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One of the key identifiers of any vehicle is government number indicated on the front and back of the machine. Printed on a plastic or metal base, this special sign contains key information about the car, in particular, it is easy to determine by the number in which administrative district it was registered. You can see the alphanumeric combination on any vehicle, including a truck or motorcycle - a state number is assigned on an individual basis, when registering with the traffic police.

With the help of such designations, the road inspectorate records the participation of a particular vehicle in an accident and determines its status, for example, as a bank pledge or seized property. Information about cars across the country is compiled into a single database, which can be useful not only to government officials, but also to ordinary citizens.

First of all, we are talking about private individuals and entrepreneurs interested in purchasing cars on the secondary market. If the vehicle was in operation, then there is always the possibility of imposing certain registration restrictions and prohibitions on it. Legally, it is impossible to buy such a car, respectively, the offer for sale can be an ordinary fraud. The technical condition of the car can also be a very unpleasant surprise, for example, if the seller indicates a lower mileage or “forgets” to inform about the repair after the accident. The easiest way to avoid unnecessary risks is check car by state number especially since it does not require any excessive effort. All that is required is to indicate an individual sign on the site site, where the database is updated daily and you can be one hundred percent sure of the truthfulness of the information.

Who should think about checking a car?

Even very experienced drivers sometimes do not know what kind of information is encrypted in the license plate, although there is nothing difficult in “reading” the data. It should be noted that in the territory of the Russian Federation since 1993, state numbers are formed from two parts:
  • the main one, consisting of three letters that indicate the series, as well as three numbers, which are set for each car separately when registering with the State traffic inspectorate;
  • additional (located on the right side) - the region code, the letter abbreviation "RU", as well as the flag of Russia are indicated here.
However, in order to find out exactly where the car is registered, it is not at all necessary to memorize the codes of different federal districts. There is a much simpler way - an online check on the site site, and with the help of it it will be possible to obtain not only information about the territorial affiliation, but also data on previous owners, equipment, legal history, the number of repairs carried out and much more. Possibility check car by state number will be of interest to different categories of customers, namely:
  • firms engaged in the resale of cars;
  • individuals who want to buy a used car;
  • managers of parking lots and car repair shops;
  • car sellers who want to provide potential customers with really reliable information about the proposed vehicles.

Anyone can get into a situation where you need to find out who owns a car, knowing only its license plate number. For example, when a dishonest driver fled the scene of an accident or simply blocked the passage in the right direction.

Is it possible to determine the car owner by the license plate of the car

Officially, there are no ways to find out the personal information of a citizen, since they are protected by law. Information about the owners of cars is contained in a single database of the traffic police and cannot be disclosed to third parties. Employees of the state traffic inspectorate have the right to make a request for the owner of a car only within the limits of their official powers. Dissemination of information at the request of citizens is not carried out.

That is, the desired information is not available:

  • when trying to break through the owner through an online request on the official web portal of the traffic police for any reason;
  • by asking the traffic police inspector on the highway when telling him the number, VIN or other information about the car;
  • on any web site. The user can find out information about the car itself, get its photo, but it will not be possible to find the name of the owner.
  • using any other legal method.

How to find out the owner of a car according to the state. number, described below.

How to check according to the traffic police database

There is only one legal option to search for the owner of a car by its number - a check on the database of the state traffic inspectorate, which is available only to traffic police officers.

If necessary, specialists can provide the necessary information, but only if there are good reasons for this.

Important: Persons who have access to personal information should not disclose it without the consent of the subject of personal information, unless otherwise provided by federal law.

It is possible to find the owner of a car by car number for free, as well as other details, by referring to the articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with the law, a citizen has the right to obtain the personal data of the owner of a car if both of them are participants in an administrative offense case. If a person appears as an accused, he can have access to all the materials of the case.

According to Art. 25.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, a citizen in respect of whom an administrative violation case has been initiated has the right to familiarize himself with all the details, provide explanations, evidence, petition, use the help of a lawyer, etc. The victim also has the same rights in accordance with Art. 25.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses.


To make an official request to the database, you will need to write an application. It should include:

  • Name of the applicant;
  • passport data;
  • number of the wanted car (or part of it);
  • other parameters (if any): brand, color, existing damage;
  • it is mandatory to indicate the reasons why the citizen requests the required information.

