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If “old people say that they poured ordinary diesel oil into gasoline” - do not believe such “old people”, these old people drove “holes” and mostly pedaling in a natural way.

In the good old days, when gasoline was cheaper than soda (6 kopecks per 1 liter; at a soda price of 3 kopecks per 200 grams), vehicles with two-stroke engines were fueled with a "motorcycle mixture" which naturally consisted of gasoline and oil called "autol" in ratio from 1 to 25 to 1 to 100, depending on the recommendations of the engine manufacturer.

What is the fundamental difference between a two-stroke internal combustion engine and a four-stroke one, and are there three and five-stroke engines described in detail in the "Primer on Physics" for elementary school. In addition, it says why no engine is able to work without lubrication of friction pairs with oil of a certain quality.

Any engine oil (oil for lubricating rubbing pairs of internal combustion engines) consists of a base oil and various additives that determine the quality of a particular type of internal combustion engine. The fundamental difference between oils for two-stroke and four-stroke internal combustion engines is that in the first, the oil must completely burn out together with gasoline, and in the second, it must retain its lubricating properties for as long as possible at sufficiently high temperatures. If the "motorcycle mixture" is prepared in oil for a four-stroke internal combustion engine, then the ash formed during the combustion of such oil will erase the cylinder mirror and the piston like ordinary sandpaper rather quickly. If you want to kill the "ant" as soon as possible, use the advice of your "old people".

A feature of Soviet-made two-stroke engines is the lubrication of rubbing steam with oil, which was mixed with gasoline "manually". Modern two-stroke engines prepare the fuel mixture immediately before feeding it into the crankcase, consuming it from a special tank, in the amount required for a specific operating mode of the engine.

When choosing a modern oil for the "ant", I think it is advisable to use any (which one you like best) from the oil classification systems. I was taught in my driving school to use the API (American Petroleum Institute) classification.

From domestic oils, it is necessary to use only oils for two-stroke internal combustion engines with a 2T index. Such oils are produced by all enterprises of our oil industry. By the way, the price of this oil is quite divine - about 130 rubles / liter. Even if you dilute it in a ratio of 1 to 50, the price of fuel will not increase significantly in comparison with modern gasoline prices.

That's how it is. Good luck to you and the ant on the road.

Household and professional chainsaws are powered by two-stroke internal combustion engines operating on a metered mixture of gasoline and engine oil adapted to the difficult operating conditions. The correct proportions of oil and gasoline for a chainsaw is one of the important conditions for stable traction characteristics of the engine and low-cost development of its assigned resource.

The need to obtain a sufficiently high power from a small-cube power unit makes it necessary to operate chainsaw engines at high-speed modes, therefore, increased requirements are imposed on the quality of both components of the fuel mixture.

The main component of the fuel mixture for chainsaw engines is gasoline with an octane number of at least 92. Consumables with expired storage, made on the basis of gas condensate, having water and mechanical impurities in their volume, are not suitable for fuel preparation.

  • The opinions of experts on the use of different brands of gasoline are ambiguous. On the one hand, the incomplete compliance of domestic A-92 gasoline with European standards is recognized.
  • On the other hand, the quality of A-95 gasoline is questioned due to the high content of anti-knock additives. You can only use this fuel for the preparation of fuel for a chainsaw if you are fully confident in its quality.
  • The difficulty lies in the presence of various improving additives, with the help of which unscrupulous manufacturers and distributors increase the performance properties of motor gasoline with a lower octane index.

Also, irreversible changes in the working properties of the fuel occur when it is stored for a sufficiently long time in a plastic container, regardless of the level of its petrol and oil resistance.


Stricter criteria for the selection of the oil component. In the best variant, it is a mineral or semi-synthetic engine oil recommended by the manufacturer, intended for operation in high-speed, air-cooled two-stroke internal combustion engines.

The advantage of mineral oils is their lower cost. Their more expensive semi-synthetic and synthetic counterparts are distinguished by their improved performance and compliance with environmental standards.


  • maintain working properties in a wide range of operating temperatures;
  • do not form carbon deposits;
  • contain detergents, antioxidants, preservatives and other additives useful for the operation of the power unit.

Benefits of branded oils

Many domestic and foreign manufacturers specialize in the production of special motor oils, but the highest rating indicators are for the branded products Shtil, Husqvarna and Makita.

