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You are about to become a happy owner of a motor vehicle and naturally begin to carefully study the Rules of the Road. Well, how without them? A natural question arises: “When driving on a one-way road (in accordance with the rules), it is strictly forbidden to make a U-turn. Therefore, reversing is also not encouraged? " Let's try to figure out why reversing on a one-way road is dangerous, and in what cases these actions entail a fine.

Any motorist should be able to move backwards. Is it possible (in principle) to carry out this maneuver if you are on a road with movement only in one direction?

Reversing according to traffic rules

Is it possible to drive in reverse on a one-way road? Yes, it is possible, if there is no evidence that by his maneuver the driver creates certain inconveniences for other road users. The most interesting thing is that a violation is recorded only if you cross an intersection in reverse. But if before him - there are no complaints: drive yourself at least a kilometer, at least two. The main thing is to make sure that all actions are taken before crossing the roads.

In addition, backward movement is strictly prohibited:

  • at pedestrian crossings;
  • in places intended for stopping regular routes;
  • before or on railway crossings;
  • in tunnels;
  • on the road in case of poor visibility (no more than 100 m) in one direction (for example, in case of very heavy precipitation or dense fog);
  • under overpasses, bridges and overpasses, as well as on them.

Important! The Traffic Rules does not say about this, but in the second Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation (2012) there are significant additions to this issue. If the driver moves in reverse in one-way traffic without any objective reasons (for example, wanting to park or bypass the encountered obstacle), then his actions are interpreted as a violation. You cannot avoid punishment. No persuasion will work on the traffic police inspector.

The amount of the penalty for reversing in one-way traffic

When engaging in reverse gear, you must be aware that a vehicle moving in this way is a potential participant in a dangerous situation on the road. And do not flatter yourself that you are a super driver, and do not neglect traffic rules. If you are driving in reverse on a one-way road, you will definitely be fined if you make this maneuver at an intersection or other prohibited places. How big is it? It depends on where you are doing your actions:

  • on the motorway - the fine is 2500 rubles;
  • where the route transport is moving - from 1,500 to 3,000 rubles;
  • on the sidelines - 500 rubles.

Driver actions when driving in reverse

Of course, using reverse gear, you are unlikely to resemble Schumacher (who does not know - this is a racer) and you will not be able to develop high speed. But nevertheless, when reversing, you need to follow certain recommendations that may help you avoid big trouble:

  • make sure that the maneuver is safe not only for your own person, but also for the people around you, as well as vehicles;
  • skip pedestrians and all cars (and those that remained behind you should be at a considerable distance from you so that they do not have to change direction or slow down);
  • closely monitor the situation on the road using the rear-view mirrors;
  • if necessary (for example, in case of poor visibility or leaving the parking lot), do not be lazy and get out of the car to make sure that there are no obstacles in your path (it’s good if someone helps you by regulating the movement of the car and giving appropriate signs );
  • make a maneuver at a minimum speed in order to react quickly if any interference occurs;

  • use a sound signal that will attract the attention of other motorists in order to avoid an emergency;
  • be extremely attentive and focused; not be distracted by extraneous objects and actions (for example, talking on the phone or with the one sitting on the right).

Important! In the event of an emergency (when driving in reverse on one-way traffic), failure to comply with the above requirements will be interpreted by the court as an aggravating circumstance. Therefore, do not neglect them. In some cases, a clear adherencethemwill save the life of not only you, but also someone else.

How to qualify for reversing under the "brick" sign

Again, "zakovyka": what to do with the sign "No entry" (in the common people "brick")? Everything is very simple: if you drive under this sign (it does not matter, forward or backward), you will have to part with a certain amount of money from your wallet.

This violation is qualified under Part 3 (Article 12.16). There are penalties (5,000 rubles) or the ability to walk (after all, you cannot drive without a license) for a long 4-6 months.

Well, if, in addition to all this, someone else also reverses (on one-way traffic) at the intersection, then the traffic police inspector will record a violation under Part 2 (Article 12.14), and again you will part with the “nth” amount of money. And what - "if you like to ride - love to carry sledges." Something like that.

Emergency situations and difficulties when maneuvering in reverse

Very often it is necessary to maneuver using reverse gear, not only by reversing along a one-way street, but also leaving a parking lot near a building. It is at such moments that those minor accidents occur, which, in principle, could be easily avoided if you showed attentiveness and concentration.

