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Delicate buttercream gives even the simplest cake delicate sophistication and incredible taste. That is why cream is one of the main ingredients of all kinds of desserts and baked goods. But not every housewife manages to turn cream into an airy mass. But how to whip cream correctly so that the cake turns out great and the celebration is not ruined? It turns out that you just need to choose the cream well and stick to a few tricks while whipping it.

Cream is a delicious dairy product that is made by separating the fat fraction from whole milk. Cream is supplied to the retail chain in pasteurized form with a fat content of 10 to 35%.
Due to its nutritional value, cream is recommended for daily and dietary nutrition. Among the chemical components in the cream, in addition to milk fat, there are enough proteins, mineral elements, as well as vitamins A, D, C, PP, etc.

Cream is suitable for making butter, sauces, dressings, and a variety of culinary products. Heavy cream whips well into a stable porous foam, so it is used as a base for preparing confectionery dishes.

How to choose the right whipping cream

On store shelves you can buy different types of cream: dry, fresh, canned, full-fat or low-fat. All of them are used in the kitchen for different purposes. But, to prepare the cream, you need to choose cream that will whip well. To make the right choice, you need to consider the following points:

  • The packaging of cream must indicate a fat content of at least 30%. The higher the mass fraction of milk fat, the thicker the cream is whipped. Less fatty cream is also suitable for cream, but its consistency retains the desired appearance much less well.
  • Only natural milk fat whips well. When purchasing, study the composition; it should not contain thickeners, stabilizers, palm oil or other additives.
  • Don't forget to look at the production date. Only fresh cream whips perfectly. A product that has already stood for several days may separate when whipped.
  • Consider the storage conditions for cream in the store. They should be laid out on the shelves of the refrigeration unit, and not in the freezer.

To choose high-quality cream, you will have to go through a lot of trial and error. Test products from different manufacturers and choose the best option.

Important! You can buy ready-made whipped cream in the store, but this product contains a number of harmful additives and preservatives, so consuming it is extremely undesirable.

For what reasons may cream not whip?

Very often, housewives who whip cream for the first time are faced with a very unpleasant surprise. Instead of an airy creamy mass, they get a two-phase mixture based on whey and oil. Most people immediately get upset when they think about their poor knowledge of cooking, but even the most professional chefs are not immune from this outcome. The main culprits for such culinary failures are considered to be the following:

  • The cream was not fat enough.
  • The cream was not pre-chilled.
  • Sugar was added prematurely.
  • Incorrect attachments selected.
  • The cream turned out to be counterfeit with impurities of vegetable oils.

Interesting! The nutritional value of cream lies in the fact that it is rich in phospholipids, which prevent the development of atherosclerosis.

Selection of equipment and preparation of cream

If you get your hands on a package of cream for the first time, you are probably wondering what to use to whip it. Experienced confectioners assure that this product can be whipped using various kitchen appliances with adjustable speed settings. The only thing you should not use is standard blade attachments on a mixer or blender. They will help you turn the cream into butter and liquid. The best option is to use a hand blender and mixer so that you can control the intensity of whipping the cream.

So, the cream has been selected, the equipment has been prepared, now you need to prepare everything for making the buttercream. The most key points:

  1. The cream needs to be cooled to +5..+7⁰С. To do this, you can put them in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. Under no circumstances should you put cream in the freezer compartment; after defrosting, you will end up with sour milk and flakes.
  2. Experienced cooks advise cooling dishes and equipment parts that will come into contact with cream. To create favorable conditions, you can also put the bowl and attachments in the refrigerator for several hours.
  3. For buttercream, it is better to use powdered sugar instead of sugar. It should be sifted using a sieve so that there are no lumps in the cream.

Whipping cream: cooking secrets

When the cream is ready for whipping, you can proceed to the cream preparation stage:

  1. Pour the cream into a whipping container. This can be a blender or food processor bowl, or any bowl with high edges. If the bowl is not very high and has a wide bottom, the beaters will not be able to completely immerse themselves in the creamy mass and beat it well. If you can’t use another bowl, just tilt it a little at an angle while whipping so that the cream acquires a uniform structure.
  2. Mix the cream thoroughly so that the fat is evenly distributed throughout the volume. If you need to whip a large portion of cream, it is better to do it in several approaches. The optimal portion is no more than 300 mg.
  3. High whipping speeds are not suitable for cream, as such intensity will instantly cook the butter. You need to start beating at low speed and slowly switch to medium.
  4. The duration of whipping cream depends on various factors. The freshness of the product, its thickness, cooling temperature and the type of attachments used play a role here. But, on average, it takes 5-7 minutes to prepare whipped cream.
  5. You can determine readiness by the type of cream: if the traces from the whisk have stopped spreading, it means the cream has already been whipped.
  6. Now the main thing is not to overdo it, so that instead of cream you end up with butter. Slowly reduce the speed and turn off the mixer.

