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Features of the car air conditioning system and general recommendations for caring for it.

Be healthy!

If you use the air conditioner thoughtlessly, you can easily earn a runny nose, or even a sore throat. Even (and especially!) when it's hot outside. Therefore, the main rule - under no circumstances should you blow cold air at the maximum fan speed into your face, head and chest! Although many cheap climate control systems, when set to automatic, do just that. Therefore, in order to avoid a threat to health, it is necessary to transfer them to manual airflow control mode. The safest direction is towards the windshield.

Cleanliness is the key not only to health, but also to saving money.

When the motor turns off and, accordingly, the air conditioner stops working, dew remains on its evaporator - water condensate from the air. Because of this, the next time the air conditioner is turned on, an unpleasant smell of “wet rags” will be felt for several seconds. Therefore, it is useful to periodically turn off the air conditioner a couple of minutes before turning off the car engine, and switch the heating system fan to maximum speed. This will dry out the A/C evaporator.

In addition, when the car is not new, all kinds of bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms that are not useful for humans already live in the evaporator. It is customary to combat this phenomenon with the help of various disinfecting and flushing technologies: aerosols for self-use or more labor-intensive flushing methods used at specialized services (up to and including disassembly and dismantling of the system).
In advanced cases, the last option is the only one. Here it is time to remember about the cabin filter: it must be and must be clean. It must be changed every 15,000 km, at least. Or once a year.

Air conditioner efficiency.

The car air conditioner has a very limited capacity. And no matter how you turn the knobs on the panel, it will not be able to “blow” +18 air into the cabin when it is +40 outside. And in general, it does not work for free. This can be verified by monitoring fuel consumption.

Turning on the air conditioner in the heat.

If it’s +40 outside and the car has stood in the sun for three hours, then there’s already frank “sugar” in the cabin. Do not try to immediately cool the car with a regular air conditioner, you need to help it: open the doors and let it air out for a few minutes. If time is running out, you can start driving with the windows down. After a few minutes, they can be lifted and the air conditioner turned on.

Turning on the air conditioner in winter.

This is not only possible, but necessary. Periodically. By the way, this is also written in the car's owner's manual. This is necessary to keep the moving parts of the air conditioning system lubricated: the refrigerant (freon) also carries oil to lubricate the compressor.

Anti-fogging glass.

In any normal climate control system, the air conditioner is forced to turn on when the windshield air supply function is activated. At the same time, air recirculation is also turned off, if it was turned on before, and air is taken from outside. If your car is not equipped with a climate control system, you need to do all of the above steps manually to defrost the windows.

Scriptio: Gennady Zvonov, technical consultant.

Some 20 years ago, air conditioning was installed only on business class cars. Now this equipment is present even in budget cars, almost in the minimum trim levels. And many car owners do not know how to properly use the air conditioner. Beginners are afraid of whether it is possible to turn on the air conditioner in the car in winter. This is a really ambiguous question. Is it worth turning on this system for heating or just for prevention? Or it can not be turned on at all before the onset of heat? Let's look into this difficult question.

About device

First, let's take a look at how this system works. Further, it will be easier for us to understand its principle of operation. So, a classic car air conditioner consists of:

  • Compressor (this is the main component in the list).
  • expansion valve.
  • Sealing elements.
  • dryer.
  • drainage.
  • condenser.
  • Evaporator.

Also in the design there are pipes through which the refrigerant moves. The system works on the principle of a household refrigerator. The essence of the work is based on the transition of the refrigerant from liquid to gaseous state. This absorbs a huge amount of heat. But the air conditioner can give it away. In this case, the system will work like a stove, and warm air will blow from the nozzles. The refrigerant is only in the gaseous state.


In winter, the amount of refrigerant may be reduced. The figure is different, and usually is 5-10 percent. In this regard, experts recommend periodically doing maintenance to the air conditioning system. So, once every three years, the car needs to be driven to refuel with freon.

But first, the masters check it for leaks (otherwise all the work will go down the drain). If the system does not have holes, specialists connect to it and pump in the missing refrigerant in the right amount. The cost of such a procedure is small - about a thousand rubles. However, it is required - otherwise the air conditioner will not work.

Include as a preventive measure?

Is it possible to turn on the air conditioner in the car in winter for the purpose of prevention? Experts give a positive answer. Although many car owners forget to turn on the split system in winter. Thus, it works only in the summer. The rest of the months the air conditioner is idle.

This negatively affects his condition. Some parts of the air conditioner are covered with grease that flows down. As a result, at the first start-up, rubbing pairs will work "dry". This significantly reduces their resource. As a result, the motorist cannot even start the air conditioner filled with freon.

