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Effective protection of the car body will preserve the impeccable appearance of the vehicle, providing “armor” on its surface that reliably protects against aggressive environmental factors. As a result of the application of a composition for protecting the car body, the paintwork becomes impervious to scratches, chemicals, and abrasive detergents. One of the most popular options for protecting the car body is the "liquid glass" technology.

After processing, a shiny coating envelops every millimeter of the paintwork. It is unable to protect against serious mechanical stress. In an accident or any other emergency on the road, serious damage will be noticeable. However, the treatment of the body with liquid glass has its advantages. A car with a car body protection begins to literally sparkle, acquires a glossy finish, with which it looks spectacular and expensive. Such cars easily claim to be a representative class, even if technically they do not belong to it. Their color is too attractive, which is not lost either under sunlight or under the light of electric lanterns. Professional protection of the car body is clearly visible in clear weather and during rain.


Liquid glass application service Price
Sedan RUB 5,000
SUV RUB 5500
Minivan RUB 6,000
Minibus RUB 6500

Protection of the car body with liquid glass in the company of No Defects will reliably protect the paintwork of your car for a long time!


Recently, car body protection has become a fairly popular service. This procedure helps to protect the body from scratches and makes the car look bright and attractive. In addition, liquid glass will save the car from corrosion and protect it from corrosion by various reagents in winter. Before the protection of the car body is applied, the specialists of the "Defects-NO" Car Restoration Center assess the condition of the car. During the inspection, it becomes clear how much the vehicle needs preliminary preparation. Many motorists mistakenly believe that the application of liquid glass will help hide paintwork defects. This is not true. The protection of the car body is transparent, and therefore cannot hide the existing chips. Before its application, special preparatory manipulations are carried out in the form of soft polishing of the paintwork.

The main advantages of applying liquid glass to the car body: The material of protection of the car body is combined with paintwork at the molecular level, has high adhesive properties, and is firmly fixed in the application area. Creates a kind of film on the surface that protects the car body from external influences. The composition of liquid glass does not have an extraneous shade, therefore, the protection of the car body enhances the color of the car, makes it deeper and more saturated. Inexpensive bodywork with liquid glass can significantly improve its aesthetics. The cost of technology in comparison with other types of polishing technologies is significantly lower, which allows you to save on work, but not on quality. The polish is resistant to the influence of chemicals, natural abrasives on the roads, dust and dirt, as it creates a barrier that prevents their penetration into the structure of the factory car paintwork.

Versatility in application, due to which the protection of the car body can be applied in any season (summer, winter, spring, autumn). Long term composition ... If necessary, the application of liquid glass can be repeated after six months of active use of the car, if its owner thinks that the coating has become dull, has lost its original shine. During this period, it is possible to easily update the protection of the car body, and not to completely repeat the procedure. The lite version will be cheaper in terms of money and will not take a lot of time. This "glass protection" lasts longer than wax, Teflon counterparts and epoxy coatings. On average, the service life of the car body protection is up to 1 year. Keeps the car clean and attractive in any weather, even when it is raining outside. On the road, your car looks like a top-class car. This is possible due to its good moisture resistance properties. Dirt-repellent protection of the car body will allow you to wash your car less often, saving time and money on visits to car washes in Moscow.

The principle of the procedure for treating the body with liquid glass is to use a special professional protective compound, which is applied to the car body at a certain temperature and in an ideally clean room. Liquid glass is applied to the surface of the car, and then, with the help of rotary movements, the microfiber is rubbed into the surface of the paintwork. The result of this procedure is a shiny and shiny car.


Restorative polishing relieves the car body of minor defects, thereby restoring its appearance. The duration of this procedure takes about one working day. Even the most outdated car models are subject to restoration. The cost of polishing a car is affordable for many car enthusiasts, so it can be done once a year.

Treatment with liquid glass in the company "Defects-no" is a comprehensive protection of the body against mechanical environmental influences. Car body protection liquid glass applied with a superficially uniform layer to every detail. After processing on the car paintwork a durable layer is formed, which serves as an effective protection against rust, oxidation, scratches, water and ultraviolet radiation.

Professional protection of a car body with liquid glass implies a thorough coating of the car paintwork with a special compound with a coating hardness of 7H according to KOH-I-NOOR. Liquid glass has a very strong structure. The chemical composition of the material contains silicon dioxide, which reacts with other active elements and forms an integral uniform film of increased hardness. The solution can only be applied after a complex polishing of a car or on a new car.

