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One of the most prestigious military colleges in Russia today is the Ryazan Airborne School. In November 2018, it will celebrate its centenary; it was originally formed as the Ryazan Infantry Course. Over the course of its existence, the school has graduated several hundred thousand first-class military personnel who have defended and continue to defend the country for many years.

Ryazan Airborne School and its history (1918-1947)

RVVDKU (formerly RIVDV) today bears the honorary name of General V.F. Margelov, who put a lot of effort into making this educational institution one of the best in the country. On November 13, 1918, the Ryazan Infantry School (that’s what it was called then) opened its doors to its first students. Three years later, the institution became the owner of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee award for the courage shown by its students.

In August 1941, a decision was made to form a military parachute school on the basis of an existing educational institution evacuated to Kuibyshev. The school was engaged in training military personnel for the airborne troops, but few people knew about this; the uninitiated took it for an ordinary military unit.

In the fall of 1943, the school received an award - the Order of the Red Banner, which was awarded for the front-line successes of officers trained by the school. In 1946-1947, the current secondary school was located in the city of Frunze (now Bishkek), after which it returned to its rightful place - in Ryazan.

History of the school: post-war years

In 1958, the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union decided to reorganize the existing educational institution into the Higher Combined Arms Command School. The duration of study was increased to four years, and the diplomas that graduates received became equivalent to any document confirming higher education. The training of students remained at the highest level.

Who does the school teach?

In addition to the school itself, there is a large training center, a parachute club and an aviation military transport squadron. Cadets live in barracks-type dormitories and study in educational buildings, laboratories, complexes, and gyms. The school has its own shooting range, as well as a stadium with a sports complex. Next to the establishment there is a consumer services plant.

RVVDKU (Ryazan) trains certified specialists in three specialties and two specializations at once, adhering to the state order, which is formed by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. All programs are structured so that the duration of study for each of them is five years. Girls are admitted to the school on a general basis.

Ryazan Airborne School: faculties, departments

In total, the educational institution has three faculties: secondary vocational education - 8 (this is where you can get secondary vocational education), additional vocational education and a special faculty, where military personnel from abroad are trained. The role of the leading units of the RVVDKU is performed by platoons, departments and companies. As of 2015, there are 19 departments operating on the territory of the school.

15 out of 19 departments are military, the remaining 4 are general professional (Russian and foreign languages, humanities and natural sciences, mathematics and natural sciences, general professional disciplines). The school employs experienced specialists, among them more than 20 doctors of science and more than 150 candidates.

Extrabudgetary faculty

The school also has a Faculty of Communications and Automotive Transport, where you can get education on an extra-budgetary basis. It trains bachelors in the specialties “Automobiles and Automotive Industry” and “Personnel Management of Organizations”. The training lasts four years, the student can receive education in full-time and part-time forms.

To enter the first specialty, you must pass the Unified State Exam in the Russian language, mathematics and physics, and for the second - in the Russian language, mathematics and social studies. For each discipline, it is recommended to check with the school itself, since it may vary. The cost of annual training in both specialties has not changed since 2013. As of June 2015, it is 64 thousand rubles for full-time studies and 28 thousand for correspondence courses.

Educational process

RVVDKU (Ryazan) differs from all other military schools in that the educational process is structured completely differently here. The training is organized in such a way that all students receive not only theoretical, but also practical skills, and quite often this happens within the same lesson. There is practically no division between lecture and practical courses.

The duration of training is 5 years for cadets, and those who want to become officers will have to study a little longer - 5 years and 10 months. Cadets study for 10 semesters, at the end of each of them they must take tests and exams, this is similar to the examination session in civilian higher educational institutions.

Theoretical classes include attending lectures, writing laboratory and test papers, and attending extracurricular consultations. Practical work includes internships, group classes and exercises. From the second year onwards, all cadets must defend coursework on a topic previously agreed upon with their supervisor.