On a note! You should not park in an already densely packed parking lot. It is worth looking for another. And there is still a good option: just park the car in any permitted and not "dangerous" place and go to your destination on foot. Cheap, cheerful and healthy. Why not?

Other difficulties:

  • You hit someone else's parked car. Try to immediately resolve the issue of compensation for material damage on the spot.
  • A pedestrian has suffered from your inept actions. Help him and try to resolve the issue peacefully.

Important! Never leave the scene of the accident. This will only make your situation worse.

The car in front starts to move in reverse

What are your actions if the car in front starts to move in reverse? Yes, unexpectedly, but under no circumstances start moving backward yourself. The fact is that in the event of an emergency (according to traffic rules), the court recognizes the person who made the movement against the general traffic flow as the culprit (of course, if the other participants in the incident have no other aggravating reasons).

The main mistakes when moving back

The number of emergencies that occurred when reversing in one-way traffic (2016 and 2017 are no exception) is large. The reason that hundreds of cars fell into disrepair, and thousands of pedestrians were injured, were elementary mistakes made by drivers:

  • Some car enthusiasts do not get along well with the car. Sometimes they just can't start moving straight: the vehicle leaves now to the left, then to the right. They twist the steering wheel, but do not return it to zero position. In fact, everything is extremely simple: consider how many revolutions you have already made. Or grab the handlebars at the top with one hand and don't let go. Then you have every chance of fixing the zero position.

  • Keep the wheels straight (that is, turn the wheel less to avoid zig-zag movement) to determine the direction of travel and the angle of the wheels.
  • What is the best way to navigate: by the mirrors or by looking back at the rear window? The question is, of course, an interesting one. The best option is to use both methods, sometimes even combining them. It all depends on the specific situation. If the possibility of pedestrians, cars or something else appearing is too great, then it is more advisable to just look back. In the case of parking between two cars or in a garage, it is better to do this using the rear-view mirrors.

On a note! To be completely confident, making a maneuver in reverse, do not consider it shameful to turn your head. Moreover, do not forget that the viewing angle of the mirror is rather small (that is, there is a dead zone). And if you keep your attention on one reflector, you lose control over the other.

We train to drive in reverse without using mirrors

In order to competently reverse the movement in one-way traffic, you first need to master this maneuver without using the rear-view mirrors. It's easy to do - you just need constant training. Start moving, turning your head back, exercising control over everything that happens directly on the road over your right shoulder. The position of the steering wheel is very important: each, even its insignificant movement, leads to a displacement of the car in one direction or another. Don't let this happen. Therefore, it is better to drive at low revs.

Practice driving in reverse using mirrors

Having mastered the ride in full, turning only your head, you can proceed to the next stage - using mirrors. To prevent the reflectors from letting you down at the most crucial moment, you should correctly adjust them.

The design features of almost any power-driven vehicle provide for the possibility of reversing. Such a maneuver, due to the limited view, is considered one of the most difficult, and requires maximum concentration of attention from the driver.

There are no signs prohibiting reverse movement in the Road Traffic Rules, as well as special road markings, however, there are requirements that regulate a dangerous maneuver.

When reversing is permitted

According to clause 12 of section 8 of the Rules, reverse movement of vehicles is allowed if the car backing up does not interfere with the movement of other vehicles, does not change the order of their maneuvering, and also gives way to pedestrians.

The same paragraph states that, if necessary, the driver of the car must seek help from third parties to correct the maneuver. Both a passenger and a pedestrian passing by can provide assistance: make sure that the car does not touch other's parked cars or ask the passing vehicles to slow down with a gesture and allow the maneuvering car to go onto the road.

NOTE: Using the assistance of third parties does not relieve the vehicle operator of responsibility for the safety of the maneuver. In the event of an accident, the driver reversing will be recognized as the culprit.

As for driving in reverse on public roads, this type of vehicle movement is possible only outside intersections and where a U-turn is not prohibited. It should be borne in mind that exits from courtyards and other adjacent territories do not belong to intersections, respectively, in these places you can move in reverse.

NOTE: Traffic rules do not regulate the process of reversing in terms of such parameters as distance and time interval - so you can go as long as you like and for any distance, provided that there are no places prohibited for reversing on the way.

