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154th separate special forces detachment

Historical reference
Directive of the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces 314/2/0061 dated April 26, 1979, served as the basis for the order of the commander of the TURKVO troops 21/4/00755 dated May 4, 1979 on the formation of a separate special forces detachment of 538 people in the staff of the 15th Special Forces Special Forces, which included into the history of our Fatherland as the "Muslim Battalion". Colonels V.V. Kolesnik, O.U. Shvets, N.N. Lavrenev were involved in its formation. and Blokhin A.P., as well as the head of intelligence of the TurkVO, Colonel Dunets V.V. In order to maintain secrecy, it was decided to resettle the detachment from the brigade’s military camp, by economically repairing the abandoned camp of the engineering battalion.

The commander of the 2nd detachment of the 15th Special Operations Brigade, Major I.Yu. Stoderevsky, who was assigned to supervise the construction of the town, received under his command a company of military builders, several dozen civilian builders from all the KECH of the district, two hundred personnel from the brigade as auxiliary workers.

In 2 months, the renovation of the town was completed. The recruitment of a new battalion began at a rapid pace, exclusively from individuals of Central Asian nationalities.
Major Kholbaev Khabib Tadzhibaevich, born in 1947, was appointed commander of the detachment.

Graduate of Tashkent Higher Educational Institution named after. Lenin. Since 1969, he served in the 15th Special Operations Brigade as a group commander, a Special Forces company commander, and a deputy commander of a Special Forces detachment for airborne forces.
Captains M.T. Sakhatov were appointed as deputy detachment commanders, according to the TurkVO personnel department.
On July 15, the battalion underwent an inspection of combat and political training by a GRU General Staff commission.

The chief of staff of the TurkVO, Lieutenant General G.F. Krivosheev, was present from the district.
Tactical exercises with live firing were conducted on the topics: “Capture of a mountain pass”, “Capture of a communications center”, “Capture of a separate building”, “Capture of an airfield”, “Combat in the city”. Particular attention was paid to combat coordination at the group, company, and battalion levels.

Shooting and driving tests were taken at the training grounds of general arms and tank schools.
There were no limits on fuel and ammunition.
The grenade launchers fired at range, for time, at noise through smoke, at minimum distances. Who is supposed to take practical tasks in mine demolition. All were tested for physical endurance during forced marches of 30 kilometers.

However, the transfer of the detachment was delayed. In mid-October, the “Muslim” battalion again began intensive combat training under the “Capture Objects” program.

AKM and AKMS assault rifles, RPK machine guns and TT system pistols received from warehouses were targeted. At the end of November, another inspection of combat training took place, to which the authorities came from Moscow. “There were several options for transferring to Afghanistan,” said Kholbaev. “In addition to the flight, a march under our own power to Kabul was also considered.” However, on December 4, 1979, Yu. Andropov and N. Ogarkov sent the now well-known note 312/2/0073 to the CPSU Central Committee: “Taking into account the current situation and at the request of Kh. Amin, we consider it advisable to send to Afghanistan a detachment of the GRU General headquarters with a total number of 500 people in uniforms that do not reveal their affiliation with the Armed Forces of the USSR."
On the night of December 5, from the Chirchik airfield, the first group from the 3rd special forces company under the command of the deputy detachment commander, Captain M.T. Sakhatov, left for Afghanistan on an AN-12 plane. The transfer of all battalion personnel was carried out on the night of December 9-10, from two airfields, in Chirchik and Tashkent (Tuzel), by AN-12, AN-22, and Il-76 aircraft. Each flight took 45 minutes to depart. The interval between flights was no more than two hours. The departure was carried out in three flights of seven aircraft each to Bagram airfield.

First entry into Afghanistan
Second deployment of 154 special forces to Afghanistan

The detachment, after reorganization, without conducting combat coordination, under the command of Major I.Yu. Stoderevsky, on the night of October 29-30, 1981, crossed the state border with Afghanistan in the Termez region.
154 Special Forces for the period of hostilities received an open name - the 1st separate motorized rifle battalion (military unit field post 35651, call sign "Amur-35"). From October 30, 1981 to May 15, 1988 Detachment 154 took part in continuous hostilities with rebel armed forces.
Destroying Mujahideen manpower through raids and ambushes, destroying enemy fortified areas (UR), front headquarters, Islamic committees, training centers, weapons and ammunition warehouses, participating in inspections of caravans and conducting aerial reconnaissance in the area of ​​​​responsibility.
The most famous combat operations of the detachment, after Storm 333, were:
- capture of dushman bases in Jar-Kuduk (Jawzjan province, December 1981),
- capture of dushman bases in the Marmol Gorge (Balkh province, March 1983).

Operations in the provinces of Nangarhar and Kunar near Kulala, Bar-Koshmund, Bagicha, in SD "Goshta", SD "Karera", Loy-Termai, in the Black Mountains, near Shahidan, Mangval, Sarband, army operation "Vostok-88" and others .

By combat order of the commander of 40 OA 01 dated March 13, 1988, the withdrawal of 154 special forces was determined by the first column from Jalalabad on May 15, 1988. 228 units of military equipment in one column completed the Jalalabad-Kabul-Puli-Khumri-Hairaton march in three days.
On May 18, we crossed the state border of the USSR in the Termez region. On May 20, 1988, by rail, we completed access to the place of permanent deployment in the city of Chirchik, USSR.
The 154th separate special forces detachment was commanded by:
Major Kholbaev Khabibdzhan Tadzhibaevich from 5.1979 to 8.1981.
Major Kosteniuk Nikolai Mikhailovich from 8.1981 to 10.1981.
Major Stoderevsky Igor Yurievich from 10.1981 to 11.1983.
Major Olekseenko Vasily Ivanovich from 11.1983 to 2.1984.
Major Portnyagin Vladimir Pavlovich from 2.1984 to 11.1984.
Major Dementyev Alexey Mikhailovich from 11.1984 to 8.1985.
Major Abzalimov Ramil Karimovich from 08.1985 to 10.1986.
Major Giluch Vladislav Petrovich from 10.1986 to 11.1987.
Captain Vorobyov Vladimir Fedorovich from 11.1987 to 6.1988.
Major Kozlov Yuri Vsevolodovich from 6.1988 to 9.1990.
Major Efimenko Anatoly Nikolaevich from 9.1990 to 9.1991.

Lieutenant Colonel Svirin Valery Mikhailovich from 9.1991 to 9.1992.

Major Vorontsov Sergey Anatolyevich from 9.1992 to 12.1994.
The special forces caused significant damage to the Islamic opposition, so according to the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces, the special forces of the GRU of the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces destroyed 17,000 dushmans, 990 caravans and 332 warehouses, and captured 825 prisoners.
Results of reconnaissance and combat activities of 154 special forces as of May 1, 1983:
248 operations performed
955 rebels were killed.
452 people were captured.
566 units of small arms captured.
DShK machine guns 2 units.
Ammunition captured Ammunition - more than 100,000 pieces.
Mines - 237 pcs.
Grenades - 228 pcs.
RPG shots - 183 pcs.
Electric detonators - 5200 pcs.
Detonator capsules - 8000 pcs.
Mines for 60 mm mortar - 235 pcs.
16 cavalry horses captured
12 vehicles captured.
and BRDM-1

Change of squad location:
June 1979-December 1979 - Chirchik, Tashkent region, USSR;
December 1979-January 1980 - Bagram, Kabul, Afghanistan;
February 1980-October 1981 - Chirchik, Tashkent region, USSR;
October 1981-July 1982 - Akcha, Jawzjan province, Afghanistan;
August 1982-February 1984 - Aybak, Samangan province, Afghanistan;
February 1984 - May 1988 - Jalalabad, Nangarhar province, Afghanistan;
May 20, 1988 - May 1990 - Chirchik, Tashkent region, USSR, Uzbekistan.
June 1990 - 1994 - Azadbash, Bastanlyk district, Tashkent region, USSR;
December 1994 - 2000 transferred to the Ministry of Defense of Uzbekistan, renamed into the 28th separate reconnaissance battalion of the Armed Forces of the Ministry of Defense of Uzbekistan.
2000 - Disbanded.

Awards 154 ooSpN
Pennant of the USSR Minister of Defense "For courage and military valor" by order of the SSR Ministry of Defense 273 of December 1, 1985.
Honorary Red Banner of the People's Democratic Party of the Republic of Afghanistan 04/26/1988

Certificate of awarding of personnel of 154 ooSpN (data as of May 15, 1988):

Order of Lenin - 8 officers;
Order of the Red Banner - 53 (of which 31 are officers, 13 sergeants, 9 soldiers)
Order of the Red Star - 423 (of which 132 officers, 32 warrant officers, 127 sergeants, 112 soldiers)
Order "For Service to the Motherland in the USSR Armed Forces" - 25 (of which 24 were officers and warrant officers, 1 was a soldier);
Medal "For Courage" - 623 (12 officers, 15 warrant officers, 205 sergeants, 391 soldiers)
Medal "For Military Merit" - 247 (11 officers, 24 warrant officers, 102 sergeants, 110 soldiers);
Medal of the USSR Ministry of Defense "For Distinction in Military Service" - 118 people.

Personnel losses 154 ooSpN from 12/27/1979 to 05/15/1988.
amounted to 186 people.

