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To increase the magical potential of the stav, it is necessary to perform a rune activation ritual. Activation is a rite that allows you to endow becoming your own spiritual energy, to bind it to yourself.

Unfortunately, almost no information has been preserved on how the ritual took place in ancient times, when people could directly communicate with the gods. However, the practical use of various activation methods allows us to assert that it is quite realistic for a capable person to “revive” becoming, concentrating all his will on the process.

First of all, you should breathe life into each sign. To do this, the magician must take each rune in his left hand and focus mentally on its meaning and name. Then, the fingers of the right hand are bent with a tube and through them the air is exhaled with force in the direction of the rune, giving energy to the stav. Repeat the action three times for each sign. The ancients believed that human breath contains vital forces that have almost the same power as blood.

The activation of the stav should be carried out slowly in a calm atmosphere. The magician performing the ritual should feel good and not experience a stressful state. Before the ritual, you need to memorize the name and meaning of each rune. Particular attention should be paid to the stav, having determined in advance what qualities it should have, what characters will be included in the set. It is worth considering that the runes themselves do not have negative or positive characteristics. Therefore, their strength will completely depend on the desire of the person awakening the signs to life.

Of course, this is not the only way to activate stakes. You can use the fire activation ritual. The runes applied to the object should be circled with matches, mentally turning to the gods with a request and specifying the deadline for its implementation. After that, the ritual is carried out using the breath as described above, and the runes are burned with flame. At the end of the ritual, it is necessary to thank the gods and show them to the four cardinal points.

In order for the activation of the runes to be fully completed, an offering must be made to the gods. As a gift, you can use coins, beer, wine, sweets or your own blood. For a person who has been working with runes for a long time, there is no problem with choosing an offering. As a rule, he is well aware that higher powers demand in return for their mercy.

Runes are often activated with blood. This method is not recommended for beginners, since the incorrect performance of the rite threatens troubles for the half-educated magician. By the way, many magicians who work with runes believe that activation with the help of blood is a rite invented by contemporaries and does not have any additional power.

It is much easier and more effective to perform a ritual using the four elements. First, becoming is carried out clockwise over a burning candle. Then, the runes are sprinkled with water three times. Further, becoming sprinkled with salt and carried through the smoke of an incense stick. At the end of the action, the candle should burn out completely, salt and water are taken out into the street and mixed with the ground. In order for the runes to absorb the energy of the owner, they must be stored in a special bag and put under the pillow at night.

To fully appreciate the potential of the stav, you need to know how to activate the runes. Becoming will work without a ritual, but, after initialization, its effect will be much stronger.

Hello! In order for the runes to begin to be useful, they must be charged, given the right direction. Every person who wants to use ancient signs to achieve their goals should know how to activate runes.

How to connect with runes

In order for the ancient signs to work, it is necessary to activate, that is, to correctly tune in to a specific person, to encourage them to act in the right direction.

Separate, or runic ligatures need to be activated only once. If these are protective amulets, then you will have to recharge them every 2 months.

The runic formula that has fulfilled its action must be thanked.

With signs applied to it to ward off misfortunes, it is also charged every 2 months.

The symbols on the body are subject to activation, which is carried out with each writing.

How to prepare for recharging

To set up runes for their further action, use 4 Elements.

  1. Prepare dry herbs or incense. It can be dried flowers of immortelle, yarrow, chamomile, sage, frankincense or ambergris.
  2. Buy white, red, green, blue candles. To attract money, good luck, success in business, you need a red or green candle. For healing - a blue candle, for harmonizing personal life - pale green or pink.
  3. Large without additives.
  4. , standing in the house for 3 hours.
  5. A white cloth laid on the table, on which all the items for the action will lie.

Elemental Activation

Encouragement to action through Air.

  • Set fire to herbs or incense, then extinguish them to form smoke. You can set it on fire in a regular spoon.
  • Next, fumigate each rune or talisman with signs written on it.
  • Read the disclaimer:

“I (Name, Surname) activate the runic formula with the element of Air, (for example) to attract wealth”

The continuation is written below.