Comprehensive protection of the car body with liquid glass is a rather laborious procedure and requires a high level of skill, therefore it is rather difficult to carry out this process on your own, you should entrust this matter to qualified professionals.


  1. Liquid glass unlike other materials, it protects the body coating in a complex manner. After being applied to the car body, the active substances turn into a solid crust, which has great strength, capable of protecting the paint from scratches and chips.
  2. The main advantage of car body protection is its great durability and resistance to washing. One application procedure is enough for 60-70 or more washes, depending on the thickness of the application layer and the type of application of the detergents.
  3. The composition of liquid glass will give the body of your car a bright and deep shine.

The main advantages of liquid glass can be distinguished:

  • comprehensively protects the car body from scratches and chips;
  • excellent water-repellent effect;
  • good durability of the material;
  • reacts with factory paintwork;
  • does not require additional care;

Liquid glass for a car drawing in Moscow: The tough film protects your car not only from scratches, but also from the sun's ultraviolet rays, which can fade paint.

After processing the car with liquid glass, paintwork will significantly become stronger and more resistant to negative environmental influences. The composition of liquid glass will last more than eight months. It should be noted that the treatment with liquid glass is the most budgetary option to effectively protect your own car in the winter season, because this coating is resistant to various salt and acid reagents.


The cost of the procedure for treating a car body with liquid glass is quite affordable for most motorists. According to statistics, every third vehicle owner uses this service. However, in order to save money, some motorists try to apply liquid glass on their own. As a rule, this does not lead to the desired result, while it is necessary to have certain experience, knowledge of the technologies for applying protective polymer compositions.

When carrying out pre-sale preparation, the protection of the car body will improve its aesthetics, and therefore increase the value of the vehicle on the market. Many buyers first of all pay attention to the "external picture". In this regard, car body protection is a kind of way to avoid costly restoration work.

During the pre-vacation season, before going on a business trip, a long journey on highways. Timely treatment of the body with liquid glass and the application of an additional water-repellent layer will reduce the risk of dirt and damage to the car on the road. To update the appearance of a car that does not have serious defects on the surface of the body. Such protection of the car body with liquid glass will favorably distinguish the car from the background of other vehicles.

Liquid glass for a car. Bodywork will help give your car a chic look and protect it from external influences.

Liquid glass for auto - affordable processing price!

Have you been told that the dream of a car owner is to protect his "horse" from external influences and to admire the luxurious paintwork for many years? This is a pure lie. A dream is always unattainable, while covering a car with liquid glass in Moscow is available to everyone.

This material will not become an impenetrable armor, will not prevent the appearance of defects in the event of an accident. However, there are undeniable advantages that liquid glass has for a car body. The use of this method for processing the body is not in vain highly popular. After such a procedure, the aesthetic appeal of the car increases significantly. In addition, polishing with liquid glass is a way to protect the body from negative influences. And, therefore, it extends the service life of the car.

"Polishing" will make the coating of the car sparkle like a precious stone, a day after treatment, and at the same time eliminate minor defects and scratches. But the advantages of a powerful technology with a fragile name do not end there ...

Why coating a car with "liquid glass" and not silicon dioxide?

The title is scary and mostly marketing. It is true, as well as the fact that after processing the car acquires a mirror-like "glass" luster. In reality, the fragility of the coating is an illusion, there is no glass in the composition of the funds. Among the active components - about 10-25% silicon dioxide, the so-called "liquid glass", in the quartz coating this content is increased to 60% (titanium dioxide is already present in nanoceramics, the concentration of substances is more than 70% - heat-treated), which provides interaction with a coating at the molecular level. The film formed on the surface has fantastic strength and durability. In addition, polishing a car with liquid glass has nothing to do with applying materials that are sold in building stores for waterproofing.

If you are confused by the phrase "liquid glass for cars", remember: it can be different. Some formulations are harder than steel. For example, the front windows of the Mi-28 attack helicopter can withstand a direct hit from a 20-mm projectile. And they are also transparent.

Specificity of car body treatment with liquid glass

There is a certain specificity in the material of liquid glass, the use of this type of polishing depends on the condition of the body. Skilled craftsmen can determine if he needs prior training. The transparency of this coating does not allow it to be used for masking defects. If there are visible scratches on the surface, the treatment with liquid glass is carried out after the preparatory operations.