Interesting! There is a guess among historians that whipping cream was first invented by François Vatelem, who served as head waiter in a castle on the territory of the commune of Chantilly around the middle of the 17th century.

  • If you are preparing a sweet cream, start adding powdered sugar in a thin stream 1.5-2 minutes after the start of whipping. If you add powder at the initial stage, the cream may become liquid, and if you add the entire portion of powder at once, lumps will appear in the cream.
  • If you need to prepare a very thick cream for a cake, you can add a special starch-based thickener to the cream.
  • If the whipping process does not go as planned and the cream does not whip at all, you can try adding the juice of ¼ lemon.
  • You can thicken the buttercream using edible gelatin or agar-agar. To do this, prepare gelatin according to the instructions and add to the cream. Approximate proportion for preparing cream: ½ tbsp. l. gelatin per 250 ml cream.

On a note! The shelf life of whipped cream is 24 hours in the refrigerator.

In fact, there is nothing difficult in the technology of whipping cream, the main thing is to buy high-quality cream and follow the recommendations of experienced confectioners. Experiment, discover new recipes and let your buttercream always turn out tender and tasty.

Every housewife loves to please her household with delicious dishes. To prepare an airy cake at home, you often use whipped cream, which is very easy to make with sugar and raw cream (with the required percentage of fat content). By following simple rules and tips, you can prepare an incredibly tasty delicacy that everyone will enjoy. Find out how to whip cream below.

Options for whipped cream for decorating cakes can be different: with sugar, lemon juice, gelatin, vanilla or protein. To ensure that the cream always turns out homogeneous, tasty, and does not spoil the cake, you must follow a few simple rules. How to whip cream for cream:

  • you need to use only a fatty product (from 33%) to achieve a thick cream consistency;
  • Before whipping, place the bowl and whisk of the mixer in the freezer for ten minutes;
  • start beating at low speed;
  • Beat the mixture for at least five minutes.

Which cream is best for whipping?

To obtain a stable and airy mass, you must use cream with a fat content of 33%. If you take 10 or 20 percent, you won’t achieve a positive effect just by beating. You will have to add special thickeners, stabilizers or gelatin, but you can forget about a good appearance and tasty cream. Compared to those that contain chemical additives, it will not be cheaper than more expensive thick natural cream.

How to thicken whipping cream

Why doesn't the cream whip? Often the reason is simple - it is insufficient fat content of the product. The main rule: to prepare whipped cream for a cake, it must be fresh, of high quality, with a fat content above 33%. To thicken the creamy mass using natural ingredients, you can add gelatin, a teaspoon of lemon juice, and egg white.

Whipped Cream Recipes

There are many recipes for whipped cream; preparing this delicacy at home is very simple. They are beaten with sugar, gelatin, lemon juice, protein mass, special thickeners and powdered sugar. The technique is based on the main rule - intensive beating. You can use a blender, mixer or “grandmother’s method” - a fork.

With sugar

  • Cooking time: 13 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 255 kcal/100 g.
  • Purpose: for breakfast.
  • Cuisine: Russian.

Airy cream can be prepared with sugar. It is not recommended to use granulated sugar for cream: it will not dissolve when whipped and will squeak unpleasantly on your teeth. Before adding it, grind it into powder using a coffee grinder or a classic blender.. There are no specific proportions when adding sugar; sweetness is regulated individually.


  • cream 35% - 500 ml;
  • whole sugar - 50 g or to taste;
  • vanillin - 1 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Take a cooled container and mixer attachments. Add cream.
  2. Select low whipping speed.
  3. After three minutes, add sugar (gradually).
  4. At the end add vanillin.

With powdered sugar

  • Cooking time: 20 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 1000 kcal/400 g.
  • Purpose: for cake.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: simple.