Over the entire five years of training, cadets spend more than 12 months on field trips. Every year, cadets go on a thirty-day vacation in the summer and a fourteen-day vacation in the winter. Those cadets who graduated from the school with honors receive an advantage in choosing the place where they will serve, according to the existing order.

Who can become a cadet at the school?

Admission to the Ryazan Airborne Forces School begins on the first of July every year. Young people face quite serious health requirements. Those who have not served, if they are not yet 22 years old, as well as those who are currently serving on conscription or on a contract basis (up to 25 years old) can become cadets. Even those who previously served in the army are allowed to enroll, provided that they are not yet 24 years old.

All potential cadets are required to undergo a medical examination and submit the relevant documents to the admissions committee. Active military personnel must attach a medical record to the card. It should be noted that applicants with criminal, anti-Russian, nationalist and obscene tattoos are not accepted into the school; these are its internal rules.

To enroll in the Ryazan Airborne Forces School, you must provide photocopies or originals of documents proving your identity and education, as well as certificates of passing the Unified State Exam. Candidate cadets who already have secondary education can enroll after internal examinations, which the school organizes independently.

Admission conditions: Unified State Exam

All potential students of the RVVDKU school (Ryazan) planning to study in higher education programs undergo an assessment of general educational skills, which is carried out based on the results of the Unified State Exam. To enroll in the specialty “Human Resources Management”, you must provide certificates of passing exams in mathematics (passing score - 27), social studies (42 points) and Russian language (36 points).

To study the specialty "Translation and Translation Studies" you must pass a foreign language (passing score - 22), Russian language (36 points) and history (32 points). For the specialty “Infocommunication Technologies” you will need to pass physics (passing score - 36), mathematics (27 points) and Russian language (36 points).

Those who plan to study in a secondary education program may not provide Unified State Examination certificates; the decision on enrollment will be made by the admissions committee based on other parameters. We are talking about fitness for health reasons and assessing the physical fitness of the future cadet; they will also help him determine the category of professional suitability without conducting any exams.

Admission conditions: physical training

The Ryazan Airborne Military School has a special status, and all its cadets must have excellent physical training. That is why applicants are required to go through a physical fitness level test, this applies to both boys and girls. If an applicant is going to receive higher professional education, he will have to take pull-ups, running and swimming (if conditions permit).

If the applicant plans to receive secondary vocational education, the same exercises are offered, but the standards for enrollment in this case are slightly higher. You are given only one chance to perform a physical exercise; the results are entered into the competition list along with data from the Unified State Examination certificates. Based on them, the decision on enrollment is formed.

Admission to the Ryazan Airborne Forces School requires the applicant to be in good physical shape, so it is best to start preparing in advance. Having diplomas, certificates, and awards in the field of sports disciplines is welcome, but this does not give priority in admission.

Educational and methodological work

The Ryazan Airborne Forces School is famous for its teachers, all of them have extensive service experience, about 150 of them were participants in combat operations in Afghanistan, South Ossetia, and the North Caucasus. Thanks to this, all cadets receive the most necessary skills for further military service. Among other things, teachers constantly conduct methodological work with their students aimed at improving the quality of education.

Beginning teachers here can also acquire the skills necessary to work with cadets; a “School of Pedagogical Excellence” has been opened especially for them, the duration of training is two years. Periodically, the school organizes methodological experiments, as a result of which the latest teaching methods are developed in military educational institutions.


The oath at the Ryazan Airborne Forces School takes place in early September; parents and friends of first-year students usually come to this solemn event. The school management congratulates all students.

According to existing tradition, the oath always ends with a solemn march and demonstration performances in which officers and cadets take part. Parents can ask all their questions to the head of the school, as well as to the teachers who are always present at the oath of freshmen.

How to get there?

The educational institution has a favorable location and is located near the Ryazan-1 railway station. The address of the Ryazan Airborne Forces School is pl. General of the Army V.F. Margelov, 1. To get from the station to the school, you need to take bus route No. 5 “Railway Station - Turlatovo Platform”, then get to the stop “Library named after M. Gorky”, and from there walk along Seminarskaya street about 500 meters.