The peculiarity of this material lies in the fact that its main active component does not enter into a chemical reaction with the ingredients of the paintwork. It penetrates the molecular structure. Due to this property, the coating with liquid glass:

  • reliably connects to the paint and varnish layer;
  • prevents its destruction from outside influences;
  • creates a thin film with high strength.

Beautiful natural shine of the material, its light transmission properties provide the shade with greater depth and saturation. Therefore, liquid glass for cars is an excellent way to increase aesthetic appeal.

Advantages of liquid glass coating for cars

  • Liquid glass for cars is the most affordable price in comparison with other types of polishing;
  • Supernatural indicators of color saturation and gloss;
  • Resistance of liquid glass polish to chemical attack, a powerful barrier between paint molecules and various compounds;
  • Car body coating reliably protects paintwork from Moscow reagents;
  • After washing, microscratches are less visible on the body;
  • An easy renovation is possible if the coating fades after 6 months of active use of the machine.

4 reasons to choose liquid glass car cover

  • Lasts longer than epoxy or Teflon wax polishes. A thin layer of polymer can last up to a year;
  • Drivers dream of rain, so that friends and passers-by will get their eyes out of their sockets from the silent question “why does not the water wet the car”;
  • Excellent dirt and water repellency, in Moscow the savings on car wash are several times higher than the cost of treating the body with liquid glass;
  • Incomparable optical effect and mirror shine.

Everyone knows the saying about tanks that are not afraid of dirt. It reflects well the state of our roads. Please note that with Russian dirt after covering the car with liquid glass, it will not shine and sparkle from any rain, you need to wash it!

When is appropriate polish liquid glass for the car

Many owners want to cover the car with liquid glass because of the "convenient" price. We do not think you should be guided by the cost when you can choose one of 6 types of coatings in

The technology is used to protect the paintwork of a new car until it is scratched, and an old one if the amount and depth of damage does not reach a critical level.

Also, the choice of treating a car with liquid glass in Moscow is justified if you sell a vehicle and want to save on expensive restoration work.

It is impossible to refresh the appearance of a used car body with the help of only one coating with liquid glass! Deep scratches, traces of "gifts" from birds, tar and other damages require comprehensive restoration work.

Price (cost of work and materials)

6000 r for first and second class

7000 r for SUVs and crossovers

Economical use of liquid glass

One of the factors contributing to the growing popularity of this material is the cost-effectiveness of the processing method. It is made up of several things. Coating the car with liquid glass:

  • will not require exorbitant costs;
  • will significantly reduce the number of car washes;
  • guarantees the car an excellent view for several months;
  • will extend the life of the paint layer, car body;
  • simplifies, reduces the cost of pre-sale preparation.

Due to the moderate cost of liquid glass, the use of this method of protection is available to most car owners. If you contact the masters in a timely manner, preliminary preparation of the machine will not be required. The application of liquid glass prevents the negative effects of moisture, dirt, chemicals on the paintwork.

The material has excellent water-repellent properties, decent strength, even in conditions of active use of equipment, you will have to go to the sink much less often. Liquid glass for a car that is being prepared for sale will become a powerful attractive factor for a potential buyer.

Cons of polishing with liquid glass

Liquid glass for cars in Moscow has now become one of the most popular protective coatings. There is no doubt that this type of processing has many undeniable advantages. However, car owners should not assume that water glass coating is the only acceptable option. The disadvantages of this method include:

  • the need for preliminary preparation if there is damage to the body;
  • lower strength of surface protection than that of a ceramic, quartz layer;
  • applied in only one layer and not the longest service life.

But given the specifics of metropolitan roads, the affordable cost of liquid glass coating for a car, the use of the material is quite justified, if the car is often used, it should have a prestigious look. You just need to update the coating in a timely manner, take good care of the car. Qualified polishing with liquid glass guarantees its respectable appearance, its preservation in any weather.

Myths about liquid glass, its properties and capabilities

Liquid glass for cars is a good protection and an excellent way to improve aesthetic performance. But in order to increase the popularity, demand for this service, marketers, specialized companies give out inaccurate information about the material. Machine owners who decide to order the application of liquid glass should get acquainted with the true data on its properties and capabilities.

Currently, Moscow offers liquid glass in most auto centers. The average cost of processing a sedan car is about 7 thousand rubles.

The prices for the service in the workshops differ slightly. But there is a significant difference in coverage information. In one auto center they assure that liquid glass for a car retains its properties for a year. In another place, they can offer a coating that will reliably protect the body for up to 5-7 years.