Delicate and airy cream cream is used as a filler for any confectionery, cakes and pastries; it can be supplemented with fruit mousses, which will give the cream an exquisite taste. To make the topping at home, you must strictly adhere to the recipe, maintain the recommended proportions and follow the rules for whipping the buttercream (photo), then it will become a real decoration for any confectionery product.


  • cream at least 33% - half a liter;
  • powdered sugar - 50 g;
  • vanillin - 2 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Place a bowl in the freezer, cool the whisks and cream mixture. At this time, add sugar and vanillin to a container at room temperature and stir.
  2. Chilled cream is whipped at low speed. When they thicken a little, add powder.
  3. If the cream holds its shape or soft peaks appear, stop whipping.

With gelatin

  • Cooking time: 15 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 250 kcal/100 g.
  • Purpose: for breakfast.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

The cream is ideal for any dessert. Pairs perfectly with shortcrust pastry, tartlets, and sponge cakes. Cream is not very high in calories compared to butter filling. To prepare this cream at home, no special knowledge or culinary skills are required. See below for step-by-step recommendations with photos and preparation.


  • non-liquid heavy cream - 600 ml;
  • gelatin - 20 g;
  • vanillin - a pack;
  • powdered sugar - 45 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Cool the creamy product, stir, gradually add vanillin and powder until thick foam (hard peaks) appears.
  2. Soak a spoonful of gelatin until it swells, heat over low heat until completely dissolved (do not boil).
  3. Combine cream and gelatin, stir, cool.

How to whip cream with a blender

If you don't have a mixer, use a blender. Start beating at low speed, then after a minute switch to medium speed. When using a blender, you need to take into account that you cannot use high speed - the mass can be “overbeated”, they will begin to separate. Cooking time depends on the power of the blender.


A mixer is the most suitable device for making cream. Before use, place the attachments in the freezer for ten minutes (cold conditions promote rapid thickening). Start beating with a hand mixer at speed No. 1, then you can add a couple of drops of lemon juice to thicken faster, finish at high speed No. 3. Store in the refrigerator for three hours.


How to prepare cream if there are no electronic “helpers” at home? A fluffy mass for preparing desserts can be obtained manually with a whisk. Stir thoroughly until the sugar is completely dissolved. It is necessary to beat in small portions at an intense pace to achieve the desired thickness. How to cook, step-by-step video, photos, see below.


Whipped cream is an essential component of many homemade or factory-made desserts. The delicate, light taste of the milky delicacy adds airiness and sophistication to sweet dishes. And the calorie content of whipped cream will be approximately two times lower than the calorie content of butter cream. Eclairs, sponge and mousse cakes, profiteroles, fruit salads are prepared with whipped cream; they are served with ice cream and even added to coffee. To make the dessert as tasty as possible and minimally harmful, we will tell you how to make whipped cream yourself. After all, store-bought cream “from a can” often has a far from ideal composition. We will present some of the simplest and most popular recipes for this dessert at home. To prepare the delicacy, you don’t need complex equipment or culinary secrets.

How to whip cream correctly

Before moving directly to the recipes, we’ll tell you about important nuances, knowledge of which will allow us to get a high-quality dish without extra effort.

  • How long should you whip the cream? In total, you will have to work with the mixer for about 13 minutes. It will take longer to whip the milk mass by hand. But in both cases it is very important not to miss the moment and not to “over-beat”, otherwise you will end up with butter rather than dessert cream
  • To prepare a dairy delicacy for a future dessert, you will need cream with a fat content of 10 to 33%. But the classic recipe for making whipped cream involves using a full-fat dairy product, namely 33%. Then it will be ideal to whip the cream into a strong foam, without using additional products
  • Low-fat (10%) or medium-fat (20%) cream will have difficulty whipping and will not become as fluffy. In this case, egg whites or gelatin will help thicken the whipped cream. Then the product will acquire the desired consistency and “strength”
  • The calorie content of treats, on average, ranges from 170 to 340 units/100 g. This is directly related to the fat content of the cream itself. If you want to reduce the energy value of the dessert, you can add a little milk to the cream
  • Cream with a fat content of more than 33% is whipped in 4-7 minutes. The higher the fat content, the less time it takes to beat
  • How to whip cream? Be sure to be chilled. About 50 minutes before cooking, place the product in the refrigerator, but not in the freezer. If the product is warm, it will separate into oil and whey.
  • The dishes should also be as cold as possible. Half an hour before preparing the treat, place the whisks and whipping container in the freezer
  • The mixing bowl will become hot as the dessert is being prepared, so keep it in ice water
  • Do not prepare a large portion of the creamy treat at once, beat in small portions of 300 milliliters
  • How to whip cream into thick foam? First, beat at low mixer speed, gradually increasing it
  • The finished product can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than half a day.

