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The more people live in a house, the more water is consumed. And the more difficult it is to solve the problem of wastewater disposal. If the flow rate is high, installing storage tanks is unprofitable, since the need for frequent cleaning will be expensive.

In this case, it is more advisable to install a septic tank that can not only use, but also purify large volumes of water. So, if the daily volume of wastewater is about 1.5 cubic meters, then Topas 8 would be an excellent solution. This installation is suitable for servicing facilities with 7-8 residents.

Description of the septic tank

Topas 8 is an autonomous sewage system that uses biological treatment methods. It is suitable for a house or other facility where up to 8 people permanently live. In addition, a septic tank is suitable for families with a smaller composition, who like to frequently receive guests or who plan to install a mini-pool at home.

The model has a plastic case, which is internally divided by partitions into four isolated compartments. The wastewater passes through these compartments sequentially, gradually being cleared of impurities.

The movement of liquids between the chambers occurs using simple pumps - airlifts, they operate at the expense of compressors. The compressor is also used to carry out the aeration process. Thanks to this, the wastewater is almost completely purified of organic impurities, the purification level is 95-98%.


Modern wastewater treatment plants are subject to strict requirements. They should have a simple design (the simpler the design, the fewer breakdowns) and at the same time provide a high degree of cleaning.

In addition, the model should not require complex maintenance; the consumer can perform most of the work independently after studying the operating instructions. The technical characteristics of the standard Topas 8 model are as follows:

  • productivity – 1500 liters in 24 hours;
  • the optimal number of users is 6-8;
  • volume of the receiving chamber – 440 liters;
  • pipe connection level – 40-80 cm;
  • energy consumption for 24 hours – 1.5 kW;
  • body dimensions 163 x 117 x 250 cm;
  • weight – 350 kg.

In addition to the standard model, modifications are available that have similar technical characteristics, but have different dimensions and additional devices.


The standard model provides for the removal of purified water naturally, that is, by gravity. However, it is not always possible to ensure natural drainage of water. For example, if the soil is heavy and poorly absorbent. Or the soil is too wet due to the high rise of soil water.

In the described cases, the solution to the problem will be the installation of a septic tank Topas 8 Ave. Its difference is the equipment for forced water drainage. After the water is purified, it will be sent to an additional storage tank. When this storage tank is filled, the drainage pump is automatically turned on, which provides pumping for discharge, for example, to the nearest body of water.

As already noted, the maximum connection depth for the supply pipeline for the standard model is 80 cm. However, often the pipeline must be laid at a greater depth.

This may be caused by climatic factors or difficult terrain on the site. In this case, you should choose the Topas 8 long septic tank model. A special feature of the model is the elongated neck. The height of the body of this modification is 3.1 meters. Thanks to this, it will be possible to connect the pipe at a depth of up to 1.4 meters.

In the event that it is necessary to ensure deep laying of pipes and forced pumping out of purified water, it is recommended to choose the Topas 8 long pr model. This modification has an elongated neck, in addition, Topas 8 long pr is supplemented with a pump and a container for collecting purified liquid.

The principle of operation of a septic tank

How does the Topas 8 septic tank work? This is a modern bio-treatment plant, it uses only natural methods that occur in nature. It is known that natural reservoirs have the ability to self-purify.

An important role in this process is played by certain types of microorganisms that decompose organic pollutants. The principle of operation of the Topas 8 septic tank is as follows:

  • sewage effluent is transported through a laid pipeline to the septic tank and enters the receiving chamber;

  • here they gradually accumulate and are freed from the largest undissolved contaminants, which settle to the bottom;
  • when the receiver is filled, the airlift is turned on, which pumps the partially clarified liquid into the chamber where the aeration tank is installed;
  • the compressor supplies air through an aeration tank installed at the bottom of the chamber. This ensures active mixing of the liquid with activated sludge and saturates the environment with oxygen. Oxygen is necessary to carry out the purification process;

Advice! Activated sludge is usually called a symbiosis of microorganisms and protozoa, which in the process of their life activity decompose organic compounds into simple components.

  • after completion of the cleaning process, the mixture of water and sludge enters the next compartment, where settling occurs. Water flows to the outlet pipe, the sludge is partially returned to the working chambers, and part of it goes to the stabilizer, where it is stored until pumped out.