  • The action is carried out in solitude.

Attracting the element of Fire:

  • Light it up.
  • Hold a rune or object on top of the flame for a few seconds.
  • To charge with fire, read the Disclaimer:

“I (Name, Surname) activate the rune formula with the element of Fire to enhance, for example, my female (male) strength”

Attracting the elements of the Earth:

  • Sprinkle salt on runes or objects, directing your thoughts to your intention.
  • Read the disclaimer:

"I activate the Fehu rune for my rune set with the element of Earth"

  • Used salt should be poured under the tree.

Attracting the element of Water:

  • Spray plain tap water (no holy water) on objects or symbols.
  • Read the Disclaimer as in the previous examples.
  • With the remaining water, pour indoor flowers or pour it under a tree.
  • Don't forget to activate the symbol pouch!

Quick activation method

The most accessible way is breath!

  • Place the runic ligature or object on your left palm.
  • Fold your right hand into a tube.
  • Take a deep breath, concentrating on the intention.
  • Exhale through the palm folded into a tube.
  • The air should get on the object lying on the left palm.
  • If you wish, say the Disclaimer:

"I will activate the runic to protect my business (name) from the effects of any harmful forces and energies"

  • Can be loaded with ice. Pour water over a leaflet with a runic bundle and freeze, saying the words written above.

Secrets of Charging Symbols

  1. Only formulas or ligatures are activated by fire.
  2. Firecharge Danger: Cannot be returned even if you change your mind.
  3. Before charging, put an amulet or a bunch of runes under your pillow for 3 nights to understand if you really want the fulfillment of this desire.
  4. applied with a pen or oils on the body, actuate by breathing after each application. Draw them on the surface of the water in any container, reading the Clause. Sprinkle the inscription with water, then drink the water slowly.
  5. An easy way to give action to formulas is to write them on paper: on one side of the sheet, a tie is written, and on the other side, the name, surname of the person for whom the work needs to be done. Then charging is carried out by applying one of the elements. A person must have a runic tie with him for 2 months, then thank and burn.
  6. Breathing - you can attract abundance, money, protect yourself and your home.

If neurosis or other unpleasant phenomena appear after activation, then the work has begun. After three days, the condition should return to normal.

Purification of the amulet

To have the power of protection, they must be periodically cleaned and charged. Many amulets are made of stone or metal.

The easiest way is to clean the protective item in running water. Substitute it under water and say:

“Water washes away the troubles and misfortunes taken by the amulet into itself, protecting me !!!”

After that, wipe it with a napkin, put it under the sun for about 30 minutes.

Can be cleaned fire: pass the amulet over the candle flame several times from right to left, then in the opposite direction. Mentally imagine how negative energy turns into smoke. For a deeper cleansing, say out loud:

“The flame burns the negativity, and all my misfortunes turn into smoke and disappear”

The candle will have to be thrown away.

If the sun is shining outside, then put your protector under its rays. So he is well charged with clean energy.

If you wear a charm in plain sight, then it will collect all the negative energy from strangers and reduce its protective function. Put it in salt, hold for 3 days. After the ritual is completed, the salt must be discarded. The room where the ritual was performed must be fumigated with sage smoke.

How do you know if it's cleared? If there is no negativity on it, then you will immediately feel incredible confidence in yourself. If such a sensation does not arise, the cleansing will have to be repeated, and then do not touch it for 24 hours.

When the moon comes out in the sky, put the object on the windowsill.

Read the following:

“I call on the mother moon, I call on her for help! Let him give strength to my amulet, for good and good deeds! I’ll look at the moon at night, I’ll thank her with my eyes!”

Proper deactivation of runes

It is important to know how to deactivate the runes correctly so that they do not bring trouble. If the runes are depicted on paper or a photo, then they must be burned with gratitude for the work done. If you put a photo with a formula on your page on your computer, then delete it with gratitude as well.

And best of all, in the reservation, indicate the specific duration of the tie or stav.