How to make whipped cream at home

The simplest recipe is to beat heavy cream with powdered sugar with a mixer:

  • Pour 500 grams of cream into a deep metal bowl
  • Wrap the dish in cellophane film and place in the refrigerator for 50 minutes. We put the whisks with which we will beat the product into the freezer for the same amount.
  • Pass 50 grams of powdered sugar through a sieve (it can be easily obtained by grinding sugar in a coffee grinder)
  • Remove the film from the metal container and, with the mixer at minimum speed, begin to whip the cream, making circular movements.
  • Slowly begin to increase the speed of the beaters.
  • After 7 minutes, when the contents of the container begin to thicken, add powdered sugar in small portions. To whip the cream into a strong foam, powdered sugar is needed.
  • After about 5 minutes, the mass will receive the desired thickness and consistency and will form elastic peaks. This means it’s time to turn off the mixer. Do not exceed the specified time, otherwise you will end up with butter instead of whipped cream.
  • For an even thicker whipped cream, add lemon juice, egg or gelatin
  • We put the finished product in the refrigerator until serving, or before adding it to a cake, pastry or other dessert. At room temperature, the whipped cream will begin to melt quickly.

How to make whipped cream by hand

There is an opinion that the most delicious delicacy will be obtained if you beat the product not with a mixer, but with a hand whisk. Such a cream will be especially lush and elastic, since it is better saturated with oxygen.

  • Pour 350 grams of heavy cream into a metal container with a wide top (for convenient hand whipping) and place in the refrigerator, as in the previous recipe. We also put the whisk in the freezer.
  • Pour ice water into a large container and place the mixing bowl in it.
  • When whipping the product, hold the metal container at a slight angle
  • Start rotating the whisk slowly, gradually increasing the number of revolutions
  • When you get a strong foam, add 30 grams. powdered sugar and a bag of vanilla sugar (about 10 g)
  • Mix the sugar and cream mixture well with a whisk.
  • When stable grooves from the whisk remain on the surface, the product is almost ready. Stop whipping or the cream will settle.
  • Pour half a teaspoon of lemon juice into the mixture to “fix” the consistency

How to make whipped cream at home from dry cream

It happens that you want to pamper your family with an exquisite dessert, but convenience stores do not have the necessary cream. In this case, you can prepare cream from the dry product:

  • Pour 5 tablespoons of dry cream into a glass
  • Pour water and mix very well
  • Pour the contents of the glass into a metal container and add a glass of milk
  • Mix well until the mixture becomes homogeneous and place in the refrigerator for 50 minutes. Place the mixture in the freezer a couple of minutes before beating.
  • Beat with a mixer or hand whisk according to the instructions above. When the cream thickens, beat again at low speed.
  • Be sure to put the finished mixture in the refrigerator

How to make whipped cream without cream

As absurd as it may sound, you can make whipped cream without the cream itself. Of course, for this you will need other dairy products: milk, butter or sour cream.

How to make whipped cream from sour cream:

  • Pour a liter of milk into a three-liter jar
  • After some time, the cream will rise to the top and can be skimmed off with a spoon.
  • The fattier the milk, the more cream it will produce.

How to make whipped cream from milk and butter

  • Pour a liter of milk into a saucepan and add a stick of butter cut into cubes.
  • Place on low heat and heat, stirring constantly
  • You need to wait for the butter to melt, but there is no need to bring the milk to a boil
  • Using a blender, beat the mixture for about 7 minutes.
  • Transfer the mixture to a glass container and cool to room temperature.
  • After this, cover the dishes with gauze and put them in the refrigerator for a day.
  • Thus, we have prepared the cream, now we need to whip it according to one of the recipes

How to Make 10 or 20 Percent Whipped Cream

It is preferable to choose cream with a higher fat content - from 33%. But if you don’t have such a fatty product on hand, or your goal is to prepare a low-calorie dessert, you can experiment. You can make whipped cream for a cake or other sweet treat from a product with a fat content of up to 20% only using thickeners - egg white, gelatin, etc.