Only in certain parameters are the domestic motor oils of the Lukoil trademark inferior to the branded assortment.

Taking into account external factors, the fuel mixture can be adjusted in the direction of increasing the amount of oil. Such a need arises at the stage of a new tool, as well as at high air temperatures. In this case, the standard oil dosage is increased by 20%.

In practice, an increase in the percentage of oil in the fuel mixture is used if its characteristics do not fully meet the stated requirements. How much oil per liter of gasoline is needed in each specific case is determined by the sawer himself.

Measuring containers

To maintain the correct proportion of gasoline and oil, the calculation table printed on the saw body can be used. Branded containers of leading manufacturers of engine oils are equipped with built-in measuring devices that provide accurate dosage of oil for different volumes of fuel mixture.

Volumetric dishes are included in the factory set of many models of budget chainsaws. In some cases, a 20 cm3 medical syringe will help to dilute gasoline with oil in a given proportion.

Features of preparation and storage of the fuel mixture

Safety regulations prescribe to dilute gasoline and oil in a metal canister. This eliminates the risk of static electricity and fuel ignition.

Experts advise to pour oil into an incomplete container, mix thoroughly, and then top up with clean gasoline to the specified level. Saving working time by preparing the working mixture directly in the gas tank of the chainsaw should be excluded from everyday practice.

This technology is fraught with fuel system failures due to the ingress of a large amount of oil into the carburetor, the need for disassembly and thorough flushing.

It is better to prepare the mixture in an amount that should be enough to perform one-time work. The problem lies in the irreversible deterioration of the working properties of the mixture during storage. The finished composition is recommended to be used over the next few days.

A mixture of gasoline with a month-old oil impairs the traction capabilities of the engine. There is also the formation of resinous compounds in the fuel system and intense carbon formation in the combustion chamber, loss of mobility of the piston rings.

  • With minimal damage to quality, it is advisable to store gasoline with oil for no more than 2 weeks. At an ambient temperature of 25 degrees or more, this period is reduced to 8-10 days.
  • In order to save money, the expired mixture can be gradually consumed by mixing it into the fresh composition in an amount of no more than 10% of the total volume.

In order to avoid problems associated with the failure of the fuel system, it is recommended to filter the prepared mixture through a non-fiber material such as suede, or a fine-mesh twill weave, a metal mesh.

Features of running in a new tool

This concept includes a gentle operation of the chainsaw at the initial stage of its operation. The technology also provides for the operation of the engine on a mixture with a 20% increased engine oil content.

The running-in time in engine hours is indicated in the attached instructions. In practice, for the tool to reach the working level, it is enough to generate 3-5 refills of the saw's gas tank.

New models do not need running-in, but the first hours of operation are not recommended for the chainsaw to be used with heavy loads.

The ratio of oil to gasoline is the main fuel for two-stroke engines. The fuel mixture ensures efficient operation of the engine, helps to preserve its moving parts and reduce the number of breakdowns.

Fuel and oil for mixing

Proper fuel mixture preparation is not always easy. It is necessary to correctly calculate the proportions, mix the liquids and store the finished mixture correctly. Some drivers use their own recipes, adding their own "secret" ingredients, which may even include soda. To make the fuel mixture not a problem, you need to adhere to a few simple rules and follow the instructions from the manufacturer.

To prepare the mixture, use standard gasoline and oil from various manufacturers. What brand of gasoline should I use to prepare the oil fuel mixture? Some people mistakenly believe that 80-grade gasoline is best suited, because it contains many different additives. This is partly true, but it does not make it better than 92 and 95 brands of gasoline.

Moreover, it is very difficult to get 80-grade gasoline in Russia, because not one large fuel producer in the country now produces it. Therefore, the best option is gasoline of the 95th grade, which has almost the same cost as gasoline of the 92nd grade.

What is the best oil for making the mixture? It all depends on the driver's preferences in a particular manufacturer. The only important thing is to use oil only for its intended purpose. If oil is for a tractor or boat, then you should not use it for a car.

Fuel mixture preparation rules

The process of preparing the fuel mixture should begin with a detailed acquaintance with the instructions attached to it. As mentioned at the beginning of the article, some drivers who, in their opinion, have incredible experience, do everything "by eye". Of course, over time, each driver knows how and what needs to be done, however, each mixture has its own differences, so it will never be superfluous to get acquainted with the advice from the manufacturer.