The application must be submitted to the traffic police. After it is reviewed and the service specialist considers that the request is well-founded, the data will be issued within a few hours. In this case, the police have the right to provide:

  1. Name of the owner of the vehicle.
  2. His phone number.
  3. Data on the date of registration of the car in the traffic police.

No other confidential information will be provided.

Reference: But in the case of a request that is related to the departure of the guilty person from liability after an accident, the employees of the state traffic police must find the offender. Therefore, the more evidence of guilt the applicant provides, the faster the police will find the required car.

Online ways

Regarding how to break through the owner by car number online, it is impossible to guarantee the accuracy of the data received. On official Internet resources, such services are not provided due to inconsistency with the law.

But there are several unofficial methods that will allow you to get the information you are looking for with a high degree of probability. These include:

  • purchase of a disk with the traffic police database (it is quite possible that it will contain outdated information that will not be relevant at the current time). This method has its own characteristics. Since the necessary information is not freely available, you first need to find a person who is associated with government agencies. If you search through the Internet, then you can easily run into scammers who, for a decent payment, will be ready to issue a disk with a database. But in fact it may turn out to be a carrier with completely different information;
  • use the services of one of the web services where you can make such requests. On the Internet, there are many sites through which you can break through the number of the car and find out the number of the owner. But such services are provided on a paid basis, and it is not possible to verify the accuracy of the information received. It may also happen that the user does not receive any response to the entered request, while paying a considerable amount.

AVinfo - what is it?

This service operates from a website - the Telegram bot and browser extensions. It provides the ability to obtain some information on the license plate of a car.

You won’t be able to find out the owner’s contact details (address, phone number), but the resource will give enough information in the “Registration History” report, where the owner’s full name will be displayed, which will greatly simplify the search procedure. For example, through social networks. There will also be photos of the car. On them you can examine the area around, determine the approximate location. But few cars in the AVinfo report are posted with a photo, and this complicates the process.

Important to know: The Car Check Portal operates for a fee. The execution of one request is carried out for 100 rubles. There is also an option to order packages of unlimited access.

Step-by-step instruction

To use the services of the AVinfo web resource, you must follow certain instructions. It is presented below:

  1. Download and install the Telegram mobile application on your smartphone. The program is available for all operating systems.
  2. Then, in the search box, enter the text "@AvinfoBot" and add the bot.
  3. Send the autobot a message "/reg" and go through the registration procedure - the user must enter an SMS message to confirm the phone number.
  4. Then you should write a message with the license plate of the car, the owner of which you want to find out in the form "X000XX000", where the first six characters indicate the number of the car with letters, and the last three - the designation of the subject of the Russian Federation.
  5. Based on the results of the request, the system will provide the necessary data with photographs (if any), as well as a list of available reports. The user should select the "Full AVinfo Report" section.
  6. The user needs to make a payment (using the link "Pay one report"). To perform this procedure, the system will redirect it to the website.
  7. After that, the user will receive a full report with the history of vehicle registrations.

Thus, the main ways of how to find out the owner of a car by car number are considered. There is only one official option - through the traffic police.


The easiest and most affordable way to find out the name of the owner with the available number of his car is to contact the traffic police inspectors. Immediately and without problems, they will “break through” it to you at the base only directly at the site of the accident. In this case, they themselves will be interested in finding the other side as soon as possible. If you need to find a driver for your own personal reasons, then it is unlikely that the inspectors will meet you halfway and will look through their databases to satisfy your curiosity. In order to obtain the necessary information, you must fully describe the problem, including all the nuances and, if necessary, fill out all the forms provided by the inspector. If for some reason you cannot do this, then the inspector will not be able to provide you with data because, otherwise, he will violate the law on the confidentiality of personal data. It is important to understand that not every traffic police officer can easily "punch" a vehicle through the state. Do not even try to put pressure on pity and beg the employee.

If the car you are looking for became a participant in any incident on which a criminal case was initiated, and you also appear in this case, then you can get all the information you are interested in in the materials. Article 25.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses gives you the right to study all materials, provided that you are a participant in the case.

