasting happiness. Your strengths will be revealed to others, which in turn will increase your reputation.

Inverted position


  • Sexual Guilt.
  • Lack of faith.
  • Disappointment.
  • Hope is lost.
  • Negative.
  • Despair.
  • Anorexia.
  • Bulimia.
  • Low self-esteem.
  • The unrealizability of hopes.

A card in reverse indicates that you are feeling hopeless. Perhaps difficult situations you have experienced in the past have drained you of your lust for life. Your faith in the universal plan for your destiny begins to weaken. A card in reverse does not mean that your affairs are hopeless, it only indicates your feelings, spiritual and psychological state.

You should take a more responsible approach to your own life. The star may mean that you have lost confidence, faith in yourself and trust in your own abilities. Leave this game as a victim if the situation where you really were a victim has long passed. The star advises you to heal from the past, draw a line under it and move forward. If you need help, seek support, contact specialists who will help you get rid of old wounds. Believe in yourself and be positive.

A star in an inverted position means unrealistic hopes, disappointment, and excessive self-confidence. All your attempts to create, start, overcome, achieve, learn something will be fruitless.

The card reflects the human essence in a distorted form, indicating greed, envy, revenge, and malice. You will be haunted by failure, negativity, problems, difficulties, any intentions and calculations will be utopian due to their own unreasonableness, and as a result the situation will get out of control and defeat will occur.

The card also indicates that you have ceased to feel inspired by life or its components (for example, work, hobbies, relationships, personal projects, etc.). Perhaps at the very beginning you were driven by enthusiasm, determination, and self-confidence, but now life seems boring and ordinary. You need significant changes to develop and move on.

The Star card extremely rarely indicates a negative result; it is more associated with a test of faith. Sometimes a person needs to go through a difficult period in order to achieve awakening and renewal. You must continue to have faith in the Universe and know that it will do what is best for you. This is a test of your faith, and you will undoubtedly come out of it a stronger person. Any failures and difficulties should be accepted as an opportunity for change and self-development. Know that even if you feel uncertain or fatalistic about whether you will achieve your goal, this is only a temporary setback. You will soon see that the most important things in life are yet to come.


  • Let go of the opportunity
  • A person connects with an individual who has a spiritual trajectory.
  • Talk to people about spirituality.
  • The awareness of your divine purpose on Earth comes from the stars.

With the Queen of Wands

  • A person wants to look better, so he goes to a spa.
  • He puts you on a pedestal.
  • Impossibility of healing from addictions or temptations.

Love and personal relationships

Direct position

Every person dreams of a happy life. The star in this case gives hope for a bright future. If there is a disagreement in a relationship, the card reflects forgiveness and rapprochement. This Arcanum can mean a new meeting, love, life partner, declaration of love.

The card indicates an unusual relationship, more like a platonic one, but in the future ready to develop into strong feelings. Communication at a distance is allowed, and it is this fact that does not give partners the opportunity to experience disappointment in each other. They manage to maintain the relationship by keeping in mind the image of each other, which gives inspiration and helps the relationship not to weaken.

The love that heaven itself has blessed awaits you. Unity of souls, joy, trust, respect, common interests, mutual understanding, all this fills a long and strong union of two people.

If there is currently a crisis in your relationship, calm down and be patient. The relationship will be restored, although it will take some effort. Activate your inner energy, continue to believe in a favorable outcome, and do not let despair overwhelm you.

The star is especially associated with sexuality and sensuality. Ideal compatibility of partners will fill your sexual life with passion, longing, tenderness, and there will be a desire to seduce and give physical pleasure.

The Star has one distinctive feature - infinity. Whatever she foretells, everything has a continuation, and in the context of love, relationships often end in marriage. If there is unhappy love, then here too, a person will love his partner for a long time in spite of everything.

Inverted position

Inverted, the Star promises disappointment in love, unjustified hopes, separation from your loved one, and your helplessness in these situations. The reason for all failures lies precisely in you, since you set in advance that nothing will work out. Expect a new meeting or date that will not live up to expectations.

A star in a reverse position indicates that you may have lost faith in your true feelings or are focused on the negative and have not noticed the positive aspects of your relationship. Or your current union has lost its passion, spark, zest. It seems to you that the relationship has become stagnant and monotonous. The star is telling you that these issues can be fixed, but you must be willing to heal old wounds and eliminate any negative energy from the relationship.

If you are single, the Star indicates long-term loneliness associated with a lack of faith in relationships. It seems to you that you will never meet the right person again, and you are showing real cynicism. Let go of the fears and negative energy that seem to be holding you down. Love will show up when you least expect it.