From the Ryazan-2 railway station you can get to the school using minibus No. 57 “Novoselov 60 - village. Bozhatkovo”, you need to get off at the “Mikhailovskoye Shosse” stop and get off at the “Gorky Library” stop. The fare is 16 rubles.

The school is located in several buildings, access to some of them is limited, so photos of the RVVDKU and its interior are not so easy to find. However, everyone can attend the oath ceremony, as well as open days to feel the military spirit of the educational institution.


to the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command Order of Suvorov twice Red Banner School

named after Army General V.F. Margelova in 2017

1. These Rules regulate the admission of citizens of the Russian Federation to the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command Order of Suvorov twice Red Banner School named after Army General V.F. Margelov for training in basic educational programs of higher and secondary vocational education in accordance with the license for the right to carry out educational activities.

2. Admission to the RVVDKU for the first year is carried out on a competitive basis from July 1. Citizens who are medically fit to serve in the Airborne Forces are accepted to study at the school:

Those who have completed or are undergoing military service under the age of 24;

Contract military personnel - up to 27 years of age;

Those who have not completed military service - up to 22 years of age;

For programs with secondary military special training - up to 30 years.

The school is intended to fulfill the state personnel order for the training of highly qualified specialists withhigher education in specialty :

« Personnel management (Armed Forces, other troops, military formations and equivalent bodies of the Russian Federation)", qualification - specialist. Unified State Exam: Mathematics (major), Russian language, social studies (boys)

Military specialties :

“Use of units of the Airborne Troops (mountain)”;

"Translation and translation studies", qualification - specialist. (boys)

Military specialty : “Use of special reconnaissance units”; specialization "Linguistic support of military activities." Unified State Examination: foreign language (English, German, French), Russian language, history.

« ", qualification - specialist. (boys and girls)

Military specialty: “Use of communications units of the Airborne Forces” Unified State Examination: mathematics (profile), Russian language, physics.

Duration of training in all specialties is 5 years . Graduates receive a specialist diploma and are awarded the first military rank "Lieutenant ».

Training programs for mid-level specialists.

Since December 2009, the school has been training cadets to fill the positions of sergeants (foremen) for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the following specialties:

« ", qualification "technician " (boys)

- group commander;

- deputy commander of a parachute platoon;



« Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles ", qualification "technician » for military automobile inspection. (boys)

For military specialties:

- group commander;

- deputy commander of a repair platoon, commander of an automobile platoon, commander of a support platoon.

« Communication networks and switching systems”, qualification “technician” " (boys)

For military specialties:

- senior technician

« ", qualification "technician". (boys)

For military specialties:


« Radio communications, radio broadcasting and television ", qualification "technician " (boys)

For military specialties:


Duration of training for all specialties2 years 10 months . Graduates receive a diploma of secondary vocational education and are awarded the military rank "Ensign ».

3. Admission conditions for higher education programs

1) assessment of the level of general education training (based on the results of the Unified State Exam):

« Personnel Management » MATHEMATICS, social studies, Russian language.

« Translation and translation studies » FOREIGN LANGUAGE (ENGLISH, GERMAN), Russian language, history.

« Infocommunication technologies and special communication systems » PHYSICS, mathematics, Russian language.

2) determination of fitness for health reasons;

3) assessment of the level of physical fitness;

4) determination of the category of professional suitability.

Conditions for admission to secondary education programs

For citizens with secondary (complete) general or primary vocational education, the conditions for admission to study in secondary education programs include:

1) determination of fitness for health reasons;

2) assessment of the level of physical fitness;

3) determination of the category of professional suitability.

4) without assessing the level of general educational preparation.

Procedure for submitting documents

4. Candidates with secondary vocational education, as well as certain categories of candidates, can enroll in studies based on the results of general education entrance tests conducted by the university independently:

candidates from among persons receiving (received) secondary general education as part of the development of educational programs of secondary vocational education;

5. An applicant to the first year of training in a specialist training program has the right to submit an application for participation in the competition simultaneously in three areas of training.