The next factor is dust and condensate that accumulates in the system during the downtime period. After starting, all the dirt begins to circulate through the system. The whole salt is that some of the deposits accumulate on the walls of the pipes and the compressor, and it is quite problematic to wash it out.

Is it possible to turn on the car air conditioner in winter? As you already understood, periodic startup will not interfere with this system. In addition, it is useful for rubber seals and tubes. They won't dry out or crack.

About bad smell

Often on the forums you can see messages on the topic of an unpleasant smell in the cabin. And it appears immediately after the air conditioner is turned on. What is the reason? The root of the problem lies in the condensate that forms mold during the downtime.

As a result, in June, cold, but unpleasant-smelling air blows from the nozzles. You can fix the problem, but you will have to contact specialists to disassemble the panel and clean the evaporator. This is a significant waste of time and money. Are there alternative options? Only prevention. Using the air conditioner in the car in winter will eliminate this trouble.

Is it possible to turn on the air conditioner in the winter in the car often?

It won't do any harm to the car. But you need to know some rules (we will talk about them later). Experts say that for prevention it is enough to turn on the system once every two weeks for 10-15 minutes. With such a frequency, the parts will not run dry, and condensation will not form on the evaporator.

Making the right launch

How to use the air conditioner in winter? The main point is the ambient temperature. It should be no lower than -7 degrees. Otherwise, the moisture on the evaporator will not have time to melt. Ice particles will penetrate into the nodes of the system, which is also not the norm. Start the air conditioner only after the engine is fully warmed up.

Air intake should be carried out only from the cabin (that is, be sure to turn on the recirculation mode). So the system warms up faster, and the evaporator will be less vulnerable to cold. In order not to sweat windows, recirculation should be done in the absence of passengers.

Air conditioning and consumption

Whether it is necessary to turn on the air conditioner in the car in winter, we already know. But some motorists do not perform this operation intentionally. After all, why run a split system if it’s already cold outside, and in addition, a running compressor increases fuel consumption?

Here the proverb “the miser pays twice” will be relevant. Having saved once on fuel, you run the risk of "getting" to repair the split system. Is it possible to turn on the air conditioner in the winter in the car? The answer is obvious - the system needs regular maintenance. Let it be short, but produced once every two weeks. This will keep the system parts in good working order.

What to do if there was already an unpleasant smell in the cabin?

This problem is often faced by motorists who have recently bought a car “from hand”. How to be in such a situation? Naturally, prevention in the form of periodically switching on the system will no longer help here. We need to act radically.

In this case, the evaporator is removed outside and treated with antiseptics. Such an operation is recommended for everyone who has a car equipped with air conditioning (at least once every five years). It is on the evaporator that all kinds of bacteria and mold accumulate. This can cause not only disgust in the form of an unpleasant odor, but also allergies and all kinds of diseases.

Summing up

So, we found out whether it is necessary to turn on the air conditioner in the car in winter. For such a system, this operation will not be superfluous. But in order for it to really bring benefits, and not harm, you need to know how to properly start the air conditioner. Do not turn it on in severe frost. At a temperature of -10, a start-up can be fraught with consequences. Also, in cold weather, it should not be allowed that the air intake is not carried out from the passenger compartment.

Knowing how to properly prevent and start the air conditioner, you will not encounter a number of malfunctions and unpleasant odors in the summer. Well, in order to maximize the return of the system, periodically check the level of freon in it and refuel if necessary.

Now more than one motorist cannot do without air conditioning. But many forget that they still need to be able to use.

Rules for using air conditioning in a car

Now more than one motorist cannot do without air conditioning. But many forget that they still need to be able to use. Automobile air conditioners are divided into several types: manual and automatic (this type is also called climate control). After reading the title, you can understand how they differ. The manual air conditioning system is fully controlled manually: changing the temperature in the cabin, adjusting the angle of the air supply, turning the air conditioner on and off. Climate control can do everything for the driver, but there is also a semi-automatic setting mode.

However, in order for the air conditioner to serve you for a long time, you need to follow the rules for its use:

- Before turning on the air conditioner, ventilate the interior.

This must be done so that the temperature in the street and in the car is the same. Ventilate the cabin for a few minutes and you can hit the road. If the air temperature in the car is above 25 degrees Celsius, then do not direct the flow of cold air to the glass - this will cause a temperature drop and microcracks may form in the glass, which will then only increase.

- Do not turn on the air conditioner immediately at high speed - this can also cause a temperature drop. Set the air supply to low speed and after the air has cooled, turn on low speed, direct the flow to the middle and to the legs.