It should be understood that all manufacturers produce liquid glass polish using the same technology. Material may differ in silica content. However, even its maximum amount of 15%, included in water glass, cannot be used for several years. This coating has no chance to retain its original properties for so long.

Real opportunities to maintain coverage in Moscow

The conditions of the metropolitan streets create serious tests for the body of a technical device. The treatment with liquid glass provides it with decent protection. However, do not delude yourself with the timing of the preservation of the integrity of this coating, promised by the manufacturer on the package. The specificity of road surfaces significantly reduces its duration.

Practice shows that liquid glass for a car is a good protection for 4-7 months. If the machine is used intensively, the period is reduced by about a month. This duration is worth counting on. Since Moscow offers liquid glass in many centers, updating the coating will not create problems.

It is important to understand one more nuance. Liquid glass for a car is not a means of repairing defects, polishing. The flaws on the body before processing must be eliminated.

Our work

The cost of covering a car with liquid glass

The price for processing with liquid glass in Moscow, taking into account the service life, saving on washing, preventing premature full or local painting, is more than acceptable. It is expensive to go to salons where they make "nice and cheap" for up to 5 car washes.

Professional polishing of a car body with liquid glass is, first of all, a thorough preparatory work. Jack of all trades ignore this stage or are not able to perform at the level due to lack of knowledge or material and technical base.

We choose the best service out of many options, not a way to save money on the result.

Liquid glass for cars is an economical and not the only solution!

Ceramic Pro and Liquid Glass for Car by appointment:

Our address: Moscow, SVAO, SAO. Beskudnikovsky Boulevard 19A, -3 Floor

Working hours: from 9:00 to 21:00 seven days a week.

Ever dreamed that the body of your vehicle will retain its original luster even after years of intensive use? Order the car polishing service with liquid glass in the "Academy Lux" company and your long-standing desire will come true: the paintwork will be covered with a special protective compound.

We will eliminate minor flaws, lacquer abrasions, chips, and only then we will process the body. Our craftsmen will handle all of these operations in 24 hours or less.

The choice in favor of liquid glass for the car body is a rational decision, since this material provides excellent protective qualities and is cheaper than analogues. It's all about the chemical properties of the composition.

What is liquid glass?

Scientifically speaking, liquid glass for a car is a complex chemical composition, the active component of which is silicon dioxide (its share is 10-20%). It is also the main element. That is, it is thanks to silicon dioxide that good adhesion of the composition and paintwork is ensured, as well as its protection from mechanical damage.

After proper treatment with liquid glass for a car, a strong and durable film is formed on the paintwork, which protects it from rubble, dust and road debris.

In general, "liquid glass" is a simplified name that does not describe the principle or composition of the material, but the resulting effect. The body starts to sparkle. At the same time, it was as if he had really been doused with liquid glass, which then froze and formed a strong transparent film.

Stages of applying liquid glass to a car

7 advantages of liquid glass over analogues

I must admit, there are many compositions for the protective treatment of a car body. But why has liquid glass been so popular among motorists in recent years? There are at least 7 reasons for this.

1. Low cost. The first and most important advantage of the protective coating of a car with liquid glass is the price, which makes this procedure affordable for most motorists in the capital. Analogues are much more expensive.

2. Resistance to chemical compounds. Liquid glass protects not only from mechanical damage. Bird droppings, stains of gasoline, bitumen and other contaminants will not get to the surface of the paintwork. And they will be washed off from liquid glass with ordinary water.

3. Repels water and dirt. Liquid glass is a hydrophobic composition. So you will less frequently visit a car wash, because dirt and dust nailed down by water will not leave ugly stains and streaks on the surface of the body.

4. Protection against micro-scratches. If you decide to go out into nature or park next to bushes in the city, you don't have to worry about their branches scratching the body. Even sand flying from under the wheels will not leave traces and micro-scratches on the paintwork.

5. Saturated color. Coating the car body with liquid glass gives its native paint an additional shine: it acts as a kind of lens that does not lead to burnout and fading of the paintwork.

6. Serves up to 12 months. Liquid glass will retain its properties for up to 1 year. Then you just need to restore it. This will cost you less, since the craftsmen will not need to first correct the defects of the body. Other types of polishes last much less.

7. Easy to recover. If the coating has become dull, has become dull, or the part has been damaged as a result of an accident, any part of the liquid glass can be restored or renewed at minimal cost in Academy Lux.