Direct position

The star is full of promise - it suggests the ability to set your own course and move towards it. The map clearly indicates prospects in any field of activity, success in the implementation of projects, fresh ideas and creative ideas. Arkan describes the type of employment where inspiration is especially needed, this includes designers, fashion designers, photographers, artists, people related to theatrical art, poetry.

The star indicates professions to which a calling has been observed since childhood, and with age a person only becomes stronger in his choice and makes every effort to achieve success in the professional field.

The star predicts career growth, promotion, awards and bonuses, and for good reason, because you really are a first-class specialist, a valuable employee, whose competence and professionalism do not raise even a shadow of doubt.

Inverted position

The Reversed Star indicates that you are bored, your work is not enjoyable, does not inspire interest or inspiration, you seem to be stuck in a monotonous state, having lost the creative spark and enthusiasm that you once had. You need to change your attitude towards work and start bringing more positivity out of what you do. Things aren't as bad as they seem, and anything you're unhappy with is within your power to change.

A star in a reverse position indicates that you are not using your creativity and letting your talents go to waste. Fate is generous to you and gives you wonderful opportunities to realize yourself, but you don’t seem to notice them, or deliberately ignore them. Lack of confidence, determination, faith in any endeavor weakens your spirit. You may also show incomprehensible stubbornness and reject any prospects, ideas, proposals, thereby acting against yourself.


Direct position

Star card – transformation or birth. The card promises beautiful youth, good health and inner harmony. A healthy lifestyle helps you maintain vitality and be in good shape. Do not neglect cleansing and rejuvenating procedures, because beauty and youth require care. If you have health problems, the card promises a speedy recovery, since pouring water from jugs represents life and the flow of energy. Also, the card will soon allow conception and easy pregnancy.

Inverted position

The Star card is associated with ideal cleanliness, and therefore special attention is paid to the topic of ecology and climate, since there is a predisposition to allergic diseases caused by chemical contaminants in the air, water and even in food products. An unsuitable climate can cause diseases of the respiratory system (bronchial asthma, emphysema).

A star in a reversed position indicates that your health is not too bad, but any problems that you have will be exacerbated by your anxiety and pessimism. You will worry about your health and thereby make your symptoms worse, instead of seeing a doctor. Try to focus on the positive. Visit a specialist and calm down. Let go of negative energy, think about a successful outcome and a speedy recovery, as the healing energy will be especially useful for you now.

The card advises you to maintain a positive attitude towards everything you deal with. Stay focused on what you want - and trust that it will work. The Universe will reward you generously. Trust your intuition, it will always tell you where and how to act. Perhaps your plans and ideas are a little inconsistent with logic, they seem unreasonable and impracticable, but if you do not get hung up on this, but simply believe and act, luck will certainly visit you.

Tarot card Star of Bethlehem is the 17th Major Arcana, which means hope. Basically, this card features a naked girl kneeling with two jugs by a pond. Water pours out of these jugs as a symbol of life. The rest of the picture is filled with wildlife and a pristine sky with eight stars. This card is a source of strength to achieve the grandiose plans set by a person.

It is also believed that there is another interpretation. This card already has a different meaning: mortal danger and insidious love. This Arcanum is a symbol of meditation, prediction and hidden possibilities. And all this power is taken from the Star Goddess - she saturates everyone with her life-giving power.

Basic meaning of the Star Tarot card

This card means faith, intuition, hope. If this card falls out, then some important decisions and matters await you, the results of which you will learn about much later. That is why the card is associated with hope. The star tells us that we should not give up halfway, but should always continue to move forward, even if the result is not immediately visible. Perhaps you will do something you don’t like, on which, it would seem, nothing depends, but no, in the future it will count for you. Like a sprout, your action will grow and gain strength, so that you can thank the owner in full. This card is considered the third guardian angel, who always speaks of a good outcome of any matter.

Tarot card Star in normal position

The direct Star card will indicate that prosperity and joy await you soon. You will be inspired, new ideas will fill you. The diseases will begin to pass, and the nerves will return to normal, a white streak of life awaits you. Words, when talking with people, will come to your mind. The vital energy that begins to spread throughout the body will help you complete any task. If you have been haunted by failures for a long time, then the card suggests that soon everything will work out and become much better. A bright life awaits ahead, with all its positive qualities. Also, the Star Tarot card carries the meaning that soon a great friend or a faithful soulmate will appear in your life.

Faith in life will be restored. Determination and implementation of previously assigned tasks and overall improvement of life. You will be successful in everything you undertake. New acquaintances will develop into reliable friendships. The main thing is to realize your goals and believe in them, and then your life will be in harmony.