- Using the air conditioner, you can easily catch a cold - this is due to the temperature difference already familiar to you. Set the temperature to 20-23 degrees - this is the most optimal temperature. If your car does not have climate control, then you need to manually adjust the temperature to achieve comfort in the cabin. To do this, gradually turn the temperature control until the air in the cabin warms up.

- Almost all car air conditioners have 2 modes of operation: air supply from the street and from the passenger compartment. 1 should be used for demisting windows, and 2 for warming up the air in the cabin at an external temperature not higher than 25 degrees Celsius.

- The cold air flow should be distributed evenly throughout the cabin, so try not to obstruct it.

- Do not forget about cleanliness. The air conditioning system becomes clogged with dust, bacteria and other dirt over time. Clean the air conditioner radiator and change the air filter.

Take this matter seriously - it will help you prolong the life of your air conditioner and maintain health. Good luck on the roads!

As you know, a private car has long ceased to be a transcendental luxury, moving into the category of a convenient and practically accessible means of transportation. This article will focus on a device that allows us to feel most comfortable while in a car, namely, an air conditioner. You will learn how to properly operate and maintain a car air conditioner, get acquainted with the principle of its operation, get useful tips on choosing a refrigerant and refueling an air conditioner. Do not forget that only the correct operation of the car air conditioner can guarantee its efficient operation without unnecessary material costs on your part.

Of course, it is quite possible to do without an air conditioner, but ... Hot weather, extraneous odors, high humidity - all these factors can sometimes make a trip unbearable, even despite the comfortable seats, the presence of an audio system and first-class driving performance of the car. Standing idle in a long traffic jam in the July heat, unsuccessfully trying to catch at least a breath of light breeze from an open window, is, of course, quite sophisticated torture. But the way out is so simple!

To date, air conditioning can be installed even on the simplest - the choice of companies involved in the production and installation of automotive air conditioners is truly huge. However, after you have equipped your car with this miracle of modern technology, a number of questions arise, the main of which is the following: how to operate and maintain an automobile air conditioner in order to avoid it and an early replacement? We hasten to assure you that this is not at all difficult - you just need to have an idea of ​​​​the principle of operation of the air conditioner and follow some simple rules, because the correct operation of the air conditioner is the key to its long and efficient operation without unnecessary material costs on the part of the car owner.

How it works?

To properly operate a car air conditioner, you should know how it works. The principle of operation of an air conditioner is quite simple - according to its scheme, it resembles the operation of an ordinary household refrigerator. The air conditioner is a sealed system that periodically requires refueling with oil and freon. Figuratively speaking, the “heart” of an automobile air conditioner is the compressor, and the “blood” is the refrigerant. This refrigerant, in the form of a gas under pressure, is pumped through the entire air conditioning system in several stages. First, it enters the condenser, where it turns into a liquid, thanks to cooling by air coming from the outside when the car is moving or pumped by a special fan. After that, the refrigerant enters the receiver-drier - a device that filters the microparticles of dirt and compressor wear, then into the expansion valve and into the evaporator (in the form of cooled gas). The evaporator is located near the dashboard of the car, and next to it is a fan that drives cabin or street air through the evaporator. The air is cooled and returned to the passenger compartment, after which the refrigerant enters - and the system closes.

When the air conditioner is running, the air inside the car becomes drier and cleaner. This effect is achieved due to the fact that moisture from the air passing through the evaporator drips onto the ground, at the same time carrying away dust and burning particles. This is where small puddles come from under cars standing in one place for a long time with the engine and air conditioning turned on at the same time.

How to operate a car air conditioner?

In order for the air conditioner in your car to serve you for a long time, you need to be able to properly handle it. , car air conditioners need timely special care and compliance with the rules of operation. So, what is the right conditioner? There are some simple rules in this regard, which, unfortunately, are not always observed by car owners. For example, you should never forget that the air conditioner in your car will only work effectively if all windows and the sunroof (if any) are closed. For the most rapid cooling of the interior in the heat, you need to open all the doors for a few minutes so that the car is “blown through” with a draft, and then close them and turn on the air conditioner (the engine must be running).

If the climate system of your car provides for the parallel operation of the stove and air conditioner, it is sometimes useful to turn them on at the same time. In this case, due to the drying effect of the car air conditioner, fogging of the windshield and side windows of the car will decrease.