Benefits for admission are determined by the legislative acts of the Russian Federation.

6. When submitting an application for admission to a higher education institution, the applicant submits:

Original or photocopy of documents proving his identity and citizenship;

Original or photocopy of a state-issued education document;

Information about passing the Unified State Exam.

Original documents must be submitted before the start of the credentials committee; candidates who have not submitted original documents will not be admitted to the credentials committee.

Minimum number of points for entrance examinations

Russian language - 36 points

Mathematics - 32 points

Physics - 36 points

History - 32 points

Social studies - 42 points

Foreign language - 30 points

Determination of fitness for health reasons

7. To successfully pass the medical examination at the school, you must have a medical examination card. The card must contain the conclusion of the military medical commission on suitability for admission to the RVVDKU.

For military personnel, a medical record is additionally presented, which reflects the results of annual in-depth and control examinations and requests for medical help.

Military personnel and citizens in the reserve who have benign skin lesions (tattoos) with a criminal, nationalist or anti-Russian orientation, as well as profanity, are not allowed to enroll in the school.

8. Checking the level of physical fitness is carried out in accordance with the Manual on Physical Training of the RF Armed Forces (minimum threshold):

in higher education :

young men :

Exercise No. 4 - pull-ups on the bar (10 times).

Exercise No. 41 - 100 m run (13.9 sec.).

Exercise No. 46 - 3 km run. (12.25 min.).

girls :

Exercise No. 1 - flexion and extension of the arms while lying down (12 times).

Exercise No. 41 - 100 m run (17.2 sec.).

Exercise No. 45 - 1 km run. (4.27 min.).

Exercise No. 57 - 100 m swimming (3.45 min) (Subject to conditions).

on SPO:


Exercise No. 4 - pull-ups on the bar (8 times).

Exercise No. 41 - 100 m run (14.4 sec.).

Exercise No. 46 - 3 km run. (14.00 min.).

Exercise No. 57 - 100 m swimming (2.24 min) (Subject to conditions).

One attempt is given to complete the physical exercise. Testing the physical fitness of candidates is carried out in sportswear.

The results of candidates’ physical fitness are included in the competition lists along with the results of passing the Unified State Exam. For enrollment, a table is used to convert the amount of points scored on physical fitness to a 100-point scale.

9. The determination of the category of professional suitability is carried out according to the main components: intellectual characteristics; personal qualities; level of military professional motivation; speed characteristics of thought processes; sociological qualities.

10. Cadets who have not completed military service enter into a contract from their second year. Cadets who are undergoing and have completed military service enter into a contract from the moment of admission. In case of expulsion due to reluctance to study, indiscipline or poor academic performance, payment for the military component of training is reimbursed.

11. Service time regulations - in accordance with the Charter of the Internal Service of the RF Armed Forces. Accommodation for military personnel is in barracks and cockpit-type dormitories, depending on the course of training.

The personnel are fed three times a day, in one shift, in the cadet canteen using the in-line method, according to Airborne Forces standards.

Personnel are provided with clothing in accordance with airborne supply standards


to the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command

Order of Suvorov twice Red Banner School

named after Army General V.F. Margelov,



Specialties of training in higher education programs

The school is intended to fulfill the state personnel order for the training of highly qualified specialists with higher education in the following specialties:

in the interests of the Airborne Forces :

“Personnel management (Military forces, other troops, military formations and equivalent bodies of the Russian Federation)”, qualification - specialist. Unified State Exam: MATHEMATICS (profile, minimum threshold - 32), Russian language (36), social studies (42). (boys)

Military specialties:

“The use of military reconnaissance units of the Airborne Forces”;

“Use of units of the Airborne Forces”;

“Use of airborne support units”;

“Use of Marine Corps Units”;

“Use of units of the Airborne Troops (mountain).”