The list of places where there is a ban on turning the vehicle (and, therefore, on reversing) is contained in clause 8.11 of the SDA. But this paragraph does not indicate all the places where the reversal falls into the category of illegal. However, other cases do not affect reversing, that is, turning is prohibited there, but reversing is not. You should be guided only by clause 8.11 of the Rules.

NOTE: Sign 4.1.1 applies to exceptional cases. “Straight ahead” and sign 5.5 “One-way traffic”. The established criteria for the movement of vehicles prohibit turning on these sections of the road, but reversing is allowed.

Where reversing is prohibited

Territory prohibited for making a dangerous maneuver - intersections of roads and places prohibited for turning, in accordance with clause 8.11:

  1. On a zebra crossing, within the width of the designated pedestrian crossing.
  2. In places where public transport stops (for the entire length of the stopping pocket and no closer than 15 meters on each side).
  3. At level crossings.
  4. On road sections where visibility in the opposite direction or in the same direction is less than 100 meters.
  5. On overpasses, bridges, in tunnels, on overpasses and under these engineering structures.

Also, you must not drive in reverse on motorways and on roads marked with sign 5.3 "Road for cars" (only for buses, cars and motorcycles).

The nuances of reversing on a one-way road

A lot of motorists faced a situation when the inclusion of a reverse speed on a one-way road was interpreted by traffic police inspectors as movement in the opposite direction, with all the ensuing consequences.

In this regard, there are 2 decisions of the Supreme Court, formalized by a special Resolution for judges:

If we switch from legal language to universal, then, according to the first decision, entering a one-way road from an intersection and under a “brick” in reverse or in the usual manner is interpreted as driving in the opposite direction and punished in accordance with the stipulated measure of responsibility.

According to the second decision: Reversing is not prohibited if this is due to the need to maneuver. What is meant by "necessity" and who defines it is not specified.


  1. Reversing, from an intersection, under the sign "No entry" into a street where one-way traffic is established, is punishable by either deprivation of rights for a period of 4 months to six months, or a fine of 5,000 rubles.
  2. Reversing on a motorway marked with a corresponding sign - 2,500 rubles.
  3. Reversing in a designated lane (sign 5.3) - 1,500 rubles. In cities of federal significance - Moscow, St. Petersburg - 3000 rubles.
  4. Reversing under the "No entry" sign installed in the adjacent territory and violations in the area of ​​the "No traffic" sign - a fine of 500 rubles.

In general, the procedure for maneuvering using reverse gear is quite simple, but sometimes controversial situations arise, especially in terms of driving "against the grain" on one-way streets. If such a problem has arisen, the issue can be resolved by filing a statement of claim in court.

Where is it possible to reverse and where not?

Of course, the official document governing reversing is traffic rules. Clause 8.12 specifies that “reverse movement of the vehicle is permitted provided that this maneuver is safe and does not interfere with other road users”, and also indicates the places where it is prohibited to drive backwards.

According to this clause, taking into account the references to clause 8.11, Reversing is prohibited:

  • at crossroads;
  • at pedestrian crossings;
  • in tunnels;
  • on bridges, overpasses, overpasses and under them;
  • at level crossings;
  • in places where the visibility of the road in at least one direction is less than 100 m;
  • in places where route vehicles stop.

Another point in the traffic rules regarding reversing is 16.1, which specifies the rules for driving on the motorway: among other things, it states that Reversing on motorways is prohibited.

I heard that drivers were fined for reversing on a one-way road. It is forbidden?

Indeed, one of the controversial issues encountered in practice is reversing on a one-way road. The Supreme Court eliminated ambiguity in interpretations: the current document on this topic is Resolution No. 20 of June 25, 2019. The fact is that drivers were not fined for motion backwards on a one-way road, and behind departure back to it.

The Supreme Court in its ruling emphasizes that "based on the content of clause 8.12 of the RF SDA, reverse movement on a one-way road is not prohibited." However, “violation by the driver of the requirements of any road sign, which entailed the movement of a vehicle driven by him in the opposite direction on a one-way road, forms the objective side of the administrative offense provided for in Part 3 of Article 12.16 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation (for example, violation of the requirements of road signs 3.1" Entry prohibited " , 5.5 "One-way road", 5.7.1 and 5.7.2 "Exit to a one-way road") ". That is why the Supreme Court points out that “the actions of a driver who reversed onto a one-way road in violation of the requirements of road sign 3.1“ No entry ”should be qualified in accordance with Part 3 of Article 12.16 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation, and in the case when such a maneuver was performed on crossroads - also under part 2 of article 12.14 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation ”.