Be aware that the air conditioning system contains oil that circulates with the refrigerant. In cases where the system is inactive for a long time, some of its parts may dry out, collapse and begin to leak (in particular, this applies to neoprene gaskets). To be safe from this trouble, you need to turn on the air conditioner once a week (including in winter) for 10-15 minutes so that the oil lubricates all important components - this will help avoid drying out.

Choice of refrigerant

Proper operation of the air conditioner also depends on the correct choice of refrigerant. For many years, the most common refrigerant was the well-known freon - R-12 (CFC), which was also used in the work of the same household ones. However, in the first half of the 90s of the twentieth century, the use of freon in cooling systems was suspended, as it became known that it destroys the ozone layer of the earth. Despite this, freon is still used on cars until 1993, but auto-conditioners on newer models are charged with a different refrigerant - R134a (HFC). This refrigerant allows the car air conditioning system to work more economically and consume much less gasoline. It is also beneficial in terms of its small losses compared to the "good old" freon and takes up less space in the engine compartment.

But the main thing that should always be remembered for the correct operation of the car air conditioner is that these two refrigerants cannot work together! They have a different composition and therefore require different pressures for their normal operation.

So, never try to pour R-12 into a new car and R134a into a veteran car. R134a requires hoses with a nylon braid inside, and it will simply corrode old hoses and ordinary rubber gaskets, causing a leak.

Looking forward to the development of the European automotive industry, an even newer refrigerant for car air conditioners - R744, which causes even less damage to the environment than R134a, is predicted to be widely used. However, according to the same forecasts, the use of this substance will greatly complicate the maintenance, refueling and repair of car air conditioners, since this refrigerant requires a very high pressure for its efficient operation. Well, let's wait and see.

Proper charging of the air conditioner

So, we have already found out that different types of refrigerants are incompatible with each other, and it is impossible to replace one of them with some other. Of course, there are minor exceptions to this rule. For example, if the air conditioner in your car is filled with R-12 freon, then in extreme cases you can replace it with another type of freon. However, this should be done with extreme caution, after replacing the receiver-dryer and flushing the entire system. Since all these manipulations will cost you a tidy sum, it’s easier to still find a service station that has a supply of R-12 freon and refuel there.

By the way, if yours is, then you can fill the car air conditioner with refrigerant at first once every 2-3 years. However, in the future, the evaporation rate will increase, and the air conditioner will need to be topped up at least once every 1-2 years, even if there are no obvious problems. Of great importance is the oil added to the refrigerant - circulating in the system, it lubricates the seals, significantly extending their service life.

In general, the main thing that I would like to recommend to the car owner when choosing a service for refueling a car air conditioner is that it is most reliable to refuel in those services where air conditioning refueling is a specialized service. Highly specialized services will give you a higher guarantee of correct and high-quality refueling of the car air conditioner than the “broad profile” points that take on any work related to car maintenance.

Remember that if, for example, a car air conditioner is underfilled, there will not be enough pressure in it to work properly, because of which it will work with a greater load and eventually fail quickly. And if the air conditioner, on the contrary, is overcharged too much, it can simply explode due to an excess of pressure.

In addition, factors such as:

  • slippage of the compressor clutch;
  • excess oil;
  • moisture or air entering the system;
  • dirt and foreign particles on the fins of the condenser and evaporator;
  • faulty (overheating) car cooling system.

If a service station uses pressurized cylinders to fill car air conditioners or weighs refrigerant on a conventional scale to determine the right amount, leave immediately, because they obviously have no idea how to service a car air conditioner. Refueling of the air conditioner must be carried out exclusively according to the correct technology and on equipment recommended by its manufacturer. Incorrect, unprofessional refueling in the future can lead to a rather expensive repair of an automobile air conditioner.

Self-checking the air conditioner

Among other things, the correct operation of the car air conditioner implies an independent check of its quality work. Remember that this device will work most efficiently if the amount of refrigerant is correctly observed. Take a look at the manual for the car air conditioner: it indicates the optimal refrigerant level (the unit of measurement is usually milliliters), and try not to increase / decrease it.

To check for a lack of refrigerant yourself, listen for compressor clicks when you turn on the system. If you hear clicking sounds, then your car air conditioner needs refueling.

A refrigerant leak can also be diagnosed on your own - pay attention to the tubes of the car air conditioner: if they have oil stains, then there is a leak (this makes itself felt by the oil, “paired” with which the refrigerant usually works).

If an unpleasant specific smell appears in the car interior when the air conditioner is turned on, it means that the air conditioner requires antibacterial treatment. This smell is usually due to bacteria that start in the evaporator of the car air conditioner. Inhaling a bacterial cocktail instead of clean air is unhealthy.