“Infocommunication technologies and special communication systems”, specialist. Unified State Exam: MATHEMATICS (major - 32), physics (36), Russian language (36). (boys and girls)

Military specialty:

“Use of airborne communications units”;

“The use of units and the operation of an automated control system for the tactical level of the Airborne Forces.”

In the interests of the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces for specialties :

“Personnel management (Armed forces, other troops, military formations and equivalent bodies of the Russian Federation)”, specialist. Unified State Exam: MATHEMATICS (major - 32), Russian language (36), social studies (42). (boys)

Military specialty:

"Use of special units."

"Translation and translation studies", specialist. Unified State Exam: FOREIGN LANGUAGE (30), Russian language (36), history (32). (boys)

Military specialty:

“Use of special reconnaissance units”;

“The use of special reconnaissance units (with the study of Arbalet-2 parachute systems)”

The duration of training in all specialties is 5 years. Graduates receive a specialist diploma and are awarded the first military rank of “Lieutenant”.

After completing the first year, students enter into a contract with the Russian Defense Ministry for the duration of their studies at the school and for 5 years of service after graduation.

Professional selection of candidates for training is carried out by the school’s admissions committee from July 1 and includes:

Determination of the category of professional suitability;

Assessment of the level of general education training (based on the results of the Unified State Examination).

Specialties of training in secondary vocational education programs

Since December 2009, the school has been training mid-level specialists (without exams in general education subjects) for the RF Armed Forces in the following specialties:

« Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles ", qualification - technician. (boys)

For military specialties:

- group commander;

- deputy commander of an airborne support platoon;

- deputy commander of a repair platoon, commander of an automobile platoon, commander of a support platoon.

« Communication networks and switching systems ", technician. (boys)

For military specialties:

- senior technician

« Multichannel telecommunication systems ", technician. (boys)

For military specialties:

- station manager, department head, senior technician.

“Radio communications, radio broadcasting and television” technician. (boys)

For military specialties:

- deputy platoon commander.

Admission without the Unified State Exam and without assessing the level of general education preparation.

The duration of training in all specialties is 2 years 10 months. Upon completion of training, an all-Russian diploma of secondary vocational education is issued with the conferment of the military rank “Ensign K”.

Professional selection of candidates for training at the Faculty of Secondary Professional Education is carried out by the admissions committee of the school from July 1 and includes:

Determination of fitness for health reasons;

Assessment of the level of physical fitness;

Determination of the category of professional suitability.

After completing their studies, graduates receive guaranteed employment in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and a decent salary.


Federal State Treasury Military Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School named after Army General V.F. Margelov"


License: reg. No. 1827 Series 90Л01 No. 0008851 dated December 17, 2015


Certificate of state Accreditations: reg. No. 1818 Series 90Л01 No. 0001911 from 04/07/2016 to 05/08/2021

Extrabudgetary Faculty of Communications and Automotive Transport

Announces admission for higher professional education in the following areas of training:

03.23.03 "Operation of transport and technological machines and complexes ».

Training profile “Cars and automotive industry”.

38.03.03 "Personnel Management ».

Profile of training "Human Resource Management of Organizations"

Graduate qualification - bachelor. Duration of training - 4 years

1. List of entrance tests.

Admission to the first year of study in undergraduate programs at the Faculty is carried out: based on the results of the Unified State Exam (hereinafter - the Unified State Exam) in general education subjects corresponding to the field of study (specialty) for which admission is carried out, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field education - persons with secondary (complete) general or secondary vocational education.

Russian language, mathematics, physics.

Russian language, mathematics, social studies.

2. List and information on the forms of conducting entrance examinations for persons with higher professional education.

Citizens with higher professional education entering the School to receive a second higher professional education are interviewed in the following disciplines for areas of training:

Training profile "Cars and automotive industry":

Russian language (test);

mathematics (test);

physics (test).

Training profile “Human Resource Management of Organizations”:

Russian language (test);

mathematics (test);

social studies (tickets).

