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Since lips are one of the most individual features of a person, their color, shape and thickness, not to mention size, can largely illustrate the mood of the owner.

And all the folk signs, of which there are many among the people regarding the lips, are somehow connected with the functions that nature itself assigned to the lips.

It is curious that not only representatives of the human species have lips - they are also found in fish and monkeys, and in many other animals, including horses. However, people with enviable tenacity collect certain folk signs associated with itching that occurs in the lips. In other words, now we will talk about what the lips itch for.

It is clear that one of the main functions of the lips is to participate in the intake of food. It is performed from birth, when a person absorbs mother's milk. And it is with the help of lips that we first of all determine how hot or cold food is, solid or liquid.

Therefore, if in the old days this part of the body itched for someone, then they said "to an edible gift."

There was also a simple option "for a treat." There was also a very simplified version: "The lips itch - there are gifts."

Not only food, but also kisses

However, food is only one of the aspects of the meaning of the existence of lips, because with their help we also kiss those around us. The groom kisses the bride, the mother kisses the children, and the children kiss their toys or pets. In a word, kissing without lips would be extremely difficult, and if your lip suddenly itches, this means that it is quite possible that you will “have to kiss” soon.

Moreover, there is a division into various signs, depending on which lip itches - upper or lower and why. If the upper one, it means that you will have to kiss with a prominent man, and if the lower one, then with a woman. There is no need to be afraid if, for example, a sign hints that a woman is waiting for a kiss with a woman: it is likely that there will be a meeting with a relative or close friend, who will have to be greeted with a friendly kiss on the cheek.

It is curious that the initiator of the upcoming kiss may not be the same person to whom this event was prophesied by a sign.

Why this is so - no one knows, but the sign has survived to this day. Such superstitions are even quite explicable from a practical point of view. In ancient times, when lipstick did not yet exist, and women needed to somehow take care of themselves, they smeared their lips with honey or beeswax.

As a result, the lips took on a bright saturated color and became smooth. Men, of course, did not know why this happened. And the women were not going to reveal their secrets. But when the girl had to go on a date with her lover, all the ointments were carefully wiped off the lips so as not to give out the secret of women's cosmetics.

However, the problem was that the wax is difficult to completely wipe off the skin, so the ancient brides had to rub their lips for a long time with a cloth - sometimes hard and even rough. And then wash your face in hot water. Naturally, after such treatment, not only the upper but also the lower lip itches and itches. Hence the logical conclusion.

About conversations and unpleasant signs associated with lips

Lips are also one of the parts of the body with which we make sounds and even talk to each other. When a person has some important conversation or speech (or maybe an interview), many people begin to rub and scratch their lips from nerves.

And perhaps it is precisely such unconscious behavior that is the source of signs, such as "lips itch - to chatter." Or to a serious and important conversation. Or maybe you should expect just an interesting conversation. It is a pity that these signs are so inaccurate in their predictions, why they have so little trust in life.

Sometimes these same signs may not bode well at all. For example, if your lips itch, it means that you can “get” on them from someone.

The point is that sometimes for words that are unpleasant for someone, we can suffer in a physical sense. There is also a more gentle interpretation, which also tells you why your lips itch - it means that soon you will quarrel with your loved one.

It is known that people demonstrate their own mood to others by folding their lips in one way or another. So, the emotional function of this part of the face is also reflected in signs.

For example, it is said that if it itches closer to the right corner of the lips, then you have to smile and rejoice. And if closer to the left, then on the contrary, upset. There is a third option: it itches in the middle of the lips - you will be bored for a long time.

To believe or not to believe in signs - everyone decides for himself. However, there is one more true sign: if itching bothers you for a long time, you should consult a doctor, because this may be a sign of herpes.

A person's lips can itch both from drying out of the skin and due to herpes. But more often, some interpretation related to folk signs comes to mind. For example, it is believed that lips itch for kisses. At the same time, even by the nature of the itch, you can find out who you have to kiss.