Killed in battle or died from wounds - 177 military personnel;

9 servicemen went missing.
Losses of the 154th separate special forces detachment of the GRU General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces
Losses of 154 ooSpN during the period 12/5/1979 - 1/10/1980.
("Muslim battalion")
1st Junior Sergeant Sherbekov Mirkasym Abrashimovich
2. Private Kurbanov Khodzhanenes
3. Private Mamadzhanov Abdunabi Gaidzhanovich
4. Private Khusanov Sabirdzhan Kamilovich
died in battle on December 27
5. Private Sulaimanov Shokirzhon Sultanovich
seriously wounded in battle on December 27 and died on December 29, 1979.
6. Private Bogodirov Abdumumin Abdunabievich

died in action on December 27 as a result of an accident
1. Private Madiyarov Ziyabiddin Giyasiddinovich died on January 6 as a result of an accident

Losses of 154 ooSpN during the period 10/29/1981 - 1985. ("1 motorized rifle battalion")
1. Senior Lieutenant Mikhalev Vladimir Nikolaevich - assistant chief of staff of the detachment
died on November 1 as a result of an accident - shot by a sentry while patrolling posts
2. Private Gorbunov Evgeniy Aleksandrovich
went missing on November 7 in the province of Dzauzjan - actually captured in battle and died, but the body was not found
3. Lieutenant Sleptsov Andrey Aleksandrovich - commander of the flamethrower group
4. Sergeant Shivarev Alexander Fedorovich
5. Private Bobiev Khayridin Teshaevich
6. Private Milibayev Bakhodir Patidinovich
7. Private Chegodaev Viktor Anatolyevich
8. Private Eshonov Shavkat Abduraimovich
died in battle on November 20
9. Junior Sergeant Kalinin Mikhail Valentinovich
10. Junior Sergeant Rakhmatulin Rashid Shavkatovich
11. Junior Sergeant Shchegolev Leonid Yurievich
died in battle on December 7

1. Private Gavrilov Sergei Gennadievich
died on January 4 from wounds received in battle
2. Private Yuldashev Akhatkul Rakhmanovich
seriously wounded as a result of a mine explosion and died in hospital on January 24, 1982.
3. Private Babaev Norbobo Manonovich
died on January 16 as a result of an accident
4. Junior Sergeant Khairullin Farit Nagimovich
killed in action on January 29
5. Private Shadmanov Giyas Irgashevich
killed in action on February 19
6. Private Shirokikh Viktor Valentinovich
seriously wounded in battle on February 21 and died on April 12, 1982.
7. Senior Lieutenant Statkevich Vladimir Vladimirovich - deputy commander of the 2nd company for political affairs
killed in action on April 4
8. Private Pavlenkov Sergei Vladimirovich
died on May 18 in an accident
9. Corporal Viktor Ivanovich Shkolin
killed in action on May 28
10. Lieutenant Kalmykov Sergey Nikolaevich -
11. Sergeant Gimranov Anvar Nailovich
12. Sergeant Shvornev Mikhail Alexandrovich
13. Junior Sergeant Shabakaev Mars Oktyabrisovich
14. Corporal Antsiferov Igor Mikhailovich
15. Private Aliberdyev Kabul Karimovich
16. Private Vashchebrovich Alexander Ivanovich
died in battle on June 6
17. ml. Sergeant Maurin German Alekseevich
seriously wounded in battle on June 6 and died on June 10, 1982.
18. Private Mordovin Yuri Vasilievich
died of wounds on June 29
19. Private Vafin Damir Munnulovich
killed in action on July 5
20. Private Kapustin Viktor Vladimirovich
killed in action on August 28
21. Junior Sergeant Shapovalov Igor Nikolaevich
killed in action on October 11
22. Sergeant Gerasimov Alexander Yurievich
killed in action on November 3
23. Private Balybin Dmitry Valentinovich
died on November 16 in an accident

1. Private Sorokin Alexander Vasilievich
killed in action on May 3
2. Private Melnik Viktor Vladimirovich
died on July 29 from injuries received in an accident
3. Private Skvortsov Yuri Sergeevich
died on August 6 in an accident
4. Private Podzerey Boris Vladimirovich
5. Private Korkin Viktor Alekseevich
died in battle on August 28
6. Junior Sergeant Kislitsyn Sergey Gennadievich
died on September 5 when an armored personnel carrier exploded on a mine
7. Senior Lieutenant of the Medical Service Begishev Elgizer Fedorovich -
8. Lieutenant of the medical service Kryshtal Igor Nikolaevich -
9. Corporal Trofimov Ivan Mikhailovich - sanitary instructor
died on September 6 when a medical mine was blown up by a landmine
10. Corporal Terekhov Sergey Vladimirovich
killed in action on September 19
11. Senior Lieutenant Domanin Vladimir Vladimirovich
killed in action on September 23
12. Private Vysotin Igor Alexandrovich
died of illness on October 2

1. Private Belikov Valery Vladimirovich
died on January 12 in an accident
2. Private Karimov Eldar Zakirovich
3. Private Koyali Mikhail Vadimovich
4. Private Stadnik Sergei Grigorievich
died on February 6 in an accident
5. Private Obukhov Sergei Mikhailovich
seriously injured on February 6 as a result of an accident and died on February 7, 1984.
6. Private Malygin Alexander Vladimirovich
seriously wounded in battle on March 12 and died on April 17, 1984.
7. Lieutenant Ovcharenko Sergey Vasilievich* -
8. Junior Sergeant Olennikov Yuri Nikolaevich*
9. Private Belitsky Viktor Pavlovich*
10. Private Kazanev Andrey Yurievich
11. Private Mokrov Alexander Mikhailovich
12. Private Yurchenko Mikhail Ivanovich
died on March 23 as a result of an accident - drowned while crossing
* - officially listed as “missing” since their bodies were not found
13. Lieutenant Oleg Viktorovich Skuridin* -
14. Junior Sergeant Malyuta Ivan Ivanovich* -
15. Private Asanov Eldar Ferdausovich** -
16. Private Uchanin Andrey Nikolaevich - driver
died in battle on April 8
17. Sergeant Borets Alexander Nikolaevich -
seriously wounded in battle on April 8*** and died on April 11, 1984.
* - according to the CPSU, died on April 7, 1984.
** - according to the CPSU, died on April 11, 1984.
*** - according to the CPSU, seriously wounded on April 7, 1984.
18. Private Katsov Valery Vasilievich -
19. Private Popov Igor Alexandrovich -
died in battle on April 9
20. Private Dresvyannikov Alexander Gennadievich
killed in action on April 21
21. Private Sadikov Gulamjon Galievich
killed in action on May 23
22. Junior Sergeant Melentiy Ivan Mikhailovich
23. Junior Sergeant Rudenko Nikolai Vasilievich
24. Private Dadaev Nugman Kambarovich
25. Private Kryzhanovsky Pyotr Andreevich
26. Private Kydyrmanov Ermek Kasenovich
died in battle on June 1
27. Private Golubev Valery Vladimirovich
killed in action on June 3
28. Sergeant Zhigalo Valery Viktorovich
died on June 26 from heatstroke on a combat mission
29. Captain Babko Valery Vladimirovich -
killed in action on July 10
30. Sergeant Korolev Nikolai Vasilievich
died of illness on July 22
31. Lieutenant Nafikov Khamit Muginovich -
32. Junior Sergeant Magomedov Usman Magomedalievich
33. Corporal Kharitonov Andrey Ivanovich
died in battle on August 15
34. Sergeant Pikhur Vasily Viktorovich -
35. Private Monastyrsky Vitaly Stepanovich -
died on September 8 in an accident
36. Junior Sergeant Kudyma Oleg Evgenievich -
seriously wounded in battle on September 24 and died on September 25, 1984.
37. Junior Sergeant Tokmakov Sergey Nikolaevich -
killed in action on September 24
38. Junior Sergeant Vorobyov Gennady Valentinovich -
died on November 4 in a mine explosion
39. Private Matevosyan Matevos Samsonovich -
40. Private Mukhin Alexey Viktorovich -
died in battle on December 2
41. Senior Sergeant Pirozhkov Vladimir Mikhailovich -
42. Junior Sergeant Pekshin Igor Evgenievich -
43. Private Dodomatov Mashakir Masharifovich -
44. Private Dyldin Vasily Sergeevich -
45. Private Ibragimov Tofik Ziyaddin-ogly -
46. ​​Private Levshchanov Nikolai Vladimirovich -
47. Private Moiseev Sergei Vladimirovich -
died in battle on December 4
48. Junior Sergeant Dzhimkhaev Musa Usmanovich -
seriously wounded in battle on December 4 and died on December 5, 1984.

Losses of 154 ooSpN in the period from 1985 to May 18, 1988. as part of the 15th separate special forces brigade
1. Senior Lieutenant Turusumbaev Igor Vladimirovich -
2. Lieutenant Lemishko Sergey Nikolaevich -
3. Sergeant Kuramagomedov Mukhtarakhmed Zagirovich
4. Junior Sergeant Zhitnyakovsky Viktor Yulyanovich*
5. Junior Sergeant Kolyanichenko Konstantin Nikolaevich
6. Junior Sergeant Matniyazov Bakhtier Sultanovich**
7. Private Abdualimov Ravshan Kuchkarovich
8. Private Makarchuk Arkady Stepanovich
9. Private Naumov Pavel Mikhailovich*
10. Private Sitnikov Gennady Yakovlevich*
11. Private Stela Sergei Vasilievich
died on February 11 as a result of an accident - drowned while crossing
* - officially listed as missing because their bodies were not found
** - in the All-Union Communist Party the cause of death was “killed in battle” with the date 12.2.1985.
12. Private Smykov Vladimir Leonidovich
killed in action on March 19
13. Sergeant Plotnikov Sergey Alexandrovich
died on March 23 in an accident
14. Junior Sergeant Korkin Mikhail Valentinovich
killed in action on April 4
15. Private Davidenko Nikolai Ivanovich
16. Private Lyazin Pavel Vasilievich
died in battle on July 22
17. Private Kuznetsov Sergei Nikolaevich
killed in action on July 24
18. Private Glinov Alexander Alexandrovich
died on August 13 in an accident
19. Lieutenant Samoilov Vasily Petrovich
died of illness on August 10
20. Junior Sergeant Yuldashev Khikmatulla Rakhmatulaevich
killed in action on August 25
21. Captain Turkov Alexey Valentinovich -
22. Lieutenant Ovsyannikov Evgeniy Ivanovich
killed in action on September 19
23. Private Orujov Hamlet Khanali-ogly
killed in action on October 4
24. Senior Lieutenant Pedko Alexander Yurievich -
25. Corporal Shcherba Alexander Vladimirovich
26. Private Dzhanzakov Daniyar Sabdenovich
died in battle on October 30

1. Private Lobanov Alexey Mikhailovich -
killed in action on January 5
2. Private Nesterov Anatoly Vladimirovich -
killed in action on February 9
3. Private Pokhodzilo Oleg Nikolaevich -
killed in action on February 11
4. Lieutenant Krasilnikov Viktor Ivanovich -
seriously wounded in battle on March 19 and died in hospital on March 22, 1986.
5. Sergeant Kovalenko Vasily Vladimirovich -
6. Junior Sergeant Rozhnovsky Pavel Pavlovich -
7. Private Kushnirov Anatoly Stepanovich -
8. Private Mochernyuk Mikhail Ivanovich -
9. Private Osipov Vladimir Alexandrovich -
died in battle on March 19
10. Major Petunin Anatoly Anatolyevich -
seriously wounded on March 30 and died from the consequences of his wound in December 1989.
11. Senior Lieutenant Rozykov Kholmukhamad Dzhuraevich - detachment translator
12. Junior Sergeant Razlivaev Mikhail Nikolaevich -
13. Corporal Kosichkin Sergey Vladimirovich -
14. Private Buza Alexander Nikolaevich* -
15. Private Veliky Vladimir Mikhailovich -
16. Private Egorov Alexander Vasilievich -
17. Private Moskvinov Dmiry Vladimirovich* -
18. Private Podolyan Alexander Viktorovich -
19. Private Einoris Viktor Bronislavovich -
20. Private Yakuta Vitaly Vladimirovich -
died in battle on March 30
* - officially listed as “missing in action” due to the fact that their bodies remained on enemy territory
21. Private Usachev Andrey Viktorovich -
died on May 28 in an accident
22. Private Zazimko Viktor Borisovich -
died of illness on July 16
23. Private Kukuruza Alexander Pavlovich -
died on July 28 from heatstroke while performing a combat mission
24. Sergeant Ibadov Shukhrat Inoyatullaevich -
25. Junior Sergeant Kobylchenko Andrey Grigorievich -
26. Private Vares Urmas Olevovich -
27. Private Fursov Yuri Vladimirovich
died in battle on August 7
28. Sergeant Yarmosh Vladimir Vasilievich
29. Private Semenyuk Vasily Ivanovich
30. Private Miroshnichenko Anatoly Alexandrovich
died on September 16 while performing a combat mission as a result of an accident - drowned while crossing
31. Lieutenant Bondarev Valery Evgenievich -
32. Lieutenant Cherny Sergey Pavlovich -
died on November 29 on board a downed plane