3. List and information on forms of entrance examinations for persons with specialized secondary vocational education

Citizens with specialized secondary vocational education who enter the School to receive higher vocational education under a shortened program are interviewed in the following disciplines for areas of training:

03.23.03 “Operation of transport and technical machines and complexes.”

Training profile "Cars and automotive industry":

Russian language (test);

mathematics (test);

physics (test).

03/38/03 “Human Resources Management”.

Training profile “Human Resource Management of Organizations”:

Russian language (test;

mathematics (test);

social studies (test).

All entrance tests are conducted in Russian.

4. Information about the timing of the Unified State Examination for passing the Unified State Exam by persons who do not have Unified State Exam results.

For persons who do not have a Unified State Exam certificate, the place where they take the Unified State Exam is determined by the education department at the place of registration.

5. Establish tuition fees for basic educational programs of higher professional education at the extra-budgetary faculty of communications and road transport for the 2016/17 academic year.

For 1st year students of full-time study for the direction of preparation of higher professional education "Operation of transport and technological machines and complexes" based on the base rate of 72,000 rubles per year of study; for the direction of higher education training "Human Resource Management" based on the base rate of 68,000 rubles per year of study.

For 1st year students of the correspondence (correspondence shortened) form of study for the direction of preparation of higher professional education "Operation of transport and technological machines and complexes" - 30,000 rubles per year; for the direction of higher education training "Human Resource Management" - 28,000 rubles per year.

(Order No. 1279 dated July 6, 2016 “On establishing the cost of educational services provided by the school for the 2016/17 academic year”)

“There are no former paratroopers,” they say in the ranks of the Airborne Forces. Consequently, having decided to connect his life with study, and then with service in the Airborne Forces, a person carefully considers his choice. Soon he will forever become one of the members of the integral landing community. The first step on this path is joining the airborne school .


1. Applicants may be persons from 16 to 22 years of age who have not served in the army. The age threshold can be expanded to 24 years for persons who have completed military service and for persons in the process of serving under a contract.

2. Admission to the Ryazan Higher Airborne Forces school includes the following stages: determining the candidate’s suitability for admission for health reasons, determining the category of professional suitability, assessing the level of general educational and physical fitness.

3. The health status of applicants is determined by an early and final examination. The first is carried out in the military unit at the place of residence. The second is by the medical commission of the school.

4. There are certain standards for admission to testing: height of at least 170 cm, excellent vision and typical blood pressure.

5. The purpose of determining professional suitability is to form a high-quality school staff that meets every requirement of the future profession. Basically, its stages are comprehension of personal affairs, conversations with heads of departments, monitoring of applicants, testing. Past achievements and self-confidence will help you pass this difficult test.

6. Entrance tests to assess the level of general educational readiness are carried out on the basis of secondary or complete general education programs. Applicants to the specialty “Human Resources Management” take exams in the following subjects: mathematics, physics, and Russian. For the specialty "Translation and Translation Studies", applicants take the Russian language, literature and foreign language.

7. To determine physical fitness, candidates for training undergo several tests: pull-ups, 100 m run, 3 km run, swimming. There are certain standards for performing these tasks. True, for civilian youth the requirements are a little more loyal than for military personnel. In any case, intensive preparation must precede admission.

In Ryazan, the leadership of the famous airborne school is summing up the results of recruiting freshmen. The highest competition was... among girls - 8 people per seat. Admission of female students resumed this year after a five-year break. The previous course was trained as an airborne service officer. Those who enroll this year will master the automation of airborne control systems.

Despite strict orders and standing at attention, these girls are still “in civilian life.” They have testing and exams ahead. After this, half will leave the Ryazan Airborne School. The rest have an oath and 5 years of cadet life.

People come here from all over the country. Applicants from the Tambov and Ulyanovsk regions, from Belgorod and Voronezh. Marina is from the Rostov region. She had no military family yet.