What do signs say about itchy lips

If the upper lip is very itchy, you can prepare for a romantic date - kisses with your loved one are coming. If the lower one, friendly kisses await you, addressed to relatives or acquaintances. This is one of those signs that can be explained. In ancient times, when lipstick had not yet been invented, girls smeared their lips with honey or beeswax. Before a date with a loved one, the drugs were washed off the lips to keep the secret of shine. They were not easy to remove, and after all the measures to remove the wax, among which were washing with hot water and rubbing with a hard cloth, the lips usually burned and itched.

If both lips itch terribly, look what time it is. When this happens in the morning, that is, before noon, according to folk signs, pleasant gifts and surprises await you, usually we are talking about edible things.

When itching starts in the afternoon, tune in to a long, serious conversation with relatives. If your lips itch after midnight, this is far from a good sign - you will have to sort things out with a loved one, and the conversation will most likely be raised. At the same time, you have to become the instigator of a quarrel, and after a conversation, experience remorse, but it is unlikely that anything can be fixed.

Lips are directly involved in the formation of sounds. Before important negotiations, speeches, many begin to get nervous and at the same time scratch and tease their lips. And there are signs on this score - “Lips itch - you will chat”, “Scratching lips - for a conversation.” If your lips do not itch for a very long time, the signs are very likely to come true.

Possible Medical Causes of Itchy Lips

Medical workers most often do not trust folk signs. In their opinion, lips itch only with diseases or under the influence of weather conditions. Cold air or the sun can affect the skin of the lips in such a way that they begin to itch, dry out and crack. This brings not only inconvenience, but also painful sensations, and the lips become ugly. But this is one of the most beautiful parts of the face, so it would be useful to take care of the health of the lips more carefully. And signs will certainly come true, but only for those who believe in them.

Lips can itch from herpes, from allergies, and from many other problems in the body. To find out the causes of diseases, it is better to contact a dermatologist who will advise treatment.

There are many signs about different parts of the body. Whether your heel, nose, or ears are itching - all this has its own specific meaning, explaining what it is for.

When lips itch, many superstitions can be associated with this. People touch food with their mouths, feel its texture and temperature level. Several signs are connected with this, and they all boil down to the fact that such a feeling precedes a generous feast.

Another function of the mouth is kissing. On this topic, too, there are signs. Previously, everyone knew what it was for, if the lips itch - for a kiss, only the upper lip itches - you have to kiss a very handsome man, and if the lower one - with a young girl. The first to take the initiative is the one whose lips itch.

These signs have an interesting history. In the old days, to make the lips look brighter and not have cracks, the girls smeared wax or honey on them. Before the meeting, in order not to betray their secret, they hurried to erase it all. It was difficult to wipe off the wax, and for this you had to use hot water and hard dry matter. After such manipulations, the lips itched terribly, burned and itched.

Many before a serious interview or conversation begin to tug and scratch their lips. Hence the belief arose: if the lips itch - to an important conversation.

Some people experience burning lips from time to time. Previously, this was considered a sign that a person would soon have to kiss passionately. Only the upper lip burns - a woman is waiting for passionate kisses with a young man, and if the lower one - for a friendly kiss.

If you bit your lip

There are signs that explain why people bite their lips. If you bite your lip during a lively conversation - you talk too much! If you do not want the people around you to think that you are a talker, you should sometimes remain silent. Bit the corner of your mouth? You do not wish the interlocutor well!

There are other signs of what bite lips. If you bit the edge of your lower lip from the outside, this is a bad sign, portending the death of a friend or loved one. It may seem silly, but biting your mouth in this way is extremely difficult, and this behavior shows that the person is very worried. This is a condition in which a person literally begins to chew their lips. Often this happens when people close to him are seriously ill, and the possibility that the sign will come true ceases to seem so unjustified.

In the process of conversation, bite your lips - soon you will quarrel with someone. Belief, like the previous one, is based on a negative psycho-emotional state, but a little weaker.

The situation when a person bites his mouth during a conversation has another interpretation of what it is. This may mean that he is silent about important details or is not enthusiastic about communicating with the interlocutor. This belief was believed in ancient times. Now it is found in many modern books on psychology.