1. Private Rajapov Sadula Kuchkaevich
2. Private Chegor Andrey Borisovich
died on January 13 as a result of an accident
3. Lieutenant Semin Igor Lvovich -
4. Private Kabanov Vasily Anatolyevich
died on January 17 while clearing mines
5. Lieutenant Zlunitsyn Oleg Igorevich -
6. Sergeant Yatskovsky Sergey Vladimirovich
7. Private Kuchkinov Ibrahim Uktamovich
8. Private Ovdienko Nikolai Nikolaevich
died in battle on January 27
9. Lieutenant Chikhirev Alexander Vasilievich -
10. Lieutenant Khamalko Yuri Mikhailovich -
11. Private Zhuraev Khasan Izabekovich
died in battle on March 4
12. Private Belykh Dmitry Mikhailovich
seriously wounded in battle on March 4 and died on May 14, 1987.
13. Junior Sergeant Tyufyakov Alexander Vasilievich
died on May 25 from wounds received in battle
14. Private Yolkin Alexey Eduardovich
died of wounds on June 8
15. Private Mikhail Alekseevich Govenko
died on July 2 when an armored personnel carrier exploded on a mine
16. Junior Sergeant Soldatenko Alexander Nikolaevich
17. Private Yakhyaev Fakhriddin Khairutdinovich
died on July 8 when an armored personnel carrier exploded on a mine
18. Private Atalov Chingiz Siyavush-ogly
19. Private Novikov Yuri Vasilievich
died in battle on July 8
20. Private Kaydalin Yakov Vsevolodovich
died on July 24 from wounds received as a result of suicide
21. Private Findyukevich Nikolai Vladimirovich -
died tragically on November 30 - suicide

1st junior sergeant Igor Sergeevich Pryakhov -
2nd junior sergeant Sinyakaev Zaur Tofikovich -
died in battle on January 5
3. Private Savinov Igor Vladimirovich -
killed in action on January 17
4. Private Bodishtyan Ivan Grigorievich -
killed in action on January 23

In total, the irretrievable losses of 154 special forces for the entire period of stay in Afghanistan amounted to 186 people killed and killed*, including 24 officers
* - including missing persons - actually dead
combat losses - 137
non-combat losses in combat situations - 6
non-combat losses - 44

Losses during periods of combat activity of the detachment -
"Muslim Battalion" - 8
"1 motorized rifle battalion" - 95
Composed of 15 obrSpN - 83*
Total - 186
* - including 1 who died from the consequences of injury after the withdrawal of troops


1. Private Gorbunov Evgeniy Aleksandrovich, 11/07/81, the unit was stationed in Agche, called up from the Irkutsk region.
2nd junior sergeant Oleynikov Yuri Nikolaevich, 03/23/84 * died on March 23 as a result of an accident - drowned while crossing 3.84, part in Jalalabad, called up from Buryatia.
3. Lieutenant Ovcharenko Sergei Vasilievich, 03/23/84, unit in Jalalabad, called up from the Rostov region.
4. Private Viktor Pavlovich Belitsky, March 24, 1984, unit in Jalalabad, conscripted from Belarus.
5. Private Pavel Mikhailovich Naumov, 02/11/85, unit in Jalalabad, conscripted from the Moscow region.
6. Private Sitnikov Gennady Yakovlevich, 02/11/85, unit in Jalalabad, called up from the Sverdlovsk region.
7. Junior Sergeant Zhitnyakovsky Viktor Yulyanovich, 02/11/85, unit in Jalalabad, called up from Ukraine.
8. Private Buza Alexander Mikhailovich, 03/29/86, unit in Jalalabad, drafted from Belarus.
9. Private Dmitry Vladimirovich Moskvinov, 03/29/86, unit in Jalalabad, called up from Moscow.

From 1979 and in the next 10 years, a special period lasted in the history of special forces. It was named Afghan in accordance with the events taking place. This was already the third stage in the development of special-purpose units. It launched on May 2, 1979. It was on this day that Army General Ivashutin, who at that time held the position of head of the GRU General Staff, set Colonel Kolesnik the task of forming a special forces unit. It became the 154th separate special forces detachment, which included military equipment, as well as soldiers and officers, numbering 520 people.

Composition of the 154th separate detachment

The detachment consisted of 4 companies, the first of which received the BMP-1. The second and third companies were equipped with the BTR-60PB, production of which began in 1966. The fourth company was special. It consisted of a platoon of AGS-17. It also included:

  • platoon of rocket infantry flamethrowers "Lynx",
  • sapper platoon.

Thus, this company was called a weapons company. In addition to them, the detachment included platoons:

  • ZSU "Shilka"
  • automotive,
  • communications,
  • software.

Selection of fighters for the “Muslim Battalion”

A feature, if not an oddity, of this detachment was the principle by which officers, sergeants, and soldiers were selected for it. It consisted only of Tajiks, Turkmens, and Uzbeks. This detachment was called the “Muslim Battalion”, since in the special forces structure the detachment corresponds in rank to a battalion of ground forces.

The selection of fighters of the Muslim battalion was carried out in a special way. Only conscripts who served for a year or six months were included in it. The special physical training of candidates for the detachment was taken into account. The area of ​​interest for recruitment into the detachment included tank and motorized rifle troops stationed in Asian districts, since special knowledge was required to operate military equipment.

Officers from the 22nd and 15th brigades were involved in the work. Despite the fact that the selection was based on the principle of voluntariness, specialists who had no particular desire for such service were sometimes enrolled in the detachment. The detachment was formed in just a month and a half. In order for each company to have an interpreter, cadets from the Military Institute of Foreign Languages ​​were assigned to them. Such service was equivalent to their professional internship.

With the national composition described above, there were no problems with language training. Dari, Pashto or Farsi, i.e. Approximately half of the detachment's personnel spoke the languages ​​spoken in Afghanistan. At that time, they could not involve only an anti-aircraft gunner officer, since one was not found among the Uzbeks, Tajiks and Turkmens.

For this position, they chose Captain Pautov, who had the appropriate training and dark hair, which made him look like the others. The detachment (Muslim battalion) was headed by Major Khalbaev. In the 15th brigade, he was listed as deputy commander of one of the special forces detachments, which was engaged in airborne training.

Legalization of personnel of the Muslim Battalion

The personnel of the Muslim battalion were legalized by issuing the appropriate standard documents in the Afghan language. In Moscow, special uniforms were sewn for the personnel, corresponding to the uniform of the Afghan Army. They didn’t even change the names of the special forces, since they fully corresponded to the Afghan ones. In Afghanistan, to this day, many Uzbeks, Tajiks and even Turkmen live in the border areas.

The beginning of hostilities in Afghanistan

The detachment was transferred by plane to Bagram at the end of November. Both the personnel and the detachment’s property, including all the components of the software, right down to the firewood, were sent to the An-12. Heavy equipment was transferred to the An-22 Antey. In total, the operation took no more than a day.

Already at the beginning of the second ten days of December, the detachment was given the task of arriving in Kabul on its own. The cover was the desire to strengthen the security of the Taj Beg Palace, but in fact the palace was simply captured. The capture occurred at the very end of December 1979. The detachment carried out the operation together with KGB special forces.

Formation of separate special forces units to enter the territory of Afghanistan

Immediately after the New Year, the personnel of the special forces detachment were transferred by plane to Tashkent. There it was supplemented with officers and personnel, as well as military equipment, in order to be reintroduced into Afghanistan. In February 1980, the 459th separate special forces company was also introduced into the country, which was formed in December 1979 in Chirchik. The company was stationed in Kabul until mid-August 1988.

We can talk about this company as a demonstration company. It was she who, until the spring of 1984, conducted combat operations using special special forces tactics. In the same 1984, the 173rd detachment was introduced into Afghanistan. It was formed in the city of Lagodekhi, located on the territory of the Transcaucasian Military District, in 1980 on the basis of the 12th brigade. The detachment had a staffing structure similar to the 154th.

Another special unit numbered 177 was formed from January 1980 to October 1981 on the basis of the 22nd brigade, which was located in the city of Kapchagay in the North Asian Military District. The detachment was introduced into Afghanistan immediately after its formation was completed. Despite special training, the 154th and 177th until the 84th were mainly engaged in protecting the mountain pass and pipeline.

Expansion and active use of special forces in Afghanistan

The command of the Armed Forces decided to begin actively using special forces units in Afghanistan in 1984. The catalyst for this decision was the active assistance that the Mujahideen received from neighboring Iran and Pakistan. In addition, the Kabul company showed itself effectively.

The 154th special forces unit was transferred to Jalalabad. His tasks included fighting rebel caravans. The 177th detachment was transferred to Ghazni. By mid-February 1984, the 173rd detachment was able to cross the border with Afghanistan near the city of Kushka, after which it arrived at Kandahar under its own power.

The results of the combat activities of special forces units clearly confirmed that the bet on special forces was made correctly. In this regard, the fourth special forces detachment was formed in the Kirovograd brigade and arrived in Bagram in the fall of 1984. He was transferred to the city of Baraki after short training, which lasted only a few months.

The fifth special forces detachment was formed in the city of Maryina Gorka, in Belarus. In the spring of 1985, he was sent to Afghanistan. Following him, the sixth detachment was formed in the Chuchkovo brigade. The seventh OOSpN, formed in the city of Izyaslavl, Carpathian Military District, did not take long to arrive. In addition, the headquarters of the 15th and 22nd brigades were introduced into Afghanistan.