“The formula works without harm to the physical and mental health of me and my loved ones. I can undo this formula at any time."

In general, any action with the destruction of the runes stops their work.

Dear friends, you have learned even more about the effect of magic symbols. To use them or not to use them is up to you!

Runes as magical symbols have long and firmly entered modern esotericism. Runic formulas, galdrastaves, both ancient and modern, are used for a variety of purposes. They have gained popularity due to their ease of use and affordability. Rune masters in our time are not limited to depicting them on wood or stone, because times have changed and other materials have become available. The situations for which runic magic is used are also different from those for which they were used in antiquity. Times have changed, and lifestyles have changed with them. But many things remain unchanged for centuries: love, wealth, health.

What are runic formulas for?

Runic formulas are used for various purposes:

  • healing people and animals;
  • attracting good luck, money;
  • attraction of love, love spell;
  • quarrel;
  • magical protection;
  • increase in own strength, energy, attractiveness;
  • travel protection and assistance;
  • damage, punishment of enemies;
  • the expulsion of otherworldly forces and entities.

For any occasion of life, there are both authentic ancient formulas and those compiled by modern practitioners. The formula consists of several runes written in a row (runeteyn) or connected into one drawing (galdrastav). Ancient formulas can be quite adapted to the realities of our life, for example, becoming a horse for protection is suitable for use in a car, a formula for winning a ting is suitable for winning a lawsuit. Traditionally, runes are depicted (carved) on the carrier or on the body, and then they are activated and bring gifts to the gods.

Why you need to activate the formula

Rune activation is an investment in the formula of your energy. Not all practitioners consider activation necessary, because the runic becoming already contains magic in itself. After all, the runes were created by Odin, like all runic magic: "I raised the runes, groaning, I raised them" - these are the words of Odin in the "Speech of the High One". Such a sacrifice was enough for the runes to work for many centuries, bringing into the world the magic that Odin knew when he hung on the Yggdrasil tree. So, they do not need to be activated additionally.

However, it is still worth activating the runic formula. This is done not to charge the runes with energy, but for a completely different purpose: to bind the magical work to oneself, to communicate to it a part of one's individuality. "Can you cut? Are you able to guess? Can you color?" It is said in the Elder Edda:

“Veistu hvy rnsta skal?

Veistu hvy rbra skal?

Veistu hvy fba skal?”

In ancient times, runes were stained with their own blood. Why did the Nordic magicians do this? Probably because the blood contains the genetic code of a person, his energy and magical power, the gift transferred. The stronger the magician, the greater the power of the runes activated by blood. This approach to runic magic gives the practice a great responsibility. Own blood is used only for exceptionally important matters, in simple operations, formulas can be activated in other ways. For example, breath or four elements.

General rules before activation

First you need to think over the purpose for which the runic formula will be cut (depicted). The technology for applying the stave includes several stages:

  • formulation of the goal, drawing up a clause (explanations for which the formula is depicted);
  • applying the formula to the base (wood, paper, stone, human body);
  • pronouncing a slander and activation;
  • offering (gifts) to the gods.


  1. You can't use your own blood to work for other people.
  2. State the purpose of the work as clearly as possible. If you want no one from your loved ones to suffer when you achieve your goal, stipulate this. Otherwise, it will turn out, as in the well-known example: he made a ritual for money - he received money as an inheritance after the death of a relative.
  3. Be sure to bring gifts to the gods in sufficient quantities, otherwise the gift will be taken that the gods choose for themselves. Gifts are not always something material. It can be, for example, a folded laudatory visa (hymn) to the glory of a particular deity.

Activation of the formula on the body

The formula drawn on certain parts of the body is activated by breathing. This is enough, since the heat of the body and its own energy are also activators. What to do if the rune is in a hard-to-reach place and it is impossible to activate it with breathing? The answer is obvious: do not put runes on such places. If the formula is applied to someone else's body, it is activated by the operator's breath. Sometimes it is possible to activate with water, plunging into a reservoir for this, or with air, fumigating the body with incense smoke. The application of runes to the body is accompanied by a slander.