The Star card will have a more detailed and specific meaning in combination with other cards.

If you get an upside down card, it has the following meaning:

  • Possible illnesses or chronic diseases
  • Extreme risk of injury, be careful
  • You should prepare for the blow of fate, something bad will happen
  • Too many bad intrusive thoughts
  • The “rose-colored glasses” will come off and there will be a different view of the world
  • You are not in a hurry to make any important decision
  • Chronic sadness, depression
  • Lack of desire to develop

The meaning of the Star Tarot card at work

The card gives success to all your plans; most of your plans will end positively. Possible job change or finding an excellent way out of a crisis situation. If you want to advance at work, this will be the best period for it. Luck is on your side!

The meaning of the Star Tarot card in relationships

As mentioned above, this card gives success, relationships are no exception. On the road of your life you will meet a wonderful person with whom you will have very fruitful communication. This communication can develop into love, which will be a sign from above. Marriages that take place during this period are always happy and long-lasting!

In a love scenario, the direct position of the Star card means a connection with a partner on a high, spiritual level, pure and bright feelings. For singles, it foretells a long-awaited meeting and subsequent relationships that will turn out to be strong and long-lasting.

The Reversed Star speaks of disappointment and unjustified expectations in love. In addition, an inverted card in a relationship reading indicates a negative attitude of the questioner and a lack of focus on success. Combinations with other Tarot cards will tell you what exactly you should pay attention to.

The meaning of the Star card in health layouts

In matters of health, the Star card in an upright position promises healing, recovery and purification.

The inverted Star has the following interpretation: various disorders in the sexual sphere, blood problems, headaches, deterioration of attention.

Tarot card Star in combination with the Major Arcana

With “Jester” - confident movement towards the goal;

With “Magician” - a period of good luck for starting a new business;

With the “High Priestess” - serenity, guaranteed success;

With the “Empress” - actions will bring good results;

With “Emperor” - to consolidate the success that has been achieved

With “Papa” - new knowledge, blinding faith;

With “Lovers” - in love - relationships that have excellent prospects;

With "Chariot" - a new place of residence;

With “Strength” - a dream, a cherished desire;

With “The Hermit” - a passion for astrology;

With the “Wheel of Fortune” - changes for the better;

With “Justice” - dreams and goals that have real foundations;

With “The Hanged Man” - illusory goals;

With “Death” - lose hope;

With “Moderation” - circumstances change for the better;

With the “Devil” - abandon your goals;

With the “Tower” - the collapse of hopes;

With “Moon” - uncertain expectations;

With the “Sun” - fulfillment of desires;

With “The Court” - confidence in success will return;

With “Peace” - discover your abilities.

The Star Tarot card combined with some of the minor arcana

With the “Ace of Wands” - decide on the goal;

With the “Two of Wands” - search for yourself;

With the “Four of Wands” - the meaning of this combination is healing;

With the Eight of Wands there is good news; clarifying the situation;

With the “Nine of Wands” - this combination speaks of existing doubts;

With the “Page of Wands” - catch luck;

With the “Knight of Wands” - inspiration;

With the “Queen of Wands” - self-confidence;

With the “King of Wands” - instill enthusiasm in those around you.

With the “Ace of Cups” - love, more spiritual than physical;

With the “Two of Cups” - in love - an alliance;

With the “Four of Cups” - uncertainty;

With the Five of Cups, this combination promises disappointment;

With the Eight of Cups - change plans;

With the “Nine of Cups” - the realization of a dream;

With the “Knight of Cups” - trust will reign in relationships;

With the “Queen of Cups” - cleansing, recovery;

With the “King of Cups” - help someone with health issues.

With the “Ace of Swords” - the right idea at the right time;

With the “Three of Swords” - melancholy;

With the “Four of Swords” - healing;

With the “Six of Swords” - development, improvement;

With the Eight of Swords - losing your last hope;

With the “Nine of Swords” - there is no way out;

With the “Knight of Swords” - the collapse of a dream;

With the “Queen of Swords” - in health - difficulties with conception;

With the "King of Swords" - unpleasant results.

With the “Ace of Pentacles” - receive a reward;

With the Three of Pentacles - good luck in the business or creative sphere;

With the Four of Pentacles, the situation will finally become stable;

With the “Six of Pentacles” - a reward;

With the Eight of Pentacles - improvements, happy changes;

With the “Ten of Pentacles” - a wedding;

With the “Knight of Pentacles” - work that will not be in vain;

With the “Queen of Pentacles” - in health - pregnancy

With the “King of Pentacles” - the discovery of talents.

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