In total, the following operated in Afghanistan:

  • 15 special forces with headquarters in Jalalabad,
  • 154 detachment, located there,
  • 173rd detachment, stationed in Kandahar,
  • 177th - in Ghazni,
  • 4th - to Baraki,
  • 5-1 in Asadobad,
  • 7th - in Shahjoy,
  • The 22nd brigade, its headquarters and the 6th detachment are in Lashkar Gah.

On the territory of Afghanistan itself, in 1985, the 8th detachment was formed, which was located in Farakhrud and was part of the 22nd brigade. Since the actions of the special forces and all historical facts associated with them were kept secret, at that time all special forces units were called separate motorized rifle battalions, which were assigned a special numbering:

  • First Jalalabad,
  • Second Ghazni,
  • Third Kandahar and so on in accordance with the deployment.

The historic withdrawal of 22 special forces from Afghanistan occurred in August 1988, and the last units from the 15th brigade were withdrawn from the country on the memorable 15 February 1989. They covered the columns of the 40th Army in the rearguard. This marked the end of the Afghan period, which lasted 10 difficult and very long years.

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Directive of the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces 314/2/0061 dated April 26, 1979, served as the basis for the order of the commander of the TURKVO troops 21/4/00755 dated May 4, 1979 on the formation of a separate special forces detachment of 538 people in the staff of the 15th Special Forces Special Forces, which included into the history of our Fatherland as the “Muslim Battalion”.

Historical reference

On March 18, 1979, the 1st General Secretary of the PDPA Central Committee, Nur Mohammad Taraki, called the Chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers, Alexei Kosygin, and asked to send soldiers, indigenous residents of the Asian republics of the USSR, to destroy a four-thousand-strong detachment of Iranian soldiers dressed in civilian clothes who had entered the city of Herat.

“We want Tajiks, Uzbeks, Turkmen to be sent to us so that they can drive tanks, since all these nationalities are in Afghanistan,” the Afghan leader convinced the Soviet prime minister. “Let them put on Afghan clothes, Afghan badges, and no one will recognize them.” This is a very easy job, in our opinion. The experience of Iran and Pakistan shows that this work is easy to do. They provide a model."

Despite the fact that Kosygin expressed doubts about this proposal, on April 26, 1979, the General Staff of the USSR Ministry of Defense issued special directive No. 314/2/0061 on the formation of a GRU special forces detachment, which later became known as the “Muslim battalion.”

They were involved in its formation Colonels Kolesnik V.V., Shvets O.U., Lavrenev N.N. and Blokhin A.P., as well as the head of intelligence of the TurkVO, Colonel Dunets V.V.

In order to maintain secrecy, it was decided to resettle the detachment from the brigade’s military camp, by economically repairing the abandoned camp of the engineering battalion.

To the commander of the 2nd detachment of the 15th Special Operations Brigade, Major I.Yu. Stoderevsky. assigned to supervise the construction of the town. He received under his command a company of military builders, several dozen civilian builders from all the KECs in the district, and two hundred personnel from the brigade as auxiliary workers. In 2 months, the renovation of the town was completed.

The recruitment of a new battalion began at a rapid pace, exclusively from individuals of Central Asian nationalities. Personnel arrived from all districts. Mainly from airborne divisions and to a lesser extent from motorized rifle units.

Command staff of 154 Special Forces of the First Formation

The detachment commander was appointed Major Kholbaev Khabib Tadzhibaevich, born in 1947. Graduate of Tashkent Higher Educational Institution named after. Lenin. Since 1969, he served in the 15th Special Operations Brigade as a group commander, a Special Forces company commander, and a deputy commander of a Special Forces detachment for airborne forces. Captains M.T. Sakhatov were appointed deputy detachment commanders, according to the TurkVO personnel department. (deputy), Ashurov A.M. (chief of staff), Sattarov A.S. (political officer), Ibragimov E.N. (deputy for fun), Major D. Jalilov (deputy for logistics). The companies were commanded by senior lieutenants: Amangeldyev K.M., Sharipov V.S., Miryusupov M.M., and captain Kudratov I.S. Senior Lieutenant V.M. Prout was appointed commander of the anti-aircraft artillery group... Captain Nikonov was appointed commander of the ORNO. The deputy commander of the ZAG, ensign Neverov Yu... Young graduates of combined arms schools were appointed commanders of the special forces groups, among them two lieutenants (Tursunkulov R.T. and Abzalimov R.K.) were graduates of the RVVDKU. Separate communications and support platoons were commanded by senior lieutenant Mirsaatov Yu.M. and senior warrant officer Rakhimov A.

American military expert Jesy Hou (JIAYI ZHOU) dedicated a special book to the Soviet Muslim battalion, starting it with the fact that he applauded the national policy in the USSR when he studied archival materials regarding this unit. Interestingly, his research was funded by the RAND Corporation, which is considered the “thought factory” of American strategists. “The USSR has developed a unique Soviet identity that cannot be explained by traditional values ​​– national or religious,” writes Jesy Howe. According to him, 538 people under the command of Major Khabibdzhan Kholbaev were united by the idea of ​​their socialist mission in Afghanistan. This was the 154th separate special forces detachment of the GRU, consisting exclusively of Uzbeks, Tajiks and Turkmens. In total, more than five thousand military personnel passed through the sieve of the special commission.

The training of the soldiers of the 154th detachment was quite typical for the Soviet army - typically good. In the presence Chief of Staff of TURKVO, Lieutenant General G.F. Krivosheeva in the summer of 1979, the “Muslims” conducted tactical exercises “to seize a separate building” and “fights in the city.” In particular, grenade launchers were required to hit targets by noise through a smoke screen. Shooting accurately on the run and mastering sambo techniques was taken for granted.

Particular attention was paid to the coordination of companies and platoons through radio communications, for which senior lieutenant Yu.M. Mirsaatov was responsible. Writer Eduard Belyaev, who studied the training documents of the 154th detachment, as well as other soldiers sent to Afghanistan, writes that the stereotypes that appeared after the release of the film “9th Company” do not correspond to reality.

Combat formation of detachment units

By June 1, 1979, out of a thousand candidates submitted, the detachment was fully staffed to 532 people. In a month and a half, the detachment, completely freed from outfits, guards and extraneous work, completed a year-long combat training program. The entire detachment personnel made parachute jumps. Combat coordination of the formed units was carried out.

Shooting and driving tests were taken at the training grounds of general arms and tank schools. There were no limits on fuel and ammunition. The grenade launchers fired at range, for time, at noise through smoke, at minimum distances. Who is supposed to take practical tasks in mine demolition. All were tested for physical endurance during forced marches of 30 kilometers. During the entire inspection, specialist translators monitored the personnel’s assimilation of commands in Farsi and knowledge of Arabic writing. As a result, the commission assessed the results of the audit as good.

There was a lull. Soldiers began to be recruited for guard duty and for various chores.

Despite the fact that the fighters of the “Muslim battalion” in full combat readiness regularly went to the Tuzel airfield (Tashkent) to be sent to Afghanistan, the departure was postponed every time.

Reconnaissance on the ground

By order of the head of the GRU, the detachment commander, Major Kholbaev, and the deputy commanders of the 15th brigade, Majors Gruzdev and Turbulanov, flew to Kabul to reconnoiter the presidential palace, as well as the renovated Taj Beg Palace in Duralaman, where Amin soon moved.

Telegram to the Chief of the General Staff Ogarkov

“In the period from July 11 to July 17, 1979, a reconnaissance was carried out in the city of Kabul with the aim of the possible use of the 15th TURKVO special forces brigade. According to the Soviet ambassador and heads of intelligence services, the greatest intensification of rebels in the periphery and the city of Kabul is expected in August. In this regard, the ambassador asks: to transfer the detachment to Kabul before August 10. The development of the implementation of transfer measures will be entrusted to the Air Force Commander-in-Chief and the TURKVO commander.”

Army General Ivashutin

However, the transfer of the detachment was delayed. In mid-October, the “Muslim” battalion again began intensive combat training under the “Capture of Objects” program. AKM and AKMS assault rifles, RPK machine guns and TT system pistols received from warehouses were targeted. At the end of November, another inspection of combat training took place, to which the authorities came from Moscow. “There were several options for transferring to Afghanistan. - Kholbaev said. “In addition to the flight, a march under our own power to Kabul was also considered.”

However, after the officers of the head of the Afghan presidential guard, Major Jandad, strangled Taraki, on December 4, 1979, Yu. Andropov and N. Ogarkov sent the now well-known note 312/2/0073 to the CPSU Central Committee:

“Taking into account the current situation and at the request of Kh. Amin, we consider it advisable to send to Afghanistan a detachment of the GRU of the General Staff, trained for these purposes, with a total number of 500 people in a uniform that does not reveal its affiliation with the Armed Forces of the USSR.” .

First entry into Afghanistan

On the night of December 5, from the Chirchik airfield, the first group from the 3rd special forces company under the command of the deputy detachment commander, Captain M.T. Sakhatov, left for Afghanistan on an AN-12 plane. The transfer of all battalion personnel was carried out on the night of December 9-10, from two airfields, in Chirchik and Tashkent (Tuzel), by AN-12, AN-22, and Il-76 aircraft. Each flight took 45 minutes to depart. The interval between flights was no more than two hours. The departure was carried out in three flights of seven aircraft each to Bagram airfield. To accommodate the battalion at the Bagram airbase, Captain Sakhatov’s group prepared CSS tents at the rate of one for each company and for headquarters.

Subsequently, the detachment was redeployed southwest of Kabul to the Dar-ul Aman area to strengthen the security of the Taj Beg presidential palace.

On 12/27/1979 at 19.00 the assault on the Taj Beg Palace began, the operation ended at 23.00. Quite a lot has been written about how the “Muslim battalion” stormed this palace, and those who study or are simply interested in this topic have practically no questions left.

Only one thing should be added, the losses of the personnel of the “Muslim battalion” during the fighting during the storming of the Taj Beg Palace amounted to: 7 people killed (in addition, 5 KGB officers from the operational combat groups “Grom” and “Zenith” were killed, as well as 2 soldiers from the 345th airborne assault division attached to the detachment 9 (company commander, senior lieutenant V. Vostrotin).

During Operation Storm 333, 67 servicemen of the Special Forces detachment were injured of varying severity.

In April 1980, a Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR was signed on awarding 370 military personnel of the 15th Special Operations Division, participants in Operation Storm-333, with orders and medals of the USSR. Awards were also received 400 employees of the KGB of the USSR.

At the end of 1981, efforts were made to increase the number of intelligence agencies. Two separate GRU special forces detachments are being introduced into Afghanistan for operations in the northern regions of the country. One of these battalions was 154 ooSpN.