Simply put, a driver moving forward on a one-way road, and then, if necessary, stopped and backed up, does not break the rules. But the one who leaves the one-way road in reverse from another road or from the yard - violates, and can be punished under part 3 of Article 12.16 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation, which provides for a fine of five thousand rubles or deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of four up to six months, and if he left on a one-way road backwards from an intersection, he will receive another fine of five hundred rubles under part 2 of article 12.14. Well, the controversial precedent itself arose largely because of the drivers who took a shortcut, driving backwards onto a one-way road and moving so to the nearest desired intersection.

What other fine can be received for driving in reverse?

We figured out what kind of penalties are stipulated directly for driving in reverse with going backwards onto a one-way road. Here, as in traffic rules, there are two options.

According to part 2 of article 12.14 of the Administrative Code, a reversal or reversing in areas where such maneuvers are prohibited, with the exception of cases concerning traffic on a motorway, shall entail the imposition of an administrative a fine of five hundred rubles... Among the prohibited places - what is listed in paragraphs 8.11 and 8.12 of the SDA - intersections, bridges, pedestrian crossings and so on.

If the driver is reversing on the motorway, he will be punished more severely under Part 3 of Article 12.11 of the Administrative Code:<…> reversing on a motorway entails the imposition of an administrative a fine of two thousand five hundred rubles.

Reversing is a difficult maneuver that requires maximum concentration from the driver. After all, this significantly restricts visibility, and makes movement more difficult. Therefore, in some places where emergency situations can occur, such driving is prohibited.

Is it allowed

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There are certain rules that must be followed when reversing. You should do this slowly, carefully assess the traffic situation. If there is a horn sound, stop and clarify the situation.

Another driver who sees the possibility of an accident is obliged to give a signal to prevent it. In an accident, the culprit is always the one who goes backwards.

According to the Traffic Regulations, it is prohibited to reverse in some areas:

  • on the pedestrian "zebra";
  • at stops;
  • at the crossroads;
  • on the motorway;
  • at railway crossings;
  • on bridges and overpasses;
  • on overpasses;
  • in areas with poor visibility;
  • in places where U-turns are not allowed;
  • when interfering with other road users.

In areas with poor visibility, you can make a similar maneuver only with the help of another person: a passenger or an unauthorized pedestrian.

In addition to the above restrictions, some signs prohibit such movement:

  • “Entry prohibited”, since motorists, in principle, cannot enter under it;
  • “Lane for route vehicles”, for the same reason.

There is no mention of a particular case of backing on a one-way road in the Rules. The ruling of the Supreme Court, adopted in 2012, states that it is allowed provided that the maneuver is safe and objectively necessary: ​​in the event of a detour around an obstacle or parking.

What else may be an objective necessity, there is neither in the traffic rules, nor in the Resolution, therefore, either an employee of the State Traffic Inspectorate or the court decides this issue.

So, driving in reverse on a one-way road is allowed if:

  • it is safe;
  • does not create an emergency;
  • there are no prohibition signs on the road;
  • there are no pedestrian crossings, intersections, bridges, etc. on the way of the car. (i.e. places where it is prohibited by the Rules);
  • it is a necessity.

Moreover, how much you can drive, 2, 3 or 10 meters, is not specified in any normative acts.

You should be aware that if the driver drove through a turn or exit from a one-way road, returning to him in reverse would be the desired and most convenient action for him, but not an objective necessity.

Therefore, he will have to make a circle, driving forward, and return to the turn or exit in this way.

Responsibility for violation

Under the current Code of Administrative Offenses in the Russian Federation, a driver who has driven on a one-way road in reverse will be punished with an administrative fine.