: “What attracts people in the military profession, of course, is constancy to a greater extent. That is, constant work, constant income. This is a kind of reliability, independence. In general, I really love the Motherland! I want to defend it.”

Marina is not afraid of either the difficulties of army life or possible difficulties in her personal life.

Marina Manaeva, applicant to RVVDKU named after. Army General V.F. Margelova: “They say that girls who served in the airborne troops will be afraid of guys. But we are not afraid. I think there will be some for us too. 7 billion people, I think there will be some.”

The women's platoon first appeared at this university 6 years ago - in 2008. That year the competition was more than 20 people per place. Out of five thousand girls, two dozen passed the strict selection process.

Angela Schastlivenko is from that already legendary platoon. For 5 years they were taught to drive combat vehicles and command personnel, jump with a parachute, and survive in inhumanly difficult conditions. Some left because they couldn’t stand the harsh army life, some left for health reasons, and some simply got married.

Angela Schastlivenko, platoon commander of the battalion of cadets of the RVVDKU named after. Army General V.F. Margelova, lieutenant: “There must be great motivation and a very great desire. Indeed, this desire should come from the soul, from the heart. If a person wants, he will do everything to ensure that his goal, his dream comes true.”

Angela served for a year in the 51st Guards Parachute Regiment in Tula. Then she returned to her native school to prepare applicants for service in the Airborne Forces. In a few years, female officers will become commanders of airborne platoons, provide communications, and help drop off paratroopers and equipment.

According to the Ministry of Defense, now About 11 thousand women serve in the ranks of the Russian army. But their number has been declining in recent years - previously there were up to 50 thousand girls in the ranks of the armed forces.

Due to the disbandment of the school, recruitment is not being carried out. The information provided below is out of date and is provided as an "advocacy note" only.




Ryazan Higher Military Command School of Communications - Federal state military educational institution of higher professional education with a period of study of 5 years.
License for the right to carry out educational activities dated October 12, 2005 No. 169517 issued by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science.

RVVKUS graduates receive:

1. Higher military-special education with the military rank of “lieutenant”.
2. Civilian specialties in the field of “Telecommunications” with the qualification of a certified specialist “engineer” in the following specialties:
"Multichannel telecommunication systems"
"Radio communications, radio broadcasting and television"
"Communication networks and switching systems."
3. Driver's license category "C" (category "B") and a certificate for the right to operate electrical installations.
Upon completion of their studies, school graduates undergo military service in command and engineering officer positions in all branches (branches) of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
The Ryazan Higher Military Command School of Communications is the only military educational institution in Russia that trains communications officers for the Airborne Forces.


By education - citizens of the Russian Federation who have a state-issued document on secondary (complete) general, secondary vocational education or a diploma of primary vocational education, if it contains a record of the citizen receiving secondary (complete) general education.
By age - persons who have not completed military service from 16 to 22 years (at the time of admission), military personnel and those who have completed military service up to 24 years. Age is determined as of August 1 of the year of admission.
Those wishing to enroll in RVVKUS:
citizens who have and have not served in military service, before April 1 of the year of admission, submit an application to the military commissariat of the district at the place of residence;
military personnel submit a report on command before April 1 of the year of admission, and graduates of Suvorov military schools submit an application before May 15 of the year preceding the year of graduation.
Conscription commissions of military commissariats and commanders of military units conduct a preliminary selection of candidates to determine suitability for training in military educational institutions.


Conducted from July 1 to July 30 (the date of arrival at the school will be communicated personally through the military commissariat) and includes:
I. Determining the suitability of candidates for admission to school for health reasons
II. Entrance exams:
1. Determination of the category of professional suitability of candidates based on their socio-psychological study, psychological and psychophysiological examination;
2. Russian language exam (presentation), or Unified State Examination results;
H. Mathematics exam (written), or Unified State Examination results;
4. Physics exam (written), or Unified State Exam results;
5. Physical fitness exam (pull-ups, 100-meter run, 3000-meter run).