The strangest and most unusual signs of why parts of the body itch or burn can be quite rational and reflect reality. This fact proves that our ancestors were not in vain so attentive to the world around them and people and were incredibly perspicacious and intelligent people. But do not rely solely on the knowledge of the ancestors. When lips burn, it may not portend a pleasant evening, but be the first sign of an allergic reaction to a new lipstick. Remember: signs will come true only if you believe in them.

There are many signs about different parts of the body. Whether your heel, nose, or ears are itching - all this has its own specific meaning, explaining what it is for.

If your lips itch or burn

When lips itch, many superstitions can be associated with this. People touch food with their mouths, feel its texture and temperature level. Several signs are connected with this, and they all boil down to the fact that such a feeling precedes a generous feast. Another function of the mouth is kissing. On this topic, too, there are signs. Previously, everyone knew what it was for, if the lips itch - for a kiss, only the upper lip itches - you have to kiss a very handsome man, and if the lower one - with a young girl. The first to take the initiative is the one whose lips itch.

These signs have an interesting history. In the old days, to make their lips look brighter and not have cracks, girls smeared wax or honey on them. Before the meeting, in order not to betray their secret, they hurried to erase it all. It was difficult to wipe off the wax, and for this it was necessary to use hot water and a hard, dry cloth. After such manipulations, the lips itched terribly, burned and itched.

Many before a serious interview or conversation begin to tug and scratch their lips. Hence the belief arose: if the lips itch - to an important conversation.

Some people experience burning lips from time to time. Previously, this was considered a sign that a person would soon have to kiss passionately. Only the upper lip burns - a woman is waiting for passionate kisses with a young man, and if the lower one - for a friendly kiss.

If you bit your lip

There are signs that explain why people bite their lips. If you bite your lip during a lively conversation - you talk too much! If you do not want the people around you to think that you are a talker, you should sometimes remain silent. Bit the corner of your mouth? You do not wish the interlocutor well!

There are other signs of what bite lips. If you bit the edge of your lower lip from the outside, this is a bad sign, portending the death of a friend or loved one. It may seem silly, but biting your mouth in this way is extremely difficult, and this behavior shows that the person is very worried. This is a condition in which a person literally begins to chew their lips. Often this happens when people close to him are seriously ill, and the possibility that the sign will come true ceases to seem so unjustified.

In the process of conversation, bite your lips - soon you will quarrel with someone. Belief, like the previous one, is based on a negative psycho-emotional state, but a little weaker.

The situation when a person bites his mouth during a conversation has another interpretation of what it is. This may mean that he is silent about important details or is not enthusiastic about communicating with the interlocutor. This belief was believed in ancient times. Now it is found in many modern books on psychology.

The strangest and most unusual signs of why parts of the body itch or burn can be quite rational and reflect reality. This fact proves that our ancestors were not in vain so attentive to the world around them and people and were incredibly perspicacious and intelligent people. But do not rely solely on the knowledge of the ancestors. When lips burn, it may not portend a pleasant evening, but be the first sign of an allergic reaction to a new lipstick. Remember: signs will come true only if you believe in them.

Review and interpretation of signs associated with lips.

They say that if the lips itch, then this is for kisses. And what awaits when the lips twitch or tremble? Doctors will say that this is from nerves, but magicians and healers believe more in omens. In the article we will talk about the signs associated with the mouth.

In general, a slight trembling of the corner of the lips indicates that you have been hiding feelings for a long period of time and are nervous. But around the human mouth and face, in general, there are a lot of signs.


  • In general, a slight twitch is a harbinger of joy or a pleasant experience in the future. You will smile.
  • If you are not married, then you will meet your love or a congenial person.
  • Perhaps you are waiting for a quarrel or proceedings with friends or relatives.

In general, people say that God punishes those who love to swear and use swear words. The more swearing in speech, the more acne around the mouth. But what do solitary acne say?