Where to order a coating with liquid glass and how much does it cost?

If you want experienced craftsmen to make the protective coating of the car with liquid glass for you without flaws, then sign up and come to the "Academy Lux" company. We work with formulations from three leading manufacturers:

  • Willson;
  • C. Quartz;
  • Pika-rain.

Prices for coating a car body with liquid glass

Name of service

1 class

2nd grade

Grade 3

4th grade

Grade 5

Body wash

Cleaning the body from bitumen, silicones

Body preparation with Glass Body Cleaner

Some repair and construction work is carried out using various adhesives. When fixing two non-uniform surfaces, it is important to consider factors affecting adhesion. Equally important is the selection of the glue that will ensure the maximum service life of items or decorative finishes.

Among the large assortment of adhesive mixtures, liquid glass deserves special attention. The product consists of an aqueous alkaline solution based on various silicate salts. In production, sodium silicate and potassium silicate are used, which divides the glue into 2 types. The area of ​​application is considered to be the distinctive qualities of the compositions.

The sodium product increases the hardening rate of cement slurries. It is often used in foundation work, for waterproofing surfaces. Chemical components perfectly interact with minerals. Due to its unique properties, sodium silicate is added to antiseptic and fire-resistant mixtures. The potassium compound is highly resistant to chemical and weathering. It is added to various decorative coatings.

The effectiveness of liquid glass is due to the ability to penetrate into the structure of solid materials, to give up its moisture, while increasing its own density and viscosity.

Read also: How to choose wall paint

Scope of liquid glass

The scope of use of liquid glass is wide, but first of all, the material is added to building compounds, which are designed for surface treatment from microbiological processes and exposure to moisture. Cement mortar is more wear-resistant than pure mix. Often in construction, silicate glue is used in the construction of foundations and waterproofing works.

In everyday life, liquid glass is used for the following purposes:

Restoration of damaged porcelain and ceramics items;

When laying PVC tiles, linoleum;

For surface polishing;

In the process of processing the car body;

For sealing metal pipes;

For impregnation of various surfaces in order to increase fire and moisture resistance.

The silicate product is actively used by gardeners when pruning plants. Damaged areas are treated with a compound that prevents the development of microbiological processes and decay.

In the modern direction of art design, glue has also proven to be popular. It is used to create floors with a 3D effect, stained glass windows, decorate suspended ceiling structures and mosaic panels.

Hand-made craftswomen often use an adhesive composition in the manufacture of jewelry and various accessories.

Pros of liquid glass

Advantageous characteristics of liquid glass:

When applied, the adhesive penetrates deep into any structure (wood, concrete, polymer materials), which ensures high adhesion;

Read also: Which linoleum is better to choose? 5 variants

After solidification, a thin film forms that does not allow moisture to pass through;

Low material consumption;

Affordable price;

Long service life;

Suitable for work in high humidity conditions;

Extends the service life of concrete and paint coatings.

The nuances of using liquid glass

When working with glue, one should take into account its fast-setting property. Masters recommend pre-adjusting all the elements and making a fitting, so that the fixation process is carried out without delay.

An equally important point is the use of a silicate adhesive for waterproofing. Silicate forms a thin film that is fragile. Therefore, it is rational to use several types of hydrophobic materials.

Rules for the use of liquid glass

When applying glue to a surface for the purpose of waterproofing, a strict sequence must be observed:

First, you should clean the work surface from the exfoliated finish, dirt and dust;

Apply a primer in two layers with intermediate drying;

Knead a protective mixture of sand, cement and liquid glass;

Spread the prepared solution over the working area with a spatula.

It is better to knead in small portions in order to have time to use the entire solution before hardening.

Various mixtures based on liquid glass are often used in the process of repair and during construction work. Can a brick be treated with liquid glass? What is it and how can you work with it at all?

The wall treated with liquid glass has a high resistance to moisture penetration and brick destruction.

Liquid glass and work with it

Let's start our acquaintance with liquid glass. What is this substance? It is based on sodium silicate. Sometimes a more expensive product is used - potassium silicate.

I get water glass in factories fusing silicon dioxide with soda. Pure liquid glass is a colorless crystal. Sometimes they are white. In the construction business, a solution of silicates in water is used. It is a viscous mixture that hardens when exposed to carbon dioxide from the air. When glass solidifies, amorphous silicon oxides are released. This material is used mainly for processing cement, wood and concrete surfaces. The working mixture on liquid glass can have a wide variety of component ratios.
  • rather high cost of the mixture;
  • the need to use up the packaging completely.
Image No. 1. Liquid glass hardens rather quickly, so you should not leave the jar with the mixture open.