Rune activation on paper

Paper is a convenient carrier: it is a natural material, it is easy to depict various runic staves of any complexity on it, and it is also easy to destroy. You can print a photo and apply becoming on it. Paper is not strong enough to be activated by fire, so the runes are also activated by breath, sometimes blood. It is necessary to stipulate the formula, sometimes each character is also called separately.

How to activate the runic formula with breath

To properly activate the runes with breathing, you need to bring the applied formula to your lips and breathe on it, while visualizing how the energy passes into runes along with breathing. Some see how the symbols begin to seem to glow or sparkle, become more alive. After activation, the runes are negotiated as usual. This is the so-called small activation ritual.

How to activate the runic formula with blood

To activate the formula with blood, you have to inflict a wound on yourself. Do not engage in self-harm, a small cut or puncture of the finger with a needle is enough. The pattern of runes is repeated with blood. This is enough, no visualizations are required. At the same time, special conspiracies or visas are read to the glory of the gods.

Activation of the runic formula using 4 elements

Runes are close to nature, to its elements, so they are ideal for activation. What element to choose? It depends on which element is closer to the practice and the essence of the formula, on which of the gods they plan to turn to.

Fire activation

For this procedure, a candle or a fire is suitable. It is necessary to hold the formula over the flame of a candle, a fire, it is permissible for the carrier to be slightly burned, but not destroyed. They burn the carrier when they want to cancel the effect of the formula. Visualization: the runes become fiery, saturated with flame. Activation is suitable for those who interact with the god Loki, because it is he who is considered the deity of fire in Scandinavian mythology.

Air activation

Breath activation also belongs to this type. The fumigation of incense with smoke is also suitable, which should be selected in accordance with the purpose of the formula. To choose the right incense, you need to have at least basic knowledge about the magical properties of plants. You can take ready-made incense or collection for magical operations. The carrier needs to be held in the smoke for some time. Visualization: barely noticeable streams of air emanate from the runes.

Water activation

The carrier with the formula is lowered into a bowl of water or into an open body of water. The runes must be carved on a piece of wood or birch bark. Sometimes the carrier is released at the same time into free swimming - it is simply thrown into a river or sea. This activation is best used by those who have good contact with the god Njord.

Earth activation

There are several ways to properly activate runes with earth. The first is to sprinkle the carrier with earth or salt. The second is to bury it in the ground for a while, or forever. This method is used quite rarely. It is often associated with corruption and death magic, for greater effect, some perform a ritual in a cemetery or use cemetery land. It will suit those who turn to Hel. A volt or a photograph with applied runes is also buried in the ground. The earth has a neutralizing effect, so it is also used to remove the impact: they bury what they want to get rid of in the ground.

A ritual in which all 4 elements are involved

This is a great activation ritual that comes from Western magic. It is quite simple and suitable even for beginners, you just need to learn some of the subtleties of the ritual. For him, you will need a runic altar, where the symbols of the four elements are displayed along the cardinal points: east - air, west - water, north - earth, south - fire. They can be represented, for example, by a bowl of water, a candle, a handful of earth (it can be replaced with salt) and an incense stick. Before the start of the ritual, a circle is drawn, the four cardinal directions are consecrated with the symbol of Mjolnir, the hammer of Thor: he expels otherworldly forces so that they do not interfere with the ritual. The consecrated circle is your shield against the forces of evil and any interference in magical work. The carrier with the formula applied to it is placed on the runic altar in the center, between the symbols of the elements. The stipulation, or the purpose of the formula, is read out. Then each element is activated separately, gifts to the gods are left on the altar.

Appeal to the gods in runic magic

Few people know that it is the appeal to the gods, and not the carving of runes, that is the main part of northern magic. It is advisable to start this interaction in advance: through reading traditional texts, myths and legends, entering the culture of ancient Scandinavia. Each of the northern gods is a bright personality, they all have their own preferences, abilities and relationships with other gods. All this is necessary to know in order to establish a strong contact with them. What each of the aces loves, and what he hates. With whom he is friends, and with whom he is at enmity. With whom he is related, whom he patronizes.