By that time, on May 7, 1981, 154 special forces were awarded the Battle Banner of the unit. The unit's holiday was determined to be April 26 (1979). By directive of the Chief of the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces 4/372 dated October 21, 1981, 154 special forces were planned for introduction into the DRA on October 26, 1981.

Second deployment of 154 special forces to Afghanistan

The detachment, after reorganization, without conducting combat coordination, under the command of Major I.Yu. Stoderevsky, on the night of October 29-30, 1981, crossed the state border with Afghanistan in the Termez region. 154 ooSpN for the period of hostilities received an open name - 1st separate motorized rifle battalion(military unit field mail 35651, call sign "Amur-35").

From October 30, 1981 to May 15, 1988 Detachment 154 took part in continuous hostilities with rebel armed forces. Destroying Mujahideen manpower through raids and ambushes, destroying enemy fortified areas (UR), front headquarters, Islamic committees, training centers, weapons and ammunition warehouses, participating in inspections of caravans and conducting aerial reconnaissance in the area of ​​​​responsibility.

The most famous combat operations of the detachment, after Storm 333, were:

- capture of rebel bases in Jar-Kuduk (Jawzjan province, December 1981),

- capture of rebel bases in Darzab (Fariab province, January 1982),

- lifting the blockade of Sancharak (Jawzjan province, April 1982).

- destruction of 2 gangs in Kuli-Ishan (Samangan province, October 1982),

- capture of rebel bases in the Marmol Gorge (Balkh province, March 1983),

— assault on the Goshta missile launcher and the Karera missile launcher

- operations in the provinces of Nangarhar and Kunar near Kulala, Bar-Koshmund, Bagicha, Loy-Termai, in the Black Mountains, near Shahidan, Mangwal, Sarband, army operation “Vostok-88” and others.

By combat order of the commander of 40 OA 01 dated March 13, 1988, the withdrawal of 154 Special Forces was determined by the first column from Jalalabad on May 15, 1988.

228 units of military equipment in one column completed the Jalalabad - Kabul - Puli-Khumri - Hairatan march in three days.

On May 20, 1988, by rail, we completed access to the place of permanent deployment in the city of Chirchik, USSR.

The 154th separate special forces detachment was commanded by:

Major Kholbaev Khabibdzhan Tadzhibaevich from 5.1979 to 8.1981.
Major Kosteniuk Nikolai Mikhailovich from 8.1981 to 10.1981.
Major Stoderevsky Igor Yurievich from 10.1981 to 11.1983.
Major Olekseenko Vasily Ivanovich from 11.1983 to 2.1984.
Major Portnyagin Vladimir Pavlovich from 2.1984 to 11.1984.
Major Dementyev Alexey Mikhailovich from 11.1984 to 8.1985.
Major Abzalimov Ramil Karimovich from 08.1985 to 10.1986.
Major Giluch Vladislav Petrovich from 10.1986 to 11.1987.
Captain Vorobyov Vladimir Fedorovich from 11.1987 to 6.1988.
Major Kozlov Yuri Vsevolodovich from 6.1988 to 9.1990.
Major Efimenko Anatoly Nikolaevich from 9.1990 to 9.1991.
Lieutenant Colonel Svirin Valery Mikhailovich from 9.1991 to 9.1992.
Major Vorontsov Sergey Anatolyevich from 9.1992 to 12.1994.

The special forces caused significant damage to the Islamic opposition, so according to the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces, the special forces of the GRU of the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces destroyed 17,000 rebels, 990 caravans and 332 warehouses, and captured 825 prisoners.

Results of reconnaissance and combat activities of 154 special forces as of May 1, 1983:

Operations performed - 248
Rebels destroyed - 955 people.
Captured - 452 people.
Small arms captured - 566 units.
DShK machine guns - 2 units.

Ammunition captured

Cartridges - more than 100,000 pcs.
Mines - 237 pcs.
Grenades - 228 pcs.
RPG shots - 183 pcs.

Electric detonators - 5200 pcs.
Detonator capsules - 8000 pcs.
Mines for 60 mm mortar - 235 pcs.
16 cavalry horses captured
Vehicles captured - 12 units. and BRDM-1
Islamic committees destroyed - 9
The situation in the areas of responsibility of Jawzjan Province and Samangan Province has been stabilized
Our losses

Killed - 34 people.
Missing - 1 person.

Change of squad location:

June 1979-December 1979 - Chirchik, Tashkent region, USSR;
December 1979-January 1980 - Bagram, Kabul, Afghanistan;
February 1980-October 1981 - Chirchik, Tashkent region, USSR;
October 1981-July 1982 - Akcha, Jawzjan province, Afghanistan;
August 1982-February 1984 - Aibak, Samangan province, Afghanistan;
February 1984 - May 1988 - Jalalabad (Shamarheil), Nangarhar province, Afghanistan;
May 20, 1988 - May 1990 - Chirchik, Tashkent region, USSR, Uzbekistan.
June 1990 - 1994 - Azadbash, Bastanlyk district, Tashkent region, USSR;
December 1994 - 2000 transferred to the Ministry of Defense of Uzbekistan, renamed into the 28th separate reconnaissance battalion of the Armed Forces of the Ministry of Defense of Uzbekistan.
2000 - Disbanded.

Awards 154 ooSpN
Pennant of the USSR Minister of Defense “For courage and military valor” by order of the SSR Ministry of Defense 273 of December 1, 1985.
Honorary Red Banner of the People's Democratic Party of the Republic of Afghanistan 04/26/1988

Certificate of awarding of personnel of 154 ooSpN (data as of May 15, 1988):

Order of Lenin - 8 officers;
Order of the Red Banner - 53 (of which 31 are officers, 13 sergeants, 9 soldiers)
Order of the Red Star - 423 (of which 132 officers, 32 warrant officers, 127 sergeants, 112 soldiers)
Order “For Service to the Motherland in the USSR Armed Forces” - 25 (of which 24 were officers and warrant officers, 1 was a soldier);
Medal "For Courage" - 623 (12 officers, 15 warrant officers, 205 sergeants, 391 soldiers)
Medal "For Military Merit" - 247 (11 officers, 24 warrant officers, 102 sergeants, 110 soldiers);
Medal of the USSR Ministry of Defense “For Distinction in Military Service” - 118 people.

Personnel losses 154 ooSpN from 12/27/1979 to 05/15/1988. amounted to 186 people.
Killed in battle or died from wounds - 177 military personnel; 9 servicemen went missing.

Losses of the 154th separate special forces detachment of the GRU General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces

Losses of 154 ooSpN during the period 12/5/1979 - 1/10/1980. ("Muslim battalion")



Losses of 154 ooSpN during the period 10/29/1981 - 1985. ("1st motorized rifle battalion")


1. Senior Lieutenant Mikhalev Vladimir Nikolaevich pom. beginning detachment headquarters died on November 1 as a result of an accident - shot by a sentry while patrolling posts
2. Private Gorbunov Evgeniy Aleksandrovich went missing on November 7 in the province of Dzauzjan - actually captured in battle and died, but the body was not found
3. Lieutenant Sleptsov Andrey Aleksandrovich - commander of the flamethrower group died in battle on November 20
4. Sergeant Shivarev Alexander Fedorovich
5. Private Bobiev Khayridin Teshaevich
6. Private Milibayev Bakhodir Patidinovich
7. Private Chegodaev Viktor Anatolyevich
8. Private Eshonov Shavkat Abduraimovich
9. Junior Sergeant Kalinin Mikhail Valentinovich died in battle on December 7
10. Junior Sergeant Rakhmatulin Rashid Shavkatovich
11. Junior Sergeant Shchegolev Leonid Yurievich


1. Private Gavrilov Sergei Gennadievich died on January 4 from wounds received in battle
2. Private Yuldashev Akhatkul Rakhmanovich seriously wounded as a result of a mine explosion and died in hospital on January 24, 1982.
3. Private Babaev Norbobo Manonovich died on January 16 as a result of an accident
4. Junior Sergeant Khairullin Farit Nagimovich killed in action on January 29
5. Private Shadmanov Giyas Irgashevich killed in action on February 19
6. Private Shirokikh Viktor Valentinovich seriously wounded in battle on February 21 and died on April 12, 1982.
7. Senior Lieutenant Statkevich Vladimir Vladimirovich - deputy commander of the 2nd company for political affairs killed in action on April 4
8. Private Pavlenkov Sergei Vladimirovich died on May 18 in an accident
9. Corporal Viktor Ivanovich Shkolin killed in action on May 28
10. Lieutenant Kalmykov Sergey Nikolaevich died in battle on June 6
11. Sergeant Gimranov Anvar Nailovich
12. Sergeant Shvornev Mikhail Alexandrovich
13. Junior Sergeant Shabakaev Mars Oktyabrisovich
14. Corporal Antsiferov Igor Mikhailovich
15. Private Aliberdyev Kabul Karimovich
16. Private Vashchebrovich Alexander Ivanovich
17. ml. Sergeant Maurin German Alekseevich seriously wounded in battle on June 6 and died on June 10, 1982.
18. Private Mordovin Yuri Vasilievich died of wounds on June 29
19. Private Vafin Damir Munnulovich killed in action on July 5
20. Private Kapustin Viktor Vladimirovich killed in action on August 28
21. Junior Sergeant Shapovalov Igor Nikolaevich killed in action on October 11
22. Sergeant Gerasimov Alexander Yurievich killed in action on November 3
23. Private Balybin Dmitry Valentinovich died on November 16 in an accident


1. Private Sorokin Alexander Vasilievich killed in action on May 3
2. Private Melnik Viktor Vladimirovich died on July 29 from injuries received in an accident
3. Private Skvortsov Yuri Sergeevich died on August 6 in an accident
4. Private Podzerey Boris Vladimirovich died in battle on August 28
5. Private Korkin Viktor Alekseevich
6. Junior Sergeant Kislitsyn Sergey Gennadievich died on September 5 when an armored personnel carrier exploded on a mine
7. Senior Lieutenant of the Medical Service Begishev Elgizer Fedorovich died on September 6 when a medical MTLB was detonated by a landmine
8. Lieutenant of the medical service Kryshtal Igor Nikolaevich
9. Corporal Trofimov Ivan Mikhailovich - sanitary instructor
10. Corporal Terekhov Sergey Vladimirovich killed in action on September 19
11. Senior Lieutenant Domanin Vladimir Vladimirovich killed in action on September 23
12. Private Vysotin Igor Alexandrovich died of illness on October 2