Advantages and disadvantages

Septic tank Topas 8 has a number of positive qualities, the following advantages are especially worth noting:

  • The body of the model is made of durable polypropylene, so it is not subject to corrosion and is able to resist the loads exerted by the soil. Thanks to the properties of modern plastic, the model can last for decades;
  • cleaning processes take place without the use of harmful chemicals, a natural biological method is used;
  • the installation does not emit unpleasant odors during normal operation;
  • the level of quality of wastewater treatment is as high as possible – up to 98%;
  • cleaning a septic tank does not require the use of a sewer truck;
  • compactness, for installation of a septic tank you will need to allocate a small area;
  • efficiency; when the compressor operates, Topas 8 consumes about 60 W of electricity per hour.

The disadvantages of the model include the energy dependence of the installation, as well as the high cost.

Installation process

The installation diagram of Topas 8 is drawn up taking into account local conditions, namely the topography of the site, climatic conditions, soil composition, etc. The installation of Topas 8 takes place in several stages:

  • preparation of a pit for installation of the station. The dimensions of the pit are determined by the dimensions of the installation. The pit should be slightly larger so that after installing the station there is a 30 cm gap on all sides. At the bottom of the pit, a sand cushion 20 cm high is made;
  • Topas 8 is installed into the finished pit using lifting equipment;
  • the supply pipeline is connected;

Advice! The pipeline from the house to the septic tank is laid with a slope so that the wastewater through it can move by gravity.

  • electrical cables are laid and electrical equipment is installed. The electrical connection diagram is given in the instructions; the connection diagram is simple, but the work must be carried out by a specialist with the appropriate approvals.


Regular maintenance of Topas is a prerequisite for long and uninterrupted operation of the equipment. Consumers can learn how to clean a septic tank by reading the instruction manual.

Before cleaning the septic tank, you will need to turn off the motor. Cleaning is carried out using a built-in pump. Cleaning is carried out every 3-6 months. A major cleaning of the septic tank is carried out approximately every 4-5 years.

But if it is quite possible to pump out excess sludge yourself, then it is better to entrust the maintenance of the electrical part of the equipment to specialists. The membrane in the compressor is replaced every 4-5 years.

So, Topas 8 is a productive sewerage installation that can efficiently clean up to one and a half cubic meters of liquid per day. The equipment is used in private households and small commercial facilities. It is better to entrust the installation and connection of a septic tank to specialists who provide a guarantee for the work performed.

Usually there are no more than three people in a country house at any time, but homeowners often organize receptions for guests, which, accordingly, does not do without increasing the load on the sewer system. For these purposes, the house is often equipped with two bathrooms.

The above determines the need to choose a septic tank with a high volume of volley discharge, because two bathrooms and several household appliances can be used at the same time. Installing Topas 8 in this situation will be the most optimal solution, since it is capable of providing a throughput capacity of 400 liters of water at a time. The device operates smoothly and maintains a high level of waste filtration, which ensures comfortable and enjoyable year-round living in the home.

"Topas 8" (with gravity outlet)

Water that has undergone thorough purification is forced out of the container into a special trench or drainage well. In this case, the outgoing pipe can be located no more than 60 cm from the ground surface, and the incoming pipe no deeper than 85 cm. It is worth noting that the use of this configuration is possible only in places with low groundwater levels, and to install the structure you will need a hole 2.4 meters deep .

"Topas 8 PR" (with pump outlet)

This modification is recommended for use in the presence of high groundwater levels. It ensures constant removal of purified liquid using a special pump, which is mounted in an additional chamber of the device. It is recommended to purchase the installation for houses that stand on a clay layer of soil with a low level of moisture absorption.

Advantages of Topas 8

Septic tank Topas 8 is distinguished by a number of positive qualities, which can be identified by the following list:

  • The device is protected by a durable polypropylene casing, which is one of the most reliable materials in the industry, which means it can ensure safety of use and durability.
  • The waste treatment process is carried out through the work of certain microorganisms. They participate in aeration processes and filter impurities.
  • The septic tank provides conditions for the natural growth of bacteria involved in the filtration cycle.
  • The system does not require the use of vacuum cleaners, since sewage does not need to be pumped out.
  • Operation of the Topas 8 septic tank does not require pumping with a sewage disposal machine.
  • The septic tank is not a source of odor.
  • Purified water can be used for irrigation, and sludge serves excellent purpose.
  • Water that has passed all stages of purification can be used to water plants.
  • Power consumption does not exceed 60 W.
  • Topas 8 was made by highly qualified engineers who created a convenient and ergonomic design. Visually, the location of the device is almost invisible - only the green cover protrudes outside, which can always be additionally disguised with plants or other landscape elements.

What should you pay attention to?

Despite the obvious ease of operation of the Topas 8 septic tank, certain requirements must be observed when using the station. A few simple rules will extend the life of the station and ensure its uninterrupted operation.