If the car is in the yard, and it is clearly visible that the owner lives here, you can try the word of mouth method. To do this, ask the car owners of those cars who park nearby, as the owner or where he lives. Also in this method, the grandmothers-neighbors will be the most irreplaceable informants. They always notice everything and know everything about everyone. Therefore, they can easily tell you who owns this or that car.

You can use the services of private detectives to search. The first way is through the Internet. On a special automotive forum at you can leave your request. The answer to it should be sent to you by mail after you pay for the services of the detectives.

You can also hire a regular private detective. Of course, this service will cost you a tidy sum. But if the benefit of the search is much higher than your material costs for the search engine, then it's worth the risk. Such professionals usually do not work for too long. In a maximum of a week you will receive all the information you are interested in. Such a service costs from five thousand rubles or more, depending on the size of the city where the car is being searched for.

The Internet will help you. There are many sites that offer you to fill in the number you are looking for in special fields, and they will give you all the information you are interested in. The interface of these sites is quite monotonous and clear. One field is provided where you need to enter the number of the car and press the OK button. Additional information may be required. For example, car model, make or color. In a matter of seconds, you will be provided with complete information about the owner of this vehicle. The disadvantage of this method is quite small. In addition, it is replenished quite rarely. One of the most famous sites of this kind is Its main advantage is that you can get information absolutely. But not the fact that the number you requested will be listed in the database.

Often on the Internet you can get to a site that offers you a database of traffic police numbers. Some offer the file for a fee. As a rule, in 99 percent of cases out of a hundred, this is the work of ordinary scammers. After transferring money to them, you most likely will not even receive a response from them. And in another case, they will simply send you a dummy file containing some kind of video or virus.

You should be especially careful with free license plate databases offered for downloading to your device. After opening such a file, you will most likely infect your computer with some kind of virus, ranging from a common worm to a Trojan malware. As a result, not only will you not receive the requested information, but you will also lose all the files on your computer, and possibly the computer itself. So think a few times before downloading this kind of software. Traffic police databases are strictly controlled and are not allowed to be distributed. Especially on the Internet.

You can also find sites that look no different from a regular search. But their peculiarity lies in the fact that after driving in the state number of the car and pressing the "next" key, you are invited to send a completely free message from your phone to a short number. The site guarantees that as a result you will receive a unique code, by entering which you will receive all the necessary information about the owner of the car. But don't believe it. This type of fraud is one of the very first. As a rule, either at the very bottom of the site, or on some other page of this site, there will be information about the actual cost of the message. Which will be many times higher than you expect. And besides, even if you send this SMS and enter the received code, the program will simply give you random information that will not correspond to reality. Such sites mark themselves as entertaining and this database is just a random issue of fictitious surnames, first names and patronymics.

License plates are not just a combination of numbers on a white metal plate. They carry quite important and basic information both about the vehicle, the conditions for its registration, and about the owner himself.

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They have their own structure and a certain order of filling with symbols. State car numbers are entered into a single database and have the necessary information.

The assignment of individual numbers to each car is a prerequisite, without which it cannot be put into operation.

There are times when such registered information can be useful for those who are looking for the owner of a car after some unforeseen situation or who is buying a vehicle. Then there is the right to find out such data and find the owner as soon as possible.

If you have a number of questions about how to do this, where to go and what you can learn, then our article will become informative and useful.

We will tell you how you can find out the name and coordinates of a motorist at the traffic police departments, how to do this online on special official services from authorized bodies.

We will explain which channels for obtaining information about the owner of the car are legal and truthful, and which are not, and why they should be treated with caution.

In what cases is it necessary

To begin with, you need to find out in which cases you can legally find out information about a motorist by the state number of his car. If you decide to “break through” such data in the database, then you can easily get the name, contact and passport data about this person. But is it possible in all cases?

Such information about motorists is confidential and can be disclosed only with the permission of the law. Therefore, for such a check, sufficiently good reasons will be needed.

Let's give the following example: there was an offense by another driver (not necessarily related to traffic rules and the like), and you need to find him, and there is only state license plates with information about him.

If an accident happened, and one of its participants fled, leaving the car, then the traffic police inspector himself will find out the information about the fugitive offender.

If your reason for applying to the authorities for finding a vehicle driver is insignificant and you are refused, then you can consider other possible ways to obtain the necessary information.