Don't Forget About Timely Diagnosis

And the last tip for today. Be sure to remember that the correct maintenance of a car air conditioner includes timely diagnosis of its system. Such diagnostics should be carried out at least once a year. It is advisable to carry it out in the spring, after a long winter downtime of the air conditioner.


Let us once again draw your attention to the fact that diagnostics, as well as refueling and cleaning of an automobile air conditioner, should be trusted exclusively to professionals in this field. This approach will not only save you from unnecessary material costs in the future, but also save you money and nerves.

So, we wish all car owners a successful choice of air conditioners for their cars and clean air in the cabin!

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This post has 5 comments.

Before you turn on the car air conditioner, you must first ventilate the interior of the car, for this you just need to open the windows. After airing, at the beginning of the operation of the air conditioner, set it to the maximum cooling mode and only after a certain period of time, set the regulator to the mode of moderate cooling. Remember - in no case should you direct a jet of cold air at a person, it is best to direct it at. Do not direct icy air to hot glass, the latter can crack from a sharp change in temperature. It will be more correct to direct the stream of air from the very beginning of the operation of the air conditioner, when the air is still warm, this will allow the windshield to cool evenly.

It is recommended to turn on the car air conditioner at least once or twice a month, since with more rare inclusions, the tightness at the junctions of the air conditioner hoses may be broken. Do not smoke when the air conditioner is turned on, as the smoke sucked in by the air conditioner may interfere with the operation of the evaporator. It is recommended to carry out maintenance of the air conditioner elements once a year. Only then can its correct functioning be guaranteed. Before the end of the trip, turn off the air conditioner and turn on the stove 10 minutes before the end of the trip, be sure to blow the entire ventilation system with hot air, thereby drying it and this will not allow condensation to form in the ventilation and start mold, which will give on subsequent turns on.

Turning on the air conditioner in the cold season is not only possible, but also necessary. If the air conditioner is left idle for a long time, the compressor seals may dry out and refrigerant will begin to leak.

5 comments on “How to use the car air conditioner correctly - experienced tips”

    On these hot sunny days, I just can’t imagine how you can drive without air conditioning. You feel much more comfortable in a cabin with a working air conditioner. But I didn’t know that before turning on the air conditioner it was necessary to ventilate the interior. A very useful hint.

    I used to have a car without air conditioning, but I have it on a new car, I often used it in the heat, almost always, although gasoline consumption when using it is much higher, and recently I began to notice that it weakly drives cold air when it turned to the specialists, they said that they did not operate it correctly. After that, I regularly use all the recommendations for using the air conditioner.

    Only this year I managed to install air conditioning in my car, which was not equipped with air conditioning when buying. That difference in the operation of a car in our hot days with and without air conditioning simply drastically changed the number of trips, especially on long-haul flights. When it's cold, I use the air conditioner to heat the cabin.

    To operate your air conditioner correctly, you must first understand how it functions. The scheme of its operation is not so complicated and is similar to the operation of refrigerators, i.e. the main elements of the air conditioner are the refrigerant and the compressor itself, which pumps this refrigerant through the system. Often the air conditioning system breaks down due to cracked connections and pipes, therefore it is actually desirable to turn on the air conditioner and drive it away so that the oil that is in the system circulates.

    Further, it should be understood that the choice of refrigerant has a great influence on the operation of car air conditioners, for example, it is not rational to fill a car with the good old R-12 freon, neither from the economic side, nor from the environmental one.

    Now, mainly R134a freon is preferred, but again, it is impossible to fill the latter into some Muscovite, there the hoses are rubber and without an internal nylon braid, they simply corrode. And also, before changing one type of freon to another, in any case, it will be necessary to flush the entire system.

    I also want to say that if the air conditioner is undercharged, then there is a high probability of its premature failure, because it will have to work at an increased load, due to a lack of pressure with a missing amount of refrigerant.

    Air conditioning is an invariable attribute of a modern car. Now, in a cold sweat, I remember the times when I operated a vehicle without air conditioning. I travel a lot, so I often use the Conder. Here are my additions to the article. Every year, with the advent of spring, I stop by the service station, check the level of freon. The procedure is not expensive, it fully justifies itself in the long run. At a low level, the conder loses performance, therefore, the load on the engine will increase, which will lead to an increase in fuel consumption. For the same reason, it is better to cool the interior while driving. For fast cooling, turn on the "Internal circulation" function. In order not to catch a cold, blowing should be directed to the legs. The difference in temperature outside and in the cabin should not exceed eight degrees Celsius. The ideal comfortable temperature for the human body is +22C. This indicator should be taken into account when using an air conditioner.


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