Which, depending on the circumstances, may vary in size:

  1. In places where this maneuver is prohibited (on bridges, overpasses, crossings, intersections, etc.), this violation can be qualified as non-observance of the rules of maneuvering, for which you will have to pay 500 rubles.
  2. For the same action committed on the highway, the collection will be more, already 2,500 rubles.
  3. The largest penalty is imposed on motorists who have gone in reverse at places where prohibition signs are installed or prohibitive markings are applied. Such maneuvers most often create emergency situations, and therefore the punishment for them is 5,000 rubles. Also, the driver's license may be confiscated for four or six months. If he commits this offense again, in the case of registration of actions by CCTV cameras or means of photographic recording, a fine of 5,000 rubles will be imposed again. An inspector for a similar violation of traffic rules has the right to deprive of rights for a year.

In the latter case, the maneuver is equivalent to driving on a one-way road in the opposite direction. Such a punishment was proposed by the same Resolution of the Supreme Court, adopted in 2012.

How to pay a fine

A driver who is confident in his righteousness and is going to appeal against the actions of a traffic inspector should not rush to pay the imposed fine. The rest of the citizens had better hurry up with this.

After all, since 2016, a law has come into force that allows some penalties to be repaid with a fifty percent discount if it is made within 20 days after receiving the decree.

Half of the amount cannot be paid by motorists who have committed the following offenses:

  • some repeated, which happened within a year after the first punishment;
  • driving in alcoholic intoxication and refusal to be examined;
  • accident caused by the driver with injured people;
  • in case of delay or postponement of the execution of the order on the imposed collection.

The minimum fine for driving on the carriageway in reverse is 500 rubles. Therefore, the discounted amount will be only 250.

You can pay the debt through the bank's cash desk according to the receipt, the Sberbank Online application, payment terminals, electronic payment systems, the websites of the traffic police and government services.

There are no commissions when paying through the online service of Sberbank, which is an indisputable advantage over some other methods.

First you need to enter your Personal Account, then:

  1. Click on "Transfers and Payments".
  2. Select "traffic police, taxes, duties" from the menu.

  3. Click on the organization that issued the fine, that is, the traffic police.
  4. Fill out the form by entering the required details.

    Then it remains to enter the amount of the fine and the card number from which the funds will be transferred.

    Can I appeal

    As already mentioned, it is not always a violation of the law to drive in reverse. If a citizen is sure that he was driving in compliance with the traffic rules, and the traffic police inspector does not agree with this and writes out a protocol, in no case should you refuse to sign the document.

    The employee has the right to find two attesting witnesses who will assure him and confirm all the circumstances. It would be better to include in the protocol the arguments confirming the correctness of the motorist and sign it.

    Within 10 days after receiving a decision on an administrative violation, from a traffic inspector or by mail, a citizen has the right to challenge it. Moreover, a complaint can be filed with the traffic police to the officer who wrote out the protocol.

    He, in turn, will have to transfer it to his immediate superior. Also, a paper of disagreement can be sent immediately to a superior manager.

    And the third way, which is the most reliable, is to go to court. There the situation will be considered objectively, without taking into account the subjective arguments of the inspector.

    The complaint should definitely indicate:

    • the name of the organization and the full name of the official to whom the document is submitted;
    • personal data and details of the motorist;
    • describe in detail the circumstances, you can attach a diagram of the maneuver, explain the reasons for disagreement with the actions of the traffic police officer;
    • confirm your words with documents, photographs, videos, testimonies of witnesses;
    • sign and date the appeal.

    If the driver provides an impressive evidence base, the court will take his side. It is not worth starting a dispute without documentary evidence. It will be doomed to failure in advance.

    Based on the results of the investigation, the order may be canceled for lack of offense or sent for revision due to lack of evidence on both sides.

    The punishment can also be mitigated. For example, if the driver fully admits his guilt for driving in reverse under a prohibitory sign, then instead of confiscating his rights, he will be awarded a fine.

    A motorist who has committed a traffic accident while driving backwards will receive a refusal with one hundred percent probability when appealing against the punishment. He will almost always be found guilty, as he did not follow the safety rules when traveling.

    By the way, in some cases, the insurance company may refuse to pay MTPL, and the culprit will have to repair the damaged car on his own.

    Reversing the vehicle is a high-risk maneuver. When it is executed, there is a high probability of a collision with a pedestrian or collision with another car.

    Therefore, in places where it is allowed, you should be extremely careful. And if visibility is limited, it is better not to resort to this action or use the help of a third party.


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