Cream 10 or 20% is too liquid, and without “helpers” it will not be possible to whip it. But even if using thickeners it was possible to achieve approximately the desired consistency, do not expect a similar taste from the dessert.

How to whip cream 20 percent:

  • Dissolve a teaspoon of gelatin in about 120 grams of cream. Heat and stir, but do not boil
  • Beat about another 280 grams of the dairy product until stiff, gradually adding a third of a glass of powdered sugar.
  • Add gelatin and mix gently
  • Place in the refrigerator to harden.

Is it possible to make a colored treat?

Desserts made from whipped cream leave room for the culinary imagination. After all, you can use various flavoring additives (nuts, cinnamon, cocoa, vanillin) and even food coloring. Many people are interested in the question of how to make colored whipped cream, for example, to decorate a cake. Dry egg dyes are poured into 20 grams of cream at the tip of a knife and stirred until completely dissolved. Then add to the total creamy mass. The same applies to gel dyes.

How to whip cream correctly, how to make whipped cream thick, sweet and tender? Experienced confectioners know and make whipped cream in cafes and restaurants in a matter of minutes. Cream and sugar are whipped into cream to decorate the cake, soaked in cake layers with butter cream, and added when preparing desserts.

But with the right recipe, whipped cream is easy to make yourself at home.

How to make whipped cream at home from cream, what fat percentage is best? Whipped cream (or buttercream is also called Chantilly) is made from regular cream, whipping the liquid mass into a thick foam using a whisk or mixer.

Chantilly cream is usually sweetened with sugar or powdered sugar, and vanilla or almond extract is often added when making buttercream to enhance the flavor.

What cream is best to use?

To whip cream according to this recipe at home, you need to beat a dairy product with a fat content of at least 33-35% with a whisk or mixer until the volume approximately doubles.

If you continue whipping and beat the cream with sugar, the result will be sweet homemade butter. When whipping the creamy mass, it is very important to stop in time.

DoughVed advises. The answer to the question of how to whip 20 percent cream into a thick foam is absolutely clear - no way, and the answer is not subject to any other interpretation, despite what some sources claim.

Why doesn't the cream whip? You can whip cream with a fat content of 33-35% into a strong foam; with a lower fat content, an airy cream for decorating a cake will not work.

Beating the cream with a mixer or a whisk does not matter, the main thing is that the dairy products, powdered sugar (and, preferably, the selected kitchen utensils) are cold, although, of course, the mixer greatly facilitates the process of whipping cream with sugar into cream.

To improve the taste, not only sugar and vanilla extract are added to Chantilly, but also coffee, cocoa, and orange zest.

Chantilly is a universal product with a wide range of applications: it is used to make whipped cream cream (custard, cream, with condensed milk), served with fruit, hot chocolate and coffee, filled with eclairs and profiteroles, and poured over it.

Use whipped cream to decorate cakes, for example, cakes, fruit and berry pies (Chantilly and go well together), cupcakes, etc.

How to whip cream 33% into a strong foam, make it thick

20 minutes to prepare

5 minutes to prepare

260 kcal per 100 g

How to make whipped cream at home - a recipe for Chantilly cream from whipped cream with powdered sugar into a thick foam.

How to properly whip 33% cream into a strong foam with a blender or by hand with a cake whisk at home - tips and cooking secrets, recipe with step-by-step photographs.

Recipe Ingredients: Whipped Cream

  • cream 33-35% fat, pre-chilled – 1 cup;
  • powdered sugar – 2-4 tbsp;
  • vanilla extract – 1 tsp. (optional).

Whipped cream recipe

Cooking tips

  • The bowl must be selected in such a way that it contains all the cream, which will double in volume by the end of whipping. In addition, the selected container must be deep enough, since during the beating process the mixer creates a very large amount of splashes.
  • You should not add powdered sugar from the very beginning, otherwise the cream will not whip. It is best to do this after a minute has passed after you start beating.
  • We carefully ensure that during whipping the cream does not separate and does not turn into butter with whey. This is a very delicate process, so it is always better to underbeat, otherwise you will have to start all over again with another portion of the product. With a little practice, determining when to stop will become quite easy.
  • If you need to whip a larger amount of cream, it is best to divide the product into portions; especially novice cooks should not whip more than one glass at a time.


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