Knowledge about the gods is the first level of interaction. The second level is to go through initiation and go under the protection of one of them. At this level, the tasks will be more difficult, the interaction will be deeper, a person, in fact, carries out the will of this deity into the world, while performing his own tasks - it is on this basis that the gods choose their “wards”. Those whose qualities are closer, who have similar goals. Let's say Frigga will patronize mothers of many children, and Loki will patronize those who are cunning and cunning, like himself.

The third level is priesthood: in this case, a person devotes his life to serving a deity. Few people dare to do this in our time, but the power that the priest is endowed with is much greater than with a simple conversion. To the priest, his patron can specially bring people to work that suits his goals. Helping them, the priest performs his service and leads more and more people to the Northern Tradition and to a particular deity. In fact, the priest becomes an instrument and conductor of the will of the god he serves in this world.

Activation of runic staves through meditation and visualization

Sometimes becoming is not depicted on a specific medium, but is visualized and activated by meditating on it. Simple formulas are suitable for this method, since the concentration should be maximum. This method is not suitable for beginners, it is available only to experienced magicians. It is necessary to sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes, concentrate and present (visualize) the formula as clearly as if you saw it with your own eyes. After that, you need to see the runes glowing, sparkling with energy, and call up an image of how they should work. For example, to see the situation to which the impact is directed, and a luminous formula on top of it. The formula can also be mentally specified.

Requirements after activating the runes

Treba, or sacrifice (blot) is offered after the ceremony is completed. What to sacrifice, everyone decides individually. Traditionally, good alcohol and delicious food are donated to the Norse gods, sometimes jewelry or weapons. The sacrifice must be such that it would be a pity to give it, otherwise it is not a sacrifice at all. In fact, in this case, the energy invested in the victim is given away: the money for which alcohol, jewelry and other material values ​​\u200b\u200bwere bought. The labor by which this money was earned. Therefore, the sacrifice may not be related to the investment of funds: a folded visa, a painted picture, fruits grown by one's own labor. The gods are not interested in the object, but what is done for them, especially sincere creativity. If sacrificing expensive alcohol or household items seems excessive to someone, it is worth remembering that in ancient times bloody sacrifices were practiced, not only animals, but also people.

How to leave a sacrifice, or a demand: if it is something that can be eaten - put it on a dish or pour it into a goblet, bowl, put it on the altar. If an ornament or other item - also put on the altar. Visu or a song to sing or read. The victim is left on the altar for a day if he is at home. Then they take it to any place in nature where there are trees, and leave it at the roots of the tree. Ash (Yggdrasil) or birch (Berkana) is best suited for these purposes if a woman does magic. Decoration can be hung on a tree branch. The dishes in which the victim was located must be taken away after a while. It is advisable to choose one, the most pleasant place for the victims and always leave them there. If the sacrifice is made to Njord or Hel, the gifts are poured (thrown) into the river or left in the cemetery. It is advisable to show a painted picture or a folded visa to others so that they can also share the veneration of this deity.

1) Drawing runes on the carrier

You also need to be able to correctly apply runes. For this, I drew an outline for you
elder Futhark. She wrote about the features of different styles (when
it is necessary to go up, when down, we always start from the main axis)
Carrier can be very different, I will list the most common carriers:
paper, photograph, image, leather, metal, wood and its derivatives,
clay, stone, mineral, cloth, wax, etc. One wish for the wearer: natural origin. Natural materials are better than artificial ones
keep information in themselves and do not interfere with the passage of energy currents, in
different from synthetics.
Synthetics can only be used correctly by a master! Why? Because he understands what he is dealing with, and in the absence of
live characters, it will embed in synthetic media or
dye rune archetypes far-fetched can be said by the ears of
egregorial information field and anchor them in forced
order in or on this artificial, non-living medium. These are emergency
measures. The natural carrier is many times more effective and cooler.

2) we inform the information program of action we stipulate or conjure right in the process of applying runes to the carrier!- paper (plain or photo, maybe it will be just a photo a
X-ray image of some human organs), wood, stone, skin, metal and
Spells are a serious topic, more on them later.

If you are not able to draw runes right away and immediately stipulate them (invest
your information, direct their action), I advise you to do it in advance
imagine sketches of future work (formulas, staves, ties, etc.). drew
let's say in the photo becoming, in advance, slowly at home. Let's come to
forest, decomposed, began to work on the photo - we draw the runes again according to the sketch and put the necessary information into them. The convenience is that you do not need to keep the whole becoming in mind and then hastily
draw something crookedly in the photo, you have a sketch according to which you
calmly work for yourself.
The slander (information work activator) can be of 3 types:
1. runic(sequentially, usually starting from the object of influence, for example, runes
Mannaz is a specific person, Gebo is a specific relationship, etc.
we stipulate each rune, give it a direction to a certain action,
we set a task for her, we supply the information we need.)
2. general(we do not pay attention to the runes individually, we put before them
specific task, what effect, result we want to get with their
3. stipulation-visa(used often in ritual invocations to the gods. You will activate your runic work
immediately, revealing your request in your vis-appeal to the deity)

3) activate the work of the runes + feed the information with energy and send it for implementation

First I will say that during the activation procedure, no matter which way you
doing this, you must say out loud or to yourself: "I activate you by force ... (indicate what: fire, air, water, earth, lightning, I breathe into
you life... = I activate you with the power of my spirit)"

a) activate by the forces of air and spirit, sounds scary and difficult, but in fact you just need to dial into the lungs
air, concentrate on yourself, then switch point
concentration on the runes and smoothly "blow" it on your formula or becoming,
(the procedure is similar to a spirogram of lung volume) only this action must be conscious!).
Thus, you charge the runes with the power of the air and your personal power. (what is called - "fortitude").

b) Activation by the power of fire:

b.1) carefully carry the photo or any other media (runes to the flame) over the candle flame(it is highly desirable to have a wax candle, with paraffin candles
work only if it is impossible to get natural wax
candles), ... take a little higher than the flame, otherwise the photo may ignite
fully. When properly activated in this way, in place of your
runic f-ly, ligature or stave should form a thin shiny
film, if you turn the photo to the light, you will see how it shines,
b.2) heat up the rit. knife, athame on fire(of course, live fire, or on the flame of a wax candle), and, as it were, again
cut through - run a knife over the runes on our amulet, and then hang it
on a twig-slingshot (for convenience) near an open source of fire. The amulet should hang there for as long as you
you will feel a powerful energy charge from it. be guided
with your intuitive sensations, develop your sensory abilities,
your sensitivity.

b.3) Activation by burning.

Burning a formula or stav can be both a way to activate them, and a way to destroy it:

If the formula has, according to the intention of the operator or based on the meaning of the task,
a certain period of validity, it is activated by the very setting of the task and
is valid until it is destroyed (for example, by
Those. a photo or other carrier with a formula is stored either for the period of time specified by you in the agreement, or until the result is
comes, and then is burned with gratitude to the runes (in their own words
thank you).

If the action of the formula is indefinite (protection, punishment, etc.) - it can be activated by burning, specifying when
this, that the formula takes effect from the moment the runes are ignited, or
the formula is valid until a certain result is achieved (and stipulate
what result).

We burn it preferably on a live fire somewhere in the woods, ideally in a well-established place (there, of course,
that the energy is purer and there is more of it, it resonates more easily with the owner of this
on the flame of a wax candle (medium activation level),
or absolutely in field conditions we set fire to a match (weak level of activation).

We leave the ashes in a fire, or scatter them in the wind (if we burn them in other ways).
Scattering, spraying- an ancient method of reducing the concentration of physical. substances to release
spirit, informational essence enclosed inside an object or object with
which we work. Therefore, they scatter the ashes in the wind, therefore they scatter
downwind burnt carriers mage. work, so words are whispered into the wind,
shouting their requests to the wind. The wind will not carry these words far,
this is all done just in order to move information from the level of being
to the level of subtle planes.

c) activate with the force of air, putting your work in a smoking fire(to make such a fire, you need to gradually put raw (fresh
green) herbs, or foliage. When your fire starts to smoke
white smoke, then put your work in it, and let it fumigate with it
smoke and gradually decay to ashes. (Good with the element of air
air signs interact, pay attention to this!).

You can also activate with air by fumigating your amulet, photo or other medium. smoke from an aroma stick (with a smell that is pleasant to you)], in field conditions can be torn off wormwood grass (but in general it should be prepared in advance - dried at home), if there is no one ready for use with you, then some of the small leaves
plants are twisted into paper and set on fire - we fumigate our
runic work.

d) activation by the power of the earth(for this we wrap our amulet in a thin cotton cloth or
linen, we dig up the earth in a forest or in another sparsely populated place (not
sand, of course, the more fertile the soil, the better, the more
energy) and put our bundle there, sprinkle it with earth on top, say
the corresponding phrase (see above) and leave it there, charge
usually ~ 20-30 minutes, then carefully take it out, the fabric at home can be washed and used
again. I'm digging the earth rit. with a knife, I don’t stand on ceremony especially in this
moment. How long should your work lie there, you yourself should
feel if you stand on "you" with the spirits of the forest - you will be called when
will have to be picked up.

e) activation by the power of water(we dip the amulet into the water - dry it in the wind, dip it into the water again - again
we dry it in the wind, and for the last time we dip it and put it on the canvas
dry on your own - do not wipe!

P.S. you can combine several ways, only skillfully, do not make porridge, remember that air is compatible with fire, water with earth, spirit - with all the elements.
Rune activation methods
rune activation method - activation by fire.
We put the runes on the photo, circle each rune with matches. some people use candles for this purpose, but I often use matches
at the very beginning we read to the gods. after that we ask, if your request is not too complicated, you can not disturb the Gods, so as not to disturb once again.
So we circled each formula with matches, then we begin to breathe on it, as if inhaling air and energy into each rune and pronounce intentions.
for example: This spell begins to operate from this hour and continues to operate for so many days ... In the name of the Great Odin, by the power of runes .... we list the runes that we use, I conjure you ... we pronounce the intention .... THANK YOU FOR WHAT THE REQUEST IS HEARD! and then we talk about the offering. that is, immediately say that I will take the offering to the gods at such a time, you can say that after the formula works or before that, take it.
after that you can burn the runes again with matches, those who have the vision will see how the runes are implanted in the energy of a person, this comes with experience.
at the end of the ritual, you can say more Gods, you saw my work, give it strength ... and show a photo with the formula applied to all 4 cardinal points. The offering can be: Wine, beer, dark or ordinary, coins, pancakes, cookies, sometimes your own blood . those who have been working with runes for a long time themselves understand what the gods want from them. that is, the information about what to sacrifice goes on its own. As an inner voice says what to sacrifice this time. Regarding the activation of runes with blood, this method can be used in complex rituals, but for beginners, I would not recommend using your own blood, otherwise you can do things on your head.
I’ll also say never be stingy with offerings, otherwise the Gods can take much more from you than you gave them, sometimes it can be the loss of something valuable, money, jewelry, etc. from the Internet
By simplifying the small runic ritual according to Batyushkov, you can activate the runes with 4 elements:
- hold standing over the fire
- fanned with aroma stick
-sprinkle with salt
- sprinkle with water.
more on the topic of ways to activate formulas: - if the formula has, according to the operator’s intention or based on the meaning of the task, a certain period of validity, it is activated by the very setting of the task and acts until it is destroyed (for example, by burning). Those. a photo with a formula is stored either for a certain period of time, or until the result comes, and then burned with gratitude. Ashes do not have to be drowned in the river - you can use any running water, or dispel it in the wind. The moment of "farewell to the formula" must be respectful, and this is the main thing. - if the action of the formula is indefinite (terrible revenge, protection, love spell, etc.) - it can be activated by burning, stipulating that the formula begins to act from the moment of burning. With ashes, proceed similarly to the previous option.
from the network

Rune activation is one of the important complex components of the magical process, part of the ritual that is included in working with runes in graphic magic. In general, rune activations are actions aimed at "revitalizing, awakening" the runic energies contained in each runic symbol. It is necessary to set an energy message (charge) so that the runes, in turn, begin to fulfill the given intention and magic is turned on.

There is very little information about the rules for activating runes and the work of ancient magicians directly. And today we can use a very impressive experience and developments of modern practitioners who use graphic magic.

Types of rune activation.

There are various types and ways of activating runes, first of all it depends on the goals and objectives. As already mentioned, to "revitalize" the runes and run magic, you need energy, an energy source. And it can be both internal - the personal power of a runologist, including the use of genetic materials - blood, saliva, etc., and external - attracting the power of natural elements in various variants and combinations, calling for help from Gods, spirits, magical creatures.

1. Activation of runes by elements.

As you know, there are four elements - fire, water, air, earth. These are natural sources of power with which you can activate the runes. Activation can be carried out as one element, and four elements together.

The element of fire is perhaps the most "in demand" both in magic in general and in the activation of runes, including activation by burning. To activate the runes with fire, you need the flame of living fire to touch the symbols printed on the carrier. You need to act very carefully in order to avoid a fire, however, this wish applies to absolutely all magical and non-magical actions using this element. I think that the so-called activation or recharging of the runes with a candle can also be attributed to the "awakening" of the runes with the help of the fire element. In this case, a lit candle is placed on the carrier and the energy of fire during the burning of the candle activates and feeds the runes.

Water activation involves the interaction of runes with the water element. This can be a simple one-time spraying with water, as well as finding runes in water for a certain time, and even freezing.

Attracting the element of air for activation is the fumigation of runes with the help of incense sticks or herbs. Sometimes wind energy is used directly, placing the runic formula (becoming) in a windy place or, if necessary, providing forced air flow.

To activate the runes of the earth element, their contact with the earth is necessary, which is often replaced by ordinary rock salt. Depending on the tasks, becoming sprinkled with earth (salt), in some cases the runes are buried for a certain time.

Rune activation by burning is a type of activation when the runes applied to the wearer are burned. This method is irreversible and is used for the complete fulfillment of a desire, if the practitioner does not intend to interrupt or make adjustments to the work of the runic stav. It is necessary to emphasize this type of activation in runic slander , since very often carriers with runic works are deactivated by burning. Often the runes are written directly on the candle, this method is part of candle magic, where there is also activation by burning. In part, this type of activation can be attributed to wax castings if, to enhance their action, the runes are first applied to the wax, followed by its melting.

3. Activation of runes by blood, saliva, breath.

Blood, saliva, breath, coupled with personal power, the practice is most often used both for activation and for indicating one's identification when creating magical artifacts, objects of power, protective amulets and talismans. Usually, to activate, it is enough to apply a few drops of blood or a little saliva to the symbols, or exhale it on the runes by taking in air.

This type of activation is not used in work for negative influences, damage.

4. Activation of runes by intention and visualization.

Intention is the personal power and will of a person, with the help of which desires and goals are launched until the result is manifested in reality. Therefore, a practitioner who has the ability to form a strong intention simply needs to concentrate on the runic signs, set the program, and activation occurs.

Visualization is work with visual images, which, together with intention, helps in the implementation of plans and tasks. If you have good visualization abilities and a strong intention, then in certain circumstances and conditions, the runes can be mentally imagined, and they begin to act.

5. Activation of runes with the help of the Gods.

Calling on the Gods, spirits, magical creatures, we ask for their help, in other words, energy in the implementation of our plans. These are already ritual actions, part of ritual magic with its own mandatory rules and conditions.


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