The main rules for operating the fuel mixture include:

  • Do not under any circumstances reduce the proportion of oil in relation to gasoline. Oil is an expensive component, so many people decide to save on it. However, an insufficient amount of oil in the mixture leads to strong heating of the piston and cylinder of the engine. Because of this, seizures appear, which ultimately leads to the need for serious repairs.
  • Do not use too much oil in relation to gasoline. An increase in the proportions of the oil is also detrimental to the operation of the engine. An excessive amount of oil leads to an increase in carbon deposits and rapid wear of the motor mechanism. Repair in this case will be as expensive as in the first case.
  • Do not store the prepared mixture for more than 30 days. Otherwise, it loses its properties and the use of such a mixture can harm the engine.
  • Do not allow dirt, dust and other mechanical debris to enter, due to which the engine may become unusable.

Proportions and mixing process

How to determine the proportions for mixing oil with gasoline? The standard proportions must be indicated on the oil container. The amount of oil used may differ depending on the manufacturer, but proportions of 1:40 or 1:50 are often used. A slight deviation from this ratio is allowed - this will not entail serious consequences.

Having determined the exact proportions, you need to proceed to the direct preparation of the mixture. How can this be done? Various containers are suitable for this. Important: in no case should you mix fuel with oil directly in the gas tank, pouring one liquid after another in turn - the mixture is always prepared separately and only then is it slowly poured into the gas tank.

A wide variety of mixing tools can be used, including:

  1. Special containers for mixing. These are handy canisters with two separate compartments - separate for gasoline and oil. To prepare a mixture in such a container, you just need to pour the required amount of liquid, close the container and tilt the canister several times. Such devices are very convenient, but they are also quite expensive. If you have to mix the mixture often enough, then you should think about purchasing such a container.
  2. Conventional metal and plastic canisters. Standard canisters are the most practical options. One has only to be careful when using plastic and glass canisters, because when using them, there is a possibility of an electrical discharge. If you need to make a small amount of the mixture, you can use a regular plastic bottle.
  3. Improvised means. To save money, many people use improvised devices, for example, baby horns and even syringes. Such funds are not very convenient, but they cost a penny.

How and in what to store the finished mixture?

Manufacturers recommend storing the fuel mixture in a clean container, preferably in a metal container. In no case should the mixture be left in direct sunlight, because this will lead not only to the loss of its properties, but also to other very unpleasant consequences. The maximum shelf life of the ready-mixed mixture is 30 days.

Depending on how often the car is used, some drivers prepare the mixture once a week, others once a month. Of course, not every owner has the time to constantly measure the proportions and mix fuel and oil. It is important to remember that the fresher the mixture, the better it is for the engine.

Many people use plastic cans and bottles as containers for storing the mixture. It is convenient and practical. There is always room for a small plastic bottle. However, you should be careful in this. The fact is that during long-term storage in a plastic container, the fuel mixture can literally “eat through” a hole in it. The process of corroding plastic is very fast. Therefore, it is best to use metal containers.

Perhaps it is not so convenient, but it is more reliable. If, nevertheless, there is a need to use a plastic canister, then remember that the mixture can be stored in it for no more than two to three days. Then it needs to be poured into another container.

Signs of misuse

Using a dirty or disproportionate mixture can lead to serious engine malfunctions. If you made a mistake when mixing - it's okay, because the car itself will tell you about it. You just need to be attentive to some signs, including:

  • The appearance of dirt and various deposits on the carburetor.
  • Rapid clogging of the fuel filter located in the gas tank.
  • Oxidation of the carburetor walls and loss of elasticity of the rubber diaphragm in various parts of the gas tank. This symptom manifests itself only with prolonged storage of an unusable mixture directly in the gas tank of a car.

Formation of gummy deposits in the carburetor area.

At the slightest manifestation of one of the signs, it is necessary to make changes in the mixing process, choosing more suitable proportions. In this way, the ideal fuel mixture can be selected and serious malfunctions in the engine can be avoided.

In order to independently prepare the correct fuel mixture, which will ensure ideal engine performance, you must use the right fuel, strictly adhere to the proportions indicated by the manufacturer, use a suitable container and store the ready mixture for no longer than 30 days. By adhering to these rules, you will prepare the perfect mixture for your car engine.