1. Private Belikov Valery Vladimirovich died on January 12 in an accident
2. Private Karimov Eldar Zakirovich died on February 6 in an accident
3. Private Koyali Mikhail Vadimovich
4. Private Stadnik Sergei Grigorievich
5. Private Obukhov Sergei Mikhailovich seriously injured on February 6 as a result of an accident and died on February 7, 1984.
6. Private Malygin Alexander Vladimirovich seriously wounded in battle on March 12 and died on April 17, 1984.
7. Lieutenant Ovcharenko Sergey Vasilievich died on March 23 as a result of an accident - they drowned while crossing, but are officially listed as “missing” since their bodies were not found
8. Junior Sergeant Olennikov Yuri Nikolaevich
9. Private Belitsky Viktor Pavlovich
10. Private Kazanev Andrey Yurievich died on March 23 as a result of an accident - drowned while crossing
11. Private Mokrov Alexander Mikhailovich
12. Private Yurchenko Mikhail Ivanovich
13. Lieutenant Skuridin Oleg Viktorovich died in battle on April 8, according to the CPSU they died on April 7, 1984.
14. Junior Sergeant Malyuta Ivan Ivanovich
15. Private Asanov Eldar Ferdausovich died in battle on April 8, according to the CPSU he died on April 11, 1984.
16. Private Uchanin Andrey Nikolaevich - driver killed in action on April 8
17. Sergeant Borets Alexander Nikolaevich seriously wounded in battle on April 8 and died on April 11, 1984; according to the CPSU, seriously wounded on April 7, 1984.
18. Private Katsov Valery Vasilievich died in battle on April 9
19. Private Popov Igor Alexandrovich
20. Private Dresvyannikov Alexander Gennadievich killed in action on April 21
21. Private Sadikov Gulamjon Galievich killed in action on May 23
22. Junior Sergeant Melentiy Ivan Mikhailovich died in battle on June 1
23. Junior Sergeant Rudenko Nikolai Vasilievich
24. Private Dadaev Nugman Kambarovich
25. Private Kryzhanovsky Pyotr Andreevich
26. Private Kydyrmanov Ermek Kasenovich
27. Private Golubev Valery Vladimirovich killed in action on June 3
28. Sergeant Zhigalo Valery Viktorovich died on June 26 from heatstroke on a combat mission
29. Captain Babko Valery Vladimirovich killed in action on July 10
30. Sergeant Korolev Nikolai Vasilievich died of illness on July 22
31. Lieutenant Nafikov Khamit Muginovich died in battle on August 15
32. Junior Sergeant Magomedov Usman Magomedalievich
33. Corporal Kharitonov Andrey Ivanovich
34. Sergeant Pikhur Vasily Viktorovich died on September 8 in an accident
35. Private Monastyrsky Vitaly Stepanovich
36. Junior Sergeant Kudyma Oleg Evgenievich seriously wounded in battle on September 24 and died on September 25, 1984.
37. Junior Sergeant Tokmakov Sergey Nikolaevich killed in action on September 24
38. Junior Sergeant Vorobyov Gennady Valentinovich died on November 4 in a mine explosion
39. Private Matevosyan Matevos Samsonovich died in battle on June 1
40. Private Mukhin Alexey Viktorovich
41. Senior Sergeant Pirozhkov Vladimir Mikhailovich died in battle on December 4
42. Junior Sergeant Pekshin Igor Evgenievich
43. Private Dodomatov Mashakir Masharifovich
44. Private Dyldin Vasily Sergeevich
45. Private Ibragimov Tofik Ziyaddin-ogly
46. ​​Private Levshchanov Nikolai Vladimirovich
47. Private Moiseev Sergei Vladimirovich
48. Junior Sergeant Dzhimkhaev Musa Usmanovich seriously wounded in battle on December 4 and died on December 5, 1984.

Losses of 154 ooSpN in the period from 1985 to May 18, 1988. as part of the 15th separate special forces brigade


1. Senior Lieutenant Turusumbaev Igor Vladimirovich died on February 11 as a result of an accident - drowned while crossing
2. Lieutenant Lemishko Sergey Nikolaevich
3. Sergeant Kuramagomedov Mukhtarakhmed Zagirovich
4. Junior Sergeant Kolyanichenko Konstantin Nikolaevich
5. Private Abdualimov Ravshan Kuchkarovich
6. Private Makarchuk Arkady Stepanovich
7. Private Stela Sergei Vasilievich
8. Junior Sergeant Zhitnyakovsky Viktor Yulyanovich died on February 11 as a result of an accident - drowned while crossing - officially listed as missing, since their bodies were not found
9. Private Naumov Pavel Mikhailovich
10. Private Sitnikov Gennady Yakovlevich
11. Junior Sergeant Matniyazov Bakhtiyor Sultanovich died on February 11 as a result of an accident - drowned while crossing (in the All-Union Communist Party the cause of death was “killed in battle” with the date 12.2.1985)
12. Private Smykov Vladimir Leonidovich killed in action on March 19
13. Sergeant Plotnikov Sergey Alexandrovich died on March 23 in an accident
14. Junior Sergeant Korkin Mikhail Valentinovich killed in action on April 4
15. Private Davidenko Nikolai Ivanovich died in battle on July 22
16. Private Lyazin Pavel Vasilievich
17. Private Kuznetsov Sergei Nikolaevich killed in action on July 24
18. Private Glinov Alexander Alexandrovich died on August 13 in an accident
19. Lieutenant Samoilov Vasily Petrovich died of illness on August 10
20. Junior Sergeant Yuldashev Khikmatulla Rakhmatulaevich killed in action on August 25
21. Captain Turkov Alexey Valentinovich died in battle on September 19
22. Lieutenant Ovsyannikov Evgeniy Ivanovich
23. Private Orujov Hamlet Khanali-ogly killed in action on October 4
24. Senior Lieutenant Pedko Alexander Yurievich died in battle on October 30
25. Corporal Shcherba Alexander Vladimirovich
26. Private Dzhanzakov Daniyar Sabdenovich


1. Private Lobanov Alexey Mikhailovich killed in action on January 5
2. Private Nesterov Anatoly Vladimirovich killed in action on February 9
3. Private Pokhodzilo Oleg Nikolaevich killed in action on February 11
4. Lieutenant Krasilnikov Viktor Ivanovich seriously wounded in battle on March 19 and died in hospital on March 22, 1986.
5. Sergeant Kovalenko Vasily Vladimirovich died in battle on March 19
6. Junior Sergeant Pavel Pavlovich Rozhnovsky
7. Private Kushnirov Anatoly Stepanovich
8. Private Mochernyuk Mikhail Ivanovich
9. Private Osipov Vladimir Alexandrovich
10. Major Petunin Anatoly Anatolyevich seriously wounded on March 30 and died from the consequences of his wound in December 1989.
11. Senior Lieutenant Rozykov Kholmukhamad Dzhuraevich - detachment translator died in battle on March 30
12. Junior Sergeant Razlivaev Mikhail Nikolaevich
13. Corporal Kosichkin Sergey Vladimirovich
14. Private Veliky Vladimir Mikhailovich
15. Private Egorov Alexander Vasilievich
16. Private Podolyan Alexander Viktorovich
17. Private Einoris Viktor Bronislavovich
18. Private Yakuta Vitaly Vladimirovich
19. Private Buza Alexander Nikolaevich died in battle on March 30 - officially listed as “missing in action” due to the fact that their bodies remained on enemy territory
20. Private Moskvinov Dmiry Vladimirovich
21. Private Usachev Andrey Viktorovich died on May 28 in an accident
22. Private Zazimko Viktor Borisovich died of illness on July 16
23. Private Kukuruza Alexander Pavlovich died on July 28 from heatstroke while performing a combat mission
24. Sergeant Ibadov Shukhrat Inoyatullaevich died in battle on August 7
25. Junior Sergeant Kobylchenko Andrey Grigorievich
26. Private Vares Urmas Olevovich
27. Private Fursov Yuri Vladimirovich
28. Sergeant Yarmosh Vladimir Vasilievich died on September 16 while performing a combat mission as a result of an accident - drowned while crossing
29. Private Semenyuk Vasily Ivanovich
30. Private Miroshnichenko Anatoly Alexandrovich
31. Lieutenant Bondarev Valery Evgenievich died on November 29 on board a downed plane
32. Lieutenant Cherny Sergey Pavlovich


1. Private Rajapov Sadula Kuchkaevich died on January 13 as a result of an accident
2. Private Chegor Andrey Borisovich
3. Lieutenant Semin Igor Lvovich died on January 17 from a fragment of an exploding mine
4. Private Kabanov Vasily Anatolyevich died on January 17 while clearing mines
5. Lieutenant Zlunitsyn Oleg Igorevich died in battle on January 27
6. Sergeant Yatskovsky Sergey Vladimirovich
7. Private Kuchkinov Ibrahim Uktamovich
8. Private Ovdienko Nikolai Nikolaevich
9. Lieutenant Chikhirev Alexander Vasilievich died in battle on March 4
10. Lieutenant Khamalko Yuri Mikhailovich
11. Private Zhuraev Khasan Izabekovich
12. Private Belykh Dmitry Mikhailovich seriously wounded in battle on March 4 and died on May 14, 1987.
13. Junior Sergeant Tyufyakov Alexander Vasilievich died on May 25 from wounds received in battle
14. Private Yolkin Alexey Eduardovich died of wounds on June 8
15. Private Mikhail Alekseevich Govenko died on July 2 when an armored personnel carrier exploded on a mine
16. Junior Sergeant Soldatenko Alexander Nikolaevich died on July 8 when an armored personnel carrier exploded on a mine
17. Private Yakhyaev Fakhriddin Khairutdinovich
18. Private Atalov Chingiz Siyavush-ogly died in battle on July 8
19. Private Novikov Yuri Vasilievich
20. Private Kaydalin Yakov Vsevolodovich died on July 24 from wounds received as a result of suicide
21. Private Findyukevich Nikolai Vladimirovich died tragically on November 30 - suicide


Total irretrievable losses of 154 special forces for the entire period of stay in Afghanistan

amounted to 186 people killed and killed*, including 24 officers
* - including missing persons - actually dead
combat losses - 137
non-combat losses in combat situations - 6
non-combat losses - 44

Losses during periods of combat activity of the detachment -
"Muslim Battalion" - 8
"1 motorized rifle battalion" - 95
Composed of 15 obrSpN - 83*
Total - 186
* - including 1 who died from the consequences of injury after the withdrawal of troops

Details about the losses of the detachment in the period from October 1981 to October 1983 can be read in the memoirs of the detachment commander, Major Igor Yuryevich Stoderevsky, “Notes of a GRU special forces officer” at this link: — link

The explosion of the MTLB and the death of Art. lieutenant m/s, doctor 154 Special Operations Special Forces Begishev Elgizer Fedorovich here: — link


1. Private Gorbunov Evgeniy Aleksandrovich, born on November 7, 1981, the unit was stationed in Agche, called up from the Irkutsk region.
2. junior sergeant Oleynikov Yuri Nikolaevich, born March 23, 1984, died on March 23 as a result of an accident - drowned while crossing 3.84, part in Jalalabad, called up from Buryatia.
3. Lieutenant Ovcharenko Sergei Vasilievich, 03/23/84, unit in Jalalabad, called up from the Rostov region.
4. Private Viktor Pavlovich Belitsky, 03/24/84, unit in Jalalabad, drafted from Belarus.
5. Private Naumov Pavel Mikhailovich, 02/11/85, unit in Jalalabad, called up from the Moscow region.
6. Private Sitnikov Gennady Yakovlevich, 02/11/85, unit in Jalalabad, called up from the Sverdlovsk region.
7. Junior Sergeant Zhitnyakovsky Viktor Yulyanovich, 02/11/85, unit in Jalalabad, called up from Ukraine.
8. Private Buza Alexander Mikhailovich, 03/29/86, unit in Jalalabad, drafted from Belarus.
9. Private Moskvinov Dmitry Vladimirovich, 03/29/86, unit in Jalalabad, called up from Moscow.