Is it possible to get information from the traffic police

In order to quickly find the owner of the vehicle of interest, you should initially know how it is possible to get information about it and where to do it so as not to lose time.

Nowadays, there are several ways to obtain information about the owner of the vehicle by license plates:

  1. Traffic police database.
  2. Specialized servers on the Internet.
  3. "Word of mouth radio".
  4. Services of private detectives.

Note that the first method is the most reliable, and the second has been the leader in popularity in recent years.

Most of all, people trust law enforcement agencies, but when there is no way to personally go to the police station, but there is Internet access, it is rational to search for data on your own, without spending a fairly decent period of time on trips.

You can find out the owner by the car number from the traffic police database only after contacting the nearest branch convenient for you.

To do this, you should indicate all the data about the car and driver known at that time, and be sure to name the vehicle number or at least a fragment of it. After that, you state the specific reason for finding the owner of the car.

Law enforcement officers consider your appeal, in cases of its legitimacy, they immediately provide the necessary material with information about the motorist.

The search procedure through the database in time can last from several minutes and even within several hours. But after waiting, you receive personal information from your passport, contacts, and even the place of actual residence or registration.

Where do these opportunities come from? Each motorist undertakes to register his vehicle, insure it, bring it for regular technical inspection and undergo a medical examination himself. And when carrying out these procedures, personal data are required, which are recorded in a common database and updated on time.

But if after an accident on the road you cannot leave the scene, then call the inspector. Tell him in detail how everything happened, name the license plates or their fragment, but with a description of the vehicle.

When such an accident happened in an area where communication is poor, then you should record everything about the car of the disappeared participant, and it is also recommended to attract witnesses of the incident, take their contact details, and then go to the nearest traffic police.

An inspector who arrives on the spot can “break through” information about a runaway driver, because he himself is interested in the quick completion of law enforcement proceedings.

The most reliable way to obtain information is to contact the traffic police. But to obtain data from their database, you need to have significant reasons, otherwise the failure is inevitable and you will only lose a lot of time.

How to find out the owner by car number online

The Internet provides tremendous opportunities in obtaining any information. Having access to the network, in a matter of seconds you can get materials for term paper, find an interesting movie, find out information about an idol. And this list of possibilities is far from limited.

Finding a person, knowing only the license plates of his car, is not difficult. There are free databases in the global network, which in one way or another got into the public domain.

But besides this, they are also updated periodically to avoid possible inaccuracies about citizens.

If you ask a query to search engines, they will immediately give out a large number of sites with servers, thanks to which you can get the necessary information about the person. They have almost the same features, but you can use them for a fee or for free.

We provide you with an algorithm of actions that will help make the search fast, efficient, and most importantly - reliable:

  1. Find a reliable electronic resource. Services can be free or paid. If payment is required by sending SMS or in other strange ways, then such a site should be bypassed by a similar resource.
  2. Entering information, in your case - the license plates of a particular vehicle, or a fragment of them. The system may require you to enter another region, brand and color of the car, and so on. Completely correct data can only be obtained from the relevant authorities. Therefore, if you urgently need to find the owner by car number, then such archives may not help you.

    When choosing this search method, remember that scammers always want to get money from innocent citizens, and information is a product that does not require investment, but can bring profit from fraud.

    Also, public databases contain information that was once received from the traffic police, but there is no certainty that it has retained its relevance and is true, without a single distortion.

    Also on the sites you can buy a disk with information of this kind. But such a market is already called "black", because the information from the database of law enforcement agencies cannot be used for commercial purposes.

    What other information can be obtained about the owner of the car from the database

    Long-term practice shows that most often the state traffic inspectorate is contacted with requests to search for personal information about a motorist through license plates or their fragments.

    This is a fairly easy way, especially if you remember the combination of characters from the license plate, the make and color of the vehicle.

    Contains up-to-date and comprehensive information about the car owner, including the registration card of the car owner.

    Such information will become available if the motorist is a legal entity. In this case, you will find out the name and coordinates of the enterprise and then go to the data of the person you are most interested in.

    The information received is always enough to find or contact the owner of the vehicle. Further - you should properly dispose of it, and, preferably, not transfer it to third parties.

    The traffic police database contains always up-to-date and in specific cases valuable information about the owner of the vehicle. At the moment, there are several ways to obtain this information.


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