Assessing the level of physical fitness of candidates

Civic youth

Military personnel




100m sprint

3000 m run

Admission is carried out on a competitive basis based on the results of passing all entrance exams. If there are vacancies in the 2nd year of the school, citizens who have completed the first years of higher educational institutions and are enrolled as cadets can be transferred to the 2nd year after they undergo combined arms training and take the Military Oath, taking into account the transfer of academic disciplines.

The following are exempt from exams in Russian language, mathematics, and physics:

  • military personnel, including those transferred to the reserve, who served in conscription and at the same time performed tasks in an armed conflict of a non-international nature in the Chechen Republic and in the immediately adjacent territories of the North Caucasus, classified as a zone of armed conflict;
  • graduates of Suvorov military schools, if they are sent in accordance with the Distribution Plan for candidates for admission to study;
  • persons who graduated with medals (gold or silver) “For special achievements in learning” from state accredited educational institutions of secondary (full) general or primary vocational education, as well as persons who graduated with honors from state accredited educational institutions of secondary vocational education, with positive the results of the interview conducted by the admissions committee on subjects submitted for entrance exams;
  • graduates of 11 (12) classes of educational institutions of secondary (complete) general education, whose preparation was assessed based on the results of the unified state exam with positive results of the interview conducted by the admissions committee in the subjects submitted for entrance exams.

Outside the competition, candidates who have successfully passed the professional selection are accepted from among:

  • orphans and children left without parental care;
  • citizens discharged from military service and entering universities on the recommendations of commanders of military units;
  • participants in hostilities;
  • citizens who, in accordance with the Law of the RSFSR of May 15, 1991 No. 1244-1 “On the social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster,” were granted the right to non-competitive admission to institutions of higher professional education;
  • citizens under the age of 20 who have only one parent - a disabled person of group I, if the average per capita family income is below the subsistence level established in the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation;
  • other citizens who, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, are granted the right to non-competitive admission to institutions of higher professional education.

When enrolling cadets in a university, priority rights are enjoyed by candidates who have shown equal results during the entrance examinations from among:

  • citizens who have a preferential right to admission in accordance with the Law of the RSFSR of May 15, 1991 No. 1244-1 “On the social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant”;
  • children of Heroes of the Russian Federation;
  • citizens discharged from military service;
  • children of military personnel performing military service under a contract and having a total duration of military service of 20 years or more;
  • children of citizens discharged from military service upon reaching the age limit for military service, health conditions or in connection with organizational and staffing events, the total duration of military service of which is 20 years or more;
  • children of military personnel who died while performing their military service duties or who died as a result of injury (wounds, trauma, concussion) or illness received during the performance of their military service duties;
  • citizens who, in accordance with the established procedure, have been assigned the sports rank of candidate for master of sports, the first sports rank or sports rank in a military applied sport;
  • citizens who have been trained in military-patriotic, youth and children's associations;
  • other citizens who, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, are given preferential rights when entering universities.


In order to provide high-quality preparation for admission to college, there are preparatory courses with evening, correspondence and short-term forms of study. Duration of training – 8 months (from October to May).
The course curriculum includes:
*For evening courses:
– classes 3-4 times a week, tests, consultations;
– intermediate certification, rehearsal exams in form and content corresponding to the entrance examinations.
*For distance learning:
– performance of control work, consultations;
– two four-day training camps with intermediate certification and rehearsal exams.
The courses are accepted for young men studying in the final classes of educational institutions of secondary (complete) education or having secondary education.
Applications for preparatory courses are accepted from September 20 of the current year. Enrollment in courses while classes are in progress is permitted. To pre-enroll in courses, you must fill out an application in which you must indicate: last name, first name, patronymic, address of residence. Final enrollment is made by order of the head of the school after payment of the cost of training for the courses. The amount of tuition fees is set annually according to an estimate approved by the head of the school. The effectiveness of the courses is quite high - every year up to 80% of course participants enter the school.


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