After opening the package (image no. 1), the glass hardens very quickly. In construction, individual components are often used to compose solutions. This is much cheaper than the ready-mix. If there is not a lot of work, then you will need:

  • bucket;
  • mixing drill;
  • spray gun or brush;
  • cement;
  • sand;
  • water;
  • construction trowel;
  • overalls and protective equipment (image No. 2).

The bucket should be designed specifically to fill it with liquid glass. Silicates are highly toxic. Therefore, you should not allow food products to be close to them. The drill must be equipped with a special attachment. Sifted sand must be used. Dilute liquid glass with cold water. Better to use small measuring containers. This will prevent you from pouring excess water into the solution. Usually the mortar is made from concrete mortar or from cement, diluted with water glass. For 1 part of the glass, take 10 parts of the solution. If the instructions indicate other proportions, you should use them.

Protective gloves and goggles are essential when working. It is better to choose rough clothes. It can be made of rubberized fabric or tarpaulin. Ordinary fabrics become completely unusable very quickly, since the mixture has a high alkalinity. Spilled material on clothing can be removed mechanically. The frozen glass is cleaned with a knife. To make cleaning easier, you can cover the stains with a cloth dampened with water and hold for several hours. Large spills are very difficult to remove. Better to avoid them.

Image No. 2. Protective equipment when working with liquid glass: gloves, goggles, respirator.

These mixtures are used for treating floors and walls. Standing thickness can be up to 3mm. It is a very strong film to protect the structure from moisture and give it extra strength. The walls of various wells and pools are treated with liquid glass.

The range of colors of these mixtures is very scarce. The high alkalinity of the material destroys almost all color pigments. A mixture based on potassium silicate is more resistant to dyes. Silicate paints can be purchased in stores and mixed with water glass before use.

In order to achieve greater hydrophobicity, you can add no more than 5% organic polymers to the total mass of the mixture. The best adhesion is obtained by applying glass to cement or lime whitewash. Alkyd or acrylic paint must be thoroughly cleaned from the surface.

Liquid glass and brick

Can liquid glass be applied to bricks? It is written in the rules for its application that it is categorically impossible to do this. This mixture can completely destroy brickwork. But the solution dries quickly. This makes it possible to apply it to brick walls in small portions (image no. 3).

Visible streaks are immediately removed from the surface. A mixture based on sodium silicates is used on mineral surfaces, potash glass is best used in an acidic environment. Ease of application allows this substance to be used quite widely. It has special properties:

Image No. 3. It is necessary to apply liquid glass evenly and in small portions.
  • high moisture resistance;
  • adhesion to many types of surfaces;
  • inertness with respect to most chemicals;
  • excellent antiseptic;
  • the highest degree of fire resistance;
  • strength;
  • very low thermal conductivity;
  • high anti-corrosion properties;
  • the material is non-toxic;
  • has great wind resistance.

These data allow the use of the composition for the treatment of fireplaces, heating speeches, chimneys. To use glass in the processing of stoves and fireplaces, you need to mix liquid glass with sand and cement. For 1 part of cement, 3 parts of sand and 1 part of glass are taken. Everything is thoroughly mixed and applied to the treated surfaces in small portions. When working, do not allow the mixture to get into the eyes. If it gets into your eyes, you should immediately rinse them with plenty of clean water.

Remember the main thing

Liquid glass gives on surfaces a film that does not dissolve in water, does not emit toxins, and does not react to chemicals. It is used in the manufacture of durable paints, bricks with heat-resistant properties, molds for enterprises engaged in metal casting. Liquid glass is used in factories to make soap.

In everyday life, it is used to waterproof the walls of buildings, swimming pools, wells.

When buying it, you need to choose a tight package. It must be hermetically sealed. Otherwise, when air enters, the glass begins to freeze. The product can be stored for up to 1 year, even in severe frosts.


When using liquid glass for bricks, there is a very low consumption of it. The material is affordable. It is used on concrete or plastered surfaces. When working with bricks, it is not recommended to use it. Liquid glass is used for sealing pipes, for repairing pieces of furniture. Gardeners use it to treat cutting sites in trees. Before pasting the walls of the apartment with glass wallpaper, it is useful to process them with a glass solution. The main thing in this matter is to choose the most correct composition.


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