Places and times of deployment of special forces (1981–1989)

Directorate of the 15th separate special forces brigade (1st separate motorized rifle brigade - “Jalalabad”)

Location: Jalalabad, Nangarhar province.

Time spent in Afghanistan: March 1985 – May 1988.

Directorate of the 22nd separate special forces brigade (2nd separate motorized rifle brigade - “Kandahar”)

154th separate special forces detachment (“Jalalabad”) (1st separate motorized rifle battalion)

In pursuance of General Staff Directive No. 314/2/0061 of April 26, 1979, Commander Turkvo No. 21/00755 of May 4, 1979 included a separate special forces detachment of 538 people in the staff of the 15th Special Forces Regiment. Directive of the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces No. 4/372-NSh of October 21, 1981 - 154th Special Forces. An annual holiday was determined - April 26 by General Staff Directive No. 314/2/0061.

Time spent in Afghanistan: November 1979 – May 1988.

Locations: Bagram-Kabul, Akcha-Aybak, Jalalabad, Nangarhar province.


Major Kholbaev Kh. T.;

Major Kostenko;

Major Stoderevsky I.Yu. (10.1981–10.1983);

Major Oleksenko V.I. (10.1983–02.1984);

Major Portnyagin V.P. (02.1984–10.1984);

captain, major Dementiev A.M. (10.1984–08.1984);

captain Abzalimov R.K. (08.1985–10.1986);

Major, Lieutenant Colonel Giluch V.P. (10.1986–11.1987);

Major Vorobiev V.F. (11.1987–05.1988).

Squad structure:

detachment headquarters;

1st special forces company on BMP-1 (6 groups);

2nd special purpose company on BTR-60pb (6 groups);

3rd special purpose company on BTR-60pb (6 groups);

The 4th heavy weapons company consisted of an AGS-17 platoon, an RPO “Lynx” platoon and an engineer platoon;

communications platoon;

platoon of ZSU "Shilka" (4 "Shilka");

automobile platoon;

logistics platoon.

177th separate special forces detachment (“Ghazni”) (2nd separate motorized rifle battalion)

Formed in February 1980 from the Northern Military District and Moscow Military District troops in the city of Kapchagay.

Location: Ghazni, since May 1988 - Kabul.

Time spent in Afghanistan: September 1981 – February 1989.


captain, major Kerimbaev B.T. (10.1981–10.1983);

Lieutenant Colonel Kvachkov V.V. (10.1983–02.1984);

Lieutenant Colonel V.A. Gryaznov (02.1984–05.1984);

captain Kastykpaev B.M. (05.1984–11.1984);

Major Yudaev V.V. (11.1984–07.1985);

Major Popovich A.M. (07.1985–10.1986);

Major, Lieutenant Colonel Blazhko A.A. (10.1986–02.1989).

173rd separate special forces detachment (3rd separate motorized rifle battalion - “Kandahar”)

Location: Kandahar.

Time spent in Afghanistan: February 1984 – August 1986.


Major Rudykh G.L. (02.1984–08.1984);

captain Syulgin A.V. (08.1984–11.1984);

captain, major Mursalov T.Ya. (11.1984–03.1986);

Captain, Major Bokhan S.K. (03.1986–06.1987);

Major, Lieutenant Colonel V.A. Goratenkov (06.1987–06.1988);

captain Breslavsky S.V. (06.1988–08.1988).

The structure of the detachment in March 1980:

squad management;

separate communication group;

anti-aircraft artillery group (four Shilkas);

1st reconnaissance company on BMP-1 (9 BMP-1 and 1 BRM-1K);

2nd reconnaissance company on BMP-1 (9 BMP-1 and 1 BRM-1K);

3rd reconnaissance and landing company on BMD-1 (10 BMD-1);

4th company AGS-17 (three fire platoons of three sections - 18 AGS-17, 10 BTR-70);

5th special weapons company (RPO “Lynx” flamethrower group, mining group on BTR-70);

6th company – transport.

Each of the combat (1st–3rd) companies, in addition to the commander, political officer, deputy for technical affairs, senior mechanic, BRM gunner-operator, foreman and clerk, included three special forces groups.

The group consisted of three squads, each of which consisted of a squad commander, a senior reconnaissance officer, a driver, a gunner-operator, a sniper, a reconnaissance corpsman and two machine gunners.

668th separate special forces detachment (4th separate motorized rifle battalion - “Barakinsky”)

The detachment was formed on August 21, 1984 in Kirovograd on the basis of the 9th Special Forces Brigade. On September 15, 1984, he was transferred to the subordination of Turkvo and introduced into Afghanistan in the present day. p. Kalagulai. In March 1985, he became part of the 15th Special Forces Brigade in the village of Sufla. The battle flag was presented on March 28, 1987. Released to the USSR on February 6, 1989.

Location: Sufla, Baraki district, Logar province.

Time spent in Afghanistan: February 1985 – February 1989.


Lieutenant Colonel Yurin I.S. (09.1984–08.1985);

Lieutenant Colonel Ryzhik M.I. (08.1985–11.1985);

Major Reznik E.A. (11.1985–08.1986);

Major Udovichenko V.M. (08.1986–04.1987);

Major Korchagin A.V. (04.1987–06.1988);

Lieutenant Colonel Goratenkov V.A. (06.1988–02.1989).

334th separate special forces detachment (5th separate motorized rifle battalion - “Asadabad”)

The detachment was formed from December 25, 1984 to January 8, 1985 in Maryina Gorka from the troops of the BVO, DVO, Lenvo, Prikvo, Savo; transferred to Turkvo on January 13, 1985. On March 11, 1985, it was transferred to the 40th Army.

Location: Asadabad, Kunar province.

Time spent in Afghanistan: February 1985 – May 1988.

Squad leaders:

Major Terentyev V.Ya. (03.1985–05.1985);

captain, major Bykov G.V. (05.1985–05.1987);

Lieutenant Colonel Klochkov A.B. (05.1987–11.1987);

Lieutenant Colonel Giluch V.P. (11.1987–05.1988).

370th separate special forces detachment (6th separate motorized rifle battalion - “Lashkarevsky”)

Location: Lashkar Gah, Helmand Province.

Time spent in Afghanistan: February 1984 – August 1988.

Squad leaders:

Major Krot I.M. (03.1985–08.1986);

captain Fomin A.M. (08.1986–05.1987);

Major Eremeev V.V. (05.1987–08.1988).

186th separate special forces detachment (7th separate motorized rifle battalion - “Shahjoysky”)

Location: Shahjoy, Zabol province.

Time spent in Afghanistan: April 1985 – May 1988.

Squad leaders:

Lieutenant Colonel Fedorov K.K. (04.1985–05.1985);

captain, major Likhidchenko A.I. (05.1985–03.1986);

Major, Lieutenant Colonel Nechitailo A.I. (03.1986–04.1988);

Major, Lieutenant Colonel Borisov A.E. (04.1988–05.1988).

411th separate special forces detachment (8th separate motorized rifle battalion - “Farakh”)

Location: Farah, Farah province.

Time spent in Afghanistan: December 1985 – August 1988.


captain Fomin A.G. (10.1985–08.1986);

Major Krot I.M. (08.1986–12.1986);

Major Yurchenko A.E. (12.1986–04.1987);

Major Khudyakov A.N. (04.1987–08.1988).

459th separate special forces company (“Kabul company”)

Stationed in Kabul.

Formed in December 1979 on the basis of a special forces training regiment in the city of Chirchik. Introduced into Afghanistan in February 1980.

During the hostilities, the company's personnel took part in more than six hundred combat missions.

Withdrawn from Afghanistan in August 1988.

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Directive of the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces 314/2/0061 of 04/26/1979 served as the basis for the order of the commander of the TURKVO troops 21/4/00755 of 05/04/1979 on the formation of a separate special forces detachment of 538 people in the staff of 15 OBRSPN. Which went down in the history of our Fatherland as the “Muslim Battalion”. Colonels V.V. Kolesnik, O.U. Shvets, N.N. Lavrenev were involved in its formation. and Blokhin A.P., as well as the head of intelligence of TURKVO, Colonel Dunets V.V. In order to maintain secrecy, it was decided to resettle the detachment from the brigade’s military camp, by economically repairing the abandoned camp of the engineering battalion. The commander of the 2nd detachment of the 15th OBRSpN, Major I.Yu. Stoderevsky, who was assigned to supervise the construction of the town, received under his command a company of military builders, several dozen civilian builders from all the KECH of the district, two hundred personnel from the brigade as auxiliary workers. In 2 months, the renovation of the town was completed. The recruitment of a new battalion began at a rapid pace, exclusively from individuals of Central Asian nationalities. Personnel arrived from all districts. Mainly from airborne divisions and to a lesser extent from motorized rifle units.

Command staff of the 154 Special Forces Special Forces of the first formation

Major Kholbaev Khabib Tadzhibaevich, born in 1947, was appointed commander of the detachment. Graduate of Tashkent Higher Educational Institution named after. Lenin. Since 1969, he served in the 15th OBRSpN as a group commander, SPN company commander, and deputy commander of the SPN detachment for airborne forces. Captains Sakhatov M.T. (deputy), Ashurov A.M. (chief of staff), Sattarov A.S. (political officer), Ibragimov E.N. ), Major Dzhalilov D. (deputy for logistics).

The companies were commanded by senior lieutenants: Amangeldyev K.M., Sharipov V.S., Miryusupov M.M., and Captain Kudratov I.S.. Senior Lieutenant Prouta V.M. was appointed commander of the anti-aircraft artillery group. Captain Nikonov was appointed commander of the ORNO. Deputy commander of the ZAG, ensign Neverov Yu. Separate communications and support platoons were commanded by senior lieutenant Mirsaatov Yu.M. and senior warrant officer Rakhimov A.