P rhymes:

  • If a speck popped up above the lip, then this indicates that you are in love. Most likely, you yourself do not yet know about it or do not want to admit it to yourself.
  • If acne is on the upper lip, then there is a fan around you who has far-reaching plans. Take a closer look at who is breathing irregularly towards you.
  • A pimple on the lower lip portends kisses. Do not expect frenzied passions, most likely, this is a greeting with a relative or friend.

Doctors talk about an exacerbation of the herpes virus or hypothermia. But healers and magicians think otherwise.


  • Colds arise from bad and evil thoughts. Don't wish harm on anyone
  • Perhaps a cold indicates your overly critical attitude towards the opposite sex.
  • Also, a cold suggests that romantic adventures await you after the sores have healed.

In general, doctors advise treating numbness of the lips very carefully. You should definitely see a doctor if the problem persists. This may indicate osteochondrosis, nervous disorders and neuralgia. You can find out why lips itch.


  • Lip numbness promises you a meeting with an old acquaintance whom you have not seen for a long time.
  • Perhaps you should discuss your acquaintances less. This can lead to quarrels and showdowns.
  • Perhaps soon you will kiss, and very passionately.

Pulsation and heat in the lips indicate an upcoming meeting with the opposite sex. Most likely, you will kiss and have a romantic evening. If two lips are burning and pulsating, then you will meet a couple in love and greet them. You can find out about the reasons why lips are burning.

Doctors talk about an approaching cold, but folk signs think differently.


  • To kisses
  • To clarify the relationship
  • Gossip

Try not to conflict with anyone and be patient with friends.

If the lip hurts for no reason, then an unpleasant conversation awaits you. Very often, pain occurs after you accidentally bite your lip. If you bit your lip, then you can find out more about signs.


  • If you've been biting your lip while talking, it's time to stop. End the conversation to avoid conflicts.
  • If the lip hurts in the corner after the bite, then most likely you do not really like the interlocutor and wish him harm.
  • Pain from the inside indicates a possible illness that will soon arise.

Previously, girls in the villages used honey and beeswax to care for their lips. Before a date, such funds were erased so that the lover would not guess that the girl was not naturally attractive. Accordingly, after a date from kisses in the wind, lips cracked without protection.


  • For passionate kisses. This is a harbinger of a romantic date
  • To the evil eye. You may have been jinxed
  • About foul language. Chapped lips and those who talk a lot

This sign came to us from the time of paganism. Then it was believed that bad words and foul language were considered part of the spells. Therefore, to swear is to cast spells. You can burn your tongue and lips if you said badly about someone, wished evil. Thus, spells return to where they came from.

In general, nevi are accumulations of melanin. But there are many signs and rumors around moles. Since ancient times, women who had moles above their lips were considered temptresses and coquettes.


  • A mole on the right side indicates that a person needs care
  • If the nevus is located on the left, then the person is stubborn
  • A mole above the lip speaks of a steel character and a strong personality
  • Such women are difficult to deceive and adjust to themselves.

There are a lot of superstitions around kissing children. It is believed that children should not be kissed on the lips, as this can provoke a lag in speech development. But doctors explain this ban differently.

Reasons why you should not kiss children on the lips:

  • Caries is transmitted from adult to infant
  • Infections and the herpes virus are transmitted
  • The immunity of the child is not formed, there is no need for him to pass on adult ailments

As the child begins to speak, his vocabulary expands. Accordingly, swear words may also be present. This indicates the growing up of the child or an unfavorable environment. It all depends on the age of the baby. Parents are trying in every possible way to wean the baby from swear words and sometimes hit on the lips. Psychologists say that this is absolutely impossible to do.

Reasons why you can not hit on the lips:

  • Deaf children are born
  • Having trouble communicating with the opposite sex
  • There will be mental problems

Some of these reasons are signs, for example, about deaf and dumb children. But psychologists forbid resorting to such punishments. Indeed, children who have been hit on the lips often have speech and communication problems.

A lot of signs and superstitions are associated with lips and mouth. Do not take them to heart and do not get upset ahead of time.

VIDEO: Signs associated with lips


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