Video: preparing a fuel mixture for a two-stroke engine

For those who do not know, I will explain what a two-stroke engine is, I will not go into much detail, in short, there are no valves in a two-stroke engine, oil is added to gasoline to lubricate the piston and crankshaft.

Such engines are found on motorcycles (although recently they have been using four-stroke engines more), chainsaws with a two-stroke engine, gas mowers, some voltage generators, etc. The owners of motorcycles, chainsaws, gas mowers, often wonder why the piston is jammed, or why the compression quickly disappears, that the engine starts poorly, starts to work intermittently, remove the cylinder, the piston with large seizures and frantic output.

I, too, once asked myself such a question, it turned out that the whole thing is in the oil with which gasoline is diluted.

There is a lot of special two-stroke oil on sale, I don't even go to it now, this oil is not suitable for two-stroke engines developing high engine speeds.

Of course, if you have an IZH-Planet, this is a low-speed motorcycle, then you can pour two-stroke oil into gasoline, or you should spare your motorcycle very much, do not give it gas all the way, then two-stroke oil will go, but if you like to gas, this oil will quickly spoil the piston a two-stroke group.

It seems that the developers of two-stroke oil simply invented it, but did not even test it, and oils such as M8, MC20 should not be allowed close to a two-stroke engine, if you like to drive, and if you do not give a lot of gas, then these oils can be used.

But they will still very quickly wear out the piston group of a motorcycle, chainsaws, gas mowers, in short, kill a two-stroke.

How I Found Good Motorcycle Oil

During my life I have traveled on different motorcycles, while driving in Minsk, Voskhod, IZH-Planeta did not even think about oil, the engines worked fine. But as I bought IZH-PS, after the first good arrival, my piston jammed, I thought, so there were only problems with IZH-PS, until I give gas until it fails, but it costs to give gas as the piston or crankshaft wedged. Disappointed with IZH-PS.

In my youth, I was engaged in motocross for two years, we had cross-country CHZ, I remember there were no problems with the piston, although they gave them in the ass, oh, how good, I also remember that the smell of smoke from the exhaust was very different from the usual smoke of a motorcycle. But the fool was not interested in the coach what kind of oil he poured into gasoline, but I know for sure that in addition to oil, he added castor oil, but since I don’t know for sure the composition of gasoline and oil for a cross-country motorcycle, I will not talk and invent anything.

I got a cross-country CHZ-250, for the first time I poured two-stroke oil into gasoline, but as soon as it gave in, I felt that the engine was starting to tighten (it could jam), I had to throw gas and switch to moderate engine speed.

The case helped, I decided to go fishing on the ChZ-250 crossover, you can go on it off-road by shortening the path, but the two-stroke oil ran out, the question arose how to dilute gasoline with oil. There was only LUKOIL semi-synthetics four-stroke oil, I decided to dilute the gasoline with this oil, I think I will not drive it slowly and I will not do any harm to the engine. But what a surprise I had when the motorcycle engine started working much softer, pulled faster, although the gasoline was diluted with semi-synthetics with four-stroke oil, turned on gas, beauty, the engine smacks and there are no signs of the piston sticking.

While I reached the pond, I squeezed the maximum out of this ChZ-250 motocross, I got great pleasure from driving, since then I have been diluting gasoline in a motorcycle and a chainsaw with only four-stroke semi-synthetics oil, very pleased.

It turns out that four-stroke semi-synthetic oil is the best oil for a two-stroke engine and is cheaper than a special two-stroke oil.

If you don't believe me, check for yourself which is the best oil.

How to tell if a two-stroke engine is picking up?

The very first sign, abruptly there is an extraneous noise in the engine, the engine starts to lose speed, this is a sign of the piston sticking. At this point, immediately release the gas, if the motorcycle and squeeze the clutch, if you do it in time, the piston will get out of this situation without damage.

How to dilute the oil in what proportion for a motorcycle, chainsaw, mower, gasoline generator, etc.?

The instructions give such ratios for a non-run-in engine 1/20 for a run-in 1/25. But here you cannot stupidly fulfill these proportions, it all depends on how you step on the gas.

If you do not drive too much, ride calmly on a motorcycle or do not squeeze full throttle with a chainsaw, then pour gasoline diluted with 1/25 oil for the engine into a run-in two-stroke engine. But if you like to open the gas to the full, giving the engine maximum speed, then dilute the gasoline with oil in the proportion as for running in 1/20, since the engine working at maximum speed will need increased lubrication.