Combat formation of detachment units

By June 1, 1979, out of a thousand candidates submitted, the detachment was fully staffed to 532 people. In a month and a half, the detachment, completely freed from outfits, guards and extraneous work, completed a year-long combat training program. The entire detachment personnel made parachute jumps. Combat coordination of the formed units was carried out.

On July 15, the battalion underwent an inspection of combat and political training by a GRU General Staff commission. The chief of staff of TURKVO, Lieutenant General G.F. Krivosheev, was present from the district. Tactical exercises with live firing were conducted on the topics: “Capture of a mountain pass”, “Capture of a communications center”, “Capture of a separate building”, “Capture of an airfield”, “ Fight in the city."

Particular attention was paid to combat coordination at the group, company, and battalion levels. Shooting and driving tests were taken at the training grounds of general arms and tank schools. There were no limits on fuel and ammunition. The grenade launchers fired at range, for time, at noise through smoke, at minimum distances. Who is supposed to take practical tasks in mine demolition. All were tested for physical endurance during forced marches of 30 kilometers. During the entire inspection, specialist translators monitored the personnel’s assimilation of commands in Farsi and knowledge of Arabic writing. As a result, the commission assessed the results of the audit as good. There was a lull.

Soldiers began to be recruited for guard duty and for various chores. Only almost every day,” recalled detachment veteran Rashid Abdullaev, “the units, in order of priority, went to the Tuzel airfield and practiced loading armored vehicles onto airplanes. They meticulously calculated how much ammunition and material assets could be taken in the vehicles so that the planes could lift them.

Reconnaissance on the ground

By order of the head of the GRU, the detachment commander, Major Kholbaev, and the deputy commanders of the 15th brigade, Majors Gruzdev and Turbulanov, flew to Kabul to reconnoiter the presidential palace, as well as the renovated Taj Beg Palace in Duralaman, where Amin soon moved.

Telegram to the Chief of the General Staff Ogarkov

"In the period from July 11 to July 17, 1979, reconnaissance was carried out in the city of Kabul with the aim of possibly using the 15th TURKVO special forces brigade. According to the Soviet ambassador and heads of intelligence services, the greatest intensification of rebels in the periphery and the city of Kabul is expected in August. In this regard, the ambassador asks: to transfer the detachment to Kabul before August 10. The development of the implementation of transfer measures will be entrusted to the Air Force Commander-in-Chief and the TURKVO commander. "

Army General Ivashutin

However, the transfer of the detachment was delayed. In mid-October, the “Muslim” battalion again began intensive combat training under the “Capture Objects” program. AKM and AKMS assault rifles, RPK machine guns and TT system pistols received from warehouses were targeted. At the end of November, another inspection of combat training took place, to which the authorities came from Moscow. “There were several options for transferring to Afghanistan,” said Kholbaev. “In addition to the flight, a march under our own power to Kabul was also considered.”

However, on December 4, 1979, Yu. Andropov and N. Ogarkov sent the now well-known note 312/2/0073 to the CPSU Central Committee: “Taking into account the current situation and at the request of Kh. Amin, we consider it advisable to send to Afghanistan a detachment of the GRU General headquarters with a total number of 500 people in uniforms that do not reveal their affiliation with the Armed Forces of the USSR."

First entry into Afghanistan

On the night of December 5, from the Chirchik airfield, on an AN-12 plane, the first group from the 3rd special forces company under the command of the deputy detachment commander, Captain M.T. Sakhatov, left for Afghanistan. The transfer of all battalion personnel was carried out on the night of December 9-10, from two airfields, in Chirchik and Tashkent (Tuzel), by AN-12, AN-22, and Il-76 aircraft. Each flight took 45 minutes to depart. The interval between flights was no more than two hours. The departure was carried out in three flights of seven aircraft each to Bagram airfield. To accommodate the battalion at the Bagram airbase, Captain Sakhatov’s group prepared CSS tents at the rate of one for each company and for headquarters. Subsequently, the detachment was redeployed southwest of Kabul to the Dar-ul Aman area to strengthen the security of the Taj Beg presidential palace. 12/27/1979 at 19.00 began assault on the Taj Beg Palace, the operation ended at 23.00. Quite a lot has been written about how the “Muslim battalion” stormed this palace, and those who study or are simply interested in this topic have practically no questions left.

Only one thing should be added, the losses of the personnel of the “Muslim battalion” during the fighting during the storming of the Taj Beg Palace amounted to: 7 people killed (in addition, 5 KGB officers from the operational combat groups “Grom” and “Zenith” were killed, as well as 2 soldiers from the 9th parachute company of the 345th detachment (company commander, Senior Lieutenant V. Vostrotin) died on January 6, 1980, as a result of a tragic accident during Operation Storm 333. of varying severity, 67 servicemen of the SPN detachment were transferred back to Chirchik on January 10, 1980.

In April 1980, a Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR was signed on awarding 370 military personnel of the 15th Special Operations Brigade, participants in Operation Storm-333, with orders and medals of the USSR. 400 KGB officers of the USSR also received awards. At the end of 1981, efforts were made to increase the number of intelligence agencies. Two separate GRU special forces detachments are being introduced into Afghanistan for operations in the northern regions of the country. One of these battalions was - 154 OOSpN.

By that time, May 7, 1981, 154 OOSpN The unit's Battle Banner was awarded. The unit's holiday was determined to be April 26 (1979). Directive of the Chief of the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces 4/372 of October 21, 1981 154 OOSpN planned for introduction into the DRA on October 26, 1981.

Second deployment of 154 special forces to Afghanistan

The detachment, after reorganization, without conducting combat coordination, under the command of Major I.Yu. Stoderevsky, on the night of October 29-30, 1981, crossed the state border with Afghanistan in the Termez region.

154 OOSpN for the period of hostilities it received an open name - the 1st separate motorized rifle battalion (military unit field post 35651, call sign "Amur-35"). From October 30, 1981 to May 15, 1988 Detachment 154 took part in continuous hostilities with rebel armed forces. Destroying Mujahideen manpower through raids and ambushes, destroying enemy fortified areas (UR), front headquarters, Islamic committees, training centers, weapons and ammunition warehouses, participating in inspections of caravans and conducting aerial reconnaissance in the area of ​​​​responsibility.

The most famous combat operations of the detachment, after Storm 333, were:

  • capture of dushman bases in Jar-Kuduk (Jawzjan province, December 1981),
  • capture of dushman bases in Darzab (Fariab province, January 1982),
  • lifting the blockade of Sancharak (Jawzjan province, April 1982).
  • destruction of 2 gangs in Kuli-Ishan (Samangan province, October 1982),
  • capture of dushman bases in the Marmol Gorge (Balkh province, March 1983). Operations in the provinces of Nangarhar and Kunar near Kulala, Bar-Koshmund, Bagicha, in SD "Goshta", SD "Karera", Loy-Termai, in the Black Mountains, near Shahidan, Mangval, Sarband, army operation "Vostok-88" and others .

Combat order of the commander 40OA 01 dated March 13, 1988. conclusion 154 OOSpN was identified by the first column from Jalalabad on May 15, 1988. 228 units of military equipment in one column completed the Jalalabad-Kabul-Puli-Khumri-Hairaton march in three days. On May 18, we crossed the state border of the USSR in the Termez region. On May 20, 1988, by rail, we completed access to the place of permanent deployment in the city of Chirchik, USSR.

The 154th separate special forces detachment was commanded by:

  • Major Kholbaev Khabibdzhan Tadzhibaevich from 5.1979 to 8.1981.
  • Major Kosteniuk Nikolai Mikhailovich from 8.1981 to 10.1981.
  • Major Stoderevsky Igor Yurievich from 10.1981 to 11.1983.
  • Major Olekseenko Vasily Ivanovich from 11.1983 to 2.1984.
  • Major Portnyagin Vladimir Pavlovich from 2.1984 to 11.1984.
  • Major Dementyev Alexey Mikhailovich from 11.1984 to 8.1985.
  • Major Abzalimov Ramil Karimovich from 08.1985 to 10.1986.
  • Major Giluch Vladislav Petrovich from 10.1986 to 11.1987.
  • Captain Vorobyov Vladimir Fedorovich from 11.1987 to 6.1988.
  • Major Kozlov Yuri Vsevolodovich from 6.1988 to 9.1990.
  • Major Efimenko Anatoly Nikolaevich from 9.1990 to 9.1991.
  • Lieutenant Colonel Svirin Valery Mikhailovich from 9.1991 to 9.1992.
  • Major Vorontsov Sergey Anatolyevich from 9.1992 to 12.1994.

The special forces caused significant damage to the Islamic opposition, so according to the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces, the special forces of the GRU of the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces destroyed 17,000 dushmans, 990 caravans and 332 warehouses, and captured 825 prisoners.

Results of reconnaissance and combat activities of the 154 Special Operations Forces as of May 1, 1983:

  • 248 operations performed
  • 955 rebels were killed.
  • 452 people were captured.
  • 566 units of small arms captured.
  • DShK machine guns 2 units.
  • Ammunition captured Ammunition - more than 100,000 pieces.
  • Mines - 237 pcs.
  • Grenades - 228 pcs.
  • RPG shots - 183 pcs. Electric detonators - 5200 pcs.
  • Detonator capsules - 8000 pcs.
  • Mines for 60 mm mortar - 235 pcs.
  • 16 cavalry horses captured
  • 12 vehicles captured. and BRDM-1
  • 9 Islamic committees destroyed
  • The situation in the areas of responsibility of Jowzjan Province has been stabilized
  • Samangan Province
  • Our losses Killed - 34 people.
  • Missing - 1 person.

Changing the squad's deployment

  • June 1979 - December 1979 - Chirchik, Tashkent region, USSR;
  • December 1979 - January 1980 - Bagram, Kabul, Afghanistan;
  • February 1980 - October 1981 - Chirchik, Tashkent region, USSR;
  • October 1981 - July 1982 - Akcha, Jawzjan province, Afghanistan;
  • August 1982 - February 1984 - Aibak, Samangan province, Afghanistan;
  • February 1984 - May 1988 - Jalalabad, Nangarhar province, Afghanistan;
  • May 20, 1988 - May 1990 - Chirchik, Tashkent region, USSR, Uzbekistan.
  • June 1990-1994 - Azadbash, Bastanlyk district, Tashkent region, USSR;
  • December 1994 - 2000 transferred to the Ministry of Defense of Uzbekistan, renamed into the 28th separate reconnaissance battalion of the Armed Forces of the Ministry of Defense of Uzbekistan.
  • 2000 - Disbanded.


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