Of course, the Topas 8 system does not require special skills for operation, however, several recommendations should be followed that will allow you to organize a long service life of the septic tank and trouble-free operation of the sewage system. It is necessary to ensure that there are no solid objects in the sewer, and also not to dump synthetic hygiene items (wet wipes, etc.) into it. It is worth minimizing the entry of chlorine into the septic tank, as this substance has a detrimental effect on polypropylene.

It is also worth taking care of organizing timely pumping of sludge deposits and cleaning the filter with a pump. Pay special attention to the fact that to construct ventilation for the sewer system, a separate riser should be installed on the roof of the building.

Purchase of "Topas 8"

Our company supplies equipment for organizing waste disposal from country houses. We offer equipment by qualified specialists, as well as further service and repairs.

You can find out more about all models on our website. Choose the device that suits you, familiarize yourself with its parameters and ask our consultants your questions if necessary. Place an order on the website or by phone, and we will take care of timely delivery and installation of equipment.

Please note that today, offered by our company, is the most optimal on the market.

"Topas-8" is special equipment for the treatment of sewage waste and household wastewater by biological oxidation. Local systems are intended for use in low-rise residential buildings and summer cottages in the absence of centralized wastewater disposal. The Topas septic tank is designed for 8 people, the salvo discharge volume is 440 liters.

The supplier of treatment facilities is the group of domestic companies “Topol-Eco”. Production facilities are located in the town of Lobnya near Moscow. The company not only produces wastewater treatment plants (WTP), but also puts them into operation and provides maintenance.

The operating principle and design (Topas-8 septic tank) from Topol-Eco differ significantly from the designs of cleaning systems from other manufacturers. Compared to simple plastic tanks, the station performs deep biopurification based on biologically active bacteria, therefore it does not pollute the environment and belongs to the “Eco” class.

The Topas-8 septic tank consists of 3 main elements:

  1. Reception chamber. The main part of the device into which untreated waste flows.
  2. Aerotank chamber. In a container, activated sludge is mixed with wastewater.
  3. Sludge settling tank. Retains part of the active mass accumulated in the aeration tank chamber.
  4. Secondary settling tank. Secondary cleaning of the upper layer of liquid from the aeration tank from impurities occurs, with foreign substances settling to the bottom.
  5. Compressor equipment box. Accommodates air supply units.

The Topas-8 unit is equipped with 2 compressors, which operate not simultaneously, but in turn. When the receiving chamber is filled, the alarm sensor is triggered and the first compressor starts working. When the liquid level drops to the minimum level, the compressor is turned off and the second equipment is activated.

The principle of operation (septic tank “Topas-8”) is based on a local biological system for treating household wastewater with preliminary sedimentation of large fractions.

The processing process is divided into several stages:

  1. Sewage from the building with the maximum degree of pollution flows through the installation pipe into the receiving chamber. The liquid settles in the container and the decomposition process begins due to oxygen entering the chamber. Cleaning filters capture and contain solids. Airlifts direct settled water, sludge and large insoluble fractions into different compartments specially designed for each substance.
  2. When entering the aeration tank, organic compounds decompose due to oxidation by activated sludge. The aerator supplies oxygen necessary for the development of biologically active microorganisms. Air flows from the compressor drive floating particles to the sides. Light, small inclusions float up.
  3. The third compartment is a pyramid-shaped sump. Thanks to this design, the stabilized mass settles to the bottom, purified water is separated from the sludge and discharged through an auxiliary filter.
  4. In the last chamber, the incoming liquid is re-processed and removed to the outside using a drainage pump.

After aerobic cleaning, the output is clean process water, which can be used for any household needs. It is transparent, has no small cloudy particles, dirt, and is odorless. Water is discharged into a ditch, drainage or reservoirs.

Main advantages

The main advantages of an autonomous system are:

  1. High degree of purification - 98%.
  2. Recycling of all household wastewater.
  3. Convenient drainage of purified liquid.
  4. Low power consumption.
  5. Compactness.
  6. Quiet operation.
  7. No unpleasant odor.
  8. Simple installation diagram.
  9. Use of anti-corrosion materials for the manufacture of parts and components.
  10. Operation in all weather conditions.

Modifications "Topas-8"

The model range of local treatment facilities is represented by the following modifications:

  1. Standard version.
  2. With the index "PR" - has a built-in pump.
  3. “Long” - with an elongated neck.
  4. “Long-PR” - with an extended neck and a built-in pump.
  5. “Long-US” is a reinforced type with an extended neck.
  6. "Long-PR-US" - complete set.

WWTPs are produced with gravity and forced discharge of purified water.

Standard model

The standard version has overall dimensions of 1.63 x 1.17 x 2.50 m and a weight of 350 kg. The technical fluid is discharged by gravity, so the model is suitable for use in areas with sandy soil. Mounting pipes are installed at a depth of 40-80 cm. Electricity consumption is 1-1.5 kW/day. Up to 440 liters of untreated water can flow from different bathrooms within 2 hours. Capacity - 1500 l/day.

Models with forced water drainage

The purification station is suitable for places with poorly absorbent soil (silty or waterlogged soil), as well as in cases where groundwater is located at a distance of 50 cm from the soil level. Models with the “PR” index (with forced drainage) have a storage tank for installing a pump with further water outlet to any side of the wastewater treatment plant. The liquid is pumped into an additional chamber, then removed using pumping equipment and used for household needs.

Technical parameters of units with forced drainage:

  1. Length - 1.56 m.
  2. Width - 1.17 m.
  3. Height - 2.6 m.
  4. Weight - 365 kg.
  5. Power consumption - 1.2-1.6 kW/day.
  6. The depth of the pipe is 40-80 cm.

Forced water treatment plants are equipped with additional equipment:

  • float type switch;
  • a set of fittings and hoses for connecting to the pump;
  • socket pipe made of polypropylene for sewerage, 160x4.9 mm in size and 150 mm long.

Long neck models

When laying pipes to great depths (80-140 cm), installations with an increased neck height (Long type) are used. The equipment has operational characteristics similar to the standard version and differs in size and weight parameters:

  • length of the extended station - 1.52 m;
  • width - 1.16 m;
  • body height - 3.1 m;
  • weight - 425 kg.

Installation of "Topas-8"

The design of the autonomous sewage system is made of special-purpose polypropylene sheets, which are characterized by high mechanical strength. The use of high-quality material makes it possible to avoid concreting the walls and minimize installation costs. Installation work is carried out on the basis of SP 129.13330.2011 “External networks and structures of water supply and sewerage”.

Instructions for installing a Topas septic tank for 8 users:

  1. Prepare a pit with a depth of 3.3 m. The width of the pit should be 30-40 cm greater than the width of the structure.
  2. For operation at low ambient temperatures, it is better to insulate the pit walls with mineral wool.
  3. Backfill 150 mm with sand and gravel, separating the layers with geotextiles.
  4. Lay inlet and outlet pipes to the system entry point.
  5. The cable is brought to the compressor compartment and inserted through a welded fitting with a diameter of 20 mm made of low-density polyethylene. The electrical cable is connected according to the diagram given in the installation passport.
  6. Lower the unit into the pit using a lift, check the horizontal and vertical levels. The deviation should be no more than 5 mm.
  7. Stiffening ribs are installed on the outer wall of the equipment to prevent floating.
  8. Fix the sprinkling with 300-400 mm of sand around the perimeter.
  9. Fill the septic tank with water to a height of 400 mm.
  10. They are evenly covered with sand, and the neck should rise above the soil level. Then you need to fill the system with water 1000 mm from the bottom.
  11. An inlet hole is made for the sewer pipe, a pipe is installed and welded in a circle with welding wire. Connect the supply line to the branch pipe through a coupling.
  12. Lay a pipeline to the point where the purified liquid is discharged.
  13. Compressor equipment is installed, a pump is installed in the forced water treatment plant, and it is connected.

Septic tank maintenance

Once connected, the system should work continuously for a month. During the first 14-30 days before the transition to normal operation, an increased volume of foam may appear as a result of the formation of activated sludge. As the concentration of active mass in the aeration tank increases, the foam disappears over time. To reduce foaming, it is necessary to reduce the use of synthetic surfactants, which are found in powder, soap and other household products, during the initial period of operation.

The equipment operates automatically when electrical power is connected, so daily maintenance is not required. Maintenance of the Topas septic tank is as follows:

  1. Visual inspection - once a week.
  2. Removing sedimentary sludge from the stabilizer - once every 3-4 months.
  3. Replacement of compressors - once every 6-8 months.
  4. Cleaning the bottom of the receiving chamber from sediment - once a year.
  5. Cleaning the bottom of the aeration tank - once every 3 years.
  6. Replacement of compressor membrane parts - once every 3 years.
  7. Replacement of aeration parts of aerators - once every 10 years.

With proper operation and timely maintenance, an autonomous sewer system can last up to 50 years.

Wastewater treatment plant TOPAS 8 is a structure for a private house, dacha, cottage, designed for processing household wastewater. Used in cases where connection to a central sewerage system is impractical or impossible. Unlike conventional septic tanks, it cleans rather than accumulates wastewater. Helps take care of the environment. Suitable for seasonal and year-round use.

The operation of the WWTP is based on a combination of biological treatment with the process of fine bubble aeration (artificial air supply) to oxidize wastewater components. The purification process involves the biochemical destruction of organic substances by microorganisms. Wastewater loses its tendency to rot, becomes transparent, and bacteriological contamination is significantly reduced.

The maximum insertion depth of the supply sewer pipe is 80 centimeters from the zero ground level.

Advantages of TOPAS 8:

  • high degree of purification (at least 98%), full compliance with sanitary, hygienic and environmental requirements;
  • compactness and absolute tightness throughout the entire period of use;
  • no unpleasant odor;
  • long service life - more than 50 years;
  • simplicity and ease of maintenance;
  • ease of installation;
  • refusal of sewer services;
  • maintaining operability after a long absence of wastewater.
Country of origin: Russia

Information about technical characteristics, delivery set, country of manufacture and appearance of the product is for reference only and is based on the latest information available at the time of publication



The period during which the manufacturer provides a guarantee for the product

Manufacturer's warranty

3 years


Capacity in m3 per hour

Productivity, m³/hour


Maximum number of users


Power consumption

1.5 kW/day

Weight, kg


Height, mm


Width, mm


Depth, mm


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Like any mechanism, aeration stations require scheduled maintenance to maintain overall performance and the required degree of purification of incoming household wastewater. Since the main users of this type of sewage system are people living in private houses, it is structurally possible to carry out maintenance of Topas stations with your own hands.

Here we will take a step-by-step look at the entire process of necessary service work, which will allow you to operate your cleaning station as usual for a long time.

Before you start cleaning Topas with your own hands, you need to know the frequency with which it should be done:

  • Once a quarter. With a daily residence of a nominal number of users (for example, when using the Topas 5 station with five users) year-round.
  • Once every six months. For daily living during the summer season (the first time in the middle of the season, the second, with conservation, at the end of the season).
  • Once a year. When staying on weekends during the summer season (with conservation at the end of the season).

Having decided on the frequency of the service, we move on to its step-by-step execution:

1) Removing waste sludge from the activated sludge stabilizer. This can be done in two ways:

A. Using the built-in mamut pump.

With the installation turned off, remove the mamut pump hose from the fixing clip and take it outside the station, remove the plug by loosening the metal clamp at the end of the hose. We turn on the installation in the forward phase ( the float switch in the receiving chamber is forced up). After pumping out about 50% of the volume (about 1 meter of liquid column) of the chamber into a previously prepared container, turn off the installation, attach the plug and fix the hose in its original position.

b. Using a drain pump.

We lower the pump with the hose to the bottom of the sludge stabilizer chamber, lower the end of the hose into a pre-prepared container for collecting sludge or directly into the compost pit. We turn on the pump and pump out about 50% of the volume (about 1 meter of liquid column). We wash the walls of the sludge stabilizer from sediment and fill it with clean water to the original level.

It is best to clean the walls of the chambers using mini high-pressure washers, having previously covered the compressor compartment from water entering it during the washing process.

2) Using a drain pump, pump out about 20-30 cm of liquid from the bottom of the aeration tank. We wash the walls of the aeration tank and secondary settling tank from sediments and fill them with clean water to the original level. Remove from the fixing clips and clean the hair collector.

3) We wash the walls of the receiving chamber.

4) Using a net remove all non-degradable mechanical waste from the station.

5) Cleaning the main mamut pump. We disconnect the air hose and the main mamut - the pump that pumps from the receiving chamber to the aeration tank and remove it by removing it from the fixing clip. We rinse the Mamut pump from the outside and clean it by applying a pressure stream of water into the pump tube.

6) Clean the coarse filter. We disconnect the air hose and the coarse particle filter, remove it by removing it from the fixing clip. We wash the filter from the outside and clean it by applying a pressure stream of water into the filter pipe. We install the coarse fraction filter and the main mamut pump in place, fixing them on clips and connecting them to the air hoses.

In order not to mix up the pump and filter hoses, you should mark them, for example, with electrical tape.

7) Cleaning the compressor air filter. To do this, unscrew the screw located on the top of the compressor, remove the cover and take out the air filter. Clean the filter by shaking it. We install the filter in place. Similarly, we clean the filter of the second compressor.

If the air filter is excessively dirty, it must be washed in water and reinstalled after drying it.

After completing all the above steps, enable the installation

As you can see, you can freely service Topas with your own hands. Nevertheless, we strongly recommend that the first service be carried out by specialists, as they say: “ It’s better to see once than to read on the Internet a hundred times!»))


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