If this is not taken into account, then diluted 1/20 gasoline during a quiet ride will often add candles, but if you drive and like full gas, then diluting 1/25 gasoline the engine will pick up at maximum speed, and this can lead to piston breakage.

The two-stroke engine is designed so that part of the oil is retained in the piston and crankshaft, but when you give out gas to the full coil, a little is blown out very strongly from the piston without lingering here, you definitely need to laugh 1/20.

An example of how to dilute oil in gasoline, take 1/20, it turns out like this, for 20 liters of gasoline 1 liter of oil, 10 liters of gasoline 0.5 liters of oil.

Why is the saw or motorcycle spitting oil through the muffler?

Everything is fine here, the saw and the motorcycle with a two-stroke engine spits out excess oil from the muffler. This means that you slightly pour oil into gasoline, if the engine is working perfectly, you should not worry. And if the engine fills the candles, the engine starts to work intermittently, then reduce the amount of oil in the gasoline by adding pure gasoline to the tank.

Gorobinsky S.V.

For those who do not know, there are no valves in a two-stroke engine, and in order to lubricate the crankshaft and piston, oil is added to gasoline. These engines are on the bikes. Often, bike owners ask themselves why the engine does not start well, works intermittently, why compression is lost, the piston is jammed. And often it's all about oil, because gasoline is diluted with it. There is a lot of two-stroke oil on the shelves at the moment, but this oil is not suitable for two-stroke engines that develop huge engine rpm.

The best bike oil
The memory is created that when developing two-stroke oil, it was invented, but not tested. And oils MC20, M8 should not be allowed close to a two-stroke engine if you like to drive. But if you don't give a lot of gas when riding your bike, you can use these oils.

How to find what grabs a two-stroke engine

The first sign is that a third-party noise suddenly appears in the engine, a sign of the piston sticking, the engine loses speed. At such a moment, it is necessary to throw off the gas and squeeze out the clutch, if you have time to do it just right, then the piston will come out of this situation without damage.

In what proportion to dilute the oil for the bike
The annotations suggest the following ratio: for a run-in motor - 1/25, for a non-run-in motor - 1/20. Do not be silly to fulfill the proportions, everything will depend on how you press the gas. If you do not take this into account, then during measured driving, diluted 1/20 gasoline will add candles, but if you drive very much and if you dilute gasoline 1/25, then the engine will start to pick up at the highest speed, which will lead to piston breakage.

The two-stroke engine is designed in such a way that part of the oil can be trapped in the crankshaft and piston. When the gas is discharged to the fullest, the oil is very blown out from the piston, here you need a mixture of 1/20. How to dilute oil in gasoline to get 1/20? You need to take 10 liters. gasoline and half a liter of oil or 20 liters. gasoline and a liter of oil.

Why is the bike spitting oil through the muffler?
Everything is normal here, the bike spits out excess oil from the muffler. Do not worry if you pour a little oil into gasoline and the engine works fine. When the engine fills the candles, and the engine runs intermittently, then it is necessary to reduce the amount of oil in the gasoline and top up the clean gasoline in the tank.

For two-stroke engines of Tula, IZH Jupiter, IZH Planetka bikes, M8V motor oil is excellent. For such bikes as Planetka and IZH, the consistency ratio with a liter of gasoline is equal to - 25 grams per 1 liter of gasoline.

For a Tula bike, you need to add a little more oil, 30 grams is useful per liter of gasoline.

For a consistency with gasoline, at least some available Russian motor oil is suitable. The most important thing is that the engine oil is not semi-synthetic and synthetic. There is no better oil than M8B for a consistency with gasoline, this engine oil is blue and very thick.

The main rule says that when mixing oil with gasoline, it is better to pour over than not to top up. If you do not add oil to gasoline, this will negatively affect the piston. Because of this, the engine will overheat and jam will occur.

When pouring engine oil into gasoline, there is a small discrepancy - the acceleration dynamics of the bike drops. In other words, when the engine oil is poured, the bike will not rapidly gain momentum, and the engine will start to smoke very much. Much gray smoke will come out of the muffler. To prevent this from happening, you must observe the proportions of the oil when you